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University of Luzon

College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City




Artificial intelligence (AI) is truly a revolutionary feat of computer

science, set to become a core component of all modern software over the

coming years and decades. This presents a threat but also an

opportunity, (R. Fay 2019). Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of

human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.

Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language

processing, and speech recognition and machine vision, (E. Burns 2018).

AI is brought into the education system with the vision to fully

leverage the advantages of such technology to optimize the student

learning process and innovate the education system in the era of

technological evolution. AI in education involves three main areas:

teaching and learning with artificial intelligence, teaching and learning

about AI and preparing for AI. AI in education can automate grading,

giving educators more time. It can assess students and adapt to their

needs, helping them work at their own pace. AI tutors can provide

additional support to students, ensuring they stay on track. And it could

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

change where and how students learn, perhaps even replacing some

teachers, (E. Burns, 2018).

The professional development of AI tools opens more opportunities

for us to achieve high-quality education with less human intervention

and effort. Automating administrative tasks is one of the most significant

yet commonly seen applications of AI in education. At school, teachers do

not only teach. By this, we mean there is a large number of mundane

and low-value tasks related to school and class operation, such as

maintaining records of attendance, checking assignments, grading tests,

class schedules, and doing reports. AI can be used to monitor student

performance in real-time so that teachers can make necessary

adjustments to the teaching methods and curriculum, (Trung Tran, 2022).

The nature of artificial intelligence (AI) can be characterized by its

ability to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks that typically

require human intelligence, such as problem solving, decision making,

learning, and pattern recognition. AI systems are designed to process

and analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and

make predictions or decisions based on that data.

There are different types of AI, including narrow or weak AI, which

is designed for specific tasks or domains, and general or strong AI, which

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

has the capability to understand and perform any intellectual task that a

human can do. AI systems can be rule-based, where they follow

predefined rules, or machine learning-based, where they learn from data

and improve their performance over time. AI systems can operate

autonomously, making decisions and taking actions without human

intervention, or they can be designed to work collaboratively with

humans in a human-AI partnership. They can be implemented in various

forms, such as algorithms, models, or applications, and can be deployed

on different platforms, such as cloud-based systems, edge devices, or


The nature of AI also includes its potential for both positive and

negative impacts. On the positive side, AI has the potential to improve

efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making across various domains, such

as healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and environmental

management. However, there are also concerns related to ethical

considerations, biases, privacy, and the potential for job displacement.

As AI continues to evolve, it is important to consider its nature,

capabilities, and limitations, and ensure responsible development and

deployment to harness its potential benefits while addressing its

challenges. ("Artificial intelligence: Overview of the field and current

developments" by ScienceDirect.)

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Some Filipinos may have a neutral perception of AI due to limited

awareness or understanding of the technology. They may not have

enough information or experience with AI to form a strong opinion, and

their perception may be influenced by their exposure to AI applications

in their daily lives. "Artificial Intelligence: A Nationwide Survey of Public

Perceptions" by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

There may be Filipinos who have a negative perception of AI due to

concerns about potential job displacement, privacy, and ethical issues.

They may worry that AI could lead to unemployment or bias in decision-

making, or may have concerns about the ethical implications of AI, such

as bias, fairness, and accountability. ("Filipino Millennials' Perception of

AI Ethics" by De La Salle University (DLSU)

In this paper, the researchers will distinguish the perception of

professionals as applied to their teaching fields. The researchers will find

out the interrelatedness of the perception of the professionals to artificial

intelligence with different factors such as the respondents’ age, the

subject and the year level they are teaching. As well as the factors of

their teaching field such as how artificial intelligence aid in preparation

and presentation of their lesson, creation of their instructional materials,

and assessment of learning.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the perception of professionals to AI

in the field of teaching.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms


1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Subject they are teaching

1.4 Year/Course

2. What are the perception of Professionals to Artificial

Intelligence (AI) as Applied to Their Teaching Field in terms


2.1 An aid for preparation of discussion and activity

for the student

2.2 An aid for the construction of instructional

materials and learning resources

2.3 An aid for the assessment of learning of the


University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

3. What are the problems met by professionals in teaching

using AI?

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the
respondents in
Infographics on
terms of:
AI and its
Application to
Sex Analysis of Data
the Teaching
Subject they are

Figure 1
Research Paradigm

The researchers want to know the infographics on AI and its

application to the teaching field. The researchers will have some analysis

of data gathered to know the response of respondents.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be focused on Distinguishing the Perception of

Professionals to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as Applied to Their Teaching

Field. We will find out the perception of professionals regarding how AI

aids to the a. preparation and presentation of lesson. b. aid on for the

construction of instructional materials and learning resources, and c. aid

for the assessment of learning of the students. The study will be based

on the evaluation of respondents from the research locations; this study

only caters to the interviews of at least six teachers and professors from

the three universities at Dagupan city.

Other professions and locations will not be covered in this study.

This study will only discuss the perception of the professionals to the

artificial intelligence regarding AI aids to the a. preparation and

presentation of lesson. b. aid on for the construction of instructional

materials and learning resources, and c. aid for the assessment of

learning of the students. Other factors of the teaching field will not be

covered by this study.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Significance of the Study

This research study will benefit the following groups.

Students – This study will help them to do their said assessment using

some features of AI. Like they can access the presented lesson 24/7

because of improved accessibility, their questions can be answered

instantly and others.

Faculty/Instructor – This study will benefit the faculty/instructors in

terms of teaching. It will be easy for them to do some works with the help

of AI, in creating their lessons, tracking of grades of the students and


Future Researchers – The findings of the study may be used as a base

for future researchers who would plan to make any related study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used are defined for a better understanding of

the study.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) - refers to the simulation of

human intelligence in machines that are programmed to

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

think like humans and mimic their actions.

 Professionals – having the qualities that you connect with

trained and skilled people, such as effectiveness, skills,

organization and seriousness of manner. Relating to work

that needs special training or education.

 Support Vector Machine (SVM) – In machine learning,

support vector machines are supervised learning models

with associated learning algorithms that analyze data for

classification and regression analysis.

 Intelligence Virtual Reality (IVR) – Is the term given to a

artificial intelligence that exists within a virtual world. Many

virtual worlds have options for persistent avatars that

provide information, training, role playing, and social


 Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) – AI in

education refers to the use of artificial intelligence-

computers that mimic human perception and decision

making to complete a task-in the classroom and

management of the class and course load.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City



This covers ideas, concepts, information, and experiences that may

be directly or indirectly relevant to the current research. Conceptual

literature and research literature are the two categories used to

categorize the review of related literature and studies.

Conceptual Literature

According to Hindawi Wireless Communication and Mobile

Commuting (2022), Artificial intelligence has entered an unprecedented

period of rapid growth and is completely changing all aspects of life. The

state needed a comprehensive curriculum, but how to get the way to

artificial intelligence+curriculum is still not discussed in the curriculum.

In view of this, this article combines artificial intelligence to promote

research on teaching reform, which is aimed at encouraging the

implementation of artificial intelligence education and promoting the

development of cognitive and pedagogical skills. This object uses the

query analysis method to collect the data and analyzes the data based on

the distribution technology and the new technological process.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

It concludes that in life, teachers know more about common

artificial intelligence products, such as sound aids, graphics, identity,

fingerprint recognition, and smart home.

Among teachers using artificial intelligence products, the most

frequently used is mobile APP teaching, followed by teachers’ online

training platforms. Some teachers use automatic correction assignment

systems in teaching, with the help of intelligent classrooms, robotic

assistants, and other major future teaching intelligent products. The

impact of artificial intelligence on teachers themselves is reducing the

teaching workload and improving information literacy. Of course, there

are very few teachers who think that artificial intelligence has little or no

relationship with teacher professional development. Teachers recognize

the role of artificial intelligence. 52.1% of teachers think that artificial

intelligence is very helpful to the professional development of teachers.

32.3% of teachers think that artificial intelligence is more helpful to their

professional development. 12.5% of teachers recognize artificial

intelligence. In general, only 3.1% of teachers believe that artificial

intelligence is not helpful to their professional development.

Based from the study of Frontiers (2022), As a result of the

unprecedented Corona virus crisis, there has been a huge shift in

education as a result of K-12 schools and universities around the world

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

being forced to close to promote health and safety. Online learning was

adopted almost overnight with alternative methods, leading to a full-

fledged discussion on the use of AI in education much faster than

expected. However, as always, the successful; implementation of new

instructional technologies is closely related to the attitudes of the

teachers who lead the lesson. Nevertheless, teachers’ perception of AI

utilization has been investigated by only few scholars due to an overall

lack of experience within the teaching field with AI utilization in the

classroom. Most teachers simply have no specific idea of what AI-adopted

tools would be like.

A study by Atiye Karimzadehfini’s team (2022) proposed that based

on the current situation of the application of artificial intelligence

technology in education and the development of the classroom teaching

behavior analysis method and based on the “data acquisition and

storage,” “behavior modeling and computing,” and “intelligent services,”

three functional modules are the core intelligent analysis model of

classroom teaching behaviors, and the effectiveness of the analysis model

is verified by using classroom ST behavior analysis as an example. The

application of experimental results in teaching practice has been

recognized by teachers. The experimental results can provide support for

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

teachers’ teaching reflection, professional development of teachers, and

teaching management.

Conferring to the feedback from teachers in the application

process, a targeted behavior recognition model optimization strategy is

also proposed. (Cath et al.) Discussed the application of artificial

intelligence in teaching needs analysis, learner characteristic analysis,

teaching program design, and establishment of an evaluation system and

summarized the benefits of artificial intelligence in the teaching design

process. Davis proposed that the combination of dot matrix recognition

technology and educational artificial intelligence can perfectly protect the

writing behaviors and habits of teachers and students, provide technical

support and innovative ideas for the integration of information-based

teaching in paper and pen classrooms, and promote intelligent

educational information in education and teaching.

Affording to the report, experts anticipate AI in education to grow

by 43% in the period 2018-2022, although the Horizon Report 2019

Higher Education Edition (Educause, 2019 ) predicts that AI applications

related to teaching and learning are projected to grow even more

significantly than this. Contact North, a major Canadian non-profit

online learning society, concludes that “there is little doubt that the [AI]

technology is inexorably linked to the future of higher education”

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College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

(Contact North, 2018, p.5). With heavy investments by private companies

such as Google, which acquired European AI start-up Deep Mind for

$400 million, and also non-profit public-private partnerships such as the

German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), it is very likely

that this wave of interest will soon have a significant impact on higher

education institutions (Popenici & Kerr, 2017). The Technical University

of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, for example, recently announced that

they will launch an Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute with 50 new

professorships for education and research in AI.

Baker and Smith (2019) provide a broad definition of AI:

“Computers which perform cognitive tasks, usually associated with

human minds, particularly learning and problem-solving” (p.10). That

explain that AI does not describe a single technology. It is an umbrella

term to describe a range of technologies and methods, such as, machine

learning, natural language processing, data mining, neural networks or

an algorithm.

AI and machine learning are often mentioned in the same breath.

Machine learning is a method of AI for supervised and unsupervised

classification and profiling, for example to predict the like hood of a

student to drop out from a course or being admitted to a program, or to

identify topics written assignments. Popenici and Kerr (2017) define

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

machine learning “as a subfield of artificial intelligence that includes

software able to recognize patterns, make predictions, and apply newly

discovered patterns to situations that were not included or covered by

their initial design”.

Hen and Do (2014) point out that “the accurate prediction of

students’ academic performance is of importance for making admission

decisions as well as providing better educational services” (p.18). Four

studies would be admitted to university. They used the support vector

machine (SVM) technique to classify the students and where able to

predict admission decisions on a level of accuracy of 97.17 % in 2006 and

90.51% in 2007. SVM was also applied by Andris, Cowen, and

Wittenbach (2013) to find spatial patterns that might favour prospective

college students from certain geographic regions in the USA. Feng, using

an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Machine learning methods and

ANN are also used to predict student course selection behavior to

support course. Kardan, Sadeghi, Ghidary, and Sani (2013) investigated

factors influencing student course selection, such as course and

instructor characteristics, workload, mode of delivery and examination

time, to develop a model to predict course selection with an ANN in two

Computer Engineering and Information Technology Masters programs.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

In another paper from the same author team, a decision support

system for offerings was proposed (Kardan ¿ Sadeghi, 2013 ). Overall, the

research shows that admission decisions can be predicted at high levels

of accuracy, so that an AI solution could relieves the administrative staff

and allows them to focus on the more difficult case.

With regard to the introduction of AI-based tools and services in

higher education, Hinojo-Lucena, Aznar-Diaz, Cáceres-Reche, and

Romero-Rodriguez (2019) note that “this technology [AI] is already being

introduced in the field of higher education, although many teachers are

unaware of its scope and, above all, of what it consists of” (p.1). For the

purpose of our analysis of artificial intelligence in higher education, it is

desirable to clarify terminology. Thus, in the next section, we explore

definitions of AI in education, and the elements and methods that AI

applications might entail n higher education, before we proceed with the

systematic review of the literature.

AIEd can contribute to collaborative learning by supporting

adaptive group formation based on learner models, by facilitating online

group interaction or by summarizing discussions that can be used by a

human tutor to guide students towards the aims and objectives of a

course. Finally, also drawing on ITS, intelligent virtual reality (IVR) is

used to engage and guide students in authentic virtual reality and game-

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

based learning environments. Virtual agents can act as teachers,

facilitators or students’ peers, for example, in virtual or remote labs

(Perez et al., 2017).

Based from the research of Indira Sangpu (2018), the application

of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now seen in almost every segment of our

life. The current study is to explore the perception of teachers and

students, on the usage and effectiveness of AI in the classroom. Online

survey with open-ended questions is mailed to different participants of

both the segments (teachers and students) and the qualitative data

obtained through this is analyzed using MAXQDA 2018.1 version. AI is

perceived as a bane and also a boon to the education system and to the

human intellect. Optimistic utilization of AI in the classrooms is highly

recommended by both teacher and student participants. It is also

identified that majority of the teachers are more adaptable to embrace

new technological changes than students. Further study on generation

and geographic diversity-based teacher and student perceptions may


Research examining educators’ overall perception of AI revealed

that in the past, they had been greatly influenced by the concept of AI

disseminated through the media and science fiction, which caused them

to consider AI to be an occupational threat that would replace their jobs

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

rather than be used to support the enhancement of learning and

instruction (Luckin et al., 2016). However, recent studies have

contributed to raising teachers’ expectations for significant changes in

the educational field such as the implementation of AI in different

educational settings (Panigrahi, 2020). In light of this, a new concept has

been introduced: Artificial in Education (AIEd), involving all aspects of

educational uses of AI (Roll and Wylie, 2016; Hrastinski et al., 2019).

Teachers’ perceptions of AIEd systems vary according to their

pedagogical belief, teaching experience using educational technology, and

the effectiveness and necessity of a particular technology, all of which

can influence their willingness to adopt new educational technology

(Gilakiani et al., 2013; Ryu and Han, 2018).

Hindawi Communication and Mobile Commuting (2022) agrees

that, Teachers can make full use of information technology methods in

teaching, but they need to grasp a degree. The “degree” is well grasped.

The information technology method is used by you to improve learning

efficiency. If you do not grasp well, you will be bound by this tool and

have a high-quality course declaration failed. The introduction of

information technology into the classroom has brought great convenience

to teachers but also brought great challenges to teachers. The emergence

of a new thing has both advantages and disadvantages. Teachers should

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

reasonably integrate information technology and teaching methods to

cultivate students’ creative thinking.

The cultivation of creative thinking ability should be implemented

in the main channel of classroom teaching, and let the new modern

education technology teaching run through it, to achieve the effect of

twice the result with half the effort. Artificial intelligence is the product of

development in the intelligent age. At present, various corporate

departments are in the initial stage of research in this field and are

scrambling to seize opportunities to promote new series of intelligent

products to seize opportunities. As the main force of national scientific

research, universities have an unshirkable responsibility for the study of

artificial intelligence. Some universities offer artificial intelligence courses

to lead the trend of the times. As a teacher, understanding and using

artificial intelligence is a familiar skill. The theory of teachers’

professional development at home and abroad is relatively mature. The

advancement of educational technology will bring about changes in


At present, the most popular artificial intelligence products have

been put into use in the field of education, which has brought a certain

impact on traditional education. This article uses questionnaires,

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

interviews, and data collection to understand the use of artificial

intelligence among teachers. The development of artificial intelligence has

had a profound impact on education and teaching practice. It is

changing the teaching methods of teachers and the learning methods of

students. A new era of technology has transformed education.

In this context, the research takes artificial intelligence for

education and teaching as the research theme and analyzes the current

research status and related theories of artificial intelligence technology,

artificial intelligence teaching application, teaching change, and artificial

intelligence to promote teaching change. There were interviews with

relevant experts and scholars to investigate the current application of

artificial intelligence technology in teaching, to understand from

which aspects of artificial intelligence will change teaching, to extract

what aspects of artificial intelligence will affect teaching, to determine

research ideas, and to discuss artificial intelligence promotes innovation

in teaching resources and the environment, changes in teaching and

learning methods, and innovation in teaching evaluation and


University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Research Literature

Foreign Literature

As stated by Baker and Smith (2019) approach educational AI tools

from three different perspectives; a) learner-facing, b) teacher-facing, c)

system-facing Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIE). Learner-facing AI

tools are software that students use to learn a subject matter, i.e.

adaptive or personalized learning management systems or ITS.

As mentioned before, we used the concept of the student life-cycle

(Reid, 1995) as a framework to describe the various AI based services at

the institutional and administrative level (e.g. admission, counselling,

library services) as well as at the academic support level for teaching and

learning (e.g. assessment, feedback, tutoring). Ninety-two studies (63.0 % )

were coded as relating to academic support services and 48 (63.0 % ) as

administrative and institutional services; six studies (4.1 % ) covered both

levels. The majority of studies addressed undergraduate students (n =

91, 62.3% ) compared to 11 (7.5% ) focusing on postgraduate students,

and another 44 (30.1% ) that did not specify the study level.

The iterative coding process led to the following four areas of AI

applications with 17 sub-categories, covered in the publications: a)

adaptive systems and personalization, b) assessment and evaluation, c)

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

profiling and prediction, and d) intelligent tutoring systems. Teacher

reduces his or her workload by automating tasks such as administration,

assessment, and feedback and plagiarism detection.

AIEd tools also provide insight into the learning progress of

students so that the teacher can proactively offer support and guidance

where needed, System-facing AIEd are tools that provide information for

administrators and managers on the institutional level, for example to

monitor attrition patterns across faculties or colleges.

As stated by Bristows’ AI and Robotics team (2018) Artificial

intelligence is not new; modern AI has its roots in Alan Turings’ test of

machine intelligence in 1950 and the term was coined by a Dartmouth

College professor in 1956.

Today, the term denotes a broad range of technologies, concepts

and uses. In this whitepaper, we use the term AI to refer to a set of

computer science techniques that enables systems to perform tasks

normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech

recognition, decision-making and language translation. In the public

consciousness, AI has been popularized in the form of science fiction and

Hollywood movies (often in the context of super-intelligent robots

attempting to enslave the human race).

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

This is changing fast with the advent of driverless cars and

personal voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri bringing AI to the

consumer market. Meanwhile, media outlets are feeding the hype and

hysteria about the potential negative impact of the new technology, such

as mass unemployment, restrictions on personal freedom, increased

economic inequality and a devalued human experience.

The dichotomy between AI hype and AI reality means it is difficult

to know what the general public really thinks about today’s most

disruptive technology. Through our survey, we have sought to gain a

better understanding of the public perception of AI by asking more than

2,000 people from a variety of backgrounds and locations in the UK what

their understanding; attitude and expectations of this emerging

technology are. Our survey reveals a number of interesting insights that

we think AI industry as a whole (users, providers and other stakeholder

alike) needs to understand when designing and implementing AI systems

that affect the general public.

Local Literature

In AI Readiness in the Philippines by wpadmin (Oct 2021). The

rising urbanization, increasing middle class, and a large population of

University of Luzon
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Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

youth are just some of the factors that make the Philippines a dynamic

economy in South East Asia.

New cases of COVID-19, steep inflation, income losses, and

ongoing containment measures have derailed the country’s early signs of

economic rebound in 2021. Nevertheless, public investments and

external environment recovery have kick started the Philippines’

economic recovery with a 3.7% year-on-year expansion at the start of the


Artificial intelligence, by BussinessWorld ‘’ AI’s big potential in the

Philippines ‘’ (June, 2022) is one of the technologies that is beginning to

reshape organizations and businesses in this time of rapid digitalization. With

its numerous capabilities, AI is starting to be applied in various sectors, and its

potential is being recognized and maximized in many markets.

Here in the Philippines, as businesses and organizations are

starting to pay attention to the benefits of AI, there is no doubt that AI

has a growing potential that should not be missed. For Julian Cua,

Principal at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Manila, the country’s

strength in the technology field, coupled with emerging talent, sets a

good foundation for AI’s growth in the Philippine market.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

“We are able to have a lot of talents in things like programming,

machine learning, engineering, data analytics, and many more,” Mr. Cua

told BusinessWorld in an interview. “We now have a team called BCG

GAMMA, [composed] of the best data scientists and data engineers out

there; and they work alongside industry experts to unlock the potential

of AI in specific applications for different companies,” Mr. Cua shared.

BCG GAMMA’s services are offered as a holistic package, the BCG

Partner added. “We’re not just here to deploy technology. We’re looking at

solving real world problems of different companies. We take a look at the

engineering side, the data science side, and also the business side [in

order to] make sure that we have the right initiatives to… build that

transformation journey for them.”

Moreover, the global firm will expand its AI expertise with an

upcoming training ground for AI talent in the country. “We are also

opening up a BCG GAMMA Hub in Manila soon to attract, retain, and

recruit some of these talents to serve markets not just in the Philippines

but across Asia,” Mr. Cua shared.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Maria Sharon Mapa Arriola of The Philippine Star (February,

2023). The emergence of ChatGPT and Google Bard in AI has the

potential to greatly impact the Philippine Education System.

ChatGPT: This technology can provide students with instant

access to information. ChatGPT can also help teachers answer students’

questions, grade assignments and according provide personalizes

feedback. As AI intends to make education more personalized, accessible,

and engaging, this might decrease the critical thinking abilities and

personal interacting with humans. It is important to be aware of these

potential challenges and to take steps to address them.

As stated in BusinessWorld “Experts call for ethical guidelines for

AI use in Philippine education’’ (April 2023) Experts are calling for the

establishment and adoption of ethical guidelines to ensure responsible

use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Philippine educational institutions.

“The use of ChatGPT or other similar AI tools in academic settings… calls

for policies or guidelines to ensure the ethical use of such or similar

technologies,” Joel T. Bautista, information technology officer III at the

Philippine Science High School System’s Knowledge Innovation Division,

said in a phone message on April 10. He said that a specific level of

acceptance for the integration of AI in education should be established,

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Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

similar to the process for handling research manuscripts. “We need

proactive, instead of reactive, policies and mechanisms if we want to maximize

its benefits,” said Kristine Carmina R. Manaog, legal counsel for the

Coordinating Council of Private Education Associations. Policies “should

educate the public about what AI technology is and its implications; mitigate

negative risks (such as privacy and security concerns); and curb misuse and

abuse (by, for instance, regulating and making AI companies accountable),” she

said in a separate phone message on April 10.

“Manuscripts, graphic designs, videos, computer programs, and

other academic requirements must be solely created by the student or

the group of students as required by the instructor of the course,” the

University of the Philippines – Diliman’s Artificial Intelligence Program

faculty members said in a statement on Jan. 17. “However, the use of AI

to enhance and facilitate the students’ learning should be encouraged,”

the group added. Schools abroad have started introducing AI literacy to

students as young as middle school age by providing textbooks on AI

fundamentals, highlighting the increasing prevalence of AI technology in

today’s society. 

De La Salle University and other learning institutions in the

Philippines are providing courses related to AI, while the Department of

Science and Technology is collaborating with local universities to

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Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

promote the development of AI in the country. AI tools need critical

thinking to use, according to Ralph Vincent J. Regalado, chief executive

officer and founder of Senti AI, a local artificial intelligence solutions and

services company. Mr. Regalado noted that some professors in the US

have already included AI policies in their syllabi. Students, in turn, “need

to make sure that what [an AI tool] produces is also factual.” Fact-

checking is necessary because it “has an impact on your output,” he


From automated assessments to adaptive teaching and learning,

“AI in education has the potential in transforming the way education is

delivered,” the Philippine Science High School System’s Mr. Bautista


“We have to embrace it and prepare not only our students, but

(also our) teachers, to be critical consumers and expert users,” he also

said. “This can be done by upskilling them through training and

seminars, (as well as) … empowering them with the tools and resources

for them to cope with this innovation.” — Patricia B. Mirasol

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Artificial Intelligence: The Technology Adaption and Impact in

the Philippines

Building and creating wealth is one of the facilitating factors in

doing research and developing technology. There are many factors that

contribute in the creation of wealth like natural resources, capital, labor,

market, public & environmental policy, and technology. The acquisition

or advancement of technology is based on the needs of the society.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most controversial innovations

today. The concept about AI started in 1950 with the help of numerous

scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers such as Alan Turing, who

first mathematically demonstrated the AI. The attempt to explain the

actions of human thought as a symbolic method was the beginning of

modern AI.

The evolution of artificial intelligence is an opportunity for greater

business value in order to generate wealth. Significant scientific

advances in research and technology development using AI over the

years can be noted. There’s a tremendous increase in the number of AI-

related conferences held from year 2000 to present. This is true with the

published journals, magazines, and books. These data are correlated to

the technology adoption of AI globally. Most of these advancements had

been developed using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Machine learning, a sub field of AI, gives the computers the ability to

learn by exposing it to huge amount of data. Basically, machine learning

used vast data to answer questions. The gathered data are used in

training to develop an intelligent model. The trained model will then be

used in predictions or classifications to solve certain problems. Some

applications of ML are prediction, forecasting, optimization, and more.

But there are unstructured data such as images and video which are

hard to distinguish the features or hard to extract the features to

generate dataset.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City



Research Method

In this study, the researchers used the Qualitative Research

method, to be specific a type of qualitative research, a Case Study. It is

an in-depth examination of an individual, group of people, or an

institution”. It provides information on where to draw conclusion about

the impact of a significant event on a person’s life, (Sanchez, 2022). In

this study the researchers will interview the instructors that apply AI in

their teaching field as a respondent. This allotted questions for this study

will be the same for the 6 respondents coming from the 3 different

universities in Dagupan City.

After having the results or answers from the interview, the

researchers will ask different follow up questions to the chosen

respondents depending on their responses.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Locale of the Study

Dagupan City located at the very center of Lingayen Gulf and

situated at the main delta of the great Agno River. From a coastal trading

post in the pre -Spanish past, Dagupan in now Northern Philippines’

great city.

It was named Bagnotan by the Augustinian friars in 1590 early

during colonial times.  In 1660, Andres Malong, a local chieftain, led a

revolt against the Spaniards for imposing forced labor.  After the revolt,

the people rebuilt the town. To commemorate the gathering forces under

Malong, the place was renamed to “Nandaragupan” which means “where

people meet”.  In 1780, the name of the town was simplified to Dagupan,

followed by the end of Spanish rule in July 23, 1898 when the Spanish

troops surrendered to the Katipunan leader, General Francisco


The first civil government was established in February 16, 1901

with the holding of the first elections through “viva voce”.

Dagupan became a city on June 20, 1947 by virtue of Republic Act

No. 170, a law known as the City Charter of Dagupan.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Figure 2 Site Map of Dagupan City

Respondents of the Study

The researchers chose at least two Faculty/Instructors in each of

the 4 college/university in Dagupan City, the University of Luzon,

Lyceum Northwestern University, University of Pangasinan PHINMA and

Universidad de Dagupan specifically in the field of teaching using AI.

There from the following colleges; College of Computer Studies, College of

Computer Engineering, College of Information and Computing Studies,

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

College of Information Technology Education, and School of Information

Technology Education.

Research Instrument

In order to know the information needed to answer the specific

problems stated in chapter 1. An interview guide is used as the data

gathering instrument.

The researchers had chosen the individual interview and semi-

structured interview as a method of gathering data for it is seen as the

most applicable method for the conduct of the current study. Individual

Interviews are like conversations which are designed to elicit the

information that the researcher needs, (Cristobal, 2022). Semi-structured

interview a type of interview in which there is a specific set of questions

and is usually followed by additional probes that may come in the form

of follow-up questions that are not included in the list of original

questions, (Cristobal, 2022). This type of interview is often open-ended,

allowing for flexibility, (George, 2022). It is suited for this kind of

research that aims to distinguish the perception of professionals as

applied to their teaching fields.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers formulated questions to be answered by the

respondents. They also seek for permission to the dean of the different

colleges/universities of the respondents. Upon the grant of request, the

date is set when it is ready to go and conduct an interview. All the results

were encapsulated after the interview.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City



This chapter presents the results of the interview taken last April

4, 2023, April 5, 2023, April 11, 2023, April 18, 2023 and April 24, 2023.

This chapter will also present the interpretation of the data collected by

the researchers in order to respond on the presented research problem

which is the Professional Application of AI in their Teaching Field: A Case


As to question no. 1, “What are examples of AI technology do you


3 out of 8 respondents answered the examples of AI technology

they used were “ChatGPT”. 2 out of 8 respondents answered the

examples of AI technology they used were “Google”. 1 out of 8

respondents answered the examples of AI technology they used were

“image processing”. 1 out of 8 respondents answered the examples of AI

technology they used were “Sketch”, “Arduino”, “Code:Blocks”, “C++”,

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

“EV”, and “Raspberry Pi”. 1 out of 8 respondents answered they are not

using any type of AI. Hence, they are contemplating using AI technology

in their field.

As to question no.2, “Do you use AI in your teaching field? If yes,

what particular AI technology you use?”

4 out of 8 respondents answered ‘Yes’. They use AI in teaching

because “it is easier” for them especially with the advantages they get

from AI by “checking if the students are cheating and by checking the

scores of the student’s assessments”. The different applications that they

use are “Chat GPT”, “EvalBee”, “Sketch”, “Arduino”, “Codeblock”, and

“C++”. In hardware, “Arduino Uno”, “Lego Mindstorm robotics” and then

“EV”, “Romeo Board”, and “Raspberry Pi”. The rest of the respondents

answered the question with a ‘No’. Since they are sticking with the

traditional way of teaching and discussing their lessons that they don’t

want their students to use AI for they might use it too much.

As to question no.3, “How do you apply AI in your teaching field?”

In question no.3, 5 out of 8 respondents they use AI in their

teaching field for “monitoring”, “teaching assistance”, “updating”,

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

“discussion”, and “assessment”. One of the respondent didn’t answer the

question no.3 2 out of 8 respondent haven’t applied it yet.

As to question no.4, “Could it be useful in creating instructional

materials and assessing your learner?”

8 out of 8 respondents answered ‘Yes’. Because AI technology can

be used to create instructional materials and assess learners. It can help

create assessments, check learners' assessments, and check plagiarisms.

It can also help teachers assess their students' performances when it

comes to quizzes and exams. AI has risen, and ChatGPT is one of the

improved AI technologies. It filters out and recommends the best answer,

making work lighter or easier.

As to question no.5, “Would you recommend to your department to

adapt AI in teaching? If yes or no, why?”

3 out of 8 respondents answered ‘Yes’ because of AI's advantages

and to “follow trends or the updates” in this generation. 3 out of 8

respondents and answered yes but with “right responsibilities” and to

“not be too dependent or rely too much on AI”. 1 out of 8 respondents

answered ‘Yes’ but “not suddenly, because of budget and possible

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

cultural shock”. 1 out of 8 respondents answered both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’,

recommendation of AI adaption “depends on how students or professors

will use it”.

As to question no.6, “What are the challenges you experience in

using AI in your teaching field?”

5 out of 8 respondents answered the “lack of resources and skills”

with both students and professors because AI is new and most of its

functions are not yet introduced clearly. 2 out of 8 respondents answered

issue regarding with the “academic integrity” of AI's advance feature it

easily help students to do task but some abuse and instead of them AI

will do it. 1 out of 8 respondents answered the “secureness” of AI like

viruses that can affect works.

As to question no.7, “What are the advantages and disadvantages

of AI?”

3 out of 8 respondents answered “improvement” in advantage and

AI “abuse” in disadvantage. AI helps us improve our self-cause we can

have more time with its help, task are easier to finish but some abuse its

function and causes laziness. 3 out of 8 respondents answered “fast

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

progress but less man power”, AI are mostly robots. Robots help in fast

progress like machines but this “lessens man power” and cause “workers

unemployment”. 2 out of 8 respondents answered “help” for advantage

and “problem with the broadness of Al's functions”, Al helps in making

tasks easier and fast but some lack skills in using applications that can

help because Al is a broad thing and needs deep understanding.

As to question no.8, “Do you worry if AI will replace you and your

work or job in the future?”

4 out of 8 respondents answered. ‘No’, because AI is considered a

“helping machine or assistance for them”, and AI is “made by people its

functions are based on people’s intelligence”. AI is not yet worth to

replicate people cause of its fully many limitations. 3 out of 8

respondents answered ‘Yes’, because AI “fasten up task process”, also

“worried to be unemployed” and “not be able to earn money for living

expenses”. 1 out of 8 respondents answered “slightly worried” because AI

would possibly replace human power in the future but for now AI is still

in the process in developing for the replacement to happen.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City





Based on the interview by the researchers to the eight respondents

from different Universities of Dagupan.

University of Luzon, Lyceum Northwestern University of

Pangasinan and Universidad de Dagupan, the instructors finds AI as

helpful tool for teaching:

-The researched concluded that most of the instructor are using AI

in their teaching for monitoring, teaching, assistance, updating,

discussion, and for assessment.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

-They use AI because it reduces work and improves the efficiency

of teaching.

-They claim that AI is helpful for them, quick and simple to use,

and a great assistance.


AI is a great tool for the user. Not only for teachers and students,

but also for other fields. In this study it will focus only in the field of


AI is a big help in teaching field for it saves time and create better

lesson plans. Relating to the conclusion of what we are trying to find out,

it ensures the classroom offers great learning conditions by adjusting

lessons to meet student’s need in real time, and you can use it for task


Before using AI you need identify your specific needs. You need to

ensure data privacy, conduct through testing, and provide proper

training for educators.

In order to make AI a better teaching medium we recommend the


University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

1. Choose appropriate AI tools.

For example, CHATGPT, since this is very helpful in teaching and


2. Don’t rely too much on AI

This addiction to AI can cause problems to future generations.

Relying too much on it is being lazy with doing traditional ways of

teaching. AI applications automate the majority of tedious and

repetitive tasks. We tend to use our brains less and less.

3. Allot a budget.

The ability to create a machine that can simulate human

intelligence is no small feat. It requires plenty of time and

resources and can cost a huge deal of money. AI also needs to

operate on the latest hardware and software to stay updated and

meet the latest requirements, thus making it quite costly.

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City


A. Books

(2005) Nandaragupan: the story of a

coastal city and Dagupan City.
[s.L.]: Dagupan City Heritage

Critobal, Jr., Amadeo P. Practical Research 1: for Senior

(2022) High School. Quezon City: C&E
Publishing, Inc.

B. Websites

 Ed Burns

 Trung Tan (September 9, 2002)

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Its Role & How It Is
Applied (

 Benefits of AI in Education, with Examples


University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

 Dagupan City - The Official Website of the Province of


 (Tegan George, March 10, 2022)

Semi-Structured Interview | Definition, Guide & Examples



 (R. Fay 2019)






 Adoption of artificial intelligence in higher education: a

quantitative analysis using structural equation modelling |

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City

 ("Artificial intelligence: Overview of the field and current

developments" by ScienceDirect.)

 ("Filipino Millennials' Perception of AI Ethics" by De La Salle






 AI’s big potential in the Philippines
 Experts call for Ethical Guidelines for AI use in Philippine

University of Luzon
College of Education
Senior High School Department
Perez Blvd., Dagupan City


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