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Nursing Practice V
1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions
2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer.
4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set.
5. Write the subject title “NURSING PRACTICE V” on the box provided.
5. A patient came in with the chief complaints of ringing in
Situation 1 – You are a staff nurse in the Ear Unit of a the ears and a feeling of whirling around. The attending
government hospital. As such, you are taking care of physician suspects Meneire‟s Syndrome. To arrive at a
patients with different ear conditions. correct diagnosis, the patient must be manifesting these
three symptoms: paroxysmal whirling vertigo; tinnitus;
1. Mariel, a 25-year-old radio announcer came in for and _____________-.
consult with the chief complaints of not being able to A. conductive hearing loss
hear well and inability to discriminate sounds he is B. bilateral symptoms
hearing. An otoscopic examination was done to her,
C. vomiting
which revealed that there is sensorineural loss. This
D. sensorineural hearing loss
condition is due to damage to what part of the ear?
A. Cochlea and auditory nerve
Situation 2 – You are a staff nurse in the Psychiatric
B. Vestibular nerve and cochlea
Unit of the hospital taking care of patients with manic
C. Middle ear and auditory nerve
disorder. The following questions relate to this
D. Outer ear and cochlea
2. Which of the following is a predisposing factor for
sensory hearing loss?
6. What would be your MOST therapeutic response to a
A. Serous otitis media
manic patient demanding that you call his attending
B. Ototoxic agents
physician to make an order for a pass to go out at the
C. Otosclerosis
middle of the night?
D. Perforation of the eardrum
A. “You go to the recreation hall now while I call your
3. Which of the following is useful in correcting a
attending physician”
sensorineural hearing loss?
B. “You must really be upset to want a pass
A. Nothing, the damage is irreversible
immediately. I will give you a medication to make you
B. Myringotomy
C. Stapedectomy
C. “I can‟t call your physician now but you can talk to
D. Tympanolasty
me about your request to pass.”
4. One of your patients underwent tympanoplasty. Which
D. “Don‟t be unreasonable. I can‟t call your attending
of the following interventions is the MOST
APPROPRIATE after a tympanoplasty? physician in the middle of the night”
A. Applying ear drops as ordered by the physician
B. Teaching the patient to avoid heavy physical activity 7. One of your patients lacks food and fluid intake due to
poor appetite. What foods would BEST meet the
for at least three weeks.
patient‟s nutritional needs?
C. Rinsing ear three times a day using hydrogen
A. Steak and spaghetti
peroxide as ordered
B. Peanut butter, sandwich and milk
D. Avoiding the use of cotton in cleaning the ears.
C. Carrots, celery, raisins, apple
D. Beef and non-diet soda
D. Nutritional status
8. During lunchtime you have observed that a patient with A. B and C
mania taking food from other patient. What principle B. C and D
would guide you in determining the appropriate C. B, C, and D
intervention in this situation? D. A, B, and C
A. the patient needs foods and fluids any way possible 14. One of your patients is manifesting signs and symptoms
B. The patient will calm down as soon as lunchtime is of alcohol withdrawal such as: tremors, diaphoresis, and
over. hyperactivity. Blood pressure is 190/92 mm.Hg and
C. the intrusive behavior of a manic patient is not a pulse rate of 92 beats/min. which of the following
threat to other patients. medications should you expect to be ordered for this
D. other patients need to be protected from the patient?
A. Lorazepam (Ativan)
intrusive behavior of other patients.
9. A patient is manifesting some manic depression. Which B. Naloxone (Narcan)
of the following activities would you provide to distract C. Haloperidol (Haldol)
such patient? D. Benztropin (Cogentin)
A. you let the patient go for a walk 15. A patient discharged from an alcohol rehabilitation
B. give him a book to read. program was on Clonazepam (Klonopin) 0.5 mg. three
C. let him watch the final game of the UAAP times a day. Several months later he reported having
insomnia, shakiness, sweating, and one seizure. Which
D. let him play checkers with another patient.
of the following questions should you ask FIRST? Ask if
10. What therapeutic activity would you provide a patient
he _____________.
with mania?
A. has stopped taking the Klonopin suddenly
A. doing ceramics and whittling
B. has been drinking alcohol with the Klonopin
B. playing cards and checkers
C. has developed tolerance to the Klonopin and needs
C. playing bingo and knitting
to increase the dose.
D. drawing and folding towels
D. is having a panic attack and needs to take extra
Situation 3 – You are a staff nurse in a Rehabilitation
Center for Substance Abuse.
Situation 4 – You are a staff nurse in the Eye Unit of
the hospital. In the regular Quality Circle meeting one
11. You admitted an intoxicated patient for alcohol
withdrawal. Which of the following interventions should of the matters discussed was the increasing complaints
you implement to help the client become sober? of patients who underwent eye surgery in relation to
A. have the patient take a cold shower instillation of eye drops. The case of Claudia who has
B. walk the patient around the unit cataract surgery was presented as a frame of reference
C. Provide the patient a quiet room to sleep in in the reviewing the procedure on eye drops
D. Give patient a black coffee to drink instillation.

12. While obtaining the history of a patient with several 16. Which of the following is the rationale for instilling eye
cases of driving under the influence of alcohol, you drops to patients who has eye surgery?
asked about the amount of alcohol the patient A. to help control the intra-ocular pressure.
consumes daily. He answered “I just have a few drinks B. to dilate the patient‟s pupils
with the guys after work”. Which of the following would C. to treat an eye infection
be your MOST therapeutic response? D. to constrict the patient‟s pupils
A. “That‟s all the patients here say at first”. 17. You have observed presence of drainage in Claudia‟s
B. “You say you have a few drinks, but you have a eyes. Which of the following eye solutions would you
multiple arrests”. use in cleaning her eyes?
C. “I think you cannot handle a few drinks”. A. hydrochloric acid
D. “Then you should have somebody driving for you”. B. Normal saline solution
13. Which of the following assessment data provides the C. Mineral water
best information on the patient‟s physiologic response D. Soapsuds solutions
and the effectiveness of the medication prescribed for 18. In instilling the eye drops you have to tilt the back
alcohol withdrawal? slightly Claudia‟s head. Which of the following is the
A. Sleep pattern rationale for this nursing action?
B. Evidence of tremors A. to prevent any spill from the eye during the
C. Vital signs procedure


B. to keep any debris away from the lacrimal duct. 25. In evaluating the effectiveness of the care provided for
C. to facilitate the procedure. a self-destructive patient, the BEST approach is to
D. to reach the conjunctival sac easily. __________.
19. You accidentally touch Claudia‟s eyelid during eye drop A. modify the plan as little as possible to avoid
instillation causing her to blink. What should have you confusing the patient.
done to prevent this from occurring? B. make sure the staff has followed the original care
A. Touch the inner side of the medicine cap plan.
B. Tilt back Claudia‟s head slightly C. involve the patient in the process of evaluation.
C. Hold the dropper close to the eye but do not allow D. identify maladaptive coping behaviors.
the medication to fall into the cornea.
D. Have Claudia look up and focus on something Situation 6 – The nurse’s work environment plays a
20. You cannot open Claudia‟s eyes due to dried crust. vital role in her ability to provide quality patient care.
Which of the following actions would you do? Inadequate resources in health care and unhealthy
A. Apply the eye drops the next day conditions in the workplace result to nurse’s work
B. Apply eye ointment to soften the crust. stress.
C. Instill eye drops
D. Place a warm wet wash cloth over her eyes for at 26. Burnout is a phenomenon that is BEST characterized by
least three minutes. _____________.
A. emotional exhaustion: depersonalization: and
Situation 5 – Nurse Fatima who is on-duty in a reduced personal accomplishment
psychiatric unit is assigned to care for patients at-risk B. growing dissatisfaction among nurses due to
for suicide. changing career expectations.
C. increased absenteeism and fast turnover of nurses
21. Nurse Fatima should pursue assessment of suicide risk due to toxic work environment.
for individuals who display tendencies to be D. conflict between demands of work and family.
_____________. 27. A common response to unhealthy work environment is
A. Compulsive, obsessive, or weak physical tension. This can be overcome by progressive
B. risk-taking, aggressive, or controlling muscle relaxation which basically involves __________.
C. hostile, impulsive, or depressed A. focusing on an image to relax
D. blaming, abusive, or confused B. active physical exercise like aerobics
22. On admission, the nursing diagnosis for Gringo, who is C. releasing muscles from tension.
depressed and suicidal is, “Risk for suicide.” An D. listening to a relaxation audio program.
appropriate outcome for this diagnosis at discharge 28. Bio-behavioral interventions are being used increasingly
from the hospital is, “The patient will _____________. by both nurses and patients in stress management. The
A. not harm self while hospitalized following are examples of such intervention except
B. be able to problem-solve effectively ___________.
C. increase feelings of self-worth A. progressive muscle relaxation
D. develop a trusting relationship with the nursing staff. B. pharmacotherapy
23. Which of the following statements would BEST C. guided imagery
represent Nurse Fatima‟s attempt to assess a patient‟s D. mindful meditation
current ability to organize and enact a suicide wish? 29. Ace, a young overweight nurse, is making five to ten
A. “What is your educational background?” sticks of cigarettes a day. He claimed that he learned to
B. “What plan do you have for committing suicide?” smoke to relieve his stress caused by toxic assignments
C. “Have you ever thought about hurting yourself?” in the ward. Along with the smoking he became a
D. “Are your self-destructive thoughts frequent?” stress-eater. He decided to undergo a lifestyle
24. A male suicidal patient is found by Nurse Fatima as he modification which begins with ____________.
tries to hang himself in the bathroom. What nursing A. eating the right kind of foods
intervention would address the patient‟s need for safety B. a recognition of the impact of unhealthy habits
while maintaining his self-esteem? C. doing a regular daily exercise.
A. Advise him to use the bathroom only with staff D. a constructive and positive attitude in life.
supervision. 30. Ace is a well-informed nurse on the smoking cessation
B. Tell him that the police is coming to rescue him. program of the Department of Health. As a next step to
C. Place him in the seclusion room with 15-minute his decision to stop smoking, Ace needs ___________.
checks. A. commitment
D. Assign a nursing staff to remain with him all times. B. motivation


C. information A. Extensive
D. skills to implement change B. Formatted
C. Chronologic
Situation 7 – Mrs. Andrea Santos, a 43-year old female D. Descriptive
came in for consult with the chief complaint of severe 37. Which statement is NOT true about medical record that
pain of both eyes. She claimed she sometimes sees Marited must understand. Charts _____________.
A. Contents must be kept confidential
rainbow halos around light. She also experiences
B. Can be borrowed by any nursing student
nausea and vomiting, the attending physician gave an
C. Can be accessed by a researcher.
impression of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma.
D. Can be given out only with patient‟s consent
38. The following are methods of charting, EXCEPT
31. In assessing Mrs. Santos, what demographic data is/are __________.
RELEVANT to ocular movement? A. Sequential
A. gender B. Narrative
B. age at menarche C. POMR
C. age and gender D. Focus
D. Race 39. In a PIE method of charting, P is for needs, EXCEPT
32. An ophthalmoscopic examination was done to Mrs. ___________.
Santos. The following results are expected EXCEPT A. Admission
____________. B. Problem
A. nonreactive pupil C. Teaching
B. corneal cloudiness D. Discharge
C. erythematous conjunctiva 40. In charting neurologic assessment, Marites must
D. decreased intraocular pressure understand that the following should be indicated.
33. Vision loss for Mrs. Santos may progress as days go by SELECT all that apply.
and this is irreparable. An appropriate nursing diagnosis 1. Orientation 3. Sensation
would be ___________. 2. Pupil movement 4. Quality of speech
A. disturbed sensory perception related to severe pain A. 3 and 4
B. risk for ineffective therapeutic regimen B. 1 and 2
C. disturbed sensory perception related to recent loss of C. 1, 2, 3, and 4
D. 1, 3, and 4
D. grieving related to loss of vision Situation 9 – One of your programs as a community
34. Select the medication that should be discussed by the health nurse is related to substance abuse addiction.
nurse with the attending physician before administering You spearheaded an educational collaborative activity
it to Mrs. Santos.
to address the increasing drug and alcohol problems in
A. Isoptocarpine eyedrops
the community. A multi-sectoral committee was
B. Corticosporin ophthalmic
formed, and an initial organizational committee
C. Mannitol
meeting was held. The following questions apply to this
D. Atropine
35. In a medically-managed patient with glaucoma,
independent self-care is the area for evaluation. Which 41. To motivate and spark the interest of prospective
of the following is a short-term outcome for Mrs. participants in the proposed program, which of the
Santos? following activities will you introduce as an initial activity
A. ability to recognize clinical manifestations of of the group?
complications A. Lecture-forum on alarming dangers of drug and
B. Mrs. Santos‟ self-care ability alcohol use.
C. Compliance with the medical management B. A summer sport fest involving all age group.
D. Mrs. Santos ability to instill eye drops C. Values-formation program
D. Lecture-forum to increase awareness of unhealthy
Situation 8 – Marites is a beginning nurse in a lifestyle.
government hospital. She still needs enhancement of 42. To assess the prevalence and incidence of substance
her competencies in charting. abuse, a community survey was done by the barangay
health workers. Using purposive sampling, what age
36. Marites should know that in narrative charting, group is at MOST risk to be considered as the survey
documentation of patient care should be respondents?
____________. A. Pre-schoolers


B. Older adults 50. You want to determine the difference of the anxiety
C. Older Children level between male and female patients scheduled for
D. Adolescents abdominal surgery. The first 30 males and the first 30
43. A self-help support group for educational and caring females who are admitted to the hospital at the time of
approach for alcoholics is: the study would be asked as study participants. This is
A. Halfway homes an example of what sampling technique?
B. Psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation centers A. Fish ball technique
C. Alcoholic Anonymous B. Simple random
D. Detoxification treatment program C. Quota sampling
44. The LEAST effective education and preventive measure D. Purposive sampling
for drug abuse is:
A. Activity workshops for out of school youths Situation 11- You are staff nurse in the Psychiatric
B. Family enrichment programs Unit of a private hospital. Lorena, a 20-year old stage
actress was admitted with the chief complaints of
C. Regular advocacy meetings to include families,
getting angry easily and inability to tolerate being
store, restaurant, bar owners
alone. She claimed that she has also the tendency to
D. Leaflets and brochures for mass distribution manipulate people and feels unhappy most of the time.
45. The committee organized parent education classes. A She was diagnosed to be suffering from Borderline
representative from the local police department was Personality Disorder (BPD).
invited to discuss:
A. Stress management 51. You have observed that Lorena is manifesting “spitting”.
B. Parent effectiveness training This characteristic of BPD is BEST defined as ______.
C. The legal implications of illicit drug use a. viewing people and objects as parts, either good or
D. Recognition of deviant child and adolescent bad
behavior b. having two personalities
c. talking about other people behind their back
Situation 10 – As a beginning professional nurse one of d. literally spitting in other people‟s face
the competencies expected of you is to engage in 52. When assessing a patient with BPD which of the following
information would you focus on?
research. Basic knowledge in research, therefore, is
a. Ability to get people on his/her side
very important. The following questions related to
b. Disruption in some aspect of his/her life
these statements. c. desire for intimate relationship
d. Increase acceptance from other people
46. What element distinguishes a true experimental 53. Lorena revealed she has a tendency to manipulate others.
research from a quasi-experimental research? What would be the MOST APPROPRIATE short-term goal for
A. The use of non-probability sampling her? For Lorena to _____.
B. Lack of random assignment of subject to group a. have an intimate relationship
C. Size of the sample b. acknowledge her own behavior
D. The introduction of experimental treatment. c. stop arguing with other people
47. You want to determine the effect of a planned exercise d. express her feelings verbally
on low-back pain. Which of the following research 54. Patient with BPD manifest transient psychotic symptoms.
designs would be MOST APPROPRIATE to use in this What is the drug of choice to treat these symptoms?
a. Mood stabilizer
b. Benzodiazepines
A. Posttest only control group design
c. Lithium
B. One-shot case study d. Antipsychotics
C. Pretest-posttest control group design 55. Lorena has a history of alcohol abuse so she was started
D. One group pretest-posttest design on Antabuse. Which of the following is a COMMON side effect
48. Which of the following is a type of probability sampling? of this drug?
A. Cluster a. Hypertension
B. Purposive b. Bradycardia
C. C. Quota c. Depression
D. Convenience d. Elation
49. You want all people who are currently institutionalized
for psychiatric problems to participate in your study. Situation 12- Angela, a 40-year old, single mom of two
preschool children, aged two (2) and five (5) years old
This is an example of ____________.
respectively was admitted to the Psychiatric Unit for
A. Universal population
attempting to kill her two children.
B. Target population
C. Element
D. Sample


56. Angela says “My dead mother ordered me to kill my two 63. There is a black space after your last entry in your
children before the devil could get them”. What behavior is charting. You will ______.
being manifested by Angela? a. draw a double line after your last entry
a. Auditory hallucination b. sign your full name after your last entry
b. Visual hallucination c. drw a horizontal line through the center of an
c. Tactile stimulation empty line
d. Olfactory hallucination d. draw a perpendicular line across the empty space
57. You ask Angela to touch a 25-centavo coin and a one-peso 64. Which of the following should the nurse‟s notes focus on?
coin. You have observed that Angels was having difficulty a. Immediate past and the present
differentiating one coin from the other. This is manifestation of b. The present only
_____. c. The future
a. astereognosis d. The recent past
b. kinesthetic 65. Which of the following sample charting would show the
c. agraphestesia characteristic of ACCURACY?
d. cenesthetic a. intake from 700-1000 ml: 80 ml of coffee; 240 ml
58. You have observed that Angela is manifesting persistent of orange juice; 500ml of water
hallucination. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE therapy in treating b. Patient on forced fluid but refused to take it most
patient with a condition like that of Angela‟s? of the time
a. Cognitive-behavior therapy c. Patient on forced fluids observed
b. Crisis intervention d. Given fluid at frequent intervals but takes only a
c. Psycho-pharmacologic treatment few sips
d. Anti-psychotic drug
A. c and d Situation 14- During summer season incidence of heat
B. a and b stroke rises. As a community health nurse you should
C. b and d disseminate information on this as part of your role as
D. a, b, and c a health educator.
59. Which of the following is the GOAL of nursing intervention
for a patient who is hallucination. 66. A patient came in with sign of heat stroke. Which of the
a. To help the patient to have an increased following are signs/symptoms of profound CNS dysfunction?
awareness that in symptoms she is experiencing is a. Elevated temperature
not real b. Hot, dry skin
b. To help the patient to identify what triggers her c. Tachypnea, hypotension, tachycardia
hallucination d. Confusion, delirium, bizarre behavior
c. To encourage the patient to verbalized her fear, 67. Which of the following is the primary goal in the care of
anxiety, and anger patient with a heat stroke?
d. To help the patient to go back to her real world a. To maintain cardiac functions
60. What communication technique would be Most effective to b. To reduce immediately the high temperature
achieve the nursing goal for patient with hallucination? c. To restore normal body temperature
a. Listening d. To prevent further complication
b. Facilitative communication 68. Which of the following is the best advice you would give to
c. One-on-one discussion an athlete to prevent heat stroke?
d. Social interaction a. To monitor fluid losses and weight lost during
workout activities and to replace fluids.
Situation 13- Charting is part of the professional b. To avoid immediate exposure to high temperature
nurse’s responsibility related to record management. c. To maintain adequate fluid intake
The following questions refer to this statement. d. To avoid planning outdoor activities between 10
a.m. and 2 p.m.
61. One of the characteristics of charting is brevity. Which of 69. to prevent heat stroke, the following pieces of advice are
the following example of charting shows this characteristics? given to the community, EXCEPT:
a. Nurse brought the patient to OR via stretcher at a. Avoid direct exposure to the sun especially late in
10:15 the morning
b. Patient left for surgery via stretcher at 10:15 am b. Always drink plenty of water
c. To surgery via stretcher at 10:15 c. Use a hat or an umbrella when going out of the
d. patient brought by the nurse to OR via stretcher at house
10:15 accompanied by the “bantay” d. Just stay home and relax
62.Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a late entry 70. Which of the following would your best advice to the
in charting? community people during summer time to prevent
a. nurse‟s initials above the time dehydration?
b. may be made if something has been forgotten a. Use a hat or an umbrella when going out of the house
c. circle it and write “late entry” b. Just stay home and relax
d. reason for the late entry c. drink plenty of fluids
d. wear light-colored clothing


77. One of the violence acts is sexual violence. Which of the
Situation 15- Lizbeth, a 30-year old registered nurse following does NOT constitute sexual violence?
with two children, legally separated from her husband a. Acts of lasciviousness
was admitted to the psychiatric unit three weeks ago. b. Rape
c. Treating a child as a sex object
71. You are the nurse attending to Lizbeth. You have observed d. Economic abuse
that she has a habit of washing her hands repeatedly for a
long period of time. This is a manifestation of what kind of 78. What would be the nurse‟s MAIN concern when a case of
behavior? abuse, maltreatment, or neglect is suspected in a patient?
a. Negative a. Reporting the incident to proper authorities
b. Hyperactive b. Safety and welfare of the patient
c. Ritualistic c. Referring the patient to a mental health worker
d. Nonconformist d. Just keep quiet about the matter
72. Lizbeth engages in this behavior to _____.
a. protect herself from undesirable people 79. What is the MOST common clinical manifestation of child
b. relieve her anxiety neglect?
c. occupy herself with purposeful activity a. Missed appointment with health care provider
d. call the attention of other b. Fracture
73. A new nurse introduce herself to Lizbeth and asks her c. Unexplained bruises
name. Lizbeth responds “I am an obsessive- compulsive d. Malnutrition and dehydration
neurotic. I have had psychoanalysis for ten years. What do you
think can you do for me?” Your BEST response would be 80. What should be the FOCUS of care for patients who are
_____. suspected to be abused, maltreated, or neglected?
a. “Can we talk about that Lizbeth?” a. Immediate treatment of any injury
b.” I need to know you better Lizbeth” b. Consequences of the act
c.” You seem to feel hopeless” c. Prevention of further injury
d.” who was your psychoanalyst?” d. Referral to legal authorities
74. Lizbeth tells you “That the new nurse makes me angry.
Like you, she does not understand what my real problem is”. Situation 17- You are a staff nurse at the Ear Unit of
Your BEST reply would be _____. the Medical Ward of a government hospital. Clarita, a
a. “You seems to be upset. I will come back later” 25-year old stage actress was admitted with the chief
b. “You have the right to be upset when people don‟t complaint of on and off tinnitus at the right ear. The
seem to understand” audiogram confirms conductive hearing loss or mixed
c. “That‟s a common feeling. I understand. Let‟s talk loss especially in the low frequencies. Clarita was
about it” diagnosed with Otosclerosis.
d. “I know what your problem is. You are an
obsessive-compulsive personality” 81. Otosclerosis is a common cause of what condition?
75. Diazepam (Valium) was prescribe for Lizbeth. You gave her a. Premature labor
instructions on effects of the drug. What statement would b. Meningitis Auditory nerve
indicate that Lizbeth needs further health teaching about the c. Sensori-neural hearing loss
medication? d. Conductive hearing loss
a. “I‟m so glad I can still eat chocolate while I‟m 82. The audiogram also confirms a sensori-neural hearing loss.
taking this.” What ear structure is damaged when this condition is present?
b. “I‟m so glad no blood tests are necessary while I‟m a. Outer and/or middle ear
taking this.” b. Tympanic membrane
c. “I‟m so glad Valiums won‟t affect my driving skills” c. Cochlear nerve
d. “I‟m so glad I will only have to take this until I d. Stapes
learn to be less anxious” 83. Clarita was given Sodium Flouride. What is the rationale for
giving this to her?
Situation 16- As a professional nurse, one of your roles a. To mature the spongy bone growth
is an advocate for the patient’s rights. The following b. To remove the diseased stapes
questions refer to this statement. c. To prevent further complications
d. To restore hearing
76. You were invited by a women‟s organization to be the 84. A surgical procedure was recommended for Clarita. Which
resource speaker on “Violence against women and children”. of the following surgical procedures is useful in correcting her
Women and their children are protected against violence under condition?
Republic Act No.__. a. Myringotomy
a. 9173 b. Ossicular reconstruction
b.9211 c. Cochlear transplant
c.9262 d. to restore hearing


85. After her surgery, Clarita was placed on her left side with times a day. She was diagnosed with Caffeine
the head of the bed elevated. What is the rationale for placing Discontinuation Syndrome (CDS).
her in this position?
a. To minimize the pressure in the middle ear 91. What are the effects of drinking coffee two to three cups a
b. To prevent complication of bleeding day on the central nervous system?
c. To ensure patient safety a. Feeling motivated and energized, less fatigue
d. To prevent vomiting b. Feeling motivated and energized, headache
c. Feeling motivated and drowsy, headache
Situation 18- Ms. Ligaya Co is a chief nurse in a d. Headache, less fatigue
secondary level hospital with nursing staff consisting 92. Which of the following reinforces a person to continue
of registered staff nurses, nursing assistants and aides. drinking coffee?
a. Feeling of unpleasant symptoms when drinking is
86. Ms. Co stresses the importance of promoting „esprit d abruptly stopped.
corps‟ among the nursing staff. Which of the following b. Drinking coffee at Starbucks is the “in-thing
statement indicates that they understand the meaning of the c. Feeling of well-being
term? d. The price of coffee is getting lower
a. “In order that we achieve the goals of the institute,
we must follow the directives coming from above.” 93. na was given Luminal 60 mg./day p.o. this drugs is a/an
b. “We will ensure that all resources we need are _____/
available when needed” a. intermediate-acting sedative
c. “Let‟s work together in harmony; we need to be b. short-acting sedative
supportive of one another.” c. hypnotic drug
d. “We need to show our competence to the higher d. long-acting sedative
management level.” 94. While doing your assessment Ana complained of nausea.
87. She assert the importance of promoting a positive Which of the following would be you PRIORITY nursing action?
organizational culture among the nursing staff. Which of the a. Refer Ana to the attending physician immediately
following behaviors indicate that this has been attained? b. Let Ana put her head in-between her legs
a. Obedient and uncomplaining c. Administer an anti-emetic drug
b. Powerful and oppositional d. Offering Ana some ice chips
c. Competitive and perfectionist
d. Caring and nurturing with one another 95. yu have observed Ana to be pacing in the room, restless,
88. Ms. Co is a visionary strategist, and desires to be a and stutters when your speaking to her. You would assess Ana
committed leader. Which of the following types of leadership as manifesting which of the following global anxiety response?
do these behaviors reflect? a. Cognitive
a. Servant b. Behavioral
b. Transactional c. Motor
c. Connective d. Biological
d. Transformational
89. She knows that as a leader, she has to strategize in order Situation 20- You are a staff nurse in a psychiatric unit,
to create followership in response to authority. This capacity to use of therapeutic communication is one of your
act or the strength to accomplish a goal is referred to as nursing responsibilities.
a. power 96. Verbal communication is the use of words when talking to
b. accountability your patient.
c. responsibility a. understandable phase
d. authority b. content
90. Ms. Co gathered the nursing staff and other health care c. the circumstances
worker in the hospital who support the idea of having a d. understandable sentences
meeting to discuss problems that affect the delivery of care 97. Context of a verbal communication is the:
and to agree to speak with one voice. This power mechanism a. use of understandable sentences
is called ______. b. use of literal words
a. coalition c. use of clear sentence
b. upward appeal d. environmental where communication occurs
c. rationality 98. Non-verbal communication is the behavior that
d. assertiveness accompanies verbal communication. Which of the following is
NOT an indicator of this?
Situation 19- Ana, a 28-year old supervisor in a a. Eye Contact
business processing office, consult at the Out-patient b. Word representing an object
department of the hospital with the chief complaints of c. Grunts and groans
headache, drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. She d. Bochy language
revealed that one week before consult she stopped 99. Which of the following give meaning and context to the
drinking coffee which she used to take three to five message?


a. Process
b. Phrases and sentences
c. Context
d. Thoughts and feelings
100. Which of the following situation is an example of
incongruent message?
a. When the nurse means what she says
b. When the words and behavior of the nurse agree
c. When what the nurse says and does do not agree
d. When content and process agree



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