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org International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue 2 , Page 9-14, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621

ISSN 2395-1621 Implementation of Management

Information system in manufacturing
Ameya Kale, #2Nishad Kamdar, #3Prof. Vijay Baru, #4Prof S A Kulkarni
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Independent researcher,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Sinhgad College of
Engineering, SPPU, Wadgaon, Pune


The Management Information System (MIS) can be implemented in any Article History
manufacturing industry, human resource, logistic management industry, etc. This study
Received :18th November
aims to describe implementation of MIS in automobile industry. The different data
collection and data analysis techniques used in MIS implementation are discussed. Most
of the time Barcodes and barcode readers are used as an input device in many Received in revised form :
industries. Due to such devices tracking and traceability of shop floor gets improved.
19th November 2015
The client server based information system is implemented in many industries for data
transfer, storage and analysis. Different advantages of MIS implementation are Accepted : 21st November ,
discussed. The MIS is back bone of any organization. Very effectively implemented MIS 2015
helps the organization to perform its tasks smoothly and efficiently. Effective
implementation of the MIS will help the organization to achieve good performance/ Published online :
position in market. 22nd November 2015

Keywords— Management Information System, Barcode, RFID, Client-Server.

man and machine. The MIS can be implemented in every

I. INTRODUCTION type of manufacturing industry. It resembles a data
In the manufacturing process step by step product quality acquisition system, which acquires product manufacturing
data collection is most important; such data validates data from different work stations in manufacturing process.
manufacturing process parameters. After analyzing the data, Acquired data is used to plot the trends of ongoing process,
process control becomes very effective. It becomes easy to to find out efficiency of any machine or worker, to find the
introduce new similar product on manufacturing line by total production in a shift, etc. The data is entered into the
studying the previously available data. In current computer by number of input methods such as RFID tags,
manufacturing if any process deviates from standards, it barcode scanners, keyboards, etc. The computer program
becomes easy to identify the root cause by analyzing the analyzes the entered data and such data is presented in
previously available data. In this way data collection plays proper format to end user to take further actions. The
an important role in any manufacturing industry. In such complete system requires computer infrastructure, will and
cases Management Information System (MIS) plays vital determination of authority persons involved in the process.
role.The Management Information system (MIS) consists of Information flows from bottom to top in the MIS. The
combination of hardware and software together constitutes

© 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved Page 1 International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue 2 , Page 9-14, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621

MIS.In Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. paper based travel card Price $133 $500 $35
information system is used. The proposed Management Some features of Raspberry Pi board are,
Information System overcomes the paper based travel card i. Broadcom SoC processor running at 700MHz
handling issues coming in day to day production. Also this ii. 512MB RAM
system acts as a standalone information system with its own iii. Micro USB 5V power connector
benefits. The next section gives the review of the previously iv. 4 USB ports
published papers in this area. Section III gives the system v. Ethernet port
designing information. The section IV gives the vi. 40 GPIO pins
methodology of the designed system. The results are vii. Micro SD memory card with operating system
discussed in section V. The conclusion and future scope is viii. 85mm X 56mm size
discussed in last section.
According to literature author [1] described RFID based 40 pin GPIO 4xUSB
information system implementation in the garment Conne
manufacturing industry. How RFID based system helped the Display ctors
company to enhance production line visibility, efficiency DSI Ethernet
and effectiveness, thus enhancing the business value connecto CPU Controller
conferred upon the organization by the system. Author [2] r Fig. 1. Internals of Raspberry Pi B+ board
gives information about implementation of RFID based USB Power Audio
system in aircraft engineering industry. Author described Ethernet
+ Module
how traceability and tracking is improved after RFID based video
information system implemented and what were the success HDMI Camera
connector connector Jack
factors and lessons learned in implementation of such
In next paper [3] author implemented client server based The board is enclosed by an acrylic casing, such casing
information system in a bicycle manufacturing plant. This makes board handy to use. This board works on 5V, 1.5A
system monitors and controls dynamic production flows and supply. A micro USB jack is used as a power connector. A
also improves the traceability and visibility of mass 2A fuse and a P channel MOSFET is used for current
customized manufacturing process. The author [4] limiting and polarity protection respectively. Dual buck
implemented the barcode based information system in converters are used to take down 5V to 3.3V and 1.8V
maintenance work. The author used smart phone to scan the without much heat loss. The TVS diode is used for over
barcode present on the under maintenance equipment, and voltage protection.
after completing maintenance activity reports are logged The resistive touch screen display is used as an input as well
through the same system. In paper [5] the author has as output device. The 3.5” TFT display with touch screen is
described the development and implementation of Kenard connected on the 40-pin GPIO of raspberry pi B+ board.
Information and Data-collection system (KIDS) in Kenard The touch screen display works on Serial Peripheral
Engineering UK. Interface (SPI) protocol. The pin configuration for display is
shown in table II. The GPIO pin number 1 of Raspberry Pi
III. SYSTEM DESIGN acts as a supply voltage for display. The GPIO pin number 6
A. Hardware Design of Raspberry Pi is a common ground for both boards.
The system developed is to be used on the shop floor. While 2. Barcode and Barcode reader
designing such system many precautions need to be Barcode- A barcode is used to encode the information in a
considered such as the shop floor’s harsh environment, visual pattern readable by a machine. The barcode is an
different noises present on the shop floor, rough use by identification number for any object. The barcode is a series
operator, etc. of thick and thin lines. The barcode is referred as Universal
The complete system is divided into 2 sections. Product Code (UPC). Barcode comes in 1-dimensional and
1. Hand held data logging device 2-dimensional variants.
The data logging device is an embedded system designed on TABLE II
Raspberry Pi B+ board. There is verity of single board PIN CONFIGURATION FOR TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY
computers available in the market such as Panda board, Raspberry Pi pin number 3.5” Touch screen pin no
Beagle Bone, Raspberry Pi, etc. Table I gives a comparison pin1 3V3 TFT 3V3 / TS 3V3
of all the boards. pin18 GPIO24 TFT RS
Raspberry Pi is a single board computer with a high pin19 GPIO10/MOSI TFT MOSI / TS DIN
performance to cost ratio. It is a smallest size computer pin24 GPIO8/CE0 TFT CS
available in the market. The internals of Raspberry Pi B+ pin23 GPIO11/CLK TFT SCLK / TS DCLK
board is shown in Fig 1.
pin22 GPIO25 TFT RST
Features Beagle Panda Raspberry pin6 GND TFT GND
Bone Board Pi
Single/Multi Single Dual core/ Low power pin21 GPIO9/MISO TS DOUT
core core/ 1GHz single core pin29 GPIO5 TS PENIRQ
frequency 720MHz /700MHz pin26 GPIO7/CE1 TS CS
Area 45cm2 115cm2 45cm2
RAM 256MB 1GB 512MB

© 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved Page 2 International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue 2 , Page 9-14, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621

The benefits of barcode are increase in speed in operation

and accuracy. Large number string can be entered easily
using a simple barcode reader within very less time. This
increases efficiency and productivity of the work station.
The mapping between message and barcode is called
symbology. Symbology includes addition of start and stop
marker into bars and spaces and quit zones before and after
the barcode. There are verity of symbologies used such as
Code 39, Codbar, Interleaved 2 of 5 and Code 128.
Barcode reader- The barcode reader system consists of
different parts including the illumination system, the sensor, START
and the decoder. A barcode scanner consists of beam of red
or blue light, barcode is illuminated by such light. The
reader system detects the reflected light and generates the Initialize the frame
analog signal that is sent to decoder. The decoder interprets,
validates the barcode using check digit and converts it into Create Labels
text. This converted text is transferred to computer via USB
or serial cable. Create Entry widget
B. Software Design No
The hand held device works on Raspbian Linux operating Create CheckButtons and Buttons
system. This operating system is specifically designed for
Raspberry Pi boards. As Raspberry Pi does not have internal Yes
Enter car body
memory storage external memory card is to be used. The number in
Linux operating system has to be loaded on SD card and Entry widget
that card needs to be inserted into the slot available on
Raspberry Pi board.
1. Python Programming Update the data for particular car body
In the name Raspberry Pi; Pi indicates python programming
language. The python is high level language. The syntax of
Create text file for each body and update the file
python is nearly same as English language. Python is
published under open source license and freely available for
any operating system. The Python IDLE is a cross platform, Transfer the file to remote computer through
installing this platform on any operating system allows user
to run the python code on that operating system.
The python has an object oriented programming approach. STOP
Python language has high level efficient data. It is possible
to create Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Python Fig. 3. Code flow chart
language. Tkinter is a GUI widget set for python. There are The data logging is done by generating new file. The data
standard widgets available in Tkinter to create any type of entered in GUI is collected and stored as a text file. Fig 3
Graphical User Interface. The widget is a generic term for gives the code flow chart.
any of the building blocks that make up an application in 2. Communication to remote computer through Ethernet
graphical user interface. It is possible to manage geometry The data generated at the work station is transferred to
of the GUI using geometry management tools. There are remote computer via Ethernet. The Ethernet local area
number of widgets available to create GUI such as, Button, network provides high speed data exchange between
CheckButton, Entry, Frame, Label, etc. computers located within moderate geographical area. The
The GUI of the system is developed using such widgets. Ethernet network is a long distance low speed network.
Different widgets used in coding are, When used in limited area it can act as a high speed network.
1. Label- The label widget can display lines of same The Ethernet is superior choice for communication, as it is
format on GUI. easily available in company shop floor. The company uses
2. Button Widget- This widget creates push button on the Industrial Ethernet communication protocol to
main window. communicate between industrial computers and machines
3. CheckButton- This widget crates graphical square present on the shop floor. Each machine (node) present on
box. When checked, this button is selected and the network has a fixed IP address. The data transfer takes
when unchecked, this button is deselected. place from one IP address to another.
The Graphical User Interface looks as shown in Fig 4.

© 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved Page 3 International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue 2 , Page 9-14, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621

Fig. 6. Client side program flow chart

The data coming from hand held device is stored into
comma separated variable (.csv) file. This file acts as a
master file. By making use of this data, graphs and charts
are prepared. The report is generated using HTML and
JavaScripts language.
3. Report generation
The acquired data should be presented in proper format to
end user. The data is stored into comma separated variable
Fig. 4. System Graphical User Interface GUI (.csv) file. The HTML together with JavaScripts allows
An IP address stands for Internet Protocol address. It is a displaying the data in user readable type format.
label assigned to each device present in network which uses The HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
Internet Protocol for communication. Host or network HTML is widely used language for writing web pages. The
interface identification and location addressing are the two link available on web pages is called hypertext. The mark-
important functions of an IP address. The IP address comes up language means, text document is mark up with the tags
in two variants 32-bit IPv4 and 128-bit IPv6. The addressing that tell web browser how to structure it to display. There
used in the project is IPv4 addressing. are different tags available such as <head>, <title>, <body>,
The project makes use of static IP address, as private etc. to decide the text formatting. The JavaScripts is a
Ethernet network is formed within the organization. The dynamic programming language most commonly used with
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to web browser. It is used in server side programming with run
assign IP addresses. The DHCP is standard network time environment. The code flow chart is shown in Fig 7.
protocol used on Internet Protocol (IP). The network The final report page looks as shown in Fig 8.
configuration parameters such as IP address for different
device are distributed dynamically by the DHCP. The
protocol operates on client-server model. The DHCP server
has three methods of allocating IP addresses Automatic Initialize HTML page with title, logo
allocation, Dynamic allocation and Static allocation out of
this static allocation is used in project.
Include JavaScripts
Fig. 5. Server side program flow chart

START Read .csv file into buffer

Fig. 7. Report page code flow chart
Create socket object
Extract column wise data

Pass server IP address and same port number Prepare Bar chart

Connect with server Prepare Pi chart

Open a file to be sent


Read the file into transmit buffer

Start transmitting


Close the file

Shut down the socket object Fig. 8. Final report page

The quality parameters are logged into remote computer via
Close the client hand held device. Each quality station present in the body

© 2015, IERJ All Rights Reserved STOP Page 4 International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) Special Issue 2 , Page 9-14, 2015, ISSN 2395-1621

shop has got a list of check points. The quality person Each work station is allocated specific cycle time to
checks all those parameters manually and enters the complete the specific work. In company 105 seconds is a
information into the device. After pressing submit button cycle time for body shop. It is observed that implementing
data is logged into remote computer. The manager can see above system on line, there is no significant change in cycle
all the data in graphical format by seating at his desk. The time.
process flow is as shown in the Fig 9. 2. Man power required in data logging
When car travel card is filled completely and complete car
comes out, one dedicated employee is required to scan the
cards and prepare the database. This resource need is
completely eliminated in the mentioned system.

3. Report generation
All the data is easily available in .csv format, it is possible
to prepare charts, plots from the available data.
4. Live line status information
The complete system is online system. The data getting
logged into the system is reflected in the report within no
time. This will give idea to the higher authority person that
how many cars are checked, what are the major defects,
START what action has to be carried out to reduce the defect, which
machine parameter need to be changed, etc.
Car white body comes to QRK
Also, this system gives the time stamp for each record. It is
station from previous station possible to calculate per shift efficiency of each operator.


QRK operator scans the barcode present on The body shop presently utilizes a paper based travel card
the car white body through hand held device. system for data collection. This system has many drawbacks
such as card misplacement, loss of vital information, tracing
List of quality check points will of car when car goes out of the company. This newly
be displayed on the device. developed system gives the solution to all these problems.
The data is logged continuously to remote computer. The
car tracing is improved. This system has very less chances
QRK operator inspects white body as of data loss. Also this system helps the higher management
per check points for any issues.
to keep eye on the production process. If any quality
problem arises frequently, then that particular process can
Yes be refined and further problems can be eliminated. Thus
All check No
such computer based Management Information System is
points are OK? one of the best solution to company’s current problems.
Fig 9. System methodology flow chart
Effectively this system improves the data logging and
enhances the overall efficiency of the company.
Check mark PASS
box present on the
Check mark the problem Enhancement of this system is also possible. The operator
number box from the can enter the employee number into the system. This will
problem list.
help the higher management to find out the efficiency of
particular operator. As time stamp of each process can be
added, cycle time of each station can be easily determined.
It is possible to make report page more interactive. As per
Press SUBMIT button user need dynamic data reports can be generated by adding
present on the device. employee number, date, particular shift, etc fields into report
Data will be logged into
the computer
I take this opportunity with great pleasure to express my
deep sense of gratitude towards my college guide Prof. V. B.
Baru and Mr. Sourabh Gupte from Volkswagen India
STOP Pvt. Ltd. for their valuable guidance and continuous
encouragement and co-operation extended to me during this
V. RESULTS project work.
The system is implemented at Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd REFERENCES
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