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Chapter 1

"i don't become satan"

“ You shouldn't do this ...Vegas ... you shouldn't do this at all !” Pete gripped his gun tightly
in pain from the most intense sensation he would hold for a very long time. His body
trembled, his face stooped down as tears flowed unceasingly.
“... Pete. ” Vegas glances at the lover's expression with stunned expression. The gray shirt
was stained with blood. And the sweat of the seemingly endless battle ...
“ Shoot it !!! If you think you dare !!!!!” Porsche, lying on the floor, used both hands to lift
himself up in a wrecked state. Pete pointed the barrel above Porsche's head. The forefinger
that was pulling the trigger resisted the feeling inside so hard to control.
“ Pete ... put the gun down first , ” Vegas tried to creep in and said in an unbearably hoarse
“ You don't come close to me !” Pete, who could no longer suppress his anger. Switch the
target to aim for Vegas as a signal to stop. which Vegas immediately halted Pete's empty
eyes stared at Vegas as if there was nothing left for this person.

“ I'm sorry ...” Vegas let out a remorseful voice. He tried to avoid his lover's empty eyes so
as not to break his heart any more ... because of himself ... because of him ... Pete became
like this.

While Pete struggles to extinguish the scorching fire of his senses and comprehension. It
was the moment when Porsche rose from the ground and unexpectedly took the gun in
Pete's hand.
“Damn it !!!!” Pete turned upside down and crashed into the wall. His hand was trying to

hold the gun tightly. Try to push yourself and gather all your strength to fight the person in
front of him.
“ Porsche !!!! Stop !!!!” Vegas rushed in, trying to stop the two from colliding again. “
Release that bastard !!!”
“ Porsche !!!!!!” The three had a brawl. relentlessly snatched up the gun in his hand.
“ Mr Porsche ! The main family car is coming this way !” The sound of the underlings rushed
towards the abandoned warehouse. Before Porsche used his last strength Grab your gun
and pull the trigger immediately.

Bang !!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three of them were stunned, looking at each other in shock ... before
Vegas shouted in shock.
“ Pete !!!!!!!!!!!!” Vegas widened his eyes when he saw his lover slowly. other collapsed
slowly on the floor
“ Vegas ! Hurry up !!!" Porsche tried to regain vegas consciousness. Drag Vegas straight to
the exit in chaos. porsche side Smoke bombs were dropped all over the warehouse. and
ran away after the master Leaving only... traces of battle broken things And Pete's figure ...
lingering in the darkness alone in this warehouse ...

Wow wow wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sound that annoys me the most other At this moment, I was
screaming and hitting my auditory nerve. I stopped all my actions. before sighing in
exhaustion Venice ! bad boy You're like a bird. Always demands attention when threading
into a needle. Didn't your parents teach you a lesson? What the heck !
"Huh Come on, come on. " The person beneath me gently pushed my chest out. other But I
remained silent, refusing to move. As he glanced at the clock on the bedside table, it was
about three o'clock in the morning. other This is nighttime ! Don't you have any manners?
He opened his mouth and cried and did not know how to sleep. I don't care about you ! I
won't let this night go to waste again .
" Don't let go "
Crack ! I quickly grabbed the handcuffs from the bedside drawer before locking Pete's left
wrist to the head of the bed. Along with a sneering smile of satisfaction when I saw my
lover's face so severely disappointed because I managed everything in such a quick time.

“ Vegas ... what the fuck are you doing !” Pete tried to pull his left arm out of his shackles.
and use the right arm to help unlock But sorry ! He should have known the properties of the
chain here, how strong it was ... He couldn't have been used to it. heh heh

“ I'm not going to let you go again ... tonight will be my night, ” I said, pulling out Pete's right
wrist, trying to pry the metal out. caressing the area of my body instead Pete, who struggled
to resist, refused to spread his hand to stroke me. He clenched his fist tightly and gave a

heavy punch. other come to my chest

" Let me go Vegas !” Pete continued to shout. The more his screams and the sharp pain
from his fists, the more emotionally charged me. My heart began to pound uncontrollably.
tingling all over the body I felt so nervous that I could barely control myself. I accidentally
strangled Pete's neck so tightly that his head hit the bedside and was held in place until he
began to choke.
“ Hmmm ...” Reminds me of the old days. Too bad to die !!
“ ve...” my free hand. Forcing his hand to touch his entire body before coming to a
stop at his stiff core. It immediately froze before I spoke up.
“ Dare to try it ...” I bent down and whispered softly. other before using his tongue to drag it
to the ear, biting lightly other and try to loosen the hand and accelerate the squeeze
periodically To make Pete suffer but still be able to breathe in the air.
“ Guh ... I can't breathe !” Pete struggled. His right hand touched my core but didn't hold it
until I had to apply more force to his neck.
“ I know ... you like it. ” I smiled with satisfaction. At the end of the sentence, Pete gradually
other Grasp the core of my body with full hands and swipe up and down slowly. other until I
had to bite my lip tightly with a feeling of throbbing throughout my body.
" Ugh .... Vegas ... Venice is hungry, " said Pete in a raspy voice. When I loosen my hand
from my neck, it's slow. other and moved his hand to touch the core of Pete's body that was
now fully expanded as well
“ I'm hungry. Heh heh . " I giggled a little before slowly. other I dragged my tongue in a long
way through my raised neck, responding well to every touch of mine. My lips moved to a
stop at the lump on the top of my chest that was now being so caressed that I was about to
go crazy. I swallowed it like a thirsty man. He also knows his job as it moves his hand to
hold my sensitive parts more and more often. other
“ Ugh .... Ve ... Gas ..."

aaaaa ”

“ Venice ...cry! ” Pete let go of me before clinging to the edge of the bed and pecking the
bedsheet in agony. He nods his head to look at me several times, but returns to the same

bed of gasping and shortness of breath. other

“ Let's just do it ... it sang by itself and it will be silent. ” I lifted my head from the top of his
chest before switching sides, swallowing the kidney blister, munchling on Pete's mouth to

tighten his grip. Keep the tingling sound from getting louder.
“ Aaah ... Ve... Gas ! Conscious !!! He tried to take a deep breath. as if calling itself and
started using its legs to try to kick me out. But ... he knew how much he was unwilling to act.
It only roused me even more. The more I see it Pretend to die like this Don't expect me to

survive tonight ..

“ Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ”

“ If he's hungry, let him go and make it himself !” I looked up at Pete and inserted himself
between his legs. To say that now both of us are naked How did you tell? that it has arrived
Forcing each other back and forth in such a way that at first it would even be a party for me.
“ Ugh ... let go of me !...” ! Get in the mood !!! It's like the first time anything has happened.
The day it cursed me almost to death Now it's like that. Damn !! I will not cry anymore ! I
used my hips to move up and down so that our cores could touch so closely, adding to the
trembling that Pete moaned almost in words.
I searched for something in the bedside drawer. So that we can bring back Pete to take
Pete's time back to the hot past of the two of us. it will forget other cry went away.
Yes !!! I took the original belt The line that we used to hit it since the first time for both of us.
Keep it as a souvenir by the bedside all the time. and it has been used frequently. other I
smashed the leather in the middle of Pete's body. It gritted its molar teeth, twisting its body
in anguish.
“ Ugh .....”
Yes !!!! I breathed a sigh of relief. other who saw his lover almost to the point of death
It's driving me crazy to the point of death.
“ Damn Vegas ! Let go of me !!!” I sniffed the scent of the body that was so fragrant that my
heart pounded every time I breathed it in. It's some pheromone that really awakens the lust
in me. And before I can't take it anymore I threw my belt to the ground and hurriedly
grabbed Pete, splitting both legs and raising my hips up and aiming my fully ready core.
other push into the rear channel without opening the way or applying any lubricant other all I
looked at his face that was biting his lip in agony. and the left wrist that was bound by a
large lock chain I just saw this I could hardly stand it so I took a deep breath. other He bit
his lip tightly to hypnotize him from reaching the land of dreams so fast. because I haven't
started yet. don't just Don't act like you're about to collapse the estuary, otherwise Pete will
wake up and make fun of me tomorrow.

“ Ah ... psychopath !! Are you crazy ?! Let go !!" Oh Pete !! Just a moment ! Stop doing
anything that makes me nervous ! I won't cry anymore I decided to push my core all the way
in with great strength. and began to move his hips with great speed Pete's moan and many
rude words spewed out of his mouth incessantly. As for me, I lifted my head up and bit my

lip tightly. sweat Concentrate on the tingling sensation that is surging through his whole
“ Ah ... Vegas ... pity Venice. I 'm begging you. " The more Pete made a sound like he was

about to cry. The pictures of yesterday never stopped coming back. Makes me not think to
relax anymore I threw myself into focus. other repeat other pulsating other until Pete shakes
his head and hits the head of the bed several times ! I feel so good !!! believe me Pete saw
him making a face like that. It's finicky. I like it ! gummy eyes other of him when looking at

me It's a complete challenge heh heh

"Ah other I can finish quickly. It's like you're begging me. ” No ... I won't take it
anymore either. Say it like that Me and Pete were breathing loudly throughout the room.
Before I reached the last corner, I hurriedly grabbed Pete's hand, who had grabbed the
bedsheet so tightly that it grabbed his core. and move up and down according to my control
“ Ah ... it's almost there .... ah ... it's done together Pete ” I moved in and out. other Faster
and stronger as the demands continue to boil up.
“ Ugh ... Vegas ... I will ..... I ... I'm done. ” The moment Pete bites his lip, tightens his grip
and releases the milky white water that fills his belly. It was the moment that I hit the core
for the last time and let the liquid into Pete's body until the end. Ready to move a few more
times lightly. other and began to withdraw his body to lie on the side other He who looked at
me with a look of fury and a little tired.

“ Unlock the chain for me. Venice cried until her throat was sore, maybe. ” Pete frowned.
Use the foot pedal to lighten the side of the hair. other
" Huh It's tired and now it's asleep. release other It's some. " I pretended not to know.
Turning to sleep, hugging Pete and burying his head in his chest pretending to fall asleep.
“ Release ! Vegas ... Your patience is really low. other at all I went out to get some milk for
Venice for a moment. Come back, will ... slowly ... continue. But you don't care what the
fuck. " Pete let out a long snort.
“ What the fuck? How many nights has it been like this? until you make milk until you go
back Than to make a new kiss Than to ..."
“ There have been many nights here where we ... what's going on? Yes, I will let you starve
your mouth dry. But people like you are never enough !” Pete pressed his forehead hard
against my forehead.
" It's mine. Huh . " I nodded my head and looked at my boyfriend face before giving me a
psychopathic smile. ( Pete likes to say ) come out late . " I need you all the time ... I can ...
take you all day without getting tired . " But Pete pushed my head out hard.
“ You don't have to do it to fight ! Asshole !!! Let go !” Pete's face twitched again. until I
stopped teasing it and took the key to unlock my wrist.
“ Just pretending to be angry ...” I leaned over and kissed his cheek. Pete rushed to the
bathroom. Make sure you wash and put on your pants. and ran out to the next room. other
where the baby monitor is installed when it wakes up Pete will get water Take the milk and

bring it to the place. the evil of that child I don't know why only i saw it but Pete didn't.
What's good about it? He be a good child like to act cute and Let Pete stand to clap his
tears regularly. But when it's with the me it's like this child was from hell He likes to stick his

tongue out at me. He also like to cry and pete will scold me that i tease venice, both other
that I stand still other I didn't do anything. He's really bad since childhood. I don't know like
anyone ! Just because he took away the love from Pete, I can't stand it anymore. Here,
Macau pushes into a hole while erupting with Pete. When Pete adopted him first Macau is

never agree But after a long day Macau has become obsessed with Venice until he can't
stand up again. Wow !!! I'm disgusted with that boy ! The face is, yes, that's cute. I will tell
you that your face is the most annoying. other the bigger the eye the more not enough
slender other small other When it looks like someone is ready to have things all the time If
you grow up, you will be stomped on, I won't be surprised !
“ Look and see Venice looks a lot like you. ” I paused as I was about to put some rice in my
mouth. But the person who reacts stronger than I see will be ...

“ Wow , ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow , ow !” shouted out loud

“ Oh You don't have to go like Vegas. This is so bad. " The sentence behind him gritted his
teeth, spoke softly and turned to me. Until I had to shake my head impatiently , “ Dad is a lot
more handsome than you ... right? ” Pete turned to take care of Venice so much that I
almost overturned a cup of porridge over Venice's head. Charged with not wanting to be
handsome like a superstar You'll be hit, Venice !!!
“ True It's gone, just like Pete. Here, I took a picture of my childhood. other It's my brother's,
let's see . ” Macau ran out of the dining table. go into the living room Then came back with a
photo album “ This. Look !” Pete and Macau opened the album and laughed a lot except
me and Venice who had frowning faces. I want to cry out loud
“ Macau hurry up, aren't you going to college?. " I put down the spoon and drank water.
Macau nodded stunned and went to sit at the chair to manage his own porridge.
“ Oh ! Don't forget to take your medicine. ” Pete handed me the pill after the meal. I take it
and drink it as usual as a daily routine. “ What time do you come back today? ” Pete turned
to me and asked.
“ Have a meeting with Porsche. should be evening ”
“ Okay Then the three of you eat first. "
“ Yes I'll be right back . ” I got up from the chair and pulled Pete's head for a kiss. which is a
habit that is used every day Laughter at the dinner table both talk both hugging and smelling
different stories other that never happened in this house But when Pete The atmosphere in
the house looks more warm. His smile was like the shining sun that guided every life to be
bright and lively.

" I'll be back soon , Pete. " On the way, we walked to the car in front of the house. Macau
clings to Pete a lot. Pete is like a magnet that attracts everyone to him and when he's
around. other I'm more comfortable. “ Intend to study You'll be back soon ” Pete turned

around and smiled at Macau and told me. I nodded and walked straight to the van of the
house. I arranged to send Macau to the university. and go straight to the destination , I
didn't go to the company today. And I don't have a meeting with Porsche at night. But I ...
have an appointment with Porsche all day.

“ Are you in a hurry today? ” Porsche asked me as I sat on the sofa sipping whiskey. “ No, ”
I replied curtly. other and turned to pick up a cigarette and smoked “ Good I thought you
were so scared of Pete that you didn't dare to freak out, " Porsche said in a sultry tone and
shook his shoulders in annoyance. other Porsche is still a Porsche. but admit that After a
while he looks good. Forget the picture of old him a hooligan who has been chasing by Kinn
for days.
" So what you're doing isn't out of the way, is it? " I smiled faintly. And send back to him.
" Well, if Pete catches it I can't even picture it. ”
“ What about Kinn? come home late so often Isn't he suspecting? ”
“ Why do we have to be more careful? ” Porsche lay down beside him. other I grabbed the
whiskey glass in my hand and drank until the glass was empty.
“ What we're doing is ...” Porsche leaned back on the light sofa.
“ It's already this far. You shouldn't be asking this question ..."
“ I'm hurting Kinn ... I'm hurting the person I love ... I'm ... going to be a devil. ” “ No ... no ...
we are not turning into demons ... but ...”

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