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BSC 1093

Anatomy and Physiology I Lecture

Summer 2021 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Jared Iserman Dept. Head: Dr. Hikmat BC

Email: [email protected]
My Office Phone: 850-484-4432
Office: Building 17, Room 1725

Instructor Office Hours - Office hours will be offered virtually

Monday: 9:00am – 10:00am, 11:36pm – 12:06pm

Wednesday: 9:00am – 10:00am, 11:36pm – 12:06pm

By appointment: Call or email to schedule. I offer appointments in 30-minute increments on a first-come-first-

serve basis. I do offer walk-in appointments, however, in the event that I am in an appointment with another
student I will not be available for you during that time. Appointments are the best way to ensure that you have
the time that you need to meet with me.

COURSE: BSC 1093 Anatomy and Physiology I – Online

Prerequisite: ENC0025 Developmental Writing II And
REA0017 Developmental Reading II
Co-requisite: BSC 1093L.

Course Description: Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology. This course will cover topics
relating to human body structure, function, and theory. This course is a 6 week course so it is
imperative that you keep yourself on track. Each week you will be assigned new materials
and have various quizzes to complete. Certain weeks will require that you complete exams
that are collectively worth 80% of your grade. You will find all the course content that you will
need in the panopto recordings which can be found under the panopto recordings tab on
canvas. These videos will serve as the primary means for your study and also where I will pull
the majority of the test/quiz questions. You should be able to find all of the materials that you
will need in the panopto videos and in the powerpoint slides, which are found at the top of
each chapter module on canvas. Please reach out with questions.

*This course will be conducted in an Online format. Understand the following technology
requirements for this course:

1. Reliable Internet Access: Internet access is Mandatory for your participation in the class. A high-
speed, uninterrupted, and reliable connection is necessary when taking an online class as all
assignments, activities, and assessments will be given online. Slow internet, internet outages, or lack
of internet in general will not be sufficient excuses for incomplete, late, unfinished, or unsubmitted
assignments, assessments, or tests.
2. Computer: Reliable and consistent access to a computer is required for your participation in the course.
If you do not have access to a device you may contact the PiratesCARE team and request a loaner
laptop for the semester, however, no due dates will be extended and no additional time will be given
due to not having access to a computer. * Chromebooks do not work with the required Respondus
Lockdown Browser and therefore, other technological arrangements might need to be made in order
for you to take assessments. Computers are available at numerous locations on each campus.
Computer availability, malfunctions, incompatibility, or internet outages are not excuses for
missing course work in this course. Canvas supports mobile devices for basic functions. However,
students may not be able to complete all course requirements with mobile technology (phones, tablets,
iPads, etc.)
3. Access to the Respondus Lockdown Browser and lockdown browser monitor: All class Exams
will be given using the Respondus Lockdown Browser and the Respondus Lockdown Browser Monitor.
You must have access to a device that will support this platform. * Chromebooks do not work with the
required Respondus Lockdown Browser and therefore, other technological arrangements might need
to be made in order for you to take assessments. A webcam will be required for this. Technical
difficulties with the respondus lockdown browser are not valid excuses for incomplete or unfinished
assignments. As the respondus lockdown browser is a course requirement, you must have consistent
and reliable access to the program. Inability to obtain access to this program does not warrant
extensions or additional opportunities on the course assignments. NOTE: In the event that you are to
have technical difficulties during any course assessment and you are not permitted to finish, your
incomplete/unfinished score will remain as your score on that assignment.
4. Speakers/Headphones: Working headphones, either a standalone pair or the built-in speakers on
your computer, are needed to listen to the audio recordings for class.
5. Access to WileyPLUS: Purchasing instructions can be found on canvas under the “syllabus” tab

Required Course Content:

• Gerald J Tortora & Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (Loose Leaf),
15th ed., Wiley, 2017. ISBN: 9781119492030
• Gerald J Tortora & Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 15th ed.,
Wiley, 2017. ISBN: 9781119491989
TO PURCHASE, follow the instructions posted under the syllabus tab on canvas.

NOTE: You WILL be required to have internet access as the WileyPLUS online content is
a required component of your course. Computers are available at numerous locations
on each campus but you should not rely on this as your only way to complete this
course. Computer availability, malfunctions, incompatibility, or internet outages are not
excuses for missing course work in an this course.
Canvas supports mobile devices for basic functions. However, students may not be able to
complete all course requirements with mobile technology (phones, tablets, iPads, etc.)

Canvas (eLearning) course companion website:
- (– use this website if the eLearning server is down

Communications Policy: You must use your Pensacola State Pirate Mail account or
Canvas email when communicating with me online. I WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY
OTHER METHODS OF COMMUNICATION: Please do not email from personal accounts
(Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.). I prefer that all email communication stay within the course. You should
expect me to answer your email within 48 hours during the normal work week, however,
response times may vary depending on various factors; emails sent on weekends or holidays
will be answered promptly once I am back in the office. Also, please be aware that FERPA
guidelines protect your privacy, therefore, I cannot communicate with anyone other than you,
the student, about your coursework, attendance, grades, etc. Every email sent to the
instructor should include your first and last name, the course identification (BSC 1093
and section number, not just “your anatomy class” as most instructors have many classes). Use
professional grammar and punctuation. Text “language” is not acceptable in academic

Attendance: College policies require we report attendance every two weeks, beginning the
first week of classes. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken by your completion of weekly
assignments. If you have more than 2 unexcused absences or incomplete assignments, you
will be withdrawn from the course. Excused absences may be awarded at the instructor’s
discretion. The instructor retains the final decision whether or not an absence will be
considered excused. Attendance will be taken based upon the completion of your weekly
assignment. Every missed assignment will count as one unexcused absence.
Tests and Assignments:
Quiz assignments: Each chapter will have homework as assigned by the instructor. The
homework and quiz assignments MAY differ from chapter to chapter. Quizzes for each unit
are due by 11:59pm every Sunday unless the instructor states otherwise. Assignments
submitted past the due date will NOT be accepted. There will be a weekly quiz that I will use to
assess your attendance.

Tests: There will be 4 unit exams and 1 comprehensive final exam. Multiple choice, matching,
short answer, essay, and identification type questions are all possibilities of how test questions
could appear. Each exam will be valued at 100 points. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP
EXAMS GIVEN. The Final exam is required. The Final Exam may be substituted for one
missed test grade (or lowest test grade if higher). The Final Exam is comprehensive.
- Make-up Policy: No tests, quizzes, assignments, nor bonus credit can be made-up. If
you miss a test, the Final Exam will substitute for the missed test grade. Only one test
may be substituted. The final exam cannot be missed. Make ups may be granted based
upon the instructors discretion.

Bonus assignments: Bonus assignments may be offered based at the instructor’s discretion.
EXAMS: 80% 90-100% A
Exam 1 88-89% B+
Exam 2 80-87% B
Exam 3 78-79% C+
Exam 4 70-77% C
Final 68-69% D+
60-67% D
QUIZZES and HOMEWORK: 20% 59% and below F
Weekly Quizzes
Miscellaneous Assignments

TOTAL: 100%
Student Preparation and expectations: My recommendation to you in order to succeed in this
course would be to read the corresponding chapters in the textbook BEFORE YOU COMPLETE
THE CLASSES. Print out the powerpoint slides and bring them to your lecture. If you are
struggling with a particular concept, contact me to schedule an appointment. I will do my best to
be available to each of you and help you succeed as much as I can, but ultimately it is you who
is responsible for achieving a passing grade in this class.

Classroom and Canvas etiquette: You are required to be respectful to others at all times
when engaging in class activities. Rudeness, class distractions, inappropriate remarks or
behavior will not be tolerated in this course. These along with any other behavior that the
instructor deems inappropriate for class are grounds for removal from class activities. Sharing
of the course content with others is strictly prohibited.

Academic Misconduct: Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated in this course. If you are
caught cheating, you will be referred to the dean of students for academic misconduct
resulting in your failure from the course. No additional resources are allowed to be used on

Withdrawal Policy: The deadline for withdrawal from class with a grade of “W” is July 12th ,
2021. After this date, the student will receive a grade in the class. The last day to Drop/Add
a course is May 13th , 2021. This information can also be found online at

Note: For students with a disability that falls under the Americans with Disability Act or Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act, it is the responsibility of the student to notify Student
Resource Center for ADA Services to discuss any special needs or equipment necessary
to accomplish the requirements for this course. Upon completion of registration with the
Student Resource Center for ADA Services office, specific arrangements can be discussed with
the instructor.

Equity Statement: “Pensacola State College does not discriminate against any person on the
basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, gender/sex, age, religion, marital status,
pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in its
educational programs, activities, or employment. For inquiries regarding Title IX and the
College’s nondiscrimination policies, contact Lynsey Listau, Executive Director of Institutional
Diversity and Student Conduct at (850) 484-1759, Pensacola State College, 1000 College
Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32504.”

If you are having issues with Zoom or Canvas you can contact the helpdesk:

If you are having problems logging onto Zoom you can click this link:

The instructor reserves the right to amend, revise, or correct this syllabus at any time.
The instructor reserves the right to amend, revise, or correct this schedule at any
*Red font indicates due dates, Black font indicates the assigned materials and panopto videos for that week
Week # - Date topic Due Date and Time
Syllabus, Intro to A&P(Ch 1), Chemistry(Ch 2), Quiz 1 – Ch 1 and 2 May 16th, 2021 at
1: 5/12 – 5/16 11:59pm
Cell(Ch 3), Metabolism(Ch 25), Quiz 2 – Ch 3 and 25 May 23rd , 2021 at
2: 5/17 – 5/23 Tissues(Ch 4), Integumentary(Ch 5), Quiz 3 – Ch 4 and 5 11:59pm
Skeletal system( chapters 6, 7, 8), Quiz 4 – Ch 4, 5, and 6
Joints(Ch 9), Muscle tissue and physiology (ch 10), Quiz 5 – Ch 9
and 10 May 30th , 2021 at
3: 5/24 – 5/30 Exam 1 – chapter 1, 2, 3, and 25 11:59pm
nervous system intro( Ch 12), Quiz 6 – Ch 12
spinal cord(Ch 13) and spinal nerves, Brain(Ch 14) Quiz 7 – Ch 13
and 14 June 6th , 2021 at
4: 5/31 – 6/6 Exam 2 – Ch 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 11:59pm
ANS(Ch 15), general senses( Ch 16), special senses( Ch 17), Quiz 8
– Ch 15, 16, and 17 June 13th , 2021 at
5: 6/7 – 6/13 Exam 3 – Ch 9, 10, and 12 11:59pm
Exam 4 – Ch 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 June 20th , 2021 at
6: 6/14 – 6/20 Final Exam Prep 11:59pm
June 21st,2021 at
7: 6/21 – 6/23 Final Exam – Comprehensive( All chapters) 11:59pm
Weekly Quiz due dates:
May 16th , 2021 – Quiz 1: Intro to A+P and Chemistry
May 23rd, 2021 – Quiz 2: Cell and Metabolism
May 23rd , 2021 – Quiz 3: Tissues and Integumentary
May 30th, 2021 – Quiz 4: Skeletal System
May 30th, 2021- Quiz 5: Joints and Muscular System
June 6th , 2021 – Quiz 6: Nervous system introduction
June 6th, 2021 – Quiz 7: Spinal Cord and Brain
June 13th , 2021 – Quiz 8: ANS, General Senses, and Special Senses

*Exam due dates are as follows:

Sunday, May 30th, 2021
Sunday, June 6th, 2021
Sunday, June 13th , 2021
Sunday, June 20th , 2021
Final Exam will be due Monday, June 21st, 2021

All outstanding assignments are due Monday, June 21st, 2021.

Holidays and Closures: The college will be closed:

• Memorial Day: Monday, May 31st
• Independence Day: Monday, July 5th

*this schedule is tentative and is subject to change

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