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Comparison of functional-oil blend and

anticoccidial antibiotics effects on
performance and microbiota of broiler
chickens challenged by coccidiosis
Paula Gabriela da Silva Pires1☯, Pedro Torres ID2☯, Tatiany Aparecida Teixeira Soratto3☯,
Vilmar Benetti Filho ID3☯, Lucélia Hauptli2☯, Glauber Wagner3☯, Douglas Haese4☯, Carolina
D’ávila Pozzatti4☯, Priscila de Oliveira Moraes ID1,2☯*
1 Advanced Poultry Gut Science, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2 Department of Animal Science and
Rural Development, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil,
a1111111111 3 Laboratory of Bioinformatics, Center of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
a1111111111 Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 4 Centro de Tecnologia Animal Ltda, Domingos Martins, ES, Brazil
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work.
* [email protected]


Citation: Pires PGdS, Torres P, Teixeira Soratto TA,
Filho VB, Hauptli L, Wagner G, et al. (2022) This study aimed to compare the effects of different levels of cashew nutshell liquid (CNSL)
Comparison of functional-oil blend and and castor oil (CNSL–castor oil) with growth-promoting antibiotics associated with anticocci-
anticoccidial antibiotics effects on performance and dials in broiler chickens challenged with coccidiosis. In this work, 2520 one-day-old male
microbiota of broiler chickens challenged by
coccidiosis. PLoS ONE 17(7): e0270350. https://
broiler chicks (Cobb) were randomly assigned to 84 pens, containing 30 birds each. The experimental design was completely randomized, with seven treatments: enramycin
Editor: Michael H. Kogut, USDA-Agricultural
(8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), and tylosin (55 ppm); different doses of CNSL–castor oil
Research Service, UNITED STATES (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t); and a control diet (without additives). All treatments received sem-
Received: February 22, 2022
duramicin + nicarbazin (500 g/t; Aviax® Plus) from 0 to 28 d and monensin sodium
(100 ppm; Elanco) from 29 to 35 days of age, when the feed was without antibiotics. The
Accepted: June 8, 2022
challenge was introduced at 14 days of age by inoculating broiler chickens with sporulated
Published: July 6, 2022 Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina, and Eimeria maxima oocysts via oral gavage. In addi-
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the tion to performance parameters, intestinal contents were collected at 28 and 42 days of age
benefits of transparency in the peer review for microbiota analysis by sequencing the 16s rRNA in V3 and V4 regions using the Illumina
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
MiSeq platform. Taxonomy was assigned using the SILVA database (v. 138) with QIIME2
responses alongside final, published articles. The software (v. 2020.11). After one week of challenge, the broilers that received tylosin had a
editorial history of this article is available here: higher body weight gain (BWG) than those in the control group (p < 0.05), while the other
treatments presented intermediate values. At 28 d, the BWG was lower for the control,
Copyright: © 2022 Pires et al. This is an open CNSL–Castor oil 0.5 kg/t, enramycin, and virginiamycin treatments than that in the tylosin
access article distributed under the terms of the
treatment. The inclusion of CNSL–Castor oil at concentrations of 0.75 and 1 kg/t acted as
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and an intermediate treatment (p < 0.05). For alpha diversity, using the Shannon index, it was
reproduction in any medium, provided the original possible to observe the effect of age, with substantial diversity at 42 d. The Firmicutes phy-
author and source are credited. lum had the highest abundance, with values between 84.33% and 95.16% at 42 d. Tylosin
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are showed better performance indices than other treatments. CNSL–castor oil treatments with
within the paper and its Supporting Information concentrations of 0.75 and 1 kg/t showed similar results to those of enramycin and

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PLOS ONE Anticoccidials and functional oil blend in broilers challenged by coccidiosis

Funding: The author(s) received no specific virginiamycin. Furthermore, CNSL–castor oil acted as a modulator of intestinal microbiota,
funding for this work. reducing the abundance of pathogenic bacteria.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.

Coccidiosis is an infection caused by Eimeria spp. that seriously affects poultry farming world-
wide. Recent studies have estimated a worldwide loss of approximately £10.36 billion per year
owing to prophylaxis and production losses in chickens due to coccidiosis [1]. The parasite
affects the intestinal epithelium and immune response of chickens, reduces nutrient digestion,
and consequently has a negative impact on the performance indices of broilers [2]. Addition-
ally, coccidiosis disturbs the diversity and composition of the intestinal microbiota. For exam-
ple, the increased leakage of plasma proteins into the lumen induced by the parasite provides
substrate for the proliferation of Clostridium perfringens [3]. Although this bacterium is part of
the normal microbiota of broiler cecum, when there is a significant increase in its proliferation
in the small intestine, it can cause necrotic enteritis [2, 3].
Over the years, antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been used to control pathogens
and preserve intestinal integrity and enhance production indicators for broilers. The perfor-
mance improvement because of AGP is associated with the modification of the intestinal
microbiota. AGP promotes a balance in the microbial population, as it reduces the number of
toxin-producing microorganisms in the intestinal lumen [4], in addition to acting as an anti-
bacterial and direct anti-inflammatory agent [5].
However, some countries have banned the use of AGPs because of the risks to human
health caused by residues in animal products, as well as the possibility of inducing bacterial
resistance [6]. In addition, a meta-analysis showed that the effectiveness of antibiotics as
growth promoters was less evident in recently published studies than that in the 1980s [7].
Thus, the production response to AGP usage could be reduced with good production condi-
tions, such as “hygienic facilities and balanced nutrition [7].
The initiative to reduce the use of antibiotics as growth promoters has stimulated research
into alternative methods to simultaneously minimize the impact of parasites and act as growth
promoters. The balance of intestinal microbiota is crucial for good animal performance, espe-
cially when facing sanitary challenges. In addition, Moraes et al. [8] and Vieira et al. [9] dem-
onstrated that when receiving a commercial product consisting of a mixture of cashew
nutshell liquid and castor oil (CNSL–castor oil), chickens challenged by coccidiosis presented
a better balance in their microbiota, reducing pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium perfrin-
gens and improving animal performance.
This study aimed to compare the effects of CNSL–castor oil with multiple growth-promot-
ing antibiotics used as anticoccidials in broiler chickens challenged by coccidiosis.

Material and methods

Ethics statement
The Center for Animal Technology Ethics Committee (CTA) approved all procedures used in
this experiment on the use of animals on 11/21/2019, under protocol number 001.57/19, fol-
lowing Law No. 11.794 of October 8, 2008, Decree No. 6.899 of July 15, 2009, and with the
norms published by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CON-
CEA). Throughout the experiment, all animals were monitored twice daily. Observations were
carried out systematically by trained technicians who evaluated possible clinical signs of

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coccidiosis, such as occurrence of mucus-like or bloody diarrhea, dehydration diagnosed by

wrinkled skin or dull eyes, decreased appetite detected by a decrease in feed intake, occurrence
of ruffled feathers, listlessness detected by a lack of bird activity, and stunted growth that was
visibly lower than the group average. In cases of early evidence associated with possible risk or
specific signs of severe suffering or distress, the plans called for the birds to be euthanized.
However, there was no specific instance where euthanasia was required; the coccidiosis infec-
tion occurred at the planned level, causing only mild symptoms.

Bird husbandry and experimental design

A total of 2520 one-day-old male chicks (Cobb 500) were obtained from a commercial hatch-
ery and housed in two identical experimental rooms, with a total of 84 boxes at an initial den-
sity of 30 birds per box. The nutritional program consisted of two diets: initial phase (1–28 d)
and final phase (28–42 d), based on the nutritional requirements recommended by the Brazil-
ian Tables of Poultry and Swine [10]. The nutritional composition was the same for all treat-
ments, varying only in the additives used (S1 Table). All treatments received semduramicin
+ nicarbazin (500 g/t; Aviax1 Plus) from 0 to 28 d and monensin sodium (100 ppm; Elanco)
from 29 to 35 days of age, when the feed was without antimicrobial components. The experi-
mental period lasted 42 d, broilers were weighed weekly, feed intake was measured, and feed
conversion was calculated [11].
The experimental design was completely randomized using 7 treatments with 12 replicates
including 30 birds each. The following treatments were used: enramycin (8 ppm, MSD Animal
Health), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm, Phibro Animal Health, Teaneck, NJ, USA), or tylosin
(55 ppm, Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN, US); different doses of CNSL–Castor oil (0.5,
0.75, and 1.00 kg/t); and a control treatment (no additives). All antimicrobial doses were used
at sub-therapeutic levels according to the manufacturers’ instructions for disease prevention
or growth promotion.

Challenge and sample collection

At 14 days of age, 1 mL sporulated oocysts of E. tenella (10 × 103), E. acervulina (200 × 103),
and E. maxima (80 × 103) were inoculated by gavage. Oocysts were acquired from the Animal
Technology Center Ltd. (Espirito Santo, Brazil). After 7 and 14 d of oocyst inoculation (21 and
28 d of age), two birds with average weight from each replicate (168 birds per period) were
euthanized by cervical dislocation, and the Eimeria spp. lesion score was evaluated. Lesions
were ranked from 0 (absence of macroscopic lesions) to 4 (presence of severe macroscopic
lesions), according to a previously described method [12].
For microbiota sequencing analysis, the cecum of two birds per replicate was collected,
homogenized, pooled, and immediately stored at -20˚C, at 28 and 42 days of age, with a total
of 12 samples per treatment.

DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing

DNA was extracted using the QIAamp DNA Stool Mini (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) follow-
ing the manufacturer’s recommendations. The 16S rRNA V3/V4 region was amplified using
AAT-30 ) with Illumina adapters for sequencing. Amplification was performed in 35 cycles at
an annealing temperature of 50˚C, and analysis was conducted in triplicate. Sequencing was
performed on an Illumina MiSeq platform using the V2-500 kit with a 500 bp paired-end run.

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Microbial diversity assessment

The sequencing data were processed using QIIME2 (v. 2020.11) [13]. Low-quality sequences
(Phred Quality < 25) were removed, sequencing errors were corrected, chimeras were
removed, and amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) were identified using the DADA2 method,
executed with default parameters and forward read sequences truncated at 300 bp and reverse
truncated at 200 bp. ASVs with a frequency below 0.1% were removed. The taxonomy was
assigned to ASVs using the naïve Bayes approach implemented using the scikit learn Python
library with default parameters and the SILVA database (v. 138).
Relative abundance, as well as alpha (Chao-1, Shannon, and Simpson), and beta diversity
indices, were calculated using the R program (v. 3.6.1) ( with the
reshape2 (v. 1.4.3) [14] and phyloseq (v. 1.14.0) [15] packages. Beta diversity was estimated
after normalizing the sequence number by randomly choosing the same number of sequences
in each sample. After normalization, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) was performed
using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index in the vegan package (v. 2.4.1) [16].

Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using SAS statistical software (version 9.0; SAS Inst. Inc.,
Cary, NC, United States). The data were subjected to analysis of variance using PROC GLM,
with each box considered as an experimental unit. Differences (p < 0.05) were assessed using
Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Regression analysis was performed to check the effect of the
CNSL–castor oil inclusion level. Injury scores were evaluated using the Student–Newman–
Keuls (SNK) method. The microbiota indices were assessed using the Kruskal–Wallis test, and
each treatment was compared pairwise using the Wilcoxon test corrected by the false discovery
rate. Beta diversity distances were compared using the Adonis test.

Performance data and lesion score
The performance responses, separated into periods including days 1–21, 21–28, 28–42, and
1–42, are listed in Table 1. At 21 d, the broilers that received tylosin presented a statistically sig-
nificant increased weight gain compared with control animals (p < 0.05), and consequently,
tylosin-treated birds had higher live weight and better feed conversion ratio (p < 0.05). The
control group showed the poorest feed conversion (P < 0.05).
After 14 d of challenge by Eimeria spp., at 28 d of age, the animals that received tylosin
had higher feed intake than broilers treated with enramycin (p < 0.05). The other treat-
ments showed no significant differences. Animals treated with the antibiotic tylosin
showed more significant weight gain than those treated with enramycin and the control.
The other treatments exhibited intermediate behaviors. The live weight at 28 d was lower
for the birds in the control, CNSL–Castor oil 0.5 kg/t, enramycin, and virginiamycin
groups compared with those in the tylosin group; and CNSL–Castor oil 0.75 and 1 kg/t
groups behaved as intermediate treatments (p < 0.05). Feed conversion was higher in con-
trol birds than that in other treatment groups (p < 0.05), except for CNSL–Castor oil
(0.5 kg/t). In the last phase, from 28 to 42 d, the broilers showed greater weight gain when
receiving tylosin and enramycin than the control broilers, CNSL–Castor oil 0.5 kg/t, or
CNSL–Castor oil 0.75 kg/t groups (P < 0.05); animals that received other treatments
showed intermediate effects.
Assessing the complete period of 1–42 d, the treatment with tylosin provided a greater
weight gain than the control or any CNSL–Castor oil treatments. Treatment with

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Table 1. Live weight (LW), body weight gain (WG), feed intake (FI), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of challenged broilers from 1 to 42 d of age.
Item Additives SEM2 p-value
Control CNSL-CO 0.5 kg/t CNSL-CO 0.75 kg/t CNSL-CO 1.0 kg/t Enramycin Virginiamycin Tylosin
LW (1D), g 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.00007 0.476
Phase 1 to 21 days
LW, g 773 a 757 ab 749 ab 745 ab 740 ab 739 ab 778 b 0.00369 0.036
b ab ab ab ab ab
BWG, g 33.41 34.3 33.91 33.72 33.51 33.45 35.28 a 0.00018 0.035
FI, g 45.75 46.35 44.94 45.27 45.14 44.44 46.00 0.00025 0.420
FCR, g/g 1.370 a 1.352 ab 1.327 ab 1.343 ab 1.348 ab 1.329 ab 1.303 b 0.00586 0.000
Phase 21 to 28 days
LW, g 1242 b 1289 b 1295 ab 1292 ab 1260 b 1283 b 1355 a 0.00610 0.000
b ab ab ab b ab
BWG, g 72.28 75.98 77.95 78.14 74.25 77.70 82.49 a 0.00070 0.003
FI, g 121.96 ab 121.30 ab 122.05 ab 122.02 ab 117.33 b 120.77 ab 125.78 a 0.00061 0.021
a ab b b b b
FCR, g/g 1.696 1.601 1.572 b 1.567 1.585 1.559 1.527 0.01050 0.000
Phase 28 to 42 days
LW, g 2548 c 2620 bc 2632 bc 2640 bc 2672 ab 2656 abc 2767 a 0.01210 0.000
b b b ab a ab
BWG, g 93.29 95.13 95.50 96.30 100.84 98.08 100.88 a 0.00075 0.037
FI, g 179.79 177.87 179.13 178.18 177.31 177.89 176.54 0.00077 0.951
FCR, g/g 1.932 a 1.872 ab 1.879 ab 1.861 ab 1.759 b 1.816 ab 1.760 b 0.01220 0.000
Phase 1 to 42 days
BWG, g 59.78 c 61.52 bc 61.72 bc 61.98 bc 62.75 ab 62.37 abc 65.02 a 0.00029 0.000
FI, g 103.13 102.68 102.52 102.65 101.23 101.65 102.8 0.00036 0.817
FCR, g/g 1.726 a 1.669 ab 1.660 b 1.654 b 1.613 bc 1.630 bc 1.583 c 0.00697 0.000

Means with different letters differ statically by Tukey, on the row within the same variable. Data are expressed as means of the information collected in 360 broilers per
CNSL-CO: CNSL-castor oil. Essential (US Patent N˚. 8377,485; Oligo Basics Ind. Ltda., Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil).
SEM: standard error of the mean.

enramycin and virginiamycin did not differ from other treatments (p > 0.05). Conse-
quently, the pattern of live weight at 42 d was identical to that of weight gain. Feed intake
did not differ between the treatments in the last phase or in the total period (p > 0.05). Tylo-
sin showed comparatively better feed conversion, followed by CNSL–Castor oil levels of
0.75 and 1.0 kg/t. However, the CNSL–Castor oil 0.75 and 1.0 kg/t treatments did not signif-
icantly differ from treatments with enramycin and virginiamycin. In turn, neither antibiotic
treatment differed from that with tylosin. As expected, the control treatment resulted in the
lowest feed conversion.
In the first week after infection, broilers subjected to the control treatment had a higher
lesion score for E. acervulina and E. tenella compared with other treatments (p < 0.05). At 28
d, there was no statistical difference in the injury score among the treatments (S1 Fig).

Variations in alpha and beta diversity of microbiota

A total of 3,369,364 sequences with good quality were identified (20,055.74 ± 12,758.68 per
sample). Samples 200924161005-1-1-1 (virginiamycin—28 d), 200924160996-1-1-1 (virginia-
mycin—28 d), and 200924160978-1-1-1 (CNSL–CO 1.00–28 d) showed low sequencing depths
and were disregarded from subsequent analyses (S2 Table).
Alpha diversity was calculated using the Chao-1, Shannon, and Simpson indices. There was
a trend of increasing diversity from 28 to 42 d when using the three indices; only the Simpson
index presented significant results, indicating a higher time dominance at 42 d (Fig 1).

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Fig 1. Alpha diversity of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The study tested seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin
(16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without additives).
Comparison over time (28 and 42 d) using Chao-1, Shannon, and Simpson indices.

Comparing the alpha diversity-calculated Shannon index for each treatment at different times,
we observed that for Control, CNSL–castor oil 0.5 kg/t, CNSL–castor oil 0.75 kg/t, and tylosin
treatments, there was an increase in diversity from 28 to 42 d. The opposite was observed for
virginiamycin, whereof the diversity at 28 d was greater than that at 42 d. No differences were
observed with the additives enramycin and CNSL–castor oil 1.00 kg/t (Fig 2). The same trend
was observed for indices (S2A and S2B Fig).
Comparing the different additives at each time point, we observed statistically significant
differences between them (Kruskal–Wallis, P < 0.05). At 28 d, there were no significant differ-
ences compared with the control (Fig 3). At 42 d, the control differed from treatments with vir-
giniamycin, CNSL–castor oil 1.00 kg/t, and enramycin (S3A and S3B Fig).
Bray–Curtis dissimilarity values were calculated to measure individual differences in taxo-
nomic structure. To visualize the differences between the microbiome profiles, we performed
PCoA for the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix, which did not reveal a clear grouping pattern.
All samples were scattered with overlapping ellipses at 28 and 42 d (Fig 4A). At day 42, the dif-
ferences observed were statistically significant (Adonis, p < 0.05) (Table 2). Fig 4A shows the
distribution of paired beta diversity values between treatments in each period studied; the dis-
tributions were not similar. Comparing each treatment at different times, we found that
CNSL–castor oil 0.5 kg/t, enramycin, virginiamicin, and tylosin treatments differed statistically
from 28 to 42 d (Adonis, p < 0.05) (Fig 4B and Table 2).

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Fig 2. Comparison of alpha diversity for each additive between time points using Shannon index of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The study tested
seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL-castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the
control diet (without additives).

Overall taxonomic composition

The processed sequences were assigned to 5180 ASVs. All sequences were classified into nine
phyla, although four phyla were most common (> 1%): Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes,

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Fig 3. Comparison of alpha diversity at each time point using Shannon index of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The study tested seven feed additives:
enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL-castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without
additives). Probabilities and means with different letters differ statistically by Tukey: 0 ‘��� ’ 0.001 ‘�� ’ 0.01 ‘� ’ 0.05.

Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. Firmicutes was the most abundant phylum in all treat-
ments (> 84%) (Fig 5A). A complete list of the identified sequences (relative abundances) per
treatment is provided in S3 Table. Of the 47 families identified, 19 had a relative

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Fig 4. Beta diversity based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The study tested seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm),
virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL-castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without additives). (A)
Comparison between all treatments at each time point, with (top) the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plot and (bottom) the differences in within-group Bray–Curtis
distances. (B) Comparison for each additive between time points.

abundance > 1% (S3 Table and Fig 5B). The phylum Firmicutes was the most abundant,
regardless of treatment and age, with values between 84.33% and 95.16%. Ruminococcaceae,
Lachnospiraceae, and Lactobacillaceae families were predominant in all groups (>15%),
mainly at 42 d.

In this study, we compared the effects of increasing CNSL–castor oil levels and growth-pro-
moting antibiotics tylosin, enramycin, and virginiamycin associated with the anticoccidials
semduramicin + nicarbazin and sodium monensin in the initial phase (0 to 28 d) broilers chal-
lenge with coccidiosis. At 21 d of age, the animals that received the antibiotic tylosin showed
comparatively better performance. However, at 42 d, there was no difference in performance
among the antibiotic treatments. The use of CNSL–castor oil 0.75 and 1 kg/t treatments did
not differ from treatments with enramycin and virginiamycin, although these CNSL–castor oil
groups did present better feed conversion.”
Antibiotics and anticoccidials (chemicals and ionophores) are widely used together, alone,
or in combination in coccidiosis prevention programs. When clinical signs become apparent,
it is too late to prevent pathological consequences and decreased performance caused by para-
site infection [17]. Tylosin is an antibiotic with beneficial effects on broiler performance. Hung

Table 2. Adonis test result of the beta diversity based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of broilers cecum samples at
28 and 42 d of trial with seven feed additives: Enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm),
CNSL-castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without additives).
Variable F.model R2 p-value
Additive + Time
Additive 1.1093 0.0400 0.002
Time 2.6391 0.0159 0.001
Time 28D 1.0361 0.0775 0.155
Time 42D 1.0947 0.0786 0.001
Control 1.098 0.0475 0.065
CNSL-CO_0.5 kg/t 1.4735 0.0628 0.001
CNSL-CO_0.75 kg/t 1.0672 0.0463 0.164
CNSL-CO_1.0 kg/t 1.1944 0.0538 0.057
Enramycin 1.3004 0.0558 0.002
Virginiamycin 1.3845 0.0647 0.001
Tylosin 1.2325 0.0531 0.002
Time 42/Control
CNSL-CO_0.5 kg/t 1.0386 0.0451 0.248
CNSL-CO_0.75 kg/t 1.0012 0.0435 0.432
CNSL-CO_1.0 kg/t 1.0774 0.0467 0.182
Enramycin 1.0789 0.0468 0.079
Virginiamycin 1.1194 0.0484 0.045
Tylosin 1.0959 0.0475 0.080

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Fig 5. Relative abundance of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The study tested seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm),
virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet
(without additives). Relative abundances are presented in percentage (%) of taxa at (A) Phylum and Class, and (B) Family levels.

et al. [18] observed that the use of 55 mg/kg tylosin provided beneficial effects on digestion
and intestinal integrity, increasing disaccharidase activity and maintaining intestinal perme-
ability, consequently increasing performance.
Although the advantages of using antibiotics as growth promoters have been extensively
studied and reviewed, consumer pressure to reduce the use of antibiotics and AGP for animal
production is high, as these treatments have been linked to the rise in antibiotic-resistant bac-
teria for humans [19]. Cardinal et al. [20] concluded that AGP withdrawal has a negative
impact, mainly in the initial stages of broiler performance. Corroborating the results of this
study, animals that received tylosin showed better performance in the first phase and remained
until the end of the experiment. Brazil banned the use of tylosin and other antibiotics, such as
tiamulin and lincomycin, in 2020 [21], indicating the importance of studies comparing alter-
native substances.
However, ionophores are considered antibiotics of non-medical importance for human
health [21], and in animal production, they are the primary choice to control coccidiosis. One
important factor to consider is that they do not entirely suppress parasite development, thus
allowing the development of host immunity after initial exposure [17, 22]. Parent et al. [23]
observed that programs that used antibiotics presented similar performance to those that
exclusively used ionophores. However, cases of parasite resistance to ionophores have been
reported owing to the use of these substances for an extended period [22].
Studies with different phytogenics have shown promising results for broiler performance
when the birds are challenged by coccidiosis [24–26]. Moraes et al. [8] compared the effect of
CNSL–Castor oil with that of monensin in broilers challenged with coccidiosis and found sim-
ilar results between the functional oil and the ionophore. The mechanisms of action of CNSL–
castor oil have not been fully elucidated. However, in the face of the challenge caused by coc-
cidiosis, CNSL–Castor oil acts as an immunomodulator [27] and modulator of the intestinal
microbiota [28]. CNSL–Castor oil helps maintain the animal’s immune systems, eliminate par-
asites, maintain intestinal balance, and improve animal performance [8, 28, 29].
This study observed a higher lesion score for E. acervulina and E. tenella in the control
group compared with that in other treatments, demonstrating the beneficial action of CNSL–
Castor oil during coccidiosis challenge (21 d), similar to the effect of antibiotics. However, the
same pattern was not observed at 28 d, where there was no difference in the intestinal lesion
score regardless of treatment. Alternatives to antibiotics can become ineffective in an environ-
ment with compromised biosafety conditions and management errors, which can be a limiting
factor for the exclusive use of alternatives to antibiotics [30, 31]. In the field, combining alter-
native products with anticoccidials is standard practice. In this study, the use of anticoccidials
in the initial phase, followed by CNSL–Castor oil, resulted in a similar performance to that of
antibiotics. This study used lower levels of CNSL–Castor oil (0.75 and 1.0 kg/t) than previous
studies that have demonstrated beneficial effects using a dose of 1.5 kg/t.
Invasion by coccidian parasites into intestinal cells disturbs microbiota homeostasis in the
healthy intestine [32]. Changes in the intestinal environment caused by these parasites include
changes in nutrient absorption and digestibility, increased mucogenesis, membrane perme-
ability, nutrient availability, and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria [33].
The microbial richness and diversity of the gut are closely related to the health of broilers
[34]. Coccidiosis infection alters the intestinal microbiota profile, reducing the diversity of the

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intestinal environment, especially in the cecum, which has the greatest biodiversity [9, 35].
However, microbiota modulators can reduce this impact, making the animals resilient during
coccidiosis [9, 31, 36, 37]. In this study, when animals were evaluated at 28 and 42 d of age, it
was observed that even after treatment with antibiotics, there was an increase in microbial
diversity, except in groups treated with enramycin or 1 kg/t CNSL–castor oil. In a separate
study, Vieira et al. [9] demonstrated that the use of 1.5 kg/t CNSL–castor oil maintained simi-
lar diversity at 7 and 14 d after the coccidiosis challenge, in contrast to the use of 100 ppm of
sodium monensin.
As in other studies, Firmicutes was the most abundant phylum in the cecum, but its abun-
dance decreased with the age of the chickens [38]. Firmicutes, as it comprises a large propor-
tion of commensal bacteria, is associated with the efficiency of energy capture, and
consequently, with better product performance [39]. In this study, at 28 d, except for virginia-
mycin, all treatments showed a greater abundance of this phylum than the control. Corrobo-
rating the results of this study, Vieira et al. [9], working with CNSL–castor oil alone, also
observed an increase in Firmicutes in broilers challenged with coccidiosis, which was not
observed when only monensin was added. Using this same product, an increase in Firmicutes
was observed in newly weaned piglets; this a phase where there is a disturbance in the balance
of the intestinal microbiota [9, 40].
The phylum Actinobacteria also increased in all treatments compared with that in the con-
trol. Bacteria representing this phylum are aerobic and represent a small percentage of the
intestinal microbiota. However, Actinobacteria can maintain intestinal homeostasis and are
negatively correlated with Proteobacteria, including pathogenic species such as Salmonella and
Escherichia. Proteobacteria have been associated with poor performance in broilers [41]. This
fact was also observed in this study, as there was a reduction in Proteobacteria at 28 d—that is,
14 d after the challenge—compared with that in the control treatment. Previous studies have
demonstrated that CNSL–castor oil reduces the abundance of Proteobacteria at times of stress
in different animals, whether under coccidiosis in chickens [9] or at weaning in pigs [28]. Con-
versely, [42] it has been observed that monensin supplementation produced a greater relative
abundance of gram-negative bacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria and class Clostridia. Dan-
zeisen et al. [43] observed that the combination of monensin with virginiamycin or tylosin
increased the presence of this phylum, especially E. coli.
Among these families, two considered pathogenic are important to highlight. Streptococca-
ceae, facultatively anaerobic bacteria, produce lactic acid and are characterized as an indication
of dysbiosis after infection by Eimeria tenella [44]. All treatments in the current study reduced
the abundance of this family compared with the levels seen in the control. The Enterobacteria-
ceae family, also facultative anaerobes and lactic acid producers, presented lower abundance in
the CNSL–Castor oil, tylosin, and virginiamycin treatments relative to that in the control. In
this family, the main pathogenic bacteria are related to the most significant moments of stress
in broiler chickens [9, 45].
The families Erysipelotrichaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Rikenellaceae, and Ruminococcaceae
are anaerobic bacteria associated with the fermentation of structural carbohydrates and the
production of short-chain fatty acids [44, 46]. The families Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococ-
caceae showed greater abundance in treatments with tylosin and enramycin when compared
with the control. All CNSL–Castor treatments decreased the abundance of the Ruminococca-
ceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Rikenellaceae families at 28 d compared with those in the control.
Previous studies have shown that different AGPs can enrich the cecum with butyrate-pro-
ducing bacteria [47, 48]. Robinson et al. [49] observed that tylosin and enramycin increased
the abundance of Ruminococcacea, whereas salinomycin and monensin reduced the abun-
dance of this family. In this study, after the removal of the ionophores, at 42 d, there was an

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increase in the abundance of Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Rikenellaceae in all

CNSL–castor oil treatments.
The Erysipelotrichaceae family showed greater abundance under the 0.75 and 1 kg/t
CNSL–castor oil treatments in both periods. Vieira et al. [9] observed that 1.5 kg/t CNSL–cas-
tor oil treatment for chickens challenged with coccidiosis increased the abundance of bacteria
associated with the production of short-chain fatty acids, such as Erysipelotrichaceae, com-
pared with treatment with monensin. This corroborates the results of this study, which found
that low levels of CNSL–castor oil, when associated with anticoccidials, reduced the abundance
of this family when evaluated at 28 d. However, at 42 d, in the absence of anticoccidials, there
was an increase in the abundance of this family.
With the exception of the virginiamycin treatment, all treatments showed a relative increase
in the abundance of the Lactobacillaceae family at 28 d compared with that in the control.
However, at 42 d, all treatments showed a reduction in the relative abundance of this family.
Members of this family can survive in both aerobic and anaerobic environments. During chal-
lenge by Eimeria spp., this family proliferates and contributes positively to weight gain, reduces
injury scores, and increases mucosal integrity [39, 46]. Furthermore, many Lactobacillus spp.
act on the immune system by stimulating immune cells to release pro-inflammatory cytokines,
such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), and interleukin-12
(IL-12), triggering an immunomodulatory response [24, 50].
The use of different subtherapeutic doses of growth-promoting antibiotics has different
effects on bacterial adhesion in the cecum [51], especially when added with anticoccidials. It is
noteworthy that the microbiota profile that leads to overall improved performance has not
been established yet, as different intestinal microbiota compositions can result in similar
growth performances [2].

Tylosin showed better performance indices in chickens challenged with coccidiosis. The
CNSL–castor oil levels of 0.75 and 1 kg/t were more effective than a level of 0.50 kg/t, present-
ing similar results to enramycin and virginiamycin. Furthermore, CNSL–castor oil acted as a
modulator of intestinal microbiota, reducing the abundance of pathogenic bacteria.

Supporting information
S1 Fig. Lesion score in coccidiosis challenged broilers at 21 (A) and 28 (B) days of age—7 and
14 d after challenge, respectively. CNSL–Castor (US Patent N. 8377,485; Oligo Basics Ind.
Ltda., Cascavel, Parana, Brazil). Means with different letters differ statically as per the Student–
Newman–Keuls method.
S2 Fig. A, B. Comparison of alpha diversity for each additive between time points using
CHAO -1 (A) and Simpson (B) index of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial. The
study tested seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin
(55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil (CNSL-CO) in different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the
control diet (without additives).
S3 Fig. A, B. Comparison of alpha diversity at each time point using CHAO -1 (A) and Simp-
son (B) index of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial The study tested seven feed
additives: enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil
(CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without

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S1 Table. Ingredient formulae and chemical composition of experimental diets according
to the rearing period.
S2 Table. Number of reads that passed through each step of quality control for the experi-
ment testing seven feed additives: Enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin (16.5 ppm), tylosin
(55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and 1.00 kg/t), and the
control diet (without additives) of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of trial with 12
S3 Table. Relative abundance at phylum, family, and genera levels present in the experi-
ment. The experiment tested seven feed additives: enramycin (8 ppm), virginiamycin
(16.5 ppm), tylosin (55 ppm), CNSL–castor oil (CNSL-CO) at different doses (0.5, 0.75, and
1.00 kg/t), and the control diet (without additives) of broilers cecum samples at 28 and 42 d of
trial with 12 replicates.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Lucélia Hauptli, Douglas Haese, Carolina D’ávila Pozzatti, Priscila de Oli-
veira Moraes.
Formal analysis: Tatiany Aparecida Teixeira Soratto, Vilmar Benetti Filho, Carolina D’ávila
Pozzatti, Priscila de Oliveira Moraes.
Investigation: Pedro Torres, Tatiany Aparecida Teixeira Soratto, Douglas Haese, Carolina
D’ávila Pozzatti.
Methodology: Paula Gabriela da Silva Pires, Tatiany Aparecida Teixeira Soratto, Vilmar Bene-
tti Filho, Lucélia Hauptli, Glauber Wagner, Douglas Haese, Carolina D’ávila Pozzatti.
Project administration: Douglas Haese, Carolina D’ávila Pozzatti.
Writing – original draft: Paula Gabriela da Silva Pires, Pedro Torres, Tatiany Aparecida Teix-
eira Soratto, Vilmar Benetti Filho, Lucélia Hauptli, Priscila de Oliveira Moraes.
Writing – review & editing: Glauber Wagner, Priscila de Oliveira Moraes.

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