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Name: Majd Mustafa TP number: 5

Level: upper-intermediate Date: 25-10-2020 Length:

40 minutes

Lesson Type (tick main focus / foci as appropriate):

Speaking Writing Reading Listening Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Functions Tutor’s comments
√ √

Main Aim(s) (state from the students’ perspective; include context and, where appropriate, specific language items, sub-skill terminology and how
students will use the language):
By the end of the lesson students should be able to differentiate between obligations and permissions.

Subsidiary Aim(s) (as above, be specific in items and sub-skills, etc.):

To develop the student's speaking skills in context of language used to make obligations and ask for

I will know if my aims have been achieved if the students were able to complete the controlled written
practice and justified their answers, and if they were able to complete the final communicative activity.

Personal Aims
In this lesson, I, as the teacher, will be working on improving: I hope to achieve this by:
My time management of the class. Giving every stage a reasonable time.
Having a more student centred class. Applying the guided discovery method when
clarifying the meaning to the student.

In this lesson, I, as the teacher, will be experimenting with: Because:

Materials (including source – book, author, publisher, year, page / section numbers). Please submit all handouts with your plan as they are going to be given
to the students and with copyright where required.
Doff, Adrian, et al. Cambridge English : Empower, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book. B2. Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2015. /power point/

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Generating Interest, Assumptions and Anticipated Problems
Generating Interest (How I will get the students interested in the context of the lesson):
I will get the students interested in the context of the lesson by using a picture of a boss and employee, and
ask students to talk to each other about what bosses in general make new employees do.

Assumptions (i.e., points which are important for the lesson but which I think the students already know or can already do and which I will therefore not be
focusing on in my lesson):
This lesson is based on the assumptions that: This is relevant because and/or this is important at
which point of the lesson:
 Students already familiar with concept of  This important for students to know in the stage of
model verbs. clarifying the form.

Anticipated Problems and Solutions (i.e., issues with incidental language, procedures, tasks, skills, materials, culture, classroom management,
dynamics, timings, technology, etc., which are not included in my plan but which might arise during this lesson) and solutions to them (i.e. how I will react if
these problems arise).
 Please write anticipated problems with target language on your LA sheet.
 Please indicate anticipated problems which are already incorporated into your plan in the Rationale column of your procedure
Possible Problems Proposed Solutions
Having a hard time dealing with the For The lead-in I tried to include
students, as it's our first lesson with speaking for a few minutes as an ice-
them. breaker.

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Whenever you to start out to teach a structure (grammar or function), you need to research the language and anticipate any potential difficulties for your students. The below categories should help
guide you. Complete it when appropriate and give it to your tutor along with your lesson plan.

Language area:
giving obligations and permissions.

Two pictures one is for a nice boss, and the other for a mean boss. Students have to elicit the meaning of
obligations and permissions, by the idea that the nice boss always give you permission, and the mean boss
always giving you obligations to do.

Target sentence(s) from the lesson (include affirmative, negative and interrogative if relevant):

Positive: You're supposed to work this Saturday.

Negative: You're not supposed to work this Saturday.
Interrogative: Are you supposed to work this Saturday.

Positive: You're allowed to take next Saturday off.

You're not allowed to take next Saturday off.
Are you allowed to take the next Saturday off?

Positive : They let me do it.

Negative: They didn't let me do it.
Interrogative: Did they let me do it?

Positive: They made us work on extra movies

Negative: They didn’t make us work on extra movies
Interrogative: Did they make us work on extra movies?

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

What does the structure mean? (Please state in student-friendly language):
1-When you're Supposed to do something it means you're expected to do something .
2-When someone make you to do something, he's basically telling you have to follow his rule. And you don’t
have a choice.
3- when someone let you do something, they are giving you permission to do it.
4- when someone allow you to do something also he is giving permission to do something that usually is not
your choice.

Describe how you will convey and elicit the language and how you will check students have understood:
I will present to the students Two pictures one is for a nice boss giving permission to an employee and the will
ask them to find the differences between the two picture, i will ask the students what is the mean boss doing?
Giving the employee so much to do, do you think that the employee have a choice of saying no, or he does he
have to do it? He can't say no because it an ---teacher elicits obligation,
obligation, teacher now moves to the second
picture, what do you think about the second boss? He is nice. Why? because he is giving the employee a day
off? Can the student take the day off by himself? No. What does he need to take the day off? Teacher elicits—
You are supposed to work this Saturday.
You are allowed to take the next Saturday off.
I will ask students CCQs to check for their understanding.

Any appropriacy considerations?

Anticipated problems and solutions with the target language (Meaning / Appropriacy) :
Possible Problem Proposed Solution
 Students may confuse between what model/verb  To guide students to know the difference between
to use when giving permission and what obligations and permission using CCQs.
model/verb to use when making an obligation

Analyse features of pronunciation: (e.g., sentence stress, weak forms, contractions, phonemic transcriptions):
You' re supposed to go the doctor : /ˈyu̇ r sə-ˈpōzd ˈtü ˈgō ˈtü  t͟hə ˈdäk-tər/.
You're allowed to take next Saturday off :/ jʊər
jʊər əˈlaʊd 
əˈlaʊd tə 
tə teɪk 
teɪk nɛkst 
nɛkst ˈsætədeɪ 
ˈsætədeɪ ɒf/
They let me do it :/ ðeɪ 
ðeɪ lɛt 
lɛt mi 
mi dʊ 
dʊ ɪt 
ɪt /.
They made us work on extra movies:/
movies:/ ðeɪ 
ðeɪ meɪd 
meɪd əs 
əs wɜːk 
wɜːk ɒn 
ɒn ˈɛkstrə 
ˈɛkstrə ˈmuːviz/.

Anticipated problems and solutions with the target language (Pronunciation):

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Possible Problem Proposed Solution
 Students may confuse the /z/ sound with /s/  3 2 1 drill in the pronunciation stage.

(analysis as it will appear on the whiteboard or worksheet):

Analyse the form
I'm supposed to go to the doctor.
Subject + verb be + supposed to + infinitive.

I'm not supposed to go to the doctor.

Subject + verb be + not + supposed to + infinitive.

Am I supposed to go to the doctor?

Verb be + subject + supposed to + infinitive.

They made us work on extra movies.

Subject+ made + object + infinitive.

They didn’t make us work on extra movies.

Subject+ auxiliary verb (do) + make+ object.

Did they make us work on extra movies?

Auxiliary verb (do) + subject + make + object.

Anticipated problems and solutions with the target language (Form) :

Possible Problem Proposed Solution

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

 Students may use the form incorrectly. For  T highlights the form on the board.
example they might say: they didn't made us.  T guide the Ss to discover the form by themselves
 Students may confuse between the model verbs that way they will notice the differences between
with the first form and the transitive verbs forms better.
let/make as they have different forms.

Sources used:

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Whenever you to start out to teach new lexical items, you need to research the language and anticipate any potential difficulties for your students. This can also apply to skills lessons where there is
new vocabulary included (and needs to be pre-taught). The below table should help guide you. Complete it when appropriate and give it to your observer along with your lesson plan.

Lexical item / written record Definition (in student-friendly What context will you use How will you check Any other Form information, Anticipated problems with Solutions to all listed
(spelling, part of speech, language) and appropriacy and how will you convey understanding of Meaning, e.g., collocations? MPFA. problems.
syllables / word stress, (if applicable). and elicit?
elicit? e.g., CCQs?
phonemic transcription).
Example: A game played by 2 or 4 Show a picture of a player / The picture will be enough to play tennis M/A: None. M/A –
  players on a tennis court, game and ask “What sport?” but I could ask: to have a game of tennis P: Ss may stress both P: Draw attention to the
tennis (noun – non-count) e.g., at Wimbledon, using How many players do you tennis player syllables and pronounce the board record and model and
/tenIs/ rackets and balls. need to play? (2/4) tennis court final [i] as a long /i:/ drill chorally / individually.
What else do you need? tennis racket F: Ss may say to ‘play at F: Elicit peer correction or
(rackets, balls, a court, etc.) tennis balls tennis’ or ‘to have a play of give and board the correct
Do you know any tennis etc. tennis’ form.
tournaments/players? (open)

Sources used in researching this analysis:


CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Procedure and Material Interaction Rationale
Stage No. and Stage Aim S/PW/ (To explain any decisions in your
Time What will happen in the lesson – what the teacher does, what the students do.
Stage Title Why the students are doing the activity
Please state clearly which material is being used in each stage
GW/OC/T/ planning which have affected the
T-Ss approach / activities / procedure /

5-7 min 1-Lead-in To generate interest on the T presents a picture of a boss and an employee. OC
topic of the lesson. T asks the students the following question:
Is it funny when you boss makes you water flowers for T
him? Or order sandwiches? Discuss in groups of three
what else a new employee might be asked to do at S-S
T asks Ss to discuss their answers in pairs.
T discusses the answers OC.

Tutor’s comments on the execution of the above stage (strengths are underlined and areas to think about are in bold).

8 min 2- Clarification To provide context for the I will present to the students Two pictures one is for a T - Ss
of the target language through a nice boss giving permission to an employee and the
meaning. situation and elicit the idea of will ask them to find the differences between the two
obligation and permission. picture, i will ask the students what is the mean boss
doing? Giving the employee so much to do, do you S-S
think that the employee have a choice of saying no, or
he does he have to do it? He can't say no because it S
an ---teacher elicits obligation,
obligation, teacher now moves to
the second picture, what do you think about the
second boss? He is nice. Why? because he is giving OC
the employee a day off? Can the student take the day
off by himself? No. What does he need to take the day
off? Teacher elicits—permission.

Teacher ask the following CCQs:

Discuss in groups of four or three these sentence:
You must work this Saturday.
-Will you work on Saturday? Most probably yes.
-Do you want to work on Saturday? No.
-Do you usually decide when to work? No.
-Does your boss decide when you will work? Yes.
- Is it an obligation to go to work? Yes.
-Is the speaker making a rule? yes

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

You are allowed to take next Saturday off.
Do you normally work on Saturday? Yes.
Did you decide by your own not to go to work on
Saturday? No.
Did you boss tell you not to go to work Saturday? Yes.
Was it a permission to stay at home? Yes.
Is the speaker describing somebody else’s rule? Yes.
Tutor’s comments:

5 min 3. Clarification To clarify the pronunciation Teacher presents the following sentences : T -Ss
of to the students. I am supposed to go to the doctor.
pronunciation I'm not supposed to go to the doctor.
T presents the full sentence and says it three times,
then asks Ss to chorally say it 2 times, and then
choose individually – 321 drilling

Tutor’s comments:

6 min 4. Clarification To guide the students to Teacher presents the following sentences to the Ss T
of the form discover the form. Teacher tells Ss you have 4 min to answer the
using guided following questions with your partner.
discovery. Where is the model verb? T-Ss
Where is the verb be?
Where is the infinitive?
Where is the positive, negative , and question form?
Tutor’s comments:

7 min 5. Controlled To provide the students T presents a group of sentences and ask them to work T
written controlled practice of the in pairs, and decide if the sentence is an obligation or a
practice. target form. permission, S-S
T tells students you have 5 minutes to find out which
sentence is obligation and which one is permission.

Tutor’s comments:

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

7 min

T asks students to rephrase the sentences with the T

To provide the students with verb in brackets.
6. Controlled controlled written practice of T asks students to work in pairs.
written the target form. T gives feedback on the answers and asks Ss to justify S-S
practice their answers.


Tutor’s comments:

10 min For the final communicative activity :

(flexi T reads through the activity and questions. T
stage) T Give students five minutes to make notes.
7.Follow-on T ask students to read think of a time in their life where
speaking they had to follow certain rules, and think of the S
following questions:
What was the situation? S-S
Who made the rule?
Were some of the rules very strict?
Were there some rule you didn't follow?
How did you feel about the experience? T-S

Teacher asks students that at the end to find the

similarities and differences between their experiences.
–pre set goal. OC

T monitors the Ss.

T at the end gives content-feedback based on the pre-
set goal
And language feedback based on the language they
used if it's correct or not.

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

Tutor’s comments:

Tutor’s comments:

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

CELTA Lesson Planning
Checklist of areas to include in different lesson types
Check you have included the following areas; if you haven’t, make sure you know why and can justify it

Reading / Listening Speaking Writing Vocabulary Grammar

A lead-in to generate A model dialogue or A model text (at some Clear context for a Clear context for a
interest in the topic of some other stimulus for point in the lesson) focus on meaning focus on meaning
the text speaking (natural usage) (natural usage)
Means of dealing with A focus on useful A focus on the genre Appropriate conveying Appropriate conveying
unfamiliar vocabulary language to help in the and its typical features and eliciting followed and eliciting followed
(especially if essential discussion by useful checking by useful checking
for the tasks) (e.g., CCQs) (CCQs, timelines, etc.)
Some prediction to Planning time A focus on useful Focus on appropriacy Coverage of relevant
activate background (preparation of ideas) features or language (register, formality, pronunciation features
knowledge exemplified by the text style, use, etc.) where including at sentence
required. level (through drilling
and highlighting).
A sequence of tasks A clear task (a goal to Planning / preparation Coverage of relevant A written record of the
which develop the work towards) which is time to help learners pronunciation features form on either the
target sub-skills as set before they start generate ideas and (e.g., through drilling) board or a handout
stated in your aims speaking plan (in pairs / groups) (which the students are
involved in working out)
A useful feedback Time for the students A clear reason to write Focus on form Form manipulation
process appropriate to engage in the (purpose) and (spelling, parts of practice (where
for the tasks set conversation and allow someone to write to speech, irregular students only work with
(including pair- for the teacher to (audience) plurals, dependent the target form)
checking and monitor and take notes prepositions, etc.)
A response-to-the- Feedback on the A reason for students A written record (board Form discrimination
text task content of the task to read each other’s or handout) including practice (where
(students to teacher) work with follow-on part of speech, students work with the
content feedback syllables and stress, target form and other
phonemic transcription similar forms)
A language follow-on Feedback on the Teacher feedback on Controlled and Use of the target form
(if required) language used language use and task communicative use of in meaningful
(teacher to students) completion the items communication

CELTA Lesson Planning Paperwork for TPs 3-8

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