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• To find out the effect of packaging on buying behaviour.

• To assess the level of consumer satisfaction with the current packaging of Gokul milk
• To identify the role of packaging in consumers purchasing decisions and brand loyalty
towards Gokul milk products.
• To identify the elements, which should be highlighted while design the packaging.

For Retailer-
1)As a retailer, do you believe that attractive packaging helps in increasing sales?
a) Yes
b) No

2)Do you think that packaging can influence consumers buying behaviour ?
a) Yes
b) No

3)Do you believe the current packaging design of Gokul products effectively attracts customers
and encourages sales?
a) Yes
b) No

4)Do you think the packaging of Gokul milk products effectively communicates the brand’s
message and values?

a) Yes
b) No
5)How frequently do customers consider the packaging design as a factor when choosing Gokul
Milk products over competitors’ products?
a) Frequently
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
d) Never

6)How important is the packaging design in determining shelf placement and visibility?
a) Very important
b) Moderately important
c) Slightly important
d) Not important at all

7)Have you received any feedback from customers regarding the current packaging design?
a) Yes
b) No

8)Have you noticed any customer complaint regarding to packaging of Gokul products?
a) Yes
b) No

9)Do you think packaging help in creating the brand image in public mind?
a) Yes
b) No
For Consumers-
1)How frequently do you purchase Gokul milk products?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Occasionally

2)Does Packaging of a product impact your buying behaviour ?

a) Yes
b) No

3)Do you read printed information on the package of product?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes

4)Do you find the packaging of Gokul milk products informative?

a) Yes
b) No

5)Do you think Gokul milk products provide sufficient information on the packaging about
usage, storage, and handling?
a) Yes
b) No

6)Are you satisfied with the current packaging design of Gokul Milk products?

a) Yes
b) No
7)Do you think Gokul brand name is clearly displayed on their milk products?
a) Yes
b) No

8)Do you check the expiry date on Gokul milk products before purchasing?
a) Yes
b) No

8)How often do you check the expiry date on Gokul milk products before purchasing?
a) Always
b) Most of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Rarely
e) Never

9)When comparing Gokul’s packaging with competitors’ milk products, do you think it makes a
stronger brand impression?
a) Yes
b) No

10)Have you ever bought a Gokul milk product solely because of its packaging?
a) Yes
b) No

11)Has attractive packaging ever influenced you to try a new dairy product?
a) Yes
b) No

12)Does quality of packaging material inspire you in purchasing the product?

a) Yes
b) No
13)Does color of packaging impact your buying decision?
a) Yes
b) No

14)Does product wrapper encourage you in purchasing the product?

a) Yes
b) No

15)Does the packaging design affect your perception of the product’s freshness and hygiene?
a) Yes
b) No

16)Which features of packaging are influencing to your buying behaviour?

a) Design and aesthetics
b) Logo and branding
c) Color scheme
d) Packaging material
e) Information provided (nutritional details, expiry date, etc.)

17)What is your priority towards packaging?

What kind of new packaging innovation do you prefer while purchasing a product?
a) Protective
b) Eco-friendly
c) Attractive
d) User-friendly

18)Does the logo representation on Gokul milk products make it easier for you to identify their
products on store shelves?
a) Yes, always
b) Most of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Rarely
e) Never

19)Would you like to see any specific changes in the packaging of Gokul milk products?
a) Yes
b) No

20)Would you switch your brand due to change in packaging?

a) Yes
b) No

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