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it's a gruesome Pace that shocked the nation a Wisconsin woman accused of

murdering her lover during sex dismembering his body and leaving his head and penis in
a bucket for his mother to discover can you imagine just for a moment seeing a bucket
contained in the human head and a penis, what's more than the chilling details in this
disturbing case the surprising outbursts we've seen from the defendant since her arrest.
 25 Year-old Taylor Schabusiness killed her 24 year-old Shad Thyrion by choking him to
death while they were having sex in February 2022 after that disturbing act officials say
she dismembered Thyrion's body leaving his head and penis in a bucket at the bottom
of his mother's staircase she now faces multiple charges including first-degree
intentional homicide mutilating a corpse and third-degree sexual assault according to
explicit court documents schabusiness told Green Bay investigators to quote I liked it
and that she quotes played with the victim's body for like two or three hours performing
sexual acts on his genitals and putting a sex toy in his body after he was already dead
thyrion's body parts were recovered in multiple areas including schabusiness's vehicle a
bucket and a crock pot after her arrest schabusiness allegedly told police they were
quote going to have fun trying to find all the organs.

forensic deaf investigator Joseph Scott Morgan tells lawn crime Network it's a troubling
case that stands out because of its bizarre details 

Morgan says dismemberment has become a more frequent means of disposing of a

body in recent years however he says a female defendant accused of dismemberment
and sexual assault is a rarity 

before the alleged dismemberment schabusiness told investigators she smoked

marijuana and meth and shot up trazodone

after her arrest in February 2022, schabusiness was booked in the Brown County Jail
she's still being held there on a two million dollars Bond last July she pleaded not guilty
to all charges by reason of mental disease or defect

but despite her plea should businesses competency has come into question on multiple

since her arrest schabusiness has undergone multiple court-appointed evaluations

where she's been found both competent and not competent to stand trial as recently as
last week an independent forensic psychologist told Judge Thomas Walsh
schabusiness is not competent for her coming jury trial

the same expert testified should business physically lashed out at her during a meeting
back in February

that's not the first business acting out in violence in fact she was caught on camera
physically attacking her attorney Quinn Jolly at a court appearance in February
WBAY reporter and anchor Brittany Schmidt who was in the courtroom during that
attack she can be seen in the video reacting as schabusiness lashes out 

after this Outburst in court schabusinesses then attorney petitioned to be removed from
her case she's since been assigned a new court appointed attorney though we have yet
to see another physical Outburst schabusiness has displayed a range of emotions in
court from flipping off the judge to almost completely ignoring him

as the trial date inches closer some experts note the similarities between
schabusinesses case and Jeffrey dahmers perhaps the most infamous trial out of

at last week's court appearance to schabusinesses defense retained psychology expert

confirmed the defendant has a quote fascination with a serial killer

despite that expert's belief that schabusiness is not competent to stand trial judge
Thomas Walsh has not yet officially ruled on the matter right now jury selection is
expected to begin on Friday with opening statements slated for Monday

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