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Comparative Effectiveness Review

Number 71

Breathing Exercises
and/or Retraining
Techniques in the
Treatment of Asthma:
Comparative Effectiveness
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 71

Breathing Exercises and/or Retraining Techniques in

the Treatment of Asthma: Comparative Effectiveness

Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850

Contract No. 290-2007-10057-I

Prepared by:
Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center
Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
Portland, OR

Elizabeth O’Connor, Ph.D.
Carrie D. Patnode, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Brittany U. Burda, M.P.H.
David I. Buckley, M.D., M.P.H.
Evelyn P. Whitlock, M.D., M.P.H.

AHRQ Publication No. 12-EHC092-EF

September 2012
This report is based on research conducted by the Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC)
under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD
(Contract No. 290-2007-10057-I). The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the
authors, who are responsible for its contents; the findings and conclusions do not necessarily
represent the views of AHRQ. Therefore, no statement in this report should be construed as an
official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The information in this report is intended to help health care decisionmakers—patients and
clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers, among others—make well-informed
decisions and thereby improve the quality of health care services. This report is not intended to
be a substitute for the application of clinical judgment. Anyone who makes decisions concerning
the provision of clinical care should consider this report in the same way as any medical
reference and in conjunction with all other pertinent information, i.e., in the context of available
resources and circumstances presented by individual patients.

This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for development of clinical practice
guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or as a basis for reimbursement and coverage
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Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in the report. For
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None of the investigators have any affiliations or financial involvement that conflict with the
material presented in this report.

Suggested citation: O’Connor E, Patnode CD, Burda BU, Buckley DI, Whitlock EP. Breathing
Exercises and/or Retraining Techniques in the Treatment of Asthma: Comparative Effectiveness.
Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 71. (Prepared by the Oregon Evidence-based Practice
Center under Contract No. 290-2007-10057-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 12-EHC092-EF.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. September 2012.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) conducts the Effective Health
Care Program as part of its mission to organize knowledge and make it available to inform
decisions about health care. As part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act of 2003, Congress directed AHRQ to conduct and support research on the
comparative outcomes, clinical effectiveness, and appropriateness of pharmaceuticals, devices,
and health care services to meet the needs of Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP).
AHRQ has an established network of Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs) that produce
Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments to assist public- and private-sector organizations in
their efforts to improve the quality of health care. The EPCs now lend their expertise to the
Effective Health Care Program by conducting Comparative Effectiveness Reviews (CERs) of
medications, devices, and other relevant interventions, including strategies for how these items
and services can best be organized, managed, and delivered.
Systematic reviews are the building blocks underlying evidence-based practice; they focus
attention on the strength and limits of evidence from research studies about the effectiveness and
safety of a clinical intervention. In the context of developing recommendations for practice,
systematic reviews are useful because they define the strengths and limits of the evidence,
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AHRQ expects that CERs will be helpful to health plans, providers, purchasers, government
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Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D. Stephanie Chang, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, Agency for Healthcare Research Director, Evidence-based Practice Program
and Quality Center for Outcomes and Evidence
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Jean Slutsky, P.A., M.S.P.H.
Director, Center for Outcomes and Evidence Christine Chang, M.D., M.P.H.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Task Order Officer
Center for Outcomes and Evidence
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The authors gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to this
project: Daphne Plaut, M.L.S., Kevin Lutz, M.F.A., Christopher S. Peterson, and Sabrina Kosok,
M.P.H.. In addition, we would like to thank all individuals who provided comments on our

Key Informants
Key Informants are the end users of research, including patients and caregivers, practicing
clinicians, relevant professional and consumer organizations, purchasers of health care, and
others with experience in making health care decisions. Within the EPC program, the Key
Informant role is to provide input into identifying the Key Questions for research that will inform
healthcare decisions. The EPC solicits input from Key Informants when developing questions for
a systematic review or when identifying high-priority research gaps and future research needs.
Key Informants are not involved in analyzing the evidence or writing the report and have not
reviewed the report, except as given the opportunity to do so through the public review
Key Informants must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000 and any
other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of their role as end users,
individuals are invited to serve as Key Informants, and those who present with potential conflicts
may be retained. The Task Order Officer and the EPC work to balance, manage, or mitigate any
potential conflicts of interest identified.

Chris Coniaris, R.Ph., CSPI David Jacoby, M.D., Ph.D.

Certified Yoga Instructor Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical
Amrita Sanctuary for Yoga Care Medicine
Portland, OR Oregon Health and Science University
Portland, OR
Susanna Czeranko, N.D.
Licensed Naturopathic Physician and Sarahjoy Marsh, M.A.
Instructor Certified Yoga Instructor
National College of Natural Medicine The Sanctuary, A Center for Yoga, Dharma,
Portland, OR and Health Arts
Portland, OR
Sandra Fusco-Walker
Director, Patient Advocacy Nancy Sandler
Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of President, Allergy and Asthma Network
Asthmatics Mothers of Asthmatics
Fairfax, VA Fairfax, VA

Elizabeth Holloway, Ph.D.

Chartered Physiotherapist, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health
University College London
London, England

Technical Expert Panel
Technical Experts comprise a multidisciplinary group of clinical, content, and methodologic
experts who provide input in defining populations, interventions, comparisons, or outcomes as
well as identifying particular studies or databases to search. They are selected to provide broad
expertise and perspective specific to the topic under development. Divergent and conflicted
opinions are common and perceived as health scientific discourse that results in thoughtful,
relevant systematic review. Therefore, study questions, design, and/or methodological
approaches do not necessary represent the views of the individual technical or content experts.
Technical Experts provide information to the EPC to identify literature search strategies and
recommend approaches to specific issues as requested by the EPC. Technical Experts do not do
analysis of any kind, do not contribute to the writing of the report, and have not reviewed the
report, except as given the opportunity to do so through the public review mechanism.
Technical Experts must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000 and
any other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of their unique clinical
and content expertise, individuals are invited to serve as Technical Experts, and those who
present with potential conflicts may be retained. The Task Order Officer and the EPC work to
balance, manage, or mitigate any potential conflicts of interest identified.

Meg Hayes, M.D. Anne Swisher, P.T., Ph.D., C.C.S.

Associate Professor, Department of Family Associate Professor, Division of Physical
Medicine Therapy
Oregon Health and Science University West Virginia University
Portland, OR Morgantown, WV

Susan Janson, D.N.Sc., R.N., A.N.P., Robert Zeiger, M.D., Ph.D.

C.N.S., A.E-C., FAAN Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Professor, Department of Community University of California, San Diego
Health Systems Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
University of California, San Francisco, San Diego, CA
School of Nursing
San Francisco, CA

Alicia Meuret, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX

Peer Reviewers
Peer Reviewers are invited to provide written comments on the draft report based on their
clinical, content, or methodologic expertise. Peer review comments on the preliminary draft of
the report are considered by the EPC in preparation of the final draft of the report. Peer
Reviewers do not participant in the writing or editing of the final report or other products. The
synthesis of the scientific literature presented in the final report does not necessarily represent the
views of individual reviewers. The dispositions of the peer review comments are documented
and will, for CERs and Technical Briefs, be published 3 months after the publication of the
Evidence Report.
Potential Peer Reviewers must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than
$10,000 and any other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Invited Peer
Reviewers may not have any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000. Peer Reviewers
who disclose potential business or professional conflicts of interest may submit comments on
draft reports through the public comment mechanism.

Adam Burke, Ph.D., M.P.H. John D. Mark, M.D.

Director, Institute for Holistic Health Pediatric Pulmonologist
Studies Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford
Associate Professor, Department of Health Palo Alto, CA
San Francisco State University Mike Thomas, M.D.
San Francisco, CA Chief Medical Officer, Department of
General Practice and Primary Care
Sian Cotton, Ph.D. University of Aberdeen
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Aberdeen, United Kingdom
and Community Medicine
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH

Breathing Exercises and/or Retraining Techniques in
the Treatment of Asthma: Comparative Effectiveness
Structured Abstract
Objectives. To examine evidence for whether breathing exercises and retraining techniques lead
to improvements in asthma symptoms, reductions in asthma medication use, improved quality of
life, or improved pulmonary function in asthma sufferers.

Data Sources. MEDLINE; PsycInfo; Embase; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Literature; Physiotherapy Evidence Database; Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials;
AltHealthWatch; Allied and Complementary Medicine; Manual, Alternative and Natural
Therapy Index System; and Indian Medical Journals from 1990 through December 2011.
Searches were supplemented with manual searching of reference lists and grey literature,
including regulatory documents, conference abstracts, clinical trial registries, and Web sites of
professional organizations.

Methods. Analytic framework, Key Questions, and review protocol were developed with input
from Key Informants and technical experts. Two independent reviewers screened identified
abstracts against predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria. Two investigators reviewed full-text
articles and independently quality-rated those meeting inclusion criteria. Data from fair- and
good-quality trials were abstracted into standardized forms and checked by another investigator.
We summarized data qualitatively and, where possible, used random effects meta-analysis.

Results. We identified four types of interventions: hyperventilation reduction breathing

techniques, yoga breathing techniques, inspiratory muscle training (IMT), and other
nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques. We found the most robust body of evidence
for hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques in adults, including the only large-scale trial
(n=600, aged 14+). Hyperventilation reduction interventions (particularly those with 5 hours or
more of patient contact) achieved medium to large improvements in asthma symptoms and
reductions in reliever medication use of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 puffs per day, but did not
improve pulmonary function. These trials also were more applicable to the U.S. setting than
trials examining other interventions due to similarities in applicable treatment guidelines to U.S.
guidelines and similar levels of development in the countries in which these studies were
conducted, although applicability was still somewhat limited since none were conducted in the
United States. Limited evidence suggested yoga breathing may improve pulmonary function in
adults in addition to reducing asthma symptoms, but medication use was rarely reported and
applicability to the United States was very low. Evidence for IMT and other breathing retraining
techniques was limited to small, heterogeneous trials providing insufficient evidence to
determine effectiveness. The only harms of breathing retraining techniques identified were minor
annoyances associated with mouth-taping. Almost all trials were limited entirely or primarily to

Conclusions. Behavioral approaches that include hyperventilation reduction techniques can

improve asthma symptoms or reduce reliever medication use over 6 to 12 months in adults with
poorly controlled asthma and have no known harmful effects. However, available evidence is

limited in its strength and applicability to the United States. Evidence supporting yoga breathing
is weaker and applicability to the United States is very low.

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................ES-1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
Condition Definition ..................................................................................................................1
Prevalence and Disease Burden .................................................................................................1
Etiology and Natural History of Asthma ...................................................................................1
Diagnosis and Assessment of Asthma .......................................................................................2
Treatment of Asthma .................................................................................................................2
Buteyko and Other Methods Based on Hyperventilation Reduction and
Carbon Dioxide Regulation ...........................................................................................3
Yoga-Based Approaches ......................................................................................................4
Physical Therapy Techniques and Inspiratory Muscle Training .........................................4
Scope and Purpose .....................................................................................................................5
Key Questions ............................................................................................................................5
Methods ...........................................................................................................................................7
Topic Development and Refinement .........................................................................................7
Analytic Framework ..................................................................................................................7
Literature Search Strategy..........................................................................................................8
Process for Study Selection .......................................................................................................9
Data Abstraction and Data Management .................................................................................12
Individual Study Quality Assessment ......................................................................................13
Data Synthesis ..........................................................................................................................13
Grading the Strength of Evidence ............................................................................................14
Applicability ............................................................................................................................15
Review Process ........................................................................................................................15
Results ...........................................................................................................................................16
Literature Search ......................................................................................................................16
Results of Included Studies ......................................................................................................18
Key Question 1. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does
the use of breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques improve health
outcomes, including: symptoms (e.g., cough, wheezing, dyspnea); health-related
quality of life (general and/or asthma-specific); acute asthma exacerbations;
reduced use of quick-relief medications or reduced use of long-term control
medications, when compared with usual care and/or other breathing techniques
alone or in combination with other intervention strategies? ..............................................18
Hypervenilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Control Group .......................18
Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Other
Breathing Techniques ..................................................................................................22
Yoga Breathing Versus Control .........................................................................................24
Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control .....................................................................27
Other Nonhypervenilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Control ..................29
Key Question 1a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques
for asthma health outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)? ....................................30

Key Question 1b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques
for asthma health outcomes differ according to variations in implementation
(e.g., trainer experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention
(e.g., anxiety management)? ..............................................................................................31
Key Question 2. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does
the use of breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques improve pulmonary
function or other similar intermediate outcomes when compared with usual care
and/or other breathing techniques alone or in combination with other intervention
strategies? ...........................................................................................................................32
Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Control Group ......................32
Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Verus
Other Breathing Techniques ........................................................................................34
Yoga Breathing Versus Control .........................................................................................34
Inspiratory Muscle Traning Versus Control ......................................................................34
Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Control .................35
Key Question 2a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques
for other asthma outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)? ....................................35
Key Question 2b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques
for other asthma outcomes differ according to variations in implementation
(e.g., trainer experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention
(e.g., anxiety management)? ..............................................................................................35
Key Question 3. What is the nature and frequency of serious adverse effects of
treatment with breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques, including
increased frequency of acute asthma exacerbations?.........................................................36
Key Question 3a. Do the safety or adverse effects of treatment with breathing
techniques differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children; males/females;
different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of
asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)? ...............................................................36
Summary and Discussion ............................................................................................................59
Overview of Main Findings .....................................................................................................59
Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Retraining Techniques .........................................60
Inspiratory Muscle Training and Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction
Breathing Techniques ..................................................................................................62
Specific Versus Nonspecific Effects of Breathing Techniques .........................................63
Strength of Evidence ................................................................................................................64
Applicability of the Evidence to U.S. Health Care System .....................................................64
Limitations ...............................................................................................................................66
Potential Limitations of Our Approach..............................................................................66
Limitations of the Literature ..............................................................................................67
Clinical Implications ................................................................................................................68
Evidence Gaps .........................................................................................................................68
Future Research .......................................................................................................................69
References .....................................................................................................................................78
Abbreviations and Acronyms .....................................................................................................86

Table A. Strength of Evidence .................................................................................................ES-15
Table 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria......................................................................................10
Table 2. Strength of Evidence Grades and Definitions..................................................................15
Table 3. Included Breathing Retraining Interventions and Comparisons ......................................17
Table 4. Overview of Results: Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques
Versus Control .........................................................................................................................38
Table 5. Overview of Results: Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus
Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques ...........................................................40
Table 6. Overview of Results: Yoga Breathing Techniques Versus Control ................................42
Table 7. Overview of Results: Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control ................................45
Table 8. Overview of Results: Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques
Versus Control .........................................................................................................................47
Table 9. Instruments Used for Measuring Asthma Symptoms, Control, Quality Of Life,
or Related Outcomes ................................................................................................................48
Table 10. Quality and Applicability Issues: Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing
Techniques Versus Control ......................................................................................................49
Table 11. Quality and Applicability Issues: Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing
Techniques Versus Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques ...........................52
Table 12. Quality and Applicability Issues: Yoga Breathing Techniques Versus Control ...........54
Table 13. Quality and Applicability Issues: Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control ...........56
Table 14. Quality and Applicability Issues: Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction
Breathing Techniques Versus Control .....................................................................................58
Table 15. Strength of Evidence ......................................................................................................71

Figure A. Analytic Framework ..................................................................................................ES-3
Figure B. Literature Flow Diagram ...........................................................................................ES-6
Figure 1. Analytic Framework .........................................................................................................8
Figure 2. Literature Flow Diagram ................................................................................................16
Figure 3. Effect of Hyperventilation Reduction Techniques on Asthma Symptoms
at 6 to 12 Months ....................................................................................................................20
Figure 4. Effect of Yoga Breathing Techniques on Quality of Life at 2 to 6 Months ...................27
Figure 5. Effect of Breathing Retraining for Asthma on Pulmonary Function at 1 to
6 Months ..................................................................................................................................33

Appendix A. Medications Recommended for Use in Treating Asthma
Appendix B. Search Strategies
Appendix C. Non-English Studies
Appendix D. Evidence Tables
Appendix E. List of Excluded Studies

Executive Summary
In 2009, an estimated 8.2 percent of Americans (9.6 percent of children and 7.7 percent of
adults) had asthma, and the prevalence of asthma has increased substantially in recent years.1,2 In
2007, asthma accounted for 456,000 hospitalizations and more than 3,447 deaths.3
The goal of asthma treatment is to achieve asthma control, as evidenced by normal or near
normal pulmonary function, maintenance of normal activity levels, and minimal need for short-
acting beta2-agonist inhalers for “quick relief” of asthma symptoms (≤ twice per week).4
Persistent asthma treatment includes the use of long-term control medications (most commonly
inhaled corticosteroids [ICS]) to reduce airway inflammation and quick-relief medications for
acute exacerbations.
While the benefits of asthma treatment generally outweigh the potential risks, these
medications can be associated with adverse effects.5,6 Additionally, some asthma patients have
concerns about asthma medications, and some patients would likely prefer to reduce their use of
medication if alternative treatments were available.7,8
A number of nonpharmacologic methods for asthma management involve breathing
retraining. Some of these, such as the Buteyko and Papworth methods, are predicated on the
theory that asthma is related to hyperventilation. These treatments seek to reduce
hyperventilation by encouraging shallow or slow nasal breathing, breath-holding at the end of
expiration, and minimizing sighs and yawns and related breathing patterns that are characterized
as “over-breathing.”9 The idea behind these treatments is that hyperventilation leads to a
reduction in blood and alveolar carbon dioxide (CO2), to which the airways respond by
constricting to prevent further loss of CO2. The evidence supporting the hyperventilation theory
of the pathophysiology of asthma is mixed. People with asthma do appear to have lower end-
tidal CO2 levels (i.e., blood levels of CO2 at the end of exhalation) than those without asthma.10
A reduction in end-tidal CO2 levels has been shown to increase airway resistance in people with
asthma and a history of bronchial hyperresponsiveness to histamine, but not in matched controls
without asthma.11 Further, airway resistance decreases when hypercapnia (high level of CO2 in
the blood) is induced.11 Another study, however, found that longer breath-holding time was
associated with a reduction in end-tidal CO2, which is counter to Buteyko’s theory.12
Nonhyperventilation-targeted methods include yoga breathing techniques and other physical
therapy methods. Treatment based on yoga theory generally encourages slowing and regularizing
the breath by prolonging the expiratory phase, enhancing abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing,
and imposing resistance on both inspiration and exhalation.13 Other physical therapy methods
may use elements consistent with these traditions to reduce the rate of breathing, or in other ways
control the depth, flow, or timing of breathing. Physical therapists may also prescribe exercises
that increase inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength. Devices such as breathing trainers or
biofeedback may aid this training..
Twenty-seven percent of children with asthma report using complementary and alternative
medicine approaches to manage their asthma, and this approach was usually a breathing
technique of some kind.14 The specific techniques used are unknown, however, and it appears the
breathing exercises are not guided by a practitioner in most cases.

The current review examines the effect of breathing retraining methods on asthma
symptomatology, medication use, quality of life, and pulmonary function in both adults and
children. We also examine adverse effects of these techniques. The analytic framework we
developed to guide our review is shown in Figure A. The Key Questions for this review are as
1. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does the use of breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques a improve health outcomes, including symptoms
(e.g., cough, wheezing, dyspnea); health-related quality of life (general and/or asthma-
specific); acute asthma exacerbations; and reduced use of quick-relief medications or
reduced use of long-term control medications, when compared with usual care and/or
other breathing techniques alone or in combination with other intervention strategies?
a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for asthma health
outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)?
b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for asthma health
outcomes differ according to variations in implementation (e.g., trainer
experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention (e.g., anxiety
2. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does the use of breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques improve pulmonary function or other similar
intermediate outcomes when compared with usual care and/or other breathing techniques
alone or in combination with other intervention strategies?
a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for other asthma
outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)?
b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for other asthma
outcomes differ according to variations in implementation (e.g., trainer
experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention (e.g., anxiety
3. What is the nature and frequency of serious adverse effects of treatment with breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques, including increased frequency of acute asthma
a. Do the safety or adverse effects of treatment with breathing techniques differ
between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children; males/females; different races
or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of asthma;
and/or different coexisting conditions)?

For example: the Buteyko breathing technique; inspiratory muscle training; breathing physical therapy, including paced and
pursed lip breathing exercises; the Papworth method; biofeedback- and technology-assisted breathing retraining; and yoga
breathing exercises.

Figure A. Analytic framework

FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; MV: minute volume; PEF: peak expiratory flow

The Oregon Evidence-based Practice Center drafted a topic refinement document with
proposed Key Questions after consulting with key informants. The public was invited to
comment on the Key Questions during a 4-week period. After reviewing the public commentary,
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality approved the final Key Questions and the
review commenced.
We engaged a technical expert panel (TEP) that included five individuals who specialized in
asthma management from the fields of Family Medicine, Community Health and Nursing,
Psychology, Physical Therapy, and Pediatrics to provide input during the project. The TEP was
established to ensure the scientific rigor, reliability, and methodological soundness of the
research. The TEP provided comments on the methods protocol and provided input on
substantive issues such as typical use of asthma medication, clinical value of outcomes, and
clinical importance of effect sizes.
A research librarian performed comprehensive literature searches in MEDLINEPsycInfo;
Embase; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); Physiotherapy
Evidence Database (PEDro); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CCRCT);
AltHealthWatch; Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED); Manual, Alternative and
Natural Therapy Index System (MANTIS); and Indian Medical Journals (IndMED) from 1990
through December 2011. We supplemented these searches with manual searches of reference
lists contained in all included articles, in relevant review articles, and on Web sites advocating
the use of breathing techniques. The research librarian also performed the grey literature
We included English-language trials of breathing retraining techniques that included
participants aged 5 years or older, reported at 4 week post-baseline or later asthma symptoms,
asthma medication use, quality of life, functioning, or pulmonary function. Included trials used a
control group or comparison with another breathing training technique. For the question of
harms, we would also have included large observational studies as well as trials if any were

identified. We had no restriction on geographic location and did not include trials that used
relaxation techniques as a comparator.
Two independent reviewers assigned ratings of “good,” “fair,” or “poor” quality to each trial.
Discrepancies were resolved by discussion or consultation with the larger review team. Trials
given a final rating of “poor” quality were excluded. We used the following major elements to
assign quality ratings:
• The presence of adequate randomization methods (use of computer-generated random
number tables or other process considered truly random)
• Allocation concealment
• Similarity of groups at baseline
• The specification of eligibility criteria
• Reliable and valid measurement of baseline asthma status (optimal assessment included
use of pulmonary function testing to confirm reversible component)
• Retention (retention of 90% or more overall was considered good; 60 to 89% was
adequate, and less than 60% was considered a fatal flaw; differential attrition of 10 to 19
percentage points was considered potentially problematic and 20 percentage points or
more was considered a fatal flaw)
• Time until followup (6 months or more was preferable, fewer than 6 weeks was
potentially problematic)
• Equal, reliable, and valid measurements
• Blinding of outcome assessors
• Appropriate analyses (e.g., analyzing all participants in the treatment group to which they
were initially assigned, use of conservative data substitution [preferably multiple
imputation, imputation-based random effects regression or similar models, or use of
baseline values] when retention was below 90 percent, adjustment for potential
confounders, no use of statistical tests that were inappropriate for the type of data
Generally, a good-quality study met all major criteria, although it was possible to get a
“good” rating if an item was not reported (so could not be assessed) if the rest of the methods
were judged to be “good.” A fair-quality study did not meet all criteria, but was judged to have
no flaw so serious that it invalidated its results. A poor-quality study contained a serious flaw in
design, analysis, or execution, such as differential attrition as described above, or some other
flaw judged to be so serious as to cast doubt on the validity of the results, such as large baseline
group differences that were not or could not be adjusted for in an analysis, no information about
followup and assumption of 100 percent followup was not tenable, or where insufficient
information was provided to determine the risk of bias.
We abstracted data from all included studies with a quality rating of “fair” or “good” into a
standard evidence table. One reviewer abstracted data, and a second reviewer checked these data.
Authors were contacted to clarify methods and results, if needed. Discrepancies were resolved by
discussion or consultation with other team members. Major elements abstracted included study
location; study design; recruitment setting and approach; inclusion/exclusion criteria;
demographic and health characteristics of the sample, including baseline asthma; description of
the intervention and control arms; any cointervention components (e.g., advice about diet,
relaxation training); compliance with treatment; sample retention; asthma outcomes, including
symptoms, quality of life, medication use, and pulmonary function tests; and adverse events. To
assess applicability, we used data abstracted on the population studied, the intervention and

comparator, the outcomes measured, settings, and timing of assessments to identify specific
issues that may limit the applicability of individual studies or the body of evidence to U.S. health
care settings, as recommended in the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative
Effectiveness Reviews.15
We summarized all included studies in narrative form as well as in summary tables that
present the important features of the study populations, design, intervention, outcomes, and
results. We divided comparisons into five groups based on the primary intervention focus and
control group: (1) interventions focused on hyperventilation reduction breathing training versus
control, (2) hyperventilation reduction versus nonhyperventilation reduction breathing training
approaches, (3) yoga breathing methods versus control, (4) inspiratory muscle training (IMT)
versus control, and (5) breathing approaches that did not focus on hyperventilation reduction
versus control. We discuss outcomes separately for each of the five groups. We calculated a
standardized effect size (Hedges g) to facilitate comparison of effect sizes across studies
reporting different outcomes. Effect sizes larger than 0.80 were considered large effects.16 We
also used previously reported thresholds for clinically significant change in health status for
commonly used questionnaires.17 A change of 0.05 has been suggested for the Juniper Asthma
Quality of Life Questionnaires.18,19 For the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), the
threshold for clinical significance is estimated to be four units, and patients whose treatment was
judged to have been “very effective” showed an average change of 8.1 units.17
Random effects meta-analyses were conducted where there were at least three trials within a
group. Meta-analyses were always conducted within groups because of the high degree of
clinical and methodological heterogeneity across groups. We used Stata 11.2® for all effect size
calculations and meta-analyses (Stata Corp., College Station, TX).
We graded the strength of evidence for primary outcomes using the standard process of the
Evidence-based Practice Centers,20 assigning grades in four domains: (1) risk of bias (low,
medium, high), (2) consistency (consistent [no inconsistency present], inconsistent, unknown or
not applicable), (3) directness (direct, indirect), and (4) precision (precise, imprecise). Risk of
bias is the degree to which the included studies for a given outcome or comparison have a high
likelihood of adequate protection against bias. Consistency refers to the degree to which reported
effect sizes from included studies appear to have the same direction and magnitude of effect. We
could not judge consistency when only one study was included. “Directness” relates to whether
the evidence links the interventions directly to health outcomes. “Precision” refers to the degree
of certainty surrounding an effect estimate with respect to a given outcome. We assigned an
overall strength of evidence grade based on the total number of studies reporting an outcome and
the ratings for the four domains for each key outcome. For each comparison, we used four basic
grades (as described in the AHRQ Methods Guide): high, moderate, low, and insufficient.20 We
rated the evidence as insufficient when no studies were available for an outcome or comparison
of interest, or the evidence was limited to small trials that were methodologically flawed and/or
highly heterogeneous.
A full draft report was reviewed by experts and posted for public commentary from
November 9, 2011, to December 5, 2011. We received comments, from either invited reviewers
or through the public comment website, were compiled and addressed. A disposition of
comments will be posted on the Effective Healthcare Program Web site 3 months after the
release of the evidence report.

The literature search yielded 2,415 citations. After reviewing abstracts, 106 articles were
retained for possible inclusions and full text of the articles was examined (Figure B). After the
screening of the full-text articles, 22 studies were judged to have met the inclusion criteria
(published in 42 articles).21-42 All included studies were randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
except one, which was a randomized crossover trial.22 We excluded the remaining 64 full-text
articles. The primary reasons for exclusion were that a study was not on breathing techniques, a
study did not provide primary data, a study did not use one of the specified study designs, and a
study was rated as poor quality.

Figure B. Literature flow diagram

Researchers conducted all trials with individuals with symptomatic, mostly stable asthma. In
some trials, researchers limited their population to individuals with a certain level of beta2-
agonist use, suggesting their asthma was not well controlled. Most trials confirmed reversibility
of respiratory symptoms through pulmonary function testing. Trials primarily included adults;
only one trial of IMT targeted children (ages 8 to 12 years)36 and only four other trials included
people younger than 16 years of age.21,24,27,29
Allocation was described as concealed in only 32 percent of the trials. Researchers almost
always based their data about asthma symptoms, medication use, and quality of life on self-
report, and only 41 percent of the trials reported that outcomes assessment were conducted
blindly. Lack of blinding may be especially problematic for pulmonary function testing, which is
effort-dependent and involves assessors coaching participants to get an optimal performance.
Lack of blinding may also be problematic for self-reported outcomes, where social desirability
could introduce bias. Most trials were small, with 68 percent including only 30 or fewer
participants per treatment arm. Only one trial included more than 100 participants per treatment
arm.27 Trials were also inconsistent in the degree to which they ensured the sample was limited
to people with asthma: 42 percent did not report the use of pulmonary function testing to confirm
asthma diagnosis, and 39 percent did not describe excluding participants with other respiratory
disorders or people at high risk for other respiratory disorders (e.g., smokers).
Outcome reporting was also variable. Researchers used a wide variety of specific measures
within each of the general categories of outcomes (asthma symptoms, medication use, quality of
life, and lung function testing), and in some trials, they failed to report important outcomes such
as asthma symptomatology and reliever medication use, leaving open the possibility of selective
reporting of outcomes.
Key Question 1

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Control

Key Points:
• We found moderate evidence that hyperventilation reduction breathing technique
interventions with 5 or more hours of direct instruction may reduce asthma symptoms
and reliever medication use in adults, although evidence was limited to a fairly small
number of trials, most of which were at moderate risk of bias due to factors such as small
sample sizes, high or differential attrition, and lack of appropriate blinding.
• Evidence is low or insufficient that hyperventilation reduction training affects controlled
medication use, quality of life, or functioning in adults and children.
Eight trials (n=1,088) tested a hyperventilation reduction technique versus a control and
provided moderate evidence that hyperventilation reduction approaches may improve asthma
symptoms and reduce reliever medication use, but do not affect pulmonary function (Table
A).22,23,25-28,30,42 Four trials were fairly intensive and involved at least 5 hours of comprehensive
instruction and/or guided practice with the breathing technique.23,25-27 The group included the
only large-scale trial in the review,27 which reported reductions in asthma symptoms and reliever
medication use at a 6-month followup, but was hampered by lower retention in the control
groups (82% and 73%) than the Buteyko group (90%). Three trials involved less intensive
interventions (video-only or one to two hours of direct instruction), but still attempted somewhat
comprehensive breathing retraining approaches.28,30,42 One additional study examined only a

single aspect of the Buteyko breathing technique, mouth-taping at night, in a randomized
crossover trial.22
Aside from the mouth-taping trial, interventions all encouraged nasal breathing and taught to
identify and eliminate “overbreathing” or “dysfunctional” breathing using such means as shallow
breathing, intermittent end-tidal breath-holding, or slow diaphragmatic breathing. All but one42
explicitly reported encouraging daily home practice. Two trials included nonbreathing
components covering stress management,23,26 dietary restrictions,23 and instruction to avoid
All four of the most intensive and comprehensive interventions reported improvements in
asthma symptoms at 6 to 12 months of followup.23,25-27 The lower intensity trials generally did
not find improvements in asthma symptoms after 1 to 6 months.22,28,30,42 The largest trial showed
the largest effect, with standardized mean difference (SMD) of -2.58 (95% CI, -2.86 to -2.29).
Symptom ratings on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 3 (severe symptoms) dropped from an
average of 2.2 at baseline for all groups to 0.7 in the Buteyko group, while the control groups
slightly increased to 2.4 to 2.5.27 Two other trials, both with fairly intensive interventions,
reported standardized effect sizes greater than 1.2, which would generally be considered
large.25,26 In the trial by Holloway and colleagues, for example, the Papworth intervention group
participants showed 18- to 21-point improvements on the 100-point SGRQ symptom subscale,
compared with two-point improvements in the control group at 6 and 12 month followup.26 This
change is even greater than the change on the SGRQ seen in patients whose treatment was
judged to be “very effective” in other research.17
Similarly, three23,27,28 of the six trials22,23,27,28,30,42 reporting reliever medication use showed
reductions, including both of the higher intensity trials that reported this outcome.23,27 Reductions
were generally of about 1.5 to 2.5 puffs per day. Quality of life results were reported in six
trials.22,23,28,30,42 26 Two of them showed greater improvements with hyperventilation reduction
breathing retraining than control groups28,30 and two showed mixed results (i.e., results differed
at different time points or scales within the same study).26,42 Hyperventilation reduction
approaches did not improve pulmonary function in the five trials that reported this outcome
(pooled standardized estimate=0.18, 95% CI, 0.00 to 0.37, k=5, I2=18.4%).23,25-27,30
We rated all trials as fair quality. Three of the four lower intensity trials had only 1 month of
followup for some or all outcomes,22,28,30 and only two of the RCTs randomized more than 50
participants per group.27,30 Two suffered from fairly high attrition,23,30 and four had greater
attrition in the intervention group by at least 10 percentage points at one or more
followups.23,26,30,42 Allocation concealment was reported in only three trials,25,27,30 and outcomes
assessment was clearly blinded in only four trials.22,23,25,27
The applicability of these trials to U.S. practice was acceptable. While all trials were
conducted in health care settings outside the United States, they were conducted in English-
speaking, developed countries that used care guidelines consistent with U.S. treatment

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Other
Breathing Techniques
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques may be more likely to reduce reliever
medication use in adults than other breathing techniques, but strength of evidence is low.
• Hyperventilation reduction training is no more likely to improve symptoms, controller
medication use, or quality of life than other breathing techniques in adults, but strength of
evidence is low.
Only medication outcomes showed group differences in the four RCTs (n=285) comparing
the use of breathing techniques targeting hyperventilation reduction with other breathing
techniques, and all favored hyperventilation reduction techniques (Table A).21,23,24,29 The strength
of the evidence was judged to be low. One trial showed very large reductions in reliever
medication use among high medication users: participants in the hyperventilation group went
from using approximately 9 to 10 puffs of beta2-agonist per day to approximately one puff every
other day, compared with less than one puff per day reduction in the abdominal breathing
group.21 No group differences were reported for asthma symptoms or quality of life. One trial
showed reductions in asthma symptoms and medication use in both the hyperventilation
reduction and the nonhyperventilation reduction breathing retraining.29 This was the bestquality
trial included in the review, and the only minor flaws were retention of less than 90 percent and
small sample size.

Yoga Breathing Versus Control

Key Points:
• Yoga may improve asthma symptoms and quality of life in adults, but the strength of
evidence for yoga is low due to concerns about the methodological quality of the trials.
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether yoga can reduce asthma medication use in
adults and children.
The five trials (n=360) that compared a yoga group with a control group generally showed
improvements in asthma symptoms (Table A), but had a low strength of evidence due to
methodological limitations of the included trials.31-35 Four of the five trials reported reductions in
asthma symptoms, although data could not be pooled due to lack of necessary data in several
cases.31,32,34,35 The largest effect size appeared to be found in one of the lower quality trials based
in Indiacomparing yoga breathing exercises with meditation.34 This trial reported a 64 percent
reduction in symptoms in the intervention group at 12 weeks, compared with a 6 percent
reduction in symptoms in the meditation group.
Another trial with a very intensive intervention reported a very large effect size at 2- and 4-
week followup, but the effect was attenuated (yet still statistically significant) after 8 weeks.35 In
this trial and the U.S.-based trial of a comprehensive naturopathic intervention,32 both the control
and intervention groups showed improvements in a Juniper symptom subscale well beyond the
level of clinical significance (i.e., improvement of 0.5 points).17 Greater improvements were
apparent, however, in those participating in the yoga interventions than those in the control
Medication use was rarely reported, and evidence was considered insufficient to determine
effectiveness. Quality of life was only reported in three of the trials, but did show improvement

in two of them (standardized pooled estimate for all three trials=0.66, 95% CI, 0.21 to 1.10,
I2=59.3%).32,34,35 Strength of evidence was low. All trials were rated fair quality. Three of the
trials were extremely intensive and were conducted in India. These trials had minimal
applicability for the U.S. health care system because of differences in standard of care, narrow
inclusion criteria, and cultural acceptance of yoga. Two of the India-based trials were among the
group with fairly substantial methodological issues.31,34 Two trials included substantial additional
components beyond yoga breathing techniques, making isolation of the breathing component
impossible.32,35 The trial with the greatest applicability to the U.S. health care system showed no
group differences on any measure.33

Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control

Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions about the effect of IMT on asthma
symptoms, medication use, or quality of life in adults and children.
There was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about the effect of IMT on asthma in
five small trials (n=169) (Table A).36-40 Three of the trials were conducted by a single
investigator.38-40 All trials involved 25 or fewer participants per group and varied substantially in
populations, intensity, and approach. All but one38 had substantial quality issues. These trials
also had low applicability to the U.S. health care system.

Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques

Versus Control
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions about the effect of other nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques on asthma symptoms, medication use, or quality of life in
adults and children.
Two trials (n=153) compared a nonhyperventilation reduction breathing technique with a
control group and showed no group differences in asthma symptoms, medication use, or
pulmonary function (Table A). One trial examined the use of biofeedback targeting heart rate
variability (HRV), as well as training in pursed-lip abdominal breathing with prolonged
exhalation.41 This trial had three control groups: biofeedback targeting only HRV, placebo
biofeedback involving placebo “subliminal suggestions designed to help asthma,” and a waiting
list. The other trial compared the use of a device to modify breathing to achieve an inspiration-
to-expiration cycle of 1:2, with a sham device that did not modify breathing.23 Both trials were
rated as “fair” quality, and strength of evidence was insufficient.
Key Question 1a
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether patient characteristics influence treatment
effect in adults and children.
The trials included for this Key Question were heterogeneous on too many factors to be able
to look across studies to assess the impact of population characteristics on effect size. However,
three trials did report subgroup analyses examining differential effects of treatment by different
characteristics.22,30,41 Subgroup analyses were not described as being planned a priori, but were
clinically logical subgroups the interventions may be expected to benefit differentially. The

United Kingdom trial comparing Papworth-style intervention with asthma education found that
results were consistent between those who scored in the “disordered breathing” range on the
Nijmegen questionnaire and those who did not.30 Similarly, the trial of nighttime mouth-taping
did not find larger effect among the subgroup of people who were rated as being “mouth
breathers” at baseline.22 Finally, the trial using biofeedback for breathing retraining found that
there were no differences in response between those older than age 40 and though younger than
Key Question 1b
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether the provider’s certification and/or training
influences effect size in hyperventilation reduction trials in adults and children.
• Exploratory analyses suggest that comprehensive approaches, especially those including
additional, nonbreathing components may be more likely to show a benefit than
approaches that isolate a single aspect of breathing in adults.
• Exploratory analyses suggest that intensity-matched control groups and control groups
that involved either an alternate breathing approach or a technique to reduce autonomic
arousal may reduce the likelihood of finding group differences in adults.
We could identify few components that had a clear impact on effect size. Among
hyperventilation reduction trials, those involving certified or specially trained Buteyko
practitioners21,23,24,27 were more likely to show reductions in medication use that those that did
not, however practitioner training did not appear to affect asthma symptoms results. All trials
that reported improvements in quality of life did not use specially trained Buteyko
Looking across all trials, interventions that included components beyond breathing
retraining23,26,32,35 were likely to show a benefit more than interventions that isolated one aspect
of breathing retraining (e.g., prolonged exhalation,23,41 mouth-taping,22 strengthening inspiratory
muscles38-40). In addition, trials that matched intensity between treatment groups appeared less
likely to reduce reliever medication use, although this effect was not seen for other outcomes.
Finally, trials that compared breathing retraining with either another breathing technique or an
intervention likely to induce relaxation or a reduced state of autonomic arousal were less likely
to show group differences on asthma symptoms and quality of life when compared with control
groups that did not include either of these components. These analyses were purely exploratory
and did not account for effect size, so should be considered only as hypothesis generating and
not as conclusive.
Key Question 2

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus

Control Group
Key Points:
• There is moderate evidence that hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not
improve lung function in adults.
Hyperventilation reduction techniques did not affect pulmonary function and strength of
evidence was judged to be moderate (Table A). All seven trials reported one or more pulmonary
function outcomes, primarily forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital capacity

(FVC), and peak expiratory flow (PEF).22,23,25-28,30 Group differences were only found in one trial
and only in the comparison with one of the two control groups.27 Absolute changes in the FEV1
values in the intervention groups were small (e.g., improvements of 20 milliliters or less in FEV1
or less than 2% improvement in the percent predicted of FEV1). Three trials measured end-tidal
CO2, 25,26,30 which is a specific target of interventions to reduce hyperventilation, but only one
found group differences at 4, 12, and 26 weeks.25 Breathing rate was reduced in two of these
trials, which suggests that participants did modify their breathing in the way they were
instructed, but that modification did not always alter the CO2 levels as hypothesized by the
Buteyko method proponents.25,26

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Other

Breathing Techniques
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not differ from other breathing
techniques in terms of effect on pulmonary function in adults, but the evidence to support
this is low.
All four trials in this group reported on change in FEV1 (Table A).21,23,24,29 No trial found
group differences, and there was little change within any of the groups in any trials. Strength of
evidence was judged to be low. Only one trial reported PEF, and this trial found no group
differences.21 Other measures of pulmonary function similarly showed no group differences,
including end-tidal CO2,21,29 provocative dose of methacholine causing a 20 percent reduction in
FEV1,23 and FVC.29

Yoga Breathing Versus Control

Key Points:
• Yoga breathing techniques may improve pulmonary function in adults, but the evidence
to support this is low.
The strength of evidence on yoga improving pulmonary function was low. Neither of the
U.S.-based trials improved pulmonary function outcomes,32,33 despite the positive effects on
other outcomes for the comprehensive naturopathic treatment program (Table A).32 Intensive
yoga training in India, however, resulted in substantial improvements in pulmonary
function,31,34,35 although the largest effect sizes were seen in the trials with the greatest
methodological limitations.31,34 The trial with the largest effect (and the greatest quality
concerns) showed improvement in percent predicted FEV1 of 12 percentage points, compared
with only two percentage points in the control group.34 The best quality trial of the three Indian
trials reported improvements of 7.7 percentage points in the intervention group on percent
predicted FEV1,compared with a 2.6 percentage point reduction in the control group at 8-week

Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control

Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether IMT improves pulmonary function in
adults and children.

Three of the four trials reporting pulmonary function found greater improvement in FEV1 or
PEF in participants who underwent IMT than those who did not (Table A).36-38 These data,
however, are best considered exploratory pilot trials and evidence insufficient, given their
heterogeneity in methods and populations, small size, and quality issues.

Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction Techniques Versus Control

Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether other nonhyperventilation reduction
techniques improve pulmonary function in adults and children.
Spirometry results did not change over time in either the trial of prolonged exhalation using a
training device23 or in any of the treatment groups in the biofeedback trial (Table A).41
Key Question 2a
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether patient characteristics influence the effect
of treatment on pulmonary function in adults or children.
The bestquality trial of yoga conducted in India showing large benefits of treatment reported
that participants with exercise-sensitive asthma showed a greater improvement on FEV1 than
those whose asthma was not sensitive to exercise.35 No other trials reported subgroup analyses
for any pulmonary function outcomes, and there was no evidence that this subgroup analysis was
planned a priori or that it was a clinically important subgroup expected to differentially benefit
from this intervention.
Key Question 2b
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether certification and/or training of the provider
influences effect size in hyperventilation reduction trials.
• Exploratory analyses suggest that control groups that involved either an alternate
breathing approach or a technique to reduce autonomic arousal may reduce the likelihood
of finding group differences in adults.
Included trials provided little information about which intervention characteristics influence
treatment effect on pulmonary function. Benefits were more likely to be seen if the control group
did not involve breathing training of any kind or relaxation techniques (42% positive vs. 14%
positive with breathing/relaxation comparison group). These data are preliminary, however, and
are only valid for hypothesis generation and do not account for effect size.
Key Question 3
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not appear to be associated with any
harms in adults, other than minor annoyances associated with mouth-taping at night, but
the evidence to support this is low.
• Yoga breathing techniques do not appear to be associated with any harms in adults, but
the evidence to support this is low.
• There was no evidence on harms associated with IMT or other nonhyperventilation
reduction approaches in adults or children.

Breathing retraining techniques appear unlikely to cause harm. Seven trials reported on
adverse events, including five trials that examined a hyperventilation reduction approach
compared with either a control or another breathing retraining approach.22,24,26,28,29,32,33 The trial
of mouth-taping reported some minor adverse events such as causing sore lips, causing a feeling
of suffocation, or disturbing sleep. All other trials reported either no adverse events or no adverse
events judged to be related to the breathing retraining.
Key Question 3a
Key Points:
• There was no evidence regarding whether patient characteristics influenced the likelihood
of experience harm from any treatment included in the review in adults or children.
No trials examined harms of treatment within subgroups or compared subgroups on
likelihood of harms.

Table A. Strength of evidence
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Effects in 7 comprehensive
interventions ranged from
no effect to large effect, 5
reduction breathing
8 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Moderate of 7 reported benefit; 1
technique vs.
narrowly focused trial
showed no benefit for
Key Question No trial found a benefit of
reduction breathing
1: asthma one approach over
technique vs.
symptoms 4 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low another; both groups
(global improved in 2 trials, neither
reduction breathing
symptom group improved in 2 trials
severity or
Yoga breathing 4 of 5 trials report benefit,
control, Medium-
technique vs. 5 Consistent Direct Imprecise Low 3 with substantial quality
specific High
control concerns
2 small trials with different
Medium- populations and methods,
IMT vs. control 2 Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
High both show benefit, 1 with
high risk of bias
No benefit in trials using
biofeedback or breathing
reduction breathing 2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
device, mixed results in 1
technique vs.
trial of physical therapy

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Hyperventilation 3 trials found reduction in
reduction breathing reliever medication and the
6 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Moderate
technique vs. 3 lowest intensity trials did
control not.
Hyperventilation Greater reduction in use
reduction breathing with hyperventilation
technique vs. reduction breathing
3 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
nonhyperventilation training in 2 of 3 cases,
reduction breathing both groups improved in 1
technique trial
Key Question 2 trials with substantial
1: medication Yoga breathing differences in intensity,
use (reliever) technique vs. 2 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient location, and population,
control and reported contradictory
4 small trials, 3 by 1
author, 3 with high risk of
IMT vs. control 4 High Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
bias, no. 2 shows probable
reduction breathing
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient No benefit of treatment
technique vs.

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Hyperventilation 1 of 4 found large benefit,
reduction breathing but raw data NR,
5 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low
technique vs. remaining 3 found no
control group differences
reduction breathing
No differences in
technique vs.
4 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low effectiveness in 3 of 4
reduction breathing
Key Question
1: medication
1 trial with high risk of bias
use (controller)
Yoga breathing showed benefit of yoga,
technique vs. 1 High N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient type of medication not
control listed, just that it was used
“to control dyspnoea”
IMT vs. control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient 0 trials
reduction breathing No benefit of treatment in
2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
technique vs. either trial
Benefit found in 2 of 6,
reduction breathing
6 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low results mixed in another 2
technique vs.
No differences in
effectiveness in all cases;
reduction breathing
both groups met threshold
technique vs.
4 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low for clinical improvement in
2 trials, but change only
reduction breathing
Key Question statistically significant in 1
1: quality of life of these trials
3 trials, large effect seen in
Yoga breathing Medium-
trial with shortest followup.
technique vs. 3 High Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
Pooled effect showed
IMT vs. control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient 0 trials
reduction breathing
2 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient 2 trials with mixed results
technique vs.

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
2 of 2 trials found small
benefit for anxiety and
reduction breathing
4 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low depression, 2 of 2 trials
technique vs.
found mixed results for
Hyperventilation 1 study showing greater
reduction breathing benefit of Buteyko
technique vs. breathing training than
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient
nonhyperventilation yoga breathing training via
Key Question reduction breathing device on some
1: Functioning technique functioning subscales
or mental Yoga breathing 1 trial with substantial non-
health technique vs. 1 High N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient yoga components showed
control benefit
2 trials with high risk of
IMT vs. control 2 High Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient bias showing benefit, 1 in
children, 1 in adults
1 trial with mixed results,
benefit primarily seen on
reduction breathing
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient role limitations due to
technique vs.
physical problems, not
other subscales

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
reduction breathing Small or no benefit found
5 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Moderate
technique vs. in all trials
reduction breathing
technique vs. No benefit for FEV1 in any
4 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
nonhyperventilation trials
reduction breathing
Key Question
2: pulmonary
3 of 5 show benefit of
function Yoga breathing
Medium- yoga, all 3 high-intensity
(FEV1) technique vs. 5 Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
High interventions, 2 with large
2 of 3 trials showed
IMT vs. control 3 High Inconsistent Indirect Imprecise Insufficient benefit, 2 with high risk of
Nonhyperventilation 2 trials with different
reduction breathing treatment approaches
2 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
technique vs. showing no benefit of
control treatment

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
reduction breathing No benefit found in any
3 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
technique vs. trial
reduction breathing
technique vs. 1 trial showing no benefit
1 High N/A Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
nonhyperventilation in either group
reduction breathing
Key Question
2: pulmonary
3 of 4 show benefit of
function (PEF) Yoga breathing
Medium- yoga, all 3 high-intensity
technique vs. 4 Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
High interventions, 2 with large
1 trial with large effect,
IMT vs. control 1 High N/A Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
high risk of bias
reduction breathing
0 N/A N/A Indirect N/A Insufficient 0 trials
technique vs.

Table A. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
None found adverse
Hyperventilation effects related to the
reduction breathing intervention, one listed
3 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
technique vs. minor annoyances
control associated with mouth-
reduction breathing
technique vs. No adverse effects related
2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
Key Question nonhyperventilation to interventions
3: harms reduction breathing
Yoga breathing
No adverse effects related
technique vs. 2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
to yoga
IMT vs. control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient N/A
reduction breathing
0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient N/A
technique vs.
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; N/A: not applicable; PEF: peak expiratory flow

Summary of Results
The body of evidence suggests that selected intensive behavioral approaches that include
breathing retraining or exercises may improve asthma symptoms or reduce reliever medication
use in adults with poorly controlled asthma. However, the overall body of evidence primarily
consisted of small, methodologically limited trials with widely heterogeneous samples, settings,
and treatment approaches, few outcomes beyond 6 months, and inconsistent outcome reporting.
Also, primary outcomes (symptom reduction and reliever medication use) were self-reported,
making them susceptible to social desirability bias. Hyperventilation reduction techniques
provided the strongest evidence for improvement in asthma symptoms and reliever medication
use, including the only large-scale trial27 and the applicability to U.S. health care systems was the
best (although still limited, since no trials were conducted in the United States). Reductions in
asthma symptoms (when they occurred) were likely clinically significant: standardized effect
sizes were frequently greater than 0.80, which is considered a large effect, and scale scores for
symptoms and quality of life often changed in an amount associated with clinically significant
differences. Reductions in reliever medication use were generally in the 1.5 to 2.5 puffs per day
range, which were also likely of clinical significance. This technique, however, did not improve
pulmonary function.
Intensive yoga breathing training, on the other hand, did improve pulmonary function in
addition to improving symptoms in three trials of intensive yoga breathing training conducted in
India.31,34,35 Quality issues in these trials, however, limit confidence in results and applicability to
U.S. health care systems was very low.
Evidence for IMT and other breathing retraining techniques were limited to small,
heterogeneous trials best characterized as pilot studies that did not provide sufficient evidence to
conclude that they are effective. There were five IMT trials, three of which were conducted by
the same researcher, and all but one had substantial methodological limitations. The two small
nonhyperventilation reduction trials used very different approaches, and neither showed the
intervention to be beneficial.

Specific Versus Nonspecific Effects

Despite the relatively positive results for hyperventilation reduction, improvements could not
be definitively attributed to the use of the specific techniques. Subjective assessment of asthma
symptoms is responsive to placebo interventions (e.g., sham acupuncture or a placebo inhaler),
and participants in hyperventilation reduction interventions were instructed to delay use of
reliever medication.43 Rather than directly improving asthma, trials might have helped
participants eliminate overuse of reliever medications, which is still an important positive
outcome. Some trials attempted to control for the nonspecific effects of the treatment modality
by including comparison groups that involved other, plausible breathing retraining. It is difficult
to say, however, whether the treatment providers were comparable in their espousal of the
effectiveness of their techniques.
A subset of articles in a Cochrane review on psychological treatments for asthma suggests
that relaxation methods may reduce reliever medication use, and breathing retraining techniques
may similarly benefit participants by reducing levels of anxiety and/or autonomic arousal.44

In summary, there are a number of possible explanations for the improvements in asthma
outcomes reported with the use of hyperventilation reduction techniques. Lowered autonomic
arousal through relaxation or reduced anxiety may improve asthma symptoms, deliberately
delayed use of reliever medication may reduce reliever medication use, lifestyle changes (diet,
stress management, nutritional supplements) may affect asthma control, bias in outcome
measurement may affect any of outcomes, or the use of the specific breathing techniques may
genuinely improve asthma symptoms and lead to reductions in medication use. It is very difficult
to isolate critical treatment elements in complex interventions and use of some elements in
isolation may underestimate their importance if the components are dependent on each other or
interact with each other, or if individuals vary in the degree to which specific components are
necessary or sufficient to gain improvements. Thus, critical intervention components often
cannot be elucidated, particularly in a relatively poor and heterogeneous body of research.

Strength of Evidence
In most cases, the strength of evidence was insufficient or low. The evidence that
hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques can reduce asthma symptoms and reliever
medication use was judged moderate, as was evidence that hyperventilation reduction
approaches are unlikely to improve pulmonary function.

The trials in this review generally had low applicability to U.S. health care, primarily due to
the settings in which the trials took place as well as other factors. Only three trials were
conducted in the United States.32,33,41 Trials of hyperventilation reduction techniques had the best
applicability, being primarily conducted in health care settings in the United Kingdom and
Australia. Guidelines governing the United Kingdom’s45 and the United States’4 providers are
generally consistent, so treatment of asthma is likely similar, although standards of care may still
differ slightly and availability of hyperventilation reduction practitioners may also differ. Results
were primarily limited to 6 months or less, so applicability is limited to short-term outcomes.
However, given the evidence supporting a beneficial effect of hyperventilation reduction training
on reliever medication use, in particular, patients with poorly controlled asthma who are
motivated to use complementary and alternative methods to reduce their use of medication and
avoid overuse of reliever medications may be good candidates to try these techniques, if they can
find a practitioner with the appropriate training. There are approximately 50 certified Buteyko
practitioners in the United States, practicing in at least 21 states. Most practitioners were located
in complementary and alternative medicine settings. Some trials showed a benefit of treatment
related methods that were not described as “Buteyko,” specifically, conducted by respiratory
therapists who were not Buteyko practitioners but had special training in hyperventilation
reduction methods. Even among Buteyko practitioners, however, there is disagreement as to
what constitutes necessary and sufficient training, so some certified practitioners likely would
not be universally recognized as having the appropriate training.
The yoga and IMT trials had particularly low applicability, as these trials were conducted
primarily in India, Brazil, South Africa, and Israel, which are countries with substantial cultural
and/or economic differences from the United States, where standards of usual asthma care may
differ, and where the availability of practitioners may also differ. Some yoga and IMT trials were
even further limited in their applicability to the general U.S. population by limiting samples to
males31 or females only,39 vegetarians within a fairly narrow age range,31 people with 6 months

of yoga experience and not using medications,34 and children with untreated asthma.36 In some of
these trials, there was some evidence that the standard of care was likely different from the
current U.S. standard of care due to nonuse of controller medications31,34 or poor success in
managing asthma.36
Evidence was primarily applicable to adults; only a single trial of IMT targeted children
(ages 8 to 12 years),36 and only four other trials included people younger than 16 years of age, all
addressing hyperventilation reduction training.21,24,27,29 However, it is unlikely that many teens
were included in these trials since, where it was reported, the average participant age was in the
forties in these studies. Subgroup analyses of teens and/or emerging adults were not reported.

Clinical Implications
One goal of National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP)-consistent
treatment is for people with asthma to require theuse ofreliever medications no more than twice
per week. Participants in the hyperventilation reduction trials were on average using relievers
more frequently than twice per week at baseline, generally averaging about two puffs per day or
more. While there are flaws in this research, participants generally reduced reliever medication
to a level consistent with NAEPP guidelines, at least in the short term. This was achieved
without increases in asthma symptoms, exacerbations, or declines in lung function. For people
whose asthma is not well controlled, hyperventilation reduction techniques may provide a low-
risk approach to achieve better control and avoid overuse of reliever medications. Participants in
the trials were admonished only to reduce the use of controller medications in consultation with
their medical providers, and this is a very important safety consideration for all users of these
techniques. Inflammation may increase with reduction in controlled medications without the
patient realizing it, and lead to longer term exacerbations. Hyperventilation reduction techniques
may be a useful asthma management tool, along with medication and other components such as
environmental controls, symptom monitoring, and a plan for handling exacerbations.
The body of evidence for yoga is smaller and at higher risk of bias than the evidence for
hyperventilation reduction techniques, but there is limited evidence suggesting that intensive
yoga training may reduce asthma symptoms and improve lung function. Patients who would like
to undertake intensive training need not be discouraged, but again should not change their use of
asthma medication without consulting with their medical provider.

There were several limitations and potential limitations to our review, both in our approach
to the review and in the evidence base. In terms of our approach, potential limitations include the
fact that we did not include non-English publications, that we excluded “poor-quality”
publications, that we excluded trials that used relaxation training as a comparison group, that we
relied on personal communication with authors for some data, and that we were unable to locate
seven publications that could possibly have been eligible for inclusion in the review.
The evidence was limited in a number of ways. There were no trials rated as “good” quality
and a number of trials could barely be considered “fair” quality. There was only one trial that
could be considered large, and more than half of the trials included 25 or fewer participants per
treatment group. Outcome reporting was very heterogeneous and inconsistent, with important
outcomes missing in many trials, and outcomes assessment was not consistently blinded. In
addition, there was little consistency of asthma-related terms used in these trials, and terms were
sometimes used vaguely or differently, making it difficult to characterize interventions.

The methodological limitations are counterbalanced by some strengths of our report,
including extensive grey-literature searching, examination of abstracts of non-English
publications, and efforts to contact authors to include all possible eligible English-language
trials. These measures were undertaken to limit the effects of publication bias. Other strengths
include extensive input from experts during protocol development, rigorous adherence to
inclusion/exclusion rules, and conservative use of meta-analysis.

Future Research
Additional evidence would improve our understanding for all intervention types. Future trials
should detail breathing retraining techniques, as described by Bruton,46 and these trials should
include asthma symptoms outcomes, reliever medication use, quality of life, and pulmonary
function at minimum. In addition, controller medication use should always be described. Best
practices regarding randomization, blinding, and followup are also crucial to any further research
in this area. For hyperventilation reduction techniques, top priorities for future research include
replication of results of the large, good-quality trial with intensity-matched comparator, trials that
attempt to isolate the necessity or efficacy of specific components of treatment, and trials
focused on hyperventilation reduction techniques in children. A well-designed and executed
replication of a high-intensity yoga breathing approach in the United States, without additional
nonyoga components would be an important next step for the use of yoga in asthma.

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Condition Definition
Asthma is a chronic disorder of the airways characterized by the complex and variable
interaction of underlying inflammation, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and airway obstruction.1
Asthma’s principal symptoms result primarily from bronchoconstriction and a resulting
reduction in airflow. These symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and chest
pain or tightness. The associated reduction in airflow is usually reversible spontaneously or with
treatment.1 The specific clinical manifestations and severity of asthma can vary among and
within susceptible individuals. Asthma further varies in its chronicity, cellular pathophysiology,
triggers, and responsiveness to medication.

Prevalence and Disease Burden

In 2009, the estimated prevalence of asthma in the United States was 8.2 percent,
representing 24.6 million adults and children. The prevalence was 9.6 percent among children
and 7.7 percent among adults.2
The prevalence of asthma has increased substantially during the past 30 years. While it is
difficult to compare exact prevalence figures over this period due to changes in surveillance
methods, it appears that the prevalence has roughly doubled in most age, sex, and race
subgroups.3 Asthma is also more common among people of certain ethnic and racial groups, with
Puerto Ricans, African Americans, American Indians, and Alaska Natives having the highest
prevalence rates.4 In addition, the prevalence of asthma is highest among people of low
socioeconomic status.4
When poorly controlled, asthma is associated with increased health care use, decreased
quality of life, and significant activity limitations.5,6 In 2007, asthma accounted for 456,000
hospitalizations and 3,447 deaths in the United States.2 The morbidity associated with asthma
adds to the costs incurred by both patients and health care organizations. In the United States, the
projected annual cost (direct and indirect) of asthma in 2010 was estimated to be over $20

Etiology and Natural History of Asthma

Our knowledge of the pathogenesis of asthma has evolved over the past 25 years from a
primary focus on bronchospasm to an understanding of the role of airway inflammation. We
currently describe these processes along a continuum that includes severe persistent disease
resulting from airway remodeling due to chronic inflammation.1 The onset of asthma can occur
at any age and the disease may or may not persist.7 While causes of childhood asthma are not
well understood, we do know that children who develop asthma are more likely to have mothers
with asthma, have increased airway resistance, have allergic sensitization by 3 years of age,8 and
are atopic (especially if the atopy is accompanied by high levels of exposure to perennial
allergens early in life).9 Although the definitive etiology or etiologies of adult-onset asthma have
not been identified, it is estimated to be work-related in 11 to 50 percent of cases, depending on
age and sex.10
The clinical course of asthma is largely unpredictable and is widely variable. The progression
of asthma appears to vary in different age groups, as measured by pulmonary function.1 In

children, deficits in pulmonary function growth appear to generally occur by the age of 6 years,
and primarily in those whose symptoms began before the age of 3 years. In adults, there is
evidence that pulmonary function may progressively decline, but the implications of this decline
for the development of fixed airflow obstruction are not understood.1

Diagnosis and Assessment of Asthma

Diagnosing and assessing asthma requires clinical judgment based on medical history,
physical examination, and pulmonary function testing.1 Guidelines from an expert panel
recommend that before establishing a diagnosis of asthma a clinician should determine that: (a)
episodic symptoms of airflow obstruction or airway hyperresponsiveness are present; (b) airflow
obstruction is at least partially reversible; and (c) alternate diagnoses are excluded.1 Because
other diagnoses cannot be reliably excluded by medical history and physical examination, and
because patients vary considerably in their ability to perceive of airflow obstruction, an objective
assessment of pulmonary function is necessary for an asthma diagnosis. While peak expiratory
flow (PEF) meters are useful for monitoring the disease, spirometry is more reliable and
recommended for establishing the diagnosis.1 Guidelines recommend assessing forced expiratory
volume for 1 (FEV1) or 6 seconds and/or forced vital capacity (FVC, the total volume of air that
can be forcibly exhaled after maximal inhalation) before and after use of a short-acting
bronchodilator. Maximal patient effort during spirometry testing is crucial for accurate
assessment. A skilled technician who adheres to American Thoracic Society (ATS) performance
guidelines is also important.11
Airway obstruction is considered reversible if there is an increase in FEV1 of more than 200
milliliters and 12 percent from baseline after two to four puffs of albuterol. In patients who are
not taking long-term control medications (e.g., inhaled corticosteroids [ICS]), an FEV1 below 60
percent of predicted (based on age and sex) is categorized as “severe” asthma, 60 to 80 percent
of predicted is “moderate,” and above 80 percent is “mild.”
Distinguishing severity of underlying disease from current control is important in
characterizing asthma. Asthma severity is the intrinsic intensity of the disease. Asthma control is
the degree to which symptoms and functional limitations are minimized (e.g., a person may have
severe underlying disease that is well controlled). Severity is assessed before introduction of
long-term controller medications such as inhaled corticosteroids. Once therapy is initiated,
asthma control is monitored and treatment modifications are based on degree of control.

Treatment of Asthma
As our understanding of the critical role played by inflammation in the pathophysiology has
increased, so has the number of therapies targeting this inflammatory process. In addition to
short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA) drugs for quick-relief of acute exacerbations, pharmacologic
treatment of persistent asthma often entails the use of anti-inflammatory medications for long-
term control — most commonly ICS, but also including drugs that target various inflammatory
cell types, such as leukotriene modifiers (see Appendix A for an overview of medications
recommended for use in treating asthma).1
The goal of treatment is to achieve asthma control, as evidenced by normal or near normal
pulmonary function, maintenance of normal activity levels, and minimal need for SABA inhalers
for “quick-relief” of asthma symptoms (≤ twice per week).1 Asthma treatment is often multifocal
and tailored to the individual’s characteristics, including disease pattern and severity, treatment
response, and side effects. Current U.S. guidelines recommend four essential components for

effective asthma management: assessing and monitoring the disease, self-management education,
controlling environmental and co-morbid conditions, and adequate pharmacologic therapy.
Although treatment seeks to improve asthma control, treatment does not appear to affect the
underlying severity of the asthma, at least in adults.1
Despite clinical practice guidance on self-management education and medication use, many
patients with asthma appear to adhere poorly to such recommendations.12,13 Studies have found
that adults with asthma and the parents of children with asthma have concerns about regular use
of medication, including fears of long-term dependence and side effects associated with inhaled
and oral steroids.14,15 While side effects for ICS are rare, these medications can be associated
with a number of possible side effects, including slowed growth in children. However, effects on
growth are small, appear to be seen primarily in the first months of treatment, are generally
nonprogressive, and may be reversible. On the other hand, poorly controlled asthma can also
delay growth in children.
At high doses and with long-term use, ICS use can be associated with adrenal suppression,
osteoporosis in adults, skin thinning/easy bruising, and possibly the increased risk of developing
cataracts in adults and glaucoma in adults with a family history of glaucoma.1 In addition,
according to the product information insert for QVAR® 40 micrograms (mcg) and 80 mcg, long-
term effects of chronic ICS use are still not fully known, including effects on the immunologic
processes in the mouth, pharynx, trachea, and lung.16 Possible side effects of SABAs include
headache, musculoskeletal pain, tachycardia, and other cardiovascular effects. In addition, there
have been rare reports of serious, even fatal, asthma exacerbations associated with overuse of
SABAs, particularly older versions of these medications (isoproterenol and fenoterol).17
A variety of complementary and/or alternative therapies have been advocated for the control
of asthma given its spectrum of severity and causes as well as concerns about long-term
medication use. These include breathing exercises, herbal remedies, homeopathy, acupuncture,
relaxation therapies, and manual therapy (e.g., chiropractic techniques, massage). Breathing
retraining exercises are among the complementary and alternative treatments most frequently
used by people with asthma, and are purported to have virtually no adverse effects.14,18,19
Breathing retraining is generally assumed to be complementary to guideline-based care, with the
primary goals of improving asthma control and reducing the use of medications, particularly
SABAs. Some specific breathing retraining approaches include the Buteyko breathing technique,
yoga-based approaches, and other physical therapy techniques. In the United States, 27 percent
of children with asthma reported some use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).20
Among those, 58 percent reporting using some sort of breathing technique to help manage
asthma, which was the most common type of CAM used. The study did not provide more detail
regarding the specific type of breathing exercises used, and since only 8.4 percent of the children
reported using practitioner-based CAM, likely most of the children using these techniques are
not involved in rigorous or supervised breathing training.

Buteyko and Other Methods Based on Hyperventilation Reduction

and Carbon Dioxide Regulation
The Buteyko breathing technique, developed by Konstantin Buteyko, is based on the theory
that chronic hyperventilation in people with asthma leads to decreased carbon dioxide (CO2) in
the blood (hypocapnia), which constricts the airways. Buteyko developed a breathing method to
increase the amount of CO2 in the blood. This method involves controlled shallow breathing
through the nose only, with breath-holding at the end of the exhalation. The length of time a

person is able to hold their breath at the end of an exhalation indicates the extent of
hyperventilation, with longer periods of breath-holding indicating less hyperventilation.21
Buteyko practitioners also train users to eliminate or minimize sighs, yawns, and gasps, which
they consider “overbreathing.” This method requires commitment on the part of users, since it
usually takes considerable practice to master. When experiencing asthma symptoms, Buteyko
users are encouraged to utilize breathing the technique for 5 to 10 minutes before using a
bronchodilator to relieve symptoms. Buteyko practitioners encourage the use of porous tape to
hold the lips together at night for those who tend to breathe through their mouths at night. The
British Thoracic Society (BTS) guideline developers concluded that evidence supported
consideration for the use of the Buteyko breathing technique to control the symptoms of
Other clinicians have used approaches not specifically identified as Buteyko breathing
training, but are consistent with Buteyko methods and/or integrate Buteyko methods. For
example, the Papworth method involves instruction in slow (e.g., 8 breaths per minute), steady
diaphragmatic breathing through the nose, with a pause at the end of each breath and elimination
of sighs and other overbreathing. In addition, they work with patients to teach them to use
relaxed, controlled breathing while talking and engaging in daily activities.23,24
The evidence supporting the hyperventilation theory of the pathophysiology of asthma is
mixed. One study showed that people with asthma have lower end-tidal CO2 levels (i.e., blood
levels of CO2 at the end of exhalation) than those without asthma.25 Research by ven den Elshout
and colleaguesappears consistent with Buteyko’s theory by demonstrating that inducing a
reduction in end-tidal CO2 levels increased airway resistance in people with asthma and a history
of bronchial hyperresponsiveness to histamine, but it did not change airway resistance in
matched controls without asthma.26 When hypercapnia (high level of CO2 in the blood) was
induced in the same study, airway resistance decreased in both patients with asthma and
controls.26 Another study, however, found that longer breath-holding time was associated with a
reduction in end-tidal CO2, which is counter to Buteyko’s theory.27

Yoga-Based Approaches
The breathing techniques used in yoga, known as pranayama, are integral to virtually all yoga
traditions. While these traditions vary in the specific use of breathing techniques, they generally
involve slowing and regularizing the breath by prolonging the expiratory phase, enhancing
abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing, and imposing resistance to both inspiration and exhalation.28
The prolonged expiratory phase is assumed to promote mental and physical relaxation. Increased
respiratory resistance, which can be achieved through manually blocking one nostril or by using
the tongue and other mouth muscles to narrow breathing passages, is thought to promote
efficient alveolar gas exchange and, in asthma patients, to help reduce hyperinflation of the
lungs. Like hyperventilation reduction methods, yoga practitioners usually advocate the use nasal
breathing rather than mouth breathing, and both approaches appear to have the effect of slowing
the passage of air in and out of the lungs. It is unclear if the two approaches have similar
physiologic effects.

Physical Therapy Techniques and Inspiratory Muscle Training

Slow-paced respiration provides users with an external stimulus to encourage a specific
(slow) breathing rate. Slower breathing rates have been associated with lower stress response (as
measured by skin resistance, finger pulse volume, and self-reported anxiety in the face of

anticipated stressors). Slow-paced respiration is typically combined with abdominal breathing to
reduce panic attacks, and thus may be of help to the extent that asthma is triggered by stress or
anxiety.29 Biofeedback has been used to indirectly target airway resistance by increasing heart
rate variability (HRV), and has also been used to directly target airway resistance via the
relaxation of the muscles used for breathing.29 Biofeedback uses electronic monitoring devices to
show a participant some kind of physiologic level (such as HRV or muscle tension) in order to
teach him or her to control bodily functions that normally happen automatically. Training to
increase HRV involves feedback to increase the amplitude of the heart rate oscillations with
breathing.30 Participants may be instructed in cognitive strategies and/or slow
abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing as a means for increasing HRV,31 though the specific
mechanism of action is unknown.30
Another set of physical therapy techniques may be used to strengthen inspiratory and/or
expiratory muscles to help reduce perception of dyspnea, aid in overcoming airway resistance,
and avoiding hyperinflation due to insufficient expiratory strength.

Scope and Purpose

The original public nomination made by a Buteyko practitioner and physical therapist
requested a review focused specifically on the effectiveness of the Buteyko method for reducing
bronchodilator and inhaled steroid use and improving the health status of adults and children
with asthma. After input from experts and consulting the literature, we expanded the topic to also
address the breathing retraining approaches described above. Thus, the objective of this review is
to synthesize the data on the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of a variety of
breathing retraining techniques in the management of asthma in adults and children 5 years of
age or older.

Key Questions
Three systematically reviewed Key Questions are addressed in this report. These questions
address the impact of breathing exercises on health outcomes and pulmonary function in addition
to the harms related to breathing exercises in the treatment of asthma.
1. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does the use of breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques a improve health outcomes, including: symptoms
(e.g., cough, wheezing, dyspnea); health-related quality of life (general and/or asthma-
specific); acute asthma exacerbations; reduced use of quick-relief medications or
reduced use of long-term control medications, when compared with usual care and/or
other breathing techniques alone or in combination with other intervention strategies?
a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for asthma health
outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)?
b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for asthma health
outcomes differ according to variations in implementation (e.g., trainer

For example: the Buteyko breathing technique; inspiratory muscle training (IMT); breathing physical therapy including paced
and pursed lip breathing exercises; the Papworth method; biofeedback- and technology-assisted breathing retraining; and yoga
breathing exercises.

experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention (e.g., anxiety
2. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with asthma, does the use of breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques improve pulmonary function or other similar
intermediate outcomes when compared with usual care and/or other breathing techniques
alone or in combination with other intervention strategies?
a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for other asthma
outcomes differ between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children;
males/females; different races or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types
and severities of asthma; and/or different coexisting conditions)?
b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing techniques for other asthma
outcomes differ according to variations in implementation (e.g., trainer
experience) and/or nonbreathing components of the intervention (e.g., anxiety
3. What is the nature and frequency of serious adverse effects of treatment with breathing
exercises and/or retraining techniques, including increased frequency of acute asthma
a. Do the safety or adverse effects of treatment with breathing techniques differ
between different subgroups (e.g., adults/children; males/females; different races
or ethnicities; smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of asthma;
and/or different coexisting conditions)?

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) requested a Comparative
Effectiveness Review on the effectiveness of breathing exercises and/or retraining for the
treatment of asthma as part of its Effective Health Care (EHC) program. The Oregon Evidence-
based Practice Center (EPC) established a team and a protocol to develop the evidence report.

Topic Development and Refinement

The topic for this report was nominated through a public process. The Scientific Resource
Center (SRC) for the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program compiled information about this
topic to evaluate its priority for a comparative effectiveness review. This information was
evaluated and discussed by staff of the EHC and was approved for a full review.32
The Oregon EPC drafted a topic refinement document with proposed Key Questions after
consulting with seven Key Informants. Key Informants included Western allopathic and
alternative medical providers and representatives of patient advocacy groups. The alternative
medical practitioners covered the areas of Buteyko breathing technique, yoga breathing
techniques, and the Papworth breathing retraining method.
The Key Questions were posted on AHRQ’s website for public comment in August and
September of 2010 for 4 weeks and were revised as needed. We then drafted a protocol for the
comparative effectiveness review and recruited a technical expert panel (TEP) to provide high-
level content and methodological expertise throughout the review. The TEP was comprised of
five individuals who specialize in asthma management from the fields of family medicine,
community health and nursing, psychology, physical therapy, and pediatrics. The TEP was set up
to ensure the scientific rigor, reliability, and methodological soundness of the research. The TEP
provided comments on the methods protocol and provided input on substantive issues such as
typical use of asthma medication, clinical value of outcomes, and clinical importance of effect

Analytic Framework
The analytic framework for evaluating the comparative effectiveness of breathing exercises
and/or retraining for the treatment of asthma is shown in Figure 1. In general, the figure
illustrates how the use of breathing exercises or retraining may result in intermediate outcomes
(e.g., FEV1 or PEF, and/or ultimate health outcomes (e.g., reduced symptom severity and
improved quality of life). The figure also depicts the possibility of adverse events occurring after
treatment. We did not systematically review the association between pulmonary function test
results and asthma symptoms, along with other health outcomes.

Figure 1. Analytic framework

FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; MV: minute volume; PEF: peak expiratory flow

Literature Search Strategy

A research librarian performed comprehensive literature searches in the following databases:
• MEDLINE accessed via PubMed
• PsycInfo
• Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
• Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro)
• Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CCRCT)
• AltHealthWatch
• Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED)
• Manual, Alternative and Natural Therapy Index System (MANTIS)
• Indian Medical Journals (IndMED)
Appendix B outlines our search strategy for each database. These searches were used to
locate relevant studies related to all three Key Questions. Searches were restricted to the time
period of1990 to December 8, 2011. While we did not have translation services available to
review non-English papers, we were able to find English-language abstracts or use electronic
translation tools on non-English abstracts for all non-English articles that may have met
inclusion criteria, based on the title of the article. Only two trials possibly appeared to meet our
inclusion/exclusion criteria, based on the abstracts, but were not reviewed further because we did
not have translation services available.33,34 Titles and abstracts of these studies are presented in
Appendix C.
In addition, because the Buteyko methods were developed in Russia, there may be relevant
early research published only in Russian and not included on the databases we searched.
Therefore, we searched Buteyko websites for reference to non-English studies that might meet
our inclusion criteria.35,36 One website listed 73 publications by Buteyko himself or his
collaborators in Russian, and while it is possible that there was a trial listed among then, none
included the word “trial” in the title and all appeared to be studies of pathophysiology, case
series, or instructions in the use of the Buteyko method.35

Searches of these databases were supplemented with manual searching of reference lists
contained in all included articles and in relevant review articles. We specifically examined
reviews of asthma education programs for trials with any mention of breathing techniques for
asthma management published during our search window (1990 to present).37-42 Grey literature
searches were also performed by the research librarian. For the purposes of this review, grey
literature refers to any information that is not controlled by commercial publishing and included
regulatory documents (e.g., U.S. Food and Drug Administration Medical and Statistical Reviews
and Authorized Medicines for the European Union); clinical trial registry entries (e.g.,, the World Health Organization International Trials Registry Platform, and
Current Controlled Trials Register); and conference abstracts (e.g., CSA’s Conference Papers
Index, Scopus conference papers, ProceedingsFirst, and PapersFirst). Upon receipt of the grey
literature search results, we reviewed abstracts and/or full-text results according to the methods
described below. We matched abstracts to any published studies and reviewed them in
conjunction with the full text of these studies. In addition, a Scientific Information Packet (SIP)
was requested from one relevant organization that produces materials and educational training
for one intervention of relevance to this review (Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health,
Manuka, Australia). However, we did not receive a SIP.
The results of our searches were downloaded and imported into version 11.0.1 of Reference
Manager® (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY), a bibliographic management database. We
manually scanned for duplicates. Reference Manager was used to track the search results at the
levels of title/abstract review and article inclusion/exclusion.

Process for Study Selection

A two-step process was used for study selection. First, two members of the research team
independently reviewed each title and abstract (if available) to determine if an article met the
broad inclusion/exclusion criteria for study design, population, and intervention (Table 1). Each
title/abstract was coded as: potentially included, excluded, or background. Next, we retrieved
full-text articles for all potentially included studies, including those that were questionable or
unclear at the abstract stage. Two reviewers independently assessed each full-text article using a
standard form that detailed the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements
were resolved through discussion.

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Category Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
• Humans, all races, ethnicities, cultural groups
• Adults aged > 18 years with asthma of any type • Children < 5 years
and severity, symptomatic or using asthma • Individuals with comorbid chronic
medication obstructive pulmonary disease,
Population • Children > 5 years with asthma of any type and emphysema, chronic bronchitis or any
severity, symptomatic or using asthma other chronic disease that affects
medication pulmonary function (e.g., heart disease,
• Asthma diagnosis by medical practitioner (self- thyroid disease)
report of physician diagnosis acceptable)
Interventions in which breathing retraining/exercises
are a primary component. Such exercises include:
• Buteyko breathing technique (including those
focused only on mouth taping • Interventions that do not focus primarily on
• Inspiratory muscle training asthma
• Expiratory muscle training • Interventions whereby breathing
• Diaphragmatic breathing techniques techniques are not a primary treatment
• Breathing physical therapy (e.g., paced and • In-hospital management of acute
pursed lip breathing exercises) exacerbations
• Papworth method • Physical fitness training
• Biofeedback- and other technology-assisted • Alexander Technique
breathing retraining
• Yoga breathing exercises
• Other breathing exercises
• Other breathing techniques alone or in
combination with other intervention strategies
• Other alternative or complementary
• Usual care as standard for the setting (e.g.,
methods that are potentially efficacious for
asthma self-management education, control of
asthma and are not focused on breathing
environmental factors, pharmacologic therapy)
retraining [e.g., relaxation techniques (e.g.,
Comparator • Technology-supported placebo device
progressive muscle relaxation),
• Attention controls (receiving similar time and
acupuncture, herbal therapies,
attention as the intervention group on another
topic unrelated to breathing retraining)
• Physical activity or exercise
• Wait-list controls
• No treatment offered (outside care is assumed)

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria (continued)
Category Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Key Question 1:
• Symptoms (e.g., cough, wheezing, dyspnea,
nocturnal symptoms)
• Health-related quality of life (general and/or
• Asthma control (e.g., acute exacerbations,
hospitalizations for asthma, urgent or emergent
clinic or hospital visits for asthma (including
unscheduled doctor visits), nocturnal control,
missed school/work, daily activity tolerance or
• Exercise tolerance (e.g., 6-minute walk, shuttle
• Quick-relief medication use (e.g., short-acting
beta2-agonists, anticholinergics) • Costs
• Long-term control medications (e.g., inhaled • During or post-exercise breathlessness or
corticosteroids, long-acting immunomodulators) pulmonary function (considered too highly
correlated with fitness)
Key Question 2:
• Pulmonary function tests: FEV1 % predicted;
FVC % predicted; PEF; MV, exhaled nitric
oxide, methylcholine challenge and/or
responsiveness, sputum eosinophil markers of
inflammation, other measures of CO2, other
spirometry measures

Key Question 3:
• Increased asthma symptoms or acute asthma
• Adverse reactions to therapies
• Reduction in/negative influences on quality of
Time period 1990 to present Before 1990
Setting All settings Not applicable
All locations
English All other languages

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria (continued)
Category Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Key Questions 1, 2 and 3:
• Randomized controlled trials
• Controlled clinical trials Key Questions 1, 2 and 3:
• Comparative observational studies (prospective • Editorials, letters, nonsystematic literature
and retrospective cohort studies; case-control reviews
studies); including only those controlling for • Noncomparative observational studies
medication use and health care use with long- (e.g., case-series, case reports, cross-
term (≥ 6 month) outcomes, with some validity sectional studies)
of case ascertainment or in those with broadly • Comparative observations trials not
representative samples meeting all inclusion criteria

Key Questions 1a and 2a:

• Randomized controlled trials Key Questions 1a and 2a:
Study design
• Controlled clinical trials • Editorials, letters, nonsystematic literature
• Comparative observational studies (prospective reviews
and retrospective cohort studies; case-control • Noncomparative observational studies
studies); including cohort of patients who have (e.g., case-series, case reports, cross-
undergone breathing retraining, reliably divided sectional studies)
into subgroups of interest, adequately powered • Comparative observations trials not
to detect differences in outcomes between meeting all inclusion criteria
groups, and adequately controlling for
confounders Key Questions 1b and 2b:
• Editorials, letters, nonsystematic literature
Key Questions 1b and 2b: reviews
• Randomized controlled trials • Observational studies
• Controlled clinical trials
All Not applicable
> 4 weeks post intervention < 4 weeks post intervention
Sample size N > 10 N < 10
CO2: carbon dioxide; FEV1: forced expiratory flow in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; MV: minute volume; PEF: peak
expiratory flow

Data Abstraction and Data Management

We abstracted data from all included studies with a quality rating of “fair” or “good” (see
section below on individual study quality assessment) into a standard evidence table. One
investigator abstracted the data and a second checked the data. Discrepancies regarding data
abstraction were resolved by re-review, discussion, and comments from others. The following
information was obtained from each study, where available: author identification; year of
publication; study location; study design; recruitment setting and approach; inclusion/exclusion
criteria; demographic and health characteristics of the sample including baseline asthma;
description of the intervention and control arms; any co-intervention components (e.g., advise
about diet, relaxation training); compliance with treatment; and sample retention. Outcomes
included: asthma symptoms; medication and health care use; quality of life and functioning;
pulmonary function; and adverse outcomes. We also recorded the instruments used to measure
each outcome, where available. We contacted authors of included studies if clarification of
methods (e.g., randomization methods) or results (e.g., providing missing data or verifying the
data) was needed.

Individual Study Quality Assessment
We used predefined criteria developed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to assess
the methodological quality of included studies.43 Two independent reviewers assigned a quality
rating of the internal validity for each study. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and
consensus. A rating of “good,” “fair,” or “poor” was assigned using the predefined criteria for
studies meeting inclusion criteria. For randomized controlled trials (RCTs), specific areas
assessed included:
• The presence of adequate randomization methods (use of computer-generated random
number tables or other process considered truly random);
• Allocation concealment;
• Similarity of groups at baseline;
• The specification of eligibility criteria;
• Reliable and valid diagnosis or asthma (optimal assessment included use of pulmonary
function testing to confirm reversible component);
• Retention (retention of 90% or more overall was considered good; 60 to 89% was
adequate, and less than 60% was considered a fatal flaw; differential attrition of 10 to 19
percentage points was considered potentially problematic and 20 percentage points or
more was considered a fatal flaw);
• Time to followup (6 months or more was preferable, fewer than 6 weeks was potentially
• Equal, reliable and valid measurements;
• Blinding of outcome assessors; and
• Appropriate analyses (e.g., analyzing all participants in the treatment group to which they
were initially assigned, use of conservative data substitution [preferably multiple
imputation, imputation based random effects regression or similar models, or use of
baseline values] when retention was below 90%, adjustment for potential confounders, no
use of statistical tests that were inappropriate for the type of data analyzed).
All of these items were used to evaluate the risk of bias. Generally, a good-quality study met
all major criteria, though it was possible to get a “good” rating if an item was not reported (so
could not be assessed) if the rest of the methods were judged to be “good.” A fair-quality study
did not meet all criteria, but was judged to have no flaw so serious that it invalidated its results.
A poor-quality study contained a serious flaw in design, analysis, or execution, such as
differential attrition as described above, or some other flaw judged to be so serious as to cast
doubt on the validity of the results. Examples of serious flaws include very large baseline group
differences that were not or could not be adjusted for in an analysis, no information about
followup and assumption of 100 percent followup was not tenable, or insufficient information
was provided to determine the risk of bias.
We did not include studies rated as poor-quality in this review.

Data Synthesis
We summarized all included studies in narrative form as well as in summary tables that
present the important features of the study populations, design, intervention, outcomes, and
results. We divided comparisons into five groups based on the primary intervention focus and
control group: (1) interventions focused on hyperventilation reduction breathing training versus
control, (2) yoga breathing methods versus control, (3) IMT versus control, (4) breathing

approaches that did not focus on hyperventilation reduction versus control, and (5)
hyperventilation reduction versus nonhyperventilation reduction breathing training approaches.
Outcomes are discussed separately for each of the five groups.
To facilitate comparison of effect sizes across studies reporting different outcomes, when
possible we calculated a standardized effect size (Hedges g) for group differences in change from
baseline using Stata 11.2® (Stata Corp, College Station, TX), where sufficient data were
available for calculation. In calculating standardized effect sizes for asthma symptom outcomes,
all scores were coded so that a higher score indicated more symptoms (worse outcome). For
quality of life measures, all scores were coded so that a higher score indicated higher quality of
life (better outcome). Random effects meta-analyses were conducted where there were at least
three trials within a group. Meta-analyses were always conducted within groups because of the
high degree of clinical and methodological heterogeneity across group. Statistical heterogeneity
was evaluated using the I2 statistic. When trials reported multiple followup assessment, we
pooled data from the assessment that was closest to the followup time reported by the other trials
in the analysis to maximize consistency between studies. For trials with more than one control
arm, we included the control group most similar in intensity to the intervention group that was
included in the meta-analysis, thus choosing intensity-matched comparators wherever possible.
We did not perform funnel plots or Egger’s test of small study effects to assess for publication
bias because of the small number of trials included in each meta-analysis.
We used effect size as one method to judge the importance of an effect. Effect sizes larger
than 0.80 were considered large effects.44 In addition, commonly used asthma scales have been
examined to determine thresholds for clinically significant change in health status.45 A change of
0.05 has been suggested for the Juniper Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaires (AQLQ).46,47 For
the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), the threshold for clinical significance is
estimated to be 4 units, and patients whose treatment was judged to have been “very effective”
showed an average change of 8.1 units.45
In a separate exploratory qualitative analysis for Key Questions 1b and 2b, we stratified all
trials (regardless of group) by a series of study characteristics of interest and examined the
proportion of trials reporting positive results in trials with and without the pertinent
characteristic. Characteristics examined included study quality rating (substantial quality
concerns vs. average quality concerns), whether the comparator included a breathing or
relaxation component, whether the intervention involved the use of a device, and whether the
two groups being compared involved the same number of hours of contact and homework. We
examined outcomes, including: asthma symptoms, reliever medication use, quality of life, and
pulmonary function.

Grading the Strength of Evidence

We graded the strength of evidence for primary outcomes using the standard process of the
EPCs as outlined in the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness
Reviews.48 Specifically, we assessed the strength of evidence for the major outcomes in each of
the Key Questions. These outcomes included: (1) asthma symptoms and control, (2) asthma
medication use, (3) quality of life and function for Key Question 1; and (4) pulmonary function
test results for Key Question 2. The grade of evidence was based on four major domains: (1) risk
of bias (low, medium, high), (2) consistency (no inconsistency present, inconsistency present,
unknown or not applicable), (3) directness (direct, indirect), and (4) precision (precise,
imprecise). Risk of bias is the degree to which the included studies for a given outcome or

comparison has a high likelihood of adequate protection against bias. We evaluated risk of bias
considering both study design and aggregate quality of the studies. Consistency refers to the
degree to which reported effect sizes from included studies appear to have the same direction and
magnitude of effect. We assessed the sign of the effect sizes (i.e., effects have the same
direction) and whether the range of effect sizes was narrow. When only a single study was
included, consistency could not be judged. Directness relates to whether the evidence links the
interventions directly to health outcomes. For a comparison of two treatments, directness implies
that head-to-head trials measure the most important outcomes. Precision refers to the degree of
certainty surrounding an effect estimate with respect to a given outcome.
We assigned an overall strength of evidence grade based on the total number of studies
addressing the outcome and the ratings for these four individual domains for each key outcome,
and for each comparison of interest. The overall strength of evidence was rated using four basic
grades (as described in the AHRQ Methods Guide): high, moderate, low, and insufficient (Table
2).48 We rated the evidence as insufficient when no studies were available for an outcome or
comparison of interest, or the evidence is limited to small trials that are methodologically flawed
and/or highly heterogeneous. Ratings were assigned based on our judgment of the likelihood that
the evidence reflected the true effect for the major comparisons of interest.

Table 2. Strength of evidence grades and definitions

Grade Definition
High confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is very unlikely to
change our confidence in the estimate of effect.
Moderate confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research may change our
confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate.
Low confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is likely to change the
confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate.
Insufficient Evidence is unavailable or does not permit a conclusion

To assess applicability, we used data abstracted on the population studied, the intervention
and comparator, the outcomes measured, settings (including cultural context), and timing of
assessments to identify specific issues that may limit the applicability of individual studies or the
body of evidence to U.S. health care settings, as recommended in the Methods Guide.49 We used
these data to evaluate applicability, paying special attention to study eligibility criteria,
recruitment strategies, baseline demographic features (e.g., age, smoking status, and comorbid
conditions) and the intervention characteristics (whether there were multiple interventionists,
level/degree of training among interventionists, whether there was a clearly defined protocol).

Review Process
A full draft report was reviewed by experts and posted for public commentary from
November 9, 2011, through December 5, 2011. Comments received from either invited
reviewers or through the public comment website were compiled and addressed. A disposition of
comments will be posted on the Effective Healthcare Program Web site 3 months after the
release of the evidence report.

Literature Search
Our literature search yielded 2,415 citations. From these, we provisionally accepted 106
articles for review based on abstracts and titles (Figure 2). After screening their full texts, 22
studies,50-71 published in 42 articles,50-91 were judged to have met the inclusion criteria
(Appendix D). All of these studies were RCTs except one, which was a randomized crossover
trial.51 The remaining 64 full-text articles were excluded (Appendix E). The primary reasons for
exclusion included not studying breathing techniques, not providing primary data, not using one
of the specified study designs, and being rated as poor quality. The eight publications excluded
for quality concerns represented six unique studies. Most were excluded because they failed to
describe multiple important areas of their methods (e.g., randomization methods and followup
rates and inclusion/exclusion rules and assessment methods were all missing) and the remaining
were very small trials (n=12 and 17) that either lacked comparability between groups at
baseline92-94 or did not report acceptable measurement or analysis methods.95

Figure 2. Literature flow diagram

All trials were conducted with people with symptomatic asthma. Most were limited to those
with stable asthma (e.g., stable dose of asthma medication, no recent use of oral steroids, and/or
no recent hospitalization for asthma). Some trials were limited to people with a certain level of
beta2-agonist use (e.g., twice daily,50,69 twelve times per week,56 four times per week,51,58 or
twice weekly52), suggesting their asthma was not well controlled. Most trials confirmed
reversibility of respiratory symptoms through pulmonary function testing. Trials primarily
included adults; only one trial of IMT targeted children (ages 8 to 12 years),65 and only four
other trials included people younger than 16 years of age.50,53,56,58 Trials used a variety of
breathing retraining techniques (Table 3), including interventions that targeted hyperventilation
reduction (e.g., Buteyko breathing technique, Papworth method),50-59,71 yoga breathing
techniques,60-64 IMT,65-69 and other controlled breathing approaches using prolonged exhalation
or abdominal breathing.52,70,71 Four of the trials of hyperventilation reduction used alternate
breathing techniques for comparison50,52,53,58 and seven used some kind of usual care, placebo,
wait list, or attention control group.51,52,54-57,59 One trial had two study arms with different
treatments in addition to a placebo-control group. Comparisons from this study will be discussed
in multiple sections of this report.52

Table 3. Included breathing retraining Interventions and comparisons

Number of
Intervention Description/ Examples Comparator Included
Hyperventilation Nasal breathing, eliminating “overbreathing,”
reduction breathing end-tidal breath-holding. Examples include the Control 8*
techniques Buteyko and Papworth methods.
Hyperventilation Nasal breathing, eliminating “overbreathing,” Another
reduction breathing end-tidal breath-holding. Examples include the breathing 4*
techniques Buteyko and Papworth methods. technique
Diaphragmatic/ abdominal breathing, slowing
and regularizing breathing, prolonging expiratory
Yoga breathing phase, using manual methods or the tongue and Control 5
throat muscles to impose resistance. Also known
as Pranayama.
Inspiratory muscle Use of exercises or device to increase strength 65-69
Control 5
training of breathing muscles.
Other non-
hyperventilation 52,70,71
Slowed breathing. Control 2*
reduction breathing
*One study with three treatment arms is included in each of these groups52

Thirty-two percent of the trials described allocation as concealed. Asthma symptoms,

medication use, and quality of life were usually based on self-report, and only 41 percent of the
trials reported that outcomes assessments were conducted blindly. Lack of blinding may be
especially problematic for pulmonary function testing, which is effort-dependent and involves
coaching to get an optimal performance. Lack of blinding may also be problematic for self-
reported outcomes, where social desirability could introduce bias. Most trials were small, with 68
percent including only 30 or fewer participants per treatment arm. Only a single trial included
more than 100 participants per treatment arm.56 Trials were also inconsistent the degree to which
they ensured the sample was limited to asthmatics: 42 percent did not report the use of
pulmonary function testing to confirm an asthma diagnosis and 39 percent did not describe
limiting excluding participants with other respiratory disorders or people at high risk for other
respiratory disorders (e.g., smokers).

Results of Included Studies
We discuss results for the five different types of comparisons separately: hyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques compared with control groups (Table 4) or with other
nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques (Table 5); yoga breathing compared with
control groups (Table 6); IMT compared with control groups (Table 7); and other
nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques compared with control groups (Table 8).
Table 9 briefly describes the instruments, including directionality, to aid in the interpretation of
standardized scales (see end of chapter for all tables).
Key Question 1. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with
asthma, does the use of breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques
improve health outcomes, including: symptoms (e.g., cough, wheezing,
dyspnea); health-related quality of life (general and/or asthma-specific);
acute asthma exacerbations; reduced use of quick-relief medications or
reduced use of long-term control medications, when compared with usual
care and/or other breathing techniques alone or in combination with other
intervention strategies?

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus

Control Group
Key Points:
• We found moderate evidence that hyperventilation reduction breathing technique
interventions with 5 or more hours of direct instruction may reduce asthma symptoms
and the use of reliever medication in adults, though evidence was limited to a fairly small
number of trials, most of which were at moderate risk of bias due to factors such as small
sample sizes, high or differential attrition, and lack of appropriate blinding.
• Evidence is low or insufficient that hyperventilation reduction training affects controlled
medication use, quality of life, or functioning in adults and children.
Eight trials (n=1,088) compared breathing retraining targeting hyperventilation reduction
with a control group. Seven were RCTs52,54-57,59,71 and one was a randomized crossover trial51
(Table 4; Appendix D, Evidence Table 1a). The 4-week cross-over trial focused only on one
component of the Buteyko breathing technique, specifically mouth-taping,51 while the remaining
provided broader instruction in modification of breathing (Appendix D, Evidence Table 1b).
Interventions generally involved controlled, shallow breathing, and encouraging diaphragmatic
breathing over chest breathing, with a breath-hold at the end of the exhalation. They advocated
breathing through the nose at all times, and in some trials participants were encouraged to use a
porous tape to hold the mouth closed at night while sleeping. They trained users to limit what
they term "overbreathing" with sighs, yawns, and gasps. They encouraged clients to use
breathing techniques when they experienced asthma symptoms for 5 to 10 minutes before using
Four of these trials involved fairly extensive interventions, reporting 6 to 12 months of
followup.52,54-56 These trials provided 5 to 13 hours of contact with instructors, encouraged daily
practice at home, and two of these included additional lifestyle components beyond breathing
retraining, of dietary and sleep advice52 and stress management.52,55 Only one of these four trials

included a control group with matching treatment intensity,56 the others compared
hyperventilation reduction breathing training to usual care,54,55 or a sham breathing training
device.52 One trial was limited to people with dysfunctional breathing, according to the
Nijmegen questionnaire.71 This instrument was designed to identify patients with chronic or
habitual breathing patterns that induce hyperventilation, and assesses symptoms purported to
identify hyperventilation (some of which may also be related to asthma symptoms) such as
accelerated or deepened breathing, being unable to breathe deeply, palpitations, tightness around
the mouth, tingling fingers, and dizzy spells.
Three lower-intensity interventions targeted breathing retraining only (i.e., included no co-
interventions that were not directly targeting breathing retraining), but did attempt to provide
comprehensive training rather than focusing only on a single aspect of the training. One trial
used a video for both instruction and daily practice,57 and the two others, conducted by the same
researcher using very similar interventions, offered 1 to 2 hours of direct instruction.59,71
Interventionists in all of these trials encouraged daily practice at home. One trial reported only 4-
week outcomes,57 and the other had 26-week followup for some or all outcomes.59,71 Both trials
attempted to provide attention-control comparators, one with relaxing landscape videos57 and the
other with general asthma education.59
Among all of the hyperventilation reduction trials with control group comparators, three used
the Buteyko method,52,56,57 three used the Papworth method or were described as similar to the
Papworth method,55,59,71 and one did not identify its methods as being either Buteyko or
Papworth, but the description of the intervention was consistent with Buteyko and Papworth
breathing methods,54 and one addressed only a single, narrow aspect of the Buteyko method
(mouth taping).51
All trials were rated as fair quality (Table 10). Two of the trials suffered from fairly high
attrition52,59 and three had greater attrition in the intervention group by at least ten percentage
points at one or more followups.52,55,59,71 Allocation concealment was reported in only three
trials,54,56,59 and outcomes assessment was clearly blinded in only four of the trials.51,52,54,56 Only
two of the RCTs randomized more than 50 participants per group,56,59 and three trials had only 1-
month of followup for some or all outcomes.51,57,59
Six of these trials were conducted in the United Kingdom,51,52,55,56,59,71 one in was conducted
in Greece,54 and one was conducted in Australia.57 All trials were conducted in health care
settings. The minimum ages of included participants ranged from 14 to 18 years, and most trials
included adults up to ages 60 to 72 years. The average baseline reliever used in most trials was
one to two puffs per day, generally along with 400 to 600 mcg of ICS use daily (in
beclomethasone equivalent), and FEV1 between 80 percent and 89 percent. The Australian trial
had somewhat higher reliever medication use than the other four, with an average of 404 mcg per
day at baseline (along with an average 430 mcg of ICS daily).57

Asthma Symptoms
All eight trials reported some type of asthma symptom outcome, which was usually a
standardized questionnaire (Table 4; Appendix D, Evidence Table 1c). All four of the most-
intensive and comprehensive interventions reported improvements in asthma symptoms at 6- to
12- months of followup.52,54-56 Only four of the trials provided sufficient information to pool in a
meta-analysis of asthma symptom scores, three of the four most intensive trials,54-56 and one
lower-intensity trial comparing 2 to 2.5 hours of Buteyko training with 2 to 2.5 hours of asthma
education.59 The standardized pooled effect size (or standardized mean difference [SMD]) for the

four trials with sufficient data to be included in a meta-analysis was -1.39 (95% confidence
interval [CI], -2.61 to -0.17, Figure 3).54-56,59 This analysis had very high statistical heterogeneity
(I2=97.1) and a wide range of effect sizes. However, because the pooled effect is very similar to
effect seen in two of the trials, and the other two are approximately equidistant from the pooled
estimate in opposite directions, the pooled effect may be a reasonable estimate for an average
effect despite the high heterogeneity.

Figure 3. Effect of hyperventilation reduction techniques on asthma symptoms at 6 to 12 months

CI: confidence interval; CG: control group; est: estimated; IG: intervention group; N: sample size; SD: standard deviation;
SMD: standardized mean difference

The largest trial showed the largest effect, with SMD of -2.58 (95% CI, -2.86 to -2.29).
Symptom ratings on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 3 (severe symptoms) dropped from an
average of 2.2 at baseline for all groups to 0.7 in the Buteyko group, while the control groups
slightly increased to 2.4 to 2.5.56 This was one of the relatively few trials reporting both
allocation concealment and blinding of outcome assessors, although retention was somewhat
lower in both control groups (82.5% and 73%) than the Buteyko group (90%).
Two other trials, both with fairly intensive interventions, reported standardized effect sizes
greater than 1.2, which would generally be considered large.54,55 In the trial by Holloway and
colleagues, for example, the Papworth intervention group participants showed 18- to 21-point
improvements on the 100-point SGRQ symptom subscale, compared with two-point
improvements in the control group at 6 and 12 month followup.55 This change is even greater
than the change on the SGRQ seen in patients whose treatment was judged to be “very effective”
in other research.45 Outcomes assessment was not blinded in this trial, which may have
artificially increased the effect size if intervention participants were more prone to demand
characteristics. On the other hand, this trial relied on an asthma registry to recruit patients and
did not independently verify the asthma diagnosis with pulmonary function testing. As such, if
some of the patients were misdiagnosed and actually had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
or another respiratory condition, then this would likely attenuate the intervention’s effect. The
asthma registry approach likely increases the applicability to typical clinical settings.

Similarly, the trial conducted in Greece by Grammatopoulou and colleagues54 showed
intervention participants moving from a score consistent with uncontrolled asthma to one in a
range similar to those with completely controlled asthma at 26-week followup.96,97 The average
control group score, on the other hand, remained below the average score of someone with well-
controlled asthma.
The other fairly intensive trial, which was not included in the meta-analysis, reported mixed
results, found differences in symptom scores from daily diaries, but no group differences in a
standardized symptom scale.52 This was a fairly small trial (n=30 per group) with fairly low
followup at 6 months (77% retention in the intervention group vs. 80% in the control group),
using a last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) data substitution method.
Of the remaining trials, which were all fairly low intensity, only one reported statistically
significant improvements in symptoms, and only at four weeks.71 The other trials did not find
improvements in asthma symptoms after 1 to 6 months.51,57,59 Other than the mouth-taping cross-
over trial, these trials showed effect sizes consistent with small beneficial effects, but group
differences were not statistically significant.

Medication Use
Medication use was reduced in three52,56,57 of the six trials reporting these outcomes (Table 4;
Appendix D, Evidence Table 1d).51,52,56,57,59,71 However, medication use was reported in only two
of the four higher-intensity trials.52,56 In the largest trial, reliever medication use dropped from 18
puffs per week at baseline in all groups to less than one puff per week in the intervention group,
compared with no change in either of the control groups at 6-month followup.56 Although
specific data were not shown, this trial also reported greater reductions in the use of controller
medication. Although the data were self-reported, and may be subject to demand characteristics
(since Buteyko participants were encouraged to delay bronchodilators), they were gathered by
blind outcome assessors.
Reliever medication use was reduced at 6-month followup in the trial by Cooper and
colleagues comparing a Buteyko intervention with a sham breathing retraining device.52 SABA
use was reduced by a median of two puffs per day in the intervention group, compared to no
change in the control group. Neither ICS use nor prednisone use differed at 6-month followup in
this trial. After 6-month followup, 60 of the 69 participants completing the first phase of the trial
took part in a steroid-reduction phase. Intervention participants in this phase reduced ICS use by
a median of 41 percent, compared with no reduction in the control group. However, this
difference was not tested directly; instead, the authors report only the results of the three-way
comparison between the Buteyko group and another treatment arm (a device to control the pace
of breathing), which was not statistically significant (p=0.70). This is the trial with fairly low and
differential retention that used LOCF as a data substitution method. Medication use was not
reported in the two other higher intensity trials that showed large positive effects on asthma
Medication outcomes were reported in the mouth-taping trial51 and the other three lower-
intensity trials.57,59,71 Reductions in bronchodilator use in the trial of video-based instruction57
were similar to those seen in the trial by Cooper and colleagues.52 This was a small trial (n=36)
with only 4 weeks of followup, but did have fairly high retention (89% in each group). This trial
reported no group differences in ICS use. No group differences in medication use were seen in
the mouth-taping trial51 or the lower-intensity Papworth-style interventions.59,71

Quality of Life and Functioning
Seven of the trials51,52,54,55,57,59,71 reported measures of asthma-related quality of life,
functioning, or mental health symptomatology at 1 to 12 months post-baseline, and all but the
one study51 (which focused only on mouth-taping) reported group differences in some measures
(Appendix D, Evidence Table 1e).

Asthma-Related Quality of Life

Six trials51,52,55,57,59,71 reported asthma-specific quality of life using standardized measures,
including only two of the higher-intensity trials (Table 4; Appendix D, Evidence Table 1e).52
Four reported statistically significant group differences at one or more time points. The trial with
the higher-intensity Papworth intervention55 reported improvements on the SGRQ one year after
the end of the intervention, however the differences appeared to be driven by the “symptoms”
subscale, since neither the “impacts” nor the “activities” subscales showed group differences at
either followup. Thus, improvements were seen in symptoms, but did not appear to affect other
areas of day-to-day life. The remaining higher intensity trials either found no differences
between groups52 or did not report this outcome.54,56 The three lower-intensity trials that reported
group differences in a measure of quality of life up to 6 months post-baseline were the video-
based treatment trial and both of the lower-intensity Papworth-style trials.57,59,71

Functioning and Mental Health

Changes in Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) scores were reported in two trials, and
although many SF-36 subscale outcomes were reported in these two trials, group differences
were rarely seen (Appendix D, Evidence Table 1e).52,54 Two trials, including the Papworth
intervention trial with a large effect on asthma symptoms,55 reported improvements in mental
health outcomes of depression and anxiety at 26 weeks.55,59 Anxiety and depression scales scores
indicated that participants were not, on average, anxious or depressed either before or after
treatment. Reductions were small in magnitude (e.g., group differences of 1.6 on a 68-point
rating scale). Group differences were maintained in one of these trials to 1 year.55

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Other

Breathing Techniques
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques may be more likely to reduce reliever
medication use than other breathing techniques in adults, but strength of evidence is low.
• Hyperventilation reduction training is no more likely to improve symptoms, controller
medication use, or quality of life than other breathing techniques functioning in adults,
but strength of evidence is low.
Four RCTs (n=285) directly compared the use of breathing techniques targeting
hyperventilation reduction with another breathing technique that did not target hyperventilation
reduction. Three of these trials used the Buteyko approach50,52,53 and one was modeled after the
Papworth method (Table 5; Appendix D, Evidence Tables 2a and 2b).58 One of these involved a
10-hour Buteyko intervention and was described above, compared to the use of a device to
modify breathing to achieve a typical yoga inspiration-to-expiration cycle of 1:2 with minimal
one-on-one instruction and no components addressed other than the breathing technique.52

The three remaining trials employed comparators targeting controlled or paced breathing, but
did not encourage the use of slow, nasal, shallow breathing with breath-holding or other
techniques focused on reducing hyperventilation.50,53,58 All of these trials involved at least five
contacts, usually face-to-face. Two trials used an approach that was initially intensive, meeting
every day for 5 to 7 days for training.50,53 All three trials attempted to provide the same
frequency and hours of treatment in both treatment groups. However, in one trial more than half
of the Buteyko participants received additional instruction sessions and the average number of
followup phone calls was seven in the Buteyko group, compared to one in the comparison
In addition to some kind of breathing retraining in the nonhyperventilation reduction groups,
one trial also included general asthma education and relaxation techniques,50 and another
included shoulder and upper arm stretches.58
All four trials were rated as fair quality (Table 11). One trial had a number of quality-related
issues, despite having followup on 95 percent of participants, including only a small number of
participants randomized (n=20 or fewer per group), a very wide age range (age 12 to 70 years),
no information on blinding of outcomes assessment, and reliance on self-report of variability in
breathing symptoms that improve with beta2-agonist use for asthma diagnosis.50 Additionally,
the Buteyko intervention was more intensive than the comparator.
Another trial reported good measurement and randomization procedures, but was rated as
“fair” quality because of the small number of participants (n=57 total) and retention below 90
percent.58 The remaining two failed to report either allocation concealment or blinding of
outcomes assessment, and had either fairly high attrition overall52 or higher attrition in the
Buteyko breathing technique group than the other intervention group,53 in addition to other minor
These trials were conducted in Australia,50,58 the United Kingdom,52 and Canada.53 Average
age ranged from 44 to 47, and all but one had a wide age range from 12 to 18 years up to 65 or
older. Asthma severity was quite high in one trial, where participants were using an average of
almost 900 mcg of reliever medication per day and 1,250 mcg of ICS (in beclomethasone
equivalents).50 Baseline FEV1 was 74 percent in this trial. Participants in the remaining trials
were using two to three puffs of reliever medication per day along with 650 to 850 mcg of ICS,
with an average FEV1 around 80 percent.52,53,58

Asthma Symptoms
Two trials reported no group differences in asthma control, with little improvement in either
group at 13 and 26 weeks (Table 5; Appendix D, Evidence Table 2c).50,53 Two reported no or
minimal group differences but did report improvement in both treatment groups for either the
asthma control questionnaire and physician global rating at 28 weeks58 or median change in the
symptoms subscale of the Mini-AQLQ at 26 weeks.52 Within-group change in the latter was not
tested statistically, but both groups showed a median improvement of more than 0.5, which is
considered a clinically significant difference.98 The best quality trial in this group showed almost
no group differences on five additional symptom scales; both groups improved on two of the
additional symptom scales.58

Medication Use
Two50,52 of the three50,52,58 trials reporting reliever medication use found greater reductions
with Buteyko breathing technique than either abdominal breathing50 or a device to train in the

use of prolonged exhalation after 13 to 26 weeks (Table 5; Appendix D, Evidence Table 2d).52
The trial with the greatest baseline asthma severity (and the most quality concerns, including
more intensive intervention contacts in the hyperventilation reduction group than the comparison
breathing intervention) showed the greatest improvements in reliever use, reporting median
reductions of 904 mcg per day in bronchodilator use at 3-month followup in the Buteyko group,
compared with a 57 mcg reduction in the abdominal breathing group.50 The Buteyko group went
from using approximately 9 to 10 puffs of beta2-agonist per day to approximately one puff every
other day. The trial showing no group differences reported reductions in reliever medication by
almost two puffs per day in both the hyperventilation-reduction group and the controlled
breathing with stretching group.58
All four trials reported results for controller medication. Two trials reported little change in
ICS use for either group,50,52 including the trial with the most dramatic results for beta2-
agonists.50 Of the remaining trials, one reported that ICS use was reduced by 50 percent in both
the Buteyko and the controlled breathing groups,58 and other trial reported greater reductions in
ICS use and a greater likelihood of discontinuing long-acting beta2-agonists with
hyperventilation reduction techniques than with a more typical physical therapeutic approach.53
In this trial, ICS use was reduced by an average of 317 mcg in the hyperventilation-prevention
group and only 56 mcg in the physical therapy group. Two trials reported no differences between
groups in prednisone use.50,52

Quality of Life and Functioning

All four trials reported an asthma-specific quality of life outcome, and none found that any
group showed greater improvement than another group (Table 5; Appendix D, Evidence Table
2e). In two trials, both groups showed increases of more than 0.5 on the Juniper quality of life
scales,52,53 which is the threshold for clinically significant change.45 However, the changes over
time were statistically significant in only one of these two trials.53
One trial reported functioning outcomes and found that scores on the subscale role limitation
due to physical problems improved by a median of 25 points on a 100-point scale at 3 months in
the hyperventilation-prevention group, while the median change in the device-assisted yoga-style
breathing was zero.52 Other functioning subscales showed little improvement in either group.

Yoga Breathing Versus Control

Key Points:
• Yoga breathing may improve asthma symptoms and quality of life in adults, but strength
of evidence is low due to concerns about the methodological quality of the trials.
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether yoga can reduce asthma medication use in
adults and children.
Five trials (n=360) compared the yoga group with a control group (Table 6; Appendix D,
Evidence Table 3a).60-64 All were fairly to highly intensive interventions and all required daily
practice at home in addition to supervised sessions (Appendix D, Evidence Table 3b). Two
programs conducted in India were very intensive.60,64 One included 4-hour sessions daily for 2
weeks covering yoga practice, lectures, group discussions, diet (including a study-provided
breakfast), and stress management, followed by an additional 4 weeks of home practice.64
Another trial involved a 70-minute-long daily yoga session for 6 months and all patient were
hospitalized initially to facilitate training.60 The duration of the inpatient stay was not specified.
This trial was limited to male vegetarians aged 25 to 50 years.

A third trial in India was focused specifically on yoga breathing exercises among people with
at least 6 months of prior yoga experience, compared with the use of meditation.63 Both
treatment arms involved 20 minutes of practice twice daily for 12 weeks, although the number of
these sessions that were supervised versus those conducted at home was not described. In this
study, the authors reported that participants “had no history of regular medication and they were
advised to discontinue if on any medication.” It was unclear if this is referring to all medication,
or only asthma medication. No age limits were reported and the average age in this trial was 29
The final two trials were conducted in the United States.61,62 One compared an eight-session
yoga class with a stretching class.62 This trial was limited to participants aged 18 and over, with
an average age of 51 years. The other trial involved a comprehensive naturopathic treatment
program that included yoga as well as dietary restriction, nutritional supplements, and a guided
journaling session.61 Participants in this trial were predominantly female and the average age was
44 years.
All trials were rated fair quality and three had substantial quality issues that limit our
confidence in results (Table 12).60,61,63 Two of these trials were quite intensive and conducted in
India.60,63 These trials included only 17 to 25 people per group, failed to report both allocation
concealment and blinding of outcomes assessment, and provided no information on refusals or
exclusions prior to randomization. In addition, one did not indicate how they divided the
participants into groups and failed to report the use of pulmonary-function testing to confirm
reversibility for asthma diagnosis.60 Also, the usual-care group in this trial received only
bronchodilators, antibiotics, and expectorants, but not ICS. The other trial did not report the
proportion of participants with followup, and it was unclear if their group assignment was truly
random.63 The third trial was conducted in the United States and involved a comprehensive
naturopathic intervention, which did not allow us to determine the effect of yoga breathing
techniques specifically.61 Outcomes assessment in this trial was not blinded, and it was unclear
whether those assigning participants to groups had access to intake assessment data. This trial
also did not report the use of pulmonary function testing in the diagnosis of asthma, number of
refusals or exclusions prior to randomization, nor did they describe whether they excluded
people with other respiratory disorders or recent use of oral steroids from their sample.
The Indian trial of daily 4-hour sessions also failed to report both allocation concealment and
blinding of outcomes assessment, but had retention above 90 percent in both groups and good
assessment procedures.64 The U.S.-based yoga class trial had the best methods of the group, but
had low and somewhat differential retention (79% in the intervention group vs. 67% in the
control group).62
Asthma severity was not consistently described in this subgroup of studies, but average
severity would likely be considered to be moderate according to National Asthma Education and
Prevention Program (NAEPP) as based on either daily reliever use62 or FEV1 in the “moderate
asthma” range.

Asthma Symptoms
All but one trial62 showed greater improvement in the yoga groups on at least one measure of
asthma symptoms, including all three trials conducted in India (Table 6; Appendix D, Evidence
Table 3c).60,61,63,64 The U.S.-based trial of an eight-session yoga class reported no group
differences in asthma symptoms.62 Although it was difficult to compare effect sizes across
different measures, the largest effect size appeared to be found in one of the lower quality trials

based in India, comparing yoga breathing exercises with meditation.63 This trial reported a 64
percent reduction in symptoms in the intervention group at 12 weeks, compared with a six
percent reduction in symptoms in the meditation group.
Another trial with a very intensive intervention reported a very large effect size at 2- and 4-
week followup, but the effect was attenuated (yet still statistically significant) after 8 weeks.64 In
this trial and the U.S.-based trial of a comprehensive naturopathic intervention,61 both groups
showed improvements in a Juniper symptom subscale well beyond the level of clinical
significance (i.e., improvement of 0.5 points).45 Greater improvements were apparent, however,
in those participating in the yoga interventions than those in the control groups.

Medication Use
Three trials reported medication use,60,62,64 including two trials conducted in India (Table 6;
Appendix D, Evidence Table 3d).60,64 One trial found that 53 percent of yoga participants
reduced medication required to control their dyspnea, compared with 18 percent in the control
group after 26 weeks, but the specific type of medication was not reported.60 In the trial of daily
4-hour yoga sessions, as with asthma symptoms, both groups showed improvement in
medication use: yoga participants reduced rescue medication use by an average of 1.5 puffs per
day after 8 weeks compared with a reduction of 0.5 puffs per day among control participants.64
There were no statistically significant group differences between those taking the yoga class and
those on the waiting list after 16 weeks.62

Quality of Life and Functioning

Three of the trials reported functioning or quality of life outcomes (Appendix D, Evidence
Table 3e).61,62,64 The pooled standardized effect size for overall asthma-related quality of life in
these three trials was 0.66 (95% CI, 0.21 to 1.10, I2=59.3%, Figure 4), consistent with improved
asthma-related quality of life in yoga breathing groups compared to controls.

Figure 4. Effect of yoga breathing techniques on quality of life at 2 to 6 months

CI: confidence interval; est: estimated; IG: intervention group; N: sample size; SD: standard deviation; SMD: standardized mean

The eight-session yoga class did not lead to greater improvement in overall asthma-related
quality of life than being on a waiting list after 16 weeks.62 Participants in both the
comprehensive naturopathic intervention61 and the daily 4-hour sessions64 showed greater
improvement overall asthma-related quality of life (again exceeding the threshold for clinically
significant improvement) as well as the “activities” and “emotions” subscales than the usual care
groups after 864and 26 weeks.61 As before, however, the usual-care participants also showed
clinically and statistically significant improvement in both of these trials. There were also group
differences on the SF-36 subscales of physical and social functioning, role limitations due to
physical limits, and both of the summary component scores (physical and mental) in the trial
involving a comprehensive naturopathic treatment program.61

Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control

Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions about the effect of IMT on asthma
symptoms, medication use, or quality of life in adults and children.
Five small trials (n=169) examined the effect of IMT on asthma (Table 7; Appendix D,
Evidence Tables 4a and 4b) after 8 to 26 weeks.65-69 Three of these trials, all conducted by the
same researcher in Israel, compared the use of a training device that controlled the level of
resistance associated with inhalation with a sham device that provided no resistance.67-69 Level of
resistance was gradually increased over the course of training with the active device, but the
sham device provided no resistance at any setting. Participants’ average age ranged from 34 to
40 years, and no age limitations were listed for any of these trials. One trial was limited to
women categorized as being in the mild-persistent to moderate range of asthma. Participants
used an average of 3.2 puffs per day of reliever medication and had a baseline FEV1 of 83
percent.68 The second trial was limited to those using two or more puffs of SABA daily, with an
average use of 2.7 puffs of reliever per day and a baseline FEV1 of 91 percent.69 The third trial

was limited to people with severe asthma. Participants in this trial used an average of six puffs of
reliever medication per day and had an average baseline FEV1 of 59 percent, the lowest of all
included trials.67
The fourth trial was conducted among children in Brazil who had previously received no
treatment for asthma and whose asthma was poorly controlled.65 Baseline FEV1 was not reported
in this trial. The trial compared a 14-session program that included one-on-one instruction as
well as IMT with the use of a breathing training device that built up inspiratory muscles through
gradually increasing the resistance required for inspiration, plus medication (rescue and
preventive) and three monthly medical visits for medication monitoring and general asthma
education. This was compared with asthma education and medication alone.
The final trial was conducted in South Africa among inactive nonsmokers with moderate-
persistent asthma and an average age of 22 years.66 This trial instructed participants in
diaphragmatic breathing. Participants were told to hold a weight on their abdomen while
breathing through a 1 centimeter wide tube. Control group participants received no breathing
All trials were rated fair quality, and all but one67 had fairly substantial quality issues (Table
13).65,66,68,69 The trials conducted in Israel included 15 or fewer participants per treatment group
in all cases,67-69 although followup rates where high in two of the three trials.67,69 None of these
trials reported whether allocation was concealed or whether they excluded participants with other
respiratory disorders. None of these trials provided detailed inclusion/exclusion criteria and two
them also failed to report information on baseline comparability of the treatment groups.68,69
The trials in South Africa66 and Brazil65 were also fairly small including 22 to 25 participants
per treatment arm with 100 percent followup. Neither trial, however, reported allocation
concealment or blinding of outcomes assessment. In addition, the Brazilian trial did not appear to
use pulmonary testing to confirm asthma diagnosis, provided little detail on their outcomes
assessment methods, and they did not report whether IMT trainers were in contact with the larger
asthma treatment team (and perhaps providing advice or support for general asthma management
and medication use such as encouraging patients to use controllers consistently) as part of the
fourteen IMT-focused sessions.65 In addition, children receiving only asthma education and
medication showed little improvement, which suggests these treatments were suboptimal. The
South African trial did report the use of pulmonary testing to confirm asthma diagnosis, but
provided no description of refusals and exclusions prior to randomization.66 They also reported
no information on changes in asthma symptoms, medication use, or quality of life, but only
reported pulmonary function outcomes.

Asthma Symptoms
Only two of the trials reported asthma symptoms at followup (Table 7; Appendix D,
Evidence Table 4c).65,67 The Brazilian trial reported that all of the children in the control group
regularly experienced daytime symptoms after 3 months, compared with none of the children
receiving IMT.65 Similarly, 22 of the 25 control group children experienced frequent asthma
attacks, compared with only two of the 25 IMT participants.65 Large group differences were also
found for nighttime symptoms. The fact that the children receiving only medication management
and asthma education were still experiencing high levels of asthma symptoms suggests that their
treatment was not effective and may not have been comparable to treatment in the United States.
The Israeli trial with the fewest quality concerns reported greater improvement in morning
chest tightness, cough, daytime asthma symptoms, and nighttime asthma symptoms after 6

months in IMT participants as recorded in daily diaries, compared with those using a sham

Medication Use
Four trials reported some kind of group difference in change in bronchodilator use (Table 7;
Appendix D, Evidence Table 4d).65,67-69 As with asthma symptoms, medication effects were
large in the Brazilian trial: at 3-month followup 16 percent of the children in the IMT group were
using bronchodilators compared with 84 percent of the control group children.65 They did not
report on controller medication use, which is unfortunate since the children in both groups were
previously untreated, initiating both rescue and controller medication in this trial, and we cannot
tell if the level of recommended controller medication use was comparable between groups.
All three Israeli trials reported statistically significant reduction in beta2-agonist use at final
followup in those using the active training device, but no such change in those who used the
sham device after 13 to 26 weeks.67-69 Groups were not statistically compared directly with each
other in two cases,68,69 however, and in one of these that provided sufficient data to calculate a
standardized effect size, the effect was not statistically different from zero.69

Quality of Life
Two trials reported functioning outcomes (Appendix D, Evidence Table 4e).65,67 The
Brazilian trial reported that none of the children undergoing IMT had difficulty with activities of
daily living at 3-months followup, but all of the control children did.65 One of the Israeli trials
reported an average decline of 1.7 days of missed work in the prior three months, compared with
almost no change in the control group participants.67

Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques

Versus Control
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions about the effect of other nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques on asthma symptoms, medication use, or quality of life in
adults and children.
Two heterogeneous trials (n=153) compared a nonhyperventilation reduction breathing
technique with a control group (Table 8; Appendix D, Evidence Tables 5a and 5b).52,70 One trial,
conducted in the United States with paid volunteers, examined the use of biofeedback for
breathing retraining.70 The intervention group engaged in biofeedback targeting respiratory
resistance, respiratory reactance, and HRV as well as training in pursed-lip abdominal breathing
with prolonged exhalation. This trial had three different control groups: biofeedback targeting
only HRV, placebo biofeedback involving bogus “subliminal suggestions designed to help
asthma,” and waiting list. The first three groups involved weekly biofeedback sessions for 10
weeks, plus the request to practice at home 20 minutes twice daily with a home-training unit. The
trial did not report baseline medication use or FEV1 values, but reported that participants’ asthma
was most commonly rated as being in the moderate persistent range based on medication level
according to National Health, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) criteria.1
The other trial compared the use of a device to modify breathing to achieve an inspiration-to-
expiration cycle of 1:2 with a sham device that did not modify breathing.52 Comparisons
involving other treatment arms in this trial were included above under hyperventilation reduction
techniques. Participants were expected to practice using the device at home twice a day for six

months. The average age of participants for this trial was 44 years, and was limited to
participants aged 18 to 70 years. Both trials were rated as fair quality (Table 14). The main
concerns of the biofeedback trial included lack of information on allocation concealment, higher
retention in the wait list group than all other groups (92% vs. 74% to 79%), and fairly small
sample size (22 to 25 per group), although they did report blinded outcomes assessment.70 The
trial examining the breathing device had fairly low and somewhat differential retention (73% in
the intervention group vs. 83% in the control group), conducted many statistical comparisons for
the relatively small sample, and did not clearly describe whether baseline differences were
controlled for, but did report blinded outcomes assessment.52 Both trials reported pulmonary
function testing to confirm asthma diagnosis.
The comparison between the active biofeedback groups targeting breathing in addition to
HRV versus HRV-only tests the unique contribution of breathing retraining.70 No differences
were found between these groups on either asthma symptoms or controller medication use at 12
weeks. Both of these two groups, however, did show greater reductions in number of asthma
exacerbations and controller medication use than the placebo and waitlist groups, suggesting
biofeedback targeting HRV may have contributed to improvement in asthma. This trial did not
examine quality or life or functioning.70
No differences on asthma symptoms, medication use or quality of life were noted at 6-month
followup in the trial comparing the device to train prolonged exhalation with a placebo device.52
Key Question 1a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing
techniques for asthma health outcomes differ between different subgroups
(e.g., adults/children; males/females; different races or ethnicities;
smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of asthma; and/or
different coexisting conditions)?
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether patient characteristics influence treatment
effect in adults and children.
The trials were heterogeneous on too many factors and reporting was too inconsistent to
allow us to assess the impact of population characteristics such as demographic characteristics or
baseline asthma severity on effect size across studies. However, three trials did report results of
subgroup analyses examining differential effects of treatment by different characteristics.51,59,90 It
was unclear if these analyses were planned a priori, but they do target subgroups hypothesized to
gain the greatest benefit from the specific interventions of their trials, based on the physiologic
models of action for their interventions or prior research. None of the trials reported conducting
tests for interactions before exploring subgroup analyses. The United Kingdom trial that
compared a relatively low-intensity Papworth-style intervention with an asthma education
comparator of comparable intensity found that results were consistent between those who scored
in the “disordered breathing” range on the Nijmegen questionnaire and those who did not.59
Similarly, the trial of nighttime mouth-taping did not find larger effect among the subgroup of
people who were rated as being “mouth breathers” at baseline.51 Finally, the trial using
biofeedback for breathing retraining found that there were no differences in response between
those older than 40 years of age and those younger than 40 years of age.90

Key Question 1b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing
techniques for asthma health outcomes differ according to variations in
implementation (e.g., trainer experience) and/or nonbreathing components
of the intervention (e.g., anxiety management)?
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether certification and/or training of the provider
affects effect size in hyperventilation reduction trials in adults and children.
• Exploratory analyses suggest that comprehensive approaches, especially those including
additional, nonbreathing components may be more likely to show a benefit than
approaches that isolate a single aspect of breathing in adults.
• Exploratory analyses suggest that intensity-matched control groups and control groups
that involved either an alternate breathing approach or a technique to reduce autonomic
arousal may reduce the likelihood of finding group differences in adults.
Among the 11 hyperventilation reduction trials, the expertise of the trainer may have had an
impact on medication use, but not on self-reported symptoms. Four of the hyperventilation
reduction trials reported using providers with specific training or certification in the Buteyko
breathing technique, three trials described their intervention as Buteyko, but did not involve a
practitioner, either because they used video tapes to deliver the intervention57,58 or limited the
intervention to mouth-taping.51 Four trials used physical therapists without describing further
certification, and did not describe their method as Buteyko.54,55,59,71 All four hyperventilation
reduction trials using specially training or certified providers showed reductions in medication
use.50,52,53,56 Only one other trial showed reduction in medication use and only for controller
use.57 However, the effect of practitioner training was not evident for self-reported symptoms:
two52,56 of the four using Buteyko practitioners reported positive or mixed findings, compared
with three54,55,71 of the seven trials that did not. Also, of the two trials reporting large
improvements in asthma symptoms, one used certified Buteyko practitioners and one did not.
Interestingly, the only trials reporting improvements in quality of life did not involve certified
Buteyko practitioners.57,59
Looking across all trials, we compared the proportion of trials reporting benefits of treatment
with and without several treatment components. First, interventions that included co-
interventions in addition to breathing retraining52,55,61,64 (e.g., dietary advice, relaxation training)
were likely to show a benefit, and interventions that provided comprehensive training and
education on breathing retraining were more likely to show a benefit than interventions that
isolated one aspect of breathing retraining (e.g., prolonged exhalation,52,70 mouth taping,51
strengthening inspiratory muscles67-69), which generally showed no benefit. For example, 83
percent of trials reporting extra non-breathing components reported a positive effect on asthma
symptoms and 100 percent reported reductions in reliever medication use (of those reporting
these outcomes), compared with 36 and 33 percent respectively among trials that restricted their
interventions to breathing training. However, as discussed next, intensity of intervention
(measured in hours of contact) and comprehensiveness (measured in number of intervention
components) are likely confounded.
More comprehensive programs were also more likely to offer more hours of exposure to
interventionists, and data were insufficient to truly tease apart the effects of hours of contact
from the effects of the content that was presented. However, we were able to compare patterns of
results among the 13 trials that had the same number of contact hours in the treatment and

comparator groups52,53,56-59,62,63,67-71 with the 10 trials in which intervention participants received
more hours of contact than those in the comparator group.50-52,54,55,60,61,64-66 Based on the number
of trials reporting positive results (and not magnitude of effects), trials that matched intensity
between treatment groups were less likely to show reductions in reliever medication use (83% of
trials with more intensive intervention than control groups showed reductions in reliever use,
compared with 30% of those with matching intensity in the two groups). However, comparable
differences were not seen for asthma symptoms or quality of life outcomes. This exploratory
analysis is limited by incomplete and perhaps selective reporting of these major outcomes.
Trials that compared any breathing retraining with either another breathing technique or an
intervention likely to induce relaxation or a reduced state of autonomic arousal50,52,53,57,58,62,63,70
(k=8) were less likely to show group differences on asthma symptoms and quality of life
compared with trials containing control groups that did not include either of these components
(k=15).51,52,54-56,59-61,64--69,71 Seventy-five percent of trials with a nonbreathing or nonrelaxation
comparator showed greater improvement on a measure of asthma symptoms in the intervention
than the control group, compared with 12.5 percent of those with breathing or relaxation
comparators. Similar results were seen for quality of life in these trials (20% showing benefit
when compared with another breathing technique and/or relaxation vs. 57% showing benefit
when compared with nonbreathing/ relaxation control). We saw no qualitative relationship
between likelihood of effect and study quality rating or whether the treatment involved the use of
a device. These data are purely exploratory and do not account for magnitude or precision of
effect, and they do not consider the impact of incomplete and perhaps selective reporting. As
such, these data must be interpreted cautiously.
Key Question 2. In adults and children 5 years of age and older with
asthma, does the use of breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques
improve pulmonary function or other similar intermediate outcomes when
compared with usual care and/or other breathing techniques alone or in
combination with other intervention strategies?

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus

Control Group
Key Points:
• Evidence is moderate that hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not
improve lung function in adults.
Seven of the eight hyperventilation reduction trials reported one or more pulmonary function
outcomes, primarily FEV1, FVC, and PEF at 4 to 52 weeks (Table 4; Appendix D, Evidence
Table 1f).51,52,54-57,59 The standardized pooled effect size of five trials that could be combined
showed minimal impact of hyperventilation reduction techniques on FEV1 (SMD=0.18, 95% CI,
0.00 to 0.37, I2=18.4%, Figure 5).52,54-56,59 Absolute changes in the interventions in these groups
were small, for example improvements of 20 milliliters or less in FEV1 or less than 2 percent
improvement in percent predicted of FEV1. The two trials that could not be pooled were the
video-based interventions with matched-intensity control video for comparison, and the mouth-
taping trial. Both found no effect of the intervention on FEV1.51,57

Figure 5. Effect of breathing retraining for asthma on pulmonary function at 1 to 6 months

CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; est: estimated; IG: intervention group; N: sample size; SD: standard deviation; SMD:
standardized mean difference

Group differences were only found in one trial, and only when compared to one of the two
control groups.56 In this trial, percent predicted FEV1 increased from 80 to 81 percent in the
Buteyko group while dropping from 75 to 74 percent in the nurse education control group.
However, the lower-intensity control group of asthma education only (which was not included in
the meta-analysis) did not show a drop and did not differ from the Buteyko group in change from
Three trials measured end-tidal CO2,54,55,59 which is a specific target of interventions to
reduce hyperventilation. Only one trial found group differences, reported at 4, 12, and 26
weeks.54 Breathing rate was reduced in two of these trials, which suggests that participants did
modify their breathing as instructed, but that modification did not always alter the CO2 levels as
hypothesized by the Buteyko method proponents.54,55

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques Versus Other
Breathing Techniques
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not differ from other breathing
techniques in terms of effect on pulmonary function in adults, but the evidence to support
this is low.
All four trials in this group reported on change in FEV1 at 13 to 28 weeks (Appendix D,
Evidence Table 2f). None found group differences, and there was little change within groups in
any trials. The standardized pooled effect size of the three trials that provided sufficient data for
analysis was -0.02 (95% CI, -0.29 to 0.26, I2=0.0%, Figure 5).50,52,53 Only one trial reported PEF,
and found no group differences.50 Other measures of pulmonary function similarly showed no
group differences including end-tidal CO2,50,58 provocative dose of methacholine causing 20
percent reduction in FEV1,52 and FVC.58 One trial did find that those undergoing Buteyko
breathing technique had lower minute volume, a specific target of hyperventilation-reduction
approaches, than those being trained in abdominal breathing.50 Thus, participants did modify
their breathing in a manner consistent with the Buteyko breathing technique approach, but this
change did not alter the amount of CO2 in their exhalation, which suggests that CO2 levels may
not be an important trigger for asthma as suggested by Buteyko breathing technique proponents.

Yoga Breathing Versus Control

Key Points:
• Yoga breathing techniques may improve pulmonary function in adults, but the evidence
to support this is low.
Neither of the U.S.-based trials improved pulmonary function outcomes,61,62 despite the
positive effects on other outcomes for the comprehensive naturopathic treatment program (Table
6; Appendix D, Evidence Table 3f).61 However, intensive yoga training in India resulted in
substantial improvements in pulmonary function with a standardized pooled effect size for these
three trials of 1.07 (95% CI, 0.72 to 1.43 I2=0.0%, Figure 5).60,63,64 The trial with the largest
effect (and the greatest quality concerns) showed improvement in percent predicted FEV1 of 12
percentage points, compared with only two percentage points in the control group.63 The best-
quality trial of the three Indian trials reported improvements of 7.7 percentage points in the
intervention group on percent predicted FEV1 compared with a 2.6 percentage point reduction in
the control group at eight-week followup.64 Group differences were also found on FVC,60
FEV1/vital capacity (VC) ratio,60,64 and PEF readings60,63,64 in the trials conducted in India, but
not in those conducted in the United States.61,62 Only one of the trials reported that outcomes
assessment was blinded.62 None of the trials described training or quality assurance measures for
the spirometry technicians, and only one provided any detail about spirometry procedures
beyond naming the machine that was used. The best-quality intensive India-based trial64 reported
taking the best of three FEV1 readings, in accordance with ATS standards.11

Inspiratory Muscle Training Versus Control

Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether IMT improves pulmonary function in
adults and children.

Results from IMT trials were mixed and could not be pooled due to substantial differences in
population, setting, and treatment approach in the three trials reporting the same outcome.
Treatment-naïve Brazilian children with previously uncontrolled asthma improved PEF readings
by an average of 80 percent after 3 months of IMT training along with asthma medication
management and education, compared to almost no change on average in those receiving
medication and asthma education alone (Table 7; Appendix D, Evidence Table 4f).65 Lack of
improvement in the control group suggests that medication management may have been
suboptimal in this group. Among adults, two trials showed improvements in both FEV1 and FVC,
one with the use of an IMT device,67 and the other using weights placed on the abdomen while in
a semi-recumbent position.66 Another trial found no differences in FEV1.68

Other Nonhyperventilation Reduction Breathing Techniques

Versus Control
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether other nonhyperventilation reduction
techniques improve pulmonary function in adults and children.
Spirometry results did not change over time in either the trial of prolonged exhalation using a
training device52 or in any of the treatment groups in the biofeedback trial (Appendix D,
Evidence Table 5f).70
Key Question 2a. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing
techniques for other asthma outcomes differ between different subgroups
(e.g., adults/children; males/females; different races or ethnicities;
smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of asthma; and/or
different coexisting conditions)?
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether patient characteristics influence the effect
of treatment on pulmonary function in adults and children.
The best-quality trial of yoga conducted in India displaying large benefits of treatment
reported that participants with exercise-sensitive asthma showed a greater improvement on FEV1
than those whose asthma was not sensitive to exercise.64 This analysis did not appear to be
planned a priori, nor did the intervention particularly target factors that purported to differentially
affect those with exercise-sensitive asthma. No other trials reported subgroup analyses for any
pulmonary function outcomes.
Key Question 2b. Does the efficacy and/or effectiveness of breathing
techniques for other asthma outcomes differ according to variations in
implementation (e.g., trainer experience) and/or nonbreathing components
of the intervention (e.g., anxiety management)?
Key Points:
• Evidence is insufficient to determine whether certification and/or training of the provider
affects effect size in hyperventilation reduction trials.

• Exploratory analyses suggest that control groups that involved either an alternate
breathing approach or a technique to reduce autonomic arousal may reduce the likelihood
of finding group differences in adults.
Benefits were more likely to be seen if the control group did not involve breathing training of
any kind or relaxation techniques (42% positive vs. 14% positive with breathing/relaxation
comparison group). These data are preliminary, however, and only valid for hypothesis
generation and did not account for effect size.
Key Question 3. What is the nature and frequency of serious adverse
effects of treatment with breathing exercises and/or retraining techniques,
including increased frequency of acute asthma exacerbations?
Key Points:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques do not appear to be associated with any
harms in adults, other than minor annoyances associated with mouth taping at night, but
the evidence to support this is low.
• Yoga breathing techniques do not appear to be associated with any harms in adults, but
the evidence to support this is low.
• There was no evidence on harms associated with IMT or other non-hyperventilation
reduction approaches in adults or children.
Seven trials reported on adverse events,51,53,55,57,58,61,62 five of which examined a
hyperventilation reduction approach compared with either a control or another breathing
retraining approach,51,53,55,57,58 and two examined yoga interventions.61,62 Three of the seven
studies (including one yoga trial62) noted that there were no adverse events or harms that
occurred in either the intervention or control group over 16 to 52 weeks of intervention and
followup.53,55,62 One study of a Buteyko breathing technique intervention, compared to a
relaxation control group, noted that one hospitalization occurred with one member of the control
group.57 Another study comparing a Buteyko breathing technique intervention delivered by video
with a placebo intervention involving nonspecific upper body mobility exercises reported 138
adverse events in the Buteyko breathing technique group and 121 in placebo group, none of
which was considered to be related to treatment.58 The trial of comprehensive naturopathic
treatment reported mild headache, fatigue, and/or nausea, which they attributed to the use of the
supplements and not yoga.61 In the study focused on the effect of a nighttime mouth-taping
intervention, participants reported problems related to the intervention including it being
uncomfortable, causing sore lips, making breathing more difficult, feeling unnatural, decreasing
sleep quality, causing a feeling a suffocation, or was embarrassing.51
Key Question 3a. Do the safety or adverse effects of treatment with
breathing techniques differ between different subgroups (e.g.,
adults/children; males/females; different races or ethnicities;
smokers/nonsmokers; various types and severities of asthma; and/or
different coexisting conditions)?
Key Points:
• There was no evidence on whether patient characteristics influenced the likelihood of
experience harm in adults or children from any treatment included in the review.

No trials examined harms of treatment within subgroups or compared subgroups on
likelihood of harms.

Table 4. Overview of results: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma sx







Study to U.S. Health
Care Setting

Diaphragm Conducted in
, nasal Greece,
IG 20 breathing; 13 limited to
Grammatopoulou NR ↓
54 26w short NR 83.7 ↔ ++ those with
pause mild or
CG 20 Usual care NR
IG1 30 BBT† 10 Conducted in
2 ↓ the UK, used
Cooper 2003
26w Sham NR, 1 657 80 ↓ ↔ ↔ ↔ ++
CG 29 puffs/d‡ ↔ certified BBT
device session
2h + 7
IG 200 BBT
sessions ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ Conducted in
Nurse 2h + 7 (vs (vs (vs ↑ Scotland,
CG1 200 18
26w education sessions NR 76.7 each each each ↔ ++ used certified
Brief group group group BBT
CG2 200 asthma 2h ) ) ) practitioner
IG 39 Papworth§ 5 Conducted in
the UK, used
Holloway 2007
52w NR NR 89.6 ↓↓ ↔ ↔ ++
CG 46 Usual care NR respiratory
IG 18 BBT video 19.8 Conducted in
404 Australia, all-
Opat 2000
4w Landscape 430 NR ↔ ↓ ↔ ↑ ↔ ++
CG 18 18.6 mcg/d volunteer

Table 4. Overview of results: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control (continued)

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma sx







Study to U.S. Health
Care Setting

IG 94 HRBT 2-2.5
Thomas 2009
1.4 ↔ Conducted in
81 26w Asthma 400‡ 89.5 ↔ ↔** ↔** ↑ ++
CG 89 2-2.5 dose/d ** the UK
IG 17 HRBT 1.25 Conducted in
the UK, limited
to those with
↓ ↑
Thomas Asthma 1.5 can/ Nijmegen
71,78,82 26w 600 NR ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ++
2003 CG 16 education 1 3m scores
†† ††
session suggestive of
Cooper IG NA 10 Conducted in
51,75,89 4w 51 taping 567 86.2 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ++
2009║ puffs/w‡ the UK
CG Usual care NA
BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; can: canister(s); CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; h: hour(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids;
IG: intervention group; mcg: microgram(s); med: medication; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PEF: peak expiratory flow; QoL: quality of life; SABA: short-acting
beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; UK: United Kingdom; w: week(s)
*Time to longest followup
†Also included dietary restrictions, stress management and instruction to avoid oversleeping
§Also includes stress management
║Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases¶All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting
criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
**Outcome was assessed at 4 weeks only
††Statistically significant only at 4w followup
↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, small to moderate effect
↑↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, large effect (standardized ES >0.8, absolute change from baseline of 50% or more in intervention group and
10% or less in the control group, or comparable)
↔: Trial shows no consistent differences between groups
↑↔: Mixed results

Table 5. Overview of results: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction breathing

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1

Asthma Sx or
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)
Followup* Applicability




to U.S.



Health Care

Conducted in
IG1 30 BBT† 10 the UK, used
certified BBT
Cooper 2 practitioner,
52 26w Yoga
NR, 1 657 80 ↔ ↓BBT ↔ ↔ ↔ ++ used device
2003 session, puffs/d‡
IG2 30 breathing that may not
practice be widely
6m available
Conducted in
BBT 7-10.5 Australia, all
IG1 19 volunteer
sessions or more
sample, used
certified BBT
Bowler 892 practitioner,
50,73,88 13w Abdominal 1250 74 ↔ ↓BBT ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ +
1998 mcg/d high levels of
breathing, baseline
IG2 20 7-10.5
asthma asthma
education medication
Conducted in
BBT NR, 5 Canada,
IG1 65 university
sessions sessions
setting, used
Cowie certified BBT
53 26w NR 840 81 ↔ ↓BBT ↔§ ↔ ++
2008 Physical practitioner,
NR, 5 used certified
IG2 64 therapy
sessions physical

Table 5. Overview of results: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction breathing
techniques (continued)

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1

Asthma Sx or
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)




to U.S.



Health Care

Conducted in
IG1 28 BBT video 90 Australia,
limited to
those with
moderate to
Video- asthma, low
based baseline
Slader 3
58 28w controlled NR 80 ↔§ ↔§ ↔§ ↔ ↔ +++ scores on
2006 puffs/d
IG2 29 breathing, 90 mood
mobility domains on
and QoL
stretching questionnaire,
conducted in
BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; h: hour(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group;
mcg: microgram(s); med: medication; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PEF: peak expiratory flow; QoL: quality of life; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms;
UK: United Kingdom; w: week(s)
*Time to longest followup
†Also included dietary restrictions, stress management and instruction to avoid oversleeping
‡Median puffs per day, typical dose per puff = 100 mcg
§No difference between groups but both groups showed improvement
║All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, small to moderate effect
↑↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, large effect (standardized ES >0.8, absolute change from baseline of 50% or more in intervention group and
10% or less in the control group, or comparable)
↔: Trial shows no consistent differences between groups
↑↔: Mixed results

Table 6. Overview of results: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma Sx



to U.S.



Health Care

IG 17 Daily yoga 210 Conducted in

India, limited
to male
Khare ↓‡ vegetarians
60 26w NR NR† NR ↓ ↑ ↑↑ +
1991 CG 17 Usual care NR age 25 to 50,
standard of
care did not
include ICS
practice Conducted in
Vempati IG 30 56
and 2.1 India, mild to
↓ ↓↓ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑
2009 8w 339** 66 ++
87 lectures§ puffs/d¶ moderate
NR, 1 asthma only
CG 30 Usual care
Yoga Self-
IG 77 6-9
breathing†† identified
Kligler included
61 26w NR NR NR ↓ ↑ ↔ +
2011 dietary
CG 77 Usual care NR

Table 6. Overview of results: yoga breathing techniques versus control (continued)

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma Sx



to U.S.



Health Care

Yoga Conducted in
IG 25 breathing 56 India, limited
exercise to those with
with yoga
Saxena and no
63 12w NR NR 72 ↓↓ ↑↑ ↑↑ +
2009 regular use
CG 25 Meditation 56 of medication
(or advised
medication if
IG 29 Yoga class 12 Mild to
asthma only,
all self-
Sabina 1
62 16w Stretching NR NR ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ++ identified
2005 CG 33 12 puffs/d
class sample,
conducted in
CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; h: hour(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; mcg: microgram(s); med: medication;
NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PEF: peak expiratory flow; QoL: quality of life; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; w: week(s)
*Time to longest followup
†19/34 (56%) “disturbed sleep and dyspnea on daily routine work which was relieved by oral drugs”; 8/34 (24%) “asthma required injection frequently to control dyspnea or
admission to hospital”
‡Reduction in dose to “control dyspnea,” type of medication not specified
§Also includes dietary advice, instruction on cleansing techniques, meditation and relaxation
║All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
¶Includes 11 with missing data, unclear if nonusers or simply missing

**Includes 25 with missing data, unclear if nonusers or simply missing
††Also include dietary advice
↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, small to moderate effect
↑↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, large effect (standardized ES >0.8, absolute change from baseline of 50% or more in intervention group and
10% or less in the control group, or comparable)
↔: Trial shows no consistent differences between groups
↑↔: Mixed results

Table 7. Overview of results: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma sx




to U.S.



Health Care

IMT, meds Conducted in

and Brazil, limited
IG 25 14.6
asthma to 8- to 12-
Lima education year-old
65 13w NR NR NR ↓↓ ↓↓ ↑↑ +
2008 children with
CG 25 asthma 3
Abdominal Conducted in
IG 22 strengthen- NR South Africa,
Shaw ing only
66,91 8w NR NR NR ↑↑ +
2011 moderate-
CG 22 Usual care NR persistent
IG 15 IMT 60 Conducted in
Weiner 6
67 26w Sham NR 59 ↓ ↓↓ ↑↑ ++ moderate to
1992 CG 15 60 puffs/d
device severe
asthma only

Table 7. Overview of results: inspiratory muscle training versus control (continued)

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
N Randomized

Baseline FEV1
(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma sx




to U.S.



Health Care

IG 11 IMT 60 Conducted in
Israel, limited
Weiner 3.2 ↔ to females
20w Sham NR 83 ↔ +
CG 11 60 puffs/d ↓ with mild to
IG 12 IMT 36
Weiner 2.7 ↔ Conducted in
13w Sham NR 91 +
CG 11 36 puffs/d ↓ Israel
CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; h: hour(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; mcg:
microgram(s); med: medication; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PEF: peak expiratory flow; QoL: quality of life; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; w:
*Time to longest followup
†All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, small to moderate effect
↑↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, large effect (standardized ES >0.8, absolute change from baseline of 50% or more in intervention group and
10% or less in the control group, or comparable)
↔: Trial shows no consistent differences between groups
↑↔: Mixed results

Table 8. Overview of results: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Baseline SABA

Controller Med
Baseline FEV1
N randomized

(Total Hours)

Reliever Med
Baseline ICS
Use (mcg/d)

Asthma sx







Study to U.S. Health
Care Setting

exhalation NR, 10 All volunteer
IG 23 sample, strict
with HRV sessions
biofeedback adherence to
↔ ↔ ↔ NAEPP
Lehrer HRV NR, 10
70,76,90 12w CG1 22 NR NR NR § § ║ ++ guidelines with
2004 biofeedback
monthly visits,
Sham NR, 10
CG2 24 conducted in
device† sessions
Waited setting
CG3 25 Waitlist
for 30w
NR, 1 Conducted in
session, the UK, used
IG2 30 exhalation 2
Cooper 6m device that
52 26w device puffs/d 657 80 ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ++
2003 practice may not be

Sham NR, 1 widely
CG 29
device session available
CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; h: hour(s); HRV: heart rate variability; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; mcg:
microgram(s); med: medication; NA: not applicable; NAEPP: National Asthma Education and Prevention Program; NR: not reported; PEF: peak expiratory flow; QoL: quality of
life; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; UK: United Kingdom; w: week(s)
*Time to longest followup
†Includes practice (but with no instruction) of maintaining a state of relaxed alertness, classical music tapes
§No differences between biofeedback groups with and without breathing retraining component; both of these groups did differ from either the sham device and waitlist groups
║No differences in “spirometry”, specific measures NR
¶All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, small to moderate effect
↑↑: Intervention group shows greater improvement than control group, large effect (standardized ES >0.8, absolute change from baseline of 50% or more in intervention group and
10% or less in the control group, or comparable)
↔: Trial shows no consistent differences between groups
↑↔: Mixed results

Table 9. Instruments used for measuring asthma symptoms, control, quality of life, or related outcomes
Directionality Number of
(Higher Included
Outcome Number
Instrument Range score = Constructs Measured, Subscales Studies
Measure of Items
better or Using
worse) Instrument
Asthma Control
100 7 0-6 Worse Symptoms, beta2-agonist use, pulmonary function (FEV1) 3
Questionnaire (ACQ)
Morning score: PEFR, awakenings, symptom severity;
Asthma Control Diary
101 8 0-6 Worse Bedtime score: activity limitations, shortness of breath, 1
Symptom, (ACD)
wheezing, bronchodilator use, PEF
Severity, or
Physician / Patient
Global Assessment for NR 0-100 Better Not described 1
Asthma Control
Asthma Control Test
96 22 1-5 Worse Symptoms and control, activity, health care use 1
St. George’s Respiratory
102 76 0-100 Worse Symptoms, activity, impacts 1
Questionnaire (SGRQ)
Asthma Quality of Life
Breathlessness and physical restriction, mood disturbance,
Questionnaire (AQLQ- 20 0-4 Worse 5
Asthma- 103 social disruption, concern for health
Mini-Juniper Quality of Overall quality of life, symptom severity, environment
Quality of
Life Questionnaire (Mini- 15 1-7 Better impact on asthma, emotional impact of asthma, activity 5
Life 46
Juniper) limitations
Asthma Quality of Life
Symptoms, emotions, environment, physical activities,
Questionnaire (AQLQ- 32 1-7 Better 3
47 practical problems
Hyperventilation syndrome (chest pain, feeling tense,
blurred vision, dizzy spells, feeling confused, faster or
Dysfunctional Nijmegen deeper breathing, short of breath, tight feelings in chest,
104 16 1-5 Worse 5
Breathing Questionnaire bloated feeling in stomach, tingling fingers, unable to
breathe deeply, stiff fingers or arms, tight feelings round
mouth, cold hands or feet, palpitations, feeling of anxiety)
Vitality, physical functioning, bodily pain, general health
Functioning Short-form (SF-36)
105 36 0-100 Better perceptions, physical role functioning, emotional role 3*
and Quality Health Survey
functioning, social role functioning, mental health
of Life
Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale 14 0-3 Worse Anxiety, depression 2
Health 106
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; PEF: peak expiratory flow: PEFR: peak expiratory flow rate
*Includes one study that used the SF-12

Table 10. Quality and applicability issues: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

With Other Resp.


Excluded Those
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of

Blinding of
Overall Other Quality Applic-
Study N

Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or ability to
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications U.S. Health
IG1 Unclear which
30 77% baseline
differences Conducted
were in the UK,
Cooper controlled for, used
52 RCT 26w NR Yes Yes Likely* LOCF ++
2003 many certified
CG 30 80% comparisons BBT
on small practitioner
number of
IG in Greece,
20 100% Assessment of
(HRBT) only 14% of
asthma dx not
those sent
Exclusion for
Grammato- were
poulou RCT 26w Yes Yes NR NR NA ++ randomized
54 respiratory d/o
2011 (recruited
CG 20 100% NR, but did
smokers and
of asthma
those age ≥60
IG More smokers
(Pap- 39 85% in IG but
26w worth) smoking not
controlled for
CG 46 98% in the UK,
Holloway in analysis;
55,72 RCT NR No U Likely* None ++ used
2007 PFT for
IG 39 82% respiratory
52w unclear,
CG 46 87% recruited from

Table 10. Quality and applicability issues: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control (continued)

With Other Resp.


Excluded Those
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of

Blinding of
Overall Other Quality Applic-
Study N

Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or ability to
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications U.S. Health
IG Specific use of
200 90% spirometry to
CG1 Conducted
asthma dx not
(Nurse 200 82.5% in UK, used
McGowan described; no
56,99 RCT 26w Ed) Yes Yes Yes Yes None ++ Registered
2003 description of
CG2 refusals or
(Intro 200 73.0% exclusions
ed) prior to
IG Allocation
18 89% NR, concealed Conducted
but from in Australia,
57,77 RCT 4w U NR No age None ++ participant, NR all-
CG 18 89% limited if concealed volunteer
to ≤50 from research sample
94 78%
CG 89 89% Blinding of
Thomas Conducted
59,79-81 RCT Yes U NR Yes LOCF ++ nonself-report
2009 in the UK
IG 94 67%‡ outcomes NR
CG 89 74%‡

Table 10. Quality and applicability issues: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control (continued)

With Other Resp.


Excluded Those
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of

Blinding of
Overall Other Quality Applic-
Study N

Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or ability to
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications U.S. Health
IG in the UK,
17 94%
(HRBT) limited to
those with
Thomas Nijemegen
71,78,82 RCT 26w NR NR Yes NR None ++
2003 scores
CG 16 75%
al breathing
IG Handling of
(mouth- other
Cooper taping) respiratory Conducted
51,75,89 over 4w 51║ 98% NR Yes Yes Likely* None ++
2009 illness NR, but in the UK
CG did exclude
those with
BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; d/o: disorder(s); HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; IG: intervention group; LOCF: last observation
carried forward; NR: not reported; PFT: pulmonary function test; RCT: randomized controlled trial; resp: respiratory; U: unclear; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States; w:
*Did not specifically report excluding those with other respiratory disorders, but did report excluding those with other disorders without listed the specific disorders excluded.
† All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
‡Followup at 26w only measured for quality of life
║Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

Table 11. Quality and applicability issues: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction
breathing techniques

With Other Resp.

Excluded Those
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of
Blinding of
Overall Other Quality Factors Limiting
Study N

Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or Applicability to U.S.
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications Health Care Settings

Conducted in
IG1 (BBT) 19 95% Australia, all
volunteer sample,
Bowler IG1 more used certified
50,73,88 RCT 13w Yes NR No Likely* None +
1998 IG2 intensive Buteyko practitioner,
(abdom. 20 95% high levels of
breathing) baseline asthma
medication use
Conducted in the
UK, used certified
IG1 (BBT) 30 77% Unclear
Buteyko practitioner
for BBT intervention,
Cooper baseline
52 RCT 26w NR Yes Yes Likely* LOCF ++ used device that
2003 differences
IG2 (yoga may not be widely
breathing 30 73% available for yoga
controlled for
device) breathing device

Table 11. Quality and applicability issues: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction breathing
techniques (continued)

With Other Resp.

Excluded Those
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of
Blinding of
Factors Limiting
Overall Other Quality
Study N Applicability to

Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or
Design Randomized U.S. Health Care
Rating† Clarifications

Conducted in
IG1 (BBT) 65 86% Canada,
Did not report
university setting,
used certified
use as
Cowie outcome, but
53 RCT 26w IG2 Yes NR Yes Yes None ++ practitioner for
2008 did report other
(physio- 64 98% BBT intervention,
therapy) certified physical
concern about
therapist of
reporting bias
physical therapy
Conducted in
Australia, limited
IG (BBT) 28 82% No, but to those with
limited moderate to
to non- severe asthma,
Slader smoker low baseline
58 RCT 28w Yes Yes Yes for +++
2006 s with scores on mood
IG2 ≤ 10 domains on
(controlled 29 86% pack- quality of life
breathing) years questionnaire,
conducted in
research setting.
abdom: abdominal; BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; d/o: disorder(s); IG: intervention group; LOCF: last observation carried forward; NR: not reported; PFT: pulmonary
function test; RCT: randomized controlled trial; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States; w: week(s)
*Did not specifically report excluding those with other respiratory disorders, but did report excluding those with other disorders without listed the specific disorders excluded.
†All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw

Table 12. Quality and applicability issues: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Blinding of Outcomes

Excluded Those With

Handling of Missing
Other Resp. d/o
PFT for Asthma

Factors Limiting
Overall Other Quality

Study N Applicability to
Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or
Design Randomized U.S. Health Care
Rating† Clarifications

IG (yoga Conducted in
17 100% No description India, limited to
of refusals or male vegetarians
60 RCT 26w NR NR NR Yes NA + exclusions age 25 to 50,
CG 17 100% prior to standard of care
randomization did not include
Did not limit to
IG (yoga) 77 87 those without
recent oral
steroid use, no
Kligler Yes, Included dietary
61 RCT 26w U No NR NR + description of
2011 RER and journaling
CG 77 80 refusals or
prior to
IG (yoga Mild to moderate
29 79% Yes, asthma only,
Sabina Meth self-selected
62 RCT 16w Yes Yes Yes Yes ++ None
2005 od sample,
CG 33 67% NR conducted in
research setting
Conducted in
IG (yoga India, limited to
25 NR Randomization
breathing) those with 26w
experience with
likely not truly
yoga, limited to
random, no
Saxena those with no
63 RCT 12w NR NR Yes Yes NR + description of
2009 regular use of
refusals or
medication or
CG 25 NR exclusions
advised to
prior to
medication if

Table 12. Quality and applicability issues: yoga breathing techniques versus control (continued)

Blinding of Outcomes

Excluded Those With

Handling of Missing
Other Resp. d/o
PFT for Asthma

Factors Limiting
Overall Other Quality

Study N Applicability to
Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or
Design Randomized U.S. Health Care
Rating† Clarifications

IG (yoga Conducted in
Vempati 30 97%
64,74, breathing) India, mild to
2009 RCT 8w NR NR Yes Yes None ++ None
83-87 moderate asthma
CG 30 93% only
CG: control group; d/o: disorder(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; LOCF: last observation carried forward; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PFT:
pulmonary function test; RCT: randomized controlled trial; RER-Random Effects Regression model; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States; w: week(s)
*Did not specifically report excluding those with other respiratory disorders, but did report excluding those with other disorders without listed the specific disorders excluded.
†All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw

Table 13. Quality and applicability issues: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Blinding of Outcomes

Excluded Those With

Handling of Missing
Other Resp. d/o
PFT for Asthma

Overall Other Quality Factors Limiting

Study N
Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or Applicability to U.S.
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications Health Care Settings

Conducted in Brazil,
Assessment of
IG (IMT) 25 100% limited to 8- to 12-
Lima symptoms and
65 RCT 13w NR NR No NA NA + year-old children
2008 medication use
with untreated,
CG 25 100% not described
uncontrolled asthma
IG Conducted in South
(abdom- Did not report Africa, did not
inal 22 100% asthma sx or describe recruitment
strength medication use, source, did not
66,91 RCT 8w -ening) NR NR Yes NR NA + no description of describe baseline
refusals or asthma sx, or med
exclusions prior use, University
CG 22 100% to randomization setting with average
age 21
Did not provide
detailed inclusion
IG (IMT) 15 100% /exclusion rules;
noted that “most
patients in the
control group
Conducted in Israel,
Weiner limited to those with
67 RCT 26w NR Yes Yes NR NA ++ gradually aware
1992 moderate to severe
of the fact that
they were using
CG 15 100% a sham device,”
no description of
refusals or
exclusions prior
to randomization

Table 13. Quality and applicability issues: inspiratory muscle training versus control (continued)

Blinding of Outcomes

Excluded Those With

Handling of Missing
Other Resp. d/o
PFT for Asthma

Overall Other Quality Factors Limiting

Study N
Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns or Applicability to U.S.
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications Health Care Settings

Did not provide

detailed inclusion
IG (IMT) 12 92% Conducted in Israel,
/exclusion rules;
Weiner limited to those with
69 RCT 26w NR NR Yes NR None + no information
2000 > 1 puff/d beta2-
on baseline
agonist consumption
CG 11 100% comparability of
Did not provide
detailed inclusion
IG (IMT) 11 91% /exclusion rules;
no information Conducted in Israel,
on baseline limited to females
68 RCT 20w NR Yes Yes NR None + comparability of with mild to
groups, no moderate asthma
CG 11 82% description of
refusals or
exclusions prior
to randomization
*Did not specifically report excluding those with other respiratory disorders, but did report excluding those with other disorders without listed the specific disorders excluded.
†All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw
abdom: abdominal; CG: control group; d/o: disorder(s); IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; PFT: pulmonary function
test; RCT: randomized controlled trial; US: United States; w: week(s)

Table 14. Quality and applicability issues: other nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Excluded Those w/
Other Resp. d/o
PFT for Asthma


Missing Data

Handling of

Blinding of
Overall Other Quality Limiting
Study N
Study Followup Group Retention Quality Concerns Or Applicability to
Design Randomized
Rating† Clarifications U.S. Health
Care Settings

IG2 Conducted in
Unclear which
(yoga the UK, used
30 73% baseline
Cooper breathing device that
52 RCT 26w NR Yes Yes Likely* LOCF ++ differences
2003 device) may not be
were controlled
CG 30 80% for
IG All volunteer
(abdom. sample, might
breathing have higher
23 74%
with standard of
biofeed- care since
back No description research
CG1 of refusals or protocol
70,76,90 RCT 12w (biofeed- 22 77% NR Yes Yes Yes LOCF ++ exclusions stipulated strict
back) prior to adherence to
randomization NAEPP
CG2 guidelines with
24 79% monthly visits,
conducted in
CG3 research
25 92% setting
abdom: abdominal; CG: control group; d/o: disorder(s); IG: intervention group; LOCF: last observation carried forward; NAEPP: National Asthma Education and Prevention
Program; NR: not reported; RCT: randomized controlled trial; PFT: pulmonary function test; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States; w: week(s)
*Did not specifically report excluding those with other respiratory disorders, but did report excluding those with other disorders without listed the specific disorders excluded.
†All trials were rated “Fair”; further gradation is provided as follows: +++ = Minor quality issues, but not meeting criteria for “Good” quality; ++ = Between +++ and + trials in
quality; + = Substantial quality issues, but no clear fatal flaw

Summary and Discussion
Overview of Main Findings
Available evidence suggests that selected intensive behavioral approaches that include
breathing retraining exercises may improve asthma symptoms and reduce reliever medication
use in motivated adults with poorly controlled asthma. This suggestion, however, was based
primarily on evidence from small, methodologically limited trials with widely heterogeneous
samples. The evidence was further compromised by the relatively short followup and
inconsistent outcome reporting (Table 15). Primary outcomes (symptom reduction and reliever
medication use) were also self-reported, making them susceptible to social desirability bias. The
largest, most coherent body of evidence for a specific breathing training technique assessed
hyperventilation reduction techniques and showed they reduced asthma symptoms and reliever
medication use.
Hyperventilation reduction techniques were not found to improve pulmonary function tests
as measured by FEV1 or PEF. Yoga was the only technique with evidence that it may improve
pulmonary function and symptoms. However, quality issues in these trials limit confidence in
results and applicability to the U.S. health care system was very low. The yoga practiced in these
trials was likely more intensive than would available to most patients in the United States, for
example 4 hours per day for 2 weeks, or daily 70-minute sessions for 6 months. Additionally,
yoga may not have the same cultural significance in the United States as it does in India.
Available research on IMT and other breathing retraining techniques was limited to a
heterogeneous group of small trials that are best characterized as pilot studies, which provided
insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on these interventions’ effectiveness.
Programs that included more hours of contact (e.g., 5 or more hours) and that also offered
intervention components beyond breathing retraining or advice appeared more likely to be found
effective. Trials that matched treatment groups for number of hours of contact were less likely to
show benefit than those providing extra hours of contact for the intervention group. This
suggests that generic benefits of therapeutic contact (e.g., empathy, encouragement, and self-
monitoring techniques) may be important components of treatment. These observations,
however, should be considered hypothesis-generating rather than definitive for numerous
reasons, including the lack of accounting for effect size and the high heterogeneity on numerous
dimensions in these trials, which precludes clear isolation of the effects of any specific elements.
Specific mechanisms of action for breathing training may be less important than enhanced self-
efficacy, self-monitoring, and anxiety management.
Although interventions could be quite intensive, there was no evidence that breathing
techniques are harmful besides minor annoyances associated with mouth taping. Although
asthma medications associated with NAEPP guidelines are generally safe and effective, they can
be associated with unpleasant or even harmful side effects,1 so breathing retraining may be worth
trying for some patients who are highly motivated to manage asthma symptoms with minimal
use of reliever medication. In the United States, results of these trials would likely be most
applicable to patients with a high level of motivation, given the fairly high attrition rates in
several trials and, in some cases, selected samples.
Evidence was primarily applicable to adults; only a single trial of IMT targeted children
(ages 8 to 12 years),65 and only four other trials included people younger than 16 years of age,
all addressing hyperventilation reduction training. It is unlikely that many teens were

included in these trials, however, since, where it was reported, the average participant age was in
the forties in these studies. Subgroup analyses of teens and/or emerging adults were not reported.

Hyperventilation Reduction Breathing Retraining Techniques

Hyperventilation reduction techniques had the best evidence base, with 11 efficacy or
comparative effectiveness trials. Almost all trials had very small samples, and all had some
methodological limitations. The only relatively large-scale trial of any breathing retraining
method (n=600 randomized into three groups) investigated the effects of Buteyko techniques and
showed substantially larger reductions in both asthma symptoms and reliever medication use in
the treatment group, compared to either of two control groups. Retention in the two control
groups in this trial, however, was lower in the two control groups than the Buteyko group (90%
retention in the Buteyko group vs. 82% in the intensity-matched group vs. 73% in the low-
intensity control group at 6 months).56
Five of the seven trials that compared comprehensive hyperventilation reduction training
with a control or placebo reported reductions in asthma symptoms.54-56,59,71 The pooled estimate
suggested a large effect on asthma symptoms, although only four trials provided sufficient data
to be included in the meta-analysis, and statistical heterogeneity was very high. In general,
pooled estimates based on few trials are likely to overestimate true effects,107 and including four
trials will provide an estimate that is within 10 percent of the true estimate of effect in only about
50 percent of cases, according to a recent analysis.108 Thus, the pooled estimate in this case may
overestimate the true effect. Of the four trials in the meta-analysis, one was the large trial
described above and the other three were limited by either low retention,59 no report of
pulmonary function testing to confirm asthma,54,59 no report that allocation was concealed,55 and
lack of blinding of outcomes assessment.55
Hyperventilation reduction interventions did not show greater reduction in asthma symptoms
than interventions involving other breathing techniques. In some cases, both the intervention and
controls groups improved, while in others neither group showed improvement.
All but one of the trials that showed improvements in asthma symptoms involved at least 5
hours more of intervention contact for study subjects in the treatment group(s), compared with
usual care or control groups. Two trials included additional components not related to
breathing.52,55 As hyperventilation reduction techniques required substantial practice on the part
of asthma patients, it is not surprising that extra support was important for patients to master the
techniques and maintain their use. On the other hand, greater general support could also explain
between-group differences.
Most trials (five of the nine trials reporting reliever medication use) showed greater
reductions in reliever medication use with hyperventilation reduction breathing training,
compared with either a control group or another breathing approach.51,52,56,57,59 In most cases,
reductions in bronchodilator use generally amounted to an average of 1.5 to 2.5 puffs per day,
apparently almost eliminating the use of bronchodilators in two trials.52,56 In one trial of patients
with high medication use (median baseline use was 8.5 to 9.5 puffs per day), intervention
participants reduced reliever use by a median of approximately nine puffs/day, compared with a
change in only one-half of a puff per day among those using a competing breathing approach.50
While this finding would be strengthened if the investigators had also demonstrated
improvement in asthma symptoms, this trial did not report changes in asthma symptoms in any
peer-reviewed publications. Internet-based material identified through our grey literature search,
however, qualitatively suggest symptoms improvement in this trial.109-111 We have concerns that

these data may not be treated as rigorously in internet-based reports as they would be in a peer-
reviewed journal, where methods are carefully assessed and statistical significance is generally
presented. Regardless of whether these studies found an improvement in daily symptoms,
participants were able to dramatically reduce reliever medication use without increasing the risk
of a severe exacerbation.50 One other high-intensity trial reported both symptom medication
outcomes and found reductions in both symptoms and reliever medication use.56 The three trials
of the lower-intensity interventions all reported these outcomes and found no consistent group
differences for either asthma symptoms or reliever medication use.57,59,71
Practitioners that trained patients in hyperventilation-reduction techniques generally coached
patients to delay using reliever medication until they tried breathing methods and these
techniques failed. Thus, reductions in reliever medication use may reflect intervention
compliance or reduction in unnecessary use and may not be the result of improved
pathophysiology. Despite uncertainty about causal factors or about coherence of medication and
symptom-based outcomes, however, a reduction of 1.5 to 2.5 puffs of reliever medication per
day, maintained for up to 6 months, would likely be viewed as clinically significant by most
asthma patients. A reduction of nine puffs per day of reliever medication would be considered a
large improvement by any standards, although our understanding of the true clinical significance
is limited by the fact that they only reported short-term (3-month) outcomes.
Changes in controller medication use and asthma-related quality of life were rarely seen in
the hyperventilation reduction trials, and none of these trials consistently reported improvement
in pulmonary function, compared with usual care, attention control, or another breathing
The BTS recommends that Buteyko breathing techniques be considered to help patients
control asthma symptoms, which would be consistent with our findings.22 This recommendation
was based on three of the trials included in our review,50,52,57 along with one additional trial that
we excluded because it used a relaxation training comparison group.112 We included seven
additional published trials and one unpublished trial, all of which were rated as fair quality,
adding 1,145 additional participants. These include trials using hyperventilation reduction
techniques that are not specifically limited to Buteyko methods, while the BTS guideline
evidence base only included trials of Buteyko breathing training. The additional trials in our
review had mixed findings, but generally supported the possible effectiveness of hyperventilation
reduction techniques when compared with usual care, but not when compared with two other
breathing techniques.

Yoga Breathing Techniques

The breathing techniques used in yoga are different from hyperventilation reduction methods.
The techniques studied in the trials of yoga breathing involved deep breathing, sometimes with
mechanically narrowed air passages and prolonged exhalation. In contrast, hyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques advocate quiet, shallow breathing with breathing-holding. Both
yoga and hyperventilation reduction methods, however, advocate the use nasal breathing rather
than mouth breathing, and both appear to have the effect of slowing the passage of air in and out
of the lungs. It is unclear if the two approaches have similar physiologic effects, so we elected to
analyze these interventions separately.
We identified five trials examining yoga breathing techniques. Three very intensive trials
were conducted in India, one of which also included dietary advice, cleansing techniques, and
meditation. All three reported improvements in asthma symptoms, reductions in medication use,

and improved pulmonary function.60,63,64 These trials had limited applicability to the U.S. health
care system due to cultural differences and populations targeted. All three of these were small
studies, one of which included only 8-week outcomes64 and two trials that included substantial
methodological flaws.60,63 Since pulmonary function tests require maximal effort from the patient
to get accurate results, and since technician behavior may affect the likelihood of maximal effort,
high-quality training and monitoring of these tests are critical to protect against bias and type I
error. Only one of the three studies reporting beneficial effects described pulmonary function test
procedures in sufficient detail to provide assurance that test results were reliable.64
Of the two trials conducted in the United States,61,62 one included substantial components in
addition to breathing techniques, which makes it impossible to determine the role of yoga
breathing methods in the improvements in asthma outcomes.61 The other trial with good
applicability to the United States reported on the efficacy of an eight-session yoga class and
showed no differences between those randomized to yoga class compared with those randomized
to a stretching class of the same intensity.62 Based on these findings, yoga does not appear to
improve asthma as one might be typically introduced to yoga in the United States.
One trial designed to isolate the effects of yoga breathing exercises (as opposed to a
comprehensive yoga program) showed reductions in asthma symptoms and improvement in
pulmonary function, but this study had substantial methodological limitations and very limited
applicability to the United States as it was conducted in people with at least 6 months of
experience with yoga who were not using medications.63 Two additional trials focused
exclusively on using a device to enhance prolonged exhalation, which is consistent with yoga
breathing.52,70 Neither of these trials showed that this breathing approach without any other
components improves asthma symptoms, reduces medication use, or improves pulmonary
function. This suggests that a broader yoga program is needed to produce a benefit for asthma.
How comprehensive of a program is needed to produce an effect, however, remains an open
A recent review studies employing yoga for asthma found evidence to be inconclusive
among seven included trials. They reported mixed results in trials that were plagued by
methodological limitations. We included only two of the trials from their review.62,64 The
remaining trials were excluded because they did not meet our minimum quality criteria,95,113
were not published in English,33 used a form of yoga did not appear to include breathing
exercises,114 or were published prior to 1990.115 The three additional trials that we included were
two of the intensive India-based trials60,63 and one comprehensive program conducted in the
United States,61 all of which did show benefits of treatment.
Some yoga practitioners have emphasized the need for individualized treatment, and that
there can be no “asthma” treatment that could be broadly applied.116 Further, isolating elements
such as breathing exercises only may be discouraged by many practitioners. Most of the trials in
this review did have a specific protocol of breathing exercise and postures used by all
participants, often performed in a group setting. Thus, these trials may underestimate the effect
that might be possible if practitioners were able to individualize the treatment.

Inspiratory Muscle Training and Other Nonhyperventilation

Reduction Breathing Techniques
This body of evidence does not allow us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of IMT
or nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques (three small heterogeneous trials). We
only identified five IMT trials,65-69 three of which were conducted by the same researcher,67-69

and all but one67 had substantial methodological limitations. The best evidence comes from a
small trial of 30 Israeli adults with moderate to severe asthma, who averaged six puffs of asthma
medication per day at baseline.67 IMT participants showed greater improvements than those
using a sham device, but no differences were seen in the two very similar trials in participants
with lower baseline reliever medication use.68,69 A separate trial by the same author did show that
improvements in inspiratory muscle strength, as measure by maximal inspiratory mouth
pressure, were correlated with reductions in SABA use, among those undergoing IMT. This trial
was not included in this review because it did not report group-specific outcomes.117
While the remaining IMT trials showed large group differences for some outcomes, but these
were relatively small trials with substantial methodological limitations and low applicability to
the United States.65,66 Our conclusions are consistent with a Cochrane review that concluded
evidence was insufficient to determine whether IMT provides clinical benefit to asthma

Specific Versus Nonspecific Effects of the Breathing Techniques

Asthma control may be affected by numerous factors including, psychological (e.g., stress,
anxiety, suggestion),30 physiological (e.g., respiratory infections, exercise), and environmental
factors (e.g., allergens, weather). While training in hyperventilation reduction techniques may
help improve asthma symptoms and reduce asthma reliever medication use, it is difficult to
determine whether improvements could be attributed to the use of the specific techniques
espoused for these interventions. Instructing patients to delay the use of reliever medication may
be sufficient to reduce reliever medication use, since symptoms may sometimes resolve
spontaneously. Thus, rather than directly improving asthma, trials might help participants
eliminate unnecessary use of reliever medications, which is still an important positive outcome.
Subjective assessment of asthma symptoms is responsive to placebo interventions (e.g., sham
acupuncture or a placebo inhaler),119 and this may be sufficient to improve asthma symptoms in
some cases, in addition to the enthusiastic advocacy by a treatment professional and dramatic
testimonials. Some trials attempted to control the enthusiastic advocacy of the treatment
modality by including comparison groups that involved other, plausible breathing retraining.
However, it is difficult to say whether the treatment providers were comparable in their
conviction that the techniques would be successful.
Another possibility is that these techniques improved asthma through reduction in anxiety or
autonomic arousal. Asthma patients are more likely to have co-morbid anxiety disorders than
those in the general population. They are also more likely to show greater bronchoconstriction in
response to stress than health controls.30 Case-series in patients with co-morbid asthma and panic
disorder suggest that asthma education plus psychological panic control approaches can reduce
asthma symptoms.120 Participants in the two trials of hyperventilation reduction techniques in
this review that measured anxiety did show greater reductions in anxiety scores than control
participants.55,59 However, the clinical significance of these results was questionable because
reductions in anxiety were small, participants averaged in the normal range of anxiety at both
baseline and followup, and these studies were mixed with regard to asthma outcomes.55,59 Thus,
it seems unlikely that reductions in anxiety in reported in these trials had a substantial impact on
the reported asthma outcomes.
Regarding autonomic arousal, a Cochrane review of psychological interventions for adults
with asthma included nine trials examining some form of relaxation training, including the trial
of biofeedback included in this review.70 This review’s overall conclusion was that there was

insufficient evidence to determine whether psychological therapies improve asthma. A closer
look at the subset of trials reporting relaxation training, however, showed reductions in asthma
medication use without improvements in asthma symptoms or pulmonary function in a number
of trials. Thus, another possibility is that the reductions in reliever medication use that was found
in our included trials may be related to reductions in level of autonomic arousal or anxiety,
which may also be achieved through the use of relaxation techniques. Another trial (not included
in the current review because the intervention was not a breathing retraining technique) using a
“Senobi” stretch, which was designed to lower the level of autonomic arousal, similarly found a
greater reduction in reliever medication use in participants doing the Senobi stretch three times
daily (reduction from baseline of 1.7 uses per week), compared with those doing a forward bend
three times daily (reduction of 0.4 uses per week).121 Many of the hyperventilation reduction
trials in this review, however, reported reductions in asthma symptoms as well as medication
use, at least among those offering more intensive interventions (5 hours or more of direct
instruction). In contrast, the relaxation trials generally only reported improvements in medication
use. A small trial (n=34) comparing Buteyko training with relaxation training offers further
evidence that hyperventilation reduction methods may provide effects beyond reductions in
autonomic arousal. This trial found that while both groups had symptom improvement, these
improvement was greater in the Buteyko group.112 Although this is only a single, small trial, it
suggests that Buteyko may have a greater effect than reduced autonomic arousal alone.
While there is some evidence that suggests that the specific effects of hyperventilation
reduction techniques may outstrip the non-specific effects of the interventions, alternate
hypotheses cannot be definitively ruled out. In particular, the effects of recommending delaying
reliever medication use for 5 to 10 minutes while using methods that may reduce anxiety or
arousal, bias in outcomes reporting, and the placebo effect. The last is the most troublesome
because sources of information widely available via the internet present dramatic claims with
great conviction, making the placebo effect difficult to minimize.
It can be very difficult to isolate critical treatment elements in complex interventions, and use
of some elements in isolation may underestimate their importance if the components are
dependent on each other or interact with each other, or if individuals vary in the degree to which
specific components are necessary or sufficient to gain improvements. Thus, critical intervention
components often cannot be elucidated, especially in this relatively flawed and heterogeneous
body of research.

Strength of Evidence
The strength of the evidence for each outcome is presented by intervention group in Table
15. In most cases, the strength of evidence was insufficient or low. The evidence that
hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques can reduce asthma symptoms and reliever
medication use was judged to be moderate, as was evidence that hyperventilation reduction
techniques are unlikely to improve pulmonary function.

Applicability of the Evidence to U.S. Health Care System

The included trials’ applicability to the U.S. setting and health care system was generally
low, with trial-specific limitations listed in Tables 4 through 8. Only three of the trials were
conducted in the United States.61,62,70 The hyperventilation reduction trials were primarily
conducted in the United Kingdom and Australia, yoga trials were primarily conducted in India,
and IMT trials were conducted in Israel, Brazil, and South Africa. Many of these countries have

substantial cultural or economic differences from the United States, and the standard of usual
asthma care may differ, as well as availability of practitioners. While having trials conducted in a
number of different countries can improve cross-cultural applicability, in this case there are too
many competing sources of heterogeneity to be able to identify which components may be
transferable across cultures.
Some yoga and IMT trials were even further limited in their applicability to the general U.S.
population by limiting samples to males60 or females only,68 vegetarians within a fairly narrow
age range,60 people with 6 months of yoga experience and not using medications,63 and children
with untreated asthma.65 Further, the standard of usual care in some of these trials also appeared
to be different from the current U.S. standard of care due to nonuse of controller medications60,63
or poor success in managing asthma, further limiting our confidence in reported between-group
The hyperventilation reduction trials were primarily conducted in the United
Kingdom51,52,55,56,71 and Australia,50,57,58 with the addition of one trial conducted in Canada53 and
one trial conducted in Greece.54 As few studies reported outcomes beyond 6 months, results can
only be generalized to short-term outcomes. One trial was limited to participants with
dysfunctional breathing,71 which limits applicability to persons with asthma in general. This was
a pertinent subgroup to the intervention offered, however, which provided physical therapy to
reduce dysfunctional breathing.
While the included trials were generally conducted in health care settings, these countries
have very different health care systems from the United States. Despite the differences in health
care systems, however, the BTS guidelines22 and the NAEPP guidelines1 both have similar goals
for asthma patients in that they advocate the use of controller medications to minimize the use of
reliever medication for people with persistent asthma, so asthma treatment is likely fairly similar
in the United Kingdom and the United States. Patients with poorly controlled asthma who are
motivated to use complementary and alternative methods to minimize their use of medication
and avoid overuse of reliever medications may be good candidates to try these techniques, if they
can find a practitioner with the requisite expertise.
Finding a qualified provider, however, may not be a straightforward process. The Buteyko
breathing technique is the most widely known of the hyperventilation reduction approaches, and
is the only one specifically endorsed by the BTS.22 Additionally, several of the trials of
hyperventilation reduction used certified Buteyko practitioners. Websites listing Buteyko
practitioners indicate that there were only approximately 50 certified Buteyko practitioners in the
United States, practicing in 21 states as of December 2011, and most worked in complementary
and alternative medical settings.122-124
While many Buteyko providers emphasize the importance of proper training in practitioners,
there appears to be some disagreement among practitioners about what constitutes necessary and
sufficient training. For example, one group claims to be the only certifying group with the rights
to teach the patented Buteyko method outside of Russia and included a warning that practitioners
who were not on their list may not be qualified.122 Indeed, Konstantin Buteyko himself
apparently did not approve all training and certifying organizations, and his supporters
denounced two of the included trials50,53 as not using his techniques correctly, despite their report
of using trained Buteyko practitioners.125 The single trial that used interventionists trained by
Konstantin Buteyko himself did show the largest effects on medication use and was one of only
two trials55,56 reporting a large effect on asthma symptoms.56 Regardless of Konstantin Buteyko’s
opinions, while trials that used certified Buteyko practitioners were more likely to show

reductions in medication use, they were also slightly less likely to show improvements in quality
of life, compared with hyperventilation reduction trials that did not use certified Buteyko
practitioners. Thus, while Buteyko-affiliated organizations strongly advocate for the importance
of certification, the evidence does not unequivocally support this.
The evidence supporting yoga breathing techniques is not as strong as that for
hyperventilation reduction techniques, and applicability of the evidence is also lower. Thus, there
is no evidence to suggest that a typical person in the United States who does not have a strong
interest in yoga would be likely to benefit from a yoga-based intervention. However, patients
with asthma who are students of yoga and willing to undertake intensive training may find
benefits of asthma-targeted practice with a trained yoga practitioner. Evidence for IMT or other
breathing retraining approaches is too scant and low in applicability to suggest that asthma
patients in the United States would likely find them beneficial.

Potential Limitations of Our Approach
A potential limitation of our review is that we limited included studies to English language
publications. Previous research has suggested that evidence for complementary and alternative
treatments may be biased if non-English publications are excluded.126 We did examine the
abstracts of any non-English publications identified in our searches that may have met inclusion
criteria for our review, based on titles. We found only two trials that appeared that they could
possibly meet inclusion criteria.33,34 One of the trials (published in German) compared breathing
exercises, yoga, and usual care in 28 participants, finding that breathing exercises improved lung
function (FEV1 and VC), while yoga and usual care did not. Effects on asthma symptoms,
medication use, or quality of life were not reported in the abstract, nor in the tables or figures in
the full text article.33 The other study (published in French) examined the effects of physical
respiratory rehabilitation and physical training in the form on swimming on lung function,
compared with a control group described as “immunotherapy alone.” The authors reported
greater reduction in bronchial obstruction in children in the active treatment group, but did not
report effects on asthma symptoms, medication use, or quality of life.34
Some proponents of Buteyko breathing techniques suggested that relevant early studies
conducted by Buteyko himself may be only published in Russian. However, we did not find any
Russian-language studies with descriptions or titles indicating that they were likely controlled
trials conducted by Buteyko on websites devoted to his research. We feel it is very unlikely that
the results of this review would be different if we had included trials published in other
Another potential criticism is our exclusion of trials rating as having “poor” methodological
quality. While some reviewers may believe that it is important to present all trials of any quality,
we felt that if study results did not meet some minimal standard of internal validity then those
results could be misleading and should not be presented. We found nine trials that were not
included because they did not meet our minimal standards for quality or reporting (Appendix
D).92-95,113,127-130 These trials assessed the effects of hyperventilation reduction breathing
techniques,92-94 nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques,127-130 and yoga.95,113 One of
these trials was a mere mention of a trial of biofeedback involving asthma patients with no actual
data.93 Only three of the trials compared treatment groups statistically92,95,128 and one of these
reported group differences.92 Threats to validity in these three trials included lack of baseline

comparability, differential dropout between groups, very small numbers of participants, and lack
of important information such as assessment methods and dropout. These trials were consistent
with the included body of literature in that most trials reported a benefit of some kind on at least
one outcome, though a variety of outcomes were reported and preferential reporting of
statistically significant outcomes was possible.
We were unable to locate seven articles that may have met inclusion criteria (Appendix
D). We believe it is likely that most if not all would not have met inclusion criteria for
several reasons. None of these trials were included in other reviews of breathing retraining,
despite the fact that most of them fell in the search window of at least one other review on this
topic. Two were conference abstracts published by authors of trials that were included in this
review, so conference abstracts could represent early reports on trials that were already
included.134,135 Another study listed “Anonymous” as the author, so was likely a synopsis of
another trial rather than original research.132 We believe the fact that we found these studies at all
is testimony to the thoroughness of our grey literature searching.
We excluded trials that used relaxation training as a comparison group, since the efficacy of
relaxation training for asthma is plausible but not established,138 so interpretation may have been
difficult, particularly in the case of no differences between groups. A number of included trials
had comparators that could plausibly induce a state of relaxation, such as meditation, stretching,
and landscape videos with instruction to use “relaxed breathing.” We decided to err on the side
of inclusion, which may have biased our review on the side of reduced effect sizes. Others may
have chosen to exclude these trials. Also, we included trials that included a relaxation component
along with the breathing training intervention, and possibly as a result we could not clarify the
role of relaxation or reduced autonomic arousal vs. the role of the breathing training specifically
in improving asthma outcomes.
When we had insufficient information to fully evaluate a trial, but had enough information to
determine that it would likely meet inclusion criteria, we contacted authors and asked for the
specific information we needed in order to complete our inclusion/exclusion determination and
quality rating. Thus, we included information received through personal communication with
authors, including extensive data received on the large Buteyko trial, which had only been
published as a conference abstract at the time of this review.56 These data did not appear in peer-
reviewed publications and are not widely available for verification. However, we felt that it was
important to attempt to include all pertinent literature, both published and unpublished, to
minimize publication bias and provide the most complete picture of the evidence possible.
Quality standards were consistently applied to published and unpublished data. We did not
contact authors who provided sufficient data to assign a quality rating and determine pertinent
results, even if some data were missing, so these trials might have been at a slight disadvantage
when assigned quality ratings. When we contacted authors, we asked only about information
necessary to complete our quality rating or clarify data that were unclear to us.

Limitations of the Literature

Clinical and methodological heterogeneity was substantial across the entire body of
literature, but in some cases a majority of the trials examining the same treatment approach were
similar enough to consider combining them statistically. Due to heterogeneity of outcomes
reported and lack of important outcomes in many trials, however, we were only able to perform
meta-analyses for selected (not all) intervention approaches and for a limited number of
outcomes. Even when comparable outcomes were reported, some trials were left out of the meta-

analysis due to lack of necessary data (usually measures of variability such as standard
deviations or confidence intervals). In the end, we were able to combine trials of only two
interventions (hyperventilation reduction and yoga breathing training) for only three outcomes:
asthma symptoms (hyperventilation reduction approaches vs. control only), quality of life (yoga
vs. control only), and pulmonary function testing (for hyperventilation reduction and yoga trials).
All pooled data are based on just three to five trials, so pooled results have a high probability of
being more the 10 percent off from the true effect estimate.108
Finally, there was minimal comparative effectiveness research. Most trials compared a
breathing retraining approach with some kind of control group. This was appropriate, given that
effectiveness has not been well established for any treatment approaches. Nevertheless, once
effectiveness is better established, the ability to compare approaches with each other on
effectiveness and acceptability to asthma patients will be useful.

Clinical Implications
NAEPP guidelines advocate a stepwise approach to asthma management, with the goal “to
maintain control of asthma with the least amount of medication and hence minimal risk for
adverse effects.”1 One of the specific goals of the approach is to have people with asthma require
a reliever medications no more than twice per week. Participants in the hyperventilation
reduction trials were on average using relievers more frequently than twice per week at the
beginning of the trial, generally averaging about two puffs per day or more. While there are
flaws in the research, participants were generally successful in reducing reliever medication to a
level consistent with NAEPP guidelines, at least in the short term, in most trials that provided a
comprehensive approach to hyperventilation reduction breathing retraining, particularly those
involving at least five hours of direct instruction. This was achieved without increases in asthma
symptoms, exacerbations, or declines in lung function. For people whose asthma is not well-
controlled, hyperventilation reduction techniques may provide a low-risk approach to achieve
better control and avoid overuse of reliever medications. Participants in the trials were told only
to reduce the use of controller medications after consulting their medical providers, and this is a
very important safety consideration for all users of these techniques. Inflammation may increase
with reduction in controlled medications without the patient realizing it, and lead to
exacerbations in the longer term. Hyperventilation reduction techniques may be a useful tool in
the larger asthma management toolbox, which also includes medication and other components as
needed, such as environmental controls, symptom monitoring, and a plan for handling
While the available evidence base for yoga is not as strong in terms of quality and quantity,
there is a small body of evidence suggesting that intensive yoga training may reduce asthma
symptoms and improve lung function. Patients who would like to undertake intensive asthma-
focused training need not be discouraged, but again should not change their use of asthma
medication without consulting with their medical provider.

Evidence Gaps
Evidence gaps for all treatment approaches were substantial. For hyperventilation reduction
techniques, there was only a single large trial, and it had not yet been published in a peer-
reviewed journal.56 A fully published account of another large trial of at least fair-quality is
crucial to confirm the effects seen in this review. None of the trials were conducted in the United
States, which would be important if it is to be considered for wide-spread adoption here. Once

replication has established its effectiveness more firmly, examination of components of care can
be undertaken. We found little evidence that was clearly and directly applicable to non-
Caucasian adults.
No large-scale trial of yoga training was found, and little evidence was found that was
applicable to the United States.
No trials of IMT have been conducted in the United States, and all trials we found were
small, including no more than 25 participants per treatment arm, and most had serious
methodologic limitations. Only one investigator in this area has undertaken a systematic program
of research to examine effects in different populations, and this work is still in the early stages.
The literature for other nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques is in its infancy,
and a strong theoretical basis is needed to support further research in these and the other
techniques examined.

Future Research
In general, there was little consistency of asthma-related terms used in these trials, and terms
were sometimes used vaguely or differently, making it difficult to characterize interventions.
Bruton and colleagues suggest components that should be described when characterizing
breathing retraining, and we strongly support their recommendations to improve our
understanding of the interventions and to provide a framework for exploring differential effects
of different components of breathing training.139 They suggest including information on route
(nasal or oral), rate (breaths per minute), depth (e.g., shallow, normal.), inspiratory and
expiratory flow speed, region (e.g., abdominal), timing, regularity (of volume, timing, rate),
breath holds, repetitions, and whether manual assistance was involved. Careful and consistent
descriptions of specific techniques used would allow exploration of effectiveness of specific
All intervention types would benefit from additional studies and evidence. In addition to
detailing breathing retraining techniques as described by Bruton and colleagues, future studies
should include outcomes of asthma symptoms, reliever medication use, quality of life, and
pulmonary function at minimum.139 In addition, controller medication use should always be
described. Best practices regarding randomization, blinding, and followup are also crucial to any
further research in this area. Trials should include asthma treatment with medications and
education that is consistent with the standard of care in the United States.
Because asthma control fluctuates and many factors can affect asthma control (psychological,
environmental, physiological), it is important to have large enough samples to capture
appropriately diverse groups or asthmatics, with long enough followup to ensure that changes are
stable. Outcome measurements should be repeated over time with follow-up through at least 6
months, and preferably through12 months, to capture ensure effects remain through all seasons.
Further examination of the impact of targeting autonomic arousal in controlling asthma may
be helpful. Trials should compare a relaxation-only arm with relaxation plus a breathing
technique to determine if the breathing technique adds to the benefit of relaxation alone.
Given that the current state of the evidence differed across intervention approaches, specific
suggested next steps by intervention approach include:
• Hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques:
o Replication of results of the large, good-quality trial with intensity-matched
comparator and valid, blinded outcome assessment

o In addition to matching treatment intensity between treatment and control groups,
researchers should also attempt to match the groups in terms of what kind of
change in asthma the patient is told they can expect. The internet is replete with
dramatic testimonials as to the effectiveness of Buteyko breathing methods, and
researchers should attempt to provide comparable levels of confidence in their
techniques for treatment and control groups
o Test the effects of delaying reliever medication use for 5 to 10 minutes while
using techniques designed to reduce anxiety and autonomic arousal, compared
with delay of reliever use for 5 to 10 minutes while using hyperventilation
reduction techniques in order to examine the effects of reliever medication delay
separate from breathing techniques.
o Trials focused on hyperventilation reduction techniques in children and older
o Trials that include substantial numbers of non-Caucasian participants
o Trials that attempt to isolate the necessity or efficacy of other specific components
of treatment
• Yoga breathing techniques
o Well-designed and executed replication of a high-intensity approach in the United
States, without additional non-yoga components
o Well-designed and executed trial comparing a training device with a sham device,
with larger n, in the United States, such as that used in the Weiner study67

Table 15. Strength of evidence
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Range of effects in 7
interventions none to
reduction breathing
8 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Moderate large, 5 of 7 reported
technique versus
benefit; 1 narrowly-focused
trial showed no benefit for
Key Question No trial found a benefit of
reduction breathing
1: asthma one approach over
technique versus
symptoms 4 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low another; both groups
(global improved in 2 trials, neither
reduction breathing
symptom group improved in 2 trials
severity or
Yoga breathing 4 of 5 trials report benefit,
control, Medium-
technique versus 5 Consistent Direct Imprecise Low three with substantial
specific High
control quality concerns
2 small trials with different
Medium- populations and methods,
IMT versus control 2 Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
High both show benefit, one
with high risk of bias
No benefit in trials using
biofeedback or breathing
reduction breathing 2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
device, mixed results in 1
technique versus
trial of physical therapy

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Hyperventilation 3 trials found reduction in
reduction breathing reliever medication and the
6 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Moderate
technique versus 3 lowest-intensity trials did
control not.
Hyperventilation Greater reduction in use
reduction breathing with hyperventilation
technique versus reduction breathing
3 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
nonhyperventilation training in 2 of 3 cases,
reduction breathing both groups improved in 1
technique trial
Key Question 2 trials with substantial
1: medication Yoga breathing differences in intensity,
use (reliever) technique versus 2 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient location, and population
control and reported contradictory
4 small trials, 3 by one
author, 3 with high risk of
IMT versus control 4 High Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
bias, two shows probable
reduction breathing
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient No benefit of treatment
technique versus

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Hyperventilation 1 of 4 found large benefit,
reduction breathing but raw data NR,
5 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low
technique versus remaining 3 found no
control group differences
reduction breathing
No differences in
technique versus
4 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low effectiveness in 3 of 4
reduction breathing
Key Question
1: medication
1 trial with high risk of bias
use (controller)
Yoga breathing showed benefit of yoga,
technique versus 1 High N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient type of medication not
control listed, just that it was used
“to control dyspnoea”
IMT versus control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient 0 trials
reduction breathing No benefit of treatment
2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient
technique versus either trial
Benefit found in 2 of 6,
reduction breathing
6 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low results mixed in another 2
technique versus
No differences in
effectiveness in all cases,
reduction breathing
both groups met threshold
technique versus
4 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Low for clinical improvement in
2 trials, but change only
reduction breathing
Key Question statistically significant in
1: quality of life one of these trials
3 trials, large effect seen in
Yoga breathing
Medium- trial with shortest followup.
technique versus 3 Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
High Pooled effect showed
IMT versus control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient 0 trials
reduction breathing
2 Medium Inconsistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient 2 trials with mixed results
technique versus

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
Hyperventilation 2 of 2 found small benefit
reduction breathing for anxiety and depression,
4 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
technique versus 2 of 2 found mixed results
control for functioning
Hyperventilation Single study showing
reduction breathing greater benefit of Buteyko
technique versus breathing training than
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient
nonhyperventilation yoga breathing training via
reduction breathing device on some
Key Question
technique functioning subscales
1: Functioning
Yoga breathing 1 trial with substantial non-
or mental
technique versus 1 High N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient yoga components showed
control benefit
2 trials with high risk of
IMT versus control 2 High Consistent Direct Imprecise Insufficient bias showing benefit, one
in children, one in adults
1 trial with mixed results,
benefit primarily seen on
reduction breathing
1 Medium N/A Direct Imprecise Insufficient role limitations due to
technique versus
physical problems, not
other subscales

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
reduction breathing Small or no benefit found
5 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Moderate
technique versus in all trials
reduction breathing
technique versus No benefit for FEV1 in any
4 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
nonhyperventilation trials
reduction breathing
Key Question
2: pulmonary
3 of 5 show benefit of
function Yoga breathing
Medium- yoga, all 3 high-intensity
(FEV1) technique versus 5 Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
High interventions, 2 with large
2 of 3 trials showed
IMT versus control 3 High Inconsistent Indirect Imprecise Insufficient benefit, two with high risk
of bias
Nonhyperventilation 2 trials with different
reduction breathing treatment approaches
2 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
technique versus showing no benefit of
control treatment

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
reduction breathing No benefit found in any
3 Medium Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
technique versus trial
reduction breathing
technique versus 1 trial showing no benefit
1 High N/A Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
nonhyperventilation in either group
reduction breathing
Key Question
2: pulmonary
3 of 4 show benefit of
function (PEF) Yoga breathing
Medium- yoga, all 3 high-intensity
technique versus 4 Consistent Indirect Imprecise Low
High interventions, 2 with large
Single trial with large
IMT versus control 1 High N/A Indirect Imprecise Insufficient
effect, high risk of bias
reduction breathing
0 N/A N/A Indirect N/A Insufficient 0 trials
technique versus

Table 15. Strength of evidence (continued)
Number Risk of Strength of
Outcome Group Consistency Directness Precision Comments
of Studies Bias Evidence
None found adverse
Hyperventilation effects related to the
reduction breathing intervention, one listed
3 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
technique versus minor annoyances
control associated with mouth-
reduction breathing
technique versus No adverse effects related
2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
Key Question nonhyperventilation to interventions
3: harms reduction breathing
Yoga breathing
No adverse effects related
technique versus 2 Medium Consistent Direct Imprecise Low
to yoga
IMT versus control 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient N/A
reduction breathing
0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Insufficient N/A
technique versus
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; N/A: not applicable; PEF: peak expiratory flow

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Dec;58(8):968-70. PMID: 20930645. study. Applied Psychophysiol Biofeedback
1997 Jun;22(2):95-109. PMID: 9341966.
122. Breathing Center. Practitioners. Woodstock,
NY: Buteyko Center USA; 2009. 131. Abramson M, Borg B, Doran C, et al. A randomised controlled trial of the Buteyko
. Accessed December 30, 2011. PMID: method for asthma. Int J Immunorehabil
None. 2004;6(2):244. PMID: 11059522.
123. Butyeko Institute of Breathing and Health. 132. Anonymous. Breathing training leads to
Find a BIBH practitioner. Australia: improved asthma-specific health status. AJP
Butyeko Institute of Breathing and Health; 2010;91(1076):62-63. PMID: None.
133. Bhikshapathi DVRN, Jayanthi C, Kishan V,
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et al. Influence of yogasanas on the
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physiology, therapy and theophylline
124. Buteyko Breathing Educators Association pharmacokinetics in bronchial asthma
Inc. Find a Buteyko educator. Indianapolis, patients. Acta Pharm Sci 2007;49(2):187-94.
IN: Buteyko Breathing Educators PMID: None.
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134. Cooper SE, Oborne J, Newton S, et al. The
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ge_id=78&club_id=174916. Accessed
and Pranayama) on the ability to reduce
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inhaled corticosteroids in asthma: a
125. Buteyko VK, Buteyko MM. The Buteyko randomised controlled trial. American
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135. Cowie RL, Conley DP, Underwood MF, et
126. Moher D, Pham B, Lawson ML, et al. The al. A randomized controlled trial of buteyko
inclusion of reports of randomised trials technique for asthma management.
published in languages other than English in Proceedings of the American Thoracic
systematic reviews. Health Technol Assess Society. American Thoracic Society
2003;7(41):1-90. PMID: 14670218. International Conference; 2006 May 19; San
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127. Anokhin MI, Sergeev VN, Domanskii VL.
Biological feedback correction of respiration 136. Neffen HE, Baena-Cagnani CE, Yanez A.
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137. Vijayaraghayan N. Role of yoga in the
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2011;97(4):345-49. PMID: 22051592.

Abbreviations and Acronyms
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine
AQLQ Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire
ATS American Thoracic Society
BTS British Thoracic Society
CAM complementary and alternative medicine
CCRCT Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
CI confidence interval
CO2 carbon dioxide
EPC Evidence-based Practice Center
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FVC forced vital capacity
HRV heart rate variability
ICS inhaled corticosteroid(s)
IMT inspiratory muscle training
IndMED Indian Medical Journals
LOCF last observation carried forward
MANTIS Manual, Alternative and Natural Therapy Index System
mcg microgram(s)
NAEPP National Asthma Education Program and Prevention
PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database
PEF peak expiratory flow
RCT randomized controlled trial
SABA short-acting beta2-agonists
SF Short Form Health Survey (e.g., SF-36)
SGRQ St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire
SIP scientific information packet
SMD standardized mean difference
TEP technical expert panel
VC vital capacity

Appendix A. Medications Recommended for Use in
Treating Asthma

Medi- Drug class Product(s) Indications Mechanism Potential adverse

cation effects
Long- Inhaled Beclometha- Long-term Anti-inflammatory, blocks Cough, dysphonia, oral
term cortico- sone prevention of late reaction to allergen thrush (candidiasis).
control steroids dipropionate, symptoms; and reduces airway hyper- Systemic effects may
medi- budesonide, suppression, responsiveness and occur with high doses
cations flunisolide, control and inhibits cytokine (e.g., adrenal
fluticasone reversal of production, adhesion suppression,
propionate, inflammation. protein activation and osteoporosis, skin
mometasone Reduce need inflammatory cell thinning, and easy
furoate, for oral migration and activation... bruising). Suppression of
triamcinolone corticosteroids. Reverse beta2-receptor growth velocity seen in
acetonide downregulation. Inhibit children taking low to
microvascular leakage. medium doses (transient
Systemic Methyl- For short-term Same as ICS. Short term use: reversible
cortico- prednisolone, “burst” control abnormalities in glucose
steroids prednisolone, and for long- metabolism, increased
prednisone term appetite, fluid retention,
prevention of weight gain,
symptoms in hypertension, mood
severe alteration, peptic ulcer,
persistent rarely aseptic necrosis.
asthma Long-term use: adrenal
(suppression, axis suppression, dermal
control, and thinning, growth
reversal of suppression,
inflammation). hypertension, diabetes,
Cushing’s syndrome,
muscle weakness,
cataracts, impaired
immune function (rare).
Cromolyn NA Long-term Anti-inflammatory, blocks Cough and irritation,
sodium and prevention of early and late reaction to unpleasant taste for
nedocromil symptoms of allergen, interferes with nedocromil.
mild persistent chloride channel function,
asthma. and stabilizes mast cell
Preventive membranes and inhibits
treatment prior activation and release of
to exercise or mediators from
allergen eosinophils and epithelial
exposure. cells. Inhibits acute
response to exercise, cold
dry air and sulfuric

Medi- Drug class Product(s) Indications Mechanism Potential adverse
cation effects
Immuno- Omalizumab Long-term Prevention of IgE binding Pain and bruising at
modulators control and to high-affinity receptors injection site,
prevention of on basophils and mast anaphylaxis, and
symptoms in cells. Decrease mast cell malignant neoplasms
moderate to mediator from allergen (unclear relationship).
severe exposure. Decrease
persistent number of high-affinity
allergic receptors in basophils and
asthmatics submucosal cells.
controlled by
Leukotriene Montelukast Long-term Leukotriene receptor No specific AEs reported
receptor tablets and control and antagonists, selective for montelukast except
antagonists granules, prevention of competitive inhibition of Churg-Strauss (rare).
zafirlukast symptoms in CysLT1 receptor. Reversible hepatitis and
tablets mild persistent rare irreversible hepatic
asthma failure (liver transplant
patients and death) for zafirlukast.
5-Lipo- Zileuton tables Long-term Inhibits production of Elevation of liver
oxygenase control and leukotrienes from enzymes and limited case
inhibitor prevention of arachidonic acid reports of reversible
symptoms in hepatitis and
mild persistent hyperbilirubinemia.
patients aged
≥ 12 years
Long-acting Inhaled Long-term Bronchodilation, smooth Tachycardia, skeletal
beta2- formoterol and prevention of muscle relaxation muscle tremor,
agonists salmeterol; symptoms in following adenylate hypokalemia,
albuterol addition to cyclase activation and prolongation of QTc
sustained- ICS. increase in cyclic AMP interval in overdose.
release tablets Prevention of producing functional Diminished
exercise- antagonism of bronchoprotective effects.
induced bronchoconstriction. Potential risk of
broncho- uncommon, severe, life-
spasm. threatening or fatal
Methyl- Theophylline Long-term Bronchodilation, smooth Insomnia, gastric upset,
xanthines sustained- control and muscle relaxation from ulcer aggravation or
release tablets prevention of phosphodiesterase reflux, hyperactivity
and capsules symptoms in inhabitation and possible (children), urination
mild persistent adenosine antagonism. difficulties (elderly men
asthma or as May affect eosinophilic with prostatism). Dose-
adjunctive with infiltration to bronchial related acute toxicities
ICS in mucosa as well as (e.g., tachycardia,
moderate or decrease in epithelial T- nausea, CNS stimulation,
persistent lymphocyte. Increases hyperkalemia SVT,
asthma. diaphragm contractility seizures, vomiting,
and mucociliary clearance. headache, hematemesis,
and hyperglycemia).

Medi- Drug class Product(s) Indications Mechanism Potential adverse
cation effects
Quick- Short- Inhaled Relief of acute Bronchodilation, binds to Tachycardia, skeletal
relief acting albuterol, symptoms and the beta2-adrenergic muscle tremor, lactic acid
medi- beta2- levalbuterol preventive receptor producing increase, headache,
cations agonists and pirbuterol treatment for smooth muscle relaxation hyperglycemia. Patients
exercise- following adenylate with cardiovascular
induced cyclase activation and conditions may have
bronchospasm increase in cyclic AMP adverse cardiovascular
prior to producing functional reactions.
exercise. antagonism of
Anti- Ipratropium Relief of acute Bronchodilation, Dry mouth, wheezing,
cholinergics bromide broncho- competitive inhibition of and blurred vision if
spasm. muscarinic cholinergic sprayed in eyes.
receptors. Reduced
intrinsic vagal tone of
airways may block reflex
secondary to irritants or to
reflux eosinophils. May
decrease mucous gland
Cortico- Methylpredniso Prevent Same as ICS. Reversible abnormalities
steroids lone, progression, in glucose metabolism,
prednisolone, reverse increased appetite, fluid
prednisone inflammation, retention, facial flushing,
speed weight gain,
recovery, and hypertension, mood
reduce relapse alteration, peptic ulcer,
rate in aseptic necrosis (rare).
Adapted from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program’s Prevention Guidelines for the Diagnosis and
Management of Asthma (Figures 3-22 and 3-23)1

Abbreviations: AE: adverse effect; AMP: adeno monophosphate; CNS: central nervous system; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids;
SVT: supraventricular tachycardia

Appendix B. Search Strategies

Database: AltHealthWatch

S16 S1 and S15

S15 S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13 or S14
S14 TI biofeedback or AB biofeedback
S13 TI diaphragmatic breath* or AB diaphragmatic breath*
S12 AB ( diaphragm* ) and AB ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or technique* )
S11 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or
technique* )
S10 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or
technique* )
S9 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( paced or pursed )
S8 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( paced or pursed )
S7 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( physiotherap* or physical therap* )
S6 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( physiotherap* or physical therap* )
S5 TI Pranayama or AB Pranayama
S4 TI Buteyko or AB Buteyko
S3 TI yogic OR AB yogic
S2 TI yoga OR AB yoga
S1 TI asthma* or AB asthma*

Database: AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) <1985 to December 2011>

1 asthma/
2 asthma$.ti,ab.
3 1 or 2
4 breathing exercises/
5 yoga/
6 Yoga.ti,ab.
7 yogic.ti,ab.
8 Buteyko.ti,ab.
9 Pranayama.ti,ab.
10 Papworth.ti,ab.
11 "inspiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
12 "expiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
13 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (physiotherap$ or physical therap$)).ti,ab.
14 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (paced or pursed)).ti,ab.
15 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or
16 (diaphragm* and (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or technique$)).ti,ab.
17 diaphragmatic breath$.ti,ab.

18 biofeedback/
19 biofeedback.ti,ab.
20 or/4-19
21 3 and 20
22 limit 21 to yr="1990 -Current"
23 limit 22 to english

Database: CINAHL

S27 S3 and S25 Limiters - Published Date from: 19900101-20111231

S26 S3 and S25
S25 S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13 or S14 or S15 or S16 or S17
or S18 or S19 or S20 or S21 or S22 or S23 or S24
S24 TI biofeedback or AB biofeedback
S23 (MH "Biofeedback") OR (MH "Biofeedback (Iowa NIC)")
S22 TI diaphragmatic breath* or AB diaphragmatic breath*
S21 TI diaphragm* and TI ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or technique* )
S20 AB diaphragm* and AB ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or technique* )
S19 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or
technique* )
S18 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( exercise* or training or retraining or pattern* or
technique* )
S17 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( paced or pursed )
S16 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( paced or pursed )
S15 AB ( breath* or respirat* ) and AB ( physiotherap* or physical therap* )
S14 TI ( breath* or respirat* ) and TI ( physiotherap* or physical therap* )
S13 TI "expiratory muscle training" or AB "expiratory muscle training"
S12 TI "inspiratory muscle training" or AB "inspiratory muscle training"
S11 TI Papworth or AB Papworth
S10 TI Pranayama or AB Pranayama
S9 TI Buteyko or AB Buteyko
S8 TI yogic or AB yogic
S7 TI yoga or AB yoga
S6 (MH "Yoga") OR (MH "Yoga Pose")
S5 (MH "Breathing Exercises (Saba CCC)")
S4 (MH "Breathing Exercises") OR (MH "Buteyko Method")
S3 s1 or s2
S2 TI asthma* or AB asthma*
S1 (MH "Asthma") OR (MH "Asthma, Exercise-Induced") OR (MH "Status Asthmaticus")

Database: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials


#1 asthma*:ti,ab,kw
#2 "breathing exercises":ti,ab,kw

#3 yoga:ti,ab,kw
#4 yogic:ti,ab,kw
#5 Buteyko:ti,ab,kw
#6 Pranayama:ti,ab,kw
#7 Papworth:ti,ab,kw
#8 "inspiratory muscle training":ti,ab,kw
#9 "expiratory muscle training":ti,ab,kw
#10 breath*:ti or respirat*:ti
#11 physiotherap*:ti or physical therap*:ti
#12 (#10 AND #11)
#13 breath*:ab or respirat*:ab
#14 physiotherap*:ab or physical therap*:ab
#15 (#13 AND #14)
#16 paced:ti,ab or pursed:ti,ab
#17 (( #11 OR #14 ) AND #16)
#18 exercise*:ti or training:ti or retraining:ti or pattern*:ti or technique*:ti
#19 (#10 AND #18)
#20 exercise*:ab or training:ab or retraining:ab or pattern*:ab or technique*:ab
#21 (#13 AND #20)
#22 diaphragm*:ti,ab
#23 (#22 AND ( #18 OR #20 ))
#24 diaphragmatic next breath*
#25 biofeedback:ti,ab,kw
#26 (#2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #12 OR #15 OR #17 OR #19 OR
#21 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25)
#27 (#1 AND #26), from 1990 to 2011

Database: CSA

KW=asthma AND KW=(Buteyko OR Pranayama OR Papworth OR yoga OR yogic OR

biofeedback OR "inspiratory muscle training" OR "expiratory muscle training" OR
"breathing physical therapy" OR "breathing physiotherapy" OR paced OR pursed OR
"breathing exercise*" OR "breathing training" OR "breathing retraining" OR
"diaphragmatic breathing" OR "breathing technique*")

Database: EMBASE <1988 to 2011 July 28>

1 asthma/ or allergic asthma/ or asthmatic state/ or exercise induced asthma/ or extrinsic
asthma/ or intrinsic asthma/ or mild intermittent asthma/ or mild persistent asthma/ or
moderate persistent asthma/ or nocturnal asthma/ or occupational asthma/ or severe
persistent asthma/ (112140)
2 asthma$.ti,ab.
3 1 or 2
4 breathing exercise/

6 yoga.ti,ab.
7 yogic.ti,ab.
8 Buteyko.ti,ab.
9 Pranayama.ti,ab.
10 Papworth.ti,ab.
11 "inspiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
12 "expiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
13 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (physiotherap$ or physical therap$)).ti,ab.
14 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (paced or pursed)).ti,ab.
15 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or
16 (diaphragm* and (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or technique$)).ti,ab.
17 diaphragmatic breath$.ti,ab.
18 feedback system/
19 biofeedback.ti,ab.
20 or/4-19
21 3 and 20
22 limit 21 to yr="1990 -Current"
23 limit 22 to english language

Database: IndMED
buteyko OR
yoga OR
yogic OR
papworth OR
pranayama OR
biofeedback OR
expiratory muscle training OR
inspiratory muscle training OR
breathing physical therapy OR
breathing physiotherapy OR
paced OR
pursed OR
breathing exercise OR
breathing exercises OR
breathing training OR
breathing retraining OR
diaphragm breathing OR
breathing technique OR
breathing techniques OR
breathing pattern OR
breathing patterns

Database: Mantis <1880 to December 2010>
1 asthma$.mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
2 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
3 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
4 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
5 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
6 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
7 "inspiratory muscle training".mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
8 "expiratory muscle training".mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
9 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (physiotherap$ or physical therap$)).mp. [mp=title, abstract,
10 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (paced or pursed)).mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
11 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or
technique$)).mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
12 (diaphragm* and (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or technique$)).mp.
[mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
13 diaphragmatic breath$.mp. [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
14 [mp=title, abstract, descriptors]
15 or/2-14
16 1 and 15
17 limit 16 to yr="1990 -Current"

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R)

1 asthma/ or asthma, exercise-induced/ or status asthmaticus/
2 asthma$.ti,ab.
3 1 or 2
4 Breathing Exercises/
5 Yoga/
6 yoga.ti,ab.
7 yogic.ti,ab.
8 Buteyko.ti,ab.
9 Pranayama.ti,ab.
10 Papworth.ti,ab.
11 "inspiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
12 "expiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
13 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (physiotherap$ or physical therap$)).ti,ab.
14 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (paced or pursed)).ti,ab.
15 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or
16 (diaphragm* and (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or technique$)).ti,ab.
17 diaphragmatic breath$.ti,ab.
18 biofeedback, psychology/
19 biofeedback.ti,ab.
20 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19

21 3 and 20
22 limit 21 to yr="1990 -Current"
23 remove duplicates from 22
24 limit 23 to english language

Database: PEDRO

buteyko OR
yoga OR
yogic OR
papworth OR
pranayama OR
biofeedback OR
expiratory muscle training OR
inspiratory muscle training OR
breathing physical therapy OR
breathing physiotherapy OR
paced OR
pursed OR
breathing exercise OR
breathing training OR
breathing retraining OR
diaphragm breathing OR
breathing technique OR
breathing pattern

Database: PsychINFO
1 asthma/
2 asthma$.ti,ab.
3 1 or 2
4 yoga/
5 yoga.ti,ab.
6 yogic.ti,ab.
7 Buteyko.ti,ab.
8 Pranayama.ti,ab.
9 Papworth.ti,ab.
10 "inspiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
11 "expiratory muscle training".ti,ab.
12 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (physiotherap$ or physical therap$)).ti,ab.
13 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (paced or pursed)).ti,ab.
14 ((breath$ or respirat$) adj5 (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or

15 (diaphragm* and (exercise$ or training or retraining or pattern$ or technique$)).ti,ab.
16 diaphragmatic breath$.ti,ab.
17 biofeedback/ or biofeedback training/
18 biofeedback.ti,ab.
19 or/4-18
20 3 and 19
21 limit 20 to yr="1990 -Current"
22 limit 21 to english language

Appendix C. Non-English Studies
Our literature search identified 248 unique articles published in a non-English language. The following articles appear to be relevant studies (only
based on their title and/or abstract) to this comparative effectiveness review.

Reference Abstract Language

Fluge T, Richter J, Fabel To compare the effects of BE or Y on the course of bronchial asthma we studied 36 subjects with a mild disease. The German
H, et al. Long-term patients were randomly divided into three groups. Two of them participated in a 3 weeks training program of BE or Y
effects of breathing while the third group rested without any additional treatment. At the end of the training period the patients were asked to
exercises and yoga in practice BE or Y on their own. Drug therapy and lung function parameters before and after a beta2-agonist metered dose
patients with bronchial inhaler albuterol were recorded prior to the training program and in 4 weeks intervals for 4 months thereafter. The
asthma. Pneumologie response to the beta2-agonist was documented continuously in 28 patients. The mental state of the patients was
1994;48(7):484-90. elucidated by questionnaires. Prior to the study a significant effect of inhaled albuterol on the FEV1 was shown without
PMID: 7937658. any significant between group differences. Both caused a significant amelioration of the mental state but only the BE
induced a significant improvement of lung function parameters compared with the individual baseline values. The FEV1
increased significantly by 356.3 ± 146.2 ml (p<0.05) and the VC by 225.0 ± 65.5 ml (p<0.01). These long-term changes
were not significantly different from the actual response to albuterol. BE decreased the RV significantly by 306.3 ± 111.6
ml (p<0.05), an effect significantly higher compared with the beta2-agonist (p<0.01). BE in combination with albuterol
caused an additive effect.

Rocha EM. The effect of The aim of this study was to evaluate the improvement of lung function abnormalities during asymptomatic periods in French
respiratory rehabilitation children with perennial atopic asthma after physical respiratory rehabilitation and swimming. 240 lung function tests were
on the functional performed regularly by whole-body plethysmography during asymptomatic periods on 68 atopic asthmatic children aged
ventilation changes in the 5 to 13 (mean 8.7 years), in a follow up 4 years study (1983 to 1987). Total lung capacity, VC, FEV1, resistance, MEF50,
asthmatic child. Allerg RV and TGV were recorded. We selected TGV for measured hyperinflation, resistance for bronchial obstruction and
Immunol 1993;25(1):26- MEF50 for small airways obstruction. We divided these children population in two groups: group A control (20 subjects,
8. PMID: 8471136. mean 9.3 years age) immunotherapy alone; group B (48 subjects, mean 8.03 years age) immunotherapy and respiratory
rehabilitation and swimming. Furthermore, we compared the evolution of the lung function according to the severity of
asthma on B group alone. The number of hyperinflated or bronchial obstructed children who did RRS is significantly
smaller than on the control group. Nevertheless, breathing exercises and swimming has no effect on peripheral airway
obstruction. When we compared the effect of asthma on B group alone, we noted that the recovery of lung abnormalities
were observed on the great majority of mild and moderate hyperinflated and bronchial obstructed asthma. In severe
asthma, the results were not so good, particularly on bronchial and peripheral airway obstruction. In these last cases the
functional prognosis will be uncertain. Respiratory rehabilitation and swimming have an unquestionable effect on
improvement of hyperinflated asthmatic children, some effect on improvement on permanent bronchial obstruction, and
without any benefit on permanent peripheral airway obstruction. Lung function tests might be monitored the RRS in all
asthmatic children with lung function impairment.

Abbreviations: BE: breathing exercise; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; MEF50: maximal expiratory flow at 50 percent; ml: milliliter; RRS: respiratory rehabilitation and
swimming; RV: residual volume; TGV: thoracic gas volume (also known as functional residual capacity); VC: vital capacity; Y: yoga

Appendix D. Evidence Tables
Evidence Table 1a. Study characteristics: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Cooper UK IG1 (BBT) 30 44 44.9 2 657 80 Aged 18 to 70y, non- No other important
2003 puffs/d† mcg/d smoking volunteers with illnesses, taking tx other
stable asthma, taking an than sodium
inhaled SABA at least 2 cromoglycate.
times/w and regular ICS w/
no change in dose in
previous 4w, pre-
CG 30
bronchodilator FEV1 of at
least 50 percent predicted
and 10 percent increase
following 400mcg inhaled
salbutamol, a PD20 of
methacholine causing a 20
percent fall in FEV1 of 10.24
μmol or less, mean daily sx
score of 1 or more during

Grammato- Greece IG (HRBT) 20 46.8 42.5 NR NR 83.7 Aged 18 to 60y, adults Aged < 60y, smokers,
poulou diagnosed with asthma. used oral
2011 corticosteroids in the
previous 3m, suffered
from heart failure,
CG 20 previously participated
in a asthma education

Holloway UK IG (Pap- 39 49.7 57.6 NR NR 89.6 Aged 16 to 70y, literate in NR

2007 worth) English, commitment to
participate for up to eight
attendances, no serious
CG 46

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

McGowan Scotland IG (BBT) 200 NR 50 18 NR 76.7 Age 14 to 69y; documented Previous BBT,
2003 puffs/w mild asthma with a total Balanced Volitional
symptom score > 7 in the Breathing or Eucapnic
last 1w of run-in; asthma Breath training; unsafe
management requiring at asthma (requiring ≤
least 12 bronchodilator dose 500mcg/d ICS and use
CG1 200
units in the last 1w of run-in. of beta2-agonist > 5
times/d; or > 500mcg/d
ICS and use of beta2-
agonist > 8 times
percent predicted);
CG2 (brief 200 significant other illness
asthma (including chronic
education) pulmonary airways
exacerbation of asthma
(e.g., hospitalization,
major change in
preventative therapy
within last 4w); HR > 90
on two occasions prior
to randomization.

Opat Australia IG (BBT) 18 32.2 58.3 404 430 NR Aged 18 to 50y, diagnosed Previously learned BBT;
2000 mcg/d mcg/d with asthma by a medical regularly taking oral
practitioner (self-reported corticosteroids or more
physician diagnosis), ready than 1600mcg of
access to a VCR throughout inhaled steroid per day;
trial period. taking < three doses of
CG 18
inhaled bronchodilator
medication per week;
experienced a severe
asthma exacerbation
within 6w of trial start

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Thomas UK IG (HRBT) 94 46.0* 61.2 1.4 400 89.5 Aged 17 to 65y treated for NR
2009 doses/d mcg/d* asthma in 10 primary care
general practices in the UK,
asthma, moderate
impairment of asthma-
related health status (AQLQ
CG 89
score < 5.5, "uncontrolled"),
had < 10 pack-years, ≥ one
anti-asthma medication Rx
in the previous 1y, no
COPD, and asthma not
dangerously unstable and in
need of urgent medical
review (assessed by asthma

Thomas UK IG (diaph- 17 48.8 78.8 1.5 600 NR Aged 17 to 65y with NR

2003 ragm mcg/d diagnosis of asthma who
breathing) canisters had received at least one Rx
/3m for an inhaled or oral
bronchodilator or
prophylactic anti-asthma
medication in previous 1y, ≥
23 on Nijmegen
questionnaire (suggestive of
dysfunctional breathing).

Cooper UK IG (mouth- 51 53 64 10 puffs 567 86.2 Aged 18 to 72y with FEV1 below 50 percent
2009‡ taping) /w† mcg/d symptomatic asthma defined predicted value,
as taking at least four previous BBT training,
puffs/w of an inhaled short- unable to breathe
CG acting bronchodilator, daily through nose,
sx plus nocturnal or early diagnosed with sleep
morning sx or PEF of 10 apnea, or history of
percent or more on at least smoking more than 10
three nights/w during the pack years.
run-in period.


†Median puffs/d, typical dose per puff = 100 mcg

‡Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; BBT: Buteyko breathing techniques; CG: control group; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; d: day(s);
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; HR: heart rate; HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; m:
month(s); mcg: microgram(s); NR: not reported; PD20: provocative dose causing an decrease in FEV1 of 20 percent; PEF: pulmonary expiratory flow; pred: predicted; Rx:
prescription; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; tx: treatment; UK: United Kingdom; μmol: micromole(s); VCR: videocassette recorder; w: week(s); y: year(s)

Evidence Table 1b. Description of intervention groups: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional

group components

Cooper 2003 IG1 (BBT) Eucapnic BBT taught by a certified Five 2-hour sessions, Home exercises with Also included dietary
Buteyko practitioner. Pts taught to over weekends or an audiotape or CD restrictions, stress
reduce fx and depth of breathing, use successive evenings. with technique management and
the technique bid to relieve asthma sx reminders. instruction to avoid
(used 420 times over 6m) and use oversleeping.
bronchodilator if BBT failed, nocturnal
mouth-taping with Micropore (10 hours total)
hypoallergenic tape. F/U call provided
2w after training and open
communication with trainer available.
Avoid certain foods (e.g., highly
processed food and additives), avoid
stress, avoid oversleeping.

CG Sham device with no valve and a leak One session NR NR

ensured no resistance to breathing, use
bid (420 times in 6m).

(Hours NR)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Grammatopoulou IG (HRBT) Phase 1: one 60min group session (5 One 60-min group Home training. NR
2011 pts/group) structured according to the session, twelve 60-min
health belief model. Pts educated in (1) individual sessions
normal breathing pattern and breathing over 26w.
pattern during exacerbations, (2)
recognizing asthma sx, (3)
comprehension of their ability to modify
their breathing pattern targeting self- (13 hours total)
management of sx, (4) expressed their
perceived asthma severity and the
benefits and barriers of adapting a
modified breathing pattern for 6m. 12
individual 60min sessions (3 times/w)
comprised of asthma education and
practice of: diaphragmatic breathing,
nasal breathing, short hold of breath (2
to 3s), and adaptation of speech pattern
(speaking, singing) in any position during
physical activity and in asthma
exacerbation. Taught by a
physiotherapist. Phase 2: Development
of specific action plan regarding duration
(> 20 min) and frequency (2 to 3 times/d)
of home training for 5m.

CG Usual care, no additional treatment NR NR NR

Holloway 2007 IG Papworth method training in addition to Five 60-min sessions Home exercises with Also included stress
(Papworth) usual asthma care including medication over 6m. an audiotape or CD management.
and routine asthma education; integrate with technique
techniques in daily life activities. reminders.
Breathing training to reduce
dysfunctional breathing (e.g., (5 hours total)
hyperventilation, hyperinflation,
education w/ emphasis on breathing and
stress response, relaxation training). Pts
taught by a respiratory physiotherapist.

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

CG Received usual asthma care including NR NR NR

medication and routine asthma
education; usual care did not include
advice about breathing exercises.
Taught by practice nurse.

McGowan 2003 IG (BBT) Buteyko Institute Method Program; Eight sessions over Home practice NR
introductory asthma education by the 4w. required.
researcher in one 120-min session over
1w; followed by seven sessions over the
next 3w comprising of information on
normal physiology and pathophysiology (Hours NR)
of airways, use of medication and
compliance, inhale technique, exercise
"triggers", opportunistic infection and

CG1 (nurse Introductory asthma education by the Eight sessions over NR NR

education) researcher in one 120min session over 4w.
1w; followed by seven sessions with a
Practice Nurse over the next 3w.

(Hours NR)

CG2 (brief Introductory education course only. One 120-min session NR NR

asthma over 1w.

(2 hours total)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Opat 2000 IG (BBT) 67min video including an explanation of One 67-min video; Video viewed at home. NR
the BBT theory and a 20min self-guided
BBT session involving short periods of 56 20-min sessions
shallow breathing, interspersed breath with video over 4w.
holding; pts asked to watch a "portion of
the video" daily. No mouth taping, no
dietary change.
(19.8 hours total)

CG 60min video entitled "Nature 56 20-min sessions NR NR

Landscapes" watched for 20min bid for over 4w.

(18.6 hours total)

Thomas 2009 IG (HRBT) During group sessions, pts explained One 60-min group Encouraged to practice NR
normal breathing and possible effects of session; two 30- to 45- for at least 10min/d.
dysfunctional breathing (e.g., mouth min individual sessions
breathing, etc.). During individual w/ 2 to 4w between
sessions, pts taught regular sessions.
diaphragmatic and nasal breathing
techniques (similar to Papworth method)
to improve hyperventilation reduction
breathing. Pts taught by a (2 to 2.5 hours total)

CG Asthma education on the information on One 60-min group NR NR

the nature of asthma followed by session; two 30- to 45-
individual sessions presenting broad min individual sessions
asthma and atopy concepts and w/ 2 to 4w between
explaining tx rationale w/out providing sessions.
personalized asthma advice. Pts taught
by a nurse.

(2 to 2.5 hours total)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Thomas 2003 IG (HRBT) Diaphragm breathing retraining; pts One 45-min group NR NR
practiced slow diaphragmatic breathing session, two 15-min
for short (e.g., 10min) periods qd using individual sessions,
an established physiotherapy method as over 2w.
taught by a physiotherapist. Learned
about effects of overbreathing (by
abnormal breathing such as non-
diaphragmatic breathing). Described as (1.25 hours total)
“identical” to above intervention in
personal communication.

CG Asthma education provided by an One 60-min session. NR NR

asthma nurse; pts also invited to attend
individual asthma review w/ nurse or
doctor in which six (38%) participated.

Cooper 2009 IG (mouth- Pts taped their mouth at night with 2.5cm One training session, NR NR
taping) wide micorporous tape (Micropore™) to mouth-taped for 28
facilitate nose breathing; options to nights for entire night
practice during daytime to increase for 4w.
tolerance. Plus a meeting w/ study
coordinator to describe mouth-taping.

(Hours NA)

CG Usual breathing. 28 nights for entire NR NR

night for 4w.

(Hours NA)

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; bid: twice daily; CD: compact disc; CG: control group; cm: centimeters; d: day(s); F/U: followup; fx: frequency; HRBT:
hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; IG: intervention group; m: month(s); min: minute(s); NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; qd: daily; pts: participants; s:
second(s); sx: symptoms; w: week(s); w/: with.

Evidence Table 1c. Change in asthma symptoms: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional asthma
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size symptom
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded
lower= better)

Cooper Mini- 13w IG1 (BBT) 30 26 5.0 (1.0) 0.42 0.6 (for Insufficient Three groups
2003 Juniper difference data to differed across
AQLQ, (-0.17, 1.6)† between all calculate median daily
symptoms three groups) symptom scores at
subscale 26w, p=0.003.* NSD
CG 29 25 4.9 (0.9) 0.33 between groups in
the number of
(-0.31, 0.58)† exacerbations at
(higher= 26w.
better) 26w IG1 30 23 5.0 (1.0) 1.08 0.2 (for Insufficient
difference data to
(0.08, 1.92)† across all calculate
three groups)
CG 29 22 4.9 (0.9) 0.33

(-0.19, 1.17)†

Grammato- Asthma 4w IG 20 20 18.1 (2.59) 4.1 (1.56)* 0.007* -1.77 Significant difference
poulou control test (HRBT) between groups at 4
2011 score (-2.51, -1.03)* and 12w for those
with controlled
CG 20 20 19.0 (3.52) 0.7 (2.16)*
asthma, NSD at
(higher= 12w IG 20 20 18.1 (2.59) 4.8 (1.56) 0.001* -2.04
CG 20 20 19.0 (3.52) 0.9 (2.14) (-2.82, -1.26)*

26w IG 20 20 18.1 (2.59) 3.9 (2.02) 0.100 -1.23

CG 20 20 19.0 (3.52) 1.3 (2.12) (-1.91, -0.55)*

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional asthma
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size symptom
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded
lower= better)

Holloway SGRQ 26w IG (Pap- 39 33 42.9 (21.3) -21.1 (12.8) 0.001* -1.47
2007 symptoms worth)
subscale (-1.98, -0.97)*
CG 46 45 35.1 (12.9) -2.3 (12.5)

(lower= 52w IG 39 32 42.9 (21.3) -18.0 (12.8) 0.007* -1.46

CG 46 40 35.1 (12.9) -1.6 (9.5) (-1.99, -0.94)*

McGowan Asthma 26w IG (BBT) 200 180 2.2 (0.4) -1.46 (0.91) NR CG1:
2003 symptoms
score -2.58
CG1 200 165 2.2 (0.4) 0.3 (0.26)
education) (-2.86, -2.29)*

better) CG2 (brief 200 146 2.2 (0.4) 0.2 (0.25)
education) CG2:


(-2.66, -2.09)*

Opat Daytime 4w IG (BBT) 18 13 0.82 (0.58) NR (NR) 0.10 Insufficient -0.21 greater change
2000 symptoms (-0.31 more data to in IG than CG in
score in IG than calculate nighttime symptom
CG) scores at 4w,
CG 18 15 0.79 (0.56) NR (NR)

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional asthma
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size symptom
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded
lower= better)

Thomas ACQ, total 4w IG 94 73 1.4 (0.8) -0.2 (0.5) 0.70 0.08

2009 score (HRBT)
(-0.24, 0.40)
CG 89 79 1.5 (0.9) -0.3 (0.7)

better) 26w IG 94 63 1.4 (0.8) -0.3 (0.5) 0.12 -0.26

CG 89 66 1.5 (0.9) -0.13 (0.6) (-0.60, 0.09)

Thomas AQLQ- 4w IG 17 16 4.68 (1.06) 0.42 0.042* Insufficient

2003 Juniper, (HRBT) data to
symptoms, (0.11, 1.17)† calculate
CG 16 15 4.60 (1.35) 0.09

(-0.58, 0.50)†
26w IG 17 16 4.68 (1.06) 0.33 0.059 Insufficient
data to
(-0.13, 1.13)† calculate

CG 16 12 4.60 (1.35) -0.17

(-0.73, 0.4))†

Cooper ACQ, total 4w IG 51 51 NR (NR) 2.41 (1.7) 0.92 Insufficient No differences

2009‡ score (mouth- data to between groups on
taping) calculate nighttime wakening,

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional asthma
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size symptom
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded
lower= better)
symptom diary
CG NR (NR) 2.37 (1.3) scores, number
(lower= exacerbations.
better) Difference between
treatment periods

-0.03 (95% CI, -0.68

to 0.61) in ACQ.

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

‡Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

Abbreviations: ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire; AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval;
HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference; SD:
standard deviation; SGRQ: St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 1d. Change in asthma medication use: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Reliever Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean p-value for Standardiz Controller and
medication -up random- -up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference ed Effect additional
outcome (unit) ized from between Size medication
baseline groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)

Cooper Beta2-agonist 26w IG1 (BBT) 30 23 2 (0, 4)† -2 (-4, 0)† 0.005 (for Insufficient NSD between all three
2003 use, median difference data to groups in median
(puffs/d) across all calculate number of days taking
CG 30 22 2 (0, 3.8)† 0 (-2, 0)†
three increased ICS dose or
groups)* median number of
prednisolone courses
per subject at 26w, or
median ICS reduction
during extended
followup phase.

Grammato None 26w IG (HRBT) 20 20 NA NA NA NA

CG 20 20 NA NA

Holloway None 52w IG (Pap- 39 32 NA NA NA NA

2007 worth)

CG 46 40 NA NA

McGowan Bronchodilator 26w IG (BBT) 200 180 18 (3) -17.9 (2.66) NR CG1: IG group decreased
2003 use (puffs/w) use of preventer
-7.67 medication, oral
CG1 (nurse 200 165 18 (3) 0 (1.90) NR
reliever and oral
(-8.19, - prevent preparations
7.06)* by > 90 percent at
CG2 (brief 200 145 18 (3) 3 (2.41) NR 26w; no significant
asthma change in CG1 or
education) CG2.


Study Reliever Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean p-value for Standardiz Controller and
medication -up random- -up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference ed Effect additional
outcome (unit) ized from between Size medication
baseline groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)

(-8.84, -

Opat Bronchodilator 4w IG (BBT) 18 13 350 (342) -220 (206)* NR -0.78 NSD between groups
2000 use (mcg/d) in inhaled steroid use
(-1.55, at 4w.
CG 18 15 459 (478) -10 (303)

Thomas Bronchodilator 4w IG (HRBT) 94 73 NR (NR) “Reduced”, 0.72 Insufficient Mean bronchodilator

2009 use (mcg) data NR* data to use difference
calculate between groups, -0.06
(95% CI, -0.36 to
CG 89 79 NR (NR) “Reduced”,
0.25) at 4w. NSD
data NR*
between groups in
ICS use.

Thomas Bronchodilator 26w IG 17 16 1 (0, 4) § 0 (NR)§ NR NA NSD in number of ICS

2003 use, canisters canisters issued within
issued (number (HRBT) each group at 26w.
of canisters)
CG 16 12 0 (0, 10)§ 1 (NR)§

Cooper Short-acting 4w IG (mouth- 51 51 10 (4.3,28)† -0.5 (NR)† 0.12 Insufficient

2009‡ bronchodilator taping) data to
use, median calculate
CG 10 (NR)† -3.5 (NR)†

*Statistical significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

‡Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

§Median number of canisters issued (range)

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; d: day(s); HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; ICS: inhaled
corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; mcg: microgram(s); NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation;
w: week(s)

Evidence Table 1e. Change in quality of life: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Quality of Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardiz Functioning or
life -up random- -up N mean (SD) from difference ed Effect additional
outcomes ized (SD) baseline between Size quality of life
groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)


Cooper 2003 AQLQ- 13w IG1 (BBT) 30 26 5.1 (1.0) 0.45 0.4 (for Insufficient Groups differed
Juniper, total difference data to in SF-36 role
score (0.11, 1.47)† across all calculate limitations due
three to physical
groups) problems at
CG 30 25 5.0 (0.8) 0.33 13w.* Groups
(higher= differed in SF-36
(-0.20, 0.75)† role limitations
due to physical
26w IG 30 23 5.1 (1.0) 1.03 0.2 (for Insufficient problems and
difference data to social
across all calculate functioning at
(0.19, 1.69)†
three 26w.* NSD
groups) between groups
CG 30 22 5.0 (0.8) 0.61 on other
components of
(-0.11, 0.95)† the SF-36 at 12
and 26w.

Grammato- None 4w, IG (HRBT) 20 20 NA NA NA NA Groups differed in

poulou 2011 12w, SF-36 physical
26w components at 4
CG 20 20 NA NA
and 12w, not
26w. NSD
between groups
in the SF-36
component at any
time point.

Study Quality of Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardiz Functioning or
life -up random- -up N mean (SD) from difference ed Effect additional
outcomes ized (SD) baseline between Size quality of life
groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)


Holloway SGRQ-total 26w IG (Pap- 39 32 25.2 -9.3 (9.7) 0.19 0.68 No group
2007 score worth) (16.1) differences on
(0.22. 1.15) Impacts and
Activities scales
CG 46 40 19.7 -3.4 (7.5)
of SGRQ at 26 or
(higher= 52w. Groups
worse) differed in HADS
anxiety and
scores at 26 and

52w IG (Pap- 39 32 25.2 -10.0 (9.9) 0.05* 0.81

worth (16.1)
(0.33, 1.23)
CG 46 40 19.7 -3.0 (7.2)

McGowan None 26w IG (BBT) 200 180 NA NA NA NA

CG1 200 165 NA NA

CG2 (brief 200 145 NA NA


Opat 2000 AQLQ-Marks, 4w IG (BBT) 18 16 2.72 NR (NR) 0.043* Insufficient Mean AQLQ
total score (1.58) data to difference

Study Quality of Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardiz Functioning or
life -up random- -up N mean (SD) from difference ed Effect additional
outcomes ized (SD) baseline between Size quality of life
groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)

calculate between groups
CG 18 16 2.70 NR (NR) -1.29 (95% CI, -
(1.61) 2.53 to -0.05).*

Thomas AQLQ- 4w IG (HRBT) 94 73 4.2 (1.0) 0.92 (1.11) 0.78 0.04 Groups differed
2009 Juniper, total in HADS anxiety
score (-0.28, 0.36) and depression
CG 89 79 4.3 (0.9) 0.88 (1.00)
scores at 26w.*

26w IG 94 63 4.2 (1.0) 1.12 (0.81) 0.01* 0.43

better) CG 89 66 4.3 (0.9) 0.74 (0.95) (0.08, 0.78)*

52w IG 94 55 4.2 (1.0) 1.52 (0.89)* 0.002* 0.46

CG 89 68 4.3 (0.9) 1.04 (1.16)* (0.10, 0.82)*

Thomas AQLQ- 4w IG (HRBT) 17 16 4.60 0.60 0.018* Insufficient

2003 Juniper, total (1.01) data to
score, (0.05, 1.12)† calculate
CG 16 15 4.57 0.09
(-0.25, 0.26)†
26w IG 17 16 4.60 0.79 0.065 Insufficient
(1.01) data to
(-0.09, 1.40)† calculate

Study Quality of Follow Group N Follow Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardiz Functioning or
life -up random- -up N mean (SD) from difference ed Effect additional
outcomes ized (SD) baseline between Size quality of life
groups at Hedges’ d outcomes
followup (95% CI)


CG 16 12 4.57 0.03
(-0.33, 0.47)†

Cooper Mini-AQLQ, 4w IG (mouth- 51 51 NR (NR) 5.33 (1.19)‡ 0.40 Insufficient

2009§ total score taping) data to
CG NR (NR) 5.43 (0.94)‡


*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

‡Mean (SD) at each time point

§Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale; HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; NSD: no
significant difference; SD: standard deviation; SF: social functioning (e.g., SF-36 Health Survey); SGRQ: St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 1f. Change in pulmonary function: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d function
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Cooper 2003 FEV1 (L) 26w IG1 (BBT) 30 23 2.58 (0.76) 0.06 (0.26) 0.4 (for 0.28 NSD
difference between
across all (-0.31, 0.86) groups at
three 13 and 26w
groups) in
CG 30 22 2.71 (0.89) 0.001 (0.14) provocative
causing a
fall of 20
percent in

Grammato-poulou FEV1, 4w IG (HRBT) 20 20 83.5 (7.74) 1.85 (4.97)* 0.779 0.21 Significant
2011 predicted differences
(%) (-0.41, 0.83) between
CG 20 20 83.9 0.6 (6.67)
groups at 4,
12, and
26w in end-
12w IG 20 20 83.5 (7.74) 3.15 (5.07) 0.510 0.40 tidal CO2
(-0.23, 1.03) respiratory
CG 20 20 83.9 0.75 (6.59)

26w IG 20 20 83.5 (7.74) 2.75 (5.06) 0.576 0.35

CG 20 20 83.9 0.65 (6.60) (-0.28, 0.98)


Holloway 2007 FEV1 (L) 26w IG 39 32 2.7 (0.9) 0.2 (0.55) 0.974 0.35 NSD
(Papworth) between

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d function
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
groups at
CG 46 41 2.8 (0.9) 0 (0.57) (-0.11, 0.82) 26 or 52w
in end-tidal
52w IG 39 30 2.7 (0.9) 0.1 (0.54) 0.583 0.36 PEF, vital
CG 46 37 2.8 (0.9) -0.1 (0.55) (-0.12, 0.85)

McGowan 2003 FEV1, 26w IG (BBT) 200 180 80 (10.47) 1 (6.50) NR CG1:
(%) 0.30
CG1 (nurse 200 165 75 (11.31) -1 (6.80) NR
(0.09, 0.51)*
CG2 (brief 200 145 75 (11.31) 0 (6.79) NR


(-0.07, 0.37)

Opat 2000 None 4w IG (BBT) 18 13 NA NA NA NA NSD
groups at
CG 18 15 NA NA
4w in PEF.

Thomas 2009 FEV1 (L) 4w IG (HRBT) 94 73 2.85 (0.83) 0.1 (0.52)* 0.07 -0.10 NSD

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d function
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
CG 89 79 2.82 (0.76) 0.15 (0.48)* (-0.42, 0.22) groups at
4w in FENO,
CO2, and

Thomas 2003 None 26w IG 17 16 NA NA NA NA

CG 16 12 NA NA

Cooper 2009† FEV1 (L) 4w IG (mouth- 51 51 2.41 (0.80) 0.03 (0.51) 0.14 -0.37 NSD
taping) between
(-0.77, 0.02) groups at
4w in PEF
CG 2.41 (0.80) 0.27 (0.74)
evening, or

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Crossover study design, mouth-taping and control phases

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; CO2: carbon dioxide; FENO: fraction of exhaled nitric oxide; FEV1: forced expiratory
volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; HRBT: hyperventilation reduction breathing technique; IG: intervention group; L: liter(s); NA: not applicable; NSD: no significant
difference; PEF: peak expiratory flow; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 2a. Study characteristics: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction
breathing techniques

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Bowler Australia IG1 (BBT) 19 45.5 43.6 892 1250 74 Aged 12 to 70y, reported a Change in inhaled steroid
1998 mcg mcg history of asthma (variable dose or use of oral steroids
/d /d difficulty in breathing, wheeze within the 4w run-in period,
or chest tightness w/ other significant unstable
response to beta2-agonist), medical conditions,
IG2 (abdominal 20 taking substantial doses of undertaken BBT previously.
breathing) asthma medication, using at
least 1400mcg of SABA or
equivalent doses of nebulised
or LABA in the last week of
run-in period.

Cooper UK IG1 (BBT) 30 44 44.9 2 657 80 Aged 18 to 70y, non-smoking No other important illnesses,
2003 puffs mcg volunteers with stable taking tx other than sodium
/d* /d asthma, taking an inhaled cromoglycate.
SABA at least 2 times/w and
regular ICS w/ no change in
dose in previous 4w, pre-
bronchodilator FEV1 of at
IG2 (yoga 30
least 50 percent predicted
and 10 percent increase
following 400mcg inhaled
salbutamol, a PD20 of
methacholine causing a 20
percent fall in FEV1 of 10.24
μmol or less, mean daily sx
score of one or more during

Cowie Canada IG1 (BBT) 65 47.5 76.7 NR 840 81 Aged 18 to 50y, asthma Not suffered from an
2008 mcg (confirmed by physician's dx exacerbation of their disease

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.
/d and current use of asthma requiring oral corticosteroids
IG2 64 medications or by a current and/or a visit to an ED within
or previous demonstration of 2m of their study entry, dx of
(physiotherapy) reversibility of their FEV1 w/ another respiratory disease
beta2-agonist of at least 12 including COPD.
percent and no less than

Slader Australia IG1 (BBT) 28 NR 56.1 3 NR 80 Aged 15 to 80y, as-needed Current smoker, > 10 pack
reliever use ≥ 4 times/w use
2006 puffs year smoking history,
/d of ICS (≥ 200mcg/d for ≥ 3m recently unstable asthma
w/ no dose change during (defined as requiring urgent
previous 4w), current non- care or night waking more
smoker, FEV1 ≥ 50 percent, < than 1 time/w), asthma
90 percent predicted or exacerbation or respiratory
FEV1/FVC < 70 percent, infection in previous 4w, oral
IG2 (diaph- 29
reversibility ≥ 200mL to corticosteroids in previous
ragm breath-
bronchodilator w/in previous 4w, current or planned
6m, daily access to TV/VCR. pregnancy, substantial
limitation of shoulders or
thoracic spine, complete
nasal obstruction, prior
tuition in BBT, use of long-
acting beta2-agonists.

*Median puffs/d, typical dose per puff = 100 mcg

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; d: day(s); dx: diagnosis; ED: emergency department; FEV1: forced expiratory
volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; LABA: long-acting beta2-agonists; m: month(s); mcg: microgram(s); mL:
milliliter(s); PD20: provocative dose causing a decrease in FEV1 of 20 percent; pred: predicted; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; TV: television; tx: treatment; UK:
United Kingdom; μmol: micromole(s); VCR: video cassette recorder; w: week(s); w/: with; y: year(s)

Evidence Table 2b. Description of intervention groups: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional

group components

Bowler IG1 (BBT) BBT training consisted of the teaching of a Seven or more 60 to 90- Encouraged to NR
1998 series of exercises in which subjects reduced min session over 7 practice several times
the depth and frequency of respiration. days, F/U calls as a day.
Instructor (a representative of Buteyko needed (range 0-20),
Australia) provided F/U calls as necessary duration NR.
(mean 7, range 0 to 20). Pts experiencing
difficulty w/ BBT given additional classes (7
(7 to 10.5 or more hours

IG2 (abdominal Given general asthma education and Seven 60-90-min NR NR

breathing) relaxation techniques; taught abdominal session over 7 days,
breathing exercises that did not involve one F/U call per person,
hypoventilation. Instructor provided one F/U duration NR.
call to each pt.

(7 to 10.5 hours face-to-


Cooper 2003 IG1 (BBT) Eucapnic BBT as taught by a certified Five 2-hour sessions, Home exercises with Also included dietary
Buteyko practitioner. Pts taught to reduce fx over weekends or an audiotape or CD restrictions, stress
and depth of breathing, use the technique bid successive evenings. with technique management and
to relieve asthma sx (used 420 times over reminders. instruction to avoid
6m) and use bronchodilator if BBT failed, oversleeping.
nocturnal mouth-taping with Micropore
hypoallergenic tape. F/U call provided 2w (10 hours total).
after training and open communication with
trainer available. Avoid certain foods (e.g.,
highly processed food and additives), avoid
stress, avoid oversleeping.

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

IG2 (yoga Pink City Lung exerciser (yoga breathing One session, 6m Use PCLE bid. NR
breathing device) imposed a 1:2 ratio on the duration of practice.
device) inspiration compared with expiration. Device
set at largest aperture, pts asked to breathe
at rate which they felt no resistance and
could feel no check movement. Over time (Hours NR)
decrease aperture size to gradually reduce
respiratory rate. Use beta2-agonist only for sx
relief. PCLE used bid (420 times over 6m).

Cowie 2008 IG1 (BBT) Received BBT instruction by an accredited Five sessions over 5 Encouraged to NR
Buteyko practitioner in the early evening for 5 days. practice training
consecutive days. Pts instructed in repeatedly throughout
techniques designed to reduce (normalize) the day.
their ventilation including holding their
breathing at FRC and avoid breathing (Hours NR)
through the mouth (e.g., mouth-taping at

IG2 Received breathing instruction in early Five sessions over 5 NR NR

(physiotherapy) evening on 5 consecutive days from a days.
registered physiotherapist. Pts instructed to
developed slow, controlled exhalation, down
into FRC toward their residual volume, pace
breathing. (Hours NR)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Slader 2006 IG1 (BBT) BBT components: hypoventilation, breathing 420 13-min sessions, NR NR
hold at functional residual capacity; six F/U calls with study
accompanied by footage of scenery. Pts staff over 30w.
provided an instruction and daily exercises
videos required to watch at least once daily
while practicing breathing exercises bid.
Unblinded researcher contacted pts biweekly (90 hours practice with
to review essentials, answer questions and video if fully compliant)
clarify concerns; offered in-person tuition.
Practice shorter version as needed for relief,
use reliever if sx persist.

IG2 (controlled Components: shoulder rotations, forward 420 13-min sessions, NR NR

breathing) curls, arm raises w/ controlled inspiratory- six F/U calls with study
expiratory cycles; "control of breathing" staff over 30w.
through good posture and relaxation; route of
breathing not specified w/ both mouth and
nasal breathing demonstrated. Pts provided
an instruction and daily exercises videos (90 hours practice with
required to watch at least once daily while video if fully compliant)
practicing breathing exercises bid. Unblinded
researcher contacted pts biweekly to review
essentials, answer questions and clarify
concerns; offered in-person tuition. Practice
"control of breathing" exercises (physical
maneuvers optional) as needed for relief, use
reliever if sx persist.

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; bid: twice daily; CD: compact disc; FRC: functional residual capacity; F/U: followup; fx: frequency; min: minute(s); m: month(s);
NR: not reported; PCLE: Pink City Lung exerciser; pt(s): patient(s); sx: symptoms; w/: with; w: weeks.

Evidence Table 2c. Change in asthma symptoms: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size asthma
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d symptom
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Bowler None 13w IG1 (BBT) 19 18 NA NA NA NA NSD in number

1998 of participants in
each group with
IG2 20 19 NA NA
hospitalization or
short course of
prednisone at

Cooper Mini-Juniper 13w IG1 (BBT) 30 26 5.0 (1.0) 0.42 0.6 (for Insufficient Three groups
2003 AQLQ, difference data to differed across
symptoms (-0.17,1.6)† between all calculate median daily
subscale three symptom
groups) scores at 26w,
IG2 (yoga 30 25 5.0 (0.8) 0.50 p=0.003.* NSD
breathing between groups
device) (-0.38,1.21)† in the number of
exacerbations at
26w IG1 30 23 5.0 (1.0) 1.08 0.2 (for Insufficient 26w.
difference data to
(0.08,1.92)† across all calculate
IG2 30 24 5.0 (0.8) 0.58

(0, 1.21)†

Cowie Controlled 26w IG1 (BBT) 65 56 26 (40%)‡ 44 (68%)‡ 0.40 NA

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) change (SD) difference Effect Size asthma
(unit) ized from between Hedges’ d symptom
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes
2008 asthma
(number of IG2 64 63 28 (64%)‡ 45 (70%)‡
participants) (physio-

Slader ACQ, total 12w IG1 (BBT) 28 28 1.46 (0.61) -0.12 (0.46) 0.23 0.33 Almost no group
2006 score differences on
(-0.24, 0.90) daytime symptom
IG2 29 29 1.37 (0.55) -0.28 (0.45)*
(lower=better) symptom
intensity, patient
28w IG1 28 23 1.46 (0.61) -0.38 (0.42)* 0.47 -0.14 and clinician
global rating of
(-0.71, 0.43) asthma control,
IG2 29 25 1.37 (0.55) -0.32 (0.42)*
and symptom
free days at 12
and 28w. Both
groups improved
on ACQ and
physician global
assessment over
time; IG2
improved over
time on daytime
and nighttime
symptoms while
IG1 did not.

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

‡Number of participants (%) reporting controlled asthma at followup

Abbreviations: ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire; AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval;
IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; m: month(s); NA: not applicable; NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 2d. Change in asthma medication use: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean change for Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) (SD) from difference Hedges’ d medication
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Bowler Daily adjusted 13w IG1 (BBT) 19 18 943 (NR)† -904 (NR)† 0.002* Insufficient NSD between
1998 beta2-agonist data to groups and little
dose, median calculate change in either
IG2 (abdominal 20 19 843 (NR)† -57 (NR)†
(mcg) group in absolute
median daily
inhaled steroid
doses 13w; no
group differences in
prednisone use at

Cooper Beta2-agonist 26w IG1 (BBT) 30 23 2 (0, 4)† -2 (-4, 0)† 0.005 (for Insufficient NSD between all
2003 use, median difference data to three groups and
(puffs/d) across all calculate little change in any
IG2 (yoga 30 24 2 (0, 4)† 0 (-2, 0)†
three group in median
groups)* number of days
taking increased
ICS dose or median
number of
courses per subject
at 26w. percent
reduction in inhaled
steroids (n=39).

Cowie None 26w IG1 (BBT) 65 56 NA NA NA NA IG1 showed

2008 greater reduction
in ICS use
IG2 64 63 NA NA
(p=0.02), and
greater likelihood
of discontinuing
LABA (p=0.005).*

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean change for Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) (SD) from difference Hedges’ d medication
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Slader Reliever use 12w IG1 (BBT) 28 28 2.9 (2.2) -1.4 (1.3)* 0.17 0.36 Similar pattern of
2006 (puffs/d) results for number
(-0.16, 0.89) of reliever free days
IG2 (controlled 29 29 3.1 (2.3) -1.9 (1.4)*
and ICS use: both
group improve, no
group differences at
28w IG1 28 23 2.9 (2.2) -1.8 (1.3)* 0.99 -0.02 12 or 28w. ICS use
reduced by 50
(-0.59, 0.55) percent in both
IG2 29 25 3.1 (2.3) -1.8 (1.5)*
groups at 28w.

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

‡Number of participants (%)

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; d: day(s); CI: confidence interval; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile
range; LABA: long-acting beta2-agonist; m: month(s); mcg: microgram(s); NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 2e. Change in quality of life: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation reduction
breathing techniques

Study Quality of life Follow- Group N Follow Baseline Mean change p-value Standardized Functioning or
outcomes up random- -up N mean (SD) (SD) from for Effect Size additional quality of
ized baseline difference Hedges’ d life outcomes
between (95% CI)
groups at
followup (coded

Bowler AQLQ-Marks, 13w IG1 (BBT) 19 18 3.0 (NR) -1.2 (NR)† 0.09 Insufficient
1998 median data to
IG2 20 19 3.0 (NR) -0.4 (NR)†
(lower= better)

Cooper AQLQ-Juniper, 13w IG1 (BBT) 30 26 5.1 (1.0) 0.45 0.4 (for Insufficient BBT improved more
2003 total score difference data to in SF-36 role
(0.11, 1.47)† across all calculate limitations due to
three physical problems
groups) at 13w.* BBT
IG2 (yoga 30 25 4.9 (0.8) 0.45 improved more in
(higher= breathing
better) SF-36 role
device) (-0.13, 1.11)† limitations due to
physical problems
26w IG1 30 23 5.1 (1.0) 1.03 0.2 (for Insufficient and social
difference data to functioning at 26w.*
across all calculate NSD between groups
(0.19, 1.69)†
three on other components
groups) of the SF-36 at 13
IG2 30 24 4.9 (0.8) 0.57 and 26w.

(0.07, 1.10)†

Cowie Mini-AQLQ, 26w IG1 (BBT) 65 56 4.6 (NR) 0.96 (1.04)* 1.0 Insufficient
2008 total score data to
IG2 64 63 4.7 (NR) 0.95 (1.15)*


Slader AQLQ-Marks, 12w IG1 (BBT) 28 25 0.77 (0.50) 0.03 (0.42) 0.29 -0.14
2006 total score
IG2 29 27 0.54 (0.30) -0.02 (0.30) (-0.68, 0.41)
(lower= better)
28w IG1 28 23 0.77 (0.50) -0.17 (0.32) 0.27 0.23

IG2 29 25 0.54 (0.30) -0.1 (0.28) (-0.34, 0.80)

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: abdom: abdominal; AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention
group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; SF: social functioning (e.g., SF-36 Health Survey); w: week(s)

Evidence Table 2f. Change in pulmonary function: hyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus nonhyperventilation
reduction breathing techniques

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) from for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized (SD) baseline difference Hedges’ d function
between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Bowler FEV1, 13w IG1 (BBT) 19 18 75 (17) -3 (13.21) 0.40 -0.16 Groups
1998 predicted (%) differed in
(-0.80, 0.49) minute volume
IG2 (abdominal 20 19 73 (19) -1 (11.4)
at 13w,
p=0.004.* NSD
between groups
at 13w in end-
tidal CO2 and
PEF (morning).

Cooper FEV1 (L) 26w IG1 (BBT) 30 25 2.58 0.06 (0.26) 0.4 (for 0.29 NSD between
2003 (0.76) difference group at 12 and
across all (-0.28, 0.87) 26w in
three provocative
IG2 (yoga 30 24 2.64 -0.002 (0.14)
groups) dose causing a
breathing (0.94)
fall of 20
percent in

Cowie FEV1, 26w IG1 (BBT) 65 56 83 (19.2) -0.05 (0.47) 0.60 -0.09
2008 predicted (%)
IG2 64 63 79 (21.6) -0.01 (0.37) (-0.45, 0.27)

Slader FEV1, 12w IG1 (BBT) 28 28 80.8 -1.1 (10.5) 0.30 0.17 NSD between
2006 predicted (%) (16.1) groups at 12 or
(-0.35, 0.69) 28w in
predicted FVC,
IG2 (controlled 29 29 78.9 -3.0 (11.8)*
end-tidal CO2,
breathing) (17.0)

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) from for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized (SD) baseline difference Hedges’ d function
between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
and mannitol
28w IG1 28 23 80.8 -2.0 (10.6) 0.23 0.11 responsiveness.
(-0.46, 0.67)
IG2 29 25 78.9 -3.2 (10.9)

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

Abbreviations: BBT: Buteyko breathing technique; CI: confidence interval; CO2: carbon dioxide; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC forced vital capacity; IG:
intervention group; L: liter(s); NSD: no significant difference; PEF: peak expiratory flow; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 3a. Study characteristics: yoga breathing technique versus control

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Khare India IG 17 38.9 0 NR NR* NR Aged 25 to 50y, male asthmatics Cigarette smokers
1991 (yoga not suffering from other disease
breath- (e.g., coronary heart disease,
ing) valvular disease, chronic
bronchitis and emphysema). Pts
on vegetarian diet only.
CG 17

Kligler United IG 77 44.6 81.2 NR 79%‡ NR Aged 18 to 80y, Class II through Pregnant or lactating;
2011 States (yoga) IV asthma sufferers (mild, concurrent serious or life-
moderate and severe persistent threatening illness as
asthma); ability to read/write at determined by clinical
5th grade level; willingness to judgment; psychiatric disorder
comply with study instructions; as determined by clinical
English speakers. judgment; inability to
understand and following
CG 77
direction associated with the
clinical study as determined
by clinical judgment; fish
allergy; history of adverse
reaction to vitamin C or fish
oil as determined by clinical

Sabina United IG 29 51 74.2 1 puffs NR NR Aged ≥ 18y, dx of mild to Smoked currently (within past
moderate asthma for ≥ 6m (ATS
2005 States (yoga /d 12m), smoking history > 5
breath- spirometry criteria: FEV1/FVC pack years, lung disease,
ing) below lower limit of normal, only EIA, practices yoga in
response to bronchodilator [≥ 12 past 3y, pregnancy, chronic
percent increase and ≥ 200mL medical condition that

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.
absolute increase in FEV1 15min required tx w/ oral
CG 33 after two puffs of short-acting
beta2-agonist]), taking ≥ one of corticosteroids within 1m,
the following: inhaled medical condition that
corticosteriods, inhaled beta2- contraindicated exercise, or
agonists, methylxanthines, another unstable medical
anticholinergics, leukotriene condition.
inhibitors, receptor antagonists,
or mast cell-stabilizing agents >
6m, stable medication dosing for
≥ 1m.

Saxena India IG 25 29.25 50 NR NR 72 Bronchial asthma pts with Pts with sx suggestive of
2009 (yoga diagnostic confirmation: sx of disease other than bronchial
breath- asthma, FEV1 < 85 percent, asthma like ischemic heart
ing) reversibility (increase in FEV1) > disease, bronchitis, and
12 percent after 20min of two anemia; history of smoking.
salbutamol puffs. Study cases
CG 25
has FEV1 > 70 percent,

interest in yoga and a 6m

minimum experience in
performing yogic practices.

Vempati India IG 30 33.45 42.1 2.1 339 66 Aged ≥ 18y; had an established Smoked currently (or in the
2009 (yoga puffs/d mcg/d diagnosis of mild-to-moderate past year) or had a smoking
breath- (plus (plus asthma for at least 6m (meeting history of > 5 pack years; had
ing) 11 25 the ATS spirometry criteria for a concomitant lung disease;
non- non- mild-to-moderate asthma, which were taking leukotriene
users) users) requires either FEV1/FVC < the inhibitors or receptor
lower limit of normal w/a antagonists, or mast cell-
significant response to a stabilizing agents for at least

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.
bronchodilator [a ≥ 12 increase 6m; practiced yoga or any
CG 30 and a ≥ 200mL absolute other similar discipline during
increase in FEV1 15min after the 6m prior to the study;
administration of two puffs of a pregnant; had a chronic
SABA] or PEFR variability > medical condition that
20%); taking at least one of the required treatment with oral or
following: inhaled beta2-agonists, systemic corticosteroids in the
methylxanthines, past 1m; had a medical
anticholinergics, ICS; and stable condition that contraindicated
medication dosing for the past exercise; or had an unstable
1m. medical condition.

*19/34 (56%) “disturbed sleep and dyspnea on daily routine work which was relieved by oral drugs”; 8/34 (24%) “asthma required injection frequently to control dyspnea or
admission in the hospital”

†Median puffs/d, typical dose per puff = 100 mcg

‡Percent using corticosteroid or other asthma medication

Abbreviations: ATS: American Thoracic Society; CG: control group; d: day(s); dx: diagnosis; EIA: exercise-induced asthma; FEV1: forced expiratory flow in 1 second; FVC: forced
vital capacity; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; m: month(s); min: minute(s); mL: milliliter(s); NR: not reported; PD20: provocative dose causing a decrease in
FEV1 of 20 percent; PEFR: pulmonary expiratory flow rate; pts: participants; pred: predicted; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; tx: treatment; μmol: micromole(s);
US: United States; y: year(s)

Evidence Table 3b. Description of intervention groups: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional

group components

Khare 1991 IG (yoga Pts underwent yoga asana training (once) 180 70-min sessions Perform daily at home. NR
breathing) taught by a yogasana instructor. over 6m.
Practices included Surya Namaskar
(2min), Sarvang asana (3min), Halasana
(3min), Matsyasana (3min), Bhujang
asana (2min), Shalabasana (2min), (210 hours total of yoga
Dhanurasana Vajrasana (5min), practice)
Meditation (15min), Pranayama (15min),
Shavasana (20min). Practices performed
daily from to 7 AM. Any error in learning
were rectified; weekly followup of most pts
possible. All pts hospitalized initially to
facilitate training.

CG Pts received only bronchodilators, NR NR NR

antibiotics and expectorants as indicated.
Pts did not perform yoga.

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Kligler 2011 IG (yoga) Pts attended two yoga and prayanama Six 60 to 90-min Perform at home, Also include dietary
breathing classes with a certified yoga sessions over 6w. frequency NR. modification and
instructor. Yoga included (1) brief restrictions, supplement
centering focused on breath and body use and stress
awareness, (2) diaphragmatic abdominal management
breathing while lying on back, (3) (9 hours maximum of
mountain brook pose followed by gentle direct instruction)
yoga stretch pulling the knees towards the
chest while lying supine to release tension
in the lower back, (4) legs up the wall
(modified inversion) followed by modified
fish pose (counterpose for inversion), (5)
guided deep relaxation with imagery
(20min). During second yoga session,
deerga swasaam breathing replaced
diaphragmatic breathing. Pts also
attended two sessions on healthy eating
with a nutritionist, focused on eliminating
inflammation-promoting foods and
common causes of food sensitivity (e.g.,
eggs, dairy, soy, wheat, corn, citrus, nuts,
shellfish, pork, chocolate) (2-4w) followed
by a testing phase in which each excluded
food group is singly introduced and eat
regularly for 3-5d with close monitoring for
asthma sx. Food groups that provoke
asthma are removed from the diet during
the study period. Pts also took fish oil
(2800mg/d containing EPA 860mg/DHA
580mg), vitamin C supplements (100
mg/d) and on a standardized hops extract
with natural anti-inflammatory products
and pts provided w/ 6m supply. Pts also
attended one guided journaling session
(facilitated by a social worker) to write
about the most traumatic or stressful
experience to date (30min). Pts also
attended one information session to ask
questions regarding their asthma or
specific treatments delivered during the

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

CG Usual care NR NR NR

Sabina 2005 IG (yoga The principles of Iyengar yoga including Eight 90-min sessions Encouraged to practice NR
breathing) 15 asana (postures), pranayma with instructor over 4w, at home during 4w
(breathing), and dhyana (meditation) were then 36 20-min sessions instruction period, 2m
taught to pts in 90min classes two at home sessions over homework-only phase.
times/w. The experience Iyengar yoga 12w.
instructor individually tailored advice to
improve each pt's technique. Classes
concluded with relaxation and meditation.
Pts provided handouts and cassettes to (12 hours direct
practice at home. At end of 4w, pts asked instruction)
to continue home practice for 20min/d, 3
times/w for additional 3m.

CG Sham intervention of basic muscle Eight 90-min sessions Encouraged to practice NR

stretching exercises during a 1hr class, with instructor over 4w, at home during 4w
two times/w. Classes taught by a certified then 36 20-min sessions instruction period, 2m
exercise physiologist or graduate studies at home sessions over homework-only phase.
in exercise physiology. Instruction based 12w.
on ACSM published guidelines. Pts
provided handouts and cassettes to
practice at home. At end of 4w, pts asked
to continue home practice for 20min/d, 3 (12 hours direct
times/w for additional 3m. instruction)

Saxena 2009 IG (yoga Pts practiced yoga breathing 168 20-min sessions 168 20-min sessions NR
breathing) exercises/pranyama for 20min bid for over 12w (unclear how over 12w (unclear how
12w. Breathing exercises included: (1) many supervised versus many supervised versus
deep breathing (sit in sukhasana, at home). at home).
breathing through nostrils), (2)
sasankasana breathing, (3) Anumloma
viloma (alternate nostrils), (4) Bhramari
chanting (breathing through nostrils, hum (56 hours of practice)
like a bee), and (5) Omkara (modified,
exhalation exercise). First three exercises
normalize breathing, last two are
expiratory muscles.

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

CG Pts practiced meditation (closed eyes, 168 20-min sessions 168 20-min sessions NR
sitting posture) for 20min bid for 12w. Pts over 12w (unclear how over 12w (unclear how
advised to confirm the side of nostril from many supervised versus many supervised versus
wherein the air is coming maximum, then at home). at home).
to concentrate on the same nostril, to
appreciate the sound of the air along the
inward/outward movement of outer wall of
nostril. (56 hours of practice)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Vempati IG (yoga Conventional care in addition to yoga 14 240-min program Practice at home for Also included dietary
2009 breathing) (raja-based) as taught by a qualified yoga sessions over 2w; 30 additional 6w at least advice, instruction on
instructor. Yoga-based lifestyle 90-min home practice five times/w to be cleansing techniques,
modification and stress management sessions (5 times/w to compliant. meditation, and
program for 4hrs/d for 2w. Sessions be compliant) over 6w. relaxation.
conducted btwn 8 AM and noon. Program
consisted of lectures (on yoga, stress
management, nutrition, health education),
practice session on asanas (postures), (56 hours direct
pranayama (breathing techniques), kriyas instruction)
(cleansing techniques), meditation and
shavasna (relaxation). Session included
1hr of asanas/pranayama, breakfast and
group support (30min), lecture/discussion
(2hrs); meditation (30min). Pts received at
least one individualized counseling
session by physicians with special interest
in yoga. Yoga practice sessions about
1.5hrs during 2w training period, followed
by 6w home practice (1hr
asana/pranayama, 10min relaxation,
20min meditation). Pts provided
audiocassettes and printed materials to
reference; telephonic support as provided.
Predominantly vegetarian diet (unrefined
cereals and pulses, moderate amounts of
judiciously chosen fats, mild, milk
products, spices; vegetables/fruits 500g/d
predominantly leafy greens/raw).
Predominantly vegetarian diet (unrefined
cereals and pulses, moderate amounts of
judiciously chosen fats, mild, milk
products, spices; vegetables/fruits 500g/d
predominantly leafy greens/raw).

CG Conventional care, a session on health One session. NR NR

education relevant to their illness. At end
of 8w study period, pts offered the
intervention based on yoga (wait-list).

Abbreviations: ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine; addtl: additional; bid: twice daily; btwn: between; d: day; g: grams; hr(s): hour(s); IG: intervention group; m:
month(s); mg: milligram; min: minute(s); NR: not reported; pts: participants; sx: symptoms; w: weeks; w/: with.

Evidence Table 3c. Change in asthma symptoms: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome (unit) up random- up N mean change (SD) for Effect Size asthma
ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d symptom
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
followup (all coded

Khare 1991 Severity score, 26w IG (yoga 17 17 3 9 (52.9%)† NR Insufficient More
mild (number of breathing) (17.6%)† data to improved
participants) calculate symptoms
in IG (47%)
CG 17 17 4 5 (29.4%)†
than CG
(12%); more
Severity score, 26w IG 17 17 9 6 (35.3%)† NR Insufficient deterioration
moderate (number (52.9%)† data to in CG (41%)
of participants) calculate than IG
(18%), p-
CG 17 17 10 8 (47.1%)†
value NR but
Severity score, 26w IG 17 17 5 2 (11.7%)† NR Insufficient significant.*
severe (number of (29.4%)† data to
participants) calculate
CG 17 17 3 4 (23.5%)†

Kliger 2011 AQLQ-Juniper 6w IG (yoga) 77 NR 4.28 (1.41) 0.94 (0.85)* NR -0.51
subscale (-0.86, -0.16)*
CG 77 NR 4.38 (1.24) 0.52 (0.79)

12w IG 77 66 4.28 (1.41) 1.16 (0.85)* NR -0.75

CG 77 60 4.38 (1.24) 0.54 (0.79) (-1.11, -0.39)*

26w IG 77 67 4.28 (1.41) 1.23 (0.85)* 0.02* -0.53

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome (unit) up random- up N mean change (SD) for Effect Size asthma
ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d symptom
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
followup (all coded

CG 77 62 4.38 (1.24) 0.80 (0.75) (-0.88, -0.18)*

Sabina 2005 Asthma symptom 4w IG (yoga 29 23 1.90 (1.08) NR (NR)* NSD Insufficient NSD
score, morning breathing) data to between
calculate groups in
CG 33 22 0.40 (0.63) NR (NR)*
16w IG 29 23 1.90 (1.08) NR (NR)* NSD Insufficient score at 4
data to and 16w.
CG 33 22 0.40 (0.63) NR (NR)*

Saxena Overall symptoms, 12w IG (yoga 25 NR 74% 10% <0.01* Insufficient Groups
2009 severity score (% breathing) data to differed
with symptoms) calculate across
CG 25 NR 78% 72%
dyspnea and
scores at

Vempati AQLQ-Juniper, 2w IG (yoga 30 28 3.77 (1.3) 1.3 (0.87)* NR -1.00

2009 symptoms breathing)
subscale (-1.55, -0.45)*
CG 30 29 3.62 (1.42) 0.34 (1.02)

4w IG 30 28 3.77 (1.3) 1.61 (0.8)* NR -0.92

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional
outcome (unit) up random- up N mean change (SD) for Effect Size asthma
ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d symptom
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
followup (all coded

(higher=better) CG 30 29 3.62 (1.42) 0.8 (0.93)* (-1.47, -0.37)*

8w IG 30 28 3.77 (1.3) 1.65 (0.81)* 0.033 -0.61

CG 30 29 3.62 (1.42) 1.08 (1.02)* (-1.14, -0.08)*

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Number of participants (%) reporting severity score

‡Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NR:
not reported; NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 3d. Change in asthma medication use: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean change (SD) for Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d medication
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Khare 1991 None 26w IG (yoga 17 17 NA NA NA Insufficient More in IG than
breathing) data to CG reduced drug
calculate dose by 50% or
more at 26w.
CG 17 17 NA NA
More IG (53%)
than CG (18%)
medication use at
26w p-value NR
but likely <0.05.*

Kliger 2011 None 26w IG (yoga) 77 67 NA NA NA NA

CG 77 62 NA NA

Sabina Rescue inhaler 4w IG (yoga 29 23 1.13 (2.15) -0.06 (0.77) NR 0.28

2005 use (times/d) breathing)
(-0.31, 0.86)
CG 33 22 0.79 (1.15) -0.47 (1.92)

16w IG 29 23 1.13 (2.15) -0.31 (1.92) NR -0.48

CG 33 22 0.79 (1.15) 0.45 (1.03) (-1.08, 0.11)

Saxena None 12w IG (yoga 25 NR NA NA NA NA

2009 breathing)


Vempati Rescue 2w IG (yoga 30 28 2.27 (1.5) -1.14 (0.92) <0.05* -1.14

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean change (SD) for Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) from difference Hedges’ d medication
baseline between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at
2009 medication use breathing)
(puffs/d) (-1.71, -0.58)*
CG 30 29 1.98 (2.09) 0.21 (1.36)

4w IG 30 28 2.27 (1.5) -1.64 (0.96) <0.01* -1.36

CG 30 29 1.98 (2.09) -0.04 (1.33) (-1.94, -0.78)*

6w IG 30 28 2.27 (1.5) -1.39 (0.90) NR -0.78

CG 30 29 1.98 (2.09) -0.48 (1.36) (-1.32, -0.24)*

8w IG 30 28 2.27 (1.5) -1.46 (0.90)* NR -0.84

CG 30 29 1.98 (2.09) -0.48 (1.36)* (-1.38, -0.29)*

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; d: day(s); ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NR: not
reported; NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 3e. Change in quality of life: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Study Quality of Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Functioning or
life up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size additional quality of
outcomes ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d life outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded

Khare 1991 None 26w IG (yoga 17 17 NA NA NA NA

CG 17 17 NA NA

Kligler 2011 AQLQ- 6w IG (yoga) 77 NR 4.21 (1.29) 0.98 (0.78)* NR 0.66 Groups differed on
Juniper, the activities
total score (0.30, 1.02)* (p<0.001) and
CG 77 NR 4.43 (1.21) 0.47 (0.76)
emotions (p<0.001)
subscale of the AQLQ
12w IG 77 66 4.21 (1.29) 1.14 (0.80)* NR 0.83 at 26w.* Groups
(higher= differed on the SF-12
better) (0.47, 1.20)* on all domains except
CG 77 60 4.43 (1.21) 0.49 (0.75)
pain, general health,
vitality and emotional
26w IG 77 67 4.21 (1.29) 1.15 (0.78)* <0.001 0.70 role limitation.*

CG 77 62 4.43 (1.21) 0.61 (0.75) (0.34, 1.06)*

Sabina 2005 Mini- 4w IG (yoga 29 23 4.82 (1.02) 0.17 (0.67) NR -0.22
AQLQ, breathing)
total score (-0.80, 0.37)
CG 33 22 4.80 (0.8) 0.36 (1.03)

(higher= 16w IG 29 23 4.82 (1.02) 0.57 (1.77) NR 0.16

CG 33 22 4.80 (0.8) 0.35 (0.75)* (-0.43, 0.74)

Study Quality of Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Functioning or
life up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size additional quality of
outcomes ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d life outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)
(all coded

Saxena None 12w IG (yoga 25 NR NA NA NA NA

2009 breathing)


Vempati AQLQ- 2w IG (yoga 30 28 3.72 (1.17) 1.21 (0.79)* NR 1.11 Groups differed on
2009 Juniper, breathing) the activities
total score (0.54, 1.67)* (p=0.033) and
emotions (p=0.006)
CG 30 29 3.64 (1.14) 0.26 (0.9)
subscale of the AQLQ
at 8w.*
(higher= 4w IG 30 28 3.72 (1.17) 1.56 (0.7)* NR 1.31
CG 30 29 3.64 (1.14) 0.53 (0.84)* (0.74, 1.89)*

8w IG 30 28 3.72 (1.17) 1.74 (0.72)* 0.013* 1.06

CG 30 29 3.64 (1.14) 0.86 (0.9)* (0.51, 1.62)*

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NR: not reported; NSD:
no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; SF: social functioning (e.g., SF-36 Health Survey); w: week(s)

Evidence Table 3f. Change in pulmonary function: yoga breathing techniques versus control

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional pulmonary
outcome up random- up N mean change for Effect Size function outcomes
(unit) ized (SD) (SD) from difference Hedges’ d
baseline between (95% CI)
groups at

Khare FEV1 (L) 26w IG (yoga 17 17 2.16 0.4 (0.23)* NR 1.05 Larger changes observed in
1991 breathing) (0.37) IG at 26w in end-tidal volume,
(0.33, 1.77)* inspiratory reserve volume,
inspiratory capacity, maximal
CG 17 17 1.73 0.16 (0.21)
voluntary ventilation, FVC,
PEFR, and FEV1/VC ratio.

Kligler FEV1 26w IG (yoga) 77 67 NR NR 0.46 Insufficient NSD between groups in FVC
2011 (NR) data to (data NR). PFTs did not show
calculate a significant change over time
CG 77 62 NR NR
in either group (FVC, FEV1,
FEF25-75, MEF).

Sabina FEV1 4w IG (yoga 29 23 2.05 NR (NR) NR Insufficient Follow-up data NR. NSD
2005 (NR) breathing) (0.65) data to between groups at 4 and 16w
calculate in FEV1. FEV25-75, FVC,
PEFR (evening and morning),
CG 33 22 2.69 NR (NR)
and FEV1/FVC ratio.

16w IG 29 23 2.05 NR (NR) NR Insufficient

(0.65) data to
CG 33 22 2.69 NR (NR)

Saxena FEV1, 12w IG (yoga 25 NR 72 (1.7) 12 (1.38) <0.001* 6.73 Groups differed in PEFR at
2009 predicted breathing) 12w, p<0.001.*
(%) (5.25, 8.21)*
CG 25 NR 73 (2.07) 2 (1.54)

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Additional pulmonary
outcome up random- up N mean change for Effect Size function outcomes
(unit) ized (SD) (SD) from difference Hedges’ d
baseline between (95% CI)
groups at

Vempati FEV1, 2w IG (yoga 30 28 70.2 3.7 (11.89) NR 0.25 At 8w, groups differed in
2009 predicted breathing) (17.4) PEFR (p<0.001), predicted
(%) (-0.27, 0.77) FEV1/FVC ratio (p=0.011),
and FEF25-75 (p=0.035).*
CG 30 29 62.5 0.6 (12.61)
NSD between groups at 8w in
serum ECP level, EIB, and
predicted FVC.
4w IG 30 28 70.2 5.9 (12.13) NR 0.62
(0.09, 1.15)*
CG 30 29 62.5 -2 (13.1)

8w IG 30 28 70.2 7.7 (10.94)* 0.009* 0.88

(0.34, 1.43)*
CG 30 29 62.5 -2.6 (12.11)

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; ECP: eosinophilic cationic protein; EIB: exercise-induced bronchoconstriction; ECP: eosinophilic cationic protein; FEF:
forced expiratory flow; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FEV25-75: forced expiratory volume between 25 and 75 percent; FVC: forced vital capacity; IG: intervention
group; L: liter(s); MEF: maximum expiratory flow; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference; PEF: peak expiratory flow; PEFR: peak expiratory flow rate; PFT: pulmonary
function test; SD: standard deviation; VC: vital capacity; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 4a. Study characteristics: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Lima Brazil IG (IMT) 25 9.68 68 NR NR NR Asthmatic children aged 8 to 12y NR

2008 having received no previous tx for
asthma and presenting with
CG 25
uncontrolled asthma.

Shaw South IG 22 21.9 NR NR NR NR Caucasian pts with moderate- Influenza-like or respiratory

2011 Africa (abdom. persistent asthma (based on NIH infections 2 to 3w prior to
strength- guidelines), inactive, weight stable for the evaluations,
ening) 6m prior to commencement of study, contraindications for
non-smokers, exhibited daily and exercise, not free from
nocturnal asthmatic sx more than 1 asthma exacerbations for at
CG 22
night/w, peak flow variability > 30 least 7d prior to study
percent. inception, unable to abstain
from asthma medication 12
hours prior to each
evaluation .

Weiner Israel IG (IMT) 15 40.5 40 6 NR 59 Pts w/ moderate to severe asthma, NR

1992 puffs satisfied criteria of the ATS.
CG 15

Weiner Israel IG (IMT) 12 34.0 34.8 2.7 NR 91 Pts w/ mild, stable asthma (FEV1 > 80 Pts recorded PEFR < 80
2000 puffs percent predicted normal value on at percent predicted of their
/d least two visits), satisfied ATS best value during run-in
definition of asthma (sx of episodic period.
wheezing, cough and shortness of
CG 11
breath responding to bronchodilators
and reversible airflow function study),
stable clinical condition. Subjects who
were high consumers (> 1 puff/d) of
beta2-agonists randomized.

Study Country Group N Age % SABA ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Female use use %
ized pred.

Weiner Israel IG (IMT) 11 36.2 100 3.2 NR 83 Pts w/ mild persistent-to-moderate NR

2002 puffs asthma (FEV1 > 60 percent predicted
/d normal values), satisfied ATS definition
of asthma w/ sx of episodic wheezing,
cough and shortness of breath
CG 11
responding to bronchodilators and
reversible airflow obstruction
documented in at least one previous
pulmonary function study.

Abbreviations: abdom: abdominal; ATS: American Thoracic Society; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; ICS: inhaled
corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; NIH: National Institute of Health; NR: not reported; PEFR: pulmonary expiratory flow rate; pred:
predicted; pts: participants; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptoms; tx: treatment; y: year(s)

Evidence Table 4b. Description of intervention groups: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional

group components

Lima 2008 IG (IMT) Inspiratory muscle training and breathing Three 60-min asthma Home exercises with an Environmental
exercises, two 50min sessions/w for 7w. education classes; three audiotape or CD with modification and
First 25min, breathing exercises in supine medical visits over 13w technique reminders. awareness of asthma
and sitting positions to provide respiratory (minutes NR); 14 50- triggers.
reeducation/awareness. Breathing training min IMT sessions over
included diaphragmatic breathing, 7w.
fractionated breathing, pursed-lip
breathing; each performed as a series of
10 repetitions. Last 25min, IMT using
Threshold IMT (Respironics): 20min IMT (14.6 hours, not
used in 10 series of 60s each, separated including medical visits)
by rest of 60s to develop muscle strength;
final 5min IMT used uninterrupted to
develop endurance. IMT pressure
threshold load was 40 percent of maximal
inspiratory pressure. In addition to monthly
medical visits and educational program
(one 60min session/m) about asthma,
signs and signals of exacerbation, asthma
triggers, environmental control, rescue
medication, and preventive medication.

CG Monthly medical visits and educational Three 60-min sessions NR NR

program (one 60min session/m) about (asthma education
asthma, signs and signals of exacerbation, classes / medical visits)
asthma triggers, environmental control, over 13 weeks.
rescue medication, and preventive

(3 hours)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Shaw 2011 IG (abdominal Diaphragmatic breathing combined with NR, training over 8 NR NR
strengthen- inspiratory resistive breathing in the semi- weeks.
ing) recumbent position. Pts inspired and
expired through a 10cm x 1cm tube
principally using abdominal motion while
reducing upper rib cage motion. One hand (Hours NR)
of pts stabilized a 2.5kg (weeks 1 to 4) or a
5kg (weeks 5 to 8) onto the abdominal
cavity. Pts completed three sets of 5 to 10
repetitions using 1s of inspiration and 2s of
expiration (1:2 ratio), three sets of 10 to 15
repetitions of 2:4 inspiration-expiration ratio
and three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions at 3:6
inspiration-expiration ratio.

CG No structured exercise program. NR NR NR

Weiner 1992 IG (IMT) Inspiratory muscle training with resistance 120 30-min sessions None NR
equal to 15 percent of PImax taught by a over 6m.
physiotherapist. Resistance incrementally
increased to 60 percent of PImax within 1m;
adjusted q2m according to PImax achieved.
During last 2m, resistance equality to 80 (60 hours total)
percent of PImax.

CG Sham-training with a threshold inspiratory 120 30-min sessions NR NR

muscle trainer with no resistance; taught by over 6m.
a physiotherapist.

(60 hours total)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

Weiner 2000 IG (IMT) Specific inspiratory muscle training with a 72 30-min sessions Trained 6 times/w. NR
threshold inspiratory muscle trainer over 3m.
(Threshold® Inspiratory Muscle Trainer,
Health Scan). Baseline resistance level
equal to 15 percent of PImax for 1w;
increased incrementally 5 to 10 percent (36 hours total)
each session to reach 60 percent of their
PImax at end of 1m; continued and adjusted
q1w to the new PImax achieved.

CG Sham-training, no resistance. 72 30-min sessions NR NR

over 3m.

(36 hours total)

Weiner 2002 IG (IMT) Inspiratory muscle training with a threshold 120 30-min sessions NR NR
inspiratory muscle trainer (Threshold® over 20w.
IMT, Respironics); end-point when the
mean inspiratory muscle strength of
women equaled to that of the male
subjects (not randomized). (60 hours total)

CG Sham muscle training with same device, no 120 30-min sessions NR NR

resistance. over 20w.

(60 hours total)

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; cm: centimeter; d: day; IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; kg: kilogram; m: month(s); min:
minute(s); NR: not reported; PImax: maximal inspiratory mouth pressure; q1w: every one week; q2m; every 2 months; s: seconds; SIMT: specific inspiratory muscle training; w:

Evidence Table 4c. Change in asthma symptoms: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) (SD) from difference Effect Size asthma
(unit) ized baseline between Hedges’ d symptom
groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Lima 2008 Daytime 13w IG (IMT) 25 25 NA 0 (0%)† <0.0001* NA Groups
symptoms differed in
(number of number of
CG 25 25 NA 25 (100%)†
participants) participants
with frequent
Nighttime 13w IG 25 25 NA 3 (12%)† <0.0001* NA
(number of
CG 25 25 NA 25 (100%)†

Shaw None 8w IG 22 22 NA NA NA NA
2011 (abdom.

CG 22 22 NA NA

Weiner Chest 26w IG (IMT) 15 15 NR (NR) NR (NR)* NR Insufficient

1992 tightness, data to
morning (diary calculate
CG 15 15 NR (NR) NR (NR)

Cough (diary 26w IG 15 15 1.4 (NR) -1.1 (NR)* NR Insufficient

score) data to
CG 15 15 2.4 (NR) 0.1 (NR)

Daytime 26w IG 15 15 1.7 (NR) -1.1 (NR)* NR Insufficient

asthma (diary data to
score) calculate
CG 15 15 2.0 (NR) -0.2 (NR)

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) (SD) from difference Effect Size asthma
(unit) ized baseline between Hedges’ d symptom
groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Night-time 26w IG 15 15 2.2 (NR) -1.5 (NR)* NR Insufficient

asthma (diary data to
score) calculate
CG 15 15 2.4 (NR) 0.1 (NR)

Weiner None 13w IG (IMT) 12 11 NA NA NA NA

CG 11 11 NA NA

Weiner None 4, 8, IG (IMT) 11 10 NA NA NA NA

2002 12, 16,
CG 11 9 NA NA

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Number of participants (%) experiencing symptoms at followup

Abbreviations: abdom: abdominal; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; SD:
standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 4d. Change in asthma medication use: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d medication
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Lima 2008 Rescue 13w IG (IMT) 25 25 NA 4 (16%)† <0.0001* Insufficient
bronchodilator data to
use (number of calculate
CG 25 25 NA 21 (84%)†

Shaw None 8w IG 22 22 NA NA NA NA
2011 (abdom.

CG 22 22 NA NA

Weiner 1992 Beta2-agonist 26w IG (IMT) 15 15 5.5 (NR) -4.3 (NR)* NR Insufficient More
use (puffs/d) data to participants able
calculate to stop oral
CG 15 15 6.5 (NR) -0.5 (NR)
steroid use in IG
than CG at 26w.*

Weiner 2000 Beta2-agonist 13w IG (IMT) 12 11 2.6 (1.33) -1 (0.84)* NR -0.76
use (puff/d)
CG 11 11 2.8 (2.65) 0.1 (1.78) (-1.63, 0.11)

Weiner 2002 Beta2-agonist 4w IG (IMT) 11 10 3.4 (1.99) -0.4 (NR) NR Insufficient
use (puffs/d) data to
CG 11 9 3.0 (1.66) 0.2 (NR)

8w IG 11 10 3.4 (1.99) -0.6 (NR) NR Insufficient

data to
CG 11 9 3.0 (1.66) -0.1 (NR)

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Controller and
medication up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size additional
outcome (unit) ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d medication
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes

12w IG 11 10 3.4 (1.99) -0.9 (NR) NR Insufficient

data to
CG 11 9 3.0 (1.66) 0.2 (NR)

16w IG 11 10 3.4 (1.99) -1 (NR) NR Insufficient

data to
CG 11 9 3.0 (1.66) 0.3 (NR)

20w IG 11 10 3.4 (1.99) -1.3 (1.2)* NR Insufficient

data to
CG 11 9 3.0 (1.66) 0 (NR)

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Number of participants (%) using bronchodilator at followup

Abbreviations: abdom: abdominal; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; d: day(s); IG: intervention group; IMT: inspiratory muscle training; NA: not applicable; NR: not
reported; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 4e. Change in quality of life: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study Quality of Followup Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Functioning or
life random- up N mean change difference Effect Size additional quality of
outcomes ized (SD) (SD) from between Hedges’ d life outcomes
baseline groups at (95% CI)

Lima None 13w IG (IMT) 25 25 NR NR <0.0001* NA 0 percent with

2008 impaired ability to
perform activities of
CG 25 25 NR NR
daily living in IG vs
100 percent in CG at
followup, all impaired
at baseline.

Shaw None 8w IG (abdom. 22 22 NR NR NA NA

2011 strength-

CG 22 22 NR NR

Weiner None 26w IG (IMT) 15 15 NR NR NR Insufficient Absences from

1992 data to work/school in past
calculate 3m reduced by 1.7
CG 15 15 NR NR
days in IG, increased
by 0.2 in CG.

Weiner None 4w IG (IMT) 13 11 NA NA NA NA

CG 11 11 NA NA

Weiner None 4,8,12,16,20w IG (IMT) 11 10 NA NA NA NA

CG 11 9 NA NA

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; d: day(s); IG: intervention group; m: month(s); IMT: inspiratory muscle training; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported;

SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 4f. Change in pulmonary function: inspiratory muscle training versus control

Study FEV1 outcome Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional
(unit) up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size pulmonary
ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d function
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Lima None 7w, IG (IMT) 25 25 NA NA NA NA Significant

2008 13w difference
CG 25 25 NA NA
groups at 7
and 13w in
PEF, p-value

Shaw FEV1 (L) 8w IG 22 22 2.85 (0.57 0.37 (0.38)* 0.006* 0.80 Significant
2011 (abdom. change from
strength- (0.18, 1.42)* baseline in
ening) FVC, PEF,
vital capacity
CG 22 22 2.62 (0.53) 0.08 (0.33)
in IG only
(p<0.05).* NSD
from baseline in
ventilation in
either group.

Weiner FEV1, predicted 26w IG (IMT) 15 15 57.3 (12.47) 7.9 (7.48)* NR 1.31 Significant
1992 (%) change from
(0.51, 2.11)* baseline in
CG 15 15 62.5 (10.07) -1.7 (6.37)
FVC (p<0.005)
in IG only.*

Weiner None 13w IG (IMT) 12 11 NA NA NA NA

CG 11 11 NA NA

Weiner FEV1, predicted 20w IG (IMT) 11 10 NR (NR) NR (NR) NSD Insufficient

Study FEV1 outcome Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean p-value for Standardized Additional
(unit) up random- up N mean (SD) change difference Effect Size pulmonary
ized (SD) from between Hedges’ d function
baseline groups at (95% CI) outcomes
2002 (%) data to
CG 11 9 NR (NR) NR (NR) calculate

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

Abbreviations: abdom: abdominal; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC: forced vital capacity; IG: intervention group; IMT:
inspiratory muscle training; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference; PEF: peak expiratory flow; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 5a. Study characteristics: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Country Group N Age % SAB ICS FEV1 Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
random- (mean) Fema A use use %
ized le pred.

Cooper UK IG2 (yoga 30 44 44.9 2 657 80 Aged 18 to 70y, non-smoking No other important illnesses,
2003 breathing puffs mcg volunteers with stable asthma, taking tx other than sodium
device) /d† /d taking an inhaled SABA at cromoglycate.
least 2 times/w and regular
ICS w/ no change in dose in
CG 30
previous 4w, pre-
bronchodilator FEV1 of at
least 50 percent predicted and
10 percent increase following
400mcg inhaled salbutamol, a
PD20 of methacholine causing
a 20 percent fall in FEV1 of
10.24 μmol or less, mean
daily sx score of one or more
during run-in.

Lehrer US IG 23 37.3 68.1 NR NR NR* Aged 18 to 65y, history of Disorder that would impede
2004 (abdominal asthma sx, positive performing the biofeedback
breathing w/ bronchodilator test results procedures (e.g., abnormal
biofeedback) (postbronchodilator FEV1 cardiac rhythm), a negative
increase of ≥ 12%) within past methacholine challenge test
1y, positive methacholine result, an abnormal diffusing
CG1 22
inhalation challenge test capacity (testing among all
result, or documented recent subjects aged > 55y or w/ >
history (i.e., within past 1y) of 20 pack years of smoking),
CG2 24 clinical improvement and current practice of any
(placebo) FEV1 increase ≥ 12 percent relaxation, biofeedback or
following instigation of inhaled breathing technique.
steroid therapy among
CG3 (waitlist) 25
individuals with a protracted
history of asthma.
CG 16

*Most patients rated as having moderate-persistent asthma according to the NAEPP guideline
Abbreviations: CG: control group; d: day(s); FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; m: month(s), mcg: microgram(s); NR:
not reported; pred: predicted; SABA: short-acting beta2-agonists; sx: symptom(s); tx: treatment(s); UK: United Kingdom; μmol: micromole(s); US: United States; w: week(s); y:


Evidence Table 5b. Description of intervention groups: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional

group components

Cooper 2003 IG2 (yoga PCLE (yoga breathing device) imposed One session, 6m Use PCLE bid. NR
breathing a 1:2 ratio on the duration of inspiration practice.
device) compared with expiration. Device set at
largest aperture, pts asked to breathe
at rate which they felt no resistance and
could feel no check movement. Over (Hours NR)
time decrease aperture size to
gradually reduce respiratory rate. Use
beta2-agonist only for sx relief. PCLE
used bid (420 times over 6m).

CG Sham device with no valve and a leak One session. Use device bid. NR
ensured no resistance to breathing, use
bid (420 times in 6m).

Lehrer 2004 IG (abdominal Pursed-lips abdominal breathing w/ 10 sessions over 10w. Asked to practice at NR
breathing w/ prolonged exhalation biofeedback home for 20min bid.
biofeedback) targeting respiratory resistance,
respiratory reactance, and HRV. Pts
asked to practice a home for 20min bid (Hours NR)
using a home trainer unit (KC-3,

CG1 HRV biofeedback only. Pts asked to 10 sessions over 10w. Asked to practice at NR
(biofeedback) practice a home for 20min bid using a home for 20min bid.
home trainer unit (KC-3®, Biosvyaz).

(Hours NR)

Study Intervention Description Intervention session Homework Additional
group components

CG2 (placebo) Placebo biofeedback procedure 10 sessions over 10w. Asked to practice at Practice (but no
involving bogus subliminal suggestions home for 20min bid. instruction) maintaining
designed to help asthma (with no state of relaxed
further details provided and no actual alertness, classical
suggestions given) and biofeedback (Hours NR) music tapes.
training to alternately increase and
decrease frontal EEG alpha-rhythms.
Maintain a state of relaxed alertness
during home practice using mental
strategies developing during the
sessions, given tape recording w/
classical music and supposed
subliminal suggestions to improve

CG3 (waitlist) Waitlist control Waited for 30w. NA NR

Abbreviations: bid: twice daily; CG: control group; EEG: electroencephalography; HRV: heart rate variability; IG: intervention group; m: month(s); min: minute(s); NR: not
reported; PCLE: Pink City Lung exerciser; pts: patients; sx: symptoms; w: week(s).

Evidence Table 5c. Change in asthma symptoms: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Symptom Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) (SD) from for Effect Size asthma
(unit) ized baseline difference Hedges’ d symptom
between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Cooper Mini-AQLQ, 13w IG2 (yoga 30 25 5.0 (0.8) 0.50 0.6 (for Insufficient Three groups
2003 symptoms breathing difference data to differed
subscale device) (-0.38, 1.21)† between calculate across
all three median daily
groups) symptom
CG 30 24 4.9 (0.9) 0.33 scores at
(higher= 26w,
(-0.31, 0.58)† p=0.003.*
NSD between
26w IG2 30 24 5.0 (0.8) 0.58 groups in the
number of
(0, 1.21)†
at 26w.

CG 30 22 4.9 (0.9) 0.33 0.2 (for Insufficient

difference data to
(-0.19, 1.17)† across all calculate

Lehrer Asthma 12w IG 23 17 0.81 (NR) -0.48 (NR)* <0.0001* Insufficient More
2004 symptoms (abdominal data to exacerbations
(diary score) breathing calculate occurred in
with CG2 and CG3
biofeedback) than IG and
(lower= better) CG1 22 17 0.95 (NR) -0.47 (NR)*

CG2 24 19 0.71 (NR) -0.33 (NR)*


CG3 (waitlist) 25 23 1.15 (NR) -0.2 (NR)

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention group; NR: not reported; NSD: no significant difference;
SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 5d. Change in asthma medication use: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study Reliever Follow- Group N Follow Baseline Mean p-value Standardized Controller and additional
medication up random -up N mean change for Effect Size medication outcomes
outcome -ized (SD) (SD) from difference Hedges’ d
(unit) baseline between (95% CI)
groups at

Cooper Beta2-agonist 26w IG2 (yoga 30 24 2 (0, 4)† 0 (-2, 0)† NR Insufficient NSD between all three
2003 use, median breathing data to groups in median number
(puffs/d) device) calculate of days taking increased
ICS dose or median
number of prednisolone
CG 30 22 2 (0, 3.8)† 0 (-2, 0)†
courses per subject at 26w.

Lehrer None 12w IG 23 17 NA NA NA NA Fewer IG and CG1

2004 (abdominal participants increased use
breathing of controlled medication
with from baseline than CG2
biofeedback) and CG3 (after run-in to
achieve lowest ICS use
that stabilizes symptoms).
CG1 22 17 NA NA

CG2 24 19 NA NA

CG3 (waitlist) 25 23 NA NA

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported;
NSD: no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Evidence Table 5e. Change in quality of life: nonhyperventilation breathing techniques versus control

Study Quality of Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value for Standardized Functioning or
life up random- up N mean (SD) (SD) from difference Effect Size additional
outcomes ized baseline between Hedges’ d quality of life
groups at (95% CI) outcomes

Cooper AQLQ- 13w IG2 (yoga 30 25 4.9 (0.8) 0.45 0.4 (for Insufficient Groups differed
2003 Juniper, breathing difference data to in SF-36 role
total score device) (-0.13, 1.11)† across all calculate limitations due
three to physical
groups) problems at
CG 30 24 5.0 (0.8) 0.33 13w.* Groups
(higher= differed in SF-36
(-0.22, 0.75)† role limitations
due to physical
26w IG2 30 24 4.9 (0.8) 0.57 0.2 (for Insufficient problems and
difference data to social
across all calculate functioning at
(0.07, 1.10)†
three 26w.* NSD
groups) between groups
CG 30 22 5.0 (0.8) 0.61 on other
components of
(-0.11, 0.95)† the SF-36 at 13
and 26w.

Lehrer None 12w IG (abdominal 23 17 NA NA NA NA

2004 breathing with

CG1 22 17 NA NA

CG2 (placebo) 24 19 NA NA

CG3 (waitlist) 25 23 NA NA

*Statistically significant change from baseline or between groups (p<0.05)

†Median or median change from baseline (IQR)

Abbreviations: AQLQ: Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; IG: intervention group; IQR: inter-quartile range; NA: not applicable; NSD:
no significant difference; SD: standard deviation; SF: social functioning (e.g., SF-36 Health Survey); w: week(s)

Evidence Table 5f. Change in pulmonary function: nonhyperventilation reduction breathing techniques versus control

Study FEV1 Follow- Group N Follow- Baseline Mean change p-value Standardized Additional
outcome up random- up N mean (SD) (SD) from for Effect Size pulmonary
(unit) ized baseline difference Hedges’ d function
between (95% CI) outcomes
groups at

Cooper FEV1 (L) 26w IG2 (yoga 30 24 2.64 (0.94) -0.002 (0.14) 0.4 (for -0.02 NSD between
2003 breathing difference groups at 13
device) across all (-0.60, 0.56) and 26w in
three provocative
groups) dose causing a
CG 30 22 2.71 (0.89) 0.001 (0.14)
fall of 20
percent in

Lehrer “Spirometry”, 12w IG (abdominal 23 17 NR NR NSD NR NSD from

2004 specific breathing with baseline within
measures biofeedback) each group at
NR 12w.
CG1 22 17 NR NR

CG2 (placebo) 24 19 NR NR

CG3 (waitlist) 25 23 NR NR

Abbreviations: CG: control group; CI: confidence interval; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second; IG: intervention group; NA: not applicable; NR: not reported; NSD: no
significant difference; SD: standard deviation; w: week(s)

Appendix E. List of Excluded Studies
1. Abramson M, Borg B, Doran C, et al. A 9. Austin G, Brown C, Watson T, et al. Buteyko
randomised controlled trial of the Buteyko breathing technique improves exercise capacity
method for asthma. Int J Immunorehabil and control of breathing in uncontrolled asthma.
2004;6(2):244. PMID: 11059522. Abstract European Respiratory Society Annual Congress;
only, insufficient data to evaluate inclusion. Vienna, Austria. 2009. p. E4306. Not a study of
breathing techniques.
2. Agent P. Breathing training improves subjective
health status but not pathophysiology in 10. Austin G, Brown C, Watson T, et al. Buteyko
asthmatic adults. J Physiother 2010;56(1):60. breathing technique reduces hyperventilation-
PMID: 20500141. Synopsis of a potentially induced hypocaponea and dyspnoea after
relevant study. exercise in asthma. American Thoracic Society
International Conference; San Diego, CA. 2009.
3. Anokhin MI, Sergeev VN, Domanskii VL. p. A3409. Not a study of breathing techniques.
Biological feedback correction of respiration
during treatment of bronchial asthma. Biomed 11. Beth Israel Medical Center. Integrative medicine
Eng (NY) 1996;30(1):26-29. Other quality approach to the management of asthma in adults.
issues. clinicaltrials gov 2011;NCT00843544. Ongoing
trial, no outcomes at time of review.
4. Anonymous. Breathing exercises help cut asthma
symptoms. Practice Nurse 2007 Jul 13;34(1):8. 12. Bhikshapathi DVRN, Jayanthi C, Kishan V, et
Synopsis of a potentially relevant study. al. Influence of yogasanas on the physiology,
therapy and theophylline pharmacokinetics in
5. Anonymous. Breathing training leads to bronchial asthma patients. Acta Pharm Sci
improved asthma-specific health status. AJP 2007;49(2):187-94. Not a study of breathing
2010;91(1076):62-63. Unable to obtain, techniques.
unlikely a trial.
13. Bingol Karakoc G, Yilmaz M, Sur S, et al. The
6. Anonymous. Inconclusive study of yoga as an effects of daily pulmonary rehabilitation program
adjunct therapy for asthma. 5th Annual at home on childhood asthma. Allergol
Symposium Complementary Health Care; Immunopathol (Madr) 2000 Jan;28(1):12-14.
Exeter. 1998. p. 164. Synopsis of a potentially PMID: 10757852. Other quality issues.
relevant study.
14. Birch M. Asthma and the Buteyko breathing
7. Anonymous. Randomised controlled trial of method. Aust Nurs J 2001 Mar;8(8):35. PMID:
treating dysfunctional breathing to reduce 11894574. Synopsis of a potentially relevant
breathlessness in severe asthma. Curr Control study.
Trials. 2011. Ongoing trial, no outcomes at
time of review. 15. Birkel DA, Edgren L. Hatha yoga: improved
vital capacity of college students. Altern Ther
8. Asher MI, Douglas C, Airy M, et al. Effects of Health Med 2000 Nov;6(6):55-63. PMID:
chest physical therapy on lung function in 11076447. Not one of specified study designs.
children recovering from acute severe asthma.
Pediatr Pulmonol 1990;9(3):146-51. PMID: 16. Bowler SD, Green A, Mitchell CA. Positive
2277735. Management of serious acute evidence of the effectiveness of Buteyko
exacerbations. breathing techniques in asthma. Focus Alt Comp
Ther 1999;4:207-08. Synopsis of a potentially
relevant study.

17. Brown JV, Demi AD, Wilson SR, et al. A home- 25. Cooper SE, Oborne J, Newton S, et al. The effect
based asthma education program for low-income of two breathing exercises (Buteyko and
families and their young asthmatic children. Am Pranayama) on the ability to reduce inhaled
J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;161(Suppl corticosteroids in asthma: a randomised
3):A902. Not a study of breathing techniques. controlled trial. American Thoracic Society 99th
International Conference 2003:B023. Unable to
18. Brown JV, Demi AS, Celano MP, et al. A home obtain, likely from another reviwed study.
visiting asthma education program: challenges to
program implementation. Health Educ Behav 26. Cowie RL, Conley DP, Underwood MF, et al. A
2005 Feb;32(1):42-56. PMID: 15642753. Not a randomized controlled trial of buteyko technique
study of breathing techniques. for asthma management. Proceedings of the
American Thoracic Society. American Thoracic
19. Brown JV, Bakeman R, Celano MP, et al. Home- Society International Conference; 2006 May 19;
based asthma education of young low-income San Diego, CA. 2006. p. A530. Unable to
children and their families. J Pediatr Psychol obtain, likely from another reviwed study.
2002 Dec;27(8):677-88. PMID: 12403858. Not a
study of breathing techniques. 27. Dahl J, Gustafsson D, Melin L. Effects of a
behavioral treatment program on children with
20. Bruton A. Breathing and relaxation training asthma. J Asthma 1990;27(1):41-46. PMID:
improves respiratory symptoms and quality of 1968453. Not one of specified interventions.
life in asthmatic adults. Aust J Physiother
2008;54(1):76. PMID: 18298365. Synopsis of a 28. Foglio K, Bianchi L, Bruletti G, et al. Long-term
potentially relevant study. effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in
patients with chronic airway obstruction. Eur
21. Carvalho LC, Albuquerque HF, Pontes C, et al. Respir J 1999 Jan;13(1):125-32. PMID:
Computerized Biofeedback Tool: Application in 10836336. Not a study of breathing
Electromyogram-Biofeedback. A New techniques.
Beginning for Human Health. Annual
International Conference of the IEEE 29. Girodo M, Ekstrand KA, Metivier GJ. Deep
Engineering in Medicine and Biology; 2003 Sep diaphragmatic breathing: rehabilitation exercises
17; Cancun, Mexico. 2003. p. 1609-12. Not one for the asthmatic patient. Arch Phys Med
of specified study designs. Rehabil 1992 Aug;73(8):717-20. PMID:
1642520. High or differential attrition.
22. Ceugniet F, Cauchefer F, Gallego J. Do
voluntary changes in inspiratory-expiratory ratio 30. Gomieiro LT, Nascimento A, Tanno LK, et al.
prevent exercise-induced asthma? Biofeedback Respiratory exercise program for elderly
Self Regul 1994 Jun;19(2):181-88. PMID: individuals with asthma. Clinics (Sao Paulo,
7918755. Not a study of breathing techniques. Brazil) 2011;66(7):1163-69. PMID: 21876968.
Not one of specified study designs.
23. Ceugniet F, Cauchefer F, Gallego J. Voluntary
decrease in breathing frequency in exercising 31. Goncalves RC, Nunes MPT, Cukier A, et al.
asthmatic subjects. Eur Respir J 1996 Comparison between breathing exercises and
Nov;9(11):2273-79. PMID: 8947071. Not one of aerobic conditioning on symptoms, quality of
specified interventions. life and exhaled nitric oxide in asthmatic adults.
Eur Respir J 2006;28:370s. Not one of specified
24. Chiang LC, Ma WF, Huang JL, et al. Effect of comparators.
relaxation-breathing training on anxiety and
asthma signs/symptoms of children with 32. Huntley AL, Marks GB. Sahaja yoga has limited
moderate-to-severe asthma: a randomized effects in the management of asthma. Focus Alt
controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud 2009 Comp Ther 2002 Sep;7(3):275-76. Only
Aug;46(8):1061-70. PMID: 19246041. Not a comparator includes relaxation training.
study of breathing techniques.

33. Janson-Bjerklie S, Clarke E. The effects of 42. Meuret AE, Ritz T, Wilhelm FH, et al. Pco2
biofeedback training on bronchial diameter in Biofeedback-Assisted Breathing Training for
asthma. Heart Lung 1982;11(3):200-07. PMID: Panic Disorder and Asthma: Rationale and
6918383. Published prior to 1990. Empirical Findings. 64th Annual Scientific
Conference of the American Psychosomatic
34. Kuiper D. Dysfunctional breathing and asthma. Society; 2006 Mar 1; Denver. American
Trial shows benefits of Buteyko breathing Psychosomatic Society; 2008. Other quality
techniques. BMJ 2001 Sep 15;323(7313):631-32. issues.
PMID: 11575317. Synopsis of a potentially
relevant study. 43. Meuret AE, Ritz T, Wilhelm FH, et al. Targeting
pCO(2) in asthma: pilot evaluation of a
35. Lehrer P, Hochron S, Carr R, et al. Biofeedback capnometry-assisted breathing training. Appl
for increasing respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2007 Jun;32(2):99-
treatment for asthma. 30th Annual Convention of 109. PMID: 17564826. Other quality issues.
the Association for the Advancement of
Behavior Therapy; 1996 Nov 21; New York. 44. Mussell MJ, Hartley JP. Trachea-noise
New York: Association for the Advancement of biofeedback in asthma: a comparison of the
Behavior Therapy; 1996. Not a study of effect of trachea-noise biofeedback, a
breathing techniques. bronchodilator, and no treatment on the rate of
recovery from exercise- and eucapnic
36. Lehrer P, Carr RE, Smetankine A, et al. hyperventilation-induced asthma. Biofeedback
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia versus Self Regul 1988 Sep;13(3):219-34. PMID:
neck/trapezius EMG and incentive inspirometry 3228551. Published prior to 1990.
biofeedback for asthma: a pilot study. Applied
Psychophysiol Biofeedback 1997 Jun;22(2):95- 45. Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR. Yoga for bronchial
109. PMID: 9341966. Other quality issues. asthma: a controlled study. Br Med J (Clin Res
Ed) 1985 Oct 19;291(6502):1077-79. PMID:
37. Lewis S, Cruft S, Egbagbe E, et al. A controlled 3931802. Published prior to 1990.
trial of the effect of a breathing exercise device
in asthma. Eur Respir J Suppl 1996;9:337s. 46. Nagendra HR, Nagarathna R. Integrated
Synopsis of a potentially relevant study. approach of yoga therapy for seasonal and
perennial bronchial asthma. IEEE/Engineering in
38. Lima EVN, Oliveira AN, Vieira RAF, et al. Medicine and Biology Society Annual
Inspiratory muscle training in children with Conference; 1986. p. 1759-62. Not one of
asthma effect on muscle strength and pulmonary specified study designs.
function. Eur Respir J 2006;28:478s. Duplicate
report of included study. 47. Neffen HE, Baena-Cagnani CE, Yanez A.
Breathing Exercises for Asthmatic Children:
39. Manocha R, Marks GB, Kenchington P, et al. Asthma Music and the Asthma Symphony. 16th
Sahaja yoga in the management of moderate to World Congress of Asthma; Buenos Aires,
severe asthma: a randomised controlled trial. Argentina. 1999. p. 83-88. Unable to obtain,
Thorax 2002 Feb;57(2):110-15. PMID: unlikely a trial.
11828038. Not one of specified interventions.
48. Perrin JM, MacLean WE, Jr., Gortmaker SL, et
40. McConnell AK, Caine MP, et a. Inspiratory al. Improving the psychological status of
muscle training improves lung function and children with asthma: a randomized controlled
reduces exertional dyspnoea in mild/moderate trial. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1992 Aug;13(4):241-
asthmatics. Clin Sci 1998;95 Suppl 39:4P. 47. PMID: 1506461. Not a study of breathing
Followup less than 4 weeks. techniques.

41. McHugh P, Aitcheson F, Duncan B, et al. 49. Reuther I, Aldridge D. Qigong Yangsheng as a
Buteyko Breathing Technique for asthma: an complementary therapy in the management of
effective intervention. N Z Med J 2003 Dec asthma: a single-case appraisal. J Altern
12;116(1187):U710. PMID: 14752538. Only Complement Med 1998;4(2):173-83. PMID:
comparator includes relaxation training. 9628207. Not one of specified study designs.

50. Ritz T, Meuret AE, Wilhelm FH, et al. Changes 58. Thomas M. Study of the effectiveness of
in pCO2, symptoms, and lung function of asthma breathing training exercises taught by a
patients during capnometry-assisted breathing physiotherapist by either instructional
training. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2009 videos/DVDs/internet download or by face-to-
Mar;34(1):1-6. PMID: 19048369. Other quality face sessions in the management of asthma in
issues. adults. Curr Control Trials. 2011. Ongoing trial,
no outcomes at time of review.
51. Sato K, Kawamura T, Abo T. "Senobi" stretch
ameliorates asthma symptoms by restoring 59. Thomas M, McKinley RK, Prodger P, et al.
autonomic nervous system balance. J Investig Breathing retraining improves quality of life in
Med 2010 Dec;58(8):968-70. PMID: 20930645. asthmatic patients with dysfunctional breathing.
Not one of specified interventions. Eur Respir J 2001;18:330s. Duplicate report of
included study.
52. Singh V, Wisniewski A, Britton J, et al. Effect of
yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) on airway 60. Turner LA, Mickleborough TD, Tecklenburg S,
reactivity in subjects with asthma. Lancet 1990 et al. Inspiratory muscle training improves
Jun 9;335(8702):1381-83. PMID: 1971670. pulmonary function and reduces expiratory flow
Followup less than 4 weeks. limitation in asthmatic individuals. 55th Annual
Meeting on American College of Sports
53. Slader CA, Reddel HK, Spencer LM, et al. Medicine; Indianapolis, IN. 2008. No relevant
Impact of breathing exercises on asthma outcomes.
symptoms and control. American Thoracic
Society International Conference; San Diego, 61. Vedanthan PK, Kesavalu LN, Murthy KC, et al.
CA. 2005. p. D97. Duplicate report of included Clinical study of yoga techniques in university
study. students with asthma: a controlled study. Allergy
Asthma Proc 1998 Jan;19(1):3-9. PMID:
54. Sodhi C, Singh S, Dandona PK. A study of the 9532318. Other quality issues.
effect of yoga training on pulmonary functions in
patients with bronchial asthma. Indian J Physiol 62. Vijayaraghayan N. Role of yoga in the
Pharmacol 2009 Apr;53(2):169-74. PMID: management of bronchial asthma. 6th World
20112821. Other quality issues. Congress on Holistic Life and Medicine; Calicut,
India. 1996. p. 137-40. Unable to obtain,
55. Stanton AE, Vaughn P, Carter R, et al. An unlikely a trial.
observational investigation of dysfunctional
breathing and breathing control therapy in a 63. Weiner P, Magadle R, Beckerman M, et al. The
problem asthma clinic. J Asthma relationship among inspiratory muscle strength,
2008;45(9):758-65. PMID: 18972291. Not one the perception of dyspnea and inhaled beta2-
of specified study designs. agonist use in patients with asthma. Can Respir J
2002 Sep;9(5):307-12. PMID: 12410322. No
56. Stepans MB. Biofeedback and relaxation relevant outcomes.
therapy: symptom control in individuals with
lung disease. Communicating Nursing Research. 64. Yarandi AN. Respiratory exercise and quality of
33rd Annual Communicating Nursing Research life in asthmatic patients. Int J Hum Caring 2006
Conference/14th Annual WIN Assembly; Jun;10(2):78. Not one of specified study
Denver, CO. 2000. p. 192. Patients with other designs.
respiratory diseases.

57. Thomas M. Are breathing exercises an effective

strategy for people with asthma? Nurs Times
2009 Mar 17;105(10):22-27. PMID: 19400340.
Duplicate report of included study.


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