01 Trauma and Cell Injury Mcqs Pathophysiology

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1.In Critial Condition In Which The Alteration In Cell Structure Or Function In The Cell
 Cell Injury

2.Cell Injury And Death Are Ongoing Processes, And In The Healthy State, They Are Balanced By
 Cell Renewal.

3.Factors Affecting Cell Injury By This Agents

 Hypoxia And Ischemia , Infectious Agent ,
Physical Agent , Chemical Agents , Nutritional Imbalance

4.Oxygen Deprivation Is A Very Important Factor Of Cell Injury Is Best Decribed By

 Hypoxia

5.Insufficient Blood Supply Reduced The Oxygen Carried To Tissues Is Called

 Ischemia

6.(Viruses Dna Synthesis) ,(Bacteria Exotoxins And Endotoxins Production Of Atp)

 Infectious Agent

7.Mechanical Trauma , Extremes Temperatures , Electrical Injuries ,Radiation Injury

 Physical Agent

8.Low-Level Effects From Environmental Pollutants E.G., Pesticides.

 Chemical Agents

9.Anemia And Beriberi Is Cauesd By

 Nutritional Deficiencies

Atherosclerosis Is Caused By
 Nutritional Excesses

10.Which Of The Following Is Common Cause Of Cell Injury

 Hypoxia

11.Irreversible Cellular Injury Is Caused By Noxious Stimuli That Leads To Permanent Cell Death Is
 Necrosis

12.Irreversible Cellular Injury Is

 Deposition Of Calcium Inside In Cytosolic
13.If Calcium Goes Inside The Cell .What Will Be Change In Cell Cytoplasam
 Enzyme Will Be Activated

14.Which One Enzyme Break Down Of Atps And Decrease

 Atpase Enzyme

15.Which One Enzyme Decrease And Damage Phospholipids

 Phospholipase Enzyme

16.Which One Enzyme Disrupt Memebrane Protiens

 Protease Enzyme

17.Which One Enzyme Damage Damage Nuclear Chromatin

 Endonucleas Enzyme

18.What Is A Free Radical

 A Free Radical Is Termed To The Molecular Kinds Which Can Contain An Unpaired Electron
In Their Atomic Orbital And Can Exist Independently.

19.Cell Injury
 May Result In Free Radical Induced Damage

20.Free Radical Induced Injury Can Be Damae

 Dna Damage, Membrane Damage , Mitochondria Damage

21.Free Redical Is Also Called

 Oxidants stress

22.In This Agents In Which Treat Free Radical Injury

 Antioxidants

23.Hpoxia Lead To
 Ichemia Is Most Common Cause

24.Apoptosis Is ......... Word

 Greek Meaning Fallin Apart

25.Porgramed Cell Death Or Regulated Cell Death

 Apoptosis

26.Apoptosis Is
 Physiological Cell Death
27.Which One Of The Following Cell Death Is Characterized By Single Cell Involved In A Population Of
Healthy Cell
 Apoptosis

All The Following Are Features Of Apoptosis

Chromatin Condensation,Formation Of Cytoplasmic Blebs , Lack Of Inflamation ,Phagocytosis Of
Apoptotic Bodies

28.Regarding Apoptosis Which Of The Indication Is False

 Associated With Inflamation

29.One Of The Carpus Enzyme Is Seen In Which Of The Following

 Apoptosis

30.A Patient Is Brought On Emergency Department With Mycardial Infection (Mi) Upon The
 Increased Level Cardiac Enzyme Which Of The Following Is Related To
CPK Enzyme (Creatine Phosphokinase)

31.Necrosis Is
 Not Reversible

32.Necrosis Is
 Pathological Cell Death

33.Necrosis Is Defined As
 Unregulated Cell Death

34.Dystrophic Calcification Is Most Common Associated With

 Necrosis

35.Which One Of The Following Cell Death Is Caused By Autolysis

 Endogenous Enzyme Or Exogenous Enzyme

36.Which Of The Following Is An Feature Of Necrosis

 Pathological And Enzyme Digestion

37.Irreversible Cell Injury Is Characterized By

 Cell Membrane Defects

38.The Most Important Factor In Irreversible Cell Injury Is

 Cell Membrane Damage
39.Caseation Necrosis Is Mostly Characterized By
 Tuberculosis

40.Which One Stage Of Cell Necrosis In Which Condensation And Shrinkage Of The Nucleus
 Pyknosis

41.Which One Stage Of Cell Necrosis In Which Fragmentation Of The Nucleus

 Kayorrhexis

42.Which One Stage Of Cell Necrosis In Which Dissolution Of The Nucleus By Action Of
 Karyolysis

43.How Many Types Of Necrosis

 Coagulation Necrosis , Liquefaction Necrosis , Caseous Necrosis , Enzymatic Fat Necrosis

44.Which One The Following Is Best Described To Caseous Necrosis According To Characteristics
 Amorphous Apperance

45.Which On Following Type Of Necrosis Is Grossly Apaque And Chalky White?

 Fat Necrosis

46.Which Of The Following Are The Example Of Fat Necrosis

 Lipase Enzyme , Adipose Tissue, Pancreatitis White Chalkey Apperance

47.Tissue Is The Most Susceptible To Liquefactive Necrosis

 Brain

48.Which Of The Following Type Of Mycocardial Cell Death

 Coagulative Necrosis

49.Which On Following Type Of Necrosis Is Most Common Accociated With Ischemic Injury?
 Coagulation Necrosis

50.Localiazed Area Of Ischemic Necrosis Is Most Associated With

 Infraction

51.One Of Described Coagulative Necrosis Usually Result From

 Ichemia

52.Coagulative Necrosis Best Described By ?

 Bacterial And Fungal Infection
53.Liquefactive And Coagulative Necrosis That Tissue Appears Creamy Yellow, Soft & Granular
 Caseous Necrosis

54.Perment Cell Death Seen Realted To Tuberculosis Infection Is Called As

 Caseous Necrosis

55.Which One Of The Related To Necrosis In Which Tissue Is Convered Into Fluid From ?
 Liquefactive Necrosis

56.Which Of The Following Is Responsible For Infection

 Increase Capillary Permeability

57.Atrophy That Caused By Of Denervation Most Appropriate For

 Decrease Nerve Stimulation

58.Which Of The Following Chemical Is Responsible For Causing Leukamia?

 Benezene

59.Most Gangrene Is Caused By Bacteria

 Bacteria

60.Which Of The Following Is The Best Reated Malignant Tumor Of Epithalial Cells/
 Carcinoma

61.Abnormal And Uncontrolled Growth Of Cells That Is Uncoordinated With The Normal Tissue Is
Know As
 Metaplasa

62.Increase The Size Duet O Increased Organ Size Is Related To

 Hypertrophy

63.Barrett Esophagus Disease Is Best Describe Related To

 Dysplasia

64.Which Of The Following Is Leading Causing Of Carcinoma ?

 Uv Radation

65.Which On Following Is The Best Related To Neoplasm?

 Its New Growth

66.In Situ Is Most Approperate For

 Stage 0 Cancer
67.In Histological Analyticclassification Of Tumor Cells Are Immature An Un Defferertiated Is Best
Related To
 Grade 4 Cancer

68.Tumor Spread To More Distant Or Numeros Regional Lymph Is Related To

 N3

69.Which Of The Following Is Most Appropnate For Sarcoma?

 Mallignant Tumor Of Connective Cells

70.Most Common Carcinoma That Is Characterized By Rose Spot Its Linked With
 Kaposi Sarcoma 

71.Which Of The Following Pathogenis Responsible Gorgas Gengren

 Clostridium

72.Which On Following Is The Best Related To Proto-Oncogrnr?

 Its Regulate The Normal Cell Division


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