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Applied Linguistics

Teacher: MSc. Israel Bravo

Name: Noemi Claudina Coello Monserrate. Date: 8/7/2023

Course: PIN-S-MA-5-3

Classwork 1: Standard Language / Accent / Dialect

 Answer the following questions about the topic from this class. Look for more information if necessary.

1. Which Standard Language variety do you think people from Ecuador should learn? The Standard
American English (AmE) or the Standard British English (BrE) Explain why. Be CRITICAL in your

I think people from Ecuador should learn The Standard American English (AmE) because that is the Standard
Language variety that has been teaching in this country for years. Mayority use american english, schools and
teachers work with american english books.

2. What is the difference between an accent and a dialect? Explain using your OWN words. Accent is related
to the pronunciation in the language and Dialect is related with the pronunciation too, but not only with that but
also is related to the gramar and vocabulary in a language.

3. Read the following statements about Standard English and try to decide if you AGREE or DISAGREE
with them. Write the REASON in each case for your decision.

a) Standard English is not a language

b) Standard English is an accent
c) Standard English is a set of rules for correct use

A: AGREE, standard English is not a language, it is a variety of a language that is considered the norm.

B: DISAGREE, Standard English is not necessarily an accent, accents is just related to the pronunciation of a
language, Standard language has a deeper concept.

C: AGREE, Standard English is a set of rules for correct use. It is the variety considered the ideal for
educational purposes.

4. Think about your L1 (Spanish). Provide examples of Accents and Dialects of the Spanish Language.

DIALECTS: In Venezuela they say “chamo”, in Ecuador we say “pana”.

In Ecuador we say “Qué chévere”, Colombians say “Qué bacano”.

In Guayaquil we say “tu” in order to refer to another person, but in Quito they say “vos”.
Applied Linguistics
Teacher: MSc. Israel Bravo

In Ecuador we call “fiesta” to a celebration, in Cuba they say “gozadera”.


People in the coast use to say “Felijaño”, people from Quito or Cuenca, etc say “Feliz año”.

In Ecuador we say “vamos a la fiesta, puej”, In Venezuela “Vamos a la fiesta, pues”

Submit your answers on a PDF document.

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