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HIGH 79, LOW 69 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023 ☆☆R $1.50


‘D.C.’ to the Trump pleads not guilty on ‘sad day’

rescue for
Burisma Capitol riot case
poised to put free
troubles political speech in
Biden kept name America on trial
out of dealings BY JEFF MORDOCK
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Former President Donald Trump
pleaded not guilty Thursday to federal
Former Biden family business associ- charges of attempting to subvert the
ate Devon Archer told House investiga- will of voters and remain in power after
tors that executives at the Ukrainian his 2020 election loss — a case poised
energy firm Burisma were desperate for to change America’s legal and political
President Biden’s help in tamping down landscape for decades to come.
a state-run corruption probe into their Appearing in the E. Barrett Prettyman
company and asked Hunter Biden to call U.S. Courthouse just blocks from the U.S.
his father, then the vice president. Capitol, Mr. Trump said he didn’t break
Hunter Biden, who at the time was the law. A pro-Trump mob stormed the
collecting a $1 million annual salary as Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, moments after a
a member of the Burisma board, rang up rally where Mr. Trump claimed he won
his father, whom he often referred to as the election.
“my guy,” at the request of Burisma Presi-   “Not guilty,” Mr. Trump told U.S.
dent Mykola Zlochevsky and another Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya as
top Burisma official, Vadym Pozharskyi. he stood by the defendant’s desk. His at-
The vice president was not men- torney, John Lauro, who was standing in
tioned by name, Archer said. front of the judge, nodded in agreement.
“It was always this amorphous, ‘Can After his court appearance, Mr.
we get help in D.C.?’” he recalled. Trump called the federal charges against
The description of the call, which ASSOCIATED PRESS
him a political “persecution.”
took place in December 2015 at the DEMOCRACY DEBATE: Former President Donald Trump is facing more serious charges in his latest indictment than he has in “It’s a sad day for America,” Mr.
Four Seasons Hotel in Dubai, was part his other two legal battles. A conviction would set a high-stakes precedent for U.S. presidents who make false or dubious claims. Trump said in brief remarks on the
of a four-hour deposition that Archer tarmac at Ronald Reagan Washington
provided in a transcribed interview National Airport, where his Boeing 757
with House lawmakers this week. The INVESTIGATION was waiting to spirit him away from

Former president gets hit with charges

transcript was obtained by The Wash- Washington.
ington Times. Mr. Trump, 77, called the indictment,
Archer, who is facing a yearlong his third in four months, “a persecu-

whenever Biden family incriminated

prison sentence for an unrelated securi- tion of a political opponent [and] the
ties fraud conviction, was once Hunter persecution of the person that’s lead-
Biden’s best friend and closest business ing by very, very substantial numbers
partner. The two founded the Rosemont in the Republican primary and leading
Seneca investment firm and served to- BY JEFF MORDOCK criminal counts in connection with his of a Ukrainian energy company pres- Biden by a lot.”
gether on the Burisma board. THE WASHINGTON TIMES efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 sured Hunter Biden to enlist U.S. support Mr. Trump, the undisputed leader
Archer said he was not near Hunter presidential election. for ousting the prosecutor investigating in the Republican presidential primary
Biden when he and the Burisma execu- Each federal indictment against for- The indictment was revealed a day the company for corruption. The execu- and a neck-and-neck competitor against
tive called “D.C.” mer President Donald Trump has been after Devon Archer, a former business tive allegedly told an FBI informant that President Biden, said: “So if you can’t
He said he learned that Hunter Biden revealed on the same day or soon after partner of Hunter Biden, testified that he was “coerced” into paying $10 million beat him, you persecute him or you
phoned his father when Mr. Pozharskyi a congressional investigation makes sig- President Biden spoke to his son’s busi- in bribes to Mr. Biden and his son. prosecuted him. We can’t let this happen
told him about it the next day. nificant findings about the Biden family ness associates nearly two dozen times. “It is no coincidence that every time in America.”
“I did not hear this phone call, but he finances, and some Republicans say the The testimony directly contradicted Mr. House Republicans’ investigations into Earlier, Mr. Trump sat in the court-
called his dad,” Archer said. timing is more than a coincidence. Biden’s claims that he had no knowledge the Biden family influence peddling room flanked by his two attorneys, Mr.
On Tuesday, special counsel Jack about his son’s business dealings.
» see BIDEN | A5 Smith indicted Mr. Trump on four federal Archer also testified that the executive » see INDICT | A4 » see TRUMP | A4


Saudi Arabia China meddling in vote

snubs Russia in to ‘hollow out Taiwan’
30-nation forum Pushes for favorable president or war
seeking peace BY GUY TAYLOR the election to seat a president who will
push the island toward unification with
BY GUY TAYLOR the communist mainland.
THE WASHINGTON TIMES China’s ruling Communist Party is Chinese officials are engaged in a
preparing for war over Taiwan, but Presi- campaign to “manipulate [the election]
Saudi Arabia is hosting an unusual gathering of dent Xi Jinping would much rather take in their favor,” said Mr. Sauer, a retired
top security officials from some 30 nations, includ- control of the U.S.-backed island democ- CIA officer who served in multiple over-
ing the United States, for a Ukraine-led summit racy without a military clash. seas command positions in East Asia and
this weekend to discuss potential pathways toward His plan, for now, is to tilt the Tai- South Asia.
negotiations to end Russia’s occupation of Ukrai- wanese presidential election in January Beijing will expand its operation
nian territory. in Beijing’s favor. using “a combination of information
The catch is Russia isn’t invited to the gather- That’s the assessment of David Sauer, warfare, military intimidation, political
ing. Analysts say talks are likely to anchor around ASSOCIATED PRESS
a former U.S. intelligence officer with and economic manipulation,” he said
Ukrainian and U.S. efforts to persuade key non- LONG-SHOT HOPES: Taiwan has significantly advanced its defensive deep experience in the region. He said during an appearance this week on “The
aligned countries from the so-called Global South capabilities in recent years, a former U.S. intelligence officer analysts says, China’s strategy is to “hollow out Taiwan
to publicly back Kyiv’s position on peace talks. but its military “doesn’t really stand a chance” against a Chinese invasion. from within” and “create chaos” around » see TAIWAN | A5
China, which has offered rhetorical support for
the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin
and has unsuccessfully pushed its peace initiative
in recent months, is among the countries sending SUPREME COURT
representatives to the Saudi city of Jeddah. India,
another major power that has hedged its bets in
the nearly 18-month-old war, said Wednesday that
it would attend.
‘Test case’ for disabilities act looks to be woman’s last
Regional experts say Saudi Arabia is using the BY ALEX SWOYER files lawsuits against the hotels. case is bad because the lawyer formerly handling it
meeting to underscore its rising status as a global THE WASHINGTON TIMES She says she is trying to force compliance. She has been sanctioned by a federal judge in Maryland
diplomatic broker. The gathering will mark the has filed more than 600 complaints, reached settle- over his approach to cases.
second time in as many months that various nations Deborah Laufer has finally found a case she ments and then collected costs and attorneys’ fees. Julianna Acheson, owner of Acheson Hotels LLC,
have discussed a 10-point peace plan that Ukrainian doesn’t want a court to hear. Opponents say her string of lawsuits is a cash said Ms. Laufer fears that the Supreme Court will
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy put forward late The disabled Florida woman has made a career grab. end her moneymaking operation.
last year. out of the Americans with Disabilities Act by surf- Now, Ms. Laufer is asking the Supreme Court “Having filed several hundred lawsuits, Laufer’s
The Zelenskyy government held a meeting in ing the internet to find hotels she says don’t meet not to hear her latest case: a challenge to a chain of sudden desire to conserve judicial resources is
the law’s standards for online information about hotels in Maine that refused to settle.
» see SUMMIT | A5 accommodations for disabled patrons. Then she Through her attorney’s court filing, she said the » see COURT | A7


IRS lost shipments Texas attorney general’s U.S. military mulls Commanders’ owner
with U.S. taxpayers’ securities fraud case placing troops on strait use of ‘Redskins’ spurs
private information. A3 delayed again. A6 to halt Iran attacks. A8 name speculation. B10 7 02803 87040 7

INDEX Commentary B1 | Comics B8 | Dear Abby B7 | Editorials B2 | Horoscope B7 | Inside the Beltway A2 | Letters B2 | Life B7 | Nation A6 | Politics A3 | Puzzles B8 | Region A10 | Sports B10 | World A8

that,” Mr. DeSantis replied. “The findings can help with future public
NS THE “Live Free or Die” is New Hampshire’s state health messaging and vaccination campaigns. It

motto, adopted in 1945.


also offers a unique perspective in vaccine hesi-
tancy research, a field that has largely focused on
political affiliation,” the research also stated.

The indictment of former President Donald

Trump this week was a signal for ABC, CBS and
NBC to offer nonstop coverage of the event Tues- For sale: The Francis C. Wilson House, a
“In the wake of the latest indictment of Presi- day evening and Wednesday morning. Pueblo Revival adobe-and-wood home built on
dent Trump by the Biden administration, I found “They spent a whopping 70 minutes and 41 one “lush and landscaped acre” in 1910 in Santa
myself thinking, man, I’d love to hear what Rush seconds obsessing over the charges filed against Fe, New Mexico; 5,400 square feet. Four bed-
would say about this,” wrote Matt Margolis, a ASSOCIATED PRESS
Trump related to the January 6 riot and claims rooms, four baths, sauna, living room, dining
columnist for the news and opinion site PJ Media. columnist Matt Margolis wonders about the 2020 election,” wrote Curtis Houck, room with ceiling mural, five fireplaces, original
He is, of course, referring to the late Rush Lim- what the late talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh managing editor of, a conser- flooring and woodwork, eat-in gourmet kitchen,
baugh, whose daily radio talk show drew (pictured) would have thought of the indictment of vative press watchdog. game room, sunroom, office. Manicured grounds
15.5 million listeners a week. former President Donald Trump this week. “All three networks were within two minutes with gravel, desert plantings, outdoor dining area
“What would Rush have said? Well, we don’t of each other — with NBC at 22 minutes and 17 with fireplace, hot tub and greenhouse, mountain
really have to wonder. In one of his last episodes seconds, CBS at 23 minutes and 28 seconds, and views, two-car garage and stone garden shed.
before his death, Limbaugh predicted that Demo- Hampshire, on Thursday to appear before Gran- then ABC on top at 24 minutes and 56 seconds,” Priced at $3.3 million through SothebysRealty.
crats would attempt to prevent Donald Trump ite State voters organized by WMUR, an ABC Mr. Houck said, also citing NBC’s “Today” com; enter 202334926 in the search function.
from becoming president again by indicting him,” affiliate. co-host Savannah Guthrie — who called the
Mr. Margolis said. One audience member was curious: What did indictment-related events “historic.”
And here is what Limbaugh predicted on Jan.
the term “woke” mean to the Republican presi-
8, 2021, about Mr. Trump and the Democrats’ pos- dential hopeful? • 47% of U.S. adults say illegal immigration in
sible intentions:
“Woke is a form of cultural Marxism. It’s about the U.S. as a whole is “very serious.”
“I know they desperately want Donald Trump taking individuality, merit and achievement and Which types of personalities were more • 78% of Republicans, 43% of independents
gone and I know that they desperately want it subordinating that to a political agenda based on hesitant about COVID-19 vaccination at the and 23% of Democrats agree.
codified that Trump cannot run again because identity politics. It is effectively displacing the pandemic’s peak? Surprisingly enough, extroverts • 23% say illegal immigration is “somewhat
make no mistake, they remain scared to death of truth in favor of ideology,” Mr. DeSantis replied. were the most eager to avoid the shot, according serious.”
you and they remain scared to death of Trump Another voter inquired about personal insults to a study released this week by the University of • 14% of Republicans, 25% of independents
— and your 75 million, or 80 million votes. And on a debate stage. Texas at El Paso. and 27% of Democrats agree.
I’m going to tell you, you’re not going anywhere,” ”That behavior will cause us to lose. There are “We expected that people who were especially • 18% say it is a “minor problem.”
Limbaugh told his listeners, assuring his them millions of voters out there who do not like what high in extroversion would be more likely to get • 5% of Republicans, 15% of independents and
that their loyalty would remain steadfast. President Biden is doing to this country. They do the vaccine. We figured those people would want 33% of Democrats agree.
“They can’t separate you from Trump, and not like the direction the country is going in. But to get back out in the world and socialize, right? • 4% say it is “not a problem.”
more importantly, they can’t separate you from they aren’t going to sign up for a candidate who is It’s actually the opposite,” Melissa Baker, lead • 0% of Republicans, 7% of independents and
the ideas. They can’t separate you from MAGA. behaving badly,” the candidate declared. author and an assistant professor of political sci- 6% of Democrats agree.
They can’t separate you from Make America “Let’s be better. Let’s look higher, and let’s set a ence, said in a written statement. • 8% are “not sure” if illegal immigration is a
Great Again, which I think remains one of our big good standard for our children to follow,” he said. The study was based on a survey of 40,000 problem or not.
campaign strengths going forward,” he said. One voter asked whether the governor would Canadian adults conducted from November 2020 • 2% of Republicans, 10% of independents and
support concealed carry of permitted guns to July 2021. Questions gauged the “openness, 10% of Democrats agree.
nationwide. conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness
‘LIVE FREE OR DIE, MAN’ “Yes. Live free or die, man. Come on. This is a and emotional stability” of the respondents, said

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took some Sun- constitutional right. You’re here in New Hamp- the research, published in the journal Frontiers in Contact Jennifer Harper at jharper@washington
shine State gumption to Manchester, New shire. New Hampshire has been very clear on Psychology,

U.S. adults view
Agency levies largest fine in its history
For the largest robocall operation the Federal
Communications Commission has ever busted,
only the largest fine ever would do, the agency
announced Thursday.
as unethical
The fine didn’t quite reach the $300 million
mark, instead reaching the sum of $299,997,000. Republican results
Starting in 2018, the Sumco Panama operation,
which also went by multiple other names, used drive Biden’s low marks
spam calls to sell vehicle-service contracts over
the phone. More than 5 billion robocalls were BY SEAN SALAI
sent to 500 million numbers using over 1 million THE WASHINGTON TIMES
caller IDs over just a three-month span in 2021.
In doing so, the scheme broke several robocall Most adults responding to the Gallup poll see
regulations, including making pre-recorded voice the Biden administration as unethical, driven by
calls without prior consent, making telemar- historically low marks from Republicans.
keting calls without written consent, calling The polling company  reported  Thursday that
numbers on the Do Not Call registry, and using ASSOCIATED PRESS
55% of respondents to a survey found the ethics of
misleading caller IDs. “At first, I wasn’t sure, but I have come to believe he knew well he had lost the election,” former “top Biden administration officials” to be “poor” or
— Brad Matthews Attorney General William Barr said of former President Donald Trump. “not good,” compared to 42% who described them
as “good” or “excellent.” The remainder — about
That’s the second-worst moral assessment since
Appeals court lets asylum limits stand Barr says Trump knew he had lost election, but made fraud claims anyway the polling company first asked about the Reagan
An appeals court Thursday allowed a rule Former Attorney General William Barr guilty Thursday afternoon. administration in 1983. The worst was the Trump
restricting asylum at the southern border to stay says he thinks former President Donald The indictment says that Mr. Trump administration, whose ethics earned a positive rat-
in place. Trump knew he lost the 2020 election but used false claims of fraud to cajole state and ing from 37% and 38% of adults responding to two
The decision is a major win for the Biden ad- pursued efforts to overturn the results federal lawmakers to take steps to overturn separate polls during his term in office.
ministration, which had argued that the rule was anyway. the 2020 election results in key states. In the latest poll, Gallup noted that only 6% of
integral to its efforts to maintain order along the “At first, I wasn’t sure, but I have come to Mr. Trump’s lawyers plan to defend Republicans viewed the ethics of the Biden adminis-
U.S.-Mexico border. believe he knew well he had lost the elec- his actions as being protected by the First tration positively, compared with 84% of Democrats
The new rule makes it extremely difficult for tion,” Mr. Barr told CNN. Amendment, though Mr. Barr cast doubt on and 41% of independents. 
people to be granted asylum unless they first seek Mr. Barr, who led the Justice Department that strategy. Gallup said the low marks from Republicans sug-
protection in a country they’re traveling through under Mr. Trump from February 2019 to “As the indictment says, they are not at- gest they do not believe Mr. Biden has kept promises
on their way to the U.S. or apply online. It in- December 2020, offered his view on the eve tacking his First Amendment right,” he said. he made after taking office “by signing an executive
cludes room for exceptions and does not apply to of the ex-president’s arraignment on charges “He can say whatever he wants, he can even order on ethics, committing his administration to
children traveling alone. he entered a conspiracy to defraud the U.S. lie. He can even tell people that the election certain high standards in doing the public’s business
The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court and obstructed official proceedings. was stolen when he knew better. But that and avoiding personal conflicts of interest.”
of Appeals grants a temporary reprieve from a Mr. Trump traveled from Bedminster, does not protect you from entering into a “Republicans’ extraordinarily low confidence in
lower court decision that had found the policy New Jersey, to Washington to appear at a conspiracy.” Biden administration ethics could also be connected
illegal and ordered the government to end it by federal courthouse, where he pleaded not — Tom Howell Jr. to IRS whistleblower claims about FBI and Justice
this coming Monday. Department favoritism toward the president’s son,
The government had gone quickly to the ap- Hunter Biden, in their investigations of him for
peals court asking for the rule to be allowed to federal corruption, as well as tax and gun crimes,”
remain in use while the larger court battles sur- and the committee’s chairman, said America on how to proceed, suggesting the high court is Gallup said.
rounding its legality play out. must prioritize protecting technology residing in grappling with public concerns over its ethics While members of the opposite party tend to
— Associated Press Iowa’s cornfields as much as it does Silicon Val- practices. view an administration’s ethics negatively, the
ley’s research labs. “It’s not a secret for me to say that we have company noted that this year’s 6% rating from Re-
ESPIONAGE “The U.S. technological ecosystem is a bucket been discussing this issue. And it won’t be a sur- publicans hit a new bottom for partisan divisions.
that currently has massive holes in the bottom prise to know that the nine of us have a variety of Before the Trump administration, the lowest rat-
Panel warns of China threat to farmers and we continue to pour billions and billions of views about this,” she said Thursday at a judicial ing in the Gallup trend occurred in 2013, when 50%
House lawmakers are digging into the theft R&D dollars into it every year,” he said. conference in Portland, Oregon. of those surveyed expressed a favorable view of the
of critical technology from Iowa farmers as part — Ryan Lovelace Justice Kagan said the court could draft Obama administration’s ethics. The best rating came
of a growing examination of American research and adopt its own code of conduct, which in 2002, when 74% of all adults surveyed viewed the
stolen by China. SUPREME COURT some Democrats in Congress have considered George W. Bush administration as highly ethical in
House Select Committee on the Chinese passing. the wake of the 2001 terror attacks.
Communist Party lawmakers visited Iowa on
Kagan says binding ethics code needed Such a move, she said, would do away with According to the company, the 42% of adults who
Thursday to learn about China’s agricultural-tech Justice Elena Kagan publicly declared her sup- questions over whether Congress has the power expressed a favorable view of the Biden administra-
espionage efforts. port for an ethics code for the Supreme Court but to impose ethics rules on the high court. tion’s ethics nearly matched the 40% approval rating
Rep. Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin Republican said there was no consensus among the justices — Associated Press the president received in the same poll.

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IRS lost shipments

holding taxpayers’
private information
Report finds hundreds of examples
THE WASHINGTON TIMES In some of the other cases the IRS
said it later found the package, or the data
Sometimes the IRS needs to send it sent was encrypted on an electronic
taxpayers’ documents from one location device, so no information could be lost.
to another. The documents don’t always But there were seven packages — or
get there. 14% of the cases — where the agency said
An inspector general, in a new report it couldn’t offer assistance to the affected
Thursday, found hundreds of examples taxpayers because it couldn’t even figure
of the IRS losing taxpayers’ documents out who they were.
in shipments over nearly three years The inspector general scolded the
beginning in 2019. agency, saying that amid the growing
Worse, the agency didn’t always no- threat of identity theft it is “critical”
tify the taxpayers that it lost their data, that the IRS figure out how to identify
nor did it offer monitoring services to and notify every person whose data the
“We will obviously continue to assess the challenges. We are vigilant to threats, and we won’t take things off the table,” said Brian help the taxpayers recover from the agency loses.
Janovitz, a trade official. “We will take responses as necessary to meet the challenges of protecting workers against unfair trade.” breach, the Treasury Inspector General The IRS contracts with a private
for Tax Administration said. delivery service to ship documents be-
Sometimes the agency couldn’t even tween its processing facilities in Austin,
TRANSPORTATION figure out whose information was lost, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri, and Ogden,
because the IRS’ record-keeping was so Utah. Each package is supposed to have a

Trade official says U.S. aware of threat bad. Other times the agency concluded
that the lost records related to a busi-
form detailing the contents and tracking
send and receipt.

China poses to electric vehicle market

ness, which the IRS decided presented When a package is lost, the agency is
a low risk and so they didn’t deserve supposed to evaluate the risk, assigning
identity protection and credit monitor- each case a rating of low, moderate or
ing services. high impact.
BY RAMSEY TOUCHBERRY skirt tariffs by using operations in other 100 countries … The only market we’re “The IRS is not adhering to its own High-impact cases are supposed to be
THE WASHINGTON TIMES countries to export vehicles. seeing where Chinese have not yet really internal guidelines when sending large offered identity protection and monitor-
President Biden’s recent handling of begun a big assault is right here in the volumes of sensitive taxpayer informa- ing services.
A top U.S. trade official said Thursday a separate trade issue with China raised United States.” tion to and from its Tax Processing Cen- When investigators visited the three
the Biden administration is acutely aware questions about the steps he’s willing Mr. Dunne said there are three main ters,” the inspector general concluded. processing sites last year, they inspected
of threats posed by China as America to take when forced to choose between barriers to entry in the U.S. for Chinese The revelations come at a crucial 71 packages with “large quantities of
looks to ditch gas guzzlers in favor of bolstering his green energy agenda and automakers, two of which were cited time for the IRS, which has been facing sensitive taxpayer information” that
climate-friendly electric vehicles. being tough on China. by Mr. Janovitz as tools the administra- intense attacks from Republicans who were either coming in or going out. In
Brian Janovitz, chief counsel for Despite later determining that Chi- tion is currently relying on: the 27.5% say the agency is unfair, intrusive and the vast majority of cases, employees
China Trade Enforcement in the Office of nese solar panel companies flouted vehicle tariff, the inability to qualify for reckless. failed to finish Form 3210.
the U.S. Trade Representative, said there U.S. trade laws by funneling products tax subsidies and the highest U.S.-China GOP lawmakers are battling to claw Sometimes the forms were incom-
are levels of defense the U.S. has against through Southeast Asian countries, Mr. political tensions in decades. back tens of billions of dollars that Presi- plete. Other times they were left out
the communist nation from spreading its Biden kept in place a two-year tariff “There’s no question that Chinese dent Biden and the Democrat-led Con- entirely.
EV influence, including a 27.5% tariff on pause on such products to prop up automakers are saying, ‘we’re sitting gress pumped into the IRS in last year’s Without that information, the IRS can
Chinese-made vehicles and new tax in- domestic solar projects with a cheap on practically half the world’s capacity budget-climate legislation. struggle to figure out whose data it lost.
centives to bolster domestic production. foreign supply source. for making vehicles, we’ve got to find IRS officials are battling to keep the Investigators recounted one lost pack-
“We will obviously continue to as- The move prompted some Demo- new markets for them in Europe and money. In their official reply to the in- age that contained a whistleblower case
sess the challenges. We are vigilant to crats in Congress to side with Re- the United States,’ ” he said. “There’s an spector general, they said that cash will file. Another lost package’s contents were
threats, and we won’t take things off the publicans on legislation to end the enormous new push out of China.” help them improve their systems and so sensitive that it was redacted in the
table,” Mr. Janovitz said during a virtual tariff suspension, but the measure was From a trade enforcement standpoint, should help lessen the risk of losing inspector general’s public report.
event held by the Washington Inter- vetoed by Mr. Biden. Mr. Janovitz said China’s EV threat is taxpayers’ information in the mail. The IRS’s rules also call for managers
national Trade Association. “We will Michael Dunne, founder of the Cali- why the administration is looking to Just before the inspector general’s to do quarterly audits of the package pro-
take responses as necessary to meet the fornia-based EV and autonomous vehicle beef up its supply chain. This includes new report went public, the IRS an- cess, but the processing centers weren’t
challenges of protecting workers against consulting firm ZoZoGo, warned during Democrats’ tax-and-climate spending nounced it would use some of the cash following through.
unfair trade.” Thursday’s event that Chinese automak- law known as the Inflation Reduction infusion to advance its “paperless pro- One manager told the inspector gen-
A proposed rule from the Environ- ers are likely looking for ways to subvert Act, which has tax breaks for domestic cessing” initiative. The goal, officials eral they didn’t know about the rule
mental Protection Agency would force U.S. tariffs by ramping up EV produc- mineral and EV production. said, is to digitize more operations requiring the quarterly audit. Another
U.S. automakers to sell mostly EVs by tion in nearly all corners of the globe. The U.S. is also trying to determine so the average taxpayer can conduct said the audits were done “occasion-
2030, sparking concerns among the in- That includes basically everywhere but how much Beijing is behind Chinese all business electronically and never ally,” but only to make sure forms were
dustry and Republicans that such a rapid the U.S. — Southeast Asia, Europe, the automakers’ global expansion and if have to send paper — unless they still signed and not to verify the accuracy of
shift would only further solidify China’s Middle East, Africa, Mexico and South there’s a more sinister intent than meets want to. the transmission.
dominance over the global critical miner- America. the eye, such as increasing America’s The inspector general said the IRS The inspector general said the audits
als market used in EV batteries. “When we think about China’s auto- foreign dependency. flagged 599 packages that contained sen- are supposed to be a way to make sure
The U.S. EV market share was roughly motive manufacturing industry today, “Part of what we try to assess is, sitive taxpayer information that were lost no unauthorized people got a look at
7% of new cars sold in 2022. picture a modern-day Godzilla with are investments that they’re making between October 2019 and August 2022. the data.
Industry analysts are also raising the power to trample on and destroy elsewhere part of normal commercial Investigators took a deep dive into 50 Kenneth C. Corbin, the IRS’ com-
alarm bells about aggressive global ex- anything that gets in its path,” Mr. Dunne activity?” he said. “Or, does it represent of those cases and found just 18 where missioner at its wage and investment
pansion by Chinese automakers, prompt- said. “China manufactures one of every a threat that is under the thumb of the the IRS identified the taxpayers whose division, said the agency does try to
ing fears it will only become easier for three vehicles on the planet. China is Chinese government in a way that con- information was lost, notified them of protect taxpayer information it sends
China to penetrate the U.S. EV market or now the No. 1 exporter to more than tributes to that dependency?” the breach and offered them monitoring between facilities.


Emhoff offers reassurance, support to Jewish youth at summer camp

BY TOM HOWELL JR. County, Pennsylvania, where Republican recorded 3,697 antisemitic incidents in
THE WASHINGTON TIMES voters outnumbered Democrats 20,758 to the U.S. in 2022, a 36% increase from the
14,286 as of last November. 2,717 incidents it tabulated in 2021, and
MILFORD, PA. | Second gentleman While quite rural in places, the county the highest number since the league
Douglas Emhoff told Jewish youth that seat of Milford is dotted by antique started to track incidents in 1979.
the Biden White House has “got your shops and serves as a getaway spot for Mr. Emhoff said Mr. Biden and Ms.
back” during a visit to his old summer New Yorkers. Harris “really encouraged me to lean
camp Thursday as the U.S. suffers an up- Mr. Emhoff reminisced about seeing into” the fight against antisemitism, add-
tick in antisemitic incidents and waning the same friends summer after summer ing he wished it wasn’t necessary.
Democratic support for Israel. and learning to swim in the central lake He has addressed antisemitism in a
Speaking to a small circle of campers, of the camp, joking it seemed like “an speech to the U.N. and met with global
Mr. Emhoff said it is awful to see increas- ocean” when he was younger. envoys to discuss ways to combat the
ing reports of hate crimes against Jewish “This is so surreal,” he said. “I love problem.
people and antisemitic rhetoric online, this lake so much, I still think about it.” Mr. Emhoff also took a starring role
both domestically and abroad. The second gentleman is racking up in Seder and Hanukkah celebrations at
“I know it’s horrible, I know it hurts travel miles as his wife, Ms. Harris, and the White House and vice presidential
sometimes, but we got your back,” Mr. Mr. Biden perform the back half of their residence.
Emhoff said at Cedar Lake Camp, a term and gear up for a 2024 election fight. He said the most important thing
summer program for Jewish children ASSOCIATED PRESS
Mr. Emhoff visited New Zealand to for Jewish youth to remember is, “Be
and teens in northeastern Pennsylvania, “I know it’s horrible, I know it hurts sometimes, but we got your back,” second cheer on the U.S. national soccer team yourself.”
roughly 60 miles from New York City in gentleman Doug Emhoff told a group of Jewish youth at Cedar Lake Camp on at the Women’s World Cup and, on his “Chest back, chin up, and be proud
the foothills of the Pocono Mountains. Thursday. Mr. Emhoff attended the camp as a child during the 1970s. way back, became the highest-profile of who you are. Live openly and freely
“I’m going to continue to be a leader in U.S. official to visit Samoa. He will head and with joy as young Jewish people,”
this fight along with President Biden and to Rhode Island on Friday to deliver he said  at an assembly of hundreds of
Vice President Kamala Harris,” he said. Several liberal House members boy- Pramila Jayapal calling Israel a “racist remarks at a reception for one of Mr. campers.
Mr. Emhoff, who is the first Jewish cotted an address to Congress by Israeli state” as she tried to calm pro-Palestinian Biden’s political-fundraising groups. Washington’s attempts to combat the
spouse of a president or vice president, President Isaac Herzog last month, and protesters at a Chicago conference last The second gentleman has made problem have devolved into political
grew up in New Jersey and attended the tensions reached new heights when month. The Washington state Democrat combating antisemitism, in particular, infighting at times.
camp from 1975 to 1978. President Biden criticized judicial re- walked back the comments, but senior one of his key issues. He visited the GOP leaders last month held a vote
He took a trip down memory lane forms pushed by Israeli Prime Minister Democrats scrambled to distance them- Auschwitz concentration camp in Po- condemning antisemitism and making
a few weeks after Democratic leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing selves from the remark and the White land in January to meet with Holocaust it clear that Israel is not a “racist state”
worked to tamp down charges that seg- government. House said it welcomed her apology. survivors and participate in a memorial as it tried to use the Jayapal incident to
ments of their party are anti-Israel and Mr. Biden’s uncomfortable position Mr. Emhoff received a hero’s welcome service. make inroads with Jewish voters who’ve
courting antisemitism. was compounded by Democratic Rep. at the campgrounds nestled in Pike The Anti-Defamation League tended to back Democrats.


Republicans want probe of Planned Parenthood relief funds

BY ALEX MILLER first authorized by lawmakers early on distributed through the PRF, nor should for $71, while the highest was $3.08 mil- year despite the pandemic and lockdown
THE WASHINGTON TIMES in the pandemic as part of the Corona- taxpayer dollars be given toward the lion to Planned Parenthood of Northern requirements.
virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security provision of abortions.” New England, in Vermont. This was not the first time Mr. Lank-
Republican lawmakers are demand- (CARES) Act. The group did not give a timetable Part of the call for an investigation ford and fellow Republican lawmak-
ing that Planned Parenthood be investi- “If it is discovered that Planned Par- for when Ms. Grimm should respond. is to find out whether Planned Parent- ers have requested investigations into
gated for possibly falsifying or mislead- enthood intentionally falsified informa- A spokesperson for the Inspector hood used the relief money to provide Planned Parenthood receiving COVID-19
ing the federal government in requests tion on its applications, we ask that you General’s Office told The Washington abortions. The program explicitly relief funding.
for COVID-19 relief money. submit a criminal or civil referral to the Times that the office had received the required in its terms and conditions Previously, Mr. Lankford and other
Sen. James Lankford and Rep. Josh U.S. Department of Justice,” the lawmak- letter and that it is being reviewed. that PRF money cannot be used for Republican lawmakers pushed for an in-
Brecheen, both Oklahoma Republicans, ers wrote. Planned Parenthood did not return a abortions. vestigation into $80 million of Paycheck
sent the letter, which was signed by 35 The PRF was built to distribute fund- request for comment. The letter offered no financial-fin- Protection Program loans disbursed to
other GOP lawmakers, to Christi Grimm, ing to health care providers that the The money was distributed in three gerprint evidence, beyond the group’s Planned Parenthood affiliates.
the Department of Health and Human pandemic had financially hurt. The law- tranches from 2020 to 2022. Payments balance sheets and services provided The lawmakers called foul on the
Services inspector general. makers contended in their letter that from the program ceased following in general, that Planned Parenthood PPP disbursements, saying that Planned
The lawmakers requested that Ms. Planned Parenthood made $1.7 billion the passage of the debt ceiling deal had used the money specifically for Parenthood had “knowingly provided
Grimm investigate whether Planned between 2020 and 2021, and had over by Congress. In all, the program dis- abortions. false information” in applications to the
Parenthood “provided false or mis- $2.5 billion in net assets. bursed $135 billion, according to data But the lawmakers did cite a correla- Small Business Administration.
leading information” in applications “Planned Parenthood’s financial state- from the HHS. tion in their letter to Ms. Grimm, noting The Inspector General for the SBA
for over $20 million in Provider Relief ments speak for themselves,” the law- PRF money was disbursed to 34 that the organization performed 383,460 concluded after an investigation that
Funding. makers wrote. “This organization did Planned Parenthood affiliates across the abortions between 2020 and 2021, which Planned Parenthood met the PPP loan
The program, known as PRF, was not possess a financial need for funds country. The lowest disbursement was was an 8% increase from the previous requirements. 

TRUMP The statutes carry stiff penalties.

Attempting to obstruct an official
proceeding and obstructing an official
From page A1
proceeding each carry a maximum
Lauro and Todd Blanche. He listened 20-year prison sentence. Conspir-
intently and looked directly at Judge acy against rights carries a 10-year
Upadhyaya as she spoke with him. He sentence.
had a serious look on his face at the de- Although the indictment named Mr.
fendant’s table and periodically clasped Trump alone, it included six co-con-
his hands. spirators with information that makes
When the judge asked him questions, them identifiable as Trump attorneys
such as his name, his age and whether he Rudolph W. Giuliani, Sidney Powell, John
had taken any medications, Mr. Trump Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro and former
answered in a serious, somber and low- Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark.
pitched tone. A sixth co-conspirator, a political consul-
He said he had not taken any tant, has not been identifiable.
medications. The indictment creates further legal
Special counsel Jack Smith, who and political headaches for Mr. Trump
brought the Jan. 6 indictment against just as the Republican primary season
the former president, sat on a bench heats up.
behind the prosecution table and fixed ASSOCIATED PRESS
The district attorney in Fulton
his gaze on Mr. Trump. Crowds gathered Thursday outside the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse, just blocks from the site of the Jan. 6. 2021, riot, to try County, Georgia, also is investigating
Judge Upadhyaya scheduled the next to catch a glimpse of former President Donald Trump, who is accused of conspiring to subvert the 2020 election. Mr. Trump for election interference in
hearing in the case for Aug. 28. That hear- that state and could pull the trigger on an
ing will be overseen by U.S. District Judge indictment later this month. Mr. Trump
Tanya Chutkan, who was appointed by Mr. Trump nodded that he understood. cases. my election,” he wrote on social media. has denied wrongdoing in Georgia.
President Obama in 2014. Judge Chutkan At the end of the proceeding, he said, No sitting or former president had Mr. Trump was hit Tuesday with a Mr. Trump has not been damaged
has earned a reputation for issuing harsh “Thank you, your honor.” Mr. Blanche been charged with a crime until Mr. four-count indictment, setting the stage politically by his mounting legal jeop-
sentences to Jan. 6 rioters. put his arm around the former presi- Trump was indicted in New York. for a high-stakes public trial. Prosecutors ardy. His fundraising spiked after his
Mr. Lauro said there may be massive dent and escorted him away from the The Jan. 6 prosecution can have long- say he spread lies about election fraud and previous indictments, and he has por-
amounts of discovery and the defense defense table. lasting consequences for politics and the a stolen election and those lies “targeted trayed himself as a victim of a scheme
needs an estimate from prosecutors Mr. Trump flew in his jumbo jet law. Mr. Trump is facing more serious a bedrock function of the United States by Democrats to keep him from return-
about the volume of discovery, includ- Thursday from his summer home at his charges in the case than he has in his two federal government,” interfered with the ing to office.
ing documents, electronic files and any golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, other legal battles. Unlike the other two nation’s process of collecting, counting and Attorney General Merrick Garland
exculpatory evidence. to Washington for his first court ap- cases, Mr. Trump is accused of attacking certifying votes, deprived voters of their has denied such claims and defended
Prosecutor Thomas Windom seemed pearance on the Jan. 6 charges. He was democracy itself. rights and defrauded the American people. Mr. Smith’s “commitment to integrity
to suggest that Mr. Trump’s legal team processed by the U.S. Marshals Service, The outcome also could affect how The indictment depicts Mr. Trump’s and the rule of law.”
was trying to delay the proceedings. which included taking his fingerprints the courts define free speech in the insistence to press forward with claims Mr. Garland appointed Mr. Smith in
“This case, just like any case, will and giving personal information. A mug political arena and which statements that the election was tainted with ram- November to oversee the classified docu-
benefit from normal order, including a shot was not taken because his picture are protected by the First Amendment. pant fraud, even though he was aware ments case and the Jan. 6 investigation,
speedy trial,” he said. is publicly available, according to the It also sets a precedent in which presi- they had no merit. arguing that the appointment of a special
Judge Upadhyaya sought to reduce Marshals Service. dents could face legal trouble for false It details how he pressured officials in counsel insulates the cases from political
tensions. She said she “can guarantee The process has become somewhat or dubious claims. battleground states he lost to support his interference.
everyone there will be a fair process and routine for Mr. Trump, who has been Ahead of his court appearance, Mr. mission to remain in power. When those Before leaving Washington on Thurs-
fair trial in this court.” indicted three times since April. Mr. Trump accused Mr. Biden and the Justice efforts failed, Mr. Trump ordered the day, Mr. Trump provided a harsh com-
The parties agreed that as a condition Smith last month charged Mr. Trump Department of interfering in the 2024 Justice Department to launch election mentary on the condition of the District
of his release, Mr. Trump must not violate with more than 37 criminal counts for presidential election. Mr. Trump has a fraud investigations and pressured Vice of Columbia’s streets, which he viewed
state or federal laws, must steer clear of his handling of sensitive government double-digit lead over his rivals in the President Mike Pence to overturn the out his SUV window as he drove to and
communicating with witnesses and must documents. He recently added another Republican presidential race and is tied results when presiding over Congress’ from the airport.
appear in court as directed. three counts to that case. with Mr. Biden in national polls. certification of the Electoral College Mr. Trump said he was saddened by
Judge Upadhyaya warned Mr. Trump Manhattan District Attorney Alvin “I am now going to Washington, D.C. votes on Jan. 6. “the decay, and all of the broken build-
that if he violated the conditions of his Bragg filed state criminal charges against to be arrested for having challenged a Mr. Trump was charged with con- ings and walls and the graffiti.”
release, a warrant for his arrest could Mr. Trump for falsified business records corrupt, rigged & stolen election. It is a spiracy to defraud the United States, con- “This is not the place that I left. It’s a
be issued, he could be charged with to conceal hush-money payments in 2016 great honor because I am being arrested spiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, very sad thing to see it,” he said.
contempt of court, and he could be jailed to two women and a hotel doorman. for you. Make America Great Again! I obstructing an official proceeding and • Susan Ferrechio contributed to this
pending trial. He has pleaded not guilty in both need one more indictment to ensure conspiracy against the rights of citizens. report.

INDICT its indictment against Mr. Trump in its

classified documents investigation on
the same day that House Republicans
“Now that the Bidens are reportedly
involved in a bribery scheme with a
foreign nation, the DOJ and blue state
when U.S. District Judge Maryellen
Noreika questioned whether a provi-
sion essentially amounted to a get-out-
judiciary system.
On June 8, Mr. Smith hit Mr. Trump
with his first federal indictment for his
From page A1
viewed an FBI document detailing al- governments are once again targeting of-jail-free card. handling of sensitive government materi-
scheme uncover new facts that Biden’s legations that Mr. Biden took a bribe. President Trump and anyone who dares The next day, Mr. Smith announced als. Earlier in the day, the FBI agreed to
corrupt [Department of Justice] an- • Mr. Trump received a letter saying to get in the left’s way. That’s not a coin- further charges against Mr. Trump allow all House Oversight and Account-
nounces new charges against his leading he was the target of an investigation into cidence,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Ten- and said the maintenance manager at ability Committee members full access
political opponent in a desperate attempt the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol two nessee Republican, said in a statement Mar-a-Lago was another defendant in to a confidential document detailing
to distract the American people,” said days after IRS whistleblowers testified to provided to The Times. the classified documents case. Both an unverified allegation that Mr. Biden
House Republican Conference Chair- Congress that the FBI and IRS sabotaged Peter Carr, a spokesperson for Mr. indictments were filed under seal on accepted a bribe while serving as vice
woman Elise Stefanik of New York. “This the Hunter Biden tax investigation. Smith, declined to comment. June 8, raising questions about their president.
is an unconstitutional abuse of power.” • A superseding indictment against Some Justice Department veterans revelations so soon after the Hunter “The SAME DAY [the House over-
The latest in a series of indictments Mr. Trump in the classified documents say it is hard to time the indictments to Biden court appearance. sight committee] is shown a document
against Mr. Trump was announced after case and an indictment against the main- coincide with breaking news because “It does defy skepticism to think by the FBI showing evidence that Biden
House Republicans made a major revela- tenance manager at Mar-a-Lago were an investigation as sensitive and high- that all these things aren’t happening and his son were each paid $5 million
tion about Mr. Biden and his family’s revealed the day after Hunter Biden’s profile as those targeting Mr. Trump with some degree of coordination,” said by a foreign national the DOJ indicts
questionable overseas business deals, plea deal on tax and weapons charges would require numerous approvals and Joseph Moreno, a former federal pros- Trump. Coincidental? I think not,” Rep.
which critics say smack of influence unraveled in federal court. According signoffs. ecutor. “I don’t see any other explanation Anna Paulina Luna, Florida Republican
peddling. to court records, both indictments were “Prosecutors have their own consid- for why the Justice Department chose to and committee member, said in a Twit-
House Republicans also are look- filed under seal a month earlier. erations and own view of the Donald release the superseding indictment that ter post.
ing into whether Mr. Biden, while vice • The day after Archer testified that Trump investigations, and there are so evening. They could have done it the Mr. Trump revealed on July 18 that
president in the Obama administra- Mr. Biden sat on calls with Hunter many moving parts. I have trouble think- next day or the next week. There was he had received a letter informing him
tion, received a $5 million bribe from a Biden’s business associates, the Justice ing some other investigation is impacting no rush for it.” that he was a target of the Justice Depart-
Ukrainian energy executive to scuttle a Department announced an indictment their timing,” said former U.S. Attorney Even if the dates are just “honest coin- ment’s Jan. 6 investigation. It was the
corruption investigation into a company against Mr. Trump in connection with Kendall Coffey. cidences,” Mr. Moreno said, it still creates day before a pair of IRS whistleblowers
where Hunter Biden sat on the board. his efforts to reverse the results of the Others say the timing is unusual. the perception that the announcements told Congress that the Biden administra-
Among key events that have lined up: 2020 election and events surrounding On July 26, the plea deal in Hunter about Mr. Trump are strategically timed tion meddled in the Hunter Biden tax
• The Justice Department unsealed the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. Biden’s federal criminal case unraveled and undermines the public’s faith in the investigation.


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BIDEN particularly valuable to Burisma, which

was seeking entry into the European and
U.S. energy markets but was hobbled by
responsible for pushing out Mr. Shokin
by threatening to withhold $1 billion
in U.S. loans from Ukraine unless the
knowing of or participating in any of
his son’s deals, but Archer’s account
puts him right in the center of his son’s
member and held a 10% stake in the
In 2017, Mr. Biden wrote U.S. college
From page A1
corruption allegations. Company money prosecutor was removed. business meetings with Russian, Chinese recommendations for Mr. Li’s daughter.
The transcript detailed Archer’s de- was frozen in a London bank, and Mr. Mr. Shokin had been making life un- and Ukrainian nationals. Archer said he knew nothing about
scription of how lucrative deals were cut Zlochevsky was denied visas in the U.S. comfortable for Mr. Zlochevsky. In one instance, Mr. Biden phoned an FBI informant’s allegations that Mr.
by promoting the Biden “brand,” which and Mexico. Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina into a meeting that Hunter Biden and Zlochevsky paid Mr. Biden and Hunter
was essentially Joseph R. Biden, and to Burisma valued Hunter Biden “as a Republican, said Mr. Shokin’s office “an- Archer were holding in Beijing with Biden $5 million each as a bribe to push
a lesser extent Hunter Biden, a lawyer lobbyist and an expert and, obviously, nounced the seizure of property from Jonathan Li, the CEO of investment out Mr. Shokin. He said the now-defunct
and lobbyist. he carried a very powerful name,” Ar- … Burisma Holding’s founder, Mykola fund BHR. company’s effort to overcome corruption
The vice president, Archer said, cher said. Zlochevsky,” two months before the “There was no business conversa- allegations “backfired terribly for them.”
“brought most of the value to the brand,” When Burisma asked Hunter Biden prosecutor was fired. tion,” Archer said. “It was just general Mr. Zlochevsky “is in hiding in Cy-
partly by phoning in to roughly 20 of to call “D.C.,” Archer said, “That’s what Archer told House investigators that niceties and, you know, conversation in prus right now,” Archer said.
Hunter Biden and Archer’s business they were asking for.” he was “spun” a different narrative “from general, about the geography, about the Archer said he didn’t know why Ka-
meetings, many with foreign nationals. Archer told investigators that Burisma various folks in D.C.” who told him that weather, whatever it may be.” zakh businessman Kenes Rakishev wired
The vice president dropped in by “would have gone out of business if ‘the Burisma actually wanted Mr. Shokin to Archer confirmed that Mr. Biden later $142,000 in April 2014 to a Rosemont
speaker phone when Hunter Biden and brand’ had not been attached to it.” remain in office because “he was under had coffee with Mr. Li. Seneca offshoot for Hunter Biden to buy
Archer were meeting in Paris with execu- According to the transcript, House control as relates to Mykola.” The Li-Biden connection has been an expensive sports car.
tives from a major French energy com- investigators said Burisma had hired the “Whether it’s true or not, I cannot documented by House investigators. Mr. Rakishev was not involved in
pany and phoned into a Beijing meeting lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies to help speculate,” Archer said. In 2013, Vice President Biden took his any of the businesses or deals that
with Chinese investment firm executives. shake off Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Archer’s testimony provided an eye- son along on Air Force Two to China. Archer and Hunter Biden were run-
Mr. Biden also showed up in person to at Shokin, who was leading the probe into witness account to House investigators During the trip, Hunter Biden met ning, he said.
least two dinners that Hunter Biden and corruption allegations swirling around probing the Biden family’s lucrative for- with Li and arranged for him to shake “I believe it was a Fisker first and
Archer held with business associates in the company. eign business deals and whether Presi- hands with his father. Shortly thereafter, then a Porsche,” said Archer, describing
Washington. Mr. Shokin was ousted in March 2016. dent Biden was involved in any of them. BHR’s business license was approved how the money was spent. “That was a
Archer said the Biden “brand” was Mr. Biden later bragged that he was The president has denied ever and Hunter Biden was named a board business matter between them.”

TAIWAN he “made the statement that this next

election is a choice between peace and
war — certainly something the Chinese
with the island’s democratic government.
Mr. Biden has stepped back from
soaring tensions with Beijing. He has
From page A1
had been trying to parrot, and they got dispatched Secretary of State Antony
Washington Brief,” a monthly virtual him to spout their line,” Mr. Sauer said. Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yel-
forum hosted by The Washington Times Some in the Tsai government also len and other senior aides to China for
Foundation. worry about Beijing’s efforts to interfere fence-mending talks. The State Depart-
Beijing has clashed repeatedly with in the election. ment said this week that Chinese Foreign
independence-leaning Taiwanese Presi- Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s unofficial Minister Wang Yi has been invited to
dent Tsai Ing-wen since her election in ambassador to the United States, ex- Washington for more discussions.
2016. Ms. Tsai is completing her second pressed concern during a May interview Joseph DeTrani, a former CIA of-
four-year term and by law must step with The Washington Times that Chi- ficial and longtime diplomatic adviser
down next year. nese meddling had penetrated Taiwanese on U.S. policy in Asia, said during “The
China will “create divisions within domestic politics through “rampant” dis- Washington Brief” that U.S. officials are
Taiwan society to try to get candidates information and the promotion of “fake closely watching the Taiwan situation.
that they want elected,” Mr. Sauer said. news” supporting Beijing’s positions. The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979
Chinese propaganda also will “frame ASSOCIATED PRESS
“Their goal is to weaken our democ- made the U.S. position clear: that Tai-
the election as a choice between peace As Taiwan held military drills last week, the Biden administration announced a military racy, to sow divisions and discontent in wan and China should resolve the “One
and war.” package drawing on American stockpiles to speed up aid to the island democracy. our society,” the ambassador said. China” issue by “peaceful means,” said
After the election, China will assess Mr. DeTrani, who moderates the monthly
whether to engage in military action or Preparing for war? forum.
proceed with coercion tactics toward opinion polls, but its path to victory is the KMT. Although China is intent on control- “If other means were used — to
whatever Taiwanese government takes not clear with a competitive three-way Chinese media are portraying the ling Taiwan and “certainly preparing include embargoes and anything of a
power, he said. race shaping up this summer. DPP’s Mr. Lai as bent on pushing for for war,” Mr. Sauer said, war is neither blockade nature — it would be of grave
Taiwan faces mounting military in- Taiwanese Vice President William total Taiwanese independence. Even inevitable nor imminent. concern to the United States,” he said.
timidation from mainland China, which Lai, a DPP stalwart who is likely to push the Tsai government has resisted such a Beijing has increased military drills Alexandre Mansourov, an adjunct
considers the island democracy to be a similar line on China that Ms. Tsai has policy despite its outspoken resistance around Taiwan since Rep. Nancy Pelosi professor at Georgetown University’s
part of its sovereign territory and has projected over the past seven years, is to Beijing. of California visited the island democ- Center for Security Studies, told the
refused to rule out military force to polling at about 35%. The more centrist An editorial circulated last week by racy last year. As House speaker, Mrs. forum that Mr. Xi is “fixated” on annex-
bring it under Chinese Communist Party Taiwan People’s Party, which emerged China’s official Xinhua News Agency Pelosi was the highest-ranking U.S. ing Taiwan. He said Washington should
control. in 2019, is running former provincial stated: “It is a reasonable presumption official to visit the island in a quarter focus more on increasing its defenses
Ms. Tsai’s ruling Democratic Progres- Mayor Ko Wen-je, who is close behind that once in office, [Mr. Lai] would seize century. in the region.
sive Party has aligned closely with the at about 30%. every opportunity to push de jure inde- President Biden has countered the Mr. Mansourov noted that some in
United States and has warned that the The KMT held power before Ms. Tsai pendence and take risks to challenge the drills by sending U.S. warships through the national security community believe
regime in Beijing is preparing to invade took office and is rallying behind Hou one-China principle and the one-China the Taiwan Strait and has vowed that U.S. “we need more missiles. We need more
the island and overthrow its fragile Yu-ih, a former director general of the policy that Washington has long adopted. forces would respond militarily if China ships, we need more bases.”
democracy. Taiwan National Police Agency. Mr. Hau Thus the Taiwan Strait will likely slip attacks the island. “Some people in Congress argue the
Speculation is surging in Taipei about has been falling in polling and is given into the abyss of military confrontation.” The White House has also made clear U.S. defense budget must be increased,”
returning the opposition Kuomintang about 20% of the vote. Chinese officials have been openly that Mr. Biden is committed to the “One he said. “The Taiwanese also must step
party to power. The KMT has a history Mr. Sauer did not specify which Tai- courting former Taiwanese President China” policy. The U.S. has long acknowl- up their self-defense efforts, so they must
of advocating for closer economic and wanese candidate China prefers, al- Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT, who visited edged Beijing’s position that Taiwan is really commit to military-to-military and
diplomatic ties with Beijing. though Beijing indicates that it intends Beijing in March. part of China but maintains informal defense industry cooperation, expansion
The DPP is reportedly ahead in public to undermine the DPP and embrace When Mr. Ma returned from the visit, relations and substantial defense ties with the United States.”

SUMMIT the Reuters news agency.

The comments fit with past Russian statements
in response to separate peace initiatives, including
in the past that he’d be willing to engage with them
on such matters.”
Although some in the national security com-
cynical view of the Jeddah summit, given that Rus-
sia will not be attending and there are questions
with regard to the extent to which China will be
From page A1
one put forward by the Chinese in March and an- munity say the U.S. administration lacks a clear participating.
June in Copenhagen, Denmark, that received limited other by the Vatican in May. While Mr. Putin has strategy for the war’s endgame, many analysts credit “But if one studies diplomatic history, there
media attention. more recently expressed guarded openness toward President Biden for rallying international support are lots of meetings to facilitate meetings,” he
Officials say discussions in Jeddah on Saturday an African initiative, he has blamed Ukraine for to counter Russia’s military aggression. said. “And in the end, this summit might be that.
and Sunday will focus again on Kyiv’s specific undermining the diplomatic track while the Krem- “Biden has done a good job on supporting … The main benefit might be setting conditions
“peace formula.” In similar fashion to the Copen- lin has shown no sign of willingness to give back Ukraine,” said Bradley Bowman, senior director for something that might follow later and might be
hagen gathering, nations that have waffled over the Ukrainian territory occupied by Russian forces. of the Center on Military and Political Power at more productive.”
past year on open support for Ukraine are slated Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of Russia in the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think Mr. Jensen was more circumspect.
to attend. Global Affairs magazine, told the Russian publi- tank. He said the White House should continue to “At this point, you have three peace plans. The
“This meeting will be about wooing this group cation Izvestia this week that he expected little hold the line. Chinese one that went nowhere, the Vatican one
of ambivalent nations,” said Donald Jensen, a practical impact from the Saudi gathering, but the “I would encourage the administration and oth- that went nowhere and now this, which I expect to
former U.S. diplomat and member of the Russia symbolism could boost Kyiv’s leverage. ers to avoid applying pressure to Ukraine to make go nowhere,” Mr. Jensen said.
and Strategic Stability project at the United States “If we are talking about political signals, they any concessions when Ukraine is experiencing the “What are we going to negotiate about?” he
Institute of Peace. will of course be sent; that’s perfectly natural,” equivalent of a home invasion,” Mr. Bowman said asked, asserting that what’s really at play is “an in-
“I suspect that NATO and the West want to Mr. Lukyanov said. “Ukraine, as one of the main in an interview. “When your neighbor is [being ternational diplomatic contest and battle for hearts
lobby this group to support Ukraine,” he said in organizers of the summit, is trying to show that invaded] by a thug, you don’t say to your neighbor, and minds about staying behind Ukraine and not
an interview, noting that “the West does not want Russia allegedly lacks serious international support, ‘You really should make some concessions.’ No, you acquiescing to Russian terms.”
negotiations to occur on Russian terms.” especially from a number of countries outside of pass a baseball bat to your neighbor to try to help “The Russians don’t see negotiations as an end,”
Officials from European Union nations and the Western bloc.” them beat back the invader because if you don’t, he said. “They see them as a tool for advancing their
NATO supporters of Ukraine are heading to Jed- The head of Ukraine’s presidential office, Andriy your home might be next.” geopolitical interest, and that’s where you have to
dah, along with delegations from Egypt, Chile and Yermak, said in a statement this week that “the Mr. Bowman said it could be easy to take a be very careful.”
several African nations that have had close rela- Ukrainian Peace Formula contains 10 fundamental
tions with Russia. Nations from the Group of 20 points” and “should be taken as a basis, because the
industrial and emerging-market nations, including war is taking place on our land.”
India, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey and Japan, also will Ukrainian officials have said their plan includes
participate in the talks. the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the
The event comes at a moment of uncertainty withdrawal of Russian troops, the release of all
over the future of a Ukrainian counteroffensive that prisoners, a tribunal for those responsible for the
has made incremental gains against dug-in Russian aggression and security guarantees for Ukraine
forces along a 600-mile front line stretching across — effectively a complete repudiation of Russia’s
the nation’s east and south. stated war goals.
U.S. and NATO officials have publicly defended The Biden administration, which is sending
the counteroffensive, which has moved at a much National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to the Saudi
slower rate than Kyiv and its supporters had hoped. summit, has openly favored a gradual increase of
U.S. and NATO military aid for Ukraine over the
Watching from the sidelines prospect of pushing for a cease-fire or peace ne-
Russian officials say they will closely monitor the gotiations. U.S. officials have repeatedly said they
summit in Saudi Arabia. They said it was Ukraine would support a final peace deal only if it is accept-
that made it clear that representatives from Moscow able to the Zelenskyy government.
would not be welcome.
“Of course, Russia will follow this meeting,” said Gathering support
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. “We need to State Department spokesman Matthew Miller
understand what goals are set and what will be suggested that the Jeddah gathering is an effort to
discussed. Any attempt to promote a peaceful settle- persuade as wide a slate of nations as possible to
ment deserves a positive evaluation.” align against Russia’s invasion.
Mr. Peskov restated Moscow’s position that it “It’s important that countries around the world
saw no grounds for peace talks with Kyiv. Mr. Putin hear directly from Ukraine about the horrors that
launched the war in February 2022 in hopes of a have been unleashed on their country — about the
quick capitulation of the Zelenskyy government, attacks on civilians, about the attacks on schools,
but he now finds himself bogged down in trench on hospitals, on apartment buildings and civilian
warfare trying to preserve modest Russian territo- infrastructure — that they hear about just how Rus-
rial gains in eastern Ukraine. sia has violated their territorial integrity, violated
“The Kyiv regime does not want and cannot their sovereignty,” Mr. Miller told reporters.
want peace as long as it is used exclusively as a tool “If at some point Russia is willing to engage in
in the war of the collective West with Russia,” Mr. meaningful diplomacy, I will not speak on behalf of
Peskov said on a call with reporters, according to … the president of Ukraine, but he has made clear


Attorney general’s securities fraud case delayed again

Judge will wait to set date for Paxton’s impeachment trial
BY JUAN A. LOZANO Mr. Paxton did not say anything in the to keep the trial in Collin County, where
ASSOCIATED PRESS hearing, which lasted about 10 min- he maintains wide support among GOP
utes. He entered and left the courtroom activists and his wife, Angela Paxton, is
HOUSTON | Embattled Texas Attorney through a separate entrance not used a state senator.
General Ken Paxton’s years-delayed trial by the public. The indictments accuse Mr. Paxton of
on securities fraud charges will have to Mr. Paxton has rarely appeared in defrauding investors in a Dallas-area tech
wait until his separate impeachment trial court for hearings in the securities fraud startup by not disclosing he was being
is concluded, lawyers and the judge in case. paid by the company, called Servergy,
the case said Thursday. Judge Beall, a Democrat, agreed to to recruit them. The indictments were
At the brief court hearing in Houston wait to discuss a possible trial date until handed up just months after Mr. Paxton
that was attended by Mr. Paxton, his law- an Oct. 6 court hearing. was sworn in as Texas’ top law enforce-
yers asked state District Judge Andrea Mr. Wice said he shares the public’s ment officer.
Beall to delay any decision on setting frustration that the case has yet to go to A multitude of reasons have delayed
a trial date until the attorney general’s trial. Mr. Paxton was indicted in 2015 on the trial, including legal debate over
impeachment trial, set to begin Sept. 5, felony charges of defrauding investors in whether the case should be tried in
is finished. a tech startup. the Dallas area or Houston, changes in
Dan Cogdell, one of Mr. Paxton’s “I know that everybody is concerned which judge would handle the case and
attorneys, said he expects the impeach- about how the wheels of justice have a protracted battle over how much the
ment trial to last a couple of weeks. seemed to move at a glacial pace over special prosecutors should get paid.
“What I would request is we come the course of the last eight years,” Mr. If convicted of the securities fraud
back after that case is resolved,” Mr. Wice said. “I think today is the first step charges, Mr. Paxton faces up to 99 years ASSOCIATED PRESS

Cogdell said in the hearing. The request on the journey of a thousand miles to in prison. He would also lose his law Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s trial on securities fraud charges, which has been
was supported by Brian Wice and Kent pick up the pace.” license. postponed for nearly a decade, will begin after his separate impeachment trial, state
Schaffer, the special prosecutors ap- The case is back in a Houston court- Thursday’s hearing took place as Mr. District Judge Andrea Beall and the lawyers in the case said on Thursday.
pointed to the case. room after the Texas Court of Criminal Paxton faces removal from office fol-
The Republican attorney general, Appeals upheld a decision last month lowing his historic impeachment by the
who has been suspended from office by a judge who originally oversaw the Republican-led state House in May. That whether the securities fraud case goes trial], we will go forward. If Ken loses,
since his May impeachment, sat by him- case to move the proceedings out of Mr. trial will take place in the Texas Senate. forward or is possibly resolved through a that’s a kill shot to his political career. So
self on a bench as his lawyers and the Paxton’s hometown near Dallas. Mr. Cogdell said what happens plea bargain or other kind of settlement. it opens the door for resolution that’s not
prosecutors stood in front of Judge Beall. Mr. Paxton has spent years fighting with the impeachment trial will affect “If Ken prevails [in the impeachment open right now,” Mr. Cogdell said.


Miami-Dade police
chief argued with wife
before he shot himself
Officials: Ramirez ‘making progress’

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. | Police offi-

cers responding to a report of someone
with a gun threatening to “end it all”
outside a downtown Tampa hotel dis-
covered the person in question was the
director of the Miami-Dade police force.
Newly released body camera footage
provides a look at the July 23 incident,
which happened hours before Alfredo
“Freddy” Ramirez stopped his vehicle,
with wife, Jody Ramirez, inside, along
Interstate 75 south of Tampa and shot
himself in the head.
The FBI said that a woman escaped her kidnapper from a cinder block cell in Oregon by punching her way out. The suspected Mrs. Ramirez frantically called 911,
kidnapper is thought to have posed as an undercover police officer before he kidnapped the woman in Seattle weeks ago. and the police chief was rushed to a ASSOCIATED PRESS

Tampa hospital, where he underwent Miami-Dade Police Director Alfredo

surgery. Last week, Miami-Dade County “Freddy” Ramirez called Miami-Dade
OREGON Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said Mr. County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava on
Ramirez was in the hospital. Miami-Dade

FBI says woman’s escape from cinder

July 23 and offered to resign, she said.
police said Thursday that he remains in
the Tampa area “and is making progress.”

block cell may have spared others

Tampa police were initially called “No, no, sir, OK? We had a discussion,”
around 6:30 p.m. that Sunday to a hotel Mr. Ramirez says. He tells them the ar-
where the annual conference of Florida gument was about “marriage stuff,” and
sheriffs was underway. adds, “We’re good.”
BY GENE JOHNSON AND CLAIRE RUSH Heather Fraley, a lawyer with the leg irons before putting her in the back Someone saw a man and woman Nearby, other officers question Mrs.
ASSOCIATED PRESS federal public defender’s office in Las of his vehicle, the complaint says. arguing outside the hotel and called 911 Ramirez, asking whether the argument
Vegas who was listed as Mr. Zuberi’s He then drove to his home, stopping after they said the man, later identified got physical or whether her husband
PORTLAND, ORE. | A woman who es- attorney, declined to discuss the case along the way to sexually assault her, as the 52-year-old Mr. Ramirez, pointed had pointed the gun at himself or at her.
caped her kidnapper by punching her when reached Wednesday, including according to the complaint. When they a gun to his head. “Um, honestly, I can’t remember,” she
way out of a cinder block cell at a home in whether she’s still arrived about seven hours after he first By the time police arrived, the couple says, adding that they had been drinking.
southern Oregon may have spared other representing him. encountered her in Seattle, he put her had gone to their 12th-floor room, hotel She tells the officers they were “just
women from a similar fate by alerting M r. Zu b e r i in the makeshift cell built from cinder security told the officers, according to having a heated conversation,” which she
authorities to a man they now suspect hasn’t yet been as- blocks with a door of metal bars and said body camera footage. The witnesses who remarked wasn’t unusual after 30 years
in sexual assaults in at least four other signed a public de- he was leaving to do paperwork. reported the couple’s argument were no of marriage.
states, the FBI said. fender in Oregon The woman “briefly slept and awoke longer there, and officers couldn’t find She also tells the officers that her
Negasi Zuberi posed as an under- as he’s still being to the realization that she would likely hotel security footage of the incident, husband always has his gun on him, “has
cover police officer when he kidnapped transferred from die if she did not attempt to escape,” the according to the police report. plenty of demons from the job,” and has
the woman in Seattle three weeks ago, Nevada, which can complaint says. A swarm of officers then runs upstairs. a temper.
drove hundreds of miles to his home Zuberi take several weeks, She managed to break some of the “Tampa police! Tampa police! Come “He’s not making any threats, I prom-
in Klamath Falls and locked her in the said Kevin Sonoff, door’s welded joints, creating a small out with your hands up. Hands up!” an ise you,” she says.
garage cell until she bloodied her hands a spokesperson for opening which she climbed through, officer says on the video. After questioning the couple, Mr.
breaking through the door to escape, the the U.S. attorney’s office in Oregon. Klamath Falls Police Capt. Rob Reynolds A woman, later identified as Mrs. Ramirez is uncuffed, and the couple
FBI said Wednesday. Mr. Zuberi is charged with interstate said at a news conference. Ramirez, comes out of the room, fol- leaves the hotel to return home to Miami,
Mr. Zuberi, 29, faces federal charges kidnapping and transporting an indi- “She repeatedly punched the door lowed by her husband, who “had to be according to the police report. About
that include interstate kidnapping, and vidual across state lines with intent to en- with her own hands,” Capt. Reynolds told multiple times to show his hands,” 8:30 p.m., Mr. Ramirez calls the mayor
authorities said they are looking for other gage in criminal sexual activity. He could said. “She had several lacerations along according to the report. and offers her his resignation.
possible victims after linking him to the face up to life in prison if convicted. her knuckles.” Mr. Ramirez is then handcuffed, the “Freddy told me he had made a mis-
other assaults. Authorities have not yet According to the FBI, Mr. Zuberi also The victim opened Mr. Zuberi’s ve- video shows. take, he was prepared to resign,” Ms.
said publicly in which states those at- went by the names Sakima, Justin Hyche hicle that was in the garage, grabbed his “What are you doing?” he asks the Levine Cava recounted in a July 26 news
tacks took place. and Justin Kouassi, and he has lived in gun and fled, leaving blood on a wooden officers. “All right. You know, I’m the conference. She said Mr. Ramirez was
“This woman was kidnapped, multiple states since 2016, possibly in- fence she climbed over to escape, the director of the Miami-Dade Police “very remorseful” during their con-
chained, sexually assaulted, and locked in cluding California, Washington, Oregon, complaint says. She flagged down a pass- Department.” versation, and that she told him to get
a cinderblock cell,” Stephanie Shark, the Colorado, Utah, Florida, New York, New ing driver, who called 911. The officers ask him for identifica- home safely and they would discuss it
assistant special agent in charge of the Jersey, Alabama, and Nevada. Two Nevada State Patrol officers tion, which he says is in his wallet in the the next day.
FBI’s Portland field office, said in a news According to a criminal complaint tracked Mr. Zuberi down at a Walmart room. His gun, in its holster, is found Sometime after that, he shot himself,
release. “Police say she beat the door filed in U.S. District Court in Oregon, Mr. parking lot in Reno the next day, July 16, under a chair. according to the police transcript.
with her hands until they were bloody Zuberi solicited the woman, identified the complaint says. He was in his car Outside, officers continued talking to Mr. Ramirez is a 27-year Miami-Dade
in order to break free. Her quick think- only as Adult Victim 1, early on July 15 holding one of his children in the front Mr. Ramirez, and separately, to his wife. police veteran and leads the largest law
ing and will to survive may have saved to engage in prostitution along Aurora seat while talking to his wife, who was “Man, I didn’t do anything, man, enforcement agency in the southeastern
other women from a similar nightmare.” Avenue in Seattle, an area known for standing outside the vehicle. He initially please,” Mr. Ramirez says. “If you write U.S.
After the woman escaped, Mr. Zuberi sex work. Afterward, Mr. Zuberi told the refused to get out of the car when the a report, you guys are going to blow my In May, he announced his intention to
fled but was arrested by state police in woman he was an undercover officer, officers asked and instead cut himself a-- up. I didn’t do anything. Please.” seek election next year to the newly cre-
Reno, Nevada, the next afternoon, the showed her a badge, pointed a stun gun with a sharp object and tried to destroy The officers ask if he displayed a gun ated role of sheriff. It’s unclear whether
FBI said. at her and placed her in handcuffs and his phone, according to the complaint. while he was talking with his wife. he will remain in the race.


Programs to compensate crime victims can leave them with bills

BY MIKE CATALINI AND CLAUDIA LAUER of state compensation programs that are president of the Alliance for Safety and of the Arizona Criminal Justice Com-
ASSOCIATED PRESS billed as safety nets to offset costs such Justice, a nonprofit working to reform mission, which oversees victim com-
as funerals, medical care, relocation and victim compensation and other aspects pensation and other state programs,
Pamela White stared at the silver tree other needs. of the criminal justice system. said more stable funding sources would
with twinkling lights while she cleaned Many programs require victims to Some programs do offer to pay fu- mean faster payments and more victims
out her son’s apartment, wondering pay for those expenses first and exhaust neral homes or medical providers di- having access to help.
how in a matter of days she went from all means of payment before they reim- rectly. But for people in places that don’t, About a dozen states get most or all
celebrating Christmas to having to think burse them, often at rates that don’t fully the expense can mean not being able to of their funding from recurring state
about headstones and burial plots. cover expenses. pay the rent or having to decline services budget dollars. But many states have
Her son, Dararius Evans, was an The programs also struggle under such as counseling because the grocery put the onus of paying for the programs
Army reservist and veteran who had often unstable funding mechanisms bill is more pressing. on people in the criminal justice system
survived a deployment in Iraq. A few that leave their budgets vulnerable to Programs also require victims to – court fines, taking a percentage of pris-
days after Christmas 2019, the 28-year- shortages and the changing priorities of exhaust other payment options first, oner wages or prison commissary fees.
old was killed in a shooting outside of lawmakers. Well-intentioned prison and including insurance, lawsuit awards or Those funding streams can fluctuate
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The killer was criminal justice reforms aimed at reduc- even crowdfunding. If a family member greatly. Temporary court closings early
sentenced to life in prison last year. ing incarceration have caused shortfalls or friend starts a GoFundMe drive, it in the pandemic, sentencing reforms and
Ms. White and her family, who live in some states that rely heavily on court could cause some programs to reduce changes to how some prosecutors charge
outside of New Orleans, turned to Louisi- or prison fines and fees for funding. an award or claw back already granted misdemeanor crimes have all meant
ana’s victim compensation board for help Advocates say most states’ require- money. fewer dollars for many state programs.
paying for the unexpected funeral. She ment that victims pay upfront can leave The wait for help also causes financial Mr. LeFevre has been talking to Ari-
was met with administrative hurdles, a out people living on the edge of financial strain. While some states report claims zona lawmakers for years about the
denial that blamed her son for his own disaster who are often most vulnerable are processed within days, others take need for stable funding. Over the last de-
death, a lengthy appeal — all while pay- to crime. months or even years. The average pro- cade, revenue dropped 38% in the state’s ASSOCIATED PRESS

ing upfront through a personal loan that “So many families often can’t rely cessing time in 2022 was three months, Criminal Justice Enhancement fund, Aswad Thomas, vice president of the
gathered interest as she waited. solely on that reimbursement model. according to federal data collected from largely gathered through surcharges on nonprofit Alliance for Safety and Justice,
Thousands of crime victims each year … Those funds take months to arrive states. criminal and civil penalties, that pays says victim compensation programs
are confronted with the financial reality to families,” said Aswad Thomas, vice Andrew LeFevre, executive director for compensation and other programs. often fall short for the most vulnerable.

MISSISSIPPI when he participated in the raid. the tobacco shelves behind the register harassment lawsuit.
6 ex-cops guilty of assault Federal marshals took the former BRIEFLY into the bin, indifferent to subterfuge. The civil lawsuit, which was filed
officers into custody Thursday, and the Indeed, retail workers around the Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior
JACKSON | Six White former law en- judge said the men will be sentenced THE NATION country have been fired for confront- Court, claims the singer whose real
forcement officers in Mississippi who in mid-November. ing shoplifters. In this incident, the name is Melissa Viviane Jefferson,
called themselves the “Goon Squad” — Associated Press exact time and place of which was un- pressured the dancers to engage with
pleaded guilty Thursday to a racist as- about McElroy’s hiring” after Texas certain Thursday, the customer effec- nude performers at a club in Amster-
sault on two Black men in a home raid TEXAS Scorecard highlighted her DEI work. tively agreed, saying the clerks should dam and “fat-shamed” one of them for
that ended with an officer shooting The website’s article “generated do nothing until the police arrive. her weight gain before firing her.
one man in the mouth.
Journalist gets $1 million deal numerous calls and emails to the Presi- But that didn’t happen. “I am not here to be looked at as a
The officers entered the house AUSTIN | Texas A&M University dent’s Office at TAMU” from current Instead, one of the clerks took down victim, but I also know that I am not
without a warrant on Jan. 24, assault- reached a $1 million settlement Thurs- and former students, after which Presi- the robber. Another clerk entered the the villain that people and the media
ing the men with a sex object and day with a Black journalism professor dent Katherine Banks and a school frame with a large wooden pole and have portrayed me to be these last few
using stun guns and other objects to whose hiring was sabotaged by back- dean began discussing changes to the began whaling on the thief while the days,” Lizzo said in a statement posted
abuse them over a roughly 90-minute lash over her past work on diversity, job offer to Ms. McElroy. crook screamed out in pain and begged on social media.
period, court documents show. equity and inclusion (DEI). — Associated Press them to stop. “I am very open with my sexuality
After one victim was shot and The nation’s largest public school The customer went from advising and expressing myself but I cannot ac-
wounded in a “mock execution” that agreed to pay Kathleen McElroy and CRIME the clerks not to intervene to cheering cept or allow people to use that open-
went awry, the documents say the apologized to her while admitting them on. “Whoopin’ his a-- now. That’s ness to make me out to be something I
officers conspired to plant and tamper “mistakes were made during the hiring
Clerks foil would-be robber called whoopin’ yo’ a--,” the customer am not,” she said.
with evidence instead of aiding them. process.” Two anonymous 7-Eleven clerks can be heard saying. Plaintiffs Arianna Davis, Crystal
The Justice Department launched Texas A&M initially welcomed Ms. went viral for holding down and beat- — Matt Delaney Williams and Noelle Rodriguez made
its civil rights probe in February. McElroy, a former New York Times ing a robber with a large stick after the numerous allegations including sexual,
Those charged in the case are five editor and Texas A&M alumna, with would-be thief had filled a rolling trash CALIFORNIA religious and racial harassment, dis-
former Rankin County Sheriff ’s De- great fanfare to revive its journalism bin with tobacco products. ability discrimination, assault and false
partment employees — Christian Ded- department in June. A customer who was recording the
Lizzo says she’s ‘not the villain’ imprisonment.
mon, Hunter Elward, Brett McAlpin, According to investigation docu- incident repeatedly advised the two LOS ANGELES | Lizzo said Thurs- They accuse the Grammy winner
Jeffrey Middleton and Daniel Opdyke ments released Thursday, at least clerks that “there ain’t nothing you can day that she’s “not the villain” that and her production company of creat-
— and former Richland police officer six board of regents members began do” and urged them to “just let him go.” three of her former backup dancers ing a hostile work environment.
Joshua Hartfield, who was off duty “asking questions and raising concerns The robber was casually clearing falsely accuse her of being in a sexual — Associated Press

COURT in lawsuits brought under state law,”

she said.
Robyn M. Powell, a law professor at
discrimination against disabled people.
It requires public establishments to make
reasonable accommodations for disabled
the sanctioning of Tristan Gillespie, one
of her attorneys.
A federal disciplinary board said last
in any improper conduct and continues
to believe that her claims against Ache-
son and other hotels are meritorious,
From page A1
the University of Oklahoma, said the people to access their services and facili- month that Mr. Gillespie inflated his legal she recognizes that the allegations of
not credible,” Ms. Acheson’s attorneys Supreme Court case could greatly impact ties. A provision compels hotel owners fees in roughly 800 lawsuits he filed for misconduct against Mr. Gillespie could
say. “Far more judicial resources will disability rights because disabled people to describe features at the establishment Ms. Laufer and another disabled plaintiff distract from the merits of her ADA
be wasted if Laufer ducks this court’s rely on Ms. Laufer and other testers to for people with disabilities. against hotel companies to collect costs claims and everything she has sought
review, leading to hundreds more ‘tester’ ensure their civil rights are protected. Ms. Laufer, who has impaired vision and attorneys’ fees. None of the cases to achieve for persons with disabilities
suits being brought.” “Without testers like Ms. Laufer, the and needs a cane or wheelchair to move, went to trial. like herself. She accordingly has decided
An attorney for Ms. Laufer did not ADA would not be able to meet its said Coast Village Inn and Cottages, an “Given that the complaints across all to dismiss all of her pending cases with
comment on the pending case but objective of eliminating the often unin- Acheson Hotels property, doesn’t list cases are boilerplate with few changes prejudice,” her current attorney, Kelsi
pointed to her client’s submission to the tentional but still damaging exclusion of accessible rooms on its website and apart from dates and defendants, it ap- Brown Corkran, argued in court papers.
court. In her declaration, Ms. Laufer said people with disabilities from places of doesn’t provide enough information to peared highly improbable that Gillespie Attorneys for the hotel said letting Ms.
she lost her job after a multiple sclerosis public accommodation,” said Ms. Powell, determine whether she could be accom- actually could have accrued $10,000 in Laufer out of her legal battle would signal
diagnosis, developed depression and had who is not involved in the lawsuit. modated. She said that violates her rights reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs an all-clear to her and other plaintiffs “to
difficulty traveling because hotels did Ms. Powell noted that the Supreme under the ADA. when each demand was made,” the panel resume their extortionate scheme.”
not provide access for her wheelchair Court has not heard such a case in 20 A U.S. district court sided with Ache- concluded. “Julianna Acheson has earned her day
in violation of the ADA. years and she does not expect the jus- son Hotels, saying Ms. Laufer wasn’t Mr. Gillespie was suspended from in court,” her attorneys said. “Despite her
After learning she could work toward tices to dismiss the case as Ms. Laufer planning to be a customer and therefore practicing law before the U.S. District business being devastated by COVID, she
ensuring ADA compliance, she took the has requested. didn’t have standing to sue. The 1st U.S. Court for the District of Maryland refused to capitulate to Laufer’s settle-
opportunity to help others, according to “Given the Ccurt’s majority-conser- Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that for six months. He has appealed the ment demands. She has expended time
her court declaration. vative composition, I could imagine a decision, finding that withholding the punishment. and money fighting Laufer’s pathological
“Serving as an ADA plaintiff helped scenario where the Court could deny information amounted to harm to Ms. He did not respond to a request for lawsuit all the way up to the Supreme
get me out of my depression because Laufer’s motion to dismiss because the Laufer and gave her legal standing to sue. comment. Court. She is on the verge of protect-
it allowed me to help myself and other bench is interested in narrowing the Other district and circuit courts have Ms. Laufer said last month in a court ing her business from future, similar
people,” she said. scope of the ADA,” the law professor said. ruled the other way, creating the sort filing with the Supreme Court that lawsuits. The court should decide the
Ms. Laufer said she did not file the The justices are slated to hear the of split that makes a case attractive for she did not want Mr. Gillespie’s disci- question it has already agreed to decide
ADA cases to make money. case, Acheson Hotels v. Deborah Laufer, Supreme Court justices. pline record to distract from her cases. rather than condemning her to defeat
“I have never received any payments on Oct. 4. Ms. Laufer says the case is moot be- She agreed to dismiss her claims with without a hearing.”
for my federal ADA claims. I have re- The Americans with Disabilities cause she plans to dismiss the claim filed prejudice. • Stephen Dinan contributed to this
ceived monetary damages a few times Act was enacted in 1990 to prevent in a lower court and similar lawsuits after “Although Ms. Laufer has not engaged report.


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A8 | WORLD ☆☆ R FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023

Two Navy sailors arrested, accused of spying for China THE WORLD

BY BEN WOLFGANG charges of conspiracy to send national were working together. The two indict- Naval Base San Diego and held a security
THE WASHINGTON TIMES defense information to an intelligence of- ments were announced as part of the clearance. In February 2022, the Justice RUSSIA
ficer working for China, prosecutors said. same press release Thursday, but pros- Department said, Mr. Wei began com-
Two active-duty U.S. sailors in Cali- Mr. Wei was reportedly born in China ecutors did not say whether they were municating with a Chinese intelligence
Microsoft says it discovered
fornia were arrested after transmitting and was initially approached by a Chi- aware of each other’s actions. officer who asked for information about Russian hackers using platform
sensitive military information to China, nese intelligence officer while he was Either way, the arrests represent a the Essex and other U.S. warships. Microsoft said it discovered Rus-
the Justice Department said Thursday, applying to become a naturalized U.S. stunning and apparently highly suc- From March 2022 until recently, Mr. sian cyberattackers leveraging the
adding that the two men sent photos citizen. Prosecutors said the Chinese cessful Chinese effort to infiltrate the Wei sent pictures and videos of the Essex company’s conferencing platform to
and videos of American warships, op- handler even congratulated Mr. Wei U.S. military and gain access to a host of to the Chinese officer, along with the loca- victimize espionage targets, including
erational plans for U.S. military drills in when he became an American citizen. sensitive information. Federal officials tions of other Navy ships and the specific government accounts.
the Pacific, and a host of other secrets to U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman of said the potential repercussions of the weapons systems on those vessels, pros- The Big Tech company’s disclosure
Chinese handlers “that could seriously the Southern District of California said alleged actions are serious. ecutors said. Mr. Wei was paid “thousands of finding Russian-linked hackers using
jeopardize U.S. national security.” Thursday that Mr. Wei “chose to turn “These arrests are a reminder of of dollars,” the government said. its Microsoft Teams services in com-
In an indictment unsealed Thursday his back on his newly adopted country,” the relentless, aggressive efforts of the Prosecutors said Mr. Zhao, 26, began plex attacks comes as it is also recover-
morning, federal prosecutors identi- Mr. Zhao was charged with receiving People’s Republic of China to undermine sharing information with a Chinese ing from a China-linked hack of emails
fied the two sailors, Jinchao Wei and bribes in exchange for transmitting U.S. our democracy and threaten those who intelligence officer in August 2021, with that disrupted the U.S. government.
Wenheng Zhao, who worked at Naval secrets to an intelligence officer of the defend it,” Suzanne Turner, assistant the arrangement lasting through at least The Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Base San Diego and Naval Base Ventura People’s Republic of China who was director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence May 2023. The government said, Mr. team said it observed the malicious
County, respectively. posing as an economic researcher, the Division, said in a statement Thursday. Zhao sent the Chinese officer controlled cyberattack pattern since May, which
Mr. Wei, 22, was arrested on es- Justice Department said. According to prosecutors, Mr. Wei operational plans for U.S. military exer- is the same month that Microsoft said
pionage charges and was indicted on It’s not clear whether the two sailors was stationed aboard the USS Essex at cises in the Pacific. it found China-linked hackers breach-
ing its clients’ emails.
Microsoft’s research team said
Wednesday the Russian hackers’ cam-
IRAN paign affected fewer than 40 organiza-
tions, which the company directly told.

U.S. military considers The company did not detail the

number of victimized accounts or the
targeted governments. 

putting troops on ships “The organizations targeted in

this activity likely indicate specific
espionage objectives by Midnight

in Strait of Hormuz Blizzard directed at government, non-

government organizations (NGOs), IT
services, technology, discrete manufac-
turing, and media sectors,” Microsoft
Aim to prevent civilian vessel seizure said on its website.
“Microsoft has mitigated the actor
from using the domains and continues
BY LOLITA C. BALDOR AND JON GAMBRELL oil passes. to investigate this activity and work to
ASSOCIATED PRESS Iran’s mission to the United Nations remediate the impact of the attack,” the
did not immediately respond to a request company stated.
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | The for comment about the U.S. proposal. — Ryan Lovelace
U.S. military is considering putting The five U.S. officials, speaking on
armed personnel on commercial ships background, acknowledged its broad SAUDI ARABIA
traveling through the Strait of Hormuz, details. The officials stressed no final
in what would be an unprecedented decision had been made and that dis-
Fresh cut in oil output
action aimed at stopping Iran from seiz- cussions continue between U.S. military could boost U.S. prices
ing and harassing civilian vessels, five officials and America’s Gulf Arab allies DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
American officials told The Associated in the region. Saudi Arabia said Thursday it will
Press on Thursday. Officials said the Marines and Navy extend its unilateral production
Since 2019, Iran has seized a series sailors would provide the security only cut of 1 million barrels of oil a day
of ships in the strait, the narrow mouth at the request of the ships involved. through the end of September in
of the Persian Gulf, as part of its efforts One official described the process its effort to boost flagging energy
to pressure the West over negotiations as complex, saying any deployment prices, a move that could push U.S.
regarding the collapsed nuclear deal likely also would require approval of ASSOCIATED PRESS
gas prices higher.
with world powers that former President the country under which the ship is Since 2019, Iran as seized a series of ships in the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. military is The Saudi reduction, which began
Donald Trump repudiated. Putting U.S. flagged and the country under which considering putting armed personnel on commercial ships to stop this. in July, comes as the other OPEC+ pro-
troops on commercial ships could fur- the owner is registered. So far, that has ducers have agreed to extend earlier
ther deter Iran from seizing vessels — or yet to happen and it might not for some production cuts through next year.
escalate tensions further. time, the official said. the Pentagon described as being “in fast boats, paratroopers and missile units A Saudi official told the govern-
The contemplated move also would Iran contends that U.S. military ships response to recent attempts by Iran to taking part. ment’s official news service the exten-
represent an extraordinary commit- do not belong in the region and has called threaten the free flow of commerce in The renewed hostilities come as Iran sion of the production cut was made
ment in the Mideast by U.S. forces as for American and Western ships to with- the Strait of Hormuz and its surrounding now enriches uranium closer than ever to “reinforce the precautionary efforts
the Pentagon tries to focus on Russia draw from the areas near its coastline. waters.” The Bataan passed through the to weapons-grade levels after the U.S. made by OPEC+ countries with the
and China. The U.S. didn’t even take the Earlier Thursday, Vice Adm. Brad Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal. aim of supporting the stability and bal-
step during the so-called “Tanker War,” Cooper, the head of the Navy’s Mid- Sea last week on its way to the Mideast. International inspectors also believe it ance of oil markets.”
which culminated with the U.S. Navy east-based 5th Fleet, met with the head Already, the U.S. has sent A-10 Thun- has enough enriched uranium for “sev- The national average for U.S. gas
and Iran fighting a one-day naval battle of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The derbolt II warplanes, F-16 and F-35 fight- eral” nuclear bombs if it chose to build prices stood at about $3.82 a gallon on
in 1988 that was the Navy’s largest since six-nation bloc includes Bahrain, Ku- ers, as well as the destroyer USS Thomas them. Iran maintains its program is for Tuesday — about 30 cents higher than
World War II. wait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Hudner, to the region over Iran’s actions peaceful purposes, and U.S. intelligence a month ago, according to motor club
While officials offered few details of United Arab Emirates. at sea. agencies assess Tehran is not pursuing AAA.
the plan, it comes as thousands of Ma- While a statement from the GCC The deployment has captured Iran’s an atomic bomb. While today’s prices at the pump
rines and sailors on both the amphibious about the meeting did not hint at the attention, with its chief diplomat tell- The U.S. also has pursued ships across remain far lower than they were last
assault ship USS Bataan and the USS proposal, it did say that Adm. Cooper ing neighboring nations that the region the world believed to be carrying sanc- year, when energy costs soared world-
Carter Hall, a landing ship, are on their and officials discussed “strengthening doesn’t need “foreigners” providing tioned Iranian oil. Oil industry worries wide in the months following Russia’s
way to the Persian Gulf. Those Marines GCC-U.S. cooperation and working with security. On Wednesday, Iran’s para- over another seizure by Iran likely has invasion of Ukraine, experts say such a
and sailors could provide the backbone international and regional partners.” military Revolutionary Guard launched a left a ship allegedly carrying Iranian oil jump is unusual.
for any armed guard mission in the strait, The Bataan and Carter Hall left Nor- surprise military drill on disputed islands stranded off Texas as no company has This year’s record-breaking summer
through which 20% of the world’s crude folk, Virginia, on July 10 on a mission in the Persian Gulf, with swarms of small yet to unload it. heat has also had an impact, driving
up demand for air conditioning and
forcing refineries to operate at reduced
NIGER — Associated Press

All nonemergency personnel to be evacuated COLOMBIA

Government, rebels
enter into cease-fire
BY BEN WOLFGANG “In this critical moment, the United evacuation efforts in the event that con- equipment as part of the ordered depar- BOGOTA | Colombia and the National
THE WASHINGTON TIMES States stands with the people of Niger flict breaks out. ture. We continue to monitor this fluid Liberation Army, or ELN, formally
to honor our decades-long partnership “The Department of State has no and evolving situation and reiterate our began a six-month cease-fire Thursday
President Biden on Thursday called rooted in shared democratic values and higher priority than the safety and se- focus on a diplomatic solution.” as part of a process to forge a perma-
for the immediate release of Nigerien support for civilian-led governance. The curity of U.S. citizens overseas, includ- Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, the nent peace between the government
President Mohamed Bazoum, who has Nigerien people have the right to choose ing U.S. government personnel serving leader of the coup, used a national ad- and the country’s last remaining rebel
been under house arrest after a military their leaders. They have expressed their abroad. Given ongoing developments in dress Wednesday to criticize those who group.
coup last week, while the State Depart- will through free and fair elections — Niger and out of an abundance of cau- have condemned the coup and rally sup- The cease-fire agreement, an-
ment began to evacuate nonessential and that must be respected,” Mr. Biden tion, the Department of State is ordering port against foreign intervention. The nounced June 9 during talks in Havana,
personnel and their families from the said in a statement. “I call for President the temporary departure of nonemer- general called harsh sanctions imposed comes amid skepticism among some
U.S. Embassy in Niamey. Bazoum and his family to be immediately gency U.S. government personnel and last week by Niger’s West African neigh- Colombians that the peace process
For Mr. Biden, it’s a somewhat familiar released, and for the preservation of eligible family members from the U.S. bors illegal, unfair and unprecedented, can fully end an insurgency dating
situation. The Niger evacuation comes Niger’s hard-earned democracy.” Embassy in Niamey,” the State Depart- according to The Associated Press. back to the 1960s or halt the alleged
after the rapid retreat of Americans State Department officials said the ment said in a statement late Wednesday, Until recently, Niger had been one of involvement of the group’s estimated
from Afghanistan, Sudan and other na- evacuation is being conducted “out of an adding the Embassy would remain open the continent’s few bona fide democra- 5,000 remaining members in drug
tions. There was no indication Thursday abundance of caution,” but they warned for “limited, emergency services” for cies. In April 2021, the country marked its trafficking. The ELN leadership denies
that any Americans were in immediate that any U.S. citizens who remain in the those U.S. citizens who remain. first peaceful transfer of power from for- involvement in the drug trade.
danger, but pro-military demonstrations country will have limited options mov- Complicating the equation for Mr. mer President Mahamadou Issoufou to The agreement also called for the
in Niamey highlighted a growing anti- ing forward. Biden is the fact that the Pentagon has Mr. Bazoum. That period of democracy creation of a broadly representative
Western sentiment. The situation on the ground appears more than 1,000 troops in Niger stationed was the first in Niger’s history, which had national committee to discuss a lasting
Mr. Bazoum’s own personal military to be getting more tense by the day. at two key American drone bases. Despite been marked by military rule and coups solution to the conflict.
guard turned on him in the coup, which Hundreds of demonstrators reportedly the evacuation from Niamey, Defense over the past several decades. The first meeting of the National
has divided countries in the region in rallied Thursday in Niamey in support Department officials said there are no So far, the Biden administration has Participation Committee took place
the face of rising Islamist militancy and of the military junta and against former plans to send more troops to the country. refused to officially label the situation late Thursday.
violence. colonial power France. Some even waved “There are no changes to the U.S. in Niger a coup, with officials holding The cease-fire is supposed to
Ironically, Thursday marked the 63rd Russian flags in a sign of Moscow’s grow- military force posture in Niger during out hope that Mr. Bazoum will soon be suspend attacks between the guerrillas
anniversary of Niger’s independence. ing influence. the Department of State-led ordered restored to power. and the Colombian police and military
Mr. Biden used the occasion to call for With other African nations having departure,” Pentagon spokesman Brig. Regional players appear willing to throughout the country, and can be
Mr. Bazoum’s immediate release by the threatened to restore the Bazoum gov- Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday morning reinstate Mr. Bazoum’s government by extended next January if progress is
military junta now apparently in control ernment by force, the U.S., France and in a statement. “The Department of State force, raising the possibility that armed made during peace negotiations.
of the country. other European nations have begun has not requested DoD personnel or conflict might soon erupt. — Associated Press

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Republicans push early voting for Assembly THE REGION

THE WASHINGTON TIMES Leaders backing effort to increase text. ‘The ballot is in your mailbox.’ I
trudged up my driveway, And guess

Virginia Republicans are gearing up turnout in attempt to flip state Senate what? The ballot was in there,” he said.
“I took it down. I filled it out, sealed
Election boards can issue
their new early-voting marketing cam- the envelope, put it back in the mailbox.
paign and process in hopes of gaining an newspapers, and in a lot of places where permanent list don’t have to request an Next day, I got another text. It’s en route ID cards for new mandate
edge over Democrats in the upcoming we simply have to convince Republicans absentee ballot every election cycle. to the office of elections. Next day I got Add election offices in all 100 coun-
Nov. 7 Assembly elections. and independents to show up either early For every primary election and every one, it says it’s in the office and your ties to places where North Carolina
Gov. Glenn Youngkin and other party and vote in person or mail-in absentee general election, the state and local office ballot has been cast.” voters can obtain photo identification
leaders are backing an effort aimed at ballot,” Republican Party of Virginia of elections registrar will automatically Mr. Youngkin, a relative newcomer to cards that comply with the state’s voter
increasing early in-person and absentee Chairman Rich Anderson said. mail those on the permanent list a ballot. politics, says he supports early voting. ID mandate taking effect with this
voting among Republicans and indepen- According to Mr. Anderson, some Voters on the list are then able to track His Spirit of Virginia political action year’s municipal elections.
dent voters as part of a push to flip the members of the Virginia Republican their ballots in a manner similar to track- committee has raised over $6 million to The State Board of Elections an-
state Senate that Democrats now control Party are suspicious of voting at any time ing an Amazon package. help the GOP expand the message around nounced Wednesday that county
by a two-seat margin. other than in person and on Election Day. “I signed up for it. And I got an email the Commonwealth’s 125 counties. boards of elections are now able to
Republicans are also determined to The new program is designed to change with a text message on my cellphone the “Republicans got to stop sitting on the produce free photo ID cards.
maintain the GOP’s three-seat advantage that attitude. next day, saying you’re now in the pro- sidelines and allowing the Democrats These can help registered voters
in the House.  Other than going to the website Re- gram. We postmarked the ballot to your to do a better job of voting early,” Mr. who lack other acceptable forms of
“Beyond the digital stuff we’ve been publicans have set up, Virginia voters home address today,” Mr. Anderson said.   Youngkin said earlier in the month when ID. That list includes driver’s licenses,
doing online, you’re going to see televi- can sign up to cast their ballots early “The next day I got a text message. he announced the program on Fox News. military IDs and scores of state-
sion commercials about ‘Secure Your by adding their names to the perma- The ballot is out for delivery to your “I’m tired of us going into elections down approved college student and public
Vote Virginia’ on broadcast media, nent absentee ballot list. Voters on the mailbox later the same day. I got another thousands of votes.” employer ID cards.
Registered voters who come to their
county election office must provide
their name, date of birth and the last
NORTH CAROLINA four digits of their Social Security
number to obtain an ID, which can be

Bishop used for 10 years.

Free IDs also are available at Divi-

sion of Motor Vehicles offices.
The Legislature approved a photo
ID law in late 2018, but implementation

attorney was blocked while it’s been challenged

in courts.
A state Supreme Court ruling in

general run April opened the door for the rules to

be carried out starting with this year’s
local elections.
BY GARY D. ROBERTSON — Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. | Rep. Dan Bishop, a
vocal member of the Freedom Caucus COLLEGE PARK
who has become a foil to House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy, announced Thursday
Ex-mayor pleads guilty
that he would run for state attorney to child porn charges
general next year rather than seek to The former mayor of College Park
remain in Congress. pleaded guilty Wednesday to more
The Republican lawyer revealed his than 100 counts connected to the pos-
decision in a radio interview in his session and distribution of child sexual
hometown of Charlotte. ASSOCIATED PRESS
abuse material.
Mr. Bishop joined Congress in 2019 Grieving families confronted the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter at Thursday’s hearing before U.S. District Judge Robert Colville Patrick Wojahn had been the mayor
by narrowly winning a special election, pronounced the death sentence. They described the pain and suffering he had inflicted and called him evil and cowardly. of College Park — home to the state’s
after raising his profile in state politics flagship University of Maryland cam-
as a chief sponsor of the hotly debated pus — up until March, when he was
2016 “bathroom bill.” PENNSYLVANIA arrested.

Man who killed 11 in 2018 Pittsburgh

A former local government and state Prince George’s County State’s At-
legislator, Mr. Bishop said he misses prac- torney Aisha Braveboy’s office said the
ticing law more regularly, and sees the post plea deal calls for Wojahn to serve a

synagogue attack sentenced to death

as a way to counter an encroaching federal 30-year prison sentence.
government and to buttress law enforce- He will be formally sentenced in
ment in a time of increasing violence. November.
“Over the course of many months, we Police investigated Wojahn, 47, after
decided this is the BY PETER SMITH AND MICHAEL RUBINKAM red jail suit, chose not to speak. He spent Bowers has schizophrenia and that his receiving a tip in February from the
right thing for me ASSOCIATED PRESS the entire hearing looking at and shuf- delusions about Jewish people spurred National Center for Missing and Ex-
to do, to come back fling through papers and writing, and the attack. ploited Children about a social media
to North Carolina,” PITTSBURGH | The man who killed 11 refused to look at those he victimized Grieving families confronted Bow- account that was eventually traced
Mr. Bishop told congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue in the eye, even when invited to do so. ers at Thursday’s hearing before Judge back to him.
WBT radio, refer- was formally sentenced to death Thurs- Bowers, from suburban Baldwin, Colville pronounced the sentence, de- Wojahn had served as mayor since
encing his wife. “I day, one day after a jury determined that ranted about Jewish people online be- scribing the pain and suffering he had in- 2015.
think there’s an op- capital punishment was appropriate for fore carrying out the attack at the Tree flicted, and calling him evil and cowardly. An attorney listed in online court
portunity to use the the perpetrator of the deadliest attack on of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018. He “Mr. Bowers, you met my beloved records did not immediately return an
Bishop influence of that of- Jewish people in U.S. history. told police at the scene that “all these husband in the kitchen. Your callous email seeking comment Wednesday
fice to restore law U.S. District Judge Robert Colville Jews must die” and has since expressed disregard for the person he was re- evening.
and order to our imposed the sentence on Robert Bowers, pride in the killings. pulses me,” testified Peg Durachko, wife When Wojahn stepped down, he
cities.” a 50-year-old truck driver whose vicious Jurors were unanimous in finding of 65-year-old Dr. Richard Gottfried, a said in his resignation letter that he
Any run for attorney general is chal- antisemitism led him to shoot his way that Bowers’ attack was motivated by dentist who was shot and killed. “Your planned to “deal with my own mental
lenging in a presidential election year in into a place of worship and target people his hatred of Jewish people, and that he hateful act took my soulmate from me.” health.”
the closely divided state. Mr. Bishop said for practicing their faith. chose Tree of Life for its location in one It was the first federal death sentence — Associated Press
a Republican hasn’t been elected to the “I have nothing specific that I care to of the largest and most historic Jewish imposed during the term of President
post in more than 125 years. say to Mr. Bowers,” Judge Colville said, communities in the nation so he could Biden, who pledged during his 2020
There’s a potential opening now that before issuing the formal sentence. “I “maximize the devastation, amplify the
campaign to end capital punishment. Mr.
current Attorney General Josh Stein am, however, convinced there is noth- harm of his crimes, and instill fear within Biden’s Justice Department has placed HARRISBURG
is seeking the Democratic nomination ing I could say to him that might be the local, national, and international Jew- a moratorium on federal executions
for governor next year. Mr. Stein won meaningful.” ish communities.” They also found that and has declined to authorize the death
Final budget in sight
the general elections in 2016 and 2020 Bowers, who swapped the casual civil Bowers lacked remorse. penalty in hundreds of new cases where as Senate returns
by less than a percentage point over clothes he wore throughout the trial for a The jury rejected defense claims that it could apply. An approved state spending plan ap-
Republican rivals. peared within reach Thursday after Sen-
In Washington, Mr. Bishop has po- ate Republican leaders decided to sum-
sitioned himself to the right of Mr. mon their colleagues back to the Capitol
McCarthy, pushing back at the House WEST VIRGINIA to complete the work they held up when
leadership team for the debt ceiling and budget negotiations with Democratic
budget deal the speaker reached with
President Biden. Mr. Bishop was among
those who showed their frustration with
Health center wants to add syringe service Gov. Josh Shapiro soured a month ago.
The $45 billion budget hit a road-
block in early July amid discord over a
Mr. McCarthy by putting up procedural BY LEAH WILLINGHAM intravenous drug users and typically Such programs exist in dozens of GOP priority — their proposal to cre-
blockades to conducting regular House ASSOCIATED PRESS offer a range of services, including states, but they are not without their crit- ate a $100 million program subsidiz-
business and advancing GOP bills. referrals to counseling and substance ics, including those in West Virginia, who ing students in the lowest performing
Mr. Bishop has been endorsed by for- CHARLESTON, W.VA. | West Virginia’s use disorder treatment. say they don’t do enough to prevent or districts so they can attend private and
mer President Donald Trump in the past, former abortion provider is pleading The Women’s Health Center of West stop drug use and create other problems, religious schools.
and the national Club for Growth PAC with capital-area residents to keep “an Virginia says the move is part of an ef- including syringe litter. In a statement sent out Wednesday
swiftly endorsed his decision on Thurs- open mind and an open heart” about fort to expand services for marginalized In 2021, Republican West Virginia night, Republican Senate President Pro
day. PAC President David McIntosh said a proposal to add a syringe service communities now that a near-total ban Gov. Jim Justice signed a law requiring Tempore Kim Ward of Westmoreland
the group looks “forward to providing program to its offerings in the opioid- on abortion is in effect in the state. The syringe providers to be licensed with County said after continued conversa-
the necessary support to ensure Mr. ravaged state. health center is on Charleston’s west the state and recipients to show proof tions with the governor, the Senate would
Bishop becomes North Carolina’s next “This work is too important and too side, an area that has historically seen the of residency and bring back each needle return to finalize the spending plan.
attorney general.” vital to be guided by fear or disdain or city’s highest percentage of emergency after use. That would allow millions of dol-
Mr. Bishop said Thursday he expects past grudges,” Iris Sidikman, the harm overdose calls. The Charleston City Council fol- lars to begin flowing to counties and
“to demonstrate very significant sup- reduction coordinator at the Women’s The Charleston City Council is ex- lowed with an ordinance requiring school districts that were preparing to
port” in his first campaign finance report Health Center of West Virginia, said at a pected to take the program up for a vote that programs collect at least 90% empty out their reserves or consider
later this month. public hearing last week on Charleston’s this month. of the syringes they distribute and taking out loans to continue necessary
His decision opens a seat within a west side. In 2021, the Centers for Disease Con- making it a misdemeanor to run an operations.
14-member delegation now evenly split Syringe service programs oper- trol and Prevention declared Charleston exchange program violating the re- “Senate Republicans will continue
between Democrats and Republicans. ate by allowing people to exchange the scene of the country’s “most con- strictions, adding fi nes of $500 to to negotiate with our counterparts in
The 8th Congressional District that Mr. dirty syringes used to inject drugs cerning HIV outbreak” due to intrave- $1,000 per offense. good faith and in the best interests of
Bishop currently represents stretches for clean, sterile ones. They are CDC- nous drug use. The ordinance also requires that Pennsylvanians,” she said in the state-
over all or parts of eight suburban and recommended and scientifically proven That came after the Kanawha- a public meeting be held in any area ment. “We hope our counterparts will
rural counties east of North Carolina’s methods to curb the spread of diseases Charleston Health Department shut where an organization is proposing to do the same.”
largest city and is solidly conservative. such as HIV and hepatitis C among down its syringe service program in 2018. add syringe services. — Associated Press
▶ Editorial: End DOJ’s spy games / B2 LEGAL ADS INSIDE B5


Mr. Smith goes Destroying Space Command

to Washington By Morgan Murphy
Biden’s political play for Colorado hurts national security

Force Base, Nebraska and (3) Port San Antonio.
Special counsel outlaws free n disregard of basic military strategy and national security,
After the 2020 election, two finalists were taken to the White House: Red-
stone Arsenal and Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
speech, elections and democracy President Biden overturned a major Air Force basing deci-
sion this week. Just as he did in Afghanistan by picking a
This was odd. How did a base that wasn’t in the top three make it to the
president’s desk?
withdrawal date based on public relations rather than his top Chalk that up to sibling rivalry. Colorado Springs is beloved by many Air
By Charles Hurt generals’ best military advice, the president’s wrongheaded Force officers as the home of the Air Force Academy. Redstone Arsenal is
political calculations will once again leave our military in Army. No blue suiter wants to be on an Army base.

t is now against the law for a politician to tell a lie, chaos. Those briefing the president pointed out that Peterson is already home to
according to the Department of Justice’s highly For more than two years, the administration has slow-rolled the the Northern Command and NORAD. Locating yet another combatant com-
enthusiastic prosecutor Jack Smith. headquarters decision for the U.S. Space Command, or SPACECOM, one of mand in the same geographic footprint made little strategic sense. Don’t put
What on earth will anyone in Washington ever America’s 11 unified combatant commands in the Department of Defense. all your generals in one basket.
talk about again? Cable news channels will go dark. Rep. Our combatant commands play a vital role in the defense of the nation, Following that logic and confirming its No. 1 status, Mr. Trump picked
Adam Schiff’s voice box will be surgically removed. and SPACECOM’s mission is to defend the highest of high ground. Redstone Arsenal on Jan. 13, 2021.
Congress will be turned into a hushed monastery, with After all, a war with China would likely start in space. Colorado’s congressional delegation immediately called foul, claiming that
only the squeak of an occasional mouse scurrying across Imagine that major gas pipeline fueling the Northeast seizes up, forcing the decision was political. This made little sense, as the political move would
the waxed marble floors to be heard. Pentagon employees to work from home. E-commerce freezes for a week, have been to name the base location before the 2020 election, not afterward.
All the expensive restaurants lining Pennsylvania And why pick ruby-red Alabama? A calculating
Avenue that keep all the fat-cat lobbyists at the trough and politician counting up votes would have sooner
well fattened will be shuttered. Rep. Jerold Nadler will chosen Colorado or Florida, two purple states with
become a swimsuit model. 10 and 30 electoral votes, respectively.
The sirens of so many motorcades every day will be But at the Colorado delegation’s demands, not
silenced and give way to the summer cicadas and bullfrogs one but two watchdog reports ensued.
along the Potomac River. A wasted year of investigation revealed zilch.
Never again will you hear the ominous tones of another In 2022, the Department of Defense Office of
political attack ad Inspector General found the selection of Redstone
droning on your TV “complied with law and policy, and was reasonable
at home. Our last in identifying Huntsville as the preferred perma-
election is behind us. nent location.”
Politics has been The General Accountability Office’s report like-
outlawed. wise declared Redstone Arsenal “the location with
BY CHARLES HURT Actually, that the most advantages in the final decision matrix.”
sounds kind of What the GAO found fishy was the eleventh-hour
nice. The only problem is that it’s a fantasy world. And elevation of Peterson.
the Founders kind of covered all this when they wrote the Democrats then tried another stalling tactic.
Constitution. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire attempted
Lying is bad. It is terrible. It is awful. to require yet another evaluation of Redstone in
People should not lie, especially people in powerful June 2022, but was shot down in a bipartisan vote
positions. orchestrated by Alabama’s senior senator, Tommy
OK, but who should decide what is a lie? And more Tuberville.
important, who should decide who is lying? Out of options, the Biden administration then
God? A king? Congress? The Supreme Court? The seized on a flimsy new reason to delay the base.
media? A rogue federal prosecutor with an impressive “This is all about abortion politics,” an anony-
record of failure going after politicians? mous official told NBC News.
No. The only people qualified and empowered to deter- A chorus of Democrats chimed in, agreeing that
mine who is lying and who should lead are the voters. abortion should play a role in strategic military-bas-
And the only way for voters to decide those questions is ing decisions. This past March, Colorado’s Michael
through elections. Bennett and 36 other Senate Democrats urged the
The insane indictment returned this week is not against Pentagon to “take into consideration the conse-
former President Donald Trump. It is an indictment quence of locating new installations and missions in
against elections, and more specifically, free speech. states that would adversely impact the reproductive
It’s an indictment of the political process. rights of those required to work there.”
Most important, it is an attempt to hijack the electoral The clear message: Punish pro-life states at the
system so that voters cannot choose the next president. In- expense of military readiness.
deed, the Biden administration seeks to jail its top political Injecting the Defense Department with
rival rather than face him in the next election. more domestic hot-button issues is sure to run
In the indictment, special counsel Jack Smith accuses afoul of congressional Republicans. Expect
Mr. Trump of “dishonesty, fraud and deceit” — even “pro- Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama, the power-
lific lies” — in his political speeches after the 2020 election, ful chairman of the House Armed Services
questioning the fairness of that election. Committee, to zero out the Space Command’s
“These claims were false, and the Defendant knew that ILLUSTRATION BY LINAS GARSYS
headquarters budget and raise investigations of
they were false,” according to Mr. Smith. his own.
So, not only has Mr. Smith decided that it is now against causing gridlock and a stock-market slide. America’s aging GPS satellite This might delay SPACECOM’s headquarters for a year or more.
the law for a politician to lie, he has also discovered the constellation is corrupted, blinding both ordinary civilians and our military’s The administration’s bare-knuckle move also ensures that Mr. Tuber-
perfect person to decide that which is a lie and that which ability to navigate on land and sea. ville’s hold on generals and admirals will likely continue through the 2024
is true: himself. These are just a few actions a technologically sophisticated nation could election campaign. That’s probably just what the Biden administration wants:
And if that galloping self-regard were not staggering take to blindside the U.S. There are thousands more. a general election fight over abortion.
enough, Mr. Smith has also crowned himself the final Since so much of our modern society relies on space, Congress and then- They saw it as a winning issue in the midterms and hope the same magic
arbiter of exactly what Mr. Trump was thinking and when President Donald Trump created the U.S. Space Force and reconstituted the might help the frail and fumbling president win reelection.
he thought those thoughts. U.S. Space Command in August 2019. So sadly, yes, the SPACECOM fight is all about politics. Meanwhile, our
Moving out smartly, in 2020, the Air Force conducted an extensive basing- enemies are at the space gate.
decision process, evaluating where to put SPACECOM’s headquarters. The
Air Force looked at 66 communities in 26 states, narrowing it down to six Morgan Murphy is a former Department of Defense press secretary and
finalists. The top three were (1) Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, (2) Offutt Air national security adviser.

Media circle the wagons for Biden again

Running interference on corruption scandal, just as they did with Hunter’s laptop
Jack Smith By Tim Murtaugh

So, “the Defendant knew that they were false.” Really? hey’re doing it again.
Based on Mr. Trump’s private comments to former Vice Our corporate news media, which
President Mike Pence? But I thought you said Mr. Trump doggedly ignored the burgeoning
was a liar! Hunter Biden laptop story three years
When was he lying, and when was he telling the truth, ago to protect then-candidate Joe Biden at the
Mr. Smith? end of the 2020 election campaign, is on its
It takes your breath away to behold such arrogance, es- way to treating the latest explosive news about
pecially when it’s entwined with such profound ignorance. Biden family corruption in much the same
That Mr. Smith is prosecuting Mr. Trump for free way.
speech pertaining to an election is particularly rich. If free If you normally get your news from the
speech is not protected when it pertains to an election, major legacy outlets (and are also reading this
then why the hell do we have free speech in the first place? column for some reason), you’ll have to be
So that we can yell freely during a soccer game? filled in on what’s been going on with Biden
Even if this new standard for jailable speech were to Inc., where the only product is access to the
apply only to politicians who question the results of elec- man who is now president of the United States.
tions, then Mr. Smith and the Biden Gestapo will be busy Former Biden business partner Devon
indeed. The jails will overflow with Democratic politicians Archer testified to a congressional committee
in particular. that Hunter Biden put his father on the phone
That’s because in the decades preceding Mr. Trump, with foreign businessmen at least 20 times, so
Republican politicians mastered the art of being polite, that the patriarch could “sell the brand.”
obedient losers. “The brand,” of course, was the allure of the
The truth is that this prosecution — like all the rest Biden name and the clout that came with it if
against Mr. Trump — is about nothing more than jailing certain conditions were met — namely, show-
Donald Trump to prevent voters from reelecting him to ering members of the Biden family with cash.
the White House in a free and fair election. The fact that then-Vice President Biden
There is a term for this. It’s called “election interfer- spoke with his son’s benefactors so often
ence.” And it’s worse than a lie. exposes the lie that he never had any idea what
Jack Smith and the rest of President Biden’s political was going on. He obviously actively partici-
henchmen at DOJ should be held accountable for it. pated in the marketing of his own prestige and

Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times. ILLUSTRATION BY HUNTER » see MURTAUGH | B3


End DOJ’s spy games

Congress should let surveillance authority expire

ongress has until year’s networks to brief them on “the
end to decide whether fed- nature of the connections between
eral agents will retain their several members of Trump’s for-
breathtaking capacity to snoop on eign policy and political team
the public. and elements of the Russian
In theory, an agency like the Government.”
FBI is supposed to use the Sec- Then-FBI attorney Kevin Cline-
tion 702 authority of the Foreign smith carried the Clinton cam-
Intelligence Surveillance Act to paign’s tale further down the field,
eavesdrop only on foreigners. In admitting that he forged an email to
practice, the law creates a vast bolster the FBI’s preposterous as-
electronic dragnet scooping up sertion that Carter Page, a volunteer
the communications of all Ameri- on the Trump campaign, was part
cans, regardless of their guilt or of a “well-developed conspiracy”
Given the Department of Jus-
with Russia.
The email had been specifically
Yes, dropping the A-bomb
tice’s zeal for prosecuting the ad-
ministration’s main political rival,
altered to conceal the fact that Mr.
Page wasn’t spying for the Russians. on Japan was necessary
the intelligence community can- Instead, he was a source for the CIA. U.S. invasion would have resulted in more deaths
not be trusted with a power it has FISA warrants are supposed to be
proved all too willing to abuse for among the nation’s most carefully By Henry Lerner Fourth, it was not as if the atomic
bombs were much more deadly than

political ends. guarded secrets, yet the existence t’s just about time for the annual weapons already used against Japan. Gen.
The White House on Monday of the warrant against Mr. Page bemoaning about the U.S. use of Curtis Lemay’s saturation bombing of
published a statement by national was leaked by a Senate Intelligence the atomic bomb to end the war Japanese cities had been overwhelmingly
security adviser Jake Sullivan call- Committee staffer to reporters who against Japan in 1945. Yet a simple destructive. In Tokyo alone, an estimated
review of the historical facts shows the 100,000 people were killed on the night of
ing this particular spying authority kicked off a media firestorm under self-flagellation to be inappropriate and March 9, 1945, in a massive firebombing
“one of the nation’s most critical the headline “FBI obtained FISA misinformed. raid.
intelligence tools used to protect warrant to monitor Trump adviser There are several powerful arguments The prolongation of the war — had
the homeland and the American Carter Page.” supporting the U.S. use of the atomic the A-bomb not been used — would have
bomb to end the war against Japan — resulted in further hundreds of thousands
people.” The gist of all this is that the and few, if any, persuasive or accurate of Japanese war deaths, not to speak of
Even if that’s true, Justice De- Clinton campaign cooked up false counterarguments. the starvation of possibly millions of civil-
partment officials have failed to claims about its political oppo- First, as the U.S. recovered from the ians, which was already starting to occur
initial setbacks of the war against Japan in the summer of 1945.
resist the temptation to peek at the nent that were laundered through and reconquered the Pacific territories Fifth, it has been claimed that the use
emails of their domestic political the Justice Department to add invaded by the Japanese, the cost of each of the atomic bomb on Japan was not
enemies under the guise of pros- legitimacy. battle to the U.S. escalated as the Japa- necessary to end the war but was merely
ecuting foreign spies. This fabrication dogged the nese home islands were approached. employed to intimidate the Russians
The death toll for the U.S. on Iwo Jima with a show of U.S. military might.
Despite the safeguards that were Trump administration from the was 6,821, with 20,000 others wounded; But a reading of (1) U.S. military
supposed to be in place, activists earliest days of his presidency to on Okinawa, more than 12,000 U.S. ser- communications and (2) personal diary
at the FBI who opposed then-pres- his last, undermining his ability to vicemen were killed, with 37,000 others entries from all the major U.S. leaders
idential candidate Donald Trump govern. wounded. of that period — as described by Mr.
Second, Japan, even in mid-1945, Thomas — shows the falsehood of such
spun a fable to the secret court FBI agents either knowingly showed no willingness to surrender. In attributed motivations.
that’s supposed to oversee the schemed with a political party to fact, the Japanese military was preparing True, some of the U.S. leaders were
process to obtain a warrant to spy interfere with an election and a a Gotterdammerung defense of the home concerned about civilian casualties in
islands, with (1) over 13,000 kamikaze Japan, but they correctly weighted this
on Mr. Trump’s campaign in 2016. presidency, or they were duped by planes, (2) thousands of explosive-laden against both the number of U.S. and
While this warrant was not filed political actors into accomplish- suicide torpedo boats, (3) the return from Japanese dead, wounded and starved if
under Section 702, the episode ing the same ends. Either inter- China of over 1 million troops, and (4) the the war did not end. There was never
demonstrates how easy it is to pretation argues strongly against arming of the entire civilian population. any discussion of using the A-bomb as a
Although there have been quibbles political tool to influence the Soviets.
manufacture a foreign connection. ever trusting federal officials with about the estimates of what the cost in Finally, it has been argued that the
Mr. Sullivan was among the first sweeping surveillance authority. dead and wounded would have been to U.S. should not have been the first na-
to proclaim a Russian conspiracy FISA Court judges played along the U.S. of an invasion of Japan, almost all tion to use the atomic bomb. But after
while serving as adviser to former with the farce. informed commenters on the topic esti- four years of war and increasing casualty
mate the number of expected U.S. dead numbers as the U.S. approached Japan,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Instead of renewing FISA au- to have been 300,000 to 500,000. government officials had to weigh such
2016 presidential campaign. thority, Congress needs to com- Moreover, the toll of Japanese military theoretical concerns against the poten-
According to his testimony be- mission a thorough audit to pare and civilian deaths would have been tial deaths of 300,000 to 500,000 more
much higher than U.S. losses had the U.S. Americans to end a war they did not
fore the House Intelligence Com- back not just Section 702, but all of invaded the home islands to end the war. start.
mittee, Mr. Sullivan met behind the the spy powers that are too easily Third, it has been claimed that the Neither the American people nor
scenes with the major television abused for political purposes. atomic bomb was not necessary to end Congress would have forgiven our politi-
the war because Japan had already been cal leaders for not having used the bomb
defeated by conventional U.S. bomb- to end the war when the knowledge
ing and naval blockade. It has also been about the availability of a completed A-
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR argued that a mere demonstration of the
bomb’s power over a unpopulated area
bomb eventually came out. The sad but
undeniable truth is that ending the war
would have been enough to ensure Japa- against Japan with the use of the atomic
Nothing but a witch hunt nese capitulation. bomb saved hundreds of thousands of
But as Evan Thomas clearly demon- American lives and millions of Japanese
More than half the country believes How in the world will the po- presidential candidate to keep him strates in his new book, “Road to Surren- lives.
that former President Donald Trump litical left’s relentless pursuit of from running for office ever again.  der,” the Japanese were far from thinking Yes, the atomic bomb was a terrible
is being harassed to prevent him Mr. Trump contribute toward the This endless, vicious, time-con- themselves defeated. In fact, even after weapon, and it is a shame it ever had to
from running for president in 2024. healing of America? It won’t. suming, politically charged and ex- the dropping of the second atomic bomb, be used.
The deep state and the Demo- It will only polarize Americans pensive fishing expedition against the four military members of the Big 6 But given the reluctance of the Japa-
crats desperately want to keep him further, to the point that we may Mr. Trump cannot be allowed to inner cabinet to the emperor were still nese government to acknowledge that
from getting back into the Oval soon have a civil war. continue. A house divided against advocating continued fighting, refusing they had lost the war, given the increas-
Office, because if he wins, they will This desperate effort is not about itself cannot stand. even the direct order from Emperor Hiro- ing cost to the U.S. in lives and wounded
then be held accountable for all their reconciliation or the quest for jus- hito to end the war. as battles approached the Japanese home
illegal, traitorous activity since he tice, but rather about persecuting MICHAEL PRAVICA Thus, if the actual use of two atomic islands, and given the huge anticipated
left office.   a former president and current Henderson, Nevada bombs had not persuaded the power losses an actual invasion of Japan would
brokers of the Japanese government to have incurred, the use of the atomic
sue for peace, certainly a benign demon- bomb to end the war — which it just
Pence failed in his duty stration of the bomb would have had no
barely did — was not only unavoidable
but was in fact a lifesaver.
Former Vice President Mike Pence Vice President Joe Biden would have Bidens were guilty of illegal activity. And it was only the threat of further
was wrong about Jan. 6 — and he is withheld $1 billion in foreign aid to So Mr. Pence should not preach destruction by more U.S. atomic weapons Dr. Henry Lerner is the founder of New-
still making excuses for his failure to Ukraine unless Ukraine ended an in- about upholding the Constitution. that finally pushed the inner counsel into ton-Wellesley OB/GYN. He is a graduate
take a stand against the corruption vestigation into the Biden family, the He had a constitutional duty to accepting the emperor’s decision to end of Princeton University and Harvard
that subverted then-President Don- deep state establishment doubled point out the fraud of the previous the war. Medical School.
ald Trump’s entire tenure (“Pence down by impeaching Trump. administration on Jan. 6, and he
turns tables on Trump as star wit- There is no dispute about Presi- failed to do so.
ness in Jan. 6 case,” page 1, Aug. 3). dent Biden’s corruption, and the full While he might not pardon the
The treasonous sedition by the depth of it is being covered up by outraged Americans who are sick of
Justice Department, FBI and Con- the organizations that facilitated his all this, I am sure he would pardon
gress is now in public view. The Rus- malfeasance. What’s more, anyone the Bidens and their co-conspirators.
sia collusion hoax was not an acci- with a sense of right and wrong Published by The Washington Times LLC
dent; it was orchestrated. When Mr. knew then the attacks against Mr. TOM HAGGERTY
Trump questioned why then-former Trump were unfounded and that the Nokesville, Virginia LARRY T. BEASLEY, CEO THOMAS P. McDEVITT, Chairman
CHRISTOPHER DOLAN, President & Executive Editor

Make headlines reflect story content NEWS

CATHY GAINOR, Managing Editor
CHARLES HURT, Opinion Editor
Andrew Napolitano’s Aug. 3 op-ed freedom it means, then by omission Headlines should accurately an- ANN WOG, Managing Editor Digital
(“Individuals, not government, have it means everyone’s. nounce what follows. Misleading JOHN BOURANTAS, Assistant Managing Editor RAYNARD BOLDING, Chief Financial Officer
the freedom of speech”) says no Judge Napolitano goes on to com- ones may be usual these days with STEPHEN DINAN, Assistant Managing Editor ADAM VERCAMMEN,
Senior Director, Digital Strategy and Audience Development
such thing pare natural rights and man-made the establishment media. But with S.A. MILLER, Assistant Managing Editor
TONY HILL, Advertising Director
The quoted First Amendment privileges. The difference lies in why The Washington Times, we don’t DAVID R. SANDS, Assistant Managing Editor
MARIA STAINER, Assistant Managing Editor
line makes that clear: “Congress abridging the latter is legitimate, expect them. Director of Human Resources and Building Operations
JOSEPH SZADKOWSKI, Assistant Managing Editor
shall make no law ... abridging whereas abridging the former is not. JORGE CARRASQUILLO, Information Technology Director
the freedom of speech.” Since the That — and not whose rights they JOHN S. MASON JR. 
amendment does not specify whose are — is Judge Napolitano’s gist.  Irvington, Virginia
Submissions: Op-eds may only be submitted by e-mail
to [email protected]
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letters that are fewer than 350 words. Please include your name, address and daytime telephone number.
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Here we go again The truth is out there

Is U.S. concealing multidecade program
Latest Trump indictment that captures UFOs?
By Joseph Curl
will likely backfire on Democrats anything we possess or anticipate having
in the near future. Last week’s hearing

awmakers last week held a riveting showcased lawmakers’ newfound audac-
hearing on UFOs, and things ity in pushing for more transparency
quickly took a strange turn. from military and intelligence agencies.
Former intelligence officer In a remarkable display of bipartisan
David Grusch and two fighter pilots cooperation, a group of senators led by
shared firsthand experiences with Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer,
unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs. New York Democrat, introduced a cun-
Mr. Grusch’s testimony revealed shock- ning amendment to the annual defense
ing details about a top-secret crash re- spending bill.
trieval and reverse-engineering program, Inspired by legislation that unraveled
accusing the military of misusing funds. the mystery surrounding President John
“My testimony is based on informa- F. Kennedy’s assassination, this measure
tion I have been given by individuals with compels executive branch agencies to
a long-standing track record of legitimacy disclose their records on UAPs to a
and service to this country — many of review board committed to immediate
whom also shared compelling evidence transparency.
in the form of photography, official docu- Agencies must mount a formidable
mentation, and classified oral testimony,” defense to justify keeping classified
Mr. Grusch said in his opening statement. records, as their requests will be scruti-
“I have taken every step I can to cor- nized by the review board’s commitment
roborate this evidence over a period of to truth.
four years and to do my due diligence In a breakthrough moment, a separate
on the individuals sharing it, and it is House panel heard riveting testimony
because of these steps that I believe from Pentagon officials last summer,
strongly in the opening a new chap-
importance of bring- ter in their quest for
ing this information truth.
before you. I am In last week’s
driven by a commit- hearing, lawmakers
ment to truth and on both sides of the
transparency, rooted BY JOSEPH CURL aisle expressed frus-
in our inherent duty tration over the lack
to uphold the United States Constitu- of information provided by the military
tion and protect the American people,” and intelligence agencies. They criticized
he said. an overly secretive classification
“I am asking Congress to hold our system that keeps these incidents
government to this standard and thor- hidden, denying the public access to
oughly investigate these claims. But as I extraordinary events.
stand here under oath now, I am speaking Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida,
to the facts as I have been told them,” Mr. a passionate Democrat, declared:
Grusch said. “Disclosure should be an immediate
Mr. Grusch even mentioned aircraft reality. Today, if possible. Tomorrow,
with “nonhuman” origins and the recov- at the latest. The moment has come.”
ery of biological materials. Could this Meanwhile, Rep. Glenn Grothman,
mean encounters with intergalactic life Wisconsin Democrat, the shrewd
forms? Lawmakers on both sides of the chairman of the subcommittee, slyly
aisle are perplexed, searching for the best remarked: “Some of us eagerly an-
way to proceed with these extraordinary ticipate extracting answers from our

By Scott Walker the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which claims. esteemed witnesses in a more covert
the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Some suspect a cover-up, while others setting. I suspect legislation may emerge
he latest indictments of former President Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit are demanding answers. The Pentagon, from this intriguing affair.”
Donald Trump are likely to backfire on under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” however, remains tight-lipped, pos- The pursuit of extraterrestrial truth
liberals. The ridiculous charges turn off The fact that the state court determined the rules and not sibly fearing the exposure of classified has taken an engaging twist, blending
primary and general election voters, and the legislature is contrary to the language in the Constitution.  information. elements of a mind-boggling mystery and
many see them as politicizing our judicial In Wisconsin, there were clearly issues with the 2020 But with numerous videos capturing a captivating political drama.
system. People want to move forward election. On Dec. 3, 2020, I wrote that we must “ensure that unexplained sightings and objects defying The only question remaining: Will our
with the next election.  every jurisdiction follows the election laws in each state. The known physics, it’s hard to dismiss these elected lawmakers tell us the truth, the
Primary voters are upset, and the lat- president’s legal team offers legitimate claims about the lack of encounters as mere illusions. whole truth and nothing but the truth?
est round of attacks is likely to give former election officials following every part of the law in states like With around 800 UAP reports investi-
Mr. Trump another bump in the polls. Even Republican voters mine.” gated, there’s evidently more to this than Joseph Curl covered the White House
who are not settled on Mr. Trump as the nominee for 2024 I went on to write: “It is clear that some voters failed to meets the eye. and politics for a decade for The Wash-
see the latest actions as a massive political overreach by liberal fill in their addresses on the envelopes for absentee ballots in As David Fravor, a witness to one ington Times. He can be reached at
prosecutors. Wisconsin. State law clearly states that each voter must fill in of these encounters, pointed out, the [email protected] and on X, for-
In many ways, they see it as attacking a member of their their address on the envelope for the ballot to be valid. There is technology displayed goes far beyond merly known as Twitter, @josephcurl.
family.   evidence that some of the envelopes received at local
Similarly, general election voters are tired of talk- voting locations did not include addresses filled in by
ing about the 2020 election. As stated before, I believe the voter.”
one of the reasons that Republicans did not perform And concluded that “state law also requires
as well as expected in the 2022 midterms was that people requesting absentee ballots to do so in written
many GOP candidates were identified as spending too form. Again, there is evidence that some voters did
much time talking about past elections instead of what not request their absentee ballot in the proper form
they were going to do looking forward. under the law. There are also serious questions about
Winning campaigns are always about the future.  the clerks in Milwaukee and Dane counties telling
Looking at the details, the latest indictment reads SCOTT voters to claim that they were ‘indefinitely confined’
more like someone trying to win a case in the court
of public opinion rather than in a court of law. Not
WALKER because of coronavirus so they could cast an absen-
tee ballot without providing photo identification.
only is the former president protected under the First Under state law, ‘indefinitely confined’ is supposed to
Amendment of the Constitution when it comes to free speech, be for voters in places like nursing homes.”
but he also has a right to petition the government for redress of These are just a few of the problems raised in my state and
grievances.  in Pennsylvania. A case may be made that there was no practi-
In case anyone has forgotten, here is the direct language cal legal remedy for the problems identified in several key
from the Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting battleground states.
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise That still does not mean that the former president does not
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or have a legitimate right to present information about election
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition integrity issues and argue for a specific remedy. 
the Government for a redress of grievances.”   If Mr. Trump is guilty of inciting the actions of a few, then
Seems clear to me.  Sen. Bernie Sanders is responsible for inciting the shooting
Furthermore, there are plenty of legitimate areas of concern of Majority Leader Steve Scalise and other Republicans on a
about the 2020 presidential election. I started talking about baseball field.
them in the weeks after the election that year.  And Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer is guilty
In Pennsylvania, members of the General Assembly passed of inciting those who are violating federal law by seeking to
legislation that was signed into law requiring absentee bal- intimidate Supreme Court justices outside their homes.
lots had to be received prior to the day of the election to be Of course, these are ridiculous arguments, as any rational
included in the final vote count. A liberal majority on the Penn- person can see. This is why they will backfire against Mr.
sylvania Supreme Court ruled that they could come in after the Trump’s foes. 
day of the election. 
It is worth noting that Article II, Section 1 of the Constitu- Scott Walker is president of Young America’s Foundation
tion states: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to
Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to 2019. ILLUSTRATION BY LINAS GARSYS

Murtaugh business” with his son.

That’s a denial of something no one
with a complete rewrite of history.
Laughably, the Times also bought the
According to the watchdog Media Re-
search Center, CNN and MSNBC men-
finally see the light on this story, she
basically said, no way.
From page B1 was saying, because it’s not as though spin from Democrats that Hunter Biden tioned former President Donald Trump “I don’t see that they ever concede
anyone thought that now-President Biden was selling the “illusion” of access to — who was about to be indicted again — their wrongdoing,” Ms. Devine said. “I
authority and made those contacts with had a place in a formal corporate struc- his father, as though producing the vice a combined 759 times on Monday, while mean, they’ve got Pulitzer Prizes for the
his son’s moneymen as a personal dem- ture at Biden Inc. president on the phone were a parlor mentioning Mr. Archer — on the day that Russia collusion hoax that they haven’t
onstration of what they were selling. trick anyone can do once they get the he testified — only 48 times. given back.”
And it’s been astounding to watch the hang of it. On the day of and morning after Mr. Republicans in Congress are openly
shifting language in the denials. The media also dutifully passed along Trump’s indictment, ABC, CBS and talking about impeaching the president
For years, the elder Mr. Biden flatly the cover story from Rep. Daniel Gold- NBC devoted almost 71 combined min- over this flagrant influence-peddling
and broadly rejected the accusation that man, New York Democrat, who said that utes to that story, which contrasted with scheme, and naturally the media are sid-
he ever discussed or had the slightest when the vice president was on those the paltry 8½ minutes they gave to the ing with Mr. Biden because, as a Demo-
knowledge of his son’s wildly successful calls with his son’s clients, he engaged Devon Archer story and its aftermath. crat, he’s on their team whether they
overseas financial ventures. only in casual conversation regarding So, it’s no surprise that an MRC poll really like him or not.
“I have never discussed, with my son “niceties about the weather.” found that regular viewers of liberal So, their strategy is to keep this scan-
or my brother or with anyone else, any- With the lies collapsing, The New The thing is that it doesn’t matter news outlets are far less likely to even be dal as quiet as possible, because shielding
thing having to do with their businesses. York Times was ready to ride to the what they talked about. Getting the vice aware of President Biden’s scandals and the president means keeping voters in the
Period,” he said in 2019. rescue. president on the phone was the point, and the serious implications that have been dark as long as they can.
Just a few weeks ago, however, the “It has long been known that the elder Hunter showed that he could produce his revealed.
White House press secretary changed Mr. Biden at times interacted with his dad on demand. On the “Line Drive Podcast,” which I Tim Murtaugh is a Washington Times
that story, moving away from the “never son’s business partners,” the Times re- Even through all of this, the media co-host, I asked New York Post journal- columnist and vice president for com-
discussed business” verbiage and instead ported, trying to soften the impact of the suppression of the story is already in ist Miranda Devine if she thought the munication strategy at National Public
denying that the president was ever “in revelations about the many phone calls effect. legacy media could be shamed into Affairs, a political consulting firm.
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AT 11:00 A.M.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain
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default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request
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County, Case No. C-15-CV-23-000140), the undersigned Substitute
Trustees will sell at Public Auction, at the Courthouse, the following:

All that fee simple lot of ground and the improvements thereon,
situate and lying in Montgomery County, State of Maryland and
being more fully described in the above-referenced Deed of Trust;
comprising 27,191 sq. ft., or 0.624 acre, more or less.

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NOTE: The information contained herein has been obtained
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from any such representation. Dimensions, square footage and
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are encouraged to perform their own due diligence, in advance of
the auction, regarding the permitted uses of the property.

The property will be sold subject to a prior Deed of Trust with

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Records of Montgomery County in Book LEK 47996, page 399, in the - Domestic
original principal amount of $561,303.

TERMS OF SALE: A $20,000 deposit, payable by cashier’s

check, will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. If
necessitated by price, the deposit shall be increased to 10% of the
purchase price by 12:00 Noon, on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at
the Auctioneer’s office. The holder of the indebtedness, if a bidder at
Medical Services the sale, shall not be required to post a deposit. Balance to be paid in
cash at settlement, which shall take place within ten (10) business
days following final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for
Montgomery County at the offices of the Substitute Trustees. If
payment of the balance does not take place within the specified
time, the deposit shall be forfeited or the property may be resold at
the risk and expense of the purchaser. Interest to be charged on the
unpaid purchase money, at the rate stated in the Note executed in
connection with the foreclosed Deed of Trust, from date of contract to
date of settlement. If settlement is delayed for any reason, there will
be no abatement of interest. All adjustments as of date of contract.
Taxes and all other public charges and assessments payable on
a monthly or annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan
district charges, if any, to be adjusted for the current year to date
of contract and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. The property
will be sold in “AS IS” condition, without express or implied warranty
as to the nature and description of the improvements as contained
herein; and subject to easements, agreements, restrictions or
covenants of record affecting same, if any. Purchaser shall be
Order Of Pub - Domestic: Order Of Pub - Domestic:
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property and Fairfax Co. Prince William Co.
assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of
contract forward. The purchaser waives and releases the Substitute
Trustees, the holder of the indebtedness, the Auctioneers, and their
respective agents, successors and assigns from any and all claims
the purchaser and/or its successors and assigns may now have
or may have in the future relating to the condition of the property,
including but not limited to the environmental condition thereof. If
the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited
to the refund of the deposit. Upon refund of the deposit this sale
shall be null and void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have
no further claim against the Substitute Trustees, the holder of the
Show Cause Notice

indebtedness or Auctioneers. Recordation costs, transfer taxes and

all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser.
Time shall be of the essence for the purchaser.

Authority to cancel this sale rests solely with the Substitute

Trustees and/or the Auctioneer. Prospective buyers should disregard
all other statements and comments made by any other person or
entity regarding minimum bids, pricing and cancellations of the
sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The
Substitute Trustees reserve: (1) the right to accept or reject any
or all bids; (2) the right to modify or waive the requirements for
bidders’ deposits and terms of sale and/or settlement; (3) the right to
withdraw the Property from the sale before acceptance of the final
bid; and (4) the right to cancel or postpone the sale.

Jordan M. Spivok,
Philip J. Collins, Substitute Trustees

No Buyer’s Premium

Run Dates: August 4, 11 and 18, 2023

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The following act of the Council of the District of Columbia (published with this notice) authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds has taken effect.  As provided in the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, the time within which
a suit, action, or proceeding questioning the validity of such bonds may be commenced expires at the end of the 20-day period beginning on the date of the first publication of this notice.

Muriel Bowser
D.C. ACT 25-54
MARCH 21, 2023

To authorize, on a temporary basis, the issuance of general obligation bonds and general obligation bond anticipation notes of the District of Columbia for the purposes of financing certain capital projects and the refunding of certain capital indebtedness of the District of Columbia
during fiscal years 2023 through 2028.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the “General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes for Fiscal Years 2023-2028 Authorization Temporary Act of 2023”.

Sec. 2. Definitions.
For the purposes of this act, the term:
(1) “Additional Bonds” means District general obligation bonds that may be issued pursuant to section 461 of the Home Rule Act and any act enacted subsequent to this act on a parity with the bonds.
(2) “Additional Notes” means District general obligation bond anticipation notes that may be issued pursuant to section 475 of the Home Rule Act and any act enacted subsequent to this act on a parity with the notes.
(3) “Authorized Delegate”’ means any officer or employee of the executive office of the Mayor to whom the Mayor has delegated any of the Mayor’s functions under this act pursuant to section 422(6) of the Home Rule Act, including, but not limited to, the Chief Financial
Officer, the City Administrator, and the Treasurer of the District of Columbia.
(4) “Bond Counsel” means a firm or firms of attorneys designated as bond counsel or co-bond counsel from time to time by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate.
(5) “Bonds” means District general obligation bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this act, including any refunding bonds.
(6) “Capital Projects” means the District capital projects as defined in section 103(8) of the Home Rule Act.
(7) “Deposit and Investment Act” means the Financial Institutions Deposit and Investment Amendment Act of 1997, effective March 18, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-56; D.C. Official Code § 47-351.01 et seq.).
(8) “Escrow Agreement” means any agreement heretofore or hereafter entered into by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate to provide for the custody, investment, and disbursement of revenues and funds pledged to, and in which a security interest is created for, the
payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds or notes.
(9) “Hedge Agreement” means any financial arrangement that is a cap, floor, or collar; forward rate; future rate; swap, which swap may be based on an amount equal to either a principal amount or a notional principal amount relating to all or a portion of the principal
amount of a series of bonds; asset, index, price, or market-linked transaction or agreement; other interest rate exchange or rate protection transaction agreement; other similar transactions, however designated; any combination thereof; any option with respect thereto; or any
similar arrangement, which is executed by the District for purposes of debt management, including managing interest rate fluctuations on bonds, but not for purposes of speculation.
(10) “Home Rule Act” means the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.).
(11) “Notes” means District general obligation bond anticipation notes authorized to be issued pursuant to this act, including any renewals of such notes.
(12) “Outstanding Debt” means the outstanding indebtedness at any time of the District for capital project loans from the Treasury of the United States, any Treasury Advances, any outstanding general obligation bonds issued pursuant to this or any prior act, any
outstanding general obligation bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to this or any prior act, and any income tax secured revenue bonds issued pursuant to the Income Tax Secured Bond Authorization Act of 2008, effective October 22, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-254, D.C. Official
Code § 47-340.26 et seq.).
(13) “Paying Agent” means the District or any bank, trust company, or national banking association designated to serve in this capacity by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate pursuant to section 6.
(14) “Procurement Act” means the District of Columbia Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-351.01 et seq.).
(15) “Registrar” means the District or any bank, trust company, or national banking association designated to serve in this capacity by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate pursuant to section 6.
(16) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the District of Columbia.
(17) “Special Tax Fund” means the debt service fund established pursuant to section 9(a)(1).
(18) “Special Tax Funds” means the debt service funds established pursuant to section 9(a)(1) and (2).
(19) “Special Tax Fund for Notes” means the debt service fund established pursuant to section 9(a)(2).
(20) “Treasury Advances” means amounts advanced to the District from the United States Treasury pursuant to Chapter 34 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code.

Sec. 3. Findings.
The Council finds that:
(1) Section 461 of the Home Rule Act authorizes the District to incur indebtedness by issuing general obligation bonds to refund Outstanding Debt of the District and to provide for the payment of the cost of acquiring or undertaking its various capital projects.
(2) Section 475 of the Home Rule Act authorizes the District to incur indebtedness by issuing general obligation bond anticipation notes, the proceeds of which shall be used for the purposes for which general obligation bonds may be issued under section 461 of the
Home Rule Act.
(3) The cost of Outstanding Debt may be reduced by refunding a portion of it through the issuance of the bonds, and the District’s cost of borrowing may be reduced by the issuance from time to time of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds.
(4) The issuance of the bonds and the notes in anticipation of the bonds is an economical method of financing the costs of acquiring or undertaking the capital projects described in section 5 and of refunding all or a portion of certain Outstanding Debt as is in the public interest.
(5) To fund the capital needs of the District for fiscal years 2023 through 2028, it will be necessary to issue bonds from time to time in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,400,000,000 and to issue notes from time to time in one or
more series in anticipation of all or a portion of the bonds.

Sec. 4. Bond and note authorization.

(a) The District is authorized to incur indebtedness by issuing the bonds pursuant to sections 461 through 467 of the Home Rule Act to provide for any of the following:
(1) The payment of the cost of acquiring, undertaking, or refinancing capital projects described in section 5 for general governmental and enterprise purposes;
(2) The reimbursing of amounts temporarily advanced for the purposes authorized by this act from the General Fund of the District of Columbia, any enterprise fund, or other fund or account of the District;
(3) The refunding of Outstanding Debt; and
(4) The payment of the costs and expenses of preparation, execution, issuance, sale or delivery of, or security for, the bonds and notes, including the payments of contracts or agreements the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may determine to be necessary and
appropriate as described in section 7(f), and the payment of other debt program related costs as provided in the contracts or agreements related thereto.
(b) The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate is authorized to pay from the proceeds of the bonds and other District funds, the costs and expenses referred to in subsection (a)(4) of this section and to the extent necessary to establish or continue the tax exempt status of any of
the bonds issued on a tax exempt basis.
(c) The District is authorized pursuant to section 475 of the Home Rule Act to issue the notes in anticipation of the issuance of general obligation bonds and to expend the proceeds of the notes for any of the purposes for which bonds may be issued.

Sec. 5. Capital projects.

(a) (1) Bonds and notes may be issued from time to time to provide for the payment of the cost of acquiring, undertaking, or refinancing capital projects of the District and reimbursement of amounts advanced for such purposes, including, but not limited to, capital
projects for the following categories of facilities and equipment by project and project description:
(A) Physical plant;
(B) Technology;
(C) Mass transportation;
(D) Roads and bridges;
(E) Housing and economic development;
(F) Environmental protection;
(G) Major equipment; and
(H) Recreation.
(2) The Council shall specify and determine from time to time, by resolution, the capital projects for which the issuance of bonds shall be authorized.
(b) The maximum principal amount of indebtedness that may be incurred through the issuance of bonds or notes for the capital projects, exclusive of the costs and expenses of issuing and delivering the bonds or notes and any other costs referred to in section 4(a)(4), which
may be funded with proceeds of the bonds or notes, shall not exceed $6,400,000,000; provided, that the principal amount of any notes or bonds issued to refund prior notes or bonds issued for any capital project shall not be included in the determination of the principal amount
of indebtedness issued for such project, and provided that the aggregate amount of any refunded notes or additional notes refinanced with bonds or additional bonds shall be returned to the maximum principal amount of indebtedness for use in future issuances.
(c) The maximum total principal amount to be financed through the bonds and notes provided for the capital projects listed in subsection (a)(1) of this section shall include amounts
requested by the District government and approved by Congress in the District’s Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Capital Improvements Plan or other capital projects approved by the Council, as it may be modified from time to time by appropriations legislation, or by the Council.
(d) The costs of the capital projects approved for financing pursuant to this act and prior bond acts that have become law, which are paid originally from the General Fund of the District of Columbia or General Capital Improvements Fund of the District of Columbia, are
reasonably expected to be reimbursed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the bonds or notes in the maximum amount set forth in subsection (b) of this section. The adoption of this act by the Council declares the intent of the District under Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2, issued under
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved October 22, 1986 (100 Stat. 2085; 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.), to reimburse the General Fund of the District of Columbia and General Capital Improvement Fund of the District of Columbia or to refinance Treasury Advances or loans from
the Treasury of the United States for capital projects, in either case, with the proceeds of the bonds and notes.
(e) Funds pursuant to this act shall not be used to pay for personnel of the District, except in positions working on authorized capital projects that create assets or extend the useful life of the assets.

Sec. 6. Bond and note details.

(a) The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate is authorized to take any action necessary or appropriate in accordance with this act in connection with the preparation, execution, issuance, sale, delivery, security for, and payment of the bonds and notes, including, but not limited
to, determinations of:
(1) Whether the bonds or notes are to be issued in one or more series and the principal amount of each series;
(2) For each series of the bonds or notes, the date of issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds or notes, the maturity date or dates of the bonds (provided that the maximum maturity of any bond shall not exceed 30 years from the date of issuance) or notes (provided
that the maximum maturity date of any note, including any renewal note issued to refund such note, shall not be later than the last day of the 3rd fiscal year following the fiscal year during which such note was originally issued), the dates for payment of principal and interest on
the bonds or notes, and the amount of each installment or sinking fund payment of principal (provided that the principal installments on each series of the bonds shall begin no later than 3 years from the date of issuance of the series);
(3) The rate or rates of interest or the method for determining the rate or rates of interest on each series of the bonds and notes; provided, that the interest rate or rates borne by the bonds of any series with fixed interest rates shall not exceed 15% per year (calculated
on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) in any event and that the interest rate or rates borne by the bonds of any series with non-fixed interest rates shall not exceed 15% per year (calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed over a year
of 365 or 366 days and based on the total amount of interest paid in any fiscal year), and the interest rate or rates borne by the notes of any series shall not exceed in the aggregate 10% per year (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months or on
the basis of the actual number of days elapsed over a year of 365 or 366 days), as determined by the Mayor or the Authorized Delegate; provided further, that if the notes are not paid at maturity, the notes may provide for an interest rate or rates after maturity not to exceed in the
aggregate 15% per year (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months or on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed over a year of 365 or 366 days), as determined by the Mayor or the Authorized Delegate;
(4) For each series of the bonds or notes, the maximum debt service payable in any fiscal year in accordance with the amount permitted under section 11(a)(3);
(5) The designation of any series of the bonds or notes and their denominations, lettering, and numbering or the manner of determining the designations and denominations, lettering, and numbering;
(6) The price and terms under which any series of the bonds or notes may be paid, optionally or mandatorily redeemed, accelerated, tendered, called, or put for redemption, repurchase, or remarketing before their stated maturities;
(7) The final form, content, and terms of each series of the bonds and notes, including a determination that any series of the bonds or notes may be issued in book-entry form;
(8) The designation of a registrar, if other than the District, for any series of the bonds or notes and the execution and delivery of any necessary agreements relating to the appointment;
(9) The designation of a Paying Agent for any series of the bonds or notes and the execution and delivery of any necessary agreements relating to the appointment;
(10) Provisions for the registration, transfer, and exchange of the bonds or notes and the replacement of mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed bonds or notes; and
(11) Provisions for the security of holders of the bonds or notes, including, but not limited to, bond insurance or other credit enhancement.
(b) The bonds and notes shall be executed in the name of the District and on its behalf by the manual signature of the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate. To the extent required by the Home Rule Act, the official seal of the District or a facsimile of it shall be impressed, printed,
or otherwise reproduced on the bonds and notes.
(c) The registrar shall manually authenticate each bond or note and maintain the books of registration for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds or notes and perform other ministerial responsibilities as specifically provided in its appointment as registrar,
and the securities depository, if the bonds or notes are issued in book-entry form, shall maintain or cause to be maintained books of registration of owners of beneficial interests in the bonds or notes.

Sec. 7. Sale of the bonds and notes.

(a) The bonds of any series may be sold by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate at a public sale upon receipt of sealed proposals (including electronic bids), or at a private sale on a negotiated basis in a manner as the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may determine to be
in the public interest, all pursuant to and in accordance with section 466 of the Home Rule Act. The notes of any series may be sold by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate by competitive bid or negotiated sale as may be determined by the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate to be
in the best interest of the District.
(b) The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may prepare, or cause to be prepared, and may execute, for each sale of the bonds or notes, offering documents on behalf of the District and may authorize the distribution of the offering documents for the bonds or notes.
(c) The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate shall take actions and execute and deliver agreements, documents, and instruments (including any amendment of or supplement to any such agreement, document, or instrument) as required by or incidental to:
(1) The issuance of the bonds or notes;
(2) If and to the extent the bonds or notes are issued on a tax-exempt basis, the ‘exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the bonds or notes, the treatment of interest on the bonds or notes as not an item of tax preference for purposes
of the federal alternative minimum tax, and the exemption from District taxation of interest on the bonds or notes;
(3) The performance of any covenants contained in this act or any purchase contract for the bonds or notes; and
(4) The execution, delivery, and performance of any financing documents in connection with the sale of the bonds or notes, including but not limited to, any Escrow Agreement, trust agreement, bond or note purchase agreement, or paying agent agreement.
(d) The bonds or notes shall not be issued until the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate receives an approving opinion from Bond Counsel as to the validity of the bonds or notes and, if and to the extent the bonds or notes are issued on a tax-exempt basis, the treatment of the
interest on the bonds or notes for purposes of federal and District income taxation.
(e) The Mayor shall execute a bond issuance certificate or note issuance certificate, as the case may be, evidencing the determinations made and other actions taken by the Mayor for each series of the bonds or notes issued and shall designate in such certificate the amount of the
bonds or notes to be used to finance capital projects or to refund or refinance Outstanding Debt, the amount of principal and interest on that amount of bonds or notes to be paid through sinking fund payments, redemptions, or otherwise, in each fiscal year, the date of the bonds or notes,
the series designation, the authorized denominations, the Paying Agent or Agents, and any other matters pertaining to the bonds or notes, including any matters applicable under section 6(a). A copy of the bond issuance certificate or note issuance certificate, as the case may be, shall be
filed with the Secretary to the Council not more than 3 days after the delivery of the bonds or notes covered by the certificate. Any bond issuance certificate or note issuance certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the actions or determinations taken or made as stated in the certificate.
(f) The Procurement Act and the Deposit and Investment Act shall not apply to whatever contract the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may from time to time enter into for purposes of this act or the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may determine to be necessary or
appropriate for purposes of this act to place, in whole or in part, including, but not limited to:
(1) An investment or obligation of the District as represented by the bonds or notes;
(2) A contract or contracts for bond insurance or other credit enhancement (including, but not limited to, a letter or line of credits), or liquidity agreements, or placement of any investment or obligation or program of investment including any offering document,
contract based on interest rate, currency, cash flow, or other basis, including, without limitation, interest rate swap agreements; currency swap agreements; insurance agreements; forward payment conversion agreements; futures contracts providing for payments based on levels of,
or changes in, interest rates, currency exchange rates, or stock or other indices; contracts to exchange cash flows or a series of payments; and contracts to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread, or similar exposure, including, without limitation, interest rate floors, or caps, options,
puts, and calls, Hedge Agreements, and any required supplements to any such documents. The contracts or other arrangements may also be entered into by the District in connection with, or incidental to, entering into or maintaining any agreement that secures the bonds or
notes. The contracts or other arrangements entered into pursuant to this section shall contain whatever payment security, terms, and conditions as the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may consider appropriate and shall be entered into with whatever party or parties the Mayor
or an Authorized Delegate may select, after giving due consideration, where applicable, to the creditworthiness of the counterparty or counterparties, including any rating by a nationally recognized rating agency or any other criteria as may be appropriate.
(3) A contract or contracts for an escrow agent, paying agent, disclosure agent, trustee, collection agent, registrar, underwriting, legal services, accounting, financial advisory services, rating agency services, printing, and any other contracts for services of professionals
or advisors or for disclosure services as the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may deem to be necessary or appropriate.

Sec. 8. Payment and security of the bonds and notes.

(a) The full faith and credit of the District is pledged for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and notes as they become due and payable through required sinking fund payments, redemptions, or otherwise.
(b) The Council shall, in the full exercise of the authority granted in section 483 of the Home Rule Act and under any other law, provide in each annual budget for a fiscal year of the District sufficient funds to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and notes becoming
due and payable for any reason during that fiscal year.
(c) The Mayor shall, in the full exercise of the authority granted to the Mayor under the Home Rule Act and under any other law, take such actions as may be necessary or appropriate to ensure that the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and notes are paid when due for
any reason, including the payment of principal and interest from any funds or accounts of the District not otherwise legally committed.
(d) The bonds and notes shall evidence continuing obligations of the District until paid in accordance with their terms.
(e) Any Paying Agent shall pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and notes and may perform other ministerial responsibilities as specifically provided in its appointment as paying agent.
(f) Proceeds of the bonds or notes and any money set aside for any security for the bonds or notes or any contract or other arrangement entered into pursuant to this section, may be pledged to and used to service any contract or other arrangement providing for payment
of principal of and interest on the bonds or notes.

Sec. 9. Special tax; establishment of rates; collection.

(a) (1) The Council determines that a special tax is necessary in conjunction with the authorization and issuance of the bonds and any Additional Bonds. Pursuant to section 481 of the Home Rule Act and notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 47 of the
District of Columbia Official Code, there is levied, for each real property tax year in which bonds or Additional Bonds are outstanding, a special tax on the real property in the District subject to taxation, in amounts that will be sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the
bonds and Additional Bonds coming due in each year. This special tax is levied, without limitation as to rate or amount, on all classes of real property subject to taxation in the District. The special tax shall be collected and apportioned among classes of real property in the same
manner as other District real property taxes and, when collected, shall be set aside in a Special Tax Fund maintained separate from other funds of the District. The collection and custody of the special tax payment may be pursuant to an agreement with an agent for such purposes
and the Special Tax Fund may be maintained under an Escrow Agreement. When deposited, the funds in the fund and all investment income or earnings on these funds shall be irrevocably dedicated and pledged to the payment of principal, and interest on, the bonds and any
Additional Bonds. Any Escrow Agreement providing for holding funds for the benefit of the holders of the bonds shall be maintained so long as any of the bonds is outstanding under this act.

Legal Notices
(2) In addition to the special tax levied pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Council determines that a separate tax levy is necessary in conjunction with the authorization and issuance of notes and any Additional Notes. Pursuant to section 467(a) of the Home
Rule Act, and notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code, there is levied, for each real property tax year in which notes or Additional Notes are outstanding, a special tax for notes on the real property in the District subject to taxation,
which shall be separate and distinct from the collection and pledge of the special tax in paragraph (1) of this subsection, in amounts that will be sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the notes and Additional Notes coming due in each year. This special tax for notes is levied,
without limitation as to rate or amount, on all classes of real property subject to taxation in the District. The special tax for notes shall be collected and apportioned among classes of real property in the same manner as other District real property taxes and, when collected, shall be set
aside in a Special Tax Fund for Notes maintained separate from other funds of the District, including the Special Tax Fund maintained under paragraph (1) of this subsection. The collection and custody of the revenue pledge payment may be pursuant to an agreement with an agent for
such purposes and the Special Tax Fund for Notes may be maintained under an Escrow Agreement. When deposited, the revenues in the fund and all investment income or earnings on these funds shall be irrevocably dedicated and pledged to the payment of principal, and interest on,
the notes and any Additional Notes. Any Escrow Agreement providing for holding funds for the benefit of the holders of the notes or Additional Notes shall be maintained so long as any of the notes or Additional Notes is outstanding under this act.
(3) The special taxes authorized pursuant to subsection (a)(1) and (2) of this section shall be levied and collected ratably and on a parity with each other, and in the event there are insufficient collections of real property taxes, the amounts collected shall be allocated
to each of the Special Tax Funds in proportion of the amounts of bonds and Additional Bonds and notes and Additional Notes outstanding.
(b) The District irrevocably pledges for and on behalf of the owners of the bonds or notes as further security for the due and punctual payment of the principal and redemption price, if any, of, and interest on, the bonds or notes as they shall become due and payable for any
reason, all of its right, title, and interest now owned or later acquired in and to the revenue from the applicable special taxes levied by this section, whether to be received, or held at the time, by a collection agent, custodian, or escrow agent for the District, or by District officials.
This pledge creates and grants a parity security interest, which is created and perfected as contemplated in section 467 of the Home Rule Act, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations in this act, including the provisions of subsections (e) and (i) of this section and the
provisions setting forth conditions and limitations applicable to the issuance of Additional Bonds or Additional Notes secured, equally and ratably with the bonds or notes, respectively by a pledge of and security interest in the special tax revenue or special tax for notes revenue.
(c) The security interests created in the revenues from the special taxes levied by this section shall be valid, binding, and perfected from the time of the delivery of the first bonds or notes with or without the physical delivery or allocation of any special tax revenue or special
tax for notes revenue and with or without any further action. The security interest shall be valid, binding, and perfected whether or not any statement, document, or instrument relating to the security interest is recorded or filed. The pledge and lien created by the security interest
shall be valid, binding, and perfected with respect to any individual or legal entity having claims against the District, whether or not the individual or legal entity has notice of the pledge and lien.
(d) If the District pays or, pursuant to section 15, makes provisions to pay to the owners of all bonds and Additional Bonds or notes and Additional Notes the principal or redemption price, if any, and the interest due or to become due, at the time and in the manner stipulated,
the security interest created in the revenue from the special taxes levied under this section shall be terminated.
(e) (1) In any real property tax year, if the amount expected to be on deposit in the Special Tax Fund on the first day of the next succeeding real property tax year exceeds the greater of the earnings on the Special Tax Fund for the current real property tax year or 1/12 of
the amount that the Mayor certifies as required to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and any Additional Bonds coming due in the next succeeding real property tax year, the Mayor shall either cause the transfer of that excess amount to the General Fund of the District
of Columbia or the use of that excess amount to purchase, for cancellation, Outstanding Debt. That excess amount shall be released from the lien on and security interest in the special tax revenue created under this section.
(2) In any real property tax year, if the amount expected to be on deposit the Special Tax Fund for Notes on the first day of the next succeeding real property tax year exceeds the greater of the earnings on the Special Tax Fund for Notes for the current real property
tax year or 1/12 of the amount that the Mayor certifies as required to pay the principal of, and interest on, the notes and any Additional Notes coming due in the next succeeding real property tax year, the Mayor shall either cause the transfer of that excess amount to the General
Fund of the District of Columbia or the use of that excess amount to purchase, for cancellation, Outstanding Debt. That excess amount shall be released from the lien on and security interest in the special tax for notes revenue created under this section.
(3) On or before the date upon which the Mayor is required by law to submit to the Council proposed real property tax rates for a real property tax year of the District (but not later than the first day of that real property tax year), the Mayor shall certify to the Council
the amount required in that real property tax year to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds and any Additional Bonds or notes and any Additional Notes coming due for any reason during that real property tax year. The amount certified, less any funds then on deposit
in the Special Tax Funds after application of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, shall be called the special tax requirement.
(f) On or before the date upon which the Mayor is required by law to submit to the Council proposed tax rates for a real property tax year of the District (but not later than the first day of that real property tax year), the Mayor shall calculate and submit to the Council
proposed real property special tax rates to be applied during the real property tax year to all real property subject to taxation in the District. The real property special tax rates shall be calculated to yield the special tax requirement, as that amount is certified by the Mayor pursuant
to subsection (e) of this section.
(g) The Council, in the same manner as provided for the establishment of other real property tax rates, shall, by act, establish real property special tax rates for the real property tax year calculated to yield the special tax requirement, as that amount is certified by the Mayor
pursuant to subsection (e) of this section. If the Council fails to enact special real property tax rates for the real property tax year within the time provided by law, the real property special tax rates submitted by the Mayor pursuant to subsection (f) of this section shall be the real
property special tax rates to be applied during that real property tax year.
(h) Real property special taxes shall be collected in the same manner as other District real property taxes and the Mayor shall promptly deposit in the Special Tax Funds all real property special taxes collected, including collection through a collection agent and deposit under
an Escrow Agreement. If the law of the District relating to the levy or collection of real property taxes or the calculation or establishment of real property tax rates is changed in a manner that renders any of the provisions of subsections (e) through (h) of this section incapable of
performance in accordance with their respective terms, the Mayor and the Council shall take actions that result in the collection of real property special taxes, in the same manner as other District real property taxes, in the amounts required by this section.
(i) The District and the Mayor reserve the right to satisfy all or a portion of the special tax pledge requirements by setting aside and depositing into the Special Tax Funds, equally and ratably, at any time any funds of the District not otherwise legally committed, which shall
irrevocably dedicate and pledge those deposits to the payment of principal of, and interest on, the bonds and Additional Bonds or notes and any Additional Notes then outstanding. To the extent that all or a portion of the special tax requirement or revenue pledge requirement is
satisfied by those deposits, an equal amount of real property special tax revenue or special tax for notes revenue subsequently collected shall be released from the lien on and the security interest in the special tax revenue or the special tax for notes revenue created under this section
and shall be paid to reimburse the General Fund of the District of Columbia or other fund of the District of Columbia from which the other funds were received, and any other funds so deposited in lieu of a portion of the special tax revenues or pledged property tax revenues
shall be subject to the pledge and security interest under this act as if they were special tax revenues or special tax for notes pledged revenues pursuant to section 467 of the Home Rule Act.
(j) The Mayor shall provide for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds or notes, as it may become due and payable for any reason, by transferring funds on deposit in the Special Tax Funds, respectively, to the Paying Agent to the extent required pursuant
to the bond or Additional Bond issuance certificate or note or Additional Note issuance certificate provided for in section 7.

Sec. 10. Issuance of bonds to pay notes when due.

(a) The District shall issue the bonds or, to the extent permitted by the Home Rule Act, renewal notes to provide for the payment of the principal of the notes, as they may become due and payable.
(b) The par value to be received from the sale of any bonds issued to refund the notes or any renewal notes shall, to the extent necessary, be used to pay the principal of, and interest on, the notes when due and are pledged to that purpose.

Sec. 11. General covenants.

(a) The following covenants are made by the District in connection with the authorization and issuance of the bonds:
(1) Pursuant to section 603(c) of the Home Rule Act, the Council shall not approve any budget that would result in expenditures being made by the District during any fiscal year in excess of all resources that the Mayor estimates will be available from all funds available to
the District for that fiscal year, except as permitted by applicable law. The Mayor shall not forward to the President for submission to Congress a budget that is not balanced according to the provisions of section 603(c) of the Home Rule Act, except as permitted by applicable law.
(2) The District shall prepare its annual financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments and cause its annual financial statements to be audited by an independent accountant.
(3) The District shall not issue any general obligation bonds or general obligation bond anticipation notes, other than bonds or renewal notes to refund any Outstanding Debt, or incur any indebtedness to the Treasury of the United States for capital projects in an
amount that would cause the amount of debt service payable in any fiscal year on all the indebtedness, including all outstanding bonds and loans, to exceed any limitations set forth in the Home Rule Act or the borrowing limitation set forth in D. C. Official Code § 47-335.02 at
the time the additional bonds or indebtedness are issued or incurred. For purposes of the limitation imposed by this section, and as required by section 475(b) of the Home Rule Act, the Council hereby determines that the estimated maximum annual debt service amount for the
bonds anticipated by the notes is $30 million.
(4) Subject to applicable law, the District shall maintain a capital projects fund, separate from other funds of the District, into which it will deposit the proceeds of any bonds or notes, other than bonds or notes issued to refund Outstanding Debt, less any capitalized
interest and accrued interest, and shall expend the proceeds only to finance capital projects and incidental costs as defined in section 103(8) of the Home Rule Act. Subject to applicable law, the proceeds of the bonds or notes may be escrowed in appropriate accounts with escrow
agents or a trustee for the bonds or notes to be applied to the applicable purposes. Interest or other investment earnings of proceeds in the capital projects fund shall be credited to the General Fund of the District of Columbia, subject to provisions for any deposit requirements to
a rebate fund or other funds in accordance with agreements pertaining to the bonds or notes.
(b) The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate may, through a trust agreement or other instrument, make additional covenants of the District and agree to other provisions to better secure, administer funds for, and protect the bonds or notes and the owners thereof.

Sec. 12. Events of default.

(a) Each of the following events constitutes an event of default:
(1) Failure to pay the principal of the bonds or notes, as the case may be, when the principal becomes due and payable at maturity, upon redemption, or otherwise;
(2) Failure to pay an installment of interest on the bonds or notes, as the case may be, upon the day when the interest becomes due; and
(3) Failure by the District to observe and perform any covenant, condition, agreement, or provision, other than as specified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, contained in the bonds or notes, as the case may be, or in this act, but only if the failure continues
for a period of 90 days after transmittal to the District of written notice of failure.
(b) A bond or note owner who claims an event of default under subsection (a)(3) of this section shall provide to the registrar written notice specifying the failure and requesting that it be remedied. Upon verifying that the written notice has been transmitted by a bona fide
bond or note owner, the registrar, if other than the District, shall transmit the written notice to the District. If the registrar is the District, the written notice shall be delivered directly to the Mayor. Transmittal to the District of the written notice required by subsection (a)(3) of
this section shall not be accomplished in any manner other than that set forth in this subsection. If there is a trust agreement or Escrow Agreement for the bonds or notes, the notice by bond or note owners and notice to the District shall be given by and to the persons designated
in or pursuant to such agreement.

Sec. 13. Remedies.

(a) Upon the occurrence and continuance of any event of default, any bond or note owner may:
(1) By mandamus or other suit, action, or proceeding at law or in equity, enforce all rights of the bond or note owner and require the District to carry out any agreements with or for the benefit of the bond or note owner and to perform its duties under this act;
(2) Bring suit upon the bonds or notes, as the case may be; and
(3) By action or suit at law or in equity, enjoin any acts that may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the bond or note owner.
(b) If any proceeding initiated by any bond or note owner to enforce any right under this act is discontinued or abandoned for any reason, the District and the bond or note owner shall be restored to their former positions and rights, and all rights, remedies, and powers of each of the
parties shall continue as though the proceeding had not been initiated.
(c) Subject to the provisions of the Home Rule Act, if there is a trust agreement or Escrow Agreement for the bonds or notes, actions under this act or such agreement, or on the bonds or notes, as the case may be, shall be subject to applicable provisions in the agreement,
notwithstanding other provisions in this act.

Sec. 14. District officials.

(a) The elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, or agents of the District shall not be liable personally for the payment of the bonds or notes or be subject to any personal liability by reason of the issuance of the bonds or notes.
(b) The signature, countersignature, facsimile signature, or facsimile countersignature on the bonds or notes shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes, notwithstanding the fact that the official ceases to be that official before delivery of the bonds or notes.

Sec. 15. Defeasance of bonds and notes.

(a) The bonds or notes, as the case may be, shall be legally defeased and no longer be considered outstanding and unpaid for the purpose of this act, and the requirements of this act shall be discharged with respect to the bonds or the notes if the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate:
(1) Deposits with an escrow agent, which shall be a bank, trust company, or national banking association with requisite trust powers, in a separate defeasance escrow account, established and maintained by the escrow agent solely at the expense of the District and held
in trust for the bond owners, sufficient moneys or direct obligations of the United States, the principal of, and interest on, which, when due and payable, will provide sufficient moneys to pay when due the principal of, and interest on, the bonds or notes to be defeased; and
(2) Delivers to the defeasance escrow agent an irrevocable letter of instruction to apply the moneys or investments to the payment of the principal of and interest on, the bonds or notes to be defeased as they become due and payable.
(b) The defeasance escrow agent shall not invest the defeasance escrow account in any investment callable at the option of its issuer if the call could result in less than sufficient moneys being available for the purposes required by this section.
(c) The defeasance escrow account specified in subsection (a) of this section may be established and maintained without regard to any District limitations placed on these accounts by any law, except for this act.
(d) References in this section to “amounts due and payable” include, but are not limited to, amounts due and payable by reason of optional or mandatory redemption.

Sec. 16. Additional debt and other obligations.

Subject to the terms of any trust agreement or Escrow Agreement pertaining to the bonds or notes, the District reserves the right at any time to borrow money or enter into other obligations to the full extent permitted by law, to secure the borrowings or obligations by
the pledge of its full faith and credit, to secure the borrowings or other obligations by any other security and pledges of funds as may be authorized by law, and to issue bonds, including Additional Bonds, notes, including Additional Notes, or other instruments, to evidence the
borrowings or obligations. Any act of the Council authorizing the issuance of Additional Bonds or Additional Notes shall provide for an increase in the special tax requirements sufficient to pay principal of, and interest on, the Additional Bonds or Additional Notes.

Sec. 17. Tax status.

If and to the extent the bonds or notes are issued on a tax-exempt basis, the Mayor or an Authorized Delegate shall not (1) take any action or omit to take any action, or (2) invest, reinvest, or accumulate any moneys in a manner, that will cause the interest on the bonds
or notes, as the case may be, to be includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes or to be treated as an item of tax preference for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax. The Mayor or an Authorized Delegate shall also take all actions necessary to be taken,
including to make any rebate payment, if any, when due, so that the interest on the bonds or notes will not be includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes or be treated as an item of tax preference for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax.

Sec. 18. Contract.

This act shall constitute a contract between the District and the owners of the bonds and notes. To the extent that any acts or resolutions of the Council may be in conflict with this act, this act shall be controlling with respect to bonds and notes.

Sec. 19. Authorized delegation of authority.

To the extent permitted by District and federal laws, the Mayor may delegate to any authorized delegate the performance of any act authorized to be performed by the Mayor under this act.

Sec. 20. Maintenance of documents.

Copies of the specimen bonds and notes and related documents shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the District of Columbia.

See. 21. Information reporting.

(a) Within 3 days after the Mayor’s receipt of the transcript of proceedings relating to the issuance of any series of the bonds or notes, the Mayor shall transmit a copy of the transcript to the Secretary to the Council.
(b) The Mayor shall notify the Council, within 30 days, if any funds or accounts of the District not otherwise legally committed have been used for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds pursuant to section 8(c).
(c) (1) The Mayor’s letter of transmittal accompanying the submission of any proposed resolution to approve the issuance of bonds or notes pursuant to this act shall include a statement as to:
(A) Whether the bonds or notes of any series are intended to be sold by competitive bid or by negotiated sale and, if bonds of any series are intended to be sold by negotiated sale, a copy of the Mayor’s written determination that sale by competitive bid is not
feasible or is not in the best interests of the District and a statement of the reasons supporting this determination; and
(B) Whether the bonds or notes of any series are intended to be issued on a tax-exempt or taxable basis.
(d) (1) No portion of the proceeds of the sale of bonds or notes shall be used to compensate a District employee unless the employee actually performs duties related to the projects financed by this act, as provided in section 5(e).
(2) Within 30 days after the effective date of this act, and before any bonds or notes are issued pursuant to this act, the Mayor shall submit to the Council a list of all District employees who are compensated, in whole or part, by capital improvement funds.
(e) With respect to a negotiated sale of bonds or notes, the underwriters shall provide written notification to the District of the following circumstances:
(1) Any relationship, during the prior 2 years, with elected or appointed District officials, or the District’s bond counsel or financial advisor, which could create a conflict of interest or apparent conflict of interest with the duties performed, or to be performed, by such
underwriters or other advisors for the District;
(2) Any arrangement, during the prior 2 years, to share fees with other underwriters, firms, or individuals in connection with the provision of services to the District by either entity; and
(3) Any public finance transaction for any other issuer where the underwriter, or prospective underwriter, is serving, or has served in the prior 2 years, as financial advisor in any transaction where the District’s financial advisor was, or is, an underwriter.

Sec. 22. Period of Limitations.

At the end of the 20-day period beginning on the date of the first publication pursuant to the notice in section 463(a) of the Home Rule Act that an act authorizing the issuance of the bonds has taken effect:
(1) Any recital or statement of fact contained in such act or in the preamble or title of this act shall be deemed to be true for the purpose of determining the validity of any bonds authorized by this act, and the District and all others interested shall be estopped from
denying any such recital or statement of fact; and
(2) This act, and all proceedings in connection with the authorization of the issuance of bonds authorized by this act, shall be deemed to have been duly and regularly taken, passed, and done by the District, in compliance with the Home Rule Act and all other applicable laws,
for the purpose of determining the validity of this act and the proceeding in connection with the authorization and issuance of bonds authorized by this act; and no court shall have jurisdiction in any suit, action, or proceeding commenced before the end of such 20-day period.

Sec 23. Severability.

As provided in the General Rule of Severability Adoption Act of 1983, effective March 14, 1984 (D.C. Law 5-56; D.C. Official Code § 45-201), if any provision of this act or the application of this act to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or beyond the
statutory authority of the Council, or otherwise invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable.

Sec. 24. Fiscal impact statement.

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).

Sec. 25. Effective date.

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)), and publication in the District of Columbia Register.
(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.

Chairman Mayor
Council of the District of Columbia District of Columbia
March 21, 2023

Auctions: DC Pair’s breakup leads

to even split of parenting
DEAR ABBY: ABIGAIL questions is no, the
Five months ago, VAN BUREN children need to be
my relationship of with the parent who
10 years ended. DEAR ABBY will give them not
I discovered my only the best of care,
boyfriend had been un- but love them and let them
faithful on more than one know it every day.
occasion. He didn’t want to To his credit, your ex
fix the relationship, and I appears to be stepping up to
could no longer take more the plate. And you are right
of his mental and emo- — this isn’t just about you
tional abuse. and your own needs. I ap-
My biggest hurdle is our plaud you for recognizing it.

children, who are 3 and 6. DEAR ABBY: A year ago,
I have done everything for my landlord asked me to
them since they were born. move out of an apartment
My ex and I verbally agreed that I loved. I could no
on a 50-50 schedule, so I longer afford the rent, so I
have gone from being with asked my son if I could live
Notice After Sale: Notice After Sale: them every day to half that with him. He agreed without

Montgomery Co. Prince George’s Co. time, and I hate it. I miss hesitation. Two weeks later,
them terribly when they I packed up and moved.
aren’t with me. My anxiety At first, it was comfort-
and worry have skyrocketed. able, but things started to
I want to do what’s change when I had emer-
best for my kids, and I gency open-heart surgery.
struggle daily with worry- My granddaughter an-
ing if what I am doing is nounced that she was mov-

best. Is it best for them to ing in as well. Then here she
be with their dad half the comes with her boyfriend,
time when he hasn’t been expecting him to live there,
around much these past too. My son refused at first
two years? I have talked but changed his mind. That’s
to a lawyer, who said it’s when the constant scream-
up to me since we were ing started.
never married. Friends Her boyfriend has a bad
and family have told me to attitude. He bullies me
give Dad only every other when nobody is at home.
weekend, but is that truly Neither one works. They
what’s best for them? live on my son’s income.
I don’t know what to do I’m running low on pa-
and feel so lost. It would tience and strength. I’m
be easier for me if their 77. All I would like is to
dad had only every other get better and have some
weekend. However, this peace and quiet. What do I
decision isn’t about me. do? Can you advise me? —
How do I know if what I’m TRAPPED IN FLORIDA
doing is best for my kids? DEAR TRAPPED: Because
— MOMMY OF TWO IN the stress is becoming too
MINNESOTA much for you, explain to
DEAR MOMMY: The your son what is going on
answer to your question de- when he is absent. Then
pends on how involved with start looking for an alterna-
the children their father is tive living situation you will
when they are with him. Does be able to manage within
he talk to them, read to them, your budget. If it means
make sure they are clean, renting a room somewhere
dressed, properly fed and rather than an apartment,
getting enough exercise? Is his be prepared to do it. Your
home clean and smoke-free? health must come first.
If the answer to any of these ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION

TODAY’S BIRTH- HOLIDAY done. Don’t intel-

DAY (Aug. 4). Like MATHIS lectualize this one.
the singing bird and
HOROSCOPE Your mind will light
the howling wolf, up when your body
you don’t need an is in motion, so dive
instrument — you are the in and trust that the connec-
instrument. You’ll travel tion will happen naturally.
light; the world responds to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
your song. More highlights: 23). As a leader you’ll give
You’ll hone skills then enjoy your all and get back so
being pursued and courted. much more than you give.
You’ll try on a dream tem- Embrace expansion. Your
porarily and decide if it’s group grows and yet doesn’t
for you. You’ll be a savvy become more work. A good
investor and help friends group takes care of itself as
make money too. Taurus it gets bigger.
and Virgo adore you. Your SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
lucky numbers are: 1, 5, 19, 28 21). In some ways, you feel
and 8. like you are out to sea with
ARIES (March 21-April no land in sight. But just
19). Wisdom is the virtue because ocean is all that’s
that will keep you from spin- visible doesn’t mean your
ning your wheels, wasting land doesn’t exist. Hold on
your time and squandering to hope and stay the course.
your money. Wisdom may SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-
not make you rich in dollars Dec. 21). You feel indebted,
today, but it will make you but are you really? Perhaps
rich in what matters more. you’re not valuing your own
TAURUS (April 20-May contributions. Your humble
20). Most things run when assessment will endear you
chased and hide when you’re to generous, fair and greedy
looking for them. Instead people alike. Ask objective
of seeking someone to love, parties what they think of
resolve to love people in your deal.
general. You’ll meet many CAPRICORN (Dec.
who are lovable and make a 22-Jan. 19). Compliments
very special connection. may feel good, but what
GEMINI (May 21-June you prefer is the honest
21). You are the best person feedback that will help you
for the job, which is why it fix or improve things. You’ll
falls to you. Don’t waste a welcome and receive con-
second in doubt; just assume structive criticism to help
you were meant for this and you level up your work and
take the next step and the relationships.
next, each with confidence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-
America’s Newspaper CANCER (June 22-July
22). Drama seems to follow
Feb. 18). Those who risk
rejection regularly become
certain people, who you somewhat immune to its
might even say are agents otherwise crippling effects.
of chaos. To avoid getting You can be proud of today’s
swept up in it, skim the opportunity because you
surface of social interaction. earned it by being bold

LET’S Keep things light and move

the action swiftly along.
enough to try.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
PLAY LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It
takes time for relationships
20). Your inner commenta-
tor is loud and strong today,

RECEIVE BALL!! to solidify. People need to

settle in and relax before
which works well when
cheerleading and encour-
NEWS Your source
they can be receptive to the agement is going on but
for news and
analysis of
Washington sports exchange. Once you place
your trust, keep it there a
plays terribly if negatively
focused. To stay inwardly
Download our FREE APP Follow us on Twitter while to see what happens. optimistic, stick with
at the App Store @WashTimesSports
or Google Play VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. supportive and nurturing
22). You don’t have to know environments.
what you’re doing to get it CREATORS.COM
B8 | FUN & GAMES rkLta L.hCytWWCwLCbH rkWG|p ☆R FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023


O Rating: Silver Incredulous
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By Billie Truitt, Edited by Stanley Newman
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P puzzle. The difficulty level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to

Silver to Gold (hardest).
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American Dygert dominates,
wins gold in individual pursuit
Chloe Dygert insisted in the week
NCAA’s girls basketball academy called ‘groundbreaking’
leading up to the cycling world cham- BY DOUG FEINBERG I look into the colleges,” said Bourrage, exposure opportunities at an equitable Dawn Staley, Louisville’s Jeff Walz and
pionships that she wasn’t quite in form ASSOCIATED PRESS whose team All Iowa Attack won the level. We’ve been able to provide a Kim Mulkey of defending champion LSU.
yet. tournament in both age divisions. “Ask mirror image and model for both men The college coaches were evaluat-
The American track star was still MEMPHIS, TENN. | Divine Bourrage more questions because I usually don’t. and women.” ing some of the top young high school
by far the best in the world Thursday. took off her sneakers and switched into I’m not an ask-the-question person. They The NCAA footed the $4 million players in the country at the final event
The 26-year-old from Indiana, who a more comfortable pair of slides. It had showed us a whole bunch of questions, bill for the four-day event, paying for of the summer. It brought together the
has overcome a career-threatening been a long four days at a milestone event I took a picture because I need to learn travel, lodging and food for the nearly top AAU teams from around the country
crash and several other setbacks over for women’s basketball. to ask questions about that.” 1,000 players and chaperones. It was a to play for the U.S. Open championship
the past three Bourrage, who is one of the top 50 The event, sponsored by the NCAA welcome assist for families and teams on 16 courts inside the Memphis Sports
years, roared to players in the high school class of 2025, in conjunction with USA Basketball, that routinely spend thousands to play and Expo Center. Usually teams only
victory in the indi- was among hundreds of players and oth- was the first of its kind for girls bas- in tournaments. play against other squads that are part
SPORTS vidual pursuit for ers at the NCAA’s first College Basketball ketball and stemmed from a blistering “The College Basketball Academy of specific shoe circuits like Nike, Under
BRIEFS the first elite gold
medal of worlds.
Academy for female players, held last
weekend in Memphis. And she took full
2021 report on a lack of equity. The
NCAA ran an academy for boys basket-
for women has been a groundbreaking
event,” said North Carolina coach Court-
Armour and adidas. This time, they
mixed it up.
In fact, Dygert was advantage. ball in 2019 and held it again this year ney Banghart, who is also the president “It was a new weekend, the first time
so far ahead of It wasn’t just about the high-level in Memphis last month right before of the Women’s Basketball Coaches As- it’s been held and it was new to all of us.
her opponent in the finals, defending basketball she got to play in, but also the the girls’ one. sociation. “I believe this is the first time It was very different,” Mulkey said. “The
champion Franziska Brausse, that she information from sessions provided by “This was a direct result from one the NCAA has created something of this more you can see kids and don’t have to
passed the German on the final lap. the NCAA on recruiting, endorsement of the recommendations of the report,” magnitude in the recruiting space for go all over the country that’s always a
Dygert stopped the clock in 3 compensation, the transfer portal and said Lynn Holzman, NCAA vice presi- women’s basketball.” good thing. Anything that’s created for
minutes, 17.926 seconds, a time that other topics that will help as her recruit- dent for women’s basketball. “Invest Banghart was among the roughly 320 women’s basketball, we’re always going
was slowed by the pass and would ing journey heats up. in women’s basketball to help pro- college coaches from 162 schools who to say is good, you can tweak a few things
otherwise have challenged for her own “It’s going to help me focus on when vide educational opportunities and were there, including South Carolina’s in it for the future.”
world record. Brausse finished more
than eight seconds back for silver, and
Bryony Botha of New Zealand rallied
from nearly two seconds down to beat
Britain’s Neah Evans for bronze. SOCCER at the men’s World Cup in Qatar
last year by becoming the first
African team to advance to the
From page B10
ROWING semifinals.
scorer on four goals with Japan’s The women’s team will face
U.K. bans transgender athletes Hinata Miyazawa, France in the round of 16, while
from female rowing contests Other players looked into the Colombia takes on a Jamaica
British Rowing has banned trans- distance in disbelief. team that has also upset the odds.
gender women from competing in Those scenes were in sharp After holding France to a 0-0
women’s events at its competitions. contrast to the joy witnessed draw in its opening game, Ja-
The governing body said Thursday in Perth after Morocco, ranked maica also shut out Brazil on
only individuals “who are assigned 72nd, secured a place in the Wednesday to leave the Copa
female at birth” will be eligible to com- round of 16 on its debut at the America champion stunned.
pete in its women’s races and represent World Cup. “This shows, you can see with
Britain internationally. Only Zambia, No. 77, came your very own eyes, that the
Governing bodies in cycling, track into the tournament with a lower women’s game is kicking things
and field and swimming have also ranking than Morocco, which up a notch,” France coach Herve
addressed the issue of transgender ath- had already made history by Renard said in response to that
letes and fairness in women’s events. becoming the first Arab team to result.
An open category will be avail- register a win at the Women’s Two-time defending cham-
able for transgender and nonbinary World Cup by beating South pion United States came within
competitors. Korea in its second game. the width of the post from going
“British Rowing is committed to The Moroccans quickly fol- out in the group stage against
promoting an environment in which lowed that up with another Portugal. Olympic champion
rowing is accessible and inclusive and victory against Colombia to Canada was eliminated after
to ensuring that we provide opportuni- advance. Anissa Lahmari’s finishing third in Group B.
ties and enjoyment for everyone,” the penalty in first-half stoppage The established nations, it
organization said in a statement. “In time was the only goal of the seems, will have to get used to ASSOCIATED PRESS

order to achieve this in a fair manner, game. a leveling of the playing field in Jamaica eliminated another favorite, Brazil, to advance to the round of 16. Jamaica’s Deneisha
we need to establish conditions for Morocco also made history women’s soccer. Blackwood and Tiernny Wiltshire celebrate after the 0-0 tie.
competition that guarantee fair and
meaningful competition by placing
necessary and proportionate restric-
tions on eligibility. We already do so
in lightweight and adaptive rowing REDSKINS Rivera referred to NBA star Kevin Du-
rant as a “Washington Redskins/Com-
how troubled their recent history of their
ownership has been,” said Fredericks,
categories, and we are now doing so in From page B10 manders fan” — leading a reporter to who was involved in the push for Wash-
the women’s category.” ask what he made of people using the ington to change its name three years ago
World Rowing allows transgender the name.” former name more frequently since by pressuring corporate sponsors to cut
women to compete in the female cat- Those reasons were well documented Harris’ arrival.  ties with the franchise. 
egory under a restricted testosterone in 2020. Three years ago, the killing of “I know this, Mr. Harris and that own- That sentiment, of course, may very
level. George Floyd by Minneapolis police set ership group talked extensively about well hit on why Harris’ Commanders
forth a national reckoning over race- bringing back the glory,” Rivera said. will likely resist overtures to bring back
NFL related issues. As part of that movement, “What Coach (Joe) Gibbs did, the tradi- the old name — no matter how loud a
which saw numerous entities grapple tions, the alumni … It’s hard to escape portion of the fan base gets. 
One of Titans’ top tackles cut with names and images long deemed of- it. It really is. That’s just the truth of the Former Washington running back
after unsportsmanlike block fensive, calls renewed for Washington to matter. Brian Mitchell, now a radio host for
NASHVILLE, TENN. | Being ejected change the name that many considered “Just so everybody knows, we do 106.7 The Fan, said attempting to bring
from consecutive training camp racist to American Indians. that with the utmost respect for the na- back the Redskins would be a “slap in
practices cost Tennessee Titans of- Though former owner Dan Snyder tive tribes and for the American Indian. the face” to the league and sponsors.
fensive lineman Jamarco Jones his job famously said he would “never” change Anytime that’s brought up, it is brought Harris declined last month to directly
Thursday. the name, the pressure the embattled up with the utmost of respect.” state whether the Commanders would
The Titans waived Jones about billionaire faced then was significantly Rivera’s comment further poured conduct another rebrand, while John-
three hours after he did not finish different. Corporations like Target, Nike ASSOCIATED PRESS
gasoline on the issue. Local radio hosts son said in a television interview that
practice following a blindside block and Amazon stopped selling the team’s Josh Harris bought the Commanders “The Junkies” spent Tuesday’s show “everything’s on the table” for the group
on linebacker Chance Campbell. Jones merchandise online. Shipping giant from Dan Snyder for over $6 billion. discussing whether the name should to review. 
was sent off the field after a brief skir- FedEx — which sponsors Washington’s return, citing the online petition that was “Let’s be real, Josh is trying to recoup
mish Tuesday with two-time Pro Bowl stadium and whose CEO was then a spreading. That petition, started in June, $6.05 billion,” Mitchell said, referring to
defensive lineman Jeffery Simmons. Redskins minority owner — also asked and understanding for what it meant to saw a dramatic rise in signatures — going the record price Harris paid for the Com-
Asked if Thursday’s block was the team to retire the name.  be a, you know, excuse me for saying, from 16,000 to 30,000 in a two-day span manders. “You think he wants to hurt his
clean, Titans coach Mike Vrabel said Snyder relented. And Washington but a Washington Redskin,” coach Ron from last Friday to Sunday.  chances in any kind of way?” 
no and that’s not how they want to became the temporary Washington Rivera said in June 2022. “Now they’re For someone like Carla Fredericks, As an alum of the team, Mitchell said
practice like that because that would Football Team before rebranding to the Commanders.”  the resurgence involving the name and he understands why the name had to
be a penalty in a game. Vrabel had Commanders in February 2022.  But late last month, there was a dif- Rivera’s explanation was disappointing. be changed and feels his former team-
labeled Jones a contender to start at In the years since, players, coaches ferent tone at Harris’ introductory press Fredericks, CEO of The Christensen mates — “the ones who are sensible,” he
right tackle when the Titans reported and team officials have been careful to conference and the fan rally that fol- Fund, a nonprofit aimed at helping Amer- said — have accepted it, as well. These
for training camp July 25. avoid using Redskins, even when refer- lowed. In the 30-minute presser, Harris ican Indians, said she feels the “progress days, when Mitchell is on air, he said
The Titans signed Jones in March ring to the team’s past. Washington’s and limited partners Mitchell Rales and that’s happened since the racial justice he tries to just say Washington in place
2022 after he spent his first three notable alumni, for instance, are referred Magic Johnson made six references to awakening in 2020 is very much at risk,” of the former name but acknowledges
seasons in Seattle. Waiving him costs to as “Washington Legends.” Others have the Redskins, albeit with five containing adding that it was a “broader phenom- that he still slips up occasionally. That,
Tennessee a $1.4 million dead cap hit. corrected themselves in the moment a “then” qualifier in front of it. The name enon” than just Washington.  however, only refers to when he’s talking
when mentioning the former marker, or Commanders was said by the group eight “I can’t imagine why the Washington about the past. 
COLLEGE BASKETBALL in some instances, apologize for using it. times during the same session.  Football Team would want to embroil “Ultimately, they’re the Commanders
“We want our guys to kind of get a feel Then, after a practice last week, themselves in these matters, considering now,” Mitchell said.
Upper Marlboro’s Butler found
dead in Drexel campus housing
PHILADELPHIA | Drexel men’s basket-
ball player Terrence Butler was found
dead in his on-campus apartment on
Wednesday, the school said. No other
TENNIS serve at 5-4, before Wolf immediately
broke him, winning the next four points
and the set.
for sure,” Wolf said in an event with fans
after the match. “Mike is a really tough
competitor. And I had to stick in there
Wolf will face the winner of a sus-
pended match between Svitolina’s hus-
band, Frenchman Gael Monfils, and Tal-
From page B10
details were provided. Mmoh remained combative in the today and really give it my best shot to lon Griekspoor of the Netherlands, with
Butler, a rising junior from Upper needed only 63 minutes to defeat Yosuke second, fighting off a ridiculous 19-of-22 get that one done.” Griekspoor leading 6-4, 1-6, 1-0. Monfils
Marlboro, Maryland, was a reserve on Watanuki 6-0, 6-2. total breakpoints for the match. In the For Wolf, a mullet-sporting Cincin- is the only former D.C. champion (2016)
the team and appeared in eight games No. 16 seed J.J. Wolf held off fellow second-set tiebreak, Mmoh fought back nati native and former Ohio State star, remaining in the men’s draw.
in two seasons with the Dragons. American Michael Mmoh in an enter- from two points down to level it at 5-5, Washington is the fifth quarterfinal of The other suspended singles match of
“On behalf of the entire Drexel taining match, 6-4, 7-6 (5). The pesky but double-faulted to allow Wolf to close 2022. Another win Friday would give the afternoon saw 11th-seeded American
community, we extend our deepest Mmoh had saved 11 first-set points — out the win on his serve. him only the second semifinal berth of Chris Eubanks trailing Australia’s Jordan
sympathy to Terrence’s family, friends seven on his serve — to get back on “It was a it was a gritty performance his ATP Tour career. Thompson 2-5.
and teammates,” university President
John Fry in a statement. “In addition to
being a student-athlete, Terrence was
involved in numerous activities and or-
ganizations at Drexel and was a friend
to many throughout the University
DAVIS to be the judge for the Aug. 31’s hearing
— although there’s no guarantee that
will happen. 
to Mangeno’s request for a new date
Davis, a 2021 first-round pick out
1 p.m. The misdemeanor can carry a
sentence of up to 12 months in jail, and/
or a fine of up to $2,500. He was found
From page B10
community.” Asked by Plowman why the two sides of Kentucky, appeared in court with guilty last September. 
The 6-foot-7 forward was named to today in its entirety. We will continue had not entered into a plea agreement a black, short-sleeve patterned shirt The incident was Davis’ second reck-
the Coastal Athletic Association Com- to work the matter.” prior to the initial conviction, an attorney and black pants. He was accompanied less driving-related offense in a three-
missioner’s Academic Honor Roll last Plowman also warned Davis’ attor- representing the Commonwealth said by his attorney and Malcolm Blacken, month period. On Dec. 19, 2021, Davis
season. He dealt with injuries the last ney to be careful of “judge shopping,” the state wasn’t as concerned about the Washington’s senior director of player was cited for reckless driving after going
two seasons. a tactic that involves trying to cycle “risk nature” of securing jail time for the development.  89 mph in a 65-mph zone — though
Butler is survived by his parents and through judges on appeal until finding incident as it is on appeal. The attorney On March 28, 2022, officials cited the charge was eventually amended to
two sisters, who both played college one that may agree to accept the plea. asked the judge for a bench trial once Davis with a Class 1 misdemeanor related an infraction for going 84 in a 65 upon
basketball Because the plea wasn’t technically re- it became clear the plea wasn’t going to reckless driving on Loudoun County Davis pleading guilty and agreeing to
From wire dispatches and staff reports. jected Thursday, Plowman is still eligible to be considered, but Plowman agreed Parkway at Evergreen Ridge Drive at pay a $150 fine.

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New owner’s use of ‘Redskins’ spurs speculation

THE WASHINGTON TIMES But team officials say there’s been no — softened, even — for a franchise that
often tried to avoid using the former

Josh Harris, speaking to fans at FedEx talk of resurrecting discarded moniker moniker in the wake of changing its
name three years ago. 
Field last month, said he remembered “For nearly 90 years, this franchise
when the Washington Redskins were the crowd. than 50,000 signatures calling for the had a different name, and fans and our
the No. 1 team in the NFL. Not the Com- Since buying the Commanders, for- franchise to rebrand back to the Red- new owners alike have fond memories
manders. Not the Washington Football merly known as the Redskins, Harris and skins. Local radio stations also devoted of cheering for that team and watching it
Team. Not the Burgundy and Gold, or his ownership group have made several entire segments to the topic.  win three Super Bowls,” a Commanders
any other unofficial names used in place references to the franchise’s old name. A Commanders spokesperson said spokesperson said. “Making a historical
of the team’s former name.  The embrace of the moniker — which in a statement that Harris’ use of Red- reference to watching and rooting for
Instead, the new Washington Com- was retired in 2020 amid renewed so- skins does not “signify a shift” in the the Redskins does not signify a shift nor
New Commanders owner Josh Harris manders owner openly referred to the cietal and corporate pressure — hasn’t team’s policy toward its former name. does it change the reasons for dropping
and others in the ownership group have team he grew up watching as the “Red- gone unnoticed. Over the last few weeks, But the repeated references still arguably
made several references to Redskins. skins.” The remark elicited cheers from an online petition has generated more reflect how the dynamic has changed » see REDSKINS | B9


Judge says
Underdogs and upsets no to Davis
plea deal in
speed case
Tells prosecutors,
defense to rethink

Washington Commanders line-

backer Jamin Davis will reappear in
court later this month after a Virginia
judge Thursday would not consider
a revised plea deal for his reckless
driving charge on the basis it wasn’t
“substantially and materially different”
from an agreement that was rejected
earlier in the week. 
Judge James E. Plowman Jr. ques-
tioned the efforts of Davis’ legal team
and the Commonwealth and suggested
that they put their “best foot forward” in
advance of the next hearing. Davis’s new
date was set for Aug. 31, which falls after
the preseason but is before Washington
opens the season Sept. 10 against the
Arizona Cardinals. 
Davis is appealing a Loudoun County
District Court sentence of 30 days behind
bars after he was found guilty of driving
114 mph in a 45 mph zone on March 28,
Attorney Jeffrey Mangeno, Davis’
counsel, presented a revised plea agree-
ment Thursday after a previous judge
rejected the original deal. Under the new
revision, Mangeno said, the plea required
Davis to serve up to a maximum of eight
days of active incarceration with a mini-
mum of at least four days, six months
of a mandatory suspended license, su-
pervised probation of 12 months, a max
$2,500 fine, 114 hours of community
Morocco celebrates after advancing in the Women’s World Cup. Morocco was runner-up in Group H after back-to-back 1-0 wins against South Korea and Colombia. service, a four-hour mandatory driving
class and an essay on the dangers of
reckless driving. 

Powerhouse German squad out,

BY JAMES ROBSON Alexandra Popp’s equalizer in the 42nd, But Plowman appeared skeptical of
ASSOCIATED PRESS Germany couldn’t find a winner. the details. He said that “while there
Morocco advanced as runner-up in are some changes to the agreement,”
SYDNEY | In a wild finale to the group
stage of the Women’s World Cup, two-
surprising Morocco, Jamaica in Group H after back-to-back 1-0 wins
against South Korea and Colombia.
he didn’t find them to be “substantially
and materially different” from the previ-
time champion Germany was eliminated Germany’s failure has echoes of the ous version that was rejected  Tuesday.
on Thursday and the second lowest- stoppage-time winner against Italy. was one of the favorites to win the World men’s team, which has been eliminated The original deal also called for Davis
ranked team in the tournament, Mo- But Germany’s early exit after a 1-1 Cup. And after opening the tournament in the group stage at each of the last two to serve up to eight days of incarcera-
rocco, advanced to the knockout stage. draw with South Korea stands out as with a 6-0 rout of Morocco, the Germans editions of the men’s World Cup. tion, but included no minimum and
Colombia also advanced as Group H the biggest shock in a tournament full looked certain to cruise through a group Some German players draped coats did not contain the community service
winner to round off a slew of upsets in of surprises. that included Colombia and South Korea. over their heads in a bid to hide their provisions. 
the opening weeks of the competition “I can’t explain what happened today. But a 2-1 loss against Colombia, fol- faces as they left the field in Brisbane “We haven’t had a new discussion
being held in Australia and New Zealand. ... The disappointment is huge, I can’t put lowed by the draw against South Korea, on Thursday. Popp, Germany’s captain, to make any new counterproposals,”
A day earlier, Jamaica eliminated it into words,” Germany midfielder Lena saw it fail to advance from the group had tears in her eyes. She exits the tour- Mangeno said after the hearing. “ It’s
another favorite, Brazil, to advance to Oberdorf said. stage at a Women’s World Cup for the nament despite being the joint leading unfortunate the case was not resolved
the round of 16, while South Africa is Ranked No. 2 by FIFA, the runner-up first time. Cho So-hyun fired South Korea
also through to the next stage after its at last year’s European Championship ahead in the sixth minute and despite » see SOCCER | B9 » see DAVIS | B9


Top-seed Pegula cruises into quarterfinals at D.C. Open

BY GEORGE GERBO first match of the tournament, 6-3, 6-4 is Marta Kostyuk, who upset France’s On the men’s side, No. 5 seed Gregor
THE WASHINGTON TIMES over Peyton Stearns. The main draw Caroline Garcia 6-2, 6-3 after a listless Dimitrov advanced to the quarterfinals
win for the world No. 3 was her 10th in performance by the No. 6 player in in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, over Finland’s
It was moving day for top seeds at the Washington, sixth most all-time among the world. The second-seeded Garcia’s Emil Ruusuvuori in the first match of
D.C. Open Thursday as the quarterfinals WTA players. Seeded No. 1 for the last groundstrokes were lacking, winning the day. It’s the 32-year-old Bulgarian’s
for both the men’s and women’s draws two years, Pegula is bidding for her only 50.9% of her service points (28- third win against Ruusuvuori this year,
began to fill up before late-afternoon second Washington title and third of her of-55) compared to Kostyuk’s 79%. The all on different surfaces, and his first trip
storms halted play at the Rock Creek career. Her next obstacle is Ukrainian 30th-ranked Kostyuk’s triumph is her back to the Washington quarterfinals in
Park Tennis Center. Elina Svitolina, who’s playing some of the second straight over a top-10 opponent a decade. Thirteen-seed Ugo Humbert
Jessica Pegula advanced in her first Seven of eight spots in the women’s best tennis of her career after reaching after being winless in her previous 14 of France is next for Dimitrov after he
match of the D.C. Open, 6-3, 6-4 over quarterfinals have been claimed after the semifinals of Wimbledon. tries. She’ll face defending champion
Peyton Stearns top seed Jessica Pegula advanced in her The second Ukrainian in the quarters Liudmila Samsonova in a match Friday. » see TENNIS | B9

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