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Aundair Pulp Heroic


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the tables of this section. At the end of this section, you will
Introduction know your character’s race, religion, backgrounds, classes,
and name.
The following supplement is a useful tool to create a
character who is rooted and integrated into the world of
Eberron akin to the life path system of the Cyberpunk and
A Life
This section fills out your life within your homeland,
Witcher games or the Heroic Chronicle system in the
beginning with a favorite hallmark. While the hallmark is an
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount. This system will walk you
aspect your character can latch onto, the milestone tables
through using your Player’s Handbook with Eberron: Rising
will help you flesh out your character’s backstory and help
from the Last War to create your Aundairian character; both
you create their future.
of these books are required for this supplement. Other
helpful materials are Xanithar’s Guide to Everything,
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and, of Milestones
course, and Keith Baker’s Exploring Eberron, and Eberron This section in each homeland allows you to discover
Confidential. Additional books are referenced throughout certain early life details for your character. Before beginning
this resource, but are not required. If you find yourself with the tables here, it is recommended that you roll for
rolling a character option which needs a book you do not their birthplace, siblings, family, childhood home, and
have, you will want to roll again or choose a different option. childhood memories, check into the tables on Xan 62-64.
There is a larger supplement with all homeland options You may also want to look at the tables for background and
available; this will be sold as part of a bundle with that so class origins on Xan 64-69, but you may be interested in
that if you would like to upgrade, you may. using the following options for your Fateful Moments,
Secrets, and how the Last War affected you. While it is
Homelands always fun to roll randomly, it is a great idea to examine
which characteristics create a character you want to play.
The homeland is the central part of creating a character in
Eberron. Once you find a homeland, a lot of aspects about Fateful Moment
your character will fall into place. Each homeland has Every character has one fateful moment which set their
several details which your character likely knows about their destiny and ignited the spark within them, making them a
home and can give you a feel for the environment you lived hero.
Traits and Gifts Most characters in Eberron are riddled with secrets, regrets,
and flaws. Roll on the table, use “Eberron Confidential,”
To signify the degree to which a homeland affects a and/or work with your DM to create a secret for your
character, instead of their race, there is a list of character character.
traits common to your homeland which can be switched
with one of your racial character traits. The Last War
In addition to traits, ability score improvements provided The Last War was wide ranging and affected people from all
by nation are recommended to be used in conjunction with over the world of Eberron. It is unlikely that your character
the racial ability score improvements. Using the rules from was unaffected in some way; here are specific ways your
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, look at the ability score character may have been affected by Last War. For more
improvements provided by your homeland and race and ideas, check out ExEb 23-24.
choose which ability gets a +2 and which gets a +1.
Besides the traits and ability score increases, it is very Family Status
likely that your character takes the homeland language Sometimes families can be messy; even those on the best
instead of any racial language trait-- though they likely take terms may have been affected by the political powers and
their racial language as their additional language if one is the Last War. You may use the family status tables to explore
provided. how your family’s status has changed since the Last War.
Finally, each homeland has Epic Gifts akin to the
supernatural gifts of Theros or the dark gifts of Ravenloft. Other Milestones
Check with your DM before adding these to your character. For other milestones of your character’s backstory, you may
want to roll on the Life Events tables on Xan 69-72. Work
Settlement with your DM to make these events fit within your
The settlement tables provide a location to root your
character. You likely have people you know in your home Additional Characteristic Options
settlement location and may receive advantage on rolls to This section adapts some background choices to create a
know the people and area of your settlement if any are character which fits from the homeland of your character. It
required. is recommended that if you randomly roll, check the same
Settlements also will come with some character ideas. numbered result from the background and the homeland
These ideas may help you root your character but are not and decide which fits your character best. Additionally,
necessary for every character from a settlement to follow. there is a table which adapts the Seeds of Fear from the Van
Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft to help you come up with a
Heroes character with fears for a game with horror themes.
Most heroes from a homeland in Eberron have certain
options which appear more often than others, signified in
Aundair A Note on Character Ideas
Almost every section of this text will add a couple of character ideas. These
are all merely possibilities based on the selected nation, race, background,
Aundair is fairly agrarian outside of the cities, but even and class of your character. Feel free to choose one, mix and match some
those who live in villages don’t live the simple lives of other ideas, or ignore them entirely. .
folk from small towns and farms. Instead, their lives are
filled with little cantrips and common magic items which
improve their lives. Those from the cities of Aundair are
experiencing a highly magic-influenced life. As advanced as
Aundairian Settlements
the arcane magic of Aundair is, it is perhaps the best
example of the absolute monarch in the Five Nations.
Aundair Settlements Table
d100 Settlement d100 Settlement
1-44 Fairhaven (Capital City) 88-89 Askelios (Village)
Capital: Fairhaven
45-57 Passage (City) 90-91 Areksul (Village)
Government & Leader(s): Autocracy, Queen Aurala 58-67 Stormhome, khoravar 92-93 Windshire, halfling
ir’Wynarn (City) (Village)
Primary Language(s): Common, Old Aundairian 68-72 Lathleer (Town) 94-95 Wyr (Village)
State Religion(s): Sovereign Host (focus on Aureon) 73-77 Ghalt (Town) 96 Wrogar Keep
Currency: Platinum Dragons, Gold Galifars, Silver (Military Outpost)
Sovereigns (Aurala), and Copper Crowns 78-80 Arcanix (University Village) 97 Otharaunt
Commerce: Cheese, Fashion, Grain, Wine, Education (Military Outpost)
Military Defense Focus: Arcana, Wizardry 81-83 Marketplace (Village) 98 Tower Valiant
Influential Factions: Knights Arcane, Royal Eyes of Aundair, (Military Outpost)
Arcane Congress, University of Wynarn, House Orien, 84-85 Larunor (Village) 99 Tower Vigilant
House Lyrandar, Aundairian Scroll (Newspaper), House (Military Outpost)
Cannith (West), Sentinel Marshals, House Ghallanda, 86-87 Bluevine (Village) 00 Vanguard Keep (M.O.)
House Phiarlan, House Kundarak, House Sivis, Write of
Passage (Newspaper), Arcanix, Ashbound Druids, Aundair Settlement Character Ideas
Greensingers, Children of Winter, Esoteric Order of 1. Fairhaven or Arcanix: While all of Aundair is a great
Aureon, The Aurum, The Chamber place to originate a wizard character from, these two
locations are prime locations to grow up and learn magic.
Both also are great locations, holding colleges, for the sage
Aundairian Traits background or knowledge clerics. Fairhaven, the home of
House Cannith West, would be a great location for an
Ability Score Increase. +2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity or alchemy focused artificer.
Charisma. You may choose to use your racial ancestry 2. Passage: This is the home city of the Mark of Passage of
ability score increase or mix them according to the rules House Orien. If rolling this settlement, consider being a
in Tash. Mark of Passage Human or a House Agent for Orien.
Languages. You can speak and read Common and one other 3. Stormhome: Stormhome is the home city of House
language of your choice. Lyrandar and the khoravar (half elves). If rolling this
Magic Initiate. Take the magic initiate feat and choose settlement, it is highly recommended that you create a
wizard. You must take mage hand as one of your cantrips. khoravar character, especially one with the
Prodigy (Prerequisite: Human or Khoravar). Take the Mark of Storms. You may also want to consider the sailor
prodigy feat. If you are not proficient with arcana, you or house agent (Lyrandar) backgrounds.
must select arcana. If you do not have expertise with 4. Marketplace or Bluevine: As locations of great trade,
arcana, you must gain expertise with arcana (Xan 75). both Marketplace and Bluevine would be great places to
Artificer Initiate. Take the Artificer Initiate feat (Tash). locate a guild merchant background.
Metamagic Adept. Take the metamagic adept feat (Tash). 5. Otharaunt, Wyr, Windshire, Areksul, or Askelios: These
Eldritch Adept. Take the eldritch adept feat (Tash). locations have strong ties to the Eldeen and Thrane
Epic Gifts conflicts. Consider if your character has been affected by
one or both of these nations. While still loyal to Aundair,
Player characters are intended to stand out from the crowd Otharaunt, Wyr, and Windshire have strong ties to the fey
in Eberron. If your DM allows, a player character may start a (perfect for druids, rangers, and archfey warlocks);
game with one of the following epic gifts in addition to or Areksul and Askelios have the most faithful to the Silver
instead of a racial trait, or find themselves bestowed with it Flame (making for a good paladin or cleric). If you are
through the events of the campaign. from Areksul or Askelios, you may also have lived in
Second Skin (VRR 25): Whether the subject of your own Thaliost before it was taken by Thrane-- giving you a
experiments or the experiments of others, you have particular disdain for those who follow the Silver Flame.
gained a second form. Take the second skin dark gift 6. Any Military Outpost: Eldritch knight fighters and other
outlined in the Ravenloft sourcebook. magic infused classes are frequently found at locations
Heroic Destiny (MOT 12): Take the heroic destiny like military outposts if serving there. Obviously, a soldier
supernatural gift outlined in the Theros sourcebook. You background works best here; you may want to roll an
are destined to be a hero. additional settlement as your home settlement, or have
Inscrutable (MOT 14): You have mastered protecting your them as part of the village surrounding the outpost.
mind. Take the inscrutable supernatural gift outlined in
the Theros sourcebook.
working in their trade, the other kinds of gnomes are
relatively rare in Aundair.
6. Hill Dwarves: The hill dwarves of Aundair came via
Karrnath and mostly prefer to live out in the farmlands of

Aundairian Heroes Aundair. They were some of the best soldiers Aundair had
to offer and are often devout in whatever faith they
Use the following tables to get ideas for your character’s choose.
race, background, class, and name. 6. Genasi: Aundair is a nation of magical experimentation
and high magical use. It should be little surprise that their
Aundairian Races magic has caused connections to Fernia (the plane of fire)
and Risia (the plane of ice), touching on the elemental
energies there. One theory is that this has caused some
Aundair Races Table children to be “plane touched,” morphing their being to
d100 Race d100 Race be more like the genies of those planes. Others believe
1-32 Human 87-89 Goblin
that the genies crossed through the created manifest
33-48 Khoravar 90-91 Changeling
49-64 High Elf* 92-93 Warforged
zones and took to “making” children with Aundairians-- a
65-69 Lightfoot Halfling 94-95 Swiftstride Shifter similar story to the one blaming Aundair for the origins of
70-74 Forest Gnome 96 Mark of Making Human the khoravar. While several nations have seen the birth of
75-77 Mark of Passage Human 97 Mark of Shadow Elf genasi at this point, only Aundair has the “sex with
78-80 Mark of Storm Khoravar 98 Mark of Hospitality Halfling genies” myth. While still relatively few, Aundair has the
81-83 Hill Dwarf 99 Mark of Scribing Gnome largest population of genasi in Eberron.
84-86 Genasi (Air, Earth, Fire, or 00 Other 7. Goblins: Goblins in Aundair are descended from some of
Water) those who were enslaved before the Kingdom of Galifar.
The goblins of Aundair generally love their lives in the
Aundair Racial Character Ideas cities, preferring Passage to Fairhaven, and find they have
1. Humans (including ‘marked humans): Viewed as a a great quality of life. They were often used as scouts in
predominantly human nation, humans are everywhere in the Last War for their ability to hide and see in the dark.
Aundair; Aundair boasts the most spellcasting humans of Entrusted with wands, they made for excellent guerilla
any nation in the world. For this reason, it attracts a lot of attackers.
the dragonmarked houses, especially the human ones. 8. Changelings: The changelings of Aundair generally live in
After the fall of Cyre, House Cannith East formed around hiding, most Aundairians believing them to be Eldeen
alchemy in Aundair and is vying to become THE House spies. For this reason, an Aundairian changeling rarely
Cannith again. shows its face and most resist staying in one location for
2. Khoravar/Mark of Storms Khoravar: The khoravar of too long.
Aundair, out of all other nations, feel like they have made 9. Warforged: The relatively few warforged purchased from
it farthest in society. There are khoravar lords and ladies, House Cannith by Aundair were remarkably well
and there is a kind of homeland on Stormhome. Aundair equipped for battle. Strong armor with magical staves and
is the only human nation where the voice of the khoravar, wands meant each warforged was a walking tank. Now
especially as led by House Lyrandar, must be heard. The that the war is over, you have had one of the hardest times
strong presence of House Lyrandar also means that a in finding your place in society and have an even harder
strong part of the magical population is trained in storm time finding a place in the other human nations for the
sorcery. terrors your units have wrought. Most warforged have
3. High Elves and Mark of Shadow Elves: Among the elves tried to find a place as protectors of cities, towns, villages,
who immigrated from Aerenal, it is little surprise that and nobles.
many found a home in the land of arcane magic. Elves 10. Swiftstride Shifters: While other shifters live in Aundair,
find themselves particularly welcome in Arcanix and the swiftstride subrace is the most common. Their
Fairhaven, where arcane proficiency is held with high graceful and quick nature means they thrive in even the
esteem; several have been knighted throughout their time high society of Aundair, which often emphasizes
in Aundair, but few hold a higher rank. House Phiarlan appearances over function. Most shifters are looked at as
has a strong presence in Fairhaven and Passage where it possible spies for the Eldeen, but the swiftstride
runs the best entertainment either city has to offer. regiments of the Aundairian army have earned an
4. Lightfoot Halflings (and Other Halflings): The halflings unquestioned place in society. Shifters are often expected
of Aundair were generally brought there with House to have a view on the Eldeen Reaches; that view is
Ghallanda. Unlike those who move to Breland, especially expected to be negative.
Sharn, the halflings who moved to Aundair often choose 11. Other Options: Other great options for those from
to reject their heritage on the Talenta Plains and live a life Aundair include: Aarakocra, Tiefling (use the Dispater
closer to how halflings are perceived in the Forgotten from Mord for Sul Khatesh), Dhampir, Hexblood, Satyr,
Realms and other settings. The village of Windshire is Firbolg, Protector Aasimar, Centaur, Kalashtar, or any
particularly popular as a home for halflings, though other marked race.
races are welcome as well.
5. Forest Gnomes (and Other Gnomes): The forest gnome
population left long before Zilargo gained independence
from Breland, but still has close ties to their homeland.
Most forest gnomes choose to live in Arcanix, where the
height of magical research is taking place, but they can be
found throughout Aundair. Besides the Mark of Scribing
gnomes, which delight in living in Fairhaven and Passage,
Aundairian Religions
Aundairians commonly devote themselves to the following
religions: Aundair Background Character Ideas
1. Sage or University Student: Sages from Aundair generally
Aundair Religion Table work with the Royal Eyes of Aundair, Arcane Congress, or
d10 Background d10 Background University of Wynarn as a patron. University students are
1 Sovereign Host 7-8 Silver Flame usually attending the University of Wynarn or Arcanix.
(Aureon Acolyte) 2. Entertainer: Most entertainers are freelance and can
2-5 Sovereign Host 9 Druid easily find themselves travelling with any patron.
6 Sovereign Host (Rejected) 0 Other However, an entertainer who is particularly good with a
pen might find themselves working for one of the
1. Sovereign Host: The majority of Aundairians were raised newspapers for Aundair or House Phiarlan.
to follow the Sovereign Host; some with a high influence 3. Sailor or Marine: Aundair has one of the strongest navies
of Aureon, seen as the first wizard of Eberron. Aureon thanks to its connection to House Lyranadar. If you aren’t
acolytes particularly are common to Fairhaven, Passage, working for Aundair’s Navy, you are likely working for the
and Arcanix. Those who reject the faith, but don’t take up Lyrandar.
another, know enough not to cause trouble at family 4. Noble or Knight: Nobles answer directly to the court of
gatherings, but simply don’t hold much stock in the faith Queen Aurala and know they have a specific place in the
today. Whether you are faithful to the Sovereign Host or pecking order of the kingdom. Knights may be nobles who
rejected the faith, you can use the tables on Eb 140 to flesh served in the military, or they may be members of the
out your faith. Knights Arcane (if they show magical ability). At the very
2. Silver Flame: As a follower of the Silver Flame, you are least, they have shown some prowess on the battlefield.
often looked at with suspicion. Most assume that those 5. Spy or Arcane Assassin: Aundairian spies and arcane
who worship the Silver Flame agree with the theocratic assassins almost exclusively work with the Royal Eyes of
motives of Thrane to dominate the Five Nations during Aundair. Spies, not specifically trained assassins, may
the Last War; that you are perfectly happy with Thrane’s work for a noble family.
occupation of Thaliost-- you may even have lived there or 6. House Agent: House agents from Aundair generally work
moved there due to your beliefs. Whether you do or not, with one of the two major houses in the nation: House
you are likely a devout believer, perhaps even zealously so, Orien or House Lyrandar. These houses have a “friendly”
because of the outcast nature of your faith. No one rivalry, especially in Aundair.
half-follows the Church of the Silver Flame in Aundair. 7. Inheritor: While you may be otherwise a noble or folk
The faithful of the Silver Flame in Aundair who cast magic hero, you have inherited the prestige (and probably some
often focus on fire magic. wealth) from a family member.
2. Druid: Druids are not particularly welcome in Aundair
due to the cessation of the Eldeen Reaches and with the Aundairian Classes
issues with the Children of Winter and the Ashbound
druids. Still, a Gatekeeper druid who seeks to protect the Aundair Classes Table
people of Aundair from demons and daelkyr? They’ll fit in d100 Class d100 Class
well enough-- though they’ll have a harder time 1-29 Divination Wizard 78-80 Conjuration Wizard
convincing everyone that those threats exist in the first 30-45 Eldritch Knight Fighter 81-82 Echo Knight Fighter
place. 46-55 War Wizard 83-84 Chronurgy Wizard
3. Other: Those that worship other religions likely are 56-62 Alchemy Artificer 85-86 Graviturgy Wizard
worshipping their ancestral religions (ancestors, Undying 63-67 Archfey Warlock (Tome) 87-88 Arcane Soul Monk
Court, Path of Light), but there are those in Aundair who 68-72 Storm Sorcerer 89-90 Lore Bard
worship the Shadow secretly, hoping to gain deep arcane 73-77 Knowledge Cleric 91-00 Other
knowledge; others might openly worship a Cult of the
Three Faces, especially the Cult of the Three Faces of Other Classes: The best options for Aundairian classes and
Love, embodied in Boldrei, Arawai, the Fury (Szorawai). subclasses are other magic casters: the remaining wizard
subclasses, artificer subclasses, bard subclasses, cleric
Aundairian Backgrounds subclasses (associated with the Sovereign Host), and
warlock subclasses (generally taking the pact of the tome)
Aundair Backgrounds Table will work well. If your DM allows the Blood Hunter class,
Aundair is the ideal location to center the Order of the
d100 Background d100 Background
1-38 Sage or University Student* 78-80 Soldier
Profane Soul, but there are likely Mutant Blood Hunters
39-48 Entertainer 81-82 Acolyte present as well.
49-58 Sailor or Marine 83-84 Urchin
59-63 Noble or Knight 85-87 Guild Artisan or Merchant
64-68 Spy or Arcane Assassin 88 Folk Hero
69-74 Dragonmarked Agent
(Orien or Lyrandar)*
89-98 House Agent (Other) Aundairian Names
75-77 Inheritor 99-00 Other Aundairian names use a variety of influences, but French
and Illuskan (PHB) and similar names are personal favorites
for inspiration. Khoravar names are with other elven names
in the Valenar supplement or section. Here are some ideas
for Aundairian names:
Aundair Male Names Table Life’s Milestones
d20 Name d20 Name This section in each homeland allows you to discover
1 Abel 11 Gavrin certain early life details for your character. Before beginning
2 Ander 12 Hugo with the tables here, it is recommended that you roll for
3 Anthoine 13 Jacques their birthplace, siblings, family, childhood home, and
4 Bareris 14 Jean childhood memories, check into the tables on Xan 62-64.
5 Bastien 15 Killian You may also want to look at the tables for background and
6 Colin 16 Louis class origins on Xan 64-69, but you may be interested in
7 Daen 17 Michele using the following options for your Fateful Moments,
8 Denis 18 Pierre Secrets, and how the Last War affected you. While it is
9 Erben 19 Ramas always fun to roll randomly, it is a great idea to examine
10 Felix 20 Vincent
which characteristics create a character you want to play.
Aundair Female Names Table
Fateful Moment
d20 Name d20 Name
1 Arizama 11 Mara d8 Fateful Moment
2 Amelot 12 Margot 1 I met an Immortal Being and have an Immortal Being patron
3 Aveline 13 Morganna (in addition to any other patrons the party may have).
4 Betha 14 Nephis 2 I was either in a battle or caught in a battle of the Last War in
5 Chathi 15 Nulara which I should have died. A fluke moment meant I lived. (You
6 Collette 16 Perrette may take the Fate-Touched background in addition to your
7 Evette 17 Thola chosen one).
8 Gwen 18 Violette 3 I went out of my way to save someone from certain death.
9 Kethra 19 Wynn (You may take the Heroic Destiny supernatural gift.)
10 Luciana 20 Zolis 4 My family suffered a terrible debt and hired me out at a young
age to a dragonmarked house; they’ve been my patron ever
Aundair Surames Table since (in addition to any other patrons).
5 I found out that I was hidden at birth by a high noble of
d20 Name d20 Name
Aundair. They may have no idea I exist or have no desire to
1 Aarland 11 Jurians
acknowledge me as their child. The parent or parents who
2 Azoulay 12 Maartel
raised me love me like their own.
3 Bartell 13 Mellerin
6 A sage from Arcanix saw potential in me and personally
4 Cheval 14 Nathandem
tutored me. (Gain the Prodigy or Magic Initiate feats to gain as
5 Dekker 15 Ostren
long as you meet the prerequisites. If you have both feats, or
6 Dorian 16 Pallier
would prefer, gain +1 Intelligence instead.)
7 Durant 17 D’(Settlement)
7 I was forced to flee my home when a noble from my
8 Ennes 18 Shreve
settlement turned against my family and had everyone
9 Fezim 19 Tullier
imprisoned. I am the only one to escape. My family may or
10 Helder 20 Ventempete
may not be alive.

Aundairian Life 8 I had fateful moments in my life appropriate to my

background or class similar to those in Xanithar’s Guide
Use the following tables to discover more about your life in (64-69).
your homeland, including favorite hallmark and any
additional characteristics they may have.

Aundairian Favorite Hallmark

Everyone has something that makes them think of home.
They enjoy it when they are out in the wider world, they
miss it when it is gone. Here are a few options for some of
your favorite hallmarks from Aundair:

Aundair Favorite Hallmark Table

d10 Favorite Hallmark d10 Favorite Hallmark
1 Aundairian Cheeses 6 How Common Magic is in
2 Aundairian Education 7 Aundairian Chateau Red
System Wine
3 Aundairian Fashion 8 Aundairian Bread
4 Aundairian Sparkling Wine 9 Aundairian Everlight White
5 Bluevine Wine (very 0 Sparkling Water
Secret Family Status
d8 Secret d6 Flaw/Regret
1 My abilities are not innately my own, but I was a test subject at 1 My family was at least mostly wiped out or scattered by the
Arcanix for a time. (You may choose to take the Second Skin events of the L:ast War. For Aundair, this was likely in the
Dark Gift). conflict over Thaliost or the Eldeen Reaches, but any battle
2 I suffer from the things I witnessed during the Last War. Gain with Breland, Cyre, Karrnath, or Thrane could have done this.
an Indefinite Madness (DMG). 2 My family survived the Last War, but you have all grown to
3 I made a mistake during the Last War which cost my squad hate each other for some reason, likely due to activities during
their lives; I am the only one who walked away. the Last War or, especially in Aundair, inheritance.
4 I’ve done research related to fiends or daelkyr which would 3 One of my parents was cursed by a mage when they offended
make most people uncomfortable-- especially if I told them them. (Work with your DM to discover the nature of the curse
I’ve met one. and the offense.)
5 I know more about what is going on than I’m letting on. I’ve 4 At least one of my parents or siblings died while fighting in
done research about this topic for years, but if I tell people the Last War. It is a deep pain for me. (If it was a parent, your
how much I know, they will suspect I’m part of the problem. finances were drastically affected, -10 to Childhood Home)
6 I believe that mages ought to rule society instead of those 5 At least most of my family is doing well, but I am estranged
without magic. I could be executed for treason for this from them for some reason. (It is up to you to decide why you
opinion. are estranged, likely due to your flaw or regret, and if your
7 I have a love which is forbidden and which I will do anything to character would like to see them to patch things up again.)
keep a secret until we find a way to be together-- if we can. 6 At least most of my family is doing well since the Last War.
8 I have a secret like one in Eberron Confidential. They may even have improved their fortunes. My relationship
with them is not problematic.

Last War
d8 Last War Effect Additional Characteristic Options
1 I have been inflicted with a loss in the Last War, such as one on You may use any of the following options instead of the
the table on ExEb 24. options provided for your character’s background.
2 I was directly affected by the outcome between Aundair and
Thrane over Thaliost. I either lost my home as an Aundairian, Personality Traits
or gained one as a follower of the Silver Flame. d8 Personality Trait
3 I was directly affected by the secession of the Eldeen Reaches. 1 I am very inquisitive; I ask a lot of questions and spend a lot of
I believe that the Eldeen Reaches should be reunited to time investigating.
Aundair and distrust rangers and druids. 2 I am obsessed with being clean. Baths and fresh clothes daily
4 During the Last War, I trained as an elite wandslinger, an are a must.
Aundairian Dragoon. (You can learn one additional spell than 3 I love a good mystery and I love taking part in intrigue.
you would otherwise know from any list you can learn spells 4 I am an avid reader and try to buy a new book wherever I can.
from; this can be a cantrip. If you do not usually have the 5 I am overly vindictive to my enemies. I don’t just want
ability to cast spells, you learn a cantrip from the Wizard spell payback, I want them to lose everything and suffer.
list and use Intelligence as your spellcasting ability.) 6 I want to be dressed better than anyone else around me. If
5 I managed to avoid service to Aundair. (How you managed to someone is wearing a better outfit or the SAME outfit, I cannot
do this and how this affects the relationships with those stand it.
around you is up to you and your DM.) 7 I am a flirt and a flatterer.
6 I took a grievous wound during the Last War. (Roll on the 8 I always have an explanation for why I am right in any given
Lingering Injuries table in the DMG.) situation.

7 I served Aundair through the research at Arcanix, either as a

researcher or the subject.
8 I have served in the Last War in a capacity such as one on the Ideal
table on ExEb 23. d6 Ideal
1 Logic. Everything in the world can be explained if we find the
right theory. (Lawful)
2 Power. The more powerful I am, the more valuable I am to
society and the better able I am to protect others. I must
become more powerful at all costs. (Evil)
3 Family. My family means everything to me. (Neutral)
4 Greater Good. I’m willing to cross lines others aren’t for the
sake of the greater good. (Good)
5 Knowledge. There is no problem that a little research and
experimentation can’t solve. (Neutral)
6 Nation. I would do anything for my nation. (Any)
d6 Bond/Goal
1 During the Last War, I was a dragonhawk rider; I have a
dragonhawk mount (which uses the Giant Eagle stats) which
the army is willing to sell to me for 200gp.
2 I want to get revenge for a particular loss during the Last War
against a particular person or people.
3 Everything I do, I do to advance the Arcane Initiative, the
programs intended to advance magic for infrastructure and
combat. I have Queen Aurala as my Head of State patron.
4 I must gain an alliance with or the patronage of a noble house
of Aundair according to my family or patron.
5 I want to learn forbidden magic to make sure that I am one
step ahead of our enemies.
6 I owe a debt of 200gp to someone which I must pay back. (Roll
on the Debts table on Eb 9; work with your DM to help it fit
with your character and the story).

d6 Flaw/Regret
1 I noticed a family member becoming a Pure Flame extremist;
I didn’t do anything about it and now I blame myself for their
actions since they defected to Thrane during the Last War.
2 I am dependent on magic. I use it whenever I can and I can’t
stand when I’m not supposed to or unable to use it.
3 I was betrayed by a lover from another nation. I know that I’m
the reason vital intel was lost to an enemy army.
4 I cannot help but gossip wherever I go, telling strangers things
I probably shouldn’t.
5 I can’t help but try to sleep with anyone I find attractive.
6 I have a deep regret from the time of the Last War. (Roll on the
Regrets table on Eb 8; work with your DM to help it fit with
your character and the story).

Seed of Fear
d6 Fear
1 I have a fear of necromancy, especially of being raised from

Thank You!
the dead myself because of the Karrnathi.
2 I’m terrified of a usually harmless animal because of the
druids of the Eldeen Reaches.
3 I’m afraid of Silver Flame religious iconography. Anyone who Thank you for picking up the first Heroic Chronicle for my
wears such things can’t be trusted. Eberron series. Special thanks to Wizards of the Coast for
4 I’m afraid of traveling any other way than by horse. developing such a life-consuming game, the Dungeon
5 I’m afraid of making a fool of myself. Master’s Guild for providing the resources and methods for
6 I have a fear similar to one found in Chapter 4 of VRR. us to create products for each other, and Matt Mercer for
fleshing out the idea of the Heroic Chronicle for his
campaign (as it is obviously an influence on this work).
Additional special thanks to my players who help me flesh
out my work every week at the table; among these a
particularly special thank you to my wife for her support.

All images are courtesy of the Wizards of the Coast.

If you would like to support my work, please visit my website or support me on Patreon at

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