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Doc. No.

xdcdkuf'%f&mwif^ycsuf Effective Date 27-Aug-14
Injury Report Revised Date 0

0efxrf;.ukd,fa&;tcsuftvuf ta&;ay:qufoG,f&efzkef;ESifhvdyfpm xdcdkuf'%f&m&@SdrSKta_ctae

Information of Employee Emergency Contact Information of Injury
trnf- tdrfzkef;eHygwf- ဒ%f&m&@SdonffhaehpJG-
Name : Home Phone No. : Date of Injury :
Xme- vdyfpm- ဒ%f&m&@Sdonfhae&m-
Dept.: Address : Place of Injury :
arG;ouU&mZf- ဒ%f&m&@Sdonfhtcsdef-
Date of Birth : Time of Injury :
tvkyf0ifonfhaeh- rsuf_rifoufaorsm;-
Date of Witnesses :
Employment :

ဒ%f&m&SdrSKta_ctaeazmf_ycsuf Decription of Injury


ဒ%f&m&apaomtcsufrsm; Contributive Factors

_yKwfusvmaomypPnf;ESifhc nyf^cif;àydwfrd^cif; yGef;yJHh^cif;
Struck by flying/thrown object Struck against object Caught in/under object Rubbed/abraded by object

acsmfvJ_cif; pufypPn;ffajumifh_zpfaom'%f& xyfwvJvJvSKyf&Sm;&_cif; "gwfvdkuf_cif;
A fall Machinery/vehicle accident Repetitive motion Electric Shock
Temperature extremes
cE<mudk,f.wHkh_yefr+ aoG;/t_cm;t&nfESifhxdawGhrSK tqdyf&Sdaomt&mESifhxdawGt_cm;a&m*grsm;ulpufcH&_cif;
Bodily reaction Blood/fluid exposure Toxic material exposure Other disease exposure
Noise extremes
t_cm; Other

cE<mudk,ftumtuG,f toHk;_yKrSK Use of Personal Protective Equipment

a_caxmuftumtuG,f rsufESm/ rsufvHk;tumtuG,f touff&SLvrf;ajumif;tumtuG,f
Foot protection Face/eye protection Respiratory protection

vuftumtuG,f a&Shtum rwif&eftultnDay;onfhypPnf;

Hand protection Apron/chaps Lifting assitance device

t_cm; Other r&Sd/roHk; None

ukorSK Medical Treatment

a&S;OD;olem_yK puf&Hk&Sdaq;cef; _yifyaq;cef;
First Aid Factory Clinic Outside Clinic
tajumif;t&m : __________________________________________________________________________________
Details : __________________________________________________________________________________

vufrSwf Sign
Doctor/Nurse HR Manager Factory Manager Director

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