Lecture W1 23

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Learning, Design, Innovation, & Technology LDI6002 Master of Educational Policy Planning & Management Faculty of Education & Psychology Sem I (Week 1) 2023 Prof: Sandra Moreno ho So Bo oo Welcome & Reminders * Questions please email me at: [email protected] « You can text me via WhatsApp but | will reply faster via email. * During the lectures, you can put questions in the chat, if you prefer to use the microphone, you can do so at the end of the session. * Your location is 8 hours ahead of my location, replies may or may not be immediate depending of the time of the day. Notes * Assignments * Suggestions, opinions, ideas * In case we get disconnected for any reason, just come back l’ll be here. Instructional Design and Technology * The twenty-first century technology changes. * Computers and other digital technologies impact on instruction (higher education, training or in business, etc). * Technology has brought about the greatest changes in the way instruction is delivered. What Is Learning Design? * Learners should be the top priority when crafting an instructional exercise. * Purposefully create lessons to ensure positive learning outcomes, rather than just deliver content. * Deliberate choices about what, when, where and how to teach. * It is built on established theories and the science of how people learn. What does a learning designer do? Develops instructional activities based on a learner’s preferred style and background knowledge. Responsibilities * Create course content that correlates with learning outcomes. * Identify areas of improvement. * Being up to date with learning design concepts and tools. * Evaluate learning product. * Document results. What are some benefits of Learning Design * Learning design is learned centered. * Identifies the experience and knowledge of the learners. * Taps on prior knowledge. * Creates relevant and engaging learning experiences. What Is Instructional Design? * It is a systematic process in which educational and training materials or programs are developed. * Focuses on how people learn and what materials and methods will most effectively help students achieve their academic goals. * It is a way that enhances positive outcomes in learners. Benefits of Instructional Design * Cost effective > students learn efficiently >high quality learning materials > strengths and weaknesses of students to direct learning. * Emphasis on how students learn (materials, methods, and technologies). * It considers how learning tools should be designed, developed, and delivered to learners. * Eliminate redundancies Learning design vs Instructional design * Both these terms and their scopes overlap. * They both involve the same concepts and practices. * Learning design > Instructional design Learning design versus instructional design: A bibliometric study through data visualization approaches. Sacak, B., Bozkurt, A., & Wagner, E. (2022). Learning design versus instructional design: A bibliometric study through data visualization approaches. Education Sciences, 12(11), 752. Learning design * Focuses more on the recipient of the lesson, i.e. the learner. * It uses the learner and their learning styles as the guide. * Creativity, active learning * Reach learning outcomes * Earlier trend. Instructional design * Focuses on the teaching activity, i.e. the instruction. * Active learning * Reach learning outcomes * Influenced by emerging technologies * Early idea, modern trend. The Teaching cycle Z N ee) [rte | ‘ V e= General Characteristics of Instructional Design 1. Learner-centered 2. Goal-oriented 3. Creative process 4. Meaningful performance 5. Measurable outcomes (objectives) 5. Data Driven (measurable) 7. Team effort Characteristics of instructional Design Learner Centered Instruction — * It empowers learners to participate actively in the learning process. OO CO) * Learners > proactive role (Influence course content, activities and actively reflecting on their learning.) * Learners and their performance are the focal points of all teaching and learning activities. * Teaching > A way to promote knowledge and develop skills. * Opportunities for learners to discuss learning objectives (if possible). Characteristics of instructional Design Goal Oriented * Identifying the curriculum or course goals > first step of instructional design. * Establish learning goals to pinpoint and prioritize topics, concepts, or skills that learners/clients should know or be able to do by the end of the course, lesson, or training. * Goals should reflect learners/clients expectations and, if met, ensure its appropriate implementation. * Reverse Engineering? * Have the goals been accomplished? Characteristics of instructional Design Creative Process Instructional design > Creative process. Individual instructional designers usually use different procedures depending on the situation. Individual instructional designers use their creativity in designing and developing instructional activities. Creative process: preparation incubation, illumination, evaluation, implementation. Characteristics of Instructional Design Meaningful Performance * Design Experiences to Support Student Learning. * Activities, assignments, or discussions that help leaners demonstrate their knowledge. * Solving authentic problems * Active learning strategies that engage students in their learning (build on prior knowledge, cultivate collaboration, foster critical thinking skills.) * Use tools to help visualize, organize tasks within a project. (PERT charts, task analysis diagrams, lesson plan templates, worksheets for generating objectives, etc.) (PERT) Chart Program Evaluation Review Technique Graphical representation of a project's timeline. Displays all of the individual tasks necessary to complete tt project. It identifies task dependencies. A PERT chart uses circles or rectangles called nodes to represent project events or milestones. Nodes are linked by lines, that represent various tasks and their dependencies. PERT Chart PERT Chart | Meeting Approved Creating Charts Free Tools DIA http://dia-installer.de/ Free to use. Portable- Meaning no installation needed. Demo on the next slide. = > CA Notsecure | dia-installerde D Dia Biagram Editor Peres | ry | peer ] Pera] I fee err) Overview Daas a program to draw structured diagrams Dia 0.97.2 Mac OS X Linux Showed Demo ar] Release Notes Screenshot File Edit View Layers Objec JFBEE%S)3% 0) QQ Qin ‘ Characteristics of instructional Design Measurable outcomes * The instructional design process centers around outcomes that can be measured. * What is a learner/user/client able to do as a result of instructional activities. * Factors when measuring whether learners have acquired specific behavior Reliability : The extent to which assessments are consistent. Validity : The accuracy of an assessment. Measurable outcomes - Reliability q OOS SS" Se 7 [12 pm | Books Showed Demo > C @ scholar.google.com @ My profile My library Google ©) Articios Case law Stand on the shoulders of giants Showed Demo ew

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