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Tom has seen this film before.


Nina has read the newspaper already.


They have seen these movies yet.


I have signed the contract.


These men have bought the tickets.


I have bought this teddy bear in that shop.


Vicky has found her hat.


I have lost my bag.


We have finished the report.


I have done my exercise for three days.


You can't wash this dress.


You should open the wine about 3 hours before you use it.


Members may keep books for 3 weeks.

Passengers shouldn't throw away their tickets as inspectors (thanh tra) may check them during
the journey.


We shall have to tow (lai dắt) the car to the garage.


Visitors must leave umbrellas (dù, ô) and sticks (gậy) in the cloakroom (phòng treo áo khoác).


You should have taken those books back to the library.


We cannot exchange articles (món hàng) which customers have bought during the sale.


You mustn't move this man; he's too ill.


When they have widened this street, the roar of the traffic will keep residents (cư dân) awake
(thức) all night.


You will have to pull down (phá) this skyscraper (nhà chọc trời) as you have not complied with
(tuân thủ) the town planning regulations (những quy định quy hoạch của thành phố).


They ought to have reported the accident to the police.


You must dry-clean it.


After that they must return them.


You'll have to leave him here.


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