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REG NO: DSCM/2022/48355


I declare that this report is my work which I had been undertaking in Garissa County assembly
during my two months attachment period at the department of supply chain management which
includes practical and theory works under supervision of my




From my innermost being I dedicate and thank the highest God for this far he has taken me
through. My special dedication goes to my mentors the supply chain manager of Garissa county
assembly not limited to my parents for supporting me in all aspects being financially, morally
and for the advice throughout my attachment and also entire fraternity of Garissa county

It is my sincere wish to extend my inner gratitude and appreciate all stakeholders who in one
way or another have made my attachment a success journey for the two months in Garissa
county assembly

First and fore most I acknowledge the management for giving me an opportunity to benchmark
and familiarize myself to such an establishment, to the curator and the education period. I will
also not miss to acknowledge the team work shown by my fellow attaches’ and Garissa county
assembly subordinate staff ,generally for their support either morally or professionally in supply
chain department.

This is a vivid and well detailed attachment report at Garissa county assembly in the department
of supply chain management and it is based on various activities that undertakes in this
organisation, it is a report of what is learnt during the few months of attachment, the challenges
encountered, achievement and the difficulties experienced, summary and conclusion made
during that period.

A county assembly is the forum through which the people, who own the sovereign power to
govern, participate in making of laws, formulation of policies for taxation, budgeting and
establishment of county public service

Functions of county assembly is to Legislature; make laws that enable the county government
execute its mandate effectively. Development and management of its infrastructure and
institutions. Approve the budget and expenditure of the county government.

In the context of a supply chain management student at the county assembly, an attachment
refers to a temporary work experience or internship program where am placed within the county
assembly's supply chain management department to gain practical exposure to the real-world
operations of supply chain management in the public sector.

During the attachment period, I typically worked closely with professionals in the department,
assisting them in various tasks and projects related to procurement, inventory management,
vendor relations, logistics, and compliance. The primary purpose of the attachment is to provide
me with hands-on learning opportunities and practical insights into how supply chain
management functions within a government organization, such as the county assembly.

Key features of an attachment at the county assembly for a supply chain management student

Learning Experience: The attachment served as a valuable learning experience for i to apply the
theoretical knowledge gained my academic studies to real-world situations and challenges.

Skill Development: I had the opportunity to develop essential skills, such as critical thinking,
problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, in a professional setting.

Exposure to Public Sector Practices: i gained exposure to the unique aspects of supply chain
management in the public sector, including compliance with government regulations and ethical
Networking: The attachment allowed me to build professional networks by interacting with
experienced professionals in the county assembly's supply chain management department.

Contribution: I had the chance to contribute to certain projects and tasks under the guidance of
supervisors and team members.

Practical Challenges: I faced and learnt to overcome practical challenges that arise in supply
chain management within the county assembly, such as dealing with limited resources or
adhering to public procurement guidelines.

Work Ethic and Professionalism: The attachment helped in instilling a strong work ethic and
professionalism in the student, preparing me for future roles in the field of supply chain

Attachments at the county assembly are typically of a fixed duration, ranging from a few weeks
to a few months, depending on the organization's policies and the student's academic
requirements. The experience gained during the attachment can be invaluable for the student's
personal and professional growth, helping them make informed career choices and contributing
to their overall development as a supply chain management professional

History of Garissa county assembly

Article 176 of the Constitution establishes the County Assembly which shall consist of members
elected by the registered voters of the wards; each ward constituting a single member
constituency, on the same day as a general election of Members of Parliament, being the second
Tuesday in August, in every fifth year;

the number of special seat members necessary to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the
membership of the Assembly are of the same gender; the number of members of marginalized
groups, including persons with disabilities and the youth, prescribed by an Act of Parliament;
and the Speaker, who is an ex official member.

The County Assembly is the Legislative arm of the County Government responsible for the
formulation of laws that regulate the conduct and activities within the County and to provide
Garissa County Assembly comprises of 30 elected and 20 nominated Members of the County
Assembly –MCA’s who sit on various committees of the Assembly.

Committees of the Assembly are essentially the engine rooms of the Assembly.

They enable the Assembly to consider matters before it thoroughly before resolutions are made
at the Plenary.

How the assembly works

The Garissa County Assembly Service Board invites sealed bids from competent bidders for the
following tender:-

Like all other County Assemblies in Kenya, the NCCA was created by the Constitution of Kenya
2010, and operationalized by the County Government Act No. 17 of 2012.

Article 176 (Chapter Eleven) of the Constitution of Kenya establishes County Governments
consisting of a County Assembly and a County Executive. The Chapter further sets out the roles,
functions and other matters relating to the membership and operations of the County Assembly.

Section 8 of the County Governments Act provides that the County Assembly shall vet and
approve nominees for appointment to county public offices, perform the roles set out under
Article 185 of the Constitution, approve the budget and expenditure of the county government in
accordance with Article 207 of the Constitution, and the legislation contemplated in Article 220
(2) of the Constitution, guided by Articles 201 and 203 of the Constitution, approve the
borrowing by the county government in accordance with Article 212 of the Constitution, approve
county development planning and perform any other role as may be set out under the
Constitution or legislation.

Article 185 of the Constitution provides for the legislative authority of county assemblies,
vesting the legislative authority of a county and the exercise of that authority in its County
Assembly. The Assembly has powers to make any laws that are necessary for, or incidental to,
the effective performance of the functions and exercise of the powers of the county government
under the Fourth Schedule. It also provides that a county Assembly, while respecting the
principle of the separation of powers, may exercise oversight over the county executive
committee and any other county executive organs. The Assembly also receives and approves
plans and policies for the management and exploitation of the County’s resources and the
development and management of its infrastructure and institutions. County Assemblies are
expected to conduct oversight over the County Executive, which has been expanded greatly, with
extended control over critical County processes such as the budgeting process, public
appointment and County legislation among others

Department of supply chain management at the county assembly

The Department of Supply Chain Management at the County Assembly is a critical

administrative unit responsible for managing and coordinating the procurement, sourcing,
logistics, and inventory functions within the county assembly. This department plays a crucial
role in ensuring the efficient and effective flow of goods, services, and resources required for the
smooth functioning of the assembly's operations.

Key Responsibilities of the Department of Supply Chain Management:

1. Procurement: The department is responsible for procuring goods, services, and works
required by the county assembly. This involves preparing procurement plans, issuing
tenders, evaluating bids, and awarding contracts in adherence to public procurement
regulations and guidelines.
2. Vendor Management: Managing relationships with suppliers, vendors, and contractors is
a key aspect of the department's responsibilities. This includes assessing supplier
performance, negotiating contracts, and ensuring timely delivery of goods and services.
3. Inventory Management: The department oversees the management of inventory levels
and the tracking of assets and supplies to ensure that there are sufficient resources
available to meet the assembly's needs while avoiding excess or obsolete inventory.
4. Logistics and Distribution: Coordinating the transportation, distribution, and delivery of
goods and services to various departments and offices within the county assembly is a
crucial task. This ensures that resources are available where and when they are needed.
5. Compliance and Legal Requirements: Ensuring compliance with all relevant laws,
regulations, and policies related to procurement and supply chain management is a
fundamental responsibility of the department. This includes adhering to ethical standards
and promoting transparency in procurement processes.
6. Budgeting and Cost Control: The department plays a role in budget planning related to
supply chain activities, as well as cost control measures to optimize the use of resources
within the assembly's financial constraints.
7. Documentation and Records Management: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records
related to procurement activities, contracts, and supplier information is essential for
transparency and accountability.
8. Supplier Diversity and Inclusivity: Encouraging supplier diversity and inclusivity by
considering bids from a wide range of vendors, including minority-owned and women-
owned businesses, helps promote equitable economic opportunities.
9. Risk Management: Assessing and mitigating risks associated with supply chain activities,
such as supply disruptions or quality issues, is vital to maintaining uninterrupted
assembly operations.
10. Continuous Improvement: The department continuously evaluates and improves supply
chain processes and practices to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall

The Department of Supply Chain Management collaborates with other departments within the
county assembly, as well as with external agencies and suppliers, to ensure the assembly's needs
are met efficiently and responsibly. Its role is crucial in supporting the county assembly's mission
of providing effective governance and public service delivery to the residents of the county.

General activities undertaken in the county assembly

At the county assembly, various activities are undertaken to fulfill the legislative, oversight, and
representation roles of the assembly within the county's jurisdiction. These activities are aimed at
ensuring effective governance, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of the local
population. While specific activities may vary depending on the country's governance system
and the county's functions, here are some general activities commonly undertaken at the county

1. Legislative Functions: The assembly is responsible for enacting laws and by-laws that
govern various aspects of county affairs, such as governance structures, public service
provision, land use, and local economic development.
2. Oversight and Accountability: The assembly exercises oversight over the executive arm
of the county government to ensure that it operates within the law and adheres to
budgetary allocations. This includes scrutinizing executive decisions, programs, and
3. Budget Approval: The assembly reviews and approves the county's annual budget,
ensuring that financial resources are allocated appropriately to meet the needs of the
county residents.
4. Committee Work: The assembly establishes committees to delve into specific issues or
sectors, such as finance, health, education, and agriculture. These committees conduct
inquiries, make recommendations, and contribute to the assembly's decision-making
5. Public Participation: The assembly encourages public participation in its proceedings,
allowing citizens to contribute to discussions, raise concerns, and provide feedback on
legislative matters and county policies.
6. County Development Planning: The assembly participates in the formulation and
approval of the county's development plans and budgets, ensuring alignment with the
needs and priorities of the local population.
7. Representation: Members of the county assembly (MCAs) represent their respective
constituencies and advocate for the interests and concerns of their constituents during
assembly sessions and committee meetings.
8. Debates and Resolutions: Assembly sessions involve debates and discussions on various
matters, leading to the adoption of resolutions, which guide the county government's
actions and policies.
9. Reports and Proceedings: The assembly keeps records of its proceedings, including
minutes of sessions, committee reports, and decisions taken during plenary meetings.
10. Civic Education: The assembly may engage in civic education programs to raise
awareness among the public about its functions, the roles of elected representatives, and
citizen participation in the governance process.
11. Interactions with Stakeholders: The assembly may engage with various stakeholders,
such as civil society organizations, the private sector, and community groups, to gather
input and build partnerships.
12. Dispute Resolution: In some cases, the assembly may serve as a platform for dispute
resolution between different parties within the county.

These activities collectively contribute to the assembly's role in facilitating democratic

governance, fostering citizen participation, and ensuring the effective administration of the
county's affairs. The assembly's work is guided by principles of transparency, accountability, and
responsiveness to the needs of the local population it serves.

Specific activities undertaken at the county assembly during the attachment

As a supply chain management attachee at the county assembly, I was involved in various
activities that provided hands-on learning and practical experience in supply chain management
within the public sector. The specific activities I took varied depending on the department's
needs and the projects I was assigned. Here are some specific activities I was engaged in
1. Procurement Support: Assisting in the procurement process, including preparing
procurement documents, conducting market research, and compiling information for bid
2. Vendor Management: Participating in vendor assessment and performance evaluation to
ensure that suppliers meet the assembly's quality standards and deliver goods and services
on time.
3. Inventory Tracking: Assisting in tracking inventory levels, monitoring stock movement,
and ensuring adequate stock levels for various departments within the county assembly.
4. Logistics Coordination: Participating in logistics and distribution activities, ensuring
timely delivery of goods to the assembly's different offices and departments.
5. Compliance and Documentation: Helping to ensure compliance with procurement laws,
regulations, and ethical standards, and assisting in maintaining accurate procurement
records and documentation.
6. Data Analysis: Assisting in data collection and analysis related to supply chain metrics,
such as procurement lead times, inventory turnover, and cost analysis.
7. Budgeting and Cost Control: Learning about budget planning and cost control measures
within the supply chain department.
8. Staff Meetings and Workshops: Attending departmental meetings and workshops to learn
from experienced supply chain professionals and contribute to discussions.
9. Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Collaborating with other departments within the
county assembly to understand their supply chain needs and provide support accordingly.
10. Reporting and Presentation: Assisting in preparing reports and presentations on supply
chain activities, including key performance indicators and project updates.
11. Learning and Professional Development: Actively seeking opportunities to learn and
grow in the field of supply chain management by engaging with mentors and seeking
feedback from supervisors.

1. Procurement Processes: Understanding the various stages of the procurement process,

including requisition, tendering, evaluation, contract award, and contract management.
2. Vendor Management: Developing skills in evaluating and managing vendors,
conducting due diligence, and negotiating contracts.
3. Inventory Management: Learning to manage and control inventory levels, ensuring
timely replenishment while minimizing excess stock.
4. Budgeting and Cost Control: Gaining experience in budgeting for procurement
activities and cost control measures to optimize spending.
5. Policy and Regulatory Compliance: Understanding relevant procurement laws,
regulations, and policies applicable to the county assembly and ensuring compliance with
6. Data Analysis and Reporting: Developing proficiency in data analysis to make
informed decisions and preparing reports on procurement activities and performance.
7. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with supply chain
activities, such as supply disruptions or vendor non-compliance.
8. Contract Negotiation: Acquiring negotiation skills to secure favorable terms and
conditions in contracts with suppliers and service providers.
9. Ethics and Integrity: Fostering a strong sense of ethics and integrity in handling
procurement processes and avoiding conflicts of interest.
10. Communication Skills: Improving interpersonal and communication skills when liaising
with vendors, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
11. Time Management: Learning to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively to meet
procurement deadlines.
12. Problem-Solving: Developing the ability to analyze complex procurement challenges
and find practical solutions.
13. Adaptability and Resilience: Cultivating adaptability and resilience in dealing with
changing situations and overcoming obstacles in the supply chain.
14. Sustainability Awareness: Understanding the importance of sustainable procurement
practices and considering environmental and social impacts in supply chain decisions.
15. Project Management: Gaining exposure to project management principles, especially in
handling procurement aspects of various projects.



As a supply chain management attaché in the county assembly, I was engaged in various
activities and projects where I applied my skills for the benefit of the organization. Some of these
activities included:

1. Procurement Planning: Assisting in the development of procurement plans for the

county assembly's various departments, ensuring that goods and services are acquired
efficiently and cost-effectively.
2. Vendor Evaluation and Selection: Conducting research and assessments of potential
vendors, evaluating their capabilities, pricing, and overall suitability to meet the county
assembly's needs.
3. Tendering and Bid Evaluation: Participating in the tendering process, managing bid
submissions, and assisting in the evaluation of bids to ensure compliance with
procurement guidelines and selecting the best-value suppliers.
4. Contract Management: Assisting in the management of contracts with vendors and
service providers, ensuring that all parties fulfill their obligations and that the county
assembly's interests are protected.
5. Inventory Management: Contributing to the management of inventory levels, ensuring
that essential supplies are always available while minimizing excess stock and potential
6. Budget Monitoring and Cost Control: Supporting the tracking of procurement
expenses against budgets, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and recommending
strategies to optimize spending.

Establishing contacts during the supply chain management attachment at the county assembly
can be incredibly valuable for the student's future career and professional development. To make
the most of these contacts, the student should implement a well-thought-out strategy. Here's a
plan to effectively utilize the contacts:

1. Maintain Communication: After the attachment period ends, it's essential to maintain
regular communication with the contacts. Connect with them on professional platforms
like LinkedIn and ensure you have their updated contact information.
2. Express Gratitude: Send personalized thank-you notes or emails to express gratitude for
the opportunity to work with them during the attachment. Showing appreciation can leave
a positive impression.
3. Request Feedback: Reach out to my contacts and request feedback on my performance
during the attachment. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for
improvement and make necessary adjustments.
4. Seek Guidance and Mentorship: If there are specific individuals within the county
assembly whom you admire or feel connected to, don't hesitate to ask for guidance or
mentorship. They may be willing to share their expertise and offer valuable insights.
5. Stay Updated on Opportunities: Keep an eye on job openings, internships, or other
opportunities within the county assembly or related organizations. Your contacts may
inform you of relevant vacancies or projects.
6. Attend Industry Events: If there are any conferences, workshops, or networking events
related to supply chain management or public administration, try to attend them. Let your
contacts know about your interest, and they may help you connect with other
7. Offer Assistance: If I may come across any news or information that might be helpful to
your contacts, share it with them. Offering assistance and being helpful can strengthen
your relationship with them.
8. Share Relevant Updates: If I have achieved any milestones or completed any significant
projects related to supply chain management, share the updates with your contacts. This
will showcase your progress and expertise.


As an attaché at the county assembly, I made various observations and critiques during my time
working in the supply chain management department. Some of these observations and critiques

1. Procurement Processes: Identifying inefficiencies or bottlenecks in the procurement

processes, such as delays in approvals, unclear procurement guidelines, or cumbersome
2. Transparency and Accountability: Noticing areas where transparency and
accountability in procurement practices could be improved, such as limited access to
procurement information or lack of clear audit trails.
3. Vendor Selection: Observing instances of vendor favoritism or lack of objective criteria
in the selection of suppliers, which may lead to suboptimal decisions.
4. Contract Management: Noting issues in contract management, such as contracts
without clear performance indicators or inadequate monitoring of contract deliverables.
5. Budgeting and Cost Control: Identifying opportunities to optimize budget allocation
and improve cost control measures, ensuring that procurement activities align with the
county assembly's financial goals.
6. Ethical Concerns: Raising concerns about potential ethical violations, such as conflicts
of interest or non-compliance with procurement regulations.
7. Supplier Diversity: Noticing a lack of supplier diversity in procurement practices, which
may limit opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses.
8. Training and Capacity Building: Observing the need for training and capacity building
among staff involved in procurement processes to enhance their skills and knowledge.
9. Technology and Automation: Critiquing the limited use of technology and automation
in procurement, which could streamline processes and reduce manual errors.
10. Risk Management: Identifying potential risks in the supply chain and procurement
activities, and suggesting strategies to mitigate those risks.
11. Sustainability Practices: Noting the absence of sustainable procurement practices, such
as considering environmental and social impacts in procurement decisions.
12. Communication and Collaboration: Observing areas where communication and
collaboration between different departments or stakeholders could be improved to
enhance procurement outcomes.
13. Data Analysis and Reporting: Identifying gaps in data analysis and reporting practices,
which may hinder evidence-based decision-making.
14. Compliance with Regulations: Critiquing the adherence to relevant procurement laws
and regulations, highlighting areas that require attention to avoid legal issues.
15. Resource Optimization: Observing opportunities to optimize the use of resources, such
as centralizing procurement activities or leveraging bulk purchasing.


During the attachment as a supply chain management student at the county assembly, I had the
opportunity to gain practical experience and insights into the procurement processes and
operations within a governmental organization. Throughout the attachment period, I actively
participated in various procurement activities, including vendor evaluation, contract
management, and budget monitoring. I also had the chance to interact with different
stakeholders, which allowed me to understand the complexities of supply chain management in a
public sector setting.

During my time at the county assembly, I made several valuable observations and critiques.
These included identifying areas of improvement in procurement processes, such as streamlining
paperwork, enhancing transparency, and implementing technology to improve efficiency. I also
noticed the importance of incorporating sustainability practices in procurement decisions and the
need for better supplier diversity to promote local businesses.


My attachment at the county assembly was a rewarding and enriching experience that deepened
my understanding of supply chain management in the public sector. It provided me with valuable
practical skills, such as vendor evaluation, contract management, and budget control, which will
undoubtedly be beneficial for my future career in this field.

The observations and critiques I made during the attachment allowed me to identify areas where
the county assembly could enhance its procurement practices to achieve better outcomes. By
offering constructive recommendations, I aimed to contribute to the continuous improvement and
effectiveness of the supply chain management processes within the organization.
Overall, the attachment has strengthened my passion for supply chain management and
motivated me to pursue a career in this dynamic and critical field. I am grateful for the
opportunity to have worked alongside dedicated professionals at the county assembly, and I am
confident that the knowledge and experiences gained during this attachment will serve as a solid
foundation for my future endeavors in supply chain management.


1. Logbook
2. Daily Diary

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