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© Marcin Krzyzak



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Just Arrived, installation and integration specialist in Luxembourg

since 2005

Creation and writing
Just Arrived SARL
Editorial Director: Laurent Ollier
Editor in chief: Françoise Tilly

©Marcin Krzyzak, ©Pit Karges, ©Ervin Gjata,
©tomikk, ©Fuchsphotography, ©syhin_stas,
©Raymond Thill, ©strh, ©Interpixels, ©Tom
Fielitz, ©djedj, ©JustArrived, ©Bogdan
Korneker, ©Marc Schneider, ©Pixxelfly Drone
Service, ©Krefe, ©wauteurz, ©Grmstockstu-
dio, ©Michael Gaida

©City of Luxembourg - Service de la
Topographie et de la Géomatique

Printing For more information,

scan the QR code
Imprimerie Kern GmbH
December 2022
ISBN 978-99959-0-820-1 Scan the QR codes in the pages of the
guide and find all the additional infor-
Just Arrived mation you need to settle, live and work in Luxembourg.
[email protected]
Business registration: B118088

© Just Arrived Sàrl. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the authors.
The editors decline all responsability for mistakes and omissions which, in spite of all the care taken by the editors, may occur. If
mistakes have been made, we apologise and ask readers to advise us of any inaccuracies.

Wëllkomm !


Are you planning to move to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or have you already moved
there? On behalf of the entire Just Arrived team, I would like to welcome you.

At Just Arrived, we are committed to providing you with complete, clear, factual and prac-
tical information to facilitate your arrival in Luxembourg.

As with each new edition, we paid particular attention to updating this resident's guide so
that you can benefit from the latest information on all the topics: work, housing, administra-
tion, children & education, transport, daily life, health, leisure, etc.

We hope that you will find all the answers to your questions and wish you an excellent
integration in this beautiful country.

Wëllkomm zu Lëtzebuerg !

Laurent Ollier
Managing Director
© Just Arrived

Just Arrived, installation and integration specialist in Luxembourg

since 2005

Slated Frames, furniture, bed and household linen, decoration
9 Looking for a home 134 Health information
20 Find an accomodation 144 Medical care
28 Set up your accomodation 151 Well-being


37 Arrival process 153 Education grants
45 Vehicle formalities 157 Childcare facilities
49 Banks 162 Schooling
54 Insurance 166 Public school system
170 International schools
58 WORKING 172 Higher education
175 Extracurricular activities
59 General information
65 Job search 177 SPORTS & LEISURE
73 Diplomas and work experience
75 Continuous training 178 Sports
81 Retirement and pension 179 Aquatic activities
181 Land sports
85 MOVING AROUND 185 Open air and fun
188 Artistic Leisure
86 Driving around
93 Public transport 191 DISCOVER & EXPLORE
95 Bus transport
98 Tramway and trains 192 Luxembourg map
101 Taxis 193 Cultural activities
102 Cycling 204 Tourism
104 Travel by air
213 Communities, languages
107 Luxembourg in brief 216 Medias
108 Geography 217 Celebrations & traditions
109 Quality and cost of living 221 Holidays
110 Taxes and duties 223 Integration
113 Shopping 226 Vote and nationality
123 Catering 229 Notes
128 Housing maintenance
131 Useful directory

© Pit Karges


Property prices, Where to live? Map of Luxembourg city, Property
rental, Property purchase, Home insurance, Housing maintenance,
Energy performance certificate - energiepass, Support and rights

Property portals, Real estate agencies, Relocation agencies and
services, Press and social networks, Temporary housing, Tips for
successful housing visits


Water connection, Gas and electricity suppliers, Fuel suppliers, How to
save energy?, Phone, television, internet, Furniture

The housing market in Luxembourg is tense; Where to live?
you should start looking for an accommo-
dation as soon as possible. The housing de- Neighbourhood prices
mand largely outstrips supply.
Living in Luxembourg city is expensive.
Property prices
Limpertsberg and Belair are the most expen-
In Luxembourg, property prices rise conti- sive districts in the capital, Luxembourg City.
nuously, + 14,5% in 2020 and + 13,9% in 2021. Prices per square metre exceed 14,000 euros.
Even if the increase seems to slow down in The districts of Kirchberg, Neudorf/Weimershof,
2022, the trend is still upwards. Clausen, Ville-Haute, Hollerich and Merl also
show prices above 10,000 euros per square
Prices for existing properties continue to rise, metre.
due to a persistent housing shortage. New pro-
jects and new constructions continue to expand. The "interesting" and more affordable districts

The rise in new housing prices is slowing or are Rollingergrund, Bonnevoie-Sud, Gasperich,
even flattening out. Cessange and Eich.

In the capital Luxembourg, rents and purchase As an alternative, there are very pleasant and
prices per square metre are high. In 2022, the less expensive towns located between 5 and 15
average purchase price is more than 12,000 minutes by car from the city of Luxembourg:
euros per square metre and the average rental Howald and Hespérange in the south, Strassen,
price is 27 euros. Bertrange and Mamer in the west, Bridel,
Bereldange and Walferdange in the north,
The further away from the capital Luxembourg, Niederanven, Schuttrange and Sandweiler in
the more affordable the prices. In the south the east.
of the country, the price of a square metre is
around 7,400 euros and 20 euros for renting. Residential districts

By large, foreigners live in the City of

Luxembourg. They are mainly concentrated
in districts like Limpertsberg, Merl, Belair,
Gasperich and Cessange.

Pfaffenthal and Grund are also very popular.

However, parking is difficult and there is limited
real estate available.
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Map of Luxembourg city








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©City of Luxembourg
The city of Luxembourg is developing very The historical and touristic districts of
quickly. Certain districts such as Gasperich, Luxembourg City are the Grund and Clausen,
Cessange or Kirchberg are still being planned which are more lively in the evening, the very
for development. They are well connected to the residential Pfaffenthal and the Ville Haute or
city centre, thanks in particular to the tramway, Centre, which is very commercial with high-end
and offer good prospects. shops.

Lively neighbourhoods Planes taking off and landing to the airport of

Findel are quite noisy in the areas of Bonnevoie,
The most vibrant areas are Gare, Clausen and Gasperich, Hamm and Cents.
Grund. They are mostly known for their nightlife.
The Gare district attracts a very heterogeneous School accessibility
population and is not really recommended for
families (prostitution, drug trade, rising crime Proximity to schools is also a decision criterion
rates). when it comes to choosing a place of residence.

Very lively during the day, Gasperich and The French Primary School and High School
Kirchberg lose interest in the evening, except are located in the district of Gasperich. The
for the Kinepolis cinema and its surroundings on tramway will serve this area in 2024.
Avenue JF Kennedy and the Philharmonie near The French-Luxembourg school Notre-Dame

the Red Bridge. Sainte Sophie is located at Weimershof, near the

districts of Kirchberg and Limpertsberg.

Words from expats: "What are your favourite areas?"

©Just Arrived

Many Luxembourg High Schools (Athénée, Luxembourg and Esch-sur-Alzette.
Aline Mayrisch, Michel-Rodange) and the
International School of Luxembourg (ISL)
are located in the district of Merl on the
Geesseknäppche Campus. There, you can also
find the School of Business and Management,
as well as the Music Conservatory of the City of

The European Schools I and II are, respectively, Scan qr code

in Kirchberg and in the city of Bertrange. The
assignment to one or the other depends on your
mother tongue and type of education. Property rental

The English St George’s School is located in the When arriving to Luxembourg, rental can be
Luxembourg-Hamm district. a good option so you can have a better un-
derstanding of your surroundings.
Business quarters
Due to high level of immigration, the demand for
If you work for one of the European institu- rental properties is very high. It is not uncom-

tions or for companies located in Kirchberg’s mon for a property to be rented on the first visit,
neighbourhood, the areas of Kirchberg (current- if the condition and price are in line.
ly in the process of rebalancing its residential/
business quarters) and Weimershof are all in- If you find a rental property that matches your
dicated. The district of Neudorf is also interes- criteria and at a fair price, do not hesitate to ap-
ting due to its proximity to the city centre and to ply quickly.
Rental lease agreements
A little further away, the towns of Senningerberg
and Senningen can be a nice alternative, close Once the accommodation has been found, the
to the city. terms of the tenancy are contractualised by a
lease. Its formalism is quite flexible. There are
The Route d'Arlon is the main road and eco- no clear guidelines on how to rent a property,
nomic development axis between the cities of unlike in other countries. The landlord may re-
Mamer, Strassen, Bertrange and Luxembourg. quest a number of clauses.

The district of Gasperich is close to the new bu- Here are a few points of reference:
siness center of the Cloche d'Or. Cessange can • The amount of the rent is usually an-
also be very interesting in this case and by its nounced excluding monthly charges (electri-
proximity to Leudelange or Bettembourg, which city, gas, water, etc.). Be sure to specify the
are in full economic development. amount of the rent and the amount of additio-
nal monthly charges.
Leudelange is also located on the future deve- • The rent may not exceed a maximum of
lopment axis of the high-speed tram between 3.5% of the amount of the investment made

by the landlord.
• If you are considering a short-term rental,
the “diplomatic clause” does not, as such, exist.
You will have to negotiate this possibility direc-
tly with the landlord when signing the lease.
• An inventory of the premises at the begin-
ning and end of the lease must be drawn up in Scan qr code
duplicate between the owner and the tenant.
This will be attached to the lease. Property purchase
• The landlord is allowed to forbid the pre-
sence of any domestic pet. If you have a dog Luxembourg residents own 70% of their
or a cat, you may want to look for some related main residency. It is important to note that
information beforehand the tax system on real estate is an incentive
to buy.
Agency fees
Property taxation
If you rent a property through a real estate agen- The taxation of the principal dwelling is attrac-
cy, the agency fee is shared 50/50 between the tive in Luxembourg, which is an incentive to
landlord and the tenant. These fees are usually purchase.
equivalent to one month's rent, plus VAT. • The transaction fees (costs paid to the nota-

ry ) are limited at 7% of a property price.

Rental deposit • Thanks to the "Bellegen Akt", these fees
are reduced at the level of 20.000 euros for a
When signing the lease, you will also have to single person and 40.000 euros for a couple
pay a rental deposit to the landlord in order to at the time of the 1st purchase of the princi-
protect the property from potential damages. pal residence in Luxembourg. This involves,
nonetheless, the effective occupation of the
The landlord fixes its amount, but it cannot ex- property serving as principal residence for at
ceed 2 months worth of rent. least two years.
• While property tax was virtually non-
You can settle the amount in cash (which the lan- existent on real estate until 2022, the new re-
dlord will return at the end of the lease if no da- form provides for greater taxation of empty
mage has been noted), or via a bank guarantee. homes and undeveloped building plots.
The latter option will save you from heavy • Under certain conditions, the capital gain
expenses. realized on the resale of one's principal resi-
dence is non-taxable..
Ask your bank for more information. • Interest on mortgages may be fully or
partially deductible from income declared for

Our experts
enlighten you
All about financing your real estate project
Meet our super advisors who are 100 % dedicated to your project in our new
Hub of Home or in our traditional branches. They will help you with all your needs:
tailor-made advice and financing, state aids and insurance. Our experts will even
come to your home or workplace until 7pm.
Contact them to make an appointment:
Property acquisition costs the event of damage to the flat, the tenant is res-
ponsible for the damage and must pay the costs
As you buy a property in Luxembourg, you must of repairing it.
consider the following fees:
• Registration and transcription rights are cal- See the Insurance chapter in the Settling in
culated at the levels of 6% and 1% of the land’s section.
value and constructions. Paid at the time of si-
gning the notarial deed, these transaction fees Housing maintenance
benefit from a reduction under the Bellegen
Akt. The landlord must provide decent accom-
See paragraph on property taxation. modation to the tenant. It must not endan-
• When taking out a bank loan to finance ger the health and safety of the occupant.
a new purchase, the owner has to pay a
mortgage fee. These are used to guarantee the The tenant is responsible for maintenance.
repayment of the loan. The owner must also He must carry out minor maintenance re-
take out insurance to cover the risks of death pairs related to daily life. At the end of the
and disability, calculated on the outstanding lease, the tenant must also return a clean
balance, and pay an administration fee. dwelling to the landlord, out of normal use.

The tenant must ensure that the locks work pro-


perly, change burnt-out light bulbs, maintain the

boiler annually, etc.

While normal "wear and tear" of paint is tole-

rated, holes in the walls or other damage must
be repaired. Beware of decoration work not au-
Scan qr code thorised by the landlord! Make sure you get the
owner's written consent beforehand.

Home insurance See the Maintenance chapter in the Settling in

As a tenant or owner, occupant or non-oc-
cupant, it is strongly advised to take out Energy performance
home insurance. This should cover at least certificate - energiepass
the basic risks, such as fire, storm, water
damage, etc. All property transactions, whether for rent
or sale, require the production of an Energy
Home insurance must cover the dwelling, the Performance Certificate (CPE) or energy
furniture and the personal effects of the tenant passport.
or owner-occupier. It must also include civil lia-
bility insurance. The CPE is valid for 10 years and is passed on
from owner to owner.
In the case of furnished rentals, the landlord may • Carried out by certified professionals, the
require the tenant to take out home insurance. In CPE defines the energy consumption of a

building. It determines 3 main elements, rated In the context of rental
from A to I:
• the primary energy expenditure index cal- Rent subsidies
culated by the energy performance class
• the thermal insulation class corresponding The most disadvantaged households can be-
to the index of the home's heating requirements nefit from a subsidy in order to access decent
• the CO2 emissions, which are reflected in housing.
the energy performance class.
This assistance is granted by the Ministry of
The A grade is the best grade and corresponds Housing based on household composition and
to so-called passive houses, the B grade is the income.
grade given to low-energy dwellings and the C
grade to energy-efficient dwellings. Class I is the State support for funding a rental
worst class. guarantee

Since 2017, all new buildings must have an en- When signing a lease, the tenant must pay a de-
ergy certificate with an AAA rating. posit to the landlord. This serves as a guarantee
in the event of a possible claim. The deposit re-
presents an amount of 1 or 2 months' rent.

See the paragraph Property rental.

The tenant may request assistance to finance this

guarantee, if he meets the necessary conditions.

Scan qr code Subsidised housing

The Housing Funds, the Société Nationale des

Support and rights Habitations à Bon Marché (SNHBM) and some communes offer rental accommodations for
people with low incomes. Every application is
Many financial aids and tax deductions processed according to levels of priority.
can be requested when renting, purcha-
sing or renovating a property located in The application must be made to the municipality
Luxembourg or the relevant institutions.

You can fill in an application online on guichet.


Housing acquisition Savings premium

Acquisition or construction premium It is only attributed once, under certain condi-

tions. It corresponds to the interests and pre-
It is granted once, according to income, marital miums subsidised in the savings account, or the
status and type of construction. liquidation of the housing’s savings account in
order to finance the accommodation.
Interests subsidy
State guarantee
This assistance, which reduces monthly interest
charges, can be granted to people who have Under certain conditions, the State can help you
taken out a mortgage loan for the construction, ensure a housing loan.
acquisition or improvement of their home.

Expat portrait: Christine, belgian


How long have you been living in Luxembourg?

5 years

What led you to Luxembourg?

For both professional and personal reasons

What surprised you the most when you arrived in Luxembourg?

I was surprised by the number of job offers (3), given the specificity of my profile.

Can you give me 3 adjectives to describe the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg?

Green, clean, surprising

What is your favourite area in Luxembourg? Why ?

I love the countryside because nature is preserved there and the rurality is special, sometimes so
opposed to urban sophistication. They are two diametrically opposed worlds... just a few miles

What would you miss most if you had to leave Luxembourg?

Friends I've made here

What advice would you give to a newcomer to Luxembourg?

Not to trust appearances and to learn Luxembourgish.

Reduction of registration fees Arrangement aid for individuals with
reduced mobility
In the case of your first acquisition of a principal
residence in the Grand Duchy, you can benefit Granted only once depending on income and fa-
from a credit of up to 20.000 euros per head of mily situation, this aid up to 15,000 euros and
the notary fees (Bellegen Akt). 60% of the maximum amount of the work al-
lows the financing of special arrangements for
See section on property taxation. the benefit of disabled people in new or existing
Housing renovation or special
arrangements Housing support services
Super-reduced VAT rate  11, r. de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg (Hollerich

(+352) 8002 10 10
Owners of their principal residence can benefit This administration for housing assistance
from a super-reduced VAT rate for work carried answers your questions on all your real estate
out in their home. This tax benefit cannot exceed projects (acquisition, construction, improve-
50,000 euros per housing unit. ment...). The service also informs you about the
assistance you can claim.

The application can be made directly online
at by the owner or by the company
carrying out the work.

Improvement premium of old housing

Some works intended to the improvement of the

liveability, the safety and the security of old hou-
sing could benefit from capital assistance from Scan qr code
the State, attributed according to income and
family situation.

The best way to find housing is to rely on Real estate agencies
professionals who know the market. They
will orient you towards locations that cor-
respond to your research criteria and Real-estate agencies offer a large selection of
will provide you with some good advice properties to rent or purchase. It is generally
on properties based on your budget and recommended to make an appointment with
expectations. an agency in order to explain your different
searching criteria.
It is also more efficient to spend a few days
in Luxembourg. This will give you time to You will also show that you are serious about
visit and choose the place of residence that your research.
best suits your needs.
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’s Real Estate
Property portals Board recommends some specific agencies.
See website.

Checking property portals remains one of the

best ways to learn about Luxembourg’s real-es- Such label ensures quality services and protects
tate market prior to your search and even re- you from potential scams. The market is tight
motely: purchase/rental, house/apartment, size, and there is fierce competition between estate
number of rooms, localisation, budget, garden,… agents.

Save housing alerts and refine your search pro- Agencies fees
gressively according to your budget.
To rent a property, agencies’ fees usually cost
Once you have found the property, you can one month’s rent – rental charges excluded –
contact the estate agency in charge of the lis- in addition to the applicable VAT. These fees are
ting. In very rare cases, you will be put in direct pre-negotiated between the agency and the lan-
contact with the owner. dlord. They are now shared 50/50 between the
tenant and the owner.
Some references When you buy a property, the agency fees usually represent 3% (+VAT) of the sale price of the property, negotiated between the landlord and the agency responsible for the selling listing.
In general, these fees are paid by the seller at
the time of the notarial deed, and are deducted
from the selling price.

©Ervin Gjata
Relocation agencies Press and social networks
and services
Relocation agencies offer a global service to
people wishing to expatriate themselves to Some local and national newspapers publish a
Luxembourg in order to help them settle down. section containing real estate ads for individuals.

Relocation agencies usually handle the search Social networks are also a good way to find
for accommodation. They can also alleviate housing. In particular, they make it possible
your administrative procedures: signing of the to establish a more personal and human
rental lease, administrative formalities with the contact with the owners or roommates of the
commune you wish to live in, supply of gas, accommodation.
electricity, water, phone and Internet, school
registration… Several expatriate Facebook pages in
Luxembourg feature properties for rent or even
These services are subject to charges. Some for sale.
expatriation contracts include these relocation
services. Find out from your new company as
soon as your employment contract is negotiated.

There are several companies working in this

field. You will find a non-exhaustive list below.
Scan qr code
Wirtz -Immigration and relocation Temporary housing
 [email protected]

(+352) 27 47 81 55 Hotels

As a division within Wirtz law firm, this agen- Hotel rooms are often less expensive during
cy provide specialist immigration and reloca- weekends than on weekdays.
tion solutions for corporate and private clients.
With personal service from experienced consul- In addition to the classic internet portals for fin-
tants, they guide and fully support the assignees ding hotels, the following Luxembourg public or-
and their families to relocate successfully to ganisms offer accommodation.
Visit Luxembourg
Some references The website Visit Luxembourg offers a list of all available hotels in the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg. It also provides many filters, which
will facilitate your search.

and Relocation
As a division within Wirtz Law firm, we provide
tailored Immigration and Relocation solutions for
corporate and private clients.

With personal service from experienced specialists,

we fully support and guide assignees and their
families throughout their successful
relocation to Luxembourg.

For more information contact us at:

(+352) 27 47 81 55 55 20, route d’Echternach

[email protected] L-1453 Luxembourg
Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) Some references
[email protected]
 30, pl. Guillaume II L-1648
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
 Altea Immobilière 149 rue de Hollerich

(+352) 22 28 09
L-1741 Luxembourg (Hollerich)
j Monday to Saturday (including public
holidays): 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Find your flat share with, the No.
Sunday and public holidays: 11:00 am - 4:00 1 furnished rental in Luxembourg. Rent rooms
pm and studios in the best areas of Luxembourg.
Closed on 1 January and 25 December. is a service of Altea Immobilière.
The website of Luxembourg City Tourist Office
(LCTO) offers a list of the capital’s hotels. Other references
You can also plan your stay according to the
events scheduled or book guided tours of
Luxembourg City. An excellent way to get to
know the city and its surroundings.

Appart-hotels and résidences


Whether you would like to live alone or with

other people, temporary residences and ap-
partment hotels are a mixture between a simple
property rental and a hotel suite. Generally fur- Scan qr code
nished and well equipped, these residences offer
the intimacy of an appartment but also provide
you with the basic hotel services (bed linen and Youth hostels
towels renewal, cleaning…).
You can find a large range of places in Mainly aimed for young adults, but open to
Luxembourg, with varied prices: a building with anyone ready to live in community, youth hostels
several rooms or a smaller and private accom- are an excellent way of staying in Luxembourg
modation, with or without garden, with or wit- without going broke.
hout complete sports equipment…
Prices are less expensive than in hotels and
Beware! A minimum duration of stay is often re- breakfasts are sometimes included in the room
quested. The prices are generally quite high, but price. You can choose the number of people
decreasing depending on the number of days. A you would like to share the room with (the cost
wide choice of appart-hotels is available on the will depend on it) and make group reservations.
online booking portals. Bookings are available on the Internet.

New job?
New home.

Find the room that will

make you feel just like
Renting a room with us:
More than 800 unique rooms
Short and long term rental

More information on

Student accommodations since they are rather reluctant to lend their pro- perty to several people.

Student accommodations are intended for a Sharing a flat also has an interesting social di-
young public wishing to temporarily live in mension. Intergenerational flat share is beco-
Luxembourg in the context of school or univer- ming more and more common in Luxembourg.
sity curricula or summer jobs. Some also welco- In those cases, younger people help their elders
me people doing internships. in exchange for a lower accommodation charge.
Some accommodations might even be offered at
Furnished and adapted to student life, these no cost for the most implicated ones.
accommodations are relatively rare in
Luxembourg. The price of these residences si- References
gnificantly varies.
Wunnraum fir Stagiairen Asbl

(+352) 26 48 04 24  Facebook pages :
Colocation Luxembourg
"Wunnraum Fir Stagiairen" is a reception and
Colocation Luxembourg / WG Lëtzebuerg
accommodation service for trainees of all na-
La Carte des colocs

tionalities. The Asbl (association) has four resi- ...

dences throughout Luxembourg, ranging from 2
to 17 rooms. Each room is furnished with a bed,
a wardrobe, a desk and a chair. All of them have
internet access.

Scan qr code

Scan qr code

Flat share

Flat share is a form of housing that is gaining

popularity. It allows you to enjoy a larger ac-
commodation while sharing expenses with other
flatmates. It also provides more engagement
flexibility. However, it remains difficult to find a
flat share opportunity through private landlords,

Tips for successful housing visits
You just arrived toLuxembourg and you are looking for your future accommodation? You
have selected a few properties and are ready to start visiting them? What should you be
attentive to? How should you do it? Practical, aesthetical, economic, energetic aspects, as
well as exterior surroundings…
Sometimes it can be difficult to think about everything when visiting a proper-
ty, especially if you are also looking for a more personal connection to the place…
Therefore, it is crucial to prepare your visits in advance, regardless of whether these are supervised
by a professional or not. Just Arrived will give you some tips so you don’t forget the most important

Create a list with your own criteria

To save some time, create a list with your own criteria beforehand: environment, schools, shops,
transports, exposure, number of rooms, garage,... Remind them to the real-estate agent and don’t
hesitate to reference them during the visits.

Come fully equipped

A visit cannot be improvised! It is often useful to bring some tools with you. Make sure you have a
tape measure to take all the necessary measures. You should also be able to take note of the pros

and cons during or after the visit. Feel free to take photos (if authorised by the landlord or real-estate
agent). These will help you make a decision, especially after seeing several properties all in one

Ask questions
During the visit, ask some questions: construction date, room exposure, neighbourhood, district
amenities, estimate of charges,optical fibre…

Check the state of the property

In addition to you personal criteria, you should attentively consider many other ele-
ments during your housing visit: level of humidity, insulation, type of heating, elec-
tric sockets, common spaces, planned works or the ones you foresee… these are all very
important things to take into account before signing the lease or the sale agreement.
You should also verify the electric installations, the plumbing, the thermal and sound insulation of
doors and windows or the state of the shutters. Request the energy performance certificate. It is
mandatory to have one in the case of a property purchase or rental.

Find out more about the area

The localisation of the property is a crucial aspect. Surely, the characteristics of the visited proper-
ty are essential when making your decision, but the neighbourhood’s atmosphere should also be
considered. It should correspond to your lifestyle and your needs.
Don’t hesitate to explore the neighbouring streets. Take a look at the traffic, parking spaces, schools,
shops, restaurants, bus stops… and the general ambiance. If you like the area, you will enjoy more
easily your future accommodation and feel integrated within the neighbourhood.


Once you have found your home, you will For the City of Luxembourg, contact directly the
have to install it and ensure that it is correc- water Service or the Bierger Center.
tly connected to the water, electricity and/
or gas networks for your heating, as well Water services
as to the internet, telephone and television.
City of Luxembourg
If you are renting or living in a collective resi-
dence, the energy supply (water, gas, electricity)
 338 Rue de Rollingergrund, 2442
is generally taken care of by the trustee and/or Luxembourg (Rollingergrund)
directly by the landlord.
(+352) 47 96 28 83

Thus, you will be rebilled for the costs relating to Other municipalities
your consumption, and these will appear in the
statement of your monthly charges. Get infor- For other municipalities, please contact your
mation during your exploratory visit beforehand, local authority. You can use this opportunity to

and think about it when signing your rental lease. declare your new residence.

If this is not the case, or if you are opting for Gas and electricity suppliers
an individual accommodation, like a house, all
of the proceedings fall within your responsibility. Unlike water supply, you are free to choose your
service provider for your gas and electricity
Water connection network connection.

The water distribution system is the responsi- For an easy connection, get information from
bility of the municipality in which you live. You the previous owners so you will know which
cannot choose your service provider. service providers were formerly used. This way,
you will be able to resume subscriptions starting
The communal administration will send you an from your moving date.
invoice by mail, to be paid by bank transfer wit-
hin the requested timeline.

If your accommodation doesn’t have a water

connection upon your arrival, please contact the
administrative services of your residential com-
mune. As a new resident, this topic is generally
addressed during the registration formalities in
your commune.

See chapter "Administrative Formalities”

Just arrived in Luxembourg?
Everything is ready for you.

My First Energy, the 100% online gas and electricity subscription

Save time on your arrival in the country by taking

out a gas and electricity contract directly online
and move in with an easy mind.
Log in now on

Energy for today. Caring for tomorrow.

Change of supplier References

If you would like to change gas and electricity Enovos

suppliers, the new provider will take care of
the change procedures thanks to an entrusted
mandate given by you on the day you sign the Enovos is one of the major players in the sup-
contract. Pay attention, however, to the terms ply of energy in Luxembourg and the Greater
and conditions, as well as to notice periods. Region. With Enovos, supply your home or of-
fices with 100% green electricity produced in
Not sure which provider to choose? You can Europe or locally, whether from hydro, solar,
easily study the different offers on the mar- wind or biomass sources.
ket thanks to the Institut Luxembourgeois de
régulation. Leoenergy
Institut Luxembourgeois de régulation
LEO, Luxembourg Energy Office SA, is an en- ergy, electricity and gas supplier for the City of
 17,rue du Fossé L-1536
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) Luxembourg. Since 2010, LEO has been part of

(+352) 28 228 228 the ENOVOS group.


The Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation al- suppliers

lows you to compare offers from different gas
or electricity suppliers on the basis of your Some dwellings are still equipped with oil-fired
postcode and the number of people living with boilers.
you. It also answers all questions related to gas
and electricity supply on their website. The price of fuel oil as well as the price of en-
ergy is fixed at national level by the Ministry of
This way you will be able to choose the best sup- Economy.
plier as well as download directly the necessary
documents to fill out when changing providers. There are manyfuel suppliers. Their contact de-
tails are easily accessible on the internet.
The ILR also answers all your questions related
to the supply of gas and electricity.

Scan qr code

Welcome to Luxembourg!
Leo is here for all your energy needs
Just arrived in Luxembourg City? Get in touch with Leo and
we’ll take care of everything to get your gas and electricity
supplies up and running.

Leo, the energy company for the capital

Serviceline 8006-4848 •
How to save energy?
Rising energy prices are forcing us to make savings on our consumption. To save energy
and ensure that your electricity or gas bills don't go through the roof, Just Arrived reminds
you of a few things.

Reduce the temperature in your home

Reducing the temperature of our homes by 1 or 2 degrees allows us to reduce energy consumption
and make significant savings: 1 degree Celsius less means 7% savings on the heating bill.
• Equip your heating system with intelligent applications that will manage the temperature of your
home according to the hours of presence or absence, day and night.
• Lower the temperature by one or two degrees during the night and raise it again 30 minutes
before you wake up. You will sleep much better and save money.
• Don't turn off the heating during your holidays, turn it down by one or two degrees at most. You
will use much less energy when you return to warm everything up.
• Equip your radiators with individual thermostats and vary the temperature of the rooms. The
temperature in a bedroom should not exceed 19 degrees Celsius.
• Give preference to living rooms facing south. They will need to be heated less when the sun
• Warm up the bathroom a little before taking your shower or bath.

• Remember to turn off the heater when you air the room. Some heaters have an "open window"
feature which is useful for saving money.

Insulate your home

The energy performance certificate (CPE) is a valuable indicator of the insulation and energy perfor-
mance of your home. Ask a specialist company for information. They will give you valuable advice
on optimising the energy performance of your home.
The Luxembourg government commissions specialists to study ways of improving your home.
Financial aid such as the Klima Loan is available to help individuals renovate and improve the ener-
gy performance of their homes.

Reduce your electricity bill

• Remember to turn off the light when leaving a room;
• Defrost your freezer regularly;
• Cover your pots and pans when heating water or cooking food. Turn off the oven before the end
of the cooking time, it will remain hot enough to finish cooking;
• Use the eco programs on your appliances;
• Do not leave unused appliances on standby. Don't leave phone charging cords plugged in
either, if no appliance is connected to them. You can easily save 80 euros a year by applying these
few measures;
• Reduce the temperature of your water heater to 55 to 60 degrees Celsius. That's enough;
• Take advantage of the sun to dry your clothes outside whenever possible.

Phone, television, internet affected should contact their service provider
to check whether their installation is compatible
There are many combination packages (in- and make any necessary changes.
ternet, telephony, TV). These are usually at
a favourable rate. Different operators offer subscriptions that al-
low you to have fixed telephony. Internet ser-
ATTENTION: ensure that the connection request vice providers also have some combined offers.
is made sooner rather than later, as this may Most of these offers allow you to make free in-
take a while, considering that all installations ternational calls.
are processed by Post, the owner of the entire
network. Internet, high-speed access, wi-fi

Mobile telephony The principal Internet operators ensure high-

speed access to Internet through different pac-
The Grand Duchy is equipped with 5G. To benefit kages according to your needs. The Internet
from it, you must have a 5G compatible mobile speed is generally the main difference between
phone. Check with the different operators. the many subscriptions offered by operators.

Telephone operators offer a range of more or Depending on your residence location, you
less extensive and powerful packages depen- can subscribe to the optical fibre, which offers

ding on your needs and budget. a faster speed than ADSL. In fact, more and
more communes and accommodations are now
Mobile phone packages can be combined with equipped with the optical fibre. Find out more
home line, unlimited internet and TV services. about it during your housing visits.
Don't need them? Opt for basic offers.
In Luxembourg, more and more communes are
The mobile package can be used in other EU offering free Wi-Fi in the streets. In the streets of
countries at no extra cost since the end of roa- the capital, you can connect to the free Citywifi
ming. However, check your tariff conditions be- network.
fore using your phone abroad. You may want to
consider switching off your mobile data abroad It is sometimes necessary to add to the cost of
to avoid any unpleasant surprises on your return! the subscription the connection fees, the modem
rental or the TV decoder rental.
Home telephony
The traditional "fixed telephone" will disappear
by 2024. All existing telephone lines are gra- To use this service, you can either choose the
dually being migrated to IP telephony over the IPTV offer (television via Internet), the ADSL
Internet. connection or the optical fibre. The IPTV service
is an alternative to cable operators or satellite
While this change will not make any difference offers.
to billing, it may affect other types of services
such as alarm systems or telephone connections
to multiple telephone numbers. Those residents

References Furniture
Post Stoll Maitre Matelassier

800 28 004 from Luxembourg  [email protected]

(+352) 2424 8004 from abroad
(+352) 44 88 60
POST Luxembourg is the country's leading pos- Since 1950, Stoll Maître Matelassier is the only
tal and telecommunications services operator mattress manufacturer in Luxembourg. For this
and offers its services to residential and bu- reason, they are the only ones to make custom
siness customers. Post also offers in its 12 shops mattresses for all beds and other uses (moto-
mobile or fixed-line telephony, television and rhomes, boats, ...).
internal services.
If you wish to see how a mattress is made, do
Eltrona not hesitate to make this request. Their produc-
tion site in Ehlerange is open to the public.

(+352) 499 466 888

Eltrona is an operator of cable distribution and

satellite reception, video projection and graphic
walls, sound system, LCD- and Hotel-TV, radio

communication, intrusion and video surveil-

lance, TeleAlarm. It is also a telecommunications
operator and offers a complete range of mobile,
internet and television packages.


(+352) 800 61 606


(+352) 8007-7777.

Scan qr code


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Immigration process, Inscription to the population registry, Registration
with your consulate or embassy, Animals, General information and
useful adresses, Sworn translators, Family benefits

Mandatory car insurance, Vehicle registration, Roadworthiness
inspection, Driving license conversion

Which bank to choose?, Banking services, Opening a bank account

What insurance?, Which companies?

Those who are assimilated to EU citizens are
Immigration process nationals from States that have joined the agree-
ment on the European Economic Area (Iceland,
Obtaining a visa or permit to stay in Liechtenstein, Norway) and the nationals of the
Luxembourg depends on the country of ori- Swiss Confederation.
gin and the duration of the stay. A valid offi-
cial identity document must be presented to Stay of three months or less
validate the right of residence.
No action needs to be taken to stay in
The right of residence in Luxembourg also re- Luxembourg for less than three months.
quires the ability to support oneself and one's
family. EU citizen and the members of his or her family
should nonetheless take their valid passports or
ATTENTION: Administrative documents sub- identity cards with them.
mitted to the public authorities must be written in
one of the 3 official languages of Luxembourg: Staying more than three months

Luxembourgish, German or French. Otherwise,
they must be translated by a sworn interpreter. To stay more than 90 days in Luxembourg, EU
See the list on the website of the Ministry of citizen should have a valid identity card and
Justice. passport.

After a regular uninterrupted stay of five years, He or she must also declare his or her arrival
the expatriate in Luxembourg may apply for with the communal administration within the first
Luxembourg nationality if he/she meets the eight days of arrival. He or she will then receive
conditions for granting it. a Luxembourg registration certificate.

See section on Integration - Nationality A documentation list that will be provided de-
pends on the status of the EU citizen, and can
Nationals of a member country of be consulted on or on the Foreign and
the european union European Affairs Ministry website (

All European Union (EU) nationals or people Family reunification

from a country assimilated to it will benefit from
free movement within the EU. He or she is au- Family members are authorised to join the prin-
thorised to stay and work in another EU country. cipal “migrant”, if the latter is a European Union
Members of his or her family, who are also ci- citizen.
tizens of the EU, benefit from the same rights.

Nationals of a country outside the • the registered spouse or partner, who
european union must be over 18
• the children of the principal “migrant” or of
Resident permit the spouse/partner, under 18 or dependent.

Nationals of a country outside the European In some justified cases (it is not a right), the
Union must have a residence permit to enter and Minister can also authorise:
live in Luxembourg, regardless of how long they • dependent ascendants who do not have
will stay in the country. the necessary support in their homeland
• adult and single children who are unable
Any application for a residence permit must be to support themselves because of the state of
made from the country of origin, prior to ente- their health.
ring Luxembourg or European territory.
Useful services and information
The granted residence permit depends on the
status of the non-EU national (employee, inde-, citizen reception and ad-
pendent, au pair, student, sportsperson, profes- ministrative guide
sional, etc.).
 11 Rue Notre Dame, 2240
The documentation list that must be presented Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
according to the activity can be consulted on
(+352) 24 78 20 00
SETTLING IN or on the Foreign and European j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Affairs Ministry website (
Ministry of Justice
The documents to be presented must be at-
tached in the form of an original or a certified
 13, rue Erasme – Centre administratif
copy. If they are written in a language that is not Pierre Werner L-1468 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
German, French or English, it is mandatory to
(+352) 247-84537
have them translated by a sworn translator. See
the list on the Ministry of Justice website. Department of immigration, forei-
gners’ section
Medical examination of foreigners
 [email protected]
 26, rte d’Arlon 1140 Luxembourg (Belair)
Foreigners (from outside the EU) who apply to
(+352) 247-84040
stay in Luxembourg for more than three mon- j Physical reception: Monday to Friday
ths must undergo a medical examination and a from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (information desks)
tuberculosis test carried out by the Ligue médi- Telephone reception: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.
co-sociale (LMS). to 12 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.

Family reunification The foreigners’ section of the Department of

Immigration treats requests related to the free
Family members authorised to join the principal movement of EU citizens, but also to the entry
“migrant”, if the latter is a third-country national, and stay of third-country nationals in the terri-
are: tory of Luxembourg.

Medico-sociale ligue Others municipalites
 2, rue G.C. Marshall L-2181 Luxembourg

(+352) 48 83 33-1

Scan qr code

Scan qr code
Registration with your
consulate or embassy

Inscription to the As a foreign resident, you should register

population registry with the Consulate or Embassy of your
country of origin in Luxembourg.
Regardless of the nationality of origin, the noti-
fication of arrival to Luxembourg must be done This registration is essential for the delivery or

with the communal administration of the new the renewal of official documents, but also in
place of residence. the event of births, weddings, serious accidents,
notarial deeds… This way, the Consulate or
This declaration of arrival must be made within : Embassy can assist you if needed, and facilitate
• 8 days for nationals of European Union administrative formalities.
countries and assimilated
• 3 days for nationals of countries outside the If you would like to register as a voter in some
European Union. elections of your country of origin, it is manda-
tory to register with your Consulate beforehand.
City of Luxembourg
You can find addresses of embassies and consu- lates on (
 Bierger Center : 44 pl. Guillaume II, 2 Rue
Notre Dame, 2090 Luxembourg (Ville Haute)

(+352) 47 96 22 00
j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Animals Residential commune registration

Microchip and compulsory It is mandatory to register your dog(s) with the

vaccines administration of your residential place. A pet
owner will have to pay an annual tax.
When you own a dog or cat in Luxembourg,
you are required to have it chipped by an Owners of dogs considered “dangerous”, i.e.
authorized veterinarian. Staffordshire, Bull terrier, Mastiff, American
Staffordshire terrier, Tosa and Boerbulls, will
The electronic identification must be carried out have to go through some additional procedures
during the first 4 months following the birth or during the adoption or importation registration
during the first month of the adoption. process. The owner and the dog will require
training sessions.
Dogs, cats and ferrets must be vaccinated
against rabies. Up to date with these vacci- Anyone can report a dog that is considered dan-
nations, the animal will be able to receive a gerous to the local authority.
European passport and travel within Europe.
Annual dog tax
If you plan to leave your cat or dog in a shelter
during your holiday, you will be asked for its vac- An annual tax with the minimum value of 10 eu-
cination record, proof of neutering or spaying, ros must be paid to your commune. Its amount

and documents relating to the microchip. depends on your place of residence. This tax
does not apply to guide dogs, support dogs for
Dog formalities the disabled, army dogs and customs detector
Several additional formalities are compul-
sory for dogs: insurance, declaration to the Obligation to keep the dog on a
commune, annual tax. leash

Mandatory insurance registration All dogs, regardless of their size, should be on

leash in the urban areas, unless free zones have
If you own a dog, you are also required to take been established through derogation. This obli-
out insurance with a company approved in the gation also applies within car parks and public
Grand Duchy in order to guarantee your civil transports.
liability as the owner of the dog in the event of
damage or accident caused by your favourite Outside urban areas, it is not mandatory to have
animal. your dog on leash, with the exception of dogs
considered dangerous. However, you should be
You can take out additional health insurance able to control your animal and keep it on a leash
which will reimburse certain veterinary ex- in case there is a problem.
penses depending on the cover taken out.
Dogs considered dangerous should be kept on
leash everywhere they go, unless you can pre-
sent a certificate of achievement, coming from

the dog-training centre. The State has created a reception and informa-
tion service to help citizens in their procedures.
Cat formalities is open to the public for administrative
Cats other than “barn cats” must be spayed or
neutered 6 months after their birth. You can present yourself there without an ap-
pointment or call the Helpdesk (free). The com-
munications will be in Luxembourgish, French,
German or English.

City of Luxembourg

The City of Luxembourg's website enables ac-

Scan qr code cess to several administrative forms. You can fill
them online and send them to the service res-
ponsible of your request. You can also order cer-
General information tificates and civil acts copies, and pay for them
and useful adresses with your mobile phone.

The Luxembourg State Bierger-Center City of Luxembourg

SETTLING IN, information portal
 44, pl. Guillaume / 2, r. Notre-Dame 2240 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 47 96 22 00 is an online portal offering a fast and j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m
easy access to information and services provi- j Saturday and some public holidays (only
ded by public bodies. This includes: for birth and death registration) 9.30-11.30 a.m.
• access to online information and services j Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
provided by the State, The Bierger-Center is a reception centre for the
• explanation of the most important adminis- citizens of the City of Luxembourg. Its purpose is
tration procedures, to provide to Luxembourg citizens – and to those
• possibility of downloading some forms, applying for citizenship – the possibility of com-
• possibility of completing administrative pleting many administrative formalities necessa-
tasks electronically through the secure site ry to their settling in, all in one place.
Other municipalities, reception service If you live in a commune other than the City of
 1 Rue Notre Dame, 2240 Luxembourg, you should contact your local ad-
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) ministration directly.
 [email protected]

(+352) 24 78 20 00
j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m

Sworn translators Family benefits If you move to Luxembourg with children or

work there, you are in principle entitled to
Some documents need to be translated in a number of financial benefits, including fa-
Luxembourgish, French, German or English. mily allowances.
A sworn translator in Luxembourg must do
the job. Family allowance

Find the full list of professionals in the Ministry Allowances for the child’s future are month-
of Justice website. ly financial benefits which help households
with children upbringing by compensating the
Eurotraduc financial fees related to their education and
 [email protected]

(+352) 47 46 76 Allowances are paid until the child is 18 years

old, provided that :
If you have a translation problem in your admi- • he or she lives in Luxembourg continuously
nistrative procedures, call on Eurotraduc, sworn or
translators in Luxembourg since 1975. Sworn • that one of his or her parents works in
translators for more than 40 years, Eurotraduc Luxembourg, is affiliated to Luxembourg’s

translates all documents, professional or private, Social Security and that the child resides in a
into more than 25 languages. European Union country.

Under certain conditions, it can be prolonged un-

til the child reaches 25 years old.

An allowance for disabled children can be attri-

buted in addition to family allowances.

Scan qr code In order to benefit from family allowances, the

application must be made to the Caisse pour
l'Avenir des Enfants by means of a form that can
be downloaded from the CAE website.

See Children & Education section.

Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants CAE
 6 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 47 71 53-1
j From Monday to Fraday, from 8:30 a.m.
to 2:30 p.m.

With CAE, manage all your family allowance

applications (birth, back to school, education…)
and parental leave. More information available
on the CAE website.

Scan qr code

Mandatory car insurance Société nationale de circulation auto-
mobile (SNCA)
It is mandatory to insure all vehicles circu-
lating/registered in Luxembourg with an ac-
 11 Rue de Luxembourg, 5230 Sandweiler
credited insurance company.  [email protected]

(+352) 26 62 64 00
See the Banking and Insurance chapter in this j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
The SNCA manages all the procedures related
Vehicle registration to driving licences, registration and the proper
maintenance of vehicles.
In Luxembourg, all road vehicles must be
registered in Luxembourg and covered Administration des douanes et accises
by a registration certificate issued by the
administration.  22 Rue de Bitbourg, 1273
Luxembourg (Hamm)

The owner who imports his vehicle into  Croix de Gasperich Luxembourg

(+352) 28 18 28 18
Luxembourg has a period of 6 months, starting j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m
from the day of establishment, to carry out the
formalities for registering his vehicle with the The customs administration is a tax and police
SNCA. administration. It manages all procedures re-
lated to the entry of people into the country, as
Several steps must be taken to register the well as the import of goods: vehicles, removals,
vehicle: money circulation, etc.
• application for a registration number, per-
sonalised or not, via or by e-mail to When importing a vehicle, it is necessary to go
the SNCA. through the customs at the Gasperich centre
• 705 car tax sticker acquired from the cus- in order to obtain a customs clearance sticker,
toms authorities known as a 705 sticker.
• compulsory technical inspection of the
vehicle by the SNCT Administration de l'Enregistrement,
• tax stamp or chancery duty at the des Domaines et de la TVA
Administration de l'Enregistrement et des
Domaines.  308 Rte d'Esch, 1471
Luxembourg (Cessange)

(+352) 24 78 08 00
j Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. - 4 :00 p.m.

The app :
my administrative procedures
wherever I want, whenever I want,
the way I want !

Available on

The AED is the administration in charge of indi- Société nationale de contrôle
rect taxation: VAT, registration fees, inheritance, technique (SNCT)
mortgages, tax stamps.
 11, r. de Luxembourg 5230 Sandweiler
The registration of a vehicle requires the pay-

(+352) 26 15 62 50 0
ment of tax stamps:
• registration of a vehicle: 50 euros Other SNCT control centres: Marnach, Livange,
• obtaining a personalised number (extra Esch-sur-Alzette, Bissen
charge): 50 euros
• transferring a personalised number (extra Go to the technical inspection with a prior ap-
charge): 24 euros pointment. You can make or change your ap-
pointment online via the SNCT website. You will
No material stamps are sent. These fees must be welcomed in a customer area with Wi-Fi and
be paid by bank transfer. The printed copy of the coffee while your vehicle undergoes the techni-
bank transfer with the registration number and cal inspection.
chassis number is proof of payment.
Driving license conversion
Roadworthiness inspection
For holders of licences issued in third coun-
Vehicles registered in Luxembourg must tries outside the EEA, the conversion proce-
undergo a technical inspection before being dure is mandatory.

put on the road. This is also the case when
you import your vehicle into Luxembourg. After having established their normal residence
in Luxembourg, these drivers have a maximum
These checks must then be repeated regularly. of one year in which to convert their foreign dri-
The first technical inspection for vehicles such ving licence.
as cars, motorcycles and trailers takes place
4 years after the first registration. The second People who have obtained a driver's license in
technical inspection takes place 2 years later, i.e. an EEA member state may apply for registration
6 years after the first registration, then the fol- or exchange of their license. This is optional, ex-
lowing inspections take place every year. cept in the case of an offense resulting in a loss
of the license. of point(s), suspension or cancel-
Warning, your vehicle can also be checked in lation licence
case of accident and important repairs, if the
vehicle undergoes transformations such as tu- All applications must be submitted to the Société
ning,... or on request of the administration. nationale de circulation automobile (SNCA).

The technical control can be done with appro- Please note that the period of validity of the dri-
ved bodies: SNCT, DEKRA, LUKS or one of the ving license depends on its category and date of
partner garages. issue. Even if the SNCA often warns you when it
is time to renew it, be sure to find out!

Société nationale de circulation
automobile (SNCA)
 Service des permis de conduire
11, r. de Luxembourg 5230 Sandweiler

(+352) 26 62 64 00
j Monday to Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m

Young drivers’ specificity
All drivers holding a driver's license less than 2
years old at the time of taking up residence in the
Grand Duchy must take part in a training course
at the Training Centre in Colmar-Berg.

Training must be carried out at the earliest 3

months after obtaining the driving licence and at
the latest before the end of the two-year proba-
tionary period.

Scan qr code

Although it is possible to keep a bank ac- Banking services
count in your country of origin, it is recom-
mended that you open a bank account in A bank advisor is at your disposal to understand
Luxembourg in order to facilitate your daily your needs and offer you the right products and
life, particularly with regard to salary pay- services:
ments and payment deadlines. • VPay payment cards with immediate debit
• credit cards with deferred debit
Which bank to choose? • overdraft facilities
• accounts and savings products
To open a bank account, make an appointment • access to your accounts via an Internet
with a bank advisor to communicate your needs. Banking service
In Luxembourg, banking institutions are general- • consumer or property loans
ly opened on weekdays, from Monday to Friday, • securities accounts, savings products, etc.
from 9am to 5pm approximately. Some agen- • online tools: loan simulator, taxation, etc.).
cies open on Saturdays.
In Luxembourg, many services must be paid a

It is advisable to check the network of branches posteriori, upon bill reception, through a bank
and cash dispensers. Except for your own transfer.
bank's ATMs, cash withdrawals are subject to a
fee. However, some banks offer packages lin- Some banks offer fully online accounts. These
ked to your current account that include a num- ones are generally cheaper, and allow you to
ber of free withdrawals in Luxembourg and in open your account directly on the Internet. .
the European Union.
Nowadays, an increasing number of banks offer
Often these banks propose a wealth manage- “expat special” banking packages.
ment service, in line with their international
reach. You will also find other banking actors Opening a bank account
almost exclusively oriented towards wealth or
funds management. The conditions for opening an account or obtai-
ning certain services vary from one bank to ano-
How to find your way? Undoubtedly the best ther. Depending on the case, the last tax assess-
way is to question your own bank, in your ment, a work contract, a copy of current loans or
current country, in order to determine which an IBAN for possible transfers may be required
Luxembourg banking institution is more likely to to open an account.
offer services that meet your financial needs.

References ING
(+352) 44 99 1

(+352) 4015-1 ING is a global financial institution of Dutch ori-
gin, which proposes banking and financial ser-
With the State of Luxembourg as sole sharehol- vices for individuals and businesses through its
der, Spuerkeess is a strong financial partner and operating company ING Bank. The purpose of
the leading retail bank in Luxembourg. Ranked ING Bank is empowering people to stay a step
since 2011 amongst the 10 safest banks world- ahead in life and in business.
wide by Global Finance magazine, Spuerkeess is
the oldest financial institution and the n° 1 bank Raiffeisen
for retail clients as well as entrepreneurs and
self-employed professionals in Luxembourg.
(+352) 2450 1

BGL BNP Paribas Since 1925, Raiffeisen has been offering its
banking and financial services to its customers, partners and members in their sole interest, in

(+352) 42 42 20 00
accordance with its status as a cooperative bank.
Providing a network of several dozen branches
and over 100 ATMs, BGL BNP Paribas is one Raiffaisen offers a wide range of daily banking,

of the major banking player in Luxembourg. savings, financing, insurance and wealth ma-
Luxemburgish branch of the famous interna- nagement services to its individual clients.
tional bank BNP Paribas, it offers a wide range For professionals and companies, Raiffeisen
of products and services, meeting the diverse offers a complete range of day-to-day banking
requirements of its individual, professional and management, cash management, finance, bu-
business clients: current, account management, siness takeovers and transfers.
savings, financing, investments, insurances and
wealth management.

Scan qr code


Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat, Luxembourg, établissement public autonome 1, Place de Metz, L-1930 Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg B30775

Digital account opening. Free of charge.

Current account, cards & online banking.
Min. 6 months free of charge, for all new customers.

Why open an account in Luxembourg?

This is one of the first steps you’ll need to take when moving to Luxembourg. Opening
a bank account with a Luxembourg bank will enable you to get paid, pay your rent and
buy what you need. There are many banks in Luxembourg with more or less extensive
branch networks, so it’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your needs.

You can head to a branch to open your account and meet your adviser face to face, or
open an account online using your smartphone or computer before you even arrive in

What documents will you need to provide?

▪ An ID document ▪ Proof of address
▪ Your employment contract ▪ Your tax number
or a recent payslip

A bank account to help you get set up

To get yourself set up with utilities in Luxembourg (water, electricity, renting a place to live), service
providers will ask you for a Luxembourg current account.

You can secure a place to rent by taking advantage of the rental guarantee. If your bank
offers it as an option, it will act as guarantor to your future landlord, which means you
won’t have to provide a deposit. That way, you won’t have to dip into your savings for
other purchases.

A bank account that lets you maintain ties with your home country?
A Luxembourg bank account opens doors to a whole world of products and services, including electronic
SEPA transfers that let you make an unlimited number of euro transfers online, and if required instant
transfers to most countries in Europe. Current accounts are also often available in multiple currencies.

Debit card or credit card? The choice is yours!

Choose the solution that best suits your lifestyle and spending habits: a debit or
credit card with deferred or instant debit. Mastercard® cards, in addition to offering
a payment method widely accepted throughout the world, include insurance and
assistance services that make them quality allies, both in Luxembourg and abroad!

Most Luxembourg banks offer payment solutions on your smartphone. No need to get your wallet out!
It’s easy, fast and just as secure as your bank cards.

Track your spending in real time and manage your payment methods and bank accounts
directly from the web & mobile banking digital platforms.

And for the future?

Your Luxembourg account can help you plan for short or long-term projects, thanks
to its range of investment solutions and loans. In addition, certain banking products
help you access tax deductions, thereby reducing the amount of annual tax you pay.
If you’re looking for tailored solutions for managing, protecting or transferring your
assets, BGL BNP Paribas private bankers offer a wealth of expertise (more info at

You hold all the cards when it comes to your future!

BGL BNP Paribas is here to help you through every step of your
move to Luxembourg.
The advisers at our Royal branch in Luxembourg City are experts in helping people settle into
their new lives in Luxembourg. They are ready to guide and assist you in a variety of languages.

Discover now all the benefits of opening a BGL BNP Paribas account in-branch or online at

BGL BNP PARIBAS S.A. (50, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg : B6481) Marketing Communication October 2022
Insurance contracts, taken out annually an insurance company, it covers you in case of
with one or more insurance companies, pro- damage and certifies a partial or total reimbur-
vide financial cover for the risk of damage sement in the event of a claim.
to property or persons.
This insurance is available in several commercial
In the event of a damage, a partial or total offers more or less complete depending on the
reimbursement will be granted by the insu- insurance companies. However, these contracts
rance company. always cover the basic risks: fire, water damage,
theft, glass breakage, storms.
Before taking out an insurance contract, we ad-
vise you to compare the offers on the market, Car/motorcycle insurance
particularly the ratio of cost, risks covered and
guarantees offered. In Luxembourg, all motor vehicles must be in-
sured for civil liability covering bodily injury and
Overall, insurance is quite expensive in material damage caused to third parties.
Luxembourg. Some are compulsory, others are

strongly recommended. A comprehensive car insurance (CASCO) also

includes legal protection, fire, theft, glass brea-
What insurance? kage and material damage as well as driver's
Liability insurance
ATTENTION: your vehicle must be insured in
The liability insurance is compulsory in your country of residence. To this end, your
Luxembourg. It covers the insurance taker, his vehicle must be registered in Luxembourg
or her spouse and non-married children (living within the first 6 months of your arrival in the
in the same house), and compensates damages country. In general, the insurance company of
caused to third parties in the event of wrongful your country of origin stops providing insurance
acts. three months after your departure date.

Liability insurance is often included in housing Additional health insurance

Insurance companies offer health insurance as
Housing insurance a supplement to the CNS. This complementary
health insurance is not compulsory.
Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, it is very
highly recommended to subscribe to a home Although it is rather expensive in terms of contri-
insurance as soon as possible. A home insu- butions, it can be interesting to subscribe to it in
rance protects your house and assets against order to obtain additional reimbursements for
potential accidents. Subscribed annually with hospitalisation, dental care, spectacles, etc. It

Insure your flat
in 3 clicks.
The flat insurance that makes life easier.
[Tenants & owners]

also makes it possible to compensate for major Foyer
accidents in life.
 [email protected]
Other insurance

(+352) 437 437

Other insurance may be offered by your insu- As the leading insurance company in
rance company: Luxembourg, the Foyer Group offers a complete
• pension insurance range of insurance, protection and wealth ma-
• business insurance nagement services to individuals and business
• insurance for your pet. Please note that clients..
dogs must be covered by third party liability
insurance Lalux

Which companies?

 [email protected]

(+352) 4761-1
Axa Assurances
As one of the leading insurers on the market, LALUX Assurances offers its private and pro-

(+352) 44 24 24 1
fessional clients a complete range of insurance
AXA’s ambition is to give its customers the solutions for all sectors. With a large network of
means to live a better life. For this, the insurance more than 110 professional insurance agents,

company supports its individual customers at LALUX is renowned for its service quality regu-
every stage of their lives and helps businesses larly awarded.
and professionals to undertake more serenely.
It is through its 5 fundamental values that AXA
serves its clients in order to develop with them a
long-term relationship: professionalism, innova-
tion, pragmatism, integrity and team spirit

Baloise Assurances
Scan qr code

(+352) 290 190 1

Active in Luxembourg since 1890 and firmly

rooted in the economic and social environement
of the country, Bâloise Luxembourg belongs to
the Swiss group Baloise, which is also present in
Germany, Belgium, Liechtenstein and, of course,


Job market, Growth economy, Political stability, Languages at work
Working population, Legislation, Remote working, Compensation,

Resources at your disposal, Start your own business, Self-emplyed
people, Useful adresses, Our 5 tips to find a job


Recognition of diplomas and work experience

Skills assessment, Support for vocational training, Useful adresses


Principle of the old-age pension, Pension request, Useful adresses

Job market Growth economy

The Luxembourg labour market is a very As the second largest private fund mana-
active market with an unemployment rate ger, Luxembourg is among the best money
of 4.8% at the end of August 2022 (source markets in the world. Luxembourg's fi-
STATEC), below the European average. It nances are sound as evidenced by the triple
reflects the international and dynamic envi- AAA rating regularly renewed by the main
ronment that characterises the country. rating agencies.

Originally agricultural, then industrial with the With an average growth rate of 2.1% per year
development of its steel industry at the end over the last 5 years, Luxembourg's growth
of the 19th century, Luxembourg now has a rate is 4 times higher than that of the euro zone.
forward-looking service economy. Forecasts indicate a growth rate of around 3%
for 2022 and 2.1% for 2023.
As an international financial centre, Luxembourg
is Europe's leading centre for investment funds. Luxembourg is the country with the most open

It is home to a large, competitive and efficient economy in the world and receives the most di-
private banking, asset management, investment rect investments, after the United States and the
fund and insurance sector. Netherlands, with 2,390 billion euros.

For several years, the Luxembourg government Political stability

has been aiming to diversify its economy. In
particular, it is encouraging the development of Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy.
communication and information technologies, Luxembourg's political stability, the presence of
logistics, e-commerce and biotechnologies. It major European institutions, the legal framework
concentrates its research and development ef- and the multilingualism of its inhabitants are all
forts through the University of Luxembourg, but economic advantages for Luxembourg.
also thanks to research institutes present on the
international scene. Languages at work

The government invests massively in the space In Luxembourg, the three official languages
and makes its start-ups the spearhead of its eco- are Luxembourgish, French and German.
nomy. Luxembourg defines itself as a "start-up
nation". However, English is increasingly used, es-
pecially in finance and business in general.
Luxembourg was also affected by the Covid pan- French is used in commerce, communication,
demic and the ensuing lockdown, but has reco- hotels and restaurants. German is the language
vered and is now back to near full employment. of construction. In some professions, such as
personal care, knowledge of Luxembourgish is

essential. European civil servants

Mastering several languages is an undeniable At the origin of the creation of the European
asset in Luxembourg.. Union, Luxembourg now hosts several European
Working population
The Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance,
The working population is distributed as follows: the Court of Auditors, the European Investment
• trade/transportation/accommodation/res- Bank, the Secretariat of the European
toration (22.1% of the active population) Parliament, and many services of the European
• administration and public services (21.6%) Commission are located in Luxembourg, mainly
• professional and support services (16.6%), in Kirchberg.
• financial and insurance activities (11.3%),
• construction (10.9%), Almost 14,000 EU officials are based in
• industry (8.2%), Luxembourg.
• information and communication (4.4%),
• other activities (4.8%). Luxembourg’s public sectors

Cross-border workers For a long time reserved for nationals, civil ser-
vice posts are increasingly open to non-Luxem-
The number of cross-border workers has bourgish candidates.

risen steadily over the last few decades and

they now account for 46% of the working At present, in addition to the conditions of educa-
population, or 212,000 people. tion and professional training required for each
post, candidates must be nationals of a Member
Some studies carried out before the Covid State of the European Union, enjoy their civil and
pandemic predict a population of 600,000 bor- political rights and know the three administrative
der workers by 2060, compared with just over languages, namely Lëtzebuergesch, French and
200,000 in 2020. German..

Half of the border workers are French. Belgians

and Germans represent the second half, in equal

The capital Luxembourg, the centre of the

country's economic activity, sees its population
double on working days due to the presence of
many border workers. This also causes traffic Scan qr code
problems on the main border roads.

Legislation Collective vacation

Legal working time The building sector and civil engineering’s com-
mon agreements establish collective vacations
In Luxembourg, the legal working time is 8 every year for their employees. It is a period of
hours a day and 40 hours a week. 15 working days in summertime and 10 working
days in wintertime.
The law enables additional hours at the maximal
rate of 2 hours per day and 8 hours per week. Unless exemptions are granted by the Inspection
du Travail et des Mines, all public or private
Night work and sundays worksites must be shut down during this period.

Night work entails working between 10pm and

6am. Authorised night working time is 8 hours
per 24-hours period over a week at most.
Collective agreements pay the increase in night

Sunday work is forbidden in Luxembourg, apart

from exceptions. In that case, it is subject to mo- Scan qr code
netary compensations or compensatory rest.

Fixed or flexible timetable

Remote working
The time worked within a fixed schedule is noti-
fied by the employment contract or by the com- Workers can legally benefit from telewor-
pany’s internal regulation. Exceeding these daily king days in agreement with their employer.
or weekly hours is considered overtime work.
During these days, they are allowed to work
Shift work is managed by the parties within legal from home or another place. Working remotely
limits and according to service needs. was little used until the covid crisis. It is now fully
established in companies.
Annual leave
As far as cross-border workers are concerned,
Each employee is legally entitled to an annual teleworking days are negotiated in bilateral
paid leave of 26 working days of legal leave, agreements with the countries involved.
in addition to legal bank holidays: New Year,
Easter Monday, May the 1st and the 9th, At present, cross-border workers are entitled to
Ascension, Whit Monday, National Day (June • 34 days of telework for Belgian border
23rd), Assumption, All Saints Day (November workers
1st), Christmas day and Boxing day (December • 34 days for French border workers
25th and 26th). • 19 days for German border workers.

Minimum social wage

In Luxembourg there is a social minimum wage

(SSM). This is regularly reviewed, as are all
wages, according to a cost-of-living index.
Scan qr code
When the index is triggered, employers are
obliged to increase the pay of all their employees
• As of 1 November 2022, the monthly so-
cial wage for a full-time job of 40 hours per
week is
• 2,313.37 euros minimum for an unskilled
worker over 18 years old
• 2,776.05 gross per month for a skilled wor-
ker over 18.

Expat portrait: Bryan, british and luxembourgish since 2014
How long have you lived in Luxembourg? Why did you come in the first place?
Since 1984. I was offered a job as a translator at The European Commission, and Luxembourg
seemed a better choice than Brussels.

What surprised you the most when you arrived?

That there was (and still is) a thriving cricket scene.

How would you describe Luxembourg in 3 adjectives?

Multinational, friendly, peaceful

What is your favourite area in Luxembourg? Why ?

Southern Luxembourg. Formerly industrial, now returned to nature, with excellent walks.

What would you miss most if you had to leave Luxembourg?

My favourite organic wine producer, Joé Beissel in Bous

What advice would you give to a newcomer to Luxembourg?

If you want to be fully integrated, learn Luxembourgish. French and German are not enough if you
really want to participate in local life.

Average salary

The average wage in Luxembourg is the hi-

ghest among the 34 OECD countries.

On average in 2021, a full-time employee

earned 75,305 dollars, including bonuses, over-
time, 13th month, etc. Scan qr code

Gross/net salary, income taxes

Salary package
The salary paid by the employer is a net
salary, after deduction of the various social The salary package is common in Luxembourg.
security contributions and the tax that is de- Companies offer interesting benefits in kind in
ducted at source. order to recruit the best talents.

Both the employee and the employer contribute These benefits in kind can be negotiated with
equally to various insurance schemes with the the company and include company cars for
Joint Social Security Centre. sales jobs, luncheon vouchers, accommodation,
school fees for expatriates, etc.
These social security contributions are calcu-

lated as a percentage of gross pay and cover the The financial sector offers advantages on loans
risks of sickness insurance and long-term care, granted to their employees or additional pension
as well as insurance for old age pensions. insurance.

An employee contributes about 12.5% of his

gross salary.

Based on the principle of taxation at source, the

taxes collected by the state for each resident
and/or worker are deducted directly by the em-
ployer from the employee's income.

Social security contributions and taxes must the- Scan qr code

refore be deducted from the gross salary. The
employee receives a net salary.

In salary negotiations, amounts are usually ex-

pressed in gross terms.

See the Living / Finance and Taxes section.

Finding a job in Luxembourg can sometimes Additionally, ADEM is responsible for the unem-
prove to be long and complicated. ployed entitled to compensation.

Language proficiency is a plus in the job search. This compensation will be determined according
Many companies require a perfect command of to your last wage, as well as other revenues
English, even if it is not an official language. such as rental collection, which can be deducted
from your unemployment benefits.
If you wish to apply in Luxembourg companies
or in professions in contact with the popula- To benefit from this compensation, you will have
tion (medical sector, school,...) knowledge of to meet the required conditions and to complete
Luxembourgish is an asset. a dossier with ADEM.

Resources at your disposal Recruitment agencies

Agence pour le Développement de In Luxembourg, there are many recruitment

l'EMploi agencies. Their role is to act as a mediator

WORKING between employers and job seekers.
 Agence Luxembourg : 13A Rue de
Bitbourg, 1273 Luxembourg (Hamm) When subscribing to these agencies, your pro-

(+352) 24 78 88 88 file will be registered in their database. It will

j Monday to Friday 8am-12pm and
increase your chances of finding a job that
matches your profile.
ADEM is the public employment service of the
Grand Duchy, and remains under the authority Some references
of the Ministry of Work, Employment, Social and
Solidary Economy.
To register as a job seeker, fill in the form avai-
lable on the ADEM website or contact the ADEM
Contact Centre. Temporary employment agencies

An appointment will be set up for you during Interim or transitional management can be an
which you will be given the "Job Seeker's Guide" excellent springboard for finding a permanent
containing all the useful information, as well as a contract.
questionnaire to be filled out. A placement coun-
sellor will then be assigned to you according to During the assignment, you will be able to
your occupation for a monthly follow-up. showcase your skills and gain recognition. If a
position opens up, you will be among the first
potential candidates.

Specialised websites and portals Job fairs
Portals and specialised websites are a good way
to find job offers that correspond to your pro- Every year, job fairs are organised in and
file. Some of them can send you job alerts after around Luxembourg. These bring together the
subscribing. largest companies on the Luxembourg market.
Stay informed, because these fairs can be a
Eures good springboard in your search!.
Eures (the European Job Mobility Portal) offers
information, advice, recruitment and placement Many associations guide and support job
services to workers and employers, as well as to seekers.
European citizens wanting to make the most of
people’s free movement in Europe. . Initiativ Rëm Schaffen
Euraxess Luxembourg  110, av. Gaston Diderich 1420 Luxembourg (Belair)

(+352) 250 249
This job portal gives access to thousands of Free and individual consultations by appoint-
research jobs and fellowships from more than ment in Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette or

40 European countries of which Luxembourg. Ettelbrück.

Researchers can upload their CV and companies
and institutions can publish their job offers and Other references
access interesting profiles free of charge.
This website provides moreover relevant infor-
mation about living and working in Luxembourg ...
and its helpdesk supports foreign researchers
wishing to settle in Luxembourg. Personal network

References Luxembourg is a small country. Personal networking is essential, especially when looking for a job. Do not hesitate to develop your network by going to conferences, participating in training and networking events... or simply by making
friends with your neighbours !

• Value Added Tax (VAT) between 3 and 17%
depending on the type of goods or services
• the annual and compulsory Chamber of
Commerce contribution.

Social security contributions

Scan qr code
Wage costs are among the lowest in the
European Union and allow the recruitment of
qualified personnel.
Start your own business
The employee share is 12.45%.
Thanks to the legislation and relatively mild
administrative procedures, it is quite easy to The employer's share is 12.16%. The employer
create your own company in Luxembourg. also pays an accident insurance contribution of
1% and an employer's mutual insurance contri-
Luxembourg is economically reliable, as well bution of maximum 2.92%.
as financially and politically stable. Every year,
Luxembourg is rated AAA by the various rating

The Luxembourg economy is diversified and
very dynamic. The country ranks 10th out of 125
countries in terms of competitiveness in attrac-
ting, retaining and developing its workforce.

Social dialogue is constructive. Only 4.1 working Scan qr code

days are lost each year with 1,000 workers on
strike, while the European average is over 30

Corporate taxation

The tax system is competitive for companies,

which have to pay several types of taxes:
• income tax at 15% to 17% of the operating
result. A surcharge of 7% is applied for the em-
ployment fund,
• municipal business tax calculated on the
operating profit, amounting to 3% after an al-
lowance of 17,500 euros,
• wealth tax of 0.5% of equity, reserves and
retained earnings,




T.: (+352) 42 39 39-330 - [email protected] - 14, rue Erasme - L-1468 Luxembourg

Are you looking for a safe environment ideally located in the heart of Europe
to develop your business?
The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg offers a multicultural, multilingual, highly
qualified task force, state-of-the-art IT and logistics infrastructures, political
and social stability, and a high quality of life.


Self-employed people Useful adresses

The status of self-employed is quite wides- Guichet. lu

pread in Luxembourg. It offers the advan-
tage of benefiting from social security co-  11 Rue Notre Dame, 2240
verage that is fairly similar to that of an Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
(+352) 424 78 20 00
The website is the official portal of
Many people leave their jobs as employees in Luxembourg’s administration. The Business
companies to become self-employed. portal provides plenty of information concerning
your company’s life in the City of Luxembourg,
As a self-employed person, you carry out your from its creation to its daily management, as
activity on your own account, without having to well as the recovery or development of entre-
set up a specific company. preneurial activities..

However, you must : Chamber of commerce

• apply for an establishment permit from
the Chambre des Métiers, with the necessary  7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi, 1615
proof of the right to exercise your trade, Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
• register with the Trade and Companies
(+352) 42 39 39 1
Register, In Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce is a

• have a VAT number in order to issue in- public institution grouping together companies
voices with VAT collection, from all economic sectors - except for crafts and
• be registered with the Centre Commun agriculture - and is one of the five professional
de la Sécurité Sociale. This will enable you chambers on an elective basis. Its aim is to fa-
to contribute to various insurance schemes, cilitate the development of economic activity
including health and old-age pensions. Self- through numerous actions and events.
employed persons contribute up to 24.25% of
their professional income or on the basis of Merkur Magazine
the minimum contributory income for newly
insured persons. Merkur is the Chamber of Commerce’s business
magazine. This monthly journal is an information
tool for economic and political activities. You can
consult Merkur online and subscribe in a private

Chamber of trades
 2 Circuit de La Foire Internationale,
Scan qr code 1347 Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 42 67 67 1
The Chamber of Trades (Chambre des métiers)
brings together all companies of the craft indus-
try. It supports, defends and represents them.

Junior international chamber Other references
The Jeune Chambre Internationale (JCI) is an in-
ternational movement aimed for young people
aged 18 to 40 years old. T
he JCI Luxembourg is a non-profit association,
which gives young people the opportunity to …
develop social responsibility, entrepreneurship
and solidarity, assets that are required in order
to create positive change in society

House of Startups
 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg
(Bonnevoie Nord / Verlorenkost)

(+352) 28 81 00 01 Scan qr code
j From Monday to Friday, 9am-7pm
Initiated by the Chamber of commerce and
with the support of the City of Luxembourg,

the House of Startups officially opened its

doors in June 2018. Located steps away from
Luxembourg-ville station, it aims to support the
most promising start-ups. It has the capacity of
accommodating 150 to 200 innovating start-ups
over approximately 6.000m 2.


(+352) 28 84 08-1
 14 Rue Erasme, 1468
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
j Du lundi au vendredi, 9h-17h
Nyuko freely supports entrepreneurs in their bu-
siness creation project in Luxembourg.

Our 5 tips to find a job

Before you start actively looking for a job, here are some tips to help you make the most
of your chances.

Strengthen your language skills

The Luxembourg labour market is international and multilingual. Knowledge of several
languages is a real asset.
Are you bilingual or trilingual? Highlight these strengths on your CV.
Learn a few phrases in Luxembourgish, they will be useful for making the first contacts.
Invest in language courses. Although French is the most widely used language, certain sectors have
their own particularities.
• Luxembourgish: public sector and health sector
• German: crafts and industry sector
• English: financial sector and consultancy.

Follow the news and keep an eye on job openings

Keeping abreast of current events is the best way to select the sectors that are developing
and therefore recruiting.
Keeping up to date will allow you to deepen your discussions with your future employer. You will
show your determination, your open-mindedness and the personal skills that are essential for

joining a company.

Enhance your networking

In Luxembourg, many positions are filled by personal contacts.
You will put all the chances on your side by creating your personal network and working on it.
Do not hesitate to participate in networking events.
Activate your Linkedin profile, update it. Get in touch with potential employers. Write a personalised
message, always more attractive than automatic messages! Follow the companies that interest you
on their social networks, interact with them.

Organise your job search

Apply for jobs that match your profile. Rework your CV and cover letter for each job. Beware,
more and more search engines are selecting CVs. Make sure that your CV has the right keywords
for the job.
Aim for daily or weekly goals in your job search: number of CVs sent, number of telephone
contacts, number of informal contacts you inform that you are looking for a job.
Keep an updated file with the companies and positions you apply for, the people you contact. Do not
hesitate to follow up your contacts.
Have your foreign diplomas recognised in Luxembourg and validate your professional ex-
perience. Take care of it now, you will be ready if a potential employer asks you for the equivalence
of your foreign diplomas.

Stay positive
Stay positive and constructive. The job search is a long-distance race.
You will probably receive rejections or even no replies to your letters. Ask yourself why your appli-
cation was not successful.
Correct the shortcomings, improve your weak points.

Keep physically and socially active.

Luxembourg's fresh air can be a wonderful therapy for depression. Take a walk in the forest.
Whatever the season, the forests are beautiful. Get out into the parks. Get some fresh air!
Take part in the various social events that Luxembourg offers. Traditional festivals, charity events, ...
Everything is good to meet other people and let them know you are looking for a job.

During a job interview, your employer will immediately perceive a positive attitude. This is already
several points gained for the future.

Good luck with your research!



It authorises the use of the academic title, cer-

Recognition of diplomas tifies the duration of graduate studies and the
and work experience value of the graduate degree.
Validation of the acquired
The recognition of diplomas and professional experience
experience can be very useful in the job search.

Applications for recognition of education, equi- Validation of prior learning and experience
valence of diplomas and professional qualifica- (VAE) is a procedure for assessing and recogni-
tions can be made directly on via an zing a variety of competencies, acquired through
online form. experience, professional or extra-professional.

Recognication of diplomas service VAE allows you to obtain a certificate or diploma

 [email protected] without undertaking any specific training. It al-
 Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes lows you to have access to trainings, to shorten
29, rue Aldringen L-1118 a training program or to obtain a certificate, a

Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) diploma or a university title with the purpose of

(+352) 247-85910
practicing a profession.
In Luxembourg, some foreign certificates and
diplomas aren’t officially recognised. The reco-
gnition of diplomas is nonetheless useful in some
cases, e.g. when pursuing your studies or for
practicing certain professions.

The request for equivalency is subject to certain

conditions, depending on the type of diploma,
the issuing country (countries having signed the
Paris/Lisbon Conventions on the recognition of
diplomas, or third countries). . Scan qr code

Equivalence of qualifications

The equivalence of a university degree is re-

quired for some professions, such as the legal
ones. It is necessary to register to the Higher
Education Qualifications Registry to have access
to certain professions; this however does not
give a right to practice.

open courses
customised sessions
digital solutions

set sail for new horizons
legal, tax, finance, regulatory and compliance training sessions

Continuous vocational training is a predomi- ADEM.
nant topic in Luxembourg.
Individual training leave of up to 80 days over
Skills assessment the course of a person's working life can
be taken under certain conditions. Learning
A skills assessment can help you to bounce back Luxembourgish can entitle you to up to 200
in a new job market. hours of language leave.

ADEM can help registered jobseekers to carry See Education Section.

out a skills assessment under certain conditions.
Do not hesitate to ask your advisor. Aid to businesses

Several training organisations registered on the Companies can apply to the state through the
Lifelong Learning portal can offer you a skills as- INFPC for co-financing of training for their em-
sessment in their field of intervention. ployees, up to 15% of the cost of the investment.


The Maison de l'Orientation can also help you adresses
define your skills and competences. Thanks to
various online tools, you can assess your inte- Chamber of trades
rests, aptitudes and skills yourself.
 2 Circuit de La Foire Internationale,
Support for vocational 1347 Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 42 67 67 1
j Monday to Friday 8.00-17.30 and Saturday
Individuals and companies can receive funding
support for vocational training.
Chamber of commerce/House of
Aid for individuals training
The costs of professional training for upgrading  7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi, 1615
can be deducted by employed persons from Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
their taxable income.
(+352) 46 50 16 1
j Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Those enrolled in higher education may be eli-
gible for a higher education loan or grant under
certain conditions.

Vocational training assistance can be granted

to jobseekers. The application must be made to

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de INFPC - Institut national pour le dé-
l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse veloppement de la formation profes- sionnelle continue
[email protected]
 33 Rives de Clausen, 2165
(+352) 26 20 40
Luxembourg (Clausen)

(+352) 24 78 51 00
The INFPC is the public service dedicated to life-
j From Monday to Friday 8:30-11:30am and
long learning in Luxembourg.

The institute informs and guides individuals and

Maison de l'orientation companies in their training efforts through its services:
 29 Rue Aldringen, 1118 • Access to more than 12,000 training
Luxembourg (Ville Haute) courses, support schemes and training news

(+352) 800 28 181 on, the national portal for
j From Monday to Friday 8-11 am and lifelong learning
• A service dedicated to the co-financing of
training to inform companies wishing to apply
Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur for financial aid from the State for the training
et de la Recherche of their employees • Analysis of trends and production of key

 20, montée de la Pétrusse, training figures by the Training Observatory.

2327 Luxembourg (Grund)

(+352) 24 78 66 19 A telephone hotline (26 20 40) is available to
anyone wishing to obtain information on lifelong
Cedies learning in Luxembourg.
 18 montée de la Petrusse, Lifelong-learning
2327 Luxembourg (Grund)

(+352) 24 78 86 50
j From Monday to Friday, 7:45 am - 4:30 The portal is a must in the
field of lifelong learning in Luxembourg.
The Centre de documentation et d'information
sur l'enseignement supérieur (Cedies) is in- Managed by the INFPC, this portal is a real
tended for people wishing to pursue or resume gold mine for finding training adapted to your
higher education studies. It informs and ma- career path and your desire for professional
nages financial aid from the State (higher edu- development.
cation scholarships). It also organizes each year
the Student Fair.. Offered by 300 approved training organisations
that are members of the platform, the training
courses cover all fields and can take place in the
evening, in staggered hours, at a distance, etc.


Use training to achieve your personal and professional ambitions.

With more than 10,000 training courses and lots of useful information, helps you turn your projects into a success story.
ADEM Institut Français du Luxembourg
 13A Rue de Bitbourg, 1273  47 Av. Monterey, 2163
Luxembourg (Hamm) Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 424 78 88 88
(+352) 46 21 66
j Monday to Friday 8am-12pm and j Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
Located in Luxembourg city centre, the Institut
Institut National des Langues français du Luxembourg (IFL) mission is to pro- mote French language and culture. Would you like to learn French, perfect your practical skills,
 21 Bd de la Foire, 1528 Luxembourg or prepare for a competitive exam? The IFL of-

(+352) 26 44 30 1 fers quality, flexible classes which are adapted to
j Monday to Friday 8am-7pm suit your needs and your level.

The INL is the public organisation for language

learning in Luxembourg. Its courses are of high
quality and offered at unbeatable rates.

It is the reference for the Sproochentest for the

acquisition of Luxembourg nationality.

The INL has recently set up a free online

Luxembourgish language learning platform,
Léier Lëtzebuergesch Online, which is also avai-
lable as an app: Scan qr code


intensive sessions • saturday

morning courses • lunchtime
courses • e-learning evening
courses • kid & teen workshops •
private tuition

Plus d'informations et inscriptions sur

47 Av. Monterey B.P 236 L-2012 Luxembourg • +352 46 21 66 • [email protected]
©Raymond Thill

Principle of the old- It is possible to benefit from an early old-age
age pension pension
• from the age of 57, as soon as the insured
Any employee or self-employed person in proves that he or she contributed to the man-
Luxembourg is in principle entitled to a reti- datory insurance for 480 months
rement pension, provided that he or she has • from the age of 60, under the conditions of
contributed to the Luxembourg pension sys- 480 months of mandatory insurance contri-
tem under the required conditions. butions, including 120 months of mandatory
continued insurance, optional insurance or re-
The Luxembourg pension system is a pay-as- troactive purchase.
you-go system. The overall contribution rate is
set for each ten-year period of coverage so that If at retirement age, the applicant does not meet
the present value of the likely income covers the the conditions for old-age insurance contribu-
present value of the likely expenditure and the tions in Luxembourg as defined above, he or she
increase in the reserve. may request a refund of the contributions he or
she would have made in Luxembourg (minus the

Since 1 January 1985, the overall contribution employer's share). He/she will then lose the be-
rate has been set at 24% of the maximum pro- nefit of any Luxembourg pension.
fessional income. These contributions are divi-
ded equally between the State, the worker and However, the imbalance in the pension system
the employer. is growing. Even if pensions appear to be secure
until 2040, the system needs reform to ensure its
For the employee, these contributions are de- sustainability. The debate on this subject is open.
ducted each month from the gross monthly
salary. Pension request

The employee or independent worker who The old-age pension applicant must make the
contributed in Luxembourg will be able to benefit request with the retirement fund of his or her
from a retirement pension in the Grand Duchy of country of residence, a few months before rea-
Luxembourg provided that: ching the retirement age.
• he or she reached the legal age of retire-
ment in Luxembourg, i.e. 65 years old The country of residence then calculates pension
• he or she contributed to the mandatory rights according to its legislation and that of the
pension insurance over a minimal period of country or countries where the insured person
120 months in the form of continued insu- has contributed, based on European or bilateral
rance, optional insurance or retroactive pur- agreements. The insured will receive benefits
chase periods from each country where he has contributed, in
• have worked in Luxembourg for at least 12 accordance with the legislation of each of these
months. countries.

A good start to a new life means
first of all protecting yourself.

Discover our complete range of insurance

products that can ensure you are
protected and make your daily life easier.
Visit or one of our agents.

To learn more about the old-age pension in
Luxembourg and claim your pension, visit the
website of the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance

Useful adresses

Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Pension
 1 Boulevard Prince Henri,
L-1724 Luxembourg

(+352) 22 41 41 1
CNAP is the interlocutor of the private sector
employees and the self-employed, all insured
under the general pension scheme. It addresses
any questions related to pension insurance:
conditions for granting, calculation and proce-
dures to obtain a pension.

It is also responsible for the granting of pen-

sion benefits in the case of old age, disability or


Scan qr code


Traffic regulations, Driving license , Road traffic, Vehicle parking system,
Petrol stations and fuels, Breakdown service, Car wash, Car purchase,
Electric cars, Carpool, Car sharing

Transports information, Tickets and memberships, Routes and schedules

General information, Luxembourg city buses, Regional buses, School
transport, Bus on demand, Night shuttle bus


Taking the tram, Funicular, Travelling by train, TGV tickets

Find a taxi, Fares, Take a taxi

Rules for riding a bike, Self-service bikes, Bike school, Bicycle parking,
Cycling paths, Bicycle lanes, Bicycle routes, Bike & rail


Findel airport, Nearby airports, Airport shuttles
Traffic regulations • 20km/h in some areas where pedestrians
have the priority,
In Luxembourg, road users must drive on the • 30 km/h on cycle streets or in 30 km/h
right side of the road. zones
• 130km/h in motorways or 110km/h in the
In Luxembourg, as in many other countries, road event of rain.
users must drive on the right side of the road.
You will find on the website of the Grand Ducal
Below 36kg, the child must be on an age- and police the road checks announced for each day.
weight-appropriate car seat.
winter regulation
Emergency vehicles (police, fire-fighters, ambu-
lance…) have the priority. Their passage must be Winter tyres required
facilitated. .
In winter conditions, all vehicles, registered in

To drive in Luxembourg, the maximum level of Luxembourg or not, must be equipped with win-
alcohol permitted in the bloodstream is 0.05%. ter or "4-season" tyres to drive on Luxembourg
Audible warning devices should not be used in
urban areas, except in cases of imminent danger There is no indication of date or season, although
the end of October and the end of March are
It is forbidden to use a phone when driving wit- good benchmarks for summer/winter changes.
hout a hands-free system.
In case of snow or frost
As in every country of the European Union, the
vehicle must carry a reflective clothing item, as In case of snow or very low temperatures, you
well as a signage triangle. They must be used must clear your vehicle of any snow or ice on
in the event of breakdown or emergency stop. the windows, windscreen and rear window. You
This point is precisely checked during the road- must have full visibility. Your number plate must
worthiness tests. also be completely clear.

Speed control It is forbidden to leave the engine of a stationary vehicle running, even in front of your home, in
order to warm it up or to defrost the windows.
Motorists must also respect the established
speed, namely: In case of infringement
• 70 or 90km/h outside urban areas depen-
ding on the road segments, Failure to comply with the regulations may result
• 50km/h in the city, in the withdrawal of one or more points on the

licence and/or a fine based on the seriousness
of the offence.

Driving license

To drive a motor vehicle in Luxembourg

(car, motorbike, utility vehicle), you must Scan qr code
have a valid driving licence.

Luxembourg has a "points-based driving li-

cence". Breaches of the highway code are puni- For other procedures, see Settling in / Personal
shed by the deduction of points. vehicle.

For people who do not have a Luxembourg li- Road traffic

cence, a virtual licence with 12 points is issued
upon entry into the country.
Find out about the country’s real-time motorway
Passing the driving licence traffic via webcams, as well as current and fu-
ture construction areas.
To take your B licence in Luxembourg, you must

take at least 12 hours of theory lessons (6 hours parking system
if you already have a licence in another catego-
ry), followed by 12 hours of practical lessons gi- Car parking is strictly regulated. Vehicles must
ven by an approved driving school. be parked in the designated areas on the public
Accompanied driving is possible from the age
of 17. Drivers must pay the parking fees required ac-
cording to the place of parking, under penalty of
Transcription of a foreign licence fines between 12 and 150 euros depending on
the seriousness of the offence.
People who obtained their driving license in a
country outside the European Economic Area Parking regulations
have one year from the date of their arrival in
Luxembourg to exchange it for a Luxembourg Parking in Luxembourg City is regulated by a
license. colour-coded system indicating the maximum
parking time and the applicable tariffs.
Depending on the category of the driving li-
cense, a test will be required or not. Parking is charged from Monday to Friday from
8am to 6pm. In some zones, parking is also
All drivers holding a category B driving license, charged on Saturdays from 8am to 6pm.
less than 2 years old at the time of taking up • White zone: 1/2 hour maximum, free
residence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg • Orange zone: 2 hours maximum, 2 euros/
are obliged to participate in a one-day training hour
course at the Training Center in Colmar-Berg.

• Yellow zone: between 3 and 5 hours maxi- entrance of the city..
mum, or even 5 to 10 hours in car parks, 1
euro/hour except for residents Park + Ride
• Green zone: 5 hours maximum, decreasing  park-and-ride
rate from 2 to 1.50 euros/hour
• Purple zone: 10 hours maximum, 0.5 euro/ P+R are free car parks reserved for long-term
hour. parking (more than 5 hours) on the outskirts of
the City of Luxembourg. There, you will find re-
Parking fees are paid by coin, payment or credit gular buses travelling towards the central Station
card or with Call2Park. or the city centre.
• P+R Bouillon, Rue de Bouillon
Other municipalities apply a similar parking sys- • P+R Luxembourg-Sud à proximité de l’au-
tem, depending on the case. toroute A3 à Hespérange
• P+R Kockelscheuer situé. àproximité de la
Call2Park patinoire de Kockelscheuer • P+R Cloche d’Or, en attente de l’emplace-
ment définitif
Call2Park is a payment system for parking fees • P+R Esch-Belval
in the City of Luxembourg. It allows the purchase
of an electronic parking ticket via your mobile The P+R Bouillon, Luxembourg-Sud and

phone. Payment is made directly to the credit Kockelscheuer are free for 24 hours. From the
card, to the minute. 25th hour of parking, the rate is 10 euros per
day started.
Registration is free and must be done before-
hand on the call2park website. Residential parking sticker

Public car parks In some cities, including Luxembourg and Esch-

sur-Alzette, it is possible to obtain residential par-
Parking rates are generally between1 and 3 eu- king stickers, and even professional ones. Check
ros per hour, payable before leaving by credit with the relevant communal administration.
card or cash..
If you live in one of the municipalities that re-
Luxembourg City gulate residential parking, you can apply for a residential parking sticker from your local
Appli City-App authority.
Appli Parkings
The sticker is valid for 12 months and is issued
You will find the list and the location of free of charge or after payment of the appro-
Luxembourg City’s car parks on the website priate fee.
To be valid, the sticker must be visibly affixed
The City-App and Parking applications offer in- behind the windscreen of the designated vehicle.
formation, including the number of free parking
spaces in real time. This is also displayed at the

The clock card issued at the same time as the Petrol stations and fuels
vignette allows you to park free of charge for
two hours in the entire territory of Luxembourg The price of fuel is set by the government. It is
City. the same at all petrol stations in the country.

You must place the arrow on the line correspon- Breakdown service
ding to your arrival time at the parking point.
The maximum parking times must always be Automobile Club du Luxembourg
observed. (ACL)
Service Circulation of Luxembourg
(+352) 45 00 45-1
city (+352) 26 000 (Breakdown
service and towing)
 Kofferfabrik, 1943
ACL is a non-profit association and a community
Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)

(+352) 4796-2312 of 180,000 members committed to promoting

j Monday to Friday 8am-12pm and access to mobility, its quality, safety and free
1:30pm-5pm choice of means of transport.

Parking with eu disc (blue zone) ACL offers 24/7 assistance and privileged and

neutral advice through comprehensive services
Some areas, identified by blue signs with a white to ensure the mobility of its members.
P and a parking disc symbol, allow free parking
with a blue disc. GARD – Groupement d’Assistance,
Remorquage et Dépannage
The permitted parking time is usually 1. 1/2
hours. The blue disc indicating the time of arri-
val should be displayed prominently behind the You will find on the website all
windscreen. the breakdown / towing companies that are
members of the GARD and are concerned about
These blue discs are available at petrol stations. the quality of their service.

Scan qr code

Car wash Second-hand cars

Some gas stations offer automatic car-washing You can buy a second-hand car from car dealers
systems for a few dozen euros approximately. or directly from private individuals, via several
dedicated websites.
Some car parks offer car-washing services
while you shop. You will also find some specia- In the latter case, you will be responsible for all
lised sites dedicated to automatic and manual the registration and registration change proce-
car wash. dures. You will need to obtain a sales document
from your seller and go to the SNCA to complete
Useful references the necessary procedures. See Settling in / Vehicle formalities
Useful references
Car purchase
New cars
Electric cars

Many car dealers of European or international

brands are active in Luxembourg. Electric car charging
To buy a new car, you just have to go to these The Chargy App
different franchises. You will find them on Route
de Thionville in Luxembourg. To support the development of electric cars,
Luxembourg is developing a wide network of
Luxembourg is more and more involved in an charging stations.
eco-responsible approach, including in the auto-
motive sector. An increasing number of electric More than 700 Chargy and SuperChargy (ul-
and hybrid vehicles are now sold in the country. tra-fast charging) stations are in service in the
country. The aim is to quickly reach a network
As in the rest of the European Union, all new of 1,600 charging points for all types of electric
cars (except for rare vehicles) will have to be cars.
electric from 2035.
Payment at the charging points is made by
Chargy mKaart multifunctional smart card or by
bank card.

Electricity incentives Carpool
Carpooling is in full expansion in Luxembourg.
Buying an electric vehicle Little used a few years ago, it is now gaining
more and more followers, especially in view of
In the context of sustainable mobility, the go- the increase in fuel prices.
vernment offers subsidies of between 500 and
8,000 euros for the purchase of an electric Copilote
vehicle registered in Luxembourg and meeting
a number of specific characteristics.
At the beginning of 2018, the government of
These bonuses can also be granted to citizens Luxembourg launched a service platform that
benefiting from a leasing contract. aims to promote carpooling. Named Copilote,
this application allows you to travel with other
Private charging station road users, hence diminishing the costs and the
environmental impact..
A financial incentive of 50% of the investment is
granted to people who wish to equip their home Some references
with a private charging point.

The application must be submitted no later ...
than 12 months after the last invoice issued in
connection with the investment.
Car sharing

"Car sharing" allows you to use vehicles in the

streets, which are made available by specialised
companies. This system allows you to occasio-
nally use a car without having to bear the main-
tenance costs.

Carloh car sharing

Scan qr code
[email protected]
 16A, av. Émile Reuter
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 20 60 20 01
(+352) 20 60 20 00 (helpline)
j From Monday to Friday 8am-6pm

Carloh offers a professional car service, es-

pecially designed for car sharing in the City of
Luxembourg’s territory. The vehicles – partly
electric – are made available throughout the
main residential areas of the capital. You can

also find a station near the central station and
the city centre.

Once you validate your subscription and parti-

cipate to the information sessions, you will be
all set to book and use the Carloh vehicles and
travel around.

Flexcar sharing

This is a car sharing system inaugurated by the

CFL (Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois). The car
sharing stations (more than thirty) are directly
connected to the train stations of the country’s
main towns. They offer great flexibility. Several
options are offered, so you can use them regu-
larly or occasionally. .

Scan qr code


Transport information Tickets and memberships

Luxembourg is relatively well served by Free transports

public transport, both by bus and by train
in the capital and throughout the country. Luxembourg is the first country in the world
Luxembourg City also benefits from an ul- that inaugurated the concept of free public
tra-modern tramway. 2nd class transports in its territory. This
measure is effective since March 1st 2020.
Public transport services are good, reliable and
punctual. The entire bus network on Luxembourg territory
is therefore free of charge for all passengers, as
well as train journeys as long as they are made
in 2nd class in Luxembourg.

Expat portrait : Sophie, french

How long have you lived in Luxembourg? Why did you come in the first place?
We moved here 4 years ago, for professional reasons, following a previous expatriation.

What surprised you the most when you arrived?

What I found very surprising when we arrived was the international aspect of this small country.
A multitude of nationalities rub shoulders on a daily basis.

How would you describe Luxembourg in 3 adjectives?

Cosmopolitan, human-sized and safe country.

What is your favourite area in Luxembourg? Why ?

I enjoy walking in Luxembourg's Little Switzerland for its unspoilt nature and its magical paths.

What would you miss most if you had to leave Luxembourg?


What advice would you give to a newcomer to Luxembourg?

I would advise taking advantage of the various "local" and cultural events to get to know the
country and its people better.

Ticket purchase also the competent authority in case of problems or claims.

Public transport is chargeable outside The website and the mobile app dis-
Luxembourg and on 1st class journeys. play bus, train and tramway timetables in real
time and allow clients to find the best itinerary.
Tickets can be purchased at the ticket of-
fices of the various operators, at the Mobility Mobility centres are located at Luxembourg sta-
Centre (Mobilitéitszentral), or at the Info'Box of tion and Belval-Université station.
Luxembourg City.

The mKaart is a smart card on which can be The Mobilité website and mobile applica-
electronically loaded : tion is the ideal tool for planning your journeys
• 1st class train tickets and cross-border in real or delayed time, in order to find the best
transport by bus or train, itinerary.
• access to the Vël'OK service in
Esch-sur-Alzette, is one of the apps you should down-
• access to the mBox bicycle parks, load as a priority to get around easily by public

• the Chargy service for access to public transport.

charging points for electric cars. displays real-time timetables, bus,
The mKaart can be obtained at the CFL counters, train and tram routes, as well as information on
at the Centrale de Mobilité of the Luxembourg public transport.
and Belval Université stations, at the AVL
(Infobox) of the Centre Hamilius, at the TICE
counter of the Esch-sur-Alzette station.

The mKaart can then be credited directly to your account.

Routes and schedules

 Gare centrale Luxembourg (Gare)
 Gare Belval-Université

(+352) 2465 2465
j Monday to Friday from 6.45am to 7pm
Saturday - Sunday and public holidays from
9.00 am to 4.30 pm

Mobilitéitszentral, located at Luxembourg and

Belval-Université stations, is customer centre
and the first point of contact for travellers. It is

General information capital, information on school buses serving the main campuses.

Buses in Luxembourg are completely free of City Shopping Bus

charge, regardless of the route taken or the age
of the passenger. j Every 10 minutes, times vary between
8.30am and 6.30pm depending on the day of
The bus network is very well developed. the week
Regular, punctual and easy to use, modern and The City of Luxembourg operates a shopping
comfortable, buses are an excellent way to get shuttle to make it easier to shop in the city centre.
around Luxembourg.
The City Shopping Bus runs between the
Luxembourg city buses Glacis car park in the Limpertsberg district and
Rue Beaumont in the Ville-Haute district. At
For urban travel in and around Luxembourg City, weekends, the shuttle serves additional stops.

it is advisable to use the Luxembourg City buses
or the Eurobus. Regional buses

Eurobus are regional buses that operate like The RGTR regional bus offer is very wide. These
city buses in the territory of Luxembourg City. buses connect almost all rural municipalities to
They run between the central station and the regional centers and Luxembourg City. They
European district Kircherg. The name "Eurobus" also connect the French, Belgian and German
is printed on the external display. border regions to the Luxembourg capital.

Infobus - Autobus service Please note that regional bus trips beyond
Luxembourg city Luxembourg's borders are subject to a charge.
[email protected] RGTR regional buses are identified by the route
 63 rue de Bouillon L-1248 numbers indicating the destination area:
Luxembourg (Hollerich) • 1XX : North

(+352) 4796-2975
• 2XX : Nort-east (Echternach)
j Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 6pm
• 3XX : East (Wasserbillig)
Infobus is the contact service for information • 4XX : South-east (Remich)
on the City of Luxembourg's bus network, time- • 5XX : South (Thionville)
tables, lost property, etc. • 6XX : South (Esch-sur-Alzette)
• 7XX : South-west (Pétange)
On the website, you will find real-time • 8XX : West (Steinfort)
traffic information, timetables by line or by stop, • 9XX : North-west (Redange).
a map of the AVL network of bus lines in the

Find your regional bus, the timetable and Bus on demand
connections on the website
City Luxembourg : Call-a-bus
School transport
(+352) 4796-4797 call at
least 45 minutes before
Bus lines j Monday to Saturday from 9am to mid-
night, Monday to Sunday from 7am to midnight
for wheelchair users.
The main campuses of the secondary schools
Geesseknäppchen, Sainte-Sophie and Sport Call-a-bus is a service operated by the City of
Lycée, European School I and Limpertsberg are Luxembourg that allows eligible persons to take
served by dedicated bus lines. the bus at the time and place of their choice, inde-
pendently of the public bus lines and timetables.
On the website, you will also find all
the bus routes to the stops near the secondary To benefit from the "Call-a-Bus" service, you
schools. must be a resident of the City, aged 70 or over,
and have registered in advance using a specific
You can also use the travel planner form available on the website.
to find out how to get to and from any school.
Other municipalities

Municipal school transport

More and more municipalities are offering a
School buses are provided by the municipalities shuttle service on request for journeys within the
to and from their schools. municipality or nearby.

These buses, identified as "Schoulbus", serve a Ask your local authority for information on the
number of identified stops in the commune du- terms and conditions of access.
ring school hours.
Night shuttle bus
Eventually, there may also be a "Pedibus" driven
by an employee of the commune, identified with On Friday and Saturday evenings, it is possible
a yellow waistcoat. to travel by night bus in Luxembourg City or to
certain cities in the country
Ask your local authority for more information.
City Night Bus

City Night Bus runs Friday to Saturday and

Saturday to Sunday until 3:30 a.m. every 15 mi-
nutes on seven different routes.

This night shuttle is a free service of the City of This service is available in the entirety of the
Luxembourg. You can view the different routes Grand Duchy territory.
of the bus on the website.
To use the Adapto services, you have to fill a
Night Bus request form in advance. You can find it on the website. You also need to submit it
with a medical certificate as attachment.
“Night buses” circulate during weekends, in-
cluding the evening before bank holidays. The application should be sent to:
Communes put them into service, in addition to Public Transport Administration (ATP)
the shuttles of the City of Luxembourg. Service Transports PMR - Adapto
B.P. 640 L-2016 Luxembourg
Their use is generally free and allows travellers
to return home after a night out, without having A medical certificate must also be attached to
to use a personal vehicle. the application.

Night Rider

(+352) 9007 10 10
j Reservations: Monday to Thursday from

8am to 6pm, Friday 8am to Saturday 5am,
Saturday 8am to Sunday 5am.
Night Rider is an on-demand night shuttle bus
that you can book in advance.
Scan qr code
It operates on Friday and Saturday evenings
between 5.30pm and 5am.

Adapto, bus for people with reduced

 [email protected]

(+352) 2465-2465
j Sunday (and holidays), Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday: 07 am to 10 pm;
j Friday and Saturday: from 07 am to
j 24 December: from 07 am to 8 pm.

Adapto is a specific transport service for di-

sabled people unable to travel independently, by
car or public transports. These specially equip-
ped minibuses can be ordered occasionally.


Taking the tram Funicular
[email protected] The funicular establishes the connection, for
 61 Circuit de La Foire Internationale, free, between the Kirchberg quarter and that of
1347 Luxembourg (Kirchberg) Pfaffenthal at the level of Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg,

(+352) 27 20 39 1
near Pont-Rouge.
Tramway line T1
Timetables are synchronised with the train sche-
At the end of the works, the tramway will connect dule. Access is authorised to bicycles, prams
the Cloche d’Or area (Luxembourg-Gasperich and luggages.
district) to Findel (airport) via the central station.

To this day, the line is functioning between

LuxExpo (Kirchberg quarter) and the Lycée

Bonnevoie in Luxembourg. The Cloche d'Or

neighbourhood will be served in 2024.

The tramway circulates every day, including on Scan qr code

bank holidays, from 5am-12pm at the latest, ac-
cording to the traffic direction.

2035 Mobility Plan travelling by train

The Mobility Plan 2035 foresees new tramway All train travel in Luxembourg is managed by
branches beyond Line 1 currently in service. CFL, Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois.
These should be operational in 2035.
• K2 line by 2028 to double the service to the Tickets and subscriptions
Kirchberg district on the Boulevard Adenauer Luxembourg
axis towards the station and the Hollerich
district. Travel by train in 2nd class is free within
• Bouillon / Route d'Arlon line with service to Luxembourg.
the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg and a
new P+R West Only 1st class and cross-border travel is subject
• Fast tramway between Luxembourg and to a charge.
Esch sur Alzette, with a stop in Leudelange.
Tickets or season tickets can be purchased di-
This service will make it possible to reach rectly from the ticket machines or ticket offices
Belvaux and Findel airport in less than an hour. in the stations before boarding the train (except

for TGV trains). They can also be booked via the The CFL mobile app gives you access to real-
CFL app. time information on the rail network. You can
also buy your tickets and plan your trips.
See the Public transport chapter.
Tgv tickets
CFL ticket prices
• single ticket 1st class: 3 euros
• annual subscription 1st class without route TGV (high speed train) journeys to France must
limitation: 660 euros. be booked in advance on the website sncf-
Cross-border tickets and passes
You will not be able to access the train without a
TER Grande Région users must pay the ticket valid reservation.
price for the part of the journey outside the
Grand Duchy.

Regiozone ticket prices

• RegioZone 1 day ticket: 5 euros
• RegioZone 2 1-day ticket: 9 euros
• RegioZone 1 annual pass: 360 euros

• RegioZone 2 annual pass: 750 euros

Scan qr code
Annual season tickets are only available from
companies in neighbouring countries: Deutsche
Bahn, SNCF and SNCB.

Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois

Appli CFL Mobile
 Place de la Gare Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 2489 2489
Routes, fares, timetables... Find out more and
buy your national or international tickets from
CFL. Tickets can also be purchased online.

Simplify your train journeys, in Luxembourg

or across Europe, with the CFL mobile app to
download onto your smartphone.

provide suitable seats for children.
Find a taxi
The driver may refuse a customer who is unhy-
If you need a taxi, there are many taxi parking gienic, intoxicated or drugged.
areas in the capital, at the train station, at Findel
airport, etc. Taxis may refuse animals, except for assistance
You do not have to take the first taxi in line.
Smoking is not permitted in taxis.
You can also hail a taxi on the street, provided
you are more than 50 metres from a taxi rank. Useful references
If you are a group of more than 4 people, if you
have a young child, if you are carrying bulky
suitcases, etc., it is preferable to order a taxi by

telephone or directly via the Internet.

Fares There is also an Uber-like alternative to traditio-

nal taxis. This is Hello Taxi, with the app of the
Each taxi is free to charge its own rates. same name to download on iOS or Android.
However, the taxi must clearly display its fares
on the outside of the vehicle on the rear passen-
ger side and inside.

Take a taxi

The taxi must have a taxi zone sign prominently

displayed on its windscreen.

The taxi should take the shortest route. If you Scan qr code
have a preferred route, let the driver know. The
taxi driver cannot refuse a journey, even a short
one. However, he may refuse a long-distance or
foreign journey.

Children under the age of 3 must be placed in a

suitable seat. If you need to travel with a child, it
is best to order a taxi in advance and clarify this
with the company. Taxi drivers are not obliged to

Rules for riding a bike Vel'oh!
Cycling on the pavement is allowed for children  [email protected]
up to 12 years old. An adult may also accom-
(+352) 278 88746
pany them. The City of Luxembourg provides self-service
electrically-assisted bicycles from parking termi-
Your bike must be equipped with : nals throughout the city.
• a bell,
• 2 brakes, front and rear, The vel'OH! are available 24 hours a day, 7 days
• a yellow or white light at the front, a red a week.
reflector and a red light at the back,
• reflectors on the wheels (2 per wheel) and To take advantage of them, you can choose
on the pedals. between a long or short subscription. The long-
term pass gives you access to the vel'OH! ser-
Between dusk and dawn and during the day in vice for a whole service for a whole year. The

case of poor visibility, lighting of your bike is short-term pass allows you to take a bike whe-
mandatory. never you want, for a period of one to seven
The sign with the bicycle symbol accompanied
by "Except Frei" indicates the possibility of using Velo en ville Asbl
one-way roads or the bus lane.
 8 Bisserweg, 1238 Luxembourg (Grund)
Children under 12 years of age must wear a
(+352) 4796-2383
helmet. j Variable hours according to the season
"Vélo en ville" provides bikes for hire for the
The use of headphones (MP3, mobile phone whole family. Bicycle seats, tandems, helmets,
etc.) is not allowed when cycling. little "carriages" on wheels... are available for
young children..
Cars must keep a minimum distance of 1.5
metres when overtaking a bicycle. Vël'ok
Self-service bikes  32a, rue Zénon Bernard
L-4031 Esch-sur-Alzette
Several companies offer bike sharing in the lar-
(+352) 8006 2456
ger cities. Vël'Ok is the self-service bicycle service set up
by the city of Esch-sur-Alzette and the neighbou-
Users can borrow a bike for a fee and drop it ring cities of the southern region.
off at another station. This makes it possible to
make urban journeys in complete freedom.

Bike school Bicycle routes
Want to learn to ride a bike? Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-
Initiativ offers courses for children and adults. The "Vëlosummer" is a programme of 11 sum-
mer tourism routes across the country with iden-
Bicycle parking tified accommodation and tourist sites.

mbox More than 500 km of trails are available for cy- clists, including 120 km of roads closed to traffic
for one or two weekends.
With mBOX, you can easily park your bike and
protect it against theft and vandalism. A "Move we carry" service offers cyclists the
possibility of transporting their luggage from one
There are more than 30 secure spaces available accommodation to another.
near railway stations. These bike parks are ac-
cessible with the mKaart transport card. Bike & rail
See the Public transport chapter
The Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois offer Bike

paths & Rail routes to discover cycle paths between Luxembourg stations.

More than 660 kilometres of cycle paths are

available in Luxembourg.

Consult the geoportal to find the cycle paths that

are suitable for a bucolic visit to Luxembourg.

Bicycle lanes Scan qr code

Municipalities are now committed to conti-

nuously improving the cycle paths in their urban

Some streets in the capital now have priority for

bicycles. Formally identified by road markings
and signs, these streets give priority to cyclists.
Cyclists can use the full width of the road.

Motorists must wait and cannot overtake bicy-

cles. The maximum speed limit is 30 km/h.

Findel airport
 Rue de Trèves, 2632 Findel (Sandweiler) Several car parks are available, depending on
the duration of the parking. It is strongly recom-
Luxembourg-Findel airport is an international mended that you book your parking in advance,
airport with more than 70 direct flights to desti- especially on long weekends and holidays.
nations in Europe and beyond.
The "Kiss&Fly" car park in front of the airport is
Located in the municipality of Sandweiler, it free for the first 15 minutes. After that, the rate
will be served in 2024 by the tramway, from increases rapidly.
Luxembourg Station.
For longer stays, choose the M economy car
Today the airport is accessible by bus or car, via park further away, which is linked to the airport
the A1 motorway or the Nationale 1 towards by a shuttle bus. A price simulator is available on

Trier. the website.

More and more airlines are flying into Findel Door2gate - shuttle service
International Airport.

You can find all the airlines and destinations ser- The Door2Gate service is a shuttle service
ved from Luxembourg airport on the Luxairport. between your home, located in the major cities
lu website. of the Greater Region, and Luxembourg airport.

You will also find the flight schedules for arrivals The service is carried out in a van for a lower
and departures for each day, with any delays to cost than a taxi. The service must be booked in
be expected. advance.

Luxair is the national airline of Luxembourg. It

serves more and more destinations in Europe,
North Africa and the Middle East.

Nearby airports

If you can’t find your destination from

Luxembourg airport, other international airports
are located nearby in the Great Region and offer
many international flights:
• Charleroi airport in Belgium, 196 km away
– 2h30
• Frankfurt airport in Germany, 234 km
away – 2h55
• Metz-Nancy-Lorraine airport in France, 90
km away – 1h23

Airport shuttles

You can travel directly and easily from these

airports with the Flibco airport shuttles from
Luxembourg-Gare and Findel airport.

Scan qr code



Income tax, Tax card, Tax return, Other taxes, Corporate taxes

Practical information, Shopping centres , Shopping events, Buy local,
Weekly markets, Sustainable consumption, Shopping in the Greater Region

Find a restaurant, Culinary events, Home delivery and take-away,
Luxembourg specialties, Recipe for Bouneschlupp


Waste collection, Waste sorting, Recycling centres, How to reduce waste?,
Maintenance of heating facilities, Pavement clearance, Housekeeping staff
Emergencies, Information, Traffic info, Administrative guide, Consumer
Protection, Mediation

Geography National languages


2 586 km2

LUXEMBOURG Official currency



148 km with Belgium
135 km with Germany
73 km with France History

constitutional monarchy

1839 23 juin
independance national day

H.RH. Grand-Duc Henri

47,1% 170
since 2000
foreigners nationalities

645.397 inhabitants 464.486 workers
incl. incl. 215.957 cros-border
128.494 in Luxembourg city workers
Unemployment rate 4,7%
Source : Statec 2022

Luxembourg is a small, green country of
less than 2,600 km². Weather
Located in the centre of Western Europe, it Luxembourg's climate is semi-continental, with
shares borders with Belgium to the northwest, oceanic influences.
Germany to the east and France to the south.
Together with these border regions, it forms part Seasonal variations are more or less marked,
of the Greater Region. with precipitation throughout the year.

Luxembourg regions Winters can be harsh or, on the contrary, mild

and rainy. Average temperatures vary between
The Oesling or Eisleck region in the Ardennes 0° and 5°C. Snowfall can be frequent, especially
has a very green landscape with many forests, in the north of the country. It is often freezing, es-
lakes and rivers. The region is rural and the cli- pecially at night, and the temperature can drop

mate is harsher. The beautiful nature parks of to -10°C.

the Upper Sûre and the Our are located here.
In summer, temperatures average 20°C, with
The Guttland concentrates most of the country's peaks of 30°C and a beautiful blue sky. The
population around the city of Luxembourg. hottest months are June, July and August.
There are meadows, fields and forests forming September and October can be an Indian
a green belt around the capital. summer.

The Müllerthal, or Luxembourg's Little

Switzerland, is very popular for trekking. The
landscape is very picturesque.

The Moselle region, in the south-east of the

country, offers very beautiful landscapes. The
roads wind between the river and the vineyards.
You can take short cruises on the Moselle,
the natural border between Luxembourg and

The Terres Rouges, in the south-west of the

country, is the industrial region of Luxembourg.
The iron and steel sites can be visited as a tes- Scan qr code
timony to the country's mining history. This re-
gion is also known as the Minett, after the iron
ore that comes from it.


Luxembourg is described by its inhabitants Housing is the largest expense item for
as a country offering a high quality of life, households. On average, it costs 3,100 euros to
with high standards. rent a 3-bedroom / 90 m2 flat in Luxembourg
city centre.
Quality of living
In some areas, prices per square metre rise to
Luxembourg's GDP per capita regularly appears over 15,000 euros or more.
at the top of the list of countries in the world. In
2021, the GDP per capita amounted to 135,683 See the chapter "Housing market and housing
dollars according to the World Bank. More prices" in the section Accommodation.
than 400 Luxembourg families are classified as
"UHNWI" (ultra high net worth individuals), with Food is the second largest item of household
a fortune of more than 30 million dollars. expenses in Luxembourg, with a year-on-year
price increase of 7% for non-alcoholic beve-

Remuneration is above the European average rages, 8% for cereals and 11% for meat and fish.
with minimum salary levels of 2,313.38 euros
for an unskilled worker. The median salary is Social life is the third largest item of expenditure,
4,897 euros per month. accounting for around 13% of the budget for all
types of household.
Wages have been regularly increased in recent
years through a cost-of-living index. Conversely, some products are less expensive,
such as alcohol and tobacco.
Today, the average Luxembourg household lives
on more than 5,700 euros per month. Luxembourg is the first country in the world to
have introduced free public transport.
Cost of living
See chapter"Getting Around"
About 17.4% of the Luxembourg population lives
below the monetary poverty line, set at 1,892

Due to the rise in prices as a result of the war in

Ukraine, inflation is forecast to be 6.8% in 2022
and 8.7% in 2023. A package of anti-inflation
measures is expected to limit this increase.
Scan qr code
The cost of energy is soaring, contained as best
it can by government measures.


In Luxembourg, different types of taxes are Tax return

payable by individuals and companies..
Income tax
Generally, in February, a tax return form is sent
All income from employment, property, to every Luxembourg taxpayer’s home through
pensions, etc. is subject to income tax, from post or via electronic invitation. This way, the
which specific expenses can be deducted. taxpayer can declare the former year’s income
to the Direct Contributions Administration. .
The tax rate is calculated according to the overall
amount of income, the status and the family si- The declaration must be made before 31 March
tuation of the taxpayer or household. It increases of the current year for the previous year's
with the amount of income. income.

Income tax for employees and pensioners is de- For the tax return, the taxpayer has two options:
ducted at source, either directly by the employer • fill the declaration and return it signed and
from the salary paid or by the institution issuing completed to the attendant of the competent
pensions and other unemployment benefits on tax office
the basis of a tax card. • fill the tax return forms electronically and
send them to the ACD via MyGuichet..
Tax card Following this declaration, a new tax rate will be
calculated, as well as a corrected tax amount.
In order to deduct tax at source and/or pay the
tax credit to the employee, the employer must If the taxes deducted at source were in excess,
have a tax card. a payment will be made by the administration to
the taxpayer's account, otherwise the taxpayer
The tax card provides information on the tax will be asked to pay the difference.
class and the tax rate of the taxpayer.
Tax classes
The tax card is issued by the administration to
the taxpayer at the beginning of each year or the There are three tax classes (1, 1a and 2). The
month following a change of employer or perso- tax class depends on the family situation and the
nal situation. place of residence (resident or not).

Upon receipt, the taxpayer must submit it as Class 2 is the most advantageous and is mainly
soon as possible to his employer for calculation used by married and civil union partners.
of his net pay and payment of his salary.

The tax is calculated on the basis of the tax re-
turn to be filled in annually by each resident or
cross-border worker, according to the amount of
income and the tax class.

Other taxes

Indirect duties Scan qr code

Excise duties or taxes are collected on a number

of products, including tobacco, alcohol, fuel and
heating oil.
Corporate taxes
These taxes are payable to the trader on delivery
and are included in the prices displayed.
Companies are also required to pay various
Property tax taxes, including tax on their annual profits, muni-
cipal business tax,...
Property tax is payable by the owner on all built

or unbuilt properties. It is payable each year to
the municipality of residence.

A recent reform of the property tax will privile-

ge owners of their main residence and sanction
empty dwellings and speculative building land.

Value Added Tax Scan qr code

Value added tax is paid by the final consumer

and refunded by the collecting business to the

VAT is included in the price displayed or must be

added in the case of a price displayed exclusive
of tax (HT).

The general VAT rate is 17%. In order to combat

inflation, the VAT rate is reduced by 1% in 2023.
So-called necessities benefit from a lower rate
depending on the type of product.

Feeling foreign today,
home tomorrow

ING Luxembourg S.A. - 26, Place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg - R.C.S. Luxembourg B.6041 - TVA LU 11082217 -

openings, garage sales, sales periods, anima-
Practical information tions or services offered by the merchants of
Luxembourg City..
In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, retail stores
open generally from Monday to Saturday from Free transport and p+r parkings
9:00 to 18:00, sometimes 18:30. In Luxembourg
city, some shops in the Centre and Station areas
are open on Sundays. In Luxembourg, all lines from the bus network
and the tramway are free to use.
Retail stores and shops are generally closed
on Sundays and during the bank holidays, with Remember that you can use P+R car parks,
some exceptions, such as the period before which are located on the outskirts and offer bus
Christmas or the periods of sales, during the journeys to the city. This will prevent you from
famous “Mantelsonndeg" in October, or once a looking for a parking space when there are

month. events that attract large crowds of people. .

Hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience City Shopping Bus

stores are generally open from 8:00 to 18:00 or
20:00, depending on the shops. They open on
Sunday mornings (except on bank holidays) until
12:00 or 13:00. Remember to do your shopping The City of Luxembourg offers a free shuttle ser-
the day before public holidays! vice from the Limpertsberg quarter (Glacis car
park) that will allow you to go shopping more
Some malls exceptionally open on Sundays. The easily. The City Shopping Bus circulates every
Pall Center mall at Oberpallen is open every 10 minutes between the Glacis car park and the
Sunday and during bank holidays. city centre.

City shopping info point See the chapter Bus transport in the Moving around section.
 2, pl. d’Armes Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

26 27 02 70
j Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-6pm
The City shopping info point is an informa-
tion space dedicated to shopping at the City of

There, you will find all the necessary informa-

tion about the shops (brands, products, opening
hours…), the shopping events such as Sunday

Shopping centres City Concorde shopping center
Central region  80 Rte de Longwy, 8060 Bertrange
j Monday to Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday
Royal-Hamilius 9am-7pm Hypermarché Cora, Bram, autres enseignes
 Grand-Rue, 1660 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
j Monday to Saturday 9am-6.30pm Walfer shopping center
Hypermarket Delhaize, Galeries Lafayette, Fnac,  2 Rue des Romains, 7264 Walferdange
Décathlon, ... j Monday to Friday 9am-7pm, Saturday
9am-6 pm
Auchan shopping center Kirchberg Supermarket Delhaizeand other shops
 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker, 2721 Southern rgion
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
j Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm Belval Plaza shopping center
Hypermarket Auchan, H&M, Zara, ...
 7-14 Av. du Rock'n'Roll,

Cloche d'Or Gasperich 4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
j Monday to Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday
 25 Bd Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, 9am-7pm
2411 Luxembourg (Gasperich) Supermarket Delhaize and other shops
j Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday
Opkorn shopping center
Lifestore Auchan, Hifi International,Ernster, AS
Adventures, other shops,...  1 Boulevard Emile Krieps,
4530 Differdange
Infinity Shopping Center Kirchberg j Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday
 Av. John F. Kennedy, 1499 Hypermarket Auchan and other shops
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
j Monday to Saturday 9am-7pm Shopping Park Bettembourg
Supermarket Proxy - Delhaize ans other shops
 235 Rte de Luxembourg,
La Belle Étoile Shopping center 3254 Bettembourg
j Monday to Saturday 8am-7pm
 Route d'Arlon, 8050 Bertrange Hypermarket Delhaize and other shops
j Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday
9am-7pm Borders shopping center
Hypermarket Cactus, Hobbi, Maisons du Monde,
Ernster, other shops  6 Schengerwiss, 5439 Schengen
j Monday to Saturday 7:30 am-8pm,
Sunday 7:30am-7pm





10 stores in Luxembourg
Supermarket Delhaize and other shops Sunday openings

Northern region During the year, shops in Luxembourg excep-

tionally open their doors on Sunday afternoons
Pall Center Shopping Village once a month, so you can enjoy some shopping.
 2 Arelerstrooss, 8552 Biekerech More information is available on the website
j Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm, Sunday
La Grande Epicerie Oktavmaërtchen

Langwies 1+2 shopping center Octavmërtchen is a traditional market with stands. It takes place every year near the
 7 Rue Nicolas Glesener, 6131 Junglinster Cathedral of Luxembourg, during the Octave
j Monday to Friday 10am-6:30pm, Saturday celebration, one of the country’s major religious
9:30am-6 pm events.
Supermarket Delhaize and other shops
See the section Integrating - traditional festivals
Nordstross Shopping Mile Marnach

LIVING IN LUXEMBOURG Braderie de Luxembourg
 2 Marbuergerstrooss, 9764 Klierf
j Monday to Saturday 8am-7:30pm, Sunday The big braderie in Luxembourg city takes place
8am-1pm at the end of “Schueberfouer”, beginnings of
Supermarket Cactus and other shops September. You will find it in the streets of the
city centre and in the station neighbourhood. All
shops open their doors and sell off their items
for the occasion.


Every year, the traditional “Mantelsonndeg”

takes place on the last Sunday of October (lite-
Scan qr code rally: the “Sunday of coats”). For this occasion,
many shops open their doors in Luxembourg.
This is the perfect occasion to renew your winter
Shopping events wardrobe while taking advantage of interesting discounts.

Sales Black Friday

In Luxembourg, sales happen twice a year: in Black Friday is a commercial event originating
January and in June/July. The Grand Ducal regu- from the United States and Canada. It has be-
lation sets the dates every year. come increasingly popular in Europe, including
Luxembourg. As across the Atlantic, it takes

place at the end of November and allows you Buy local
to take advantage of many promotional offers.
Lë, online shopping
Christmas markets

At the end of the year, the famous Christmas More than 400 Luxembourg retailers offer you
markets take place in Luxembourg-ville and the opportunity to make your purchases online.
other communes, as well as in Germany (among Products "Made in Luxembourg". Nearly 2,500
other countries). products are waiting for you, in more than 20
This is the moment to enjoy the beautiful festive
atmosphere while sipping some mulled wine! Lët'z go local
Flea markets Lët’z go local is an association that promotes
 Place d'Armes Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) products and services 100% Luxembourgish.
j May to October, 8am to 6pm Several times a year, Lët’z go local orga-
nises markets at Rotondes in Luxembourg or
Second-hand dealers showcase their treasures at Ettelbrück to showcase local products and

on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. promote them to the general public: De Lokale
Garage sales Design, fashion, local products, services to in-
 Champ du Glacis Luxembourg dividuals: each year there are more than fifty
(Limpertsberg) stands exhibiting Luxembourg’s savoir-faire and
j 1st Sunday of the month from April to specialities.
October, from 10am to 5pm
The vide-grenier is a gigantic open-air market, Rosport
run by individuals who want to sell items they no
longer need. If you want to exhibit, contact the  [email protected]
City of Luxembourg directly.
(+352) 408 403 – 1
Local producer of natural mineral water,
For garage sales in other communes, contact Sources Rosport is looking for a continuous im-
your local administration. provement of its quality. The company achieves
this by scrupulously respecting the environment
and a series of eco-responsible values.

Scan qr code

Discover the finest
natural mineral water of Luxembourg.
Rosport, the reference since 1959.
 Glacis (Limpertsberg)
Weekly markets j 3rd Sunday of the month, from March to
October from 10 am to 5 pm
The weekly markets offer different regional, or-
ganic, artisanal or seasonal products to buyers: Esch-sur-Alzette
fruit and vegetables, fish, meat, bakery, pastry,
cheese, flowers, clothing, etc.  Place de l’Hôtel de Ville (Esch/Alzette)
j Tuesday and Friday 8am-1.30pm
They take place in Luxembourg City but also in
other towns in the country.

Ask your local commune for more information.

 Place Hamilius and around (Ville-Haute)
j Wednesday and Saturday 7.30am-2pm
 Place de Paris (Gare)
j Thursday 7.30am-2pm
 Place Léon XIII (Bonnevoie)

j Tuesday 4pm-7pm

A few words from expats:

"Which adjectives characterise
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg the best?"

©Just Arrived

Sustainable consumption

Fair trade brands

To consume in an alternative, local and fair way,

some addresses and local producers below.


Community gardens

Created for people who do not have a private

garden, community gardens allow people to

grow their own flowers, vegetables, herbs and
fruit for a very reasonable price. You will find
them in Luxembourg and in other municipalities
in the country. Ask your municipality.

Gielt Band - Hei dierft Dir plécken

If you see a yellow ribbon on a tree with this ins-

cription " Hei dierft Dir plécken - Here you can
pick", do not hesitate!

In order to promote solidarity and reduce waste,

free picking is allowed for personal usel.

Scan qr code

Shopping in the In France
Greater Region
Metz is the leading shopping city in the Grande
A recent study carried out in the Greater Région with a completely pedestrianised centre
Region shows that prices appear to be lowest in and two large shopping centres on the outskirts:
Germany with an index of 93.2 out of an average Waves in the Actisud zone and Muse near the
of 100. railway station.

Germany is the place to go to buy drugstore and Closer to Luxembourg, there is also the Zone
cleaning products, perfumery and hygiene, es- du Linkling in Thionville, particularly for home
pecially for babies, and non-food products. furnishings, and the Marques Avenue Centre on
the A31 motorway towards Metz with major dis-
France comes second with an index of 94.1. The counted clothing brands.
offer is 4 times more extensive than in neighbou-
ring countries. In Germany

France seems to be the country where you The cities of Trier and Saarbrücken are top shop-
should buy fresh (9.8% cheaper) and organic ping destinations for both clothing and interior
products, food and groceries. design.

Luxembourg is in 3rd position with an index of

99.9. Belgium comes last with an index of 104.6.

Luxembourg appears to be a more attractive

place to buy tobacco, cigarettes and beverages,
due to a reduced VAT rate. For a long time, fuel Scan qr code
was also much cheaper in Luxembourg. This
is no longer true today because of the war in

Nearby shopping areas and towns

In Belgium

The Designer Outlet Luxembourg in Messancy

offers many brands at reduced prices.

The Hydrion shopping area in Arlon offers a

wide range of brands, particularly for shoes.

The Sterpenich shopping area on the other side

of the border offers not only Ikea, but also fur-
niture and home furnishings shops, as well as
large sporting goods stores..

With more than 1.300 restaurants eand ca- welcome, or enjoy a nice terrace.
fés, the Grand Duchy is known for the va-
riety of its catering offer. Italian, Brazilian, Useful references
Peruvian, Japanese cuisine… The menus are
as cosmopolitan as the population.
Throughout the year, many culinary compe-
titions and events take place. These are great
occasions for you to discover – or rediscover –
local or international specialties. Good to know

Find a restaurant Remember to book your table in advance! Good

tables and nice places are often crowded at mid-
Many sites and guides offer lists of Luxembourg day or 7pm.

restaurants. There are, for instance, the tra-
ditional Michelin, Gault&Millau, Trip Advisor Children portions are available for kids, and the
guides, but also websites that are 100% “made dishes are generally generous.
in Luxembourg”. Directories – Editus, Yellow…
– are also available online to find a restaurant. You can also take portions of your meal with you
with an Ecobox to avoid any waste
There are many star restaurants in Luxembourg.
There is a wide range of leading gourmet restau- Culinary events
rants, world cuisine, pizzerias or brasseries. You
can also enjoy your meal with your children in a Restodays
beautiful terrace. .

On trouve plusieurs restaurants étoilés au Restodays is among the most anticipated culina-
Luxembourg, including a 2* Michelin restaurant, ry events of the year. For ten days, usually in
"Ma Langue Sourit" in Moutfort in the Centre october, the associated restaurateurs offer gour-
region. met menus at low prices.

The restaurant La Distillerie in Bourglinster has Expogast

been voted "Best Plant Restaurant in the World"
in 2020 and 2021.
Expogast celebrates the catering industry every
There is a wide choice of gastronomic restau- four years. Supported by Villeroy & Boch, fa-
rants, restaurants specialising in world cuisine, mous traditional Luxembourg tableware brand,
pizzerias and brasserie-style restaurants. You this event gathers approximately 8.000 exhibi-
can also go out with the kids, who are usually tors from fifty countries.

©Just Arrived

Euro-Toques' annual gala Luxembourg specialties
Luxembourg's cuisine is above all a
Each year, the Euro-Toques association orga- country-style cuisine, rather substantial and
nises a gala diner, which will give the entirety of comforting.
the returns to an association.
Culinary Specialties
Eat it festival Enjoy typical local dishes such as :
• Bouneschlupp, a soup made of large green
The Luxembourg Eat it street food festival is beans, Mettwurscht sausages
always a great success. The festival is designed • Judd mat Gaardebounen, pork neck with
for street food lovers and takes place, since beans,
2013, in the Rotondes Square in the station area. • Forell Am Rèisleck, trout presented with a
Riesling sauce,
There, you will find many food-trucks. • la bouchée à la Reine, puff pastry ser-
ved with a béchamel sauce, chicken and
• Rieslingspaschteit, a baked Riesling pâté

presented in a puff pastry,
• the famous Gromperekichelcher, fried
thinly sliced potato pancakes, very present at
the Schueberfouer or in the Advent Markets.

Scan qr code Discover all sorts of sausages: “grillwurst”,

white wood fired pork sausages, served in small
buns like hot-dogs. You will find them during fes-
tive events. You will also see other varieties of
sausages like the “mettwurst”, made of smoked
Home delivery and take-away pork. Generally, children love the “Lyoner”. For pastries, try :
• Bamkuch, Luxembourg's emblematic cake,
Since Covid, home delivery and take-away have baked on a spit and traditionally served on
become very popular in all restaurants. special occasions
• Boxenmännchen, small baked figures
Ask at your favourite restaurants. eaten mainly on Saint Nicholas' Day
• Fuesendkichelcher", sweet doughnuts spe-
cific to the Carnival period.

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Wine and Sparkling Wines spirit of the founders and works to offer tasters a real moment of pleasure.

The Mosel valley has a long viticultural tradi- Luxembourg beers

tion. It is known for its grape varieties such as
Auxerrois, Pinot blanc, Pinot gris and Riesling. Today Luxembourg still has 6 Luxembourg beer
In addition to its white wines, Luxembourg is fa- breweries, including Battin, Bofferding, Diekirch
mous for its white sparkling wines. You can find and Mousel.
more information on the website vins-cremants.

Bernard Massard
 22 Rte du Vin, 6794 Grevenmacher

(+352) 75 05 45-1
Since 1921, 5 generations have succeeded each
other to create wines of irreproachable quality Scan qr code
for consumers in more than 20 countries around
the world. As the first family producer, Bernard

Massard remains faithful to the entrepreneurial

Recipe for Bouneschlupp

Ingredients for 4 servings
• 1 large onion
• 2 or 3 potatoes
• 2 Mettwurscht
• 300g large green beans
• 1/2 l. water
• olive oil, salt, pepper

Chop the onion. Peel the beans and cut them into 2-3 cm pieces. Peel and cut the potatoes into
medium-sized cubes.

In a saucepan, sweat the onions with the olive oil. Add the beans, potatoes and the 2 Mettwurscht.
Cover with water. Add salt and pepper. Simmer for at least 30 minutes until the vegetables are
cooked through.

Cut the Mettwurscht into slices and serve hot.



Waste collection Waste sorting

In Luxembourg, waste sorting is a common Household rubbish

practice. We encourage the citizens of the
Grand Duchy to be responsible for these litt- Household waste is to be disposed of in the de-
le green actions. signated waste bin, after having sorted the va-
rious items below.
When registering in your commune, you will be
offered several bins and specific containers in Paper and cardboards
exchange for a fee.
Newspapers, catalogues, books, notebooks,
The waste will be collected periodically, for a cardboards, flyers… should be discarded inside
fee, by specialised companies. the bins and blue containers.

City of Luxembourg Service Hygiène Glass
[email protected] Bottles and glass jars should be disposed in
 Access rue du Stade, 48 Rte d'Ar- specific containers that are made available to
lon, 1140 Luxembourg (Belair) individuals at the recycling centre or at street

(+352) 4796 3640
collection points.
Door-to-door waste collection is weekly, ac-
cording to a schedule set by type of waste and Before throwing away the glass, make sure you
container. remove corks, lids, aluminium or plastic cuffs.
• grey bins and white VDL bags: mixed resi- Don’t forger to rinse the containers.
dual waste
• brown bins: bio-waste Pmc recyclable packaging
• Blue bins: paper/cardboard
• green bins: glass
• Valorlux blue bags: recyclable packaging. Blue PMC bags (Valorlux) are designed for recy-
clable packaging: plastic bottles and flasks, me-
Other communes tallic packaging such as canned goods and drink
cartons, films and plastic bags..
For other municipalities, please contact your lo-
cal authority. Please note! Do not put cans containing toxic
substances or toys in the PMC bags. These must
be disposed of at the waste disposal centres.

Your communal administration can give you free Bulky items
PMC bags..
Bulky items can be collected directly from your
Mon Sac Bleu App (“My Blue Bag”) front door by prior appointment with the muni-
cipal services;
You can recycle more easily thanks to the free
app Mon Sac Bleu. It will give you practical in- After having affixed a label given to you at the
formation, tricks and useful addresses to teach time of the appointment, you can place the bulky
you how to recycle according to Luxembourg’s items directly in front of your home. They will be
rules. collected at the agreed time..

Organic and biodegradable waste Recycling centres

The biodegradable waste that we collect beco- Communes offer recycling centres to their resi-
mes a renewable energy source. In exchange dents, so they can place their waste inside diffe-
for an annual fee, communes offer specific rent bins and specific containers.
containers for bio-waste collection.
The waste must be sorted in the various contai-
Get more information with your commune. ners and specific receptacles available.

How to reduce waste?

Install a compost bin. You have a garden or a balcony with plants? Install a compost bin.
Vegetable or fruit skins, egg shells, coffee grounds, tea bags,… can become an excellent compost
for your plants.

Choose reusable containers. Use reusable shopping bags and fabric bags for your fruits and
vegetables. You can buy them in any supermarket. You can even freely exchange your shopping
bags for life.

Buy in bulk. Supermarkets are increasingly offering bulk goods such as washing powder, dried
fruit, pasta… Buy cut portions of cheese or meat.

Use glass containers instead of plastic ones. Keep the jam or vegetable glass jars. Use
them again as food containers.

Discover sustainable products! Forget about shower gels in plastic bottles. Opt for solid
soap, shampoos or toothpaste.

Toxic waste is also collected there, so it can be Pavement clearance
properly destroyed.
In the event of frost or snow, the occupants of a
For a responsible and sustainable consumption, building or house are required to clear 1 metre
an “occasion” corner allows you to leave objects of clogged or frozen pavements in front of their
that have become useless. People who need building.
them can collect them.
You are also required to spread a material that
Recycling centre Luxembourg and will prevent frost and therefore slipping.
Coarse anti-freezing salt is easily available in su-
 Rue du stade, access 48 Rue
permarkets or petrol stations in winter.
d’Arlon à Luxembourg (Belair)

(+352) 4796 3640
j Monday to Friday 7am-7.30pm, Saturday In the event of an accident, your civil liability in-
8.30am-6pm surance may be involved. You will have to prove
that you have taken the necessary steps to clean
The City of Luxembourg's recycling centre is the pavements and avoid falls. Remember to be
also accessible to residents of the municipality well insured!
of Strassen. See the chapter on Insurance in the Settling in

For the recycling centres of the other com-
munes, please contact your local administration. Housekeeping staff

Maintenance of There are specialised companies that provide

heating facilities cleaning staff.

Heating installations should be inspected regu- If you wish to employ a person yourself, you
larly by a professional. must declare this person to the CCSS.

Inspections should be carried out every two See "Taking care of yourself" - Health chapter
years for solid and liquid fuel installations, and
every four years for gas installations. However,
it is advisable to check your system every year
to ensure its performance and maintain its

All heating installers with an inspector's certi-

ficate are entitled to carry out periodic inspec-
tions. The Chambre des Métiers has a list of au- Scan qr code
thorised service providers.

Emergencies Bank card blocking

(+352) 49 10 10
112 Emergencies

112 If your bank card is lost or stolen, contact your

112 is the European emergency number. bank immediately or call Worldline Financial
Services on (+352) 49 10 10, available 24/7.
Dial 112 in case of danger to life:
• accidents (with injuries) on the road, at Your bank card will be blocked and protected
work, at home against possible fraudulent use. Your bank will
• illness, provide you with a new card as soon as possible.
• fire,
• flooding, Information
• poisoning,
• attack with injuries... Phone directories

If no one is injured, please call 113.

Poison Control Centre Editus is a telephone directory of people and

8002-5500 companies in Luxembourg. It also allows you to

order certain products online, such as food or
In case of ingestion of toxicological products, clothing, to reserve a table in a restaurant or to
call the toll-free number: 8002-5500. The call request quotes from craftsmen.
is transferred directly to the Brussels Poison
Control Centre. Traffic info
Grand-Ducal Police

Traffic control and information on motorways
Remember to state your name, describe the with webcams.
problem and the precise address where the
event occurred.
Some theft reports can be made online at my- Download the ACL application to get all the traf-
fic information on your smartphone.

Adinistrative guide Mediation
Ombudsman is the administrative guide of the
Luxembourg State. With, carry out  36 Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes,
your administrative procedures electronically on 1728 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
the secure interactive platform using a LuxTrust
(+352) 26 27 01 01
j Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and
certificate or the Luxembourg electronic identity
from 1.30pm to 4pm
The Ombudsman acts as a mediator. He can
Consumer Protection intervene in disputes between an individual and
a State administration, a municipality or certain
Ministère de la protection des public establishments.
consommateurs Centre de médiation Asbl
The Ministry of Consumer Protection aims to
87 Rte de Thionville, 2611
create a serene environment for the consumer. Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)
It protects and informs consumers and promotes
(+352) 27 48 34 1

responsible consumption The association's mediators help people in

conflict to establish or re-establish communica-
Union luxembourgeoise des consom- tion in order to find a solution.
mateurs (ULC)
 55 Rue des Bruyères, 1274 Hesperange

(+352) 49 60 22-1
The Union luxembourgeoise des consomma-
teurs (ULC) is a non-profit association. It informs,
advises and defends consumers in the context of
consumer disputes.


General information, Coronavirus - Covid 19, Social security, Health funds,
Reimbursement of medical expenses, Useful adresses


Medical consultation, Get vaccinated, Medical and dental emergencies,
Hospitals and clinics, Pharmacies, Laboratories, Home care


Thermal baths, Well being centres, Swimming pools and relaxation
General information Useful references

Luxembourg’s health system is very effi- Medico-social league

cient. It gives equal access to health care,
no matter your status or means. It ensures  2 Rue George C. Marshall, 2181
equal access to care, regardless of status Luxembourg (Bonnevoie Nord - Verlorenkost),
and income.
(+352) 48 83 33 1
j Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and
from 2pm to 6pm
Several hospitals cover the territory and
many practitioners can be easily consulted. The “Ligue Médico-Sociale” (LMS) aims
to improve the health and well being of all Luxembourg residents.
It offers different services: psychological assis-
This portal, launched in 2009 by the Ministry of tance, smoking cessation help, diet consulta-

Health, brings together all information on the tions. All services and consultations are free of
theme of health, whether for individuals or pro- charge.
fessionals. You will find there in particular :
• prevention advice, Immigration medical service
• substantive files,
• explanatory records on diseases, examina-  26, route d'Arlon L-1140
tions, analyses, Luxembourg (Belair)
• details on the care repayment terms,
(+352) (+352) 247-84040
j Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and
• a presentation of all the health and social
from 2pm to 4pm
sector actors,
• information on the practice of health The Immigration Medical Service organises
professions, the medical control of foreigners outside the
• news, event calendars, European Union who have applied for a resident
• the sector’s legislations, permit in Luxembourg.
• different publications,
• campaigns for the prevention and the pro- People must take a medical exam and a tuber-
motion of health, led by the Ministry and the culosis detection test. Beware! In case of refusal,
Directorate of Health. the resident permit will not be issued.

An app is also available via Apple and Google See immigration formalities in the “Settling In”
stores. section

Coronavirus - Covid 19 Covid tests
In Luxembourg, the tests currently used to detect
At the time of printing this guide, Covid19 is still possible infection with the virus are
active in the world and in Luxembourg. In this • Antigenic test (rapid test and self-test), in
context, the safety instructions and measures case of suspected Covid infection. A positive
issued by the Luxembourg Government remain test should be confirmed by a PCR test and re-
valid in order to preserve the health of residents ported to the Contact Tracing team. The tests
and visitors to the Grand Duchy. can be purchased in pharmacies.
• PCR test, to be performed in case of symp-
After the cancellation of many events in 2020 toms of COVID-19 infection or contact with a
and 2021, all events have resumed. However, COVID-19 positive person. The PCR test is per-
the use of certain places can be still regulated. formed in qualified laboratories or hospitals.
• Serological test (antibody detection). If you
Wearing a mask is still compulsory or strongly are considered vulnerable, or if you are taking
recommended in hospitals, medical or dental immuno-depressants, it may be worthwhile to
practices, pharmacies, etc. be tested in order to strengthen the immune
system. The tests are to be carried out at
In order to contain this pandemic as quickly as health laboratories. They will be reimbursed
possible, it is everyone's responsibility to res- on prescription.

pect the barrier measures and other protective

measures that have been put in place.

Protective measures against the spread of Covid19

• wash your hands regularly and properly with soap. Use the hydro-alcoholic gel available in the
public spaces.
• cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or use disposable paper tissue. These tissues
must be discarded in a garbage container with lid.
• avoid close contact with people; at least 2 meters of social distancing should be maintained.
Avoid shaking hands or kissing.
• restrict people-to-people contact and unnecessary travels.
• avoid touching your face with your hands. Put or remove your mask after washing hands.
• wear your mask when going out and in enclosed spaces. Throw it into a covered trashcan.
• follow the hygiene policies put into practice in each building and institution.

#Covid19 #NeverWithoutMyMask #Solidarity

Social security European health insurance card
Affiliation and contribution
To obtain a European Health Insurance card,
Common Centre of Social Security please go to
(CCSS) Issued for a certain period (expiry date indicated
 125 Rte d'Esch, 1471 on the back of the card), it can only be renewed
Luxembourg (Gasperich) upon the holder’s request.

(+352) 40 14 11
j Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm
Health funds
To be able to benefit from health insurance,
it is necessary to make a prior declaration National health fund (CNS)
with the “Centre commun de la sécurité so-
ciale” (CCSS).  125 Rte d'Esch, 1471
Luxembourg (Gasperich)
Employers generally make this declaration wit-
(+352) 27 57-1
j Monday to Friday 7.30am-4pm
hin eight days from the moment the employee
takes office. The CCSS is then responsible for “Caisse nationale de santé”(CNS) or
the person’s affiliation with the competent health D’Gesondheetskeess covers insured people


fund. from the private sector.

The spouse or partner (if he or she is not insured) Some procedures can be made online on
and the children are automatically insured. They, with the aid of a LuxTrust product
become “co-insured”. To this end, supporting or an electronic identity card.
documentation must be sent to the CCSS, e.g.
marriage contract or the family book. Illness fund for civil servants and
public employees (cmfep)
Once declared, the insured receives a Social
Security card with a personal registration nu-
 32 Av. Marie-Thérèse, 2132
mber. This number allows the identification of Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
each individual in the eyes of health and any
(+352) 45 16 81
other public administrations.. j Monday to Friday, 8.30-11.30am and
For any other situation (student, intern, unem-
ployed, refugee…), please refer to the “Health/ The Caisse de maladie des fonctionnaires et em-
Social” section of the website ployés publics (CMFEP) is dedicated to workers
in the public sector or similar.
ATTENTION, if you hire staff (cleaning staff, nan-
nies, etc.) you must declare them to the CCSS. Cross-border workers

Cross border workers must choose a fund from

their residential country. The registration should
be done via the international application form







With more than 280.000 members, CMCM is the N°1 health mutual in Luxembourg, a complementary to the social security (CNS).
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cmcm_luxembourg @cmcm_lu cmcm_lu cmcm_lu CMCM Luxembourg CMCM-App
provided by the CNS. The affiliation of co-in- • Invoices accompanied by proof of payment
sured people (family members) is determined (practitioner's or pharmacy stamp). In the case
by the residential country’s legislation. of payment by internet bank transfer, do not
forget to attach your debit notice. A copy of the
transfer is not sufficient.
• If this is your first claim, you must also pro-
vide the IBAN number of your bank account.

Address CNS refunds :

Caisse nationale de santé (CNS)
Scan qr code Service remboursements
L-2980 Luxembourg

Reimbursement of If your CNS reimbursement request mail is sent

medical expenses from Luxembourg, you don’t need to frank it.

Depending on the nature of services, the third-party payer system

health insurance covers the doctors’ fees
and the medical expenses in their totality or From 2023 onwards, generalized third-party
partially. payment is to be introduced, so that each in-


sured person will no longer have to pay medical
To have your medical expenses reimbursed, you expenses in advance. Each beneficiary of the
must make a prior declaration with the Common CNS will have to validate its use or not.
Centre of Social Security (CCSS).
In case of medical care abroad
See the previous paragraph on health funds.
If you are going abroad, it is recommended that
For the cost of prescription drugs, you must pre- you contact your health insurance fund before
sent your health insurance card to the pharma- your stay to find out how you will be reimbursed
cist. You will only be charged for the part not for treatment on the spot.
covered by the health insurance fund. You are
responsible for the purchase of para-pharma- If you require emergency care abroad, remem-
ceutical products or non-prescription drugs. ber to ask for detailed and receipted written
invoices, and if possible, in one of the common
Once you have paid the provider for the treat- languages (French, German, English).
ment, you must send the originals of the fee
memoranda or medical expenses to the health Make sure that the consulted doctor or the sup-
insurance fund you depend on (CNS or CMFEP) plier is approved and accredited.
for reimbursement.
Also consider LAR (Luxembourg Air Rescue), if
All correspondence must contain : you regularly travel abroad for leisure or work.
• the patient's surname, first name, address
and registration number


from free worldwide repatriation

air rescue in Luxembourg
and the Greater Region

save lives, maybe even yours one day

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Luxembourg Air Rescue (LAR) in an ever-changing world, it is important to be able to rely on these values.
[email protected]

(+352) 48 90 06 Other references
Luxemburg Air Rescue provides worldwide air
medical assistance and repatriation service so
that you are safe anywhere in the world.

In 2020, the De Gaulle-Adenauer 2020 Award

was presented to Luxembourg Air Rescue (LAR)
in recognition of their outstanding cross-border
performance in the context of the COVID-19
Scan qr code
Complementary health insurances

A complementary health or mutual insurance Useful adresses

can be taken out in addition to the health insu-
rance company. This will reimburse some of the Senior information


medical expenses not covered by the health in-
surance company. Lux seniors - Senioren telefon
Compare the services and reimbursements of-
(+352) 247-86 000
fered by several insurance companies. These j Monday to Friday 8.30am-11.30am
complementary insurances remain quite Website and phone information provided by the
expensive. Luxembourg government for the Grand Duchy
Some employers offer to their employees some
extended health benefits. Find out more about Seniors service City of Luxembourg
it. / service seniors

(+352) 47 96 27 57
Useful references  9 Bd Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, 2450 Luxembourg
Mutual Medico-Complementary Fund A special number for the seniors of the City of
(CMCM) Luxembourg is available 24 hours.
 [email protected] It allows seniors to contact:

(+352) 49 94 45-1 • the City of Luxembourg’s seniors services

(remote alarm, information, reception),
CMCM main concern is to support and help af- • the Social Office (meals on wheels),
filiates with their medical and health problems. • the Asbl Help-Doheem versuergt (assistan-
Their ambition is to maintain special relationships ce and care at home),
with all affiliates and their families. For CMCM,

• the Hëllef Doheem foundation (assistance Psy-jeunes
and care at home).
[email protected]
Luxembourg mental health league  17 Rue Glesener, 1631 Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 27 55 63 00
 11 Rue du Fort Bourbon, The “Psy-Jeunes” team offers psychological
1249 Luxembourg (Gare) and psychotherapeutic consultations to young

(+352) 49 30 29 people aged 12 to 21.
The Luxembourg Mental Health League
(d’Ligue) offers attention, support and guidance Initiativ Liewensufank
to all people suffering from mental health issues.
 20 Rue de Contern, 5955 Hesperange
It gives free consultations, therapeutic housing
(+352) 36 05 98 (baby hotline)
and daytime services. It also provides informa- (+352) 36 05 97 (reception)
tion, prevention and training services “Initiativ Liewensufank” (literally, “start-in-life
initiative”) is a non-profit association founded
in 1986. Its aim is to inform and advise (future)
parents by offering courses and consultations on

Expat portrait : Vlatka, croatian

How long have you lived in Luxembourg? Why did you come in the first place?
I've been in Luxembourg for 15 years. I came here because of numerous job opportunities in the
financial sector.

What surprised you the most when you arrived?

I met many people but only very few of them were Luxembourgish. This changed after moving out
from the city center few years later.

How would you describe Luxembourg in 3 adjectives?

Safe, clean, international.

What is your favourite area in Luxembourg? Why ?

Hiking in the area of Beaufort castle, the nature there is very special.

What would you miss most if you had to leave Luxembourg?

Friends and the open-minded international environment.

What advice would you give to a newcomer to Luxembourg?

Profit from Luxembourgish public primary schools, your kids will learn all three official languages
very quickly and integrate in the local community.

questions related to pregnancy, labour, childbir- Association for the occupational
th or breastfeeding. health of the finance sector
Audio phonological service  15-17 Av. Gaston Diderich,
1420 Luxembourg (Belair)
 20 Rue de Bitbourg, 1273
(+352) 22 80 90 1
Luxembourg (Hamm)

(+352) 24 77 55 00 The association for the occupational health of

the finance sector aims to promote health and
The audio phonological service is responsible well being in the workplace within the finance
for information, detection and care of hearing, sector.
speech, language and phonation problems. All
these different services are free of charge. Luxembourg Alzheimer association
Orthoptics service  45 Rue Nicolas Hein, 1721
Luxembourg (Dommeldange)
 20 Rue de Bitbourg, 1273 Luxembourg
(+352) 26 00 71
(Hamm) Helpline 24/24 : (+352) 26 432 432
3 Av. du Swing, 4367 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 24 77 56 78 The Luxembourg Alzheimer Association (ALA)

takes care of people suffering from Alzheimer
The mission of the orthoptics service is to detect disease. It offers group therapy (“Familljekrees”)


and take care of visual impairments. Its services to close relatives and family members.
are free of charge.
A helpline service is also available 24 hours.
Early rehabilitation service
 59 Rue des Romains, 8041 Strassen
9 Rue Victor Hugo, 4140 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 25 10 30 / 54 66 77 1
The early rehabilitation service is intended for
parents who are worried about the behaviour
and development of their children aged 0 to 4

Info-handicap Scan qr code
 65 Av. de la Gare, 1611 Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 36 64 66
The Info-Handicap service is the information
centre on disabilities in Luxembourg

Medical consultation Centre of Social Security) and with your health
fund upon your arrival in Luxembourg.
The medical sector is very well developed in
Luxembourg, both in terms of general prac- See chapter Health information
titioners or specialists. It is relatively simple
to get an appointment. The deadlines vary Online medical consultations
according to the medical specialty sought

It is not necessary to have a prescription from a In the particular context of Covid, the National
general practitioner to get an appointment with a Health Fund (“Caisse Nationale de Santé”) has
specialised doctor. However, some specialists' inaugurated a new service for online medical
fees will only be covered on medical prescrip- consultations: e-Consult. Some doctors offer
tion. This is the case for physiotherapists, psy- video-consultations.
chologists, etc.
You just have to find your doctor, book an ap-

Find a doctor pointment time online and attend the video consultation.

To find a doctor easily, you can check the official

registry of the practicing doctors in Luxembourg

To easily find a doctor, you can check the official

registry of the practicing doctors in Luxembourg
on, which allows you to find a doctor Scan qr code
according to the localisation, expertise and the
practiced language(s).
Get vaccinated
It is available to make an appointment directly
online or over the phone.
Doctors are competent to vaccinate you,
Beware, in the event of an appointment cancel- whatever the vaccine.
lation within less than 24 hours, or if you miss
your appointment, some practitioners will still You will find the Luxembourg vaccination sche-
charge the consultation. me on the health website.

To have your medical expenses refunded, you

will have to register with the CCSS (Common

Covid vaccin Medical and dental emergencies

Anyone with a Luxembourg registration number Doctors and dentists only consult during the
who is 18 years of age or older (from the age of week. The medical centres provide on-call
12 for messenger RNA vaccines) can be vacci- services outside consultation hours.
nated against COVID-19 free of charge.
For accidents affecting the dentition, treatment is
The presentation of the identity card and the possible at the hospital on duty.
CNS card is compulsory to be vaccinated.
For dental emergencies outside the opening
Vaccinations can be given with or without prior hours of your dental practice, call 112, which, if
appointment at the following locations: necessary, can direct you to the dental surgery
on duty.
Vaccination centre Hall Victor Hugo
 62 Av. Victor Hugo, L-1750 ATTENTION, emergencies are not always lo-
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg) cated in the same hospital. Emergencies operate
j Tuesday to Friday from 7am to 7pm on an on-call basis. Call 112 to find out where
Saturday from 7am to 1pm you should go to the emergency room.


"Impfus on tour" In the event of a life-threatening emergency, the
SAMU will intervene directly after a call to 112.
A bus dedicated to the vaccination against
Covid19 circulates in the cities and villages of Medical homes
Luxembourg. You can find the calendar on the
Medical homes (“maisons médicales”) ensure
a replacement service for general practitioners
during night-time care, on weekends and bank
Vaccination by appointment is also possible in holidays, when doctors offices are closed.
doctors' practices and pharmacies. List on the
Beware! Medical homes are not emergency

Three medical houses are available:

 23 Val Fleuri, 1526
Luxembourg (Rollingergrund)
j Monday to Friday from 8pm to midnight
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 8am
to midnight - without appointment
Scan qr code
 3-5, avenue du Swing, L-4367
Belvaux (Esch-Belval)
j Monday to Friday 8pm-midnight
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 8am to
midnight - no appointment necessary

 110, avenue Lucien Salentiny,
L-9080 Ettelbruck Hospitals and clinics
j Monday to Friday 8pm-midnight
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 8am You can go to the hospital for medical exa-
to midnight - Prior appointment required minations, a simple consultation, planned
from 7pm on weekday evenings and 7am on
hospitalisation or an emergency.
weekends and public holidays.

+352) 20 333 111 The admission of any minor requires the autho-
Respect the set times. Reservations can be risation of the person having parental authority.
made from 7 p.m. on weekday evenings and
from 7 a.m. on weekends and public holidays. To be admitted, you will have to present:
• your identity card,
112 - Medical emergency number • health insurance proof (social security

112 card) and eventual complementary coverage.
You will have to pay a daily flat-rate charge,
112 is the number to call for medical emergen- which cannot be refunded by the CNS.
cies: ambulances, fire brigades, hospitals, doc-
tors, pharmacies or civil protection in case of The invoice will be sent, subsequently, to your
danger to life. home, for the settlement of the costs. In the
event of outpatient care, you will have to pay
112 is available every day, at any time for all the doctor directly. Then, the insured will have

life-threatening emergencies. to send his reimbursement request to the health

fund by attaching the payment proof.
When the medical centres are closed, from mid-
night onwards and in case of a medical emer- See the "reimbursement of medical fees” chap-
gency, you should always dial 112 directly. ter in this section.

Your call will be forwarded to the doctor on duty If you are not affiliated to any health insurance,
who will give you instructions. you will be asked to pay a deposit.

In the event of hospitalisation, the living ex-

penses are generally paid by the CNS (third-par-
ty payer), except for the daily share of people
over the age of 18. Beware; the health insurance
does not take care of 1st class supplements. The
insured will have to subscribe in advance to a
Scan qr code complementary health insurance (remember
there is a waiting period).

Luxembourg hospital centre (CHL) Bohler clinic
CHL municipal hospital centre  5 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg (Neudorf-Weimershof)
 4 Rue Nicolas Ernest Barblé, 1210
(+352) 26 33 31
Luxembourg (Rollingergrund) Maternity and mother-child medical centre

(+352) 44 11 11
Emergencies and multidisciplinary health- ZithaKlinik
care centre.
 20-30 Rue d'Anvers, 1130
CHL KannerKlinik– paediatric clinic Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 28 88-1
 4 Rue Nicolas Ernest Barblé, 1210 Multidisciplinary healthcare centre.
Luxembourg (Rollingergrund)

(+352) 44 11 31 33
Clinique Sainte-Marie
Emergencies and multidisciplinary health-
care centre for children  7-11 Rue Wurth-Paquet,
4350 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 57 12 31
CHL Grand-Duchess Charlotte
maternity Geriatrics.

 2 Rue Pierre Federspiel, 1512 Other hospital centres
Luxembourg (Rollingergrund)

(+352) 44 11 11
Northern hospital centre
Maternity and mother-child medical centre
 10 Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 9515
CHL Eich Wiltz)
120 Av. Lucien Salentiny, 9080 Ettelbruck
(+352) 81 66-9 / 81 66-1
 78 Rue d'Eich, 1460 Luxembourg (Eich)

(+352) 44 11 12 Emergencies and multidisciplinary hospital

Multidisciplinary healthcare centre, Sports centre, paediatric hospital
Neuropsychiatric hospital centre
Robert Schuman Hospitals
Foundation  17 Av. des Alliés, 9012 Ettelbruck

(+352) 26 821
Kirchberg Hospital Psychiatric rehabilitation for anxiety and depressive disorders.
 9 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540
Luxembourg (Neudorf-Weimershof)

(+352) 24 68-1
Emergencies and multidisciplinary medical

Émile Mayrisch hospital centre, Pharmacies
Südspidol Pharmacies are open from Monday to
 Rue Emile Mayrisch 4240 Esch-sur-Alzette Friday, except for weekends and public holi-
 Rue de l'Hôpital à Dudelange days, and not for on-call pharmacies.
 187, avenue de la Libert à Niederkorn
Emergencies and multidisciplinary hospital Pharmacies are usually indicated by signs on the
centre, paediatric hospital road.

Rehazenter Luxembourg pharmacists union
 1 Rue André Vésale, 2674
Luxembourg (Neudrof-Weimershof) is the official site of Luxembourg’s

(+352) 26 98 - 1
pharmacists union. On this website, you will find
Functional rehabilitation and re-adaptation the list of registered pharmacists, the opening
of injured people hours and information on on-duties services.

National health laboratory
 1, r. Louis Rech 3583 Dudelange

(+352) 28 10 01
j Reception: 7.30am-5pm
Blood tests: Monday to Friday 7.30am-9am
Scan qr code The LNS is a public institution. In addition to
its public health mission, it also carries out all
blood tests and analyses on behalf of private

For blood tests, you can also turn to private


Bionext - Medical analysis

 2-4 Rue du Chateau d'Eau,
3364 Leudelange

(+352) 273 21
j Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 6pm;
Saturday from 6.30am to 12pm

BIONEXT is a 100% Luxembourg laboratory that

allows you to take a blood sample or a COVID-19
test on the whole Grand-Ducal territory:

Blood test and COVID-19 test
Anytime, anywhere

Without appointment With appointment

In a blood test centre At the address of your choice

Punctual service Free of charge

2-4 rue du Château d’Eau

L-3364 Leudelange
Download the myLAB
(+352) 27 321
application to view your results
[email protected]
and much more
• without an appointment at blood centres Home care
(List of centres on
• by appointment at home, at your work Nurses
place or at any address in Luxembourg

(+352) 48 11 40
Appointments can be made on
rdv. In Luxembourg, the nursing profession is regu-
lated. Find all the independent nurses practising
The analysis results can then be consulted in real in Luxembourg on
time using the myLAB® service accessible from
the BIONEXT laboratory website or by using the Home assistance and care
myLAB® smartphone application.

Scan qr code

Well-being spaces are quite numerous
in Luxembourg, especially in the aquatic Badanstalt aquatic relaxation
centres. centre
It is often the norm to be naked in these  12 Rue des Bains, 1212
spaces. You can find out about exclusive Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
time slots for men and women.
(+352) 47 96 25 50
j Tuesday to Friday from 8am to 9.30pm,
Saturday from 8am to 8pm and Sunday from
baths 8am to 12pm.

Mondorf domaine thermal At the heart of the city centre, you can enjoy the pool and relaxation centre with its two sau-
 Av. des Bains, 5610 Mondorf-les-Bains na rooms, its Turkish bath, solarium and fitness

(+352) 23 66 66 66 space.
j Monday to Sunday from 8am to 10pm


Located in the South of the country, near the d’Coque sport and relaxation
French border, the Mondorf Domaine Thermal centre
is an ideal place to discover the benefits of ther-
mal water and enjoy some à-la-carte spa deals.  22 Rue Léon Hengen, 1745
Therapeutic care and well being. Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 43 60 60 1
Well being centres Located on the Kirchberg plateau, the relaxa-
tion space de la Coque has three different sau-
Les Thermes nas, a massage space, thematic showers and sunrooms… Outside, you will find two saunas,
 Rue des Thermes, 8018 Strassen showers, a relaxation space, hot and cold baths,

(+352) 27 03 00 27 and even a lawn. Adults must accompany child-

j Thursday to Monday, flexible hours ren and teenagers under the age of 16.
The well-being centre Les Thermes offers an in-
fra-red cabin, a steam room, a sauna, a bio sau- Swimming pools and
na, an ice fountain and even a winter garden and relaxation centres
solarium. It is available to all families. An adult
must accompany children under the age of 10. Public swimming pools also offer well-being
spaces with sauna or steam room types of
The well-being space is reserved for women services.
only every Tuesdays from 8am-2pm
See the "Sports" section.



Maternity leave, Parental leave, Family subsidies, Schooling
allowances, Higher education scholarships


Free childcare, Childcare from 0 to 12 years old, Public structures,
Private structures, Home-based childcare

General information, Support for foreign children, Useful adresses


Fundamental system, Secondary school


Activities provided by communes, Holiday camps, Sports and artistic
activities, Language programmes, Student jobs, Scouting

Maternity leave • the employment contract(s) total a mini-
mum of 10 hours of work per week.
In order to benefit from maternity leave, the
mother must have paid contributions to the Parental leave can be taken in one go or be
Luxembourg social security system for at least flexible.
6 months during the last 12 months.
Parental leave is accompanied by an allowance
Except in specific cases, maternity leave is divi- paid by the Childcare Fund, replacing the profes-
ded up as follows: : sional income which is suspended.
• Prenatal leave 8 weeks before the expected
date of delivery
• Postnatal leave 12 weeks after the date of


Maternity leave entitles the employee to
• the usual annual leave. They will be carried
over at the end of the maternity leave
• the employee's seniority is recognised Scan qr code
• remuneration in the same amount as the
gross salary for the previous months, subject
to a ceiling of 5 times the minimum wage. Family subsidies

Back to work and breastfeeding Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants -

children's fund
A breastfeeding woman is entitled to a breast-
feeding break of 2 x 45 minutes per working day,  6, boulevard Royal, L-2249
as soon as she returns to work after maternity Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
(+352) 47 71 53 1
j Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.30pm
Parental leave The CAE manages and pays all family benefits,
parental leave and the childcare voucher.
After the birth or adoption of a child, both pa-
rents can take parental leave for the same child, Birth allowance
under certain conditions :
• they have been affiliated to the Luxembourg The birth grant is paid in three instalments un-
social security system for 12 continuous mon- der certain conditions. The mother must live in
ths before the start of parental leave Luxembourg and/or be affiliated to the Social
• they have an employment contract for the Security system. The mother and child must
duration of the parental leave also undergo a number of compulsory medical

examinations. Schooling allowances
The allowance is not automatic. It must be ap-
plied for from the Children's Fund. Back-to-school allowance

Allowance for the future of The back-to-school allowance helps to reduce

children families' expenses during the back-to-school
Family allowances help parents to raise and
educate their children. In principle, they are paid The back-to-school allowance is paid to all child-
until the child is 18 years old, or even until the ren from the age of six or when they start prima-
child completes higher education (maximum age ry school until the end of their secondary educa-
25). tion or equivalent.

This aid is paid differently depending on your fa- The back-to-school allowance is paid automati-
mily and professional situation, the composition cally to families.
of your family, your residence, etc.
Low-income household grant
The application for the allowance must be sub-

mitted to the Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants. This subsidy is intended for low-income fa-
milies with one or more children enrolled in a
Special supplementary allowance Luxembourg secondary school.
ASS for children with disabilities
The subsidy is allocated to the household on the
The special supplementary allowance com- basis of a social index, which varies according
pensates for the additional burden caused by to the composition of the household and its net
a child's disability of at least 50% of his or her monthly income.
physical or mental abilities compared to a child
of the same age. The application for the subsidy must be made
each year, before 15 October at the latest, to
This monthly allowance completes the family the SePAS (Service Psycho-social et d'accom-
allowance. pagnement scolaire) of the secondary school of
each pupil concerned,
This aid is paid until the child is 18 years old, but
can be extended until the age of 25 if the condi- Chèque Service Accueil – participa-
tions are met. tion in extra-curricular costs

All applications for ASS must be submitted to the Childcare service voucher is an in-kind support
Caisse pour l'avenir des enfants (CAE). given by the state of Luxembourg in the context
of your children’s extra-curricular care. This
aid is aimed at families requiring childcare for
children aged 0 to 12 in nurseries or day-care
centres. The CSA can be prolonged beyond 12
years old if the child is still attending the basic

education system. Higher education
The aid amount is calculated according to the
household’s income. To benefit from it, the pa-
rents residing in Luxembourg must apply for an Students can benefit from financial aid from the
adherence card – called “myCard fir Kanner” – State to pursue higher education in Luxembourg
in the name of each one of their children, with or elsewhere. Eligibility criteria according to
their residence’s communal administration. the status of resident or cross-border commu-
This card is free of charge and must be renewed
every year in order to continue benefitting from Applications must be made every semester:
these aids. between August 1st and November 30th for the
winter semester and between January 1st and
For non-residents (cross border workers) the April 30th for the summer semester.
application must be done with the Children’s
Future Fund (“Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants”)
- CAE via a form to be downloaded.

CSA can also be used in the context of extra-cur-


ricular activities.

Childcare tariff reform 2022 Scan qr code

As of the beginning of the school year 2022,

childcare in public childcare centres, day-
care centres and maternal assistants is free of
charge during the school year for children of the

For private childcare facilities, parents pay the

difference between the rate applied by the child-
care facility and the 6 euros paid by the state.

Meals taken in the school meals service are free

of charge.

Scan qr code

©Bogdan Korneker

Free childcare and the principles of non-formal education in
From the beginning of the school year 2022-
2023, childcare in non-formal education fa- The CSA approved nurseries offer multilingual
cilities is free of charge during the school education in Luxembourgish, French and an em-
week, Monday to Friday, from 7.00 a.m. to phasis on mother tongues to children aged 1 to
7.00 p.m. 4 years.

All school pupils are eligible for free childcare, Public structures
regardless of the type of education and care fa-
cility attended.
Municipal crèches and Maisons
Outside this time slot, the childcare service vou- Relais
cher (CSA) scale is applied to calculate the finan-


cial contribution of parents and the State. Generally, municipalities have a municipal nur-
sery and childcare services. Priority is given to
Find out more in the childcare facilities you visit.. children from the commune, with 2 employed
parents. Prices vary according to the parents’
Childcare from 0 revenues.
to 12 years old
The “maisons-relais” work on behalf of muni-
There are several types of non-formal education cipalities and offer a childcare system, even a
structures, both public and private. To be able to canteen, for children attending basic education
welcome children, the structures must be appro- in Luxembourg. This service is offered during
ved by the Ministry of Education. school days and holidays.

The approved structures can be non-profit as- The language of instruction in nurseries and
sociations, structures managed by municipalities “maisons-relais” is Luxembourgish. An excellent
or companies under private law. way for children to learn the language and facili-
tate their integration.
You are free to choose the structure in which
you enrol your child, depending on the number City of Luxembourg
of places available.
[email protected]
However, you should make sure that the facility  Services des crèches de la Ville de
you choose has the approval of the Ministry of Luxembourg
34, route d'Arlon L-1140
Education. This approval is granted on the ba- Luxembourg (Belair)
sis of strict rules on the facilities available to the
(+352) 4796-2485
children, guaranteeing the safety of the children

Children from 3 months to 12 years old
Open all year round from 7am to 7pm
Healthy and local menus prepared by our chef
Activities and educational outings





Montessori Pedagogy
Bilingual Home
Discovery activities
Flexible Packages [email protected] 28 80 08
Municipal nurseries of the City of Luxembourg Other references
are reserved for families living in the capital and
employed parents. Socially disadvantaged fami-
lies or single parents have the priority. Parental assistants
Admissions cannot be made without the child-
care voucher card, Chèque- Service-accueil. For Parental assistance takes care of your children
more information, contact the nursery service. aged 0 to 12 at home. The advantage of this
type of care arrangement is its flexibility, both
Outside Luxembourg-Ville, please refer to your day and night, according to the parents’ needs.
residential commune
The parental assistant must have the consent of
Private structures the Ministry of National Education, Childhood
and Youth. The list of parental assistants posses-
Private crèches and day care centres sing this consent can be found on

They conform to the same strict hygiene and Dageselteren agency

security rules as government-regulated nurse-
 11, rue du Fort Bourbon,
ries. They must be approved by the Ministry
L-1249 Luxembourg (Gare)


of Education to open their doors and care for
(+352) 226 20 27 94 1
The Dageselteren agency proposes trainings
Many private nurseries exist throughout the designed for parental assistants and individuals
country. Some distinguish themselves through wishing to become one. The agency is also a re-
their specific education system (international or ception and information space for parents..
multilingual nurseries, Montessori pedagogy,
musical awakening…). Home-based childcare

Rockids, creches and day care centres Au pair
 [email protected] [email protected]

(+352)28 80 08  Service national de la jeunesse (SNJ)

Accredited day nurseries and day care centres, 33 Rives de Clausen, 2165 Luxembourg

(+352) 24 78 64 65
CSA Chèques-Service Accueil providers.
j Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and
Childcare for children from 3 months old, eve- from 2pm to 5pm
ry day from Monday to Friday, except public
holidays. Hosting as an au pair is a temporary stay offe-
red to a foreigner between 18 and 30 years old.
More than 15 years of expertise in childcare in The au pair is fed and accommodated in a host
Luxembourg. Positive education and Montessori family and, in exchange, he or she agrees to take
pedagogy. Many nurseries in Luxembourg, care of the children and support the family with
Strassen, Mamer, Leudelange, Dudelange, ... small daily tasks. The aim for the au pair is to im-
prove his or her linguistic skills. In Luxembourg,
this practice is very regulated. You can find more

information on the rules and allowances online. The prices are established according to the fa-
mily’s situation and income
In Luxembourg, this practice is highly regulated.
Find out more beforehand. Krank Kanner Doheem service
Baby-sitters and nannies  95 Rue de Bonnevoie, 1260
Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)
In Luxembourg, several websites offer the possi-
(+352) 48 07 79
j Closed on weekends and public holiday
bility for parents to contact baby-sitters and nan-
nies. Communes also have lists of baby-sitters Is your child ill? Krank Kanner Doheem is a
and nannies, and these are updated regularly. home service that helps you out during working
hours, from 7am to 7pm, for 9 hurs max.
Beware! Nannies must be declared with
the Common Centre of Social Security Single parents have the priority. To gain time
(CCSS). when applying for these services, make sure
your fill a registration form!
AFP-Family Solidarity
 39 Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte,

1331 Luxembourg (Belair)

(+352) 46 00 04 1
j Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
The AFP-Services offer trainings for young
people over the age of 15 who wish to become
baby-sitters. Once the training is over, they are
put in contact with families.. Scan qr code

Arcus Asbl
[email protected]
 2 Pl. de Strasbourg, 2562
Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 49 53 46-1
j Monday to Friday 8.30am-12pm and

The Arcus asbl department “Enfants-Jeunes-

Familles” (children-youth-families) offers tem-
porary assistance at home. Whether you just
gave birth or fell ill, the Arcus team can take
care of the children, do the grocery shopping,
and help with household chores. It is available
daily, from 6am-10pm.

©Marc Schneider
Department for the education of fo-
General information reign children (SECAM)
In Luxembourg, school is compulsory from  29, rue Aldringen L-1118
the age of 4 until 16. A child can enter early Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
education from the age of three.
(+352) 247-76570
The department for the education of foreign
In the Luxembourg system, education is based children is responsible for organising the edu-
on the three official languages of the country: cation of children who have recently arrived in
Luxembourgish, German and French. the country.

The school year in Luxembourg public schools It welcomes and informs pupils and their parents
starts in mid-September and ends in mid-July. about the different types of schooling available
in primary and post-primary education (recep-

for foreign children tion classes, classes with specific language ar-
rangements, etc.).
Language support courses
School reception unit for newcomer
Foreign children who have recently arrived in pupils (CASNA)
the Luxembourg school system and/or who do
not have a good command of languages can  29 rue Aldringen L-1118
benefit from language support classes. Please Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
contact your child's school for more information.
(+352) 247-85207
j Only by appointment
Special education for students aged The registration and orientation of a young per-
12 to 17 son newly arrived in Luxembourg between the
ages of 12 and 24 can be carried out by CASNA,
Specialised reception and integration classes in order to find the class and level that corres-
have been set up to provide a supportive lear- pond to the student's skills.
ning environment for young newcomers in

Scan qr code

Useful adresses website.

Ministry of national education, child- Intercultural mediators

hood and youth  [email protected]
(+352) 24 78 59 09
 33 Rives de Clausen, 2165
Luxembourg (Clausen) You require a translator? Multilingual intercultu-

(+352) 24 78 51 00 ral mediators are available to facilitate the com-

j Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 am
munication between foreign families and educa-
and from 2 to 5 pm
tors. This service is free of charge.
All information on Luxembourg’s education
system. Anelo
Mengschoul Anelo informs you about the different pro-
fessions and professional training courses in
Created by the Ministry of National Education, Luxembourg and abroad.
the Mengschoul platform provides updates on the
academic offer from secondary school onwards. School psycho-social and support


Public or private schools, Luxembourgish or in- centre (CePAS)
ternationals, options,… it offers all the necessa-
ry information to help you orient your children [email protected]
when finishing primary education.  38 Rue Philippe II, 2340
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 24 77 59 10
City of Luxembourg education service Consultations to guide young people in their edu-
[email protected] cational and professional choices.
 20 Rue du Commerce,
1351 Luxembourg (Gare) House of Orientation

(+352) 47 96 29 55
 29 rue Aldringen L-1118
Differentiated education service Luxembourg (Ville Haute)

(+352) 247-85207
j 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm by
 29 Rue Aldringen, 1118
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) appointment

(+352) 24 78 52 91 The Maison de l'Orientation is a service of the

j Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 am
Ministry of National Education, Children and
and from 2 to 5 pm.
Youth (MENJE). Several services are dedicated
Students with disabilities or specific educational to answering all questions about studies, the
needs can be taken care of by the Differentiated professional world, and the assistance and sup-
Education service. port available to young people.

The list of the regional centres and specia-

lised institutions are available on the service’s

School support

Scan qr code

Expat portrait : Ahn, Chinese

How long have you lived in Luxembourg? Why did you come in the first place?
I have been in Luxembourg for more than 10 years. I received a job offer that I liked.

What surprised you the most when you arrived?

I was surprised by the number of cross-border commuters. Many people work here, but do not
live here. Their private life is outside the professional community.

How would you describe Luxembourg in 3 adjectives?

Dynamic, balanced and practical.

What is your favourite area in Luxembourg? Why ?

The Grund. I love walking along the river, it reminds me of my home town.

What would you miss most if you had to leave Luxembourg?

The international aspect, with the many communities and the different languages spoken on a
daily basis. I also think the country is beautiful.

What advice would you give to a newcomer to Luxembourg?

To go out as much as possible and to participate in events.



3 years Early education (optional) 1 year


4 years Fundamental education Preschool education 2 years


6 y.old Primary school 6 years

12 y. Classic secondary school 7 years


12 General secondary school 6/8

y.old years

Registration in the public school is done au- Parents may also choose to send their child to a
tomatically by the local authority, according public school of their choice, either international
to the place of residence of the parents. or Luxembourgish.

If you have registered with your local authority Fundamental system

after 1 of March, or if you do not receive a letter
by 15 of April before your child's theoretical start Primary school education consists of 4 basic
of the school year, contact the education depart- cycles of school learning. From the age of 4,
ment of your local authority directly. children are obliged to attend school until
they are 12 years old. They then go on to
If they wish, parents can enroll their child in a secondary education.
school other than the one in the commune. In
this case, they must provide a certificate of Luxembourgish is the lingua franca of all child-
schooling to the local authority where they live ren who have attended the Luxembourg public
as proof of the child's schooling. school system. At primary school, children learn
French and German from the earliest grades.
Public education is free.

Cycle 1 Early Education and Pre- Secondary school or lycée
school “Spillschoul”
At the age of 12, pupils in the Luxembourg public
Cycle 1 is designed for children aged 3 to 5. system go to secondary school.
Schooling in "Précoce" is optional from the age
of 3 to 4, and then compulsory from the age of Public secondary education offers several types
4, for the 2 pre-school years "Spillschoul", until of education lasting 6 or 7 years: classical, inter-
the age of 5. national, British, European or general education.

During their Spillschoul years, children learn Classical education ESC

Secondary education at the classical lycée lasts
Cycles 2, 3 and 4 7 years. This orientation is designed for pupils
with a good knowledge of mathematics, French
From the age of 6, children join cycle 2 for a pe- and German.
riod of 2 years. Cycles 2.1 and 2.2 correspond to
the beginning of fundamental school. It includes These studies are rewarded by a diploma of clas-
children from 6 to 7 years old. In cycle 2.1, child- sical secondary studies leading to the possibility
ren learn to read and write in German. Some of access to higher education in Luxembourg or


schools test literacy in French. abroad.

Cycles 3 and 4 are divided into 2 years: cycle 3.1 International public education
and 3.2 for children aged 8 to 9, cycle 4.1 and
4.2 for children aged 10 and 11. Some public schools in Luxembourg also offer
the possibility of preparing for the International
During these 6 years, the children will learn Baccalaureate. The last two years (2nd and
German and French. 1st) are devoted to studying the International
Baccalaureate curriculum.
At the end of the 6 years of fundamental primary
school, the children go on to secondary school The education offered is either British or
or lycée. European.

This course is reserved for pupils who are able

to follow a traditional secondary education, and
more particularly for foreign pupils who have
recently arrived in Luxembourg or who wish to
continue their studies abroad.
Scan qr code

Junglinster international school Anne Beffort International School - Mersch (EIMAB)
 2 rue Victor Ferrant, 6122 Junglinster

(+352) 27 69 63-1  Square Princesse Marie-
Public Luxembourg school with European pro- Astrid L-7523 Mersch
gramme. German and Anglophone sections at
(+352) 28338 100
kindergarten (4-6 years old), primary school EIMAB offers European education in the French
(6-11 years old), and secondary school (3 first and English-speaking sections of the primary
years only S1 to S3, 11- 14 years old). cycle and in the French, German and English-
speaking sections of the secondary cycle.
Edward Steichen school of Clervaux Gaston Thorn School - Luxembourg
 1 Rue Edward Steichen, 9707 Clervaux (EIGT)

(+352) 20 60 07-1
Public Luxembourg school with complemen-  23 Rue Verte, 2667
tary European programme. Francophone, Luxembourg (Cessange)
Anglophone and German-speaking sections at  17 Rue Marguerite de Brabant, 1254
Luxembourg (Geesseknäppchen - Hollerich)
secondary school level.
This new school offers a European educa-

Differdange and Esch-sur-Alzette’s in- tion between the sites of Cessange for prima-
ternational school ry and Merl for secondary education on the Geesseknäppchen campus in the first instance.
[email protected] It will then move to Limpertsberg.
 6 Rue John Ernest Dolibois,
4573 Differdange Lycée Athénée - Luxembourg

(+352) 28 85 72 1
 91 Rue Victor Hugo, 4021 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 26 53 67 1  24 Bd Pierre Dupong, 1430 Luxembourg
(Geesseknäppchen - Hollerich)
Public Luxembourg School with Anglophone,
(+352) 44 02 49 1
Francophone and German-speaking European Public and classical Luxembourg high school
programmes for primary and secondary with international Baccalauréat preparation (IB)
education. for English-speaking bilingual students. Certified
as IB World School.
Mondorf-les-Bains’ international
school Lycée Technique du Centre - Luxembourg
[email protected]
 2 Rte de Burmerange, Mondorf-les-Bains  106 Av. Pasteur, 2309

(+352) 28 12 88-1 Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)
Public Luxembourg School with Anglophone,
(+352) 47 38 11-1
Francophone and German-speaking European Public Luxembourg high school, international
programmes at secondary level (2 first years S1 Baccalauréat preparation in French. Certified as
and S2). Anglophone and Francophone at pri- IB World School.
mary education level.

Lycée Michel Lucius - Luxembourg Pupils of the general secondary school get a fi- nal diploma at the end of the course. Depending
 157 Av. Pasteur, 2311 Luxembourg on the course they choose, they can go on to

(+352) 28 83 15 501 higher education, technical higher education via

The Michel Lucius High School offers an English preparatory courses, or directly to employment.
language curriculum. At the end of the course,
students receive an A level GCE diploma. Special classes are offered for newly arrived
foreign pupils. Depending on the orientation
Michel Lucius also welcomes children in the ba- chosen, studies also last 6 or 7 years during
sic English school curriculum. which pupils acquire skills not yet acquired at
the end of basic school.
General secondary education ESG

General secondary education is an alternative

for students who do not enter the regular system
because of academic difficulties or because they
wish to follow a more vocational education.


Scan qr code


Due to the high proportion of foreigners ISL prepares for the international Bac. It is reco-
living in Luxembourg, there are many in- gnised by the “European Council of International
ternational schools on offer and they have Schools” and the “Middle States Association of
become an alternative to the traditional Colleges and Schools”. Welcomes pupils aged 3
Luxembourg system. to 18.

European schools St. George’s international school
European schools were originally created to  11 Rue des Peupliers, 2328
welcome the children of European civil ser- Luxembourg (Hamm)
vants. However, pupils of non-European officers
(+352) 42 32 24
are also welcomed depending on availabilities. The primary school welcomes pupils aged 3 to
Applications need to be submitted in advance for 11. The secondary school welcomes students
the following school year. aged 11 to 18 and over. Wide range of IGCSE

subjects (International General Certificate of

Luxembourg european school I Secondary Education) and A (Advanced) Levels..
 23 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, French school, college and high
1115 Luxembourg (Kirchberg) school of Vauban (Lycée français)

(+352) 43 20 82-1
Luxembourg European school I welcomes the  1-3 Rue Albert Einstein, 1484
sections and/or the following mother tongues: Luxembourg (Gasperich)
(+352) 28 10 13 00
PT, SV. It welcomes children from kindergarten and pre-
pares them to the French baccalauréat. It is part
Luxembourg european school II of the French education system. German and English-speaking European sections.
 6 Rue Gaston Thorn, 8268 Bertrange

(+352) 27 32 24 1 Notre-Dame Sainte-Sophie school
Luxembourg European school II welcomes the
sections and/or the following mother tongues:  4 Rue Marguerite de Busbach, 1269
DE, EN, FR, CS, DA, EL, HR, HU, IT, MT, RO, Luxembourg (Neudorf-Weimershof)
SK, SL.  (+352) 43 40 91

Private, Catholic and mixed institution, from kin-

International school of Luxembourg
dergarten to high school. It is part of Luxembourg’s
(ISL) education system with a French section.
 36 Bd Pierre Dupong, 1430 Luxembourg
(Geesseknäppchen - Hollerich)

(+352) 26 04 40
Charlemagne school Maria Montessori school
 B09, 28 Rte de Diekirch, 7220 Walferdange  192 Rue des Romains, 8041 Strassen

(+352) 27 72 01 02
(+352) 26 39 69-1
French kindergarten and primary school. Bilingual kindergarten and primary school.
Classical education. Not endorsed by the French Education based on Maria Montessori’s peda-
National Education. gogical principles.

OTR International School Scuola Materna Cattolica Internazionale
 7 Val Ste Croix, 1371 Luxembourg (Belair-

(+352) 26 09 45 42  19 Bd de la Pétrusse, 2320

French and English-speaking sections from 3 Luxembourg (Grund)
years old to secondary school.
(+352) 691 901 568
Private, Catholic and bilingual kindergarten
Waldorfschoul Lëtzebuerg (Italian/English or Italian/French). Welcomes children from 3 to 6 years old. Approved by the
 45 Rue de l'Avenir, 1147 Ministry of National Education, Childhood and
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg) Youth.

(+352) 46 69 32


Welcomes children from kindergarten to se-
condary school. It also prepares them to the in-
ternational Baccalauréat.

Scan qr codei


After completing their secondary educa- Luxembourg School of Business

tion, students can stay in Luxembourg or go
abroad to pursue higher education, depen-  46 Côte d'Eich, 1450 Luxembourg (Eich)
ding on the qualification achieved.
(+352) 26 25 89 80
LSB trains business managers in Luxembourg.
University of Luxembourg MBA courses. Accreditation by the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
 2 Av. de l'Universite, 4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 46 66 44-1 Lunex International University of
Health, exercise and Sports
University of Luxembourg is the major actor
officiating in the field of higher education in  50 Av. du Parc des Sports,
Luxembourg. Founded in 2003, it is a public, 4671 Differdange
multilingual, international university with nume-
(+352) 28 84 94 40

rous exchanges in other universities around the Founded in 2016, in Differdange, the “European
world. City of Sport 2018”, LUNEX International
University of Health, Exercise and Sports is a
Uni has three international and multilingual private higher education school with an interna-
faculties: tional environment.
• Science, Technology and Medicine
• Law, Economics and Finance It offers exclusively study programmes in the
• Humanities, Education and Social Sciences. following fields: health, therapy, prevention and
sport. Thus, LUNEX University is the only school
The Uni also hosts three interdisciplinary re- in Luxembourg to offer training courses in these
search centre fields, its objective is to train the professionals
and leaders of the future.
United Business Institutes Accréditation du Ministère de l'Enseignement
 Château de Wiltz L-9516 Wiltz supérieur et de la Recherche luxembourgeois.

(+352) 27 99 01 82
Thanks to a partnership with Middlesex Miami University Dolibois European
University London, it is possible to obtain a Center (MUDEC)
British degree in Luxembourg.
 1, Impasse du Château L-4524 Differdange

(+352) 5822-22-1
MUDEC is the University of Miami Dolibois'
European Centre for the Teaching of Social
Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, Business
Administration and Education.

Study in an

LUNEX University prepares you for

a career in the fields of sport,
health and management. Benefit
from our lecturers’ expertise,
highly personalised support, and
the practical relevance of our
study programmes.

Sport Management
Sport & Exercise Science

Be part of it.
Centre for Documentation and
Information on Higher Education
 18 Mnt de la Petrusse, 2327
Luxembourg (ville-Haute)

(+352)24 78 86 50
Le centre de documentation et d'information
sur l'enseignement supérieur (Cedies) répond à
toutes vos questions concernant vos études su-
périeures au Luxembourg ou à l'étranger. Scan qr code

The site, provides all the

information on :
• higher education in Luxembourg and
abroad, admission requirements and registra-
tion procedures for universities, etc.
• state financial aid for higher education
• information sessions and events not to be
missed, such as the Foire de l'Etudiant, webi-

nars, open days, etc.

• documents published by the Higher
Education Information Service.


There are many extra-curricular activities Other communes

in Luxembourg and elsewhere, for youn-
ger and older children, plus a choice of Each commune offers specific activities, such as
languages. “Spillnometteger” or “afternoon games”.

Activities provided Check with your communal administration, ap-

by communes plications must be done in May/June..

City of Luxembourg Holiday camps
Educational and leisure centre
 4-12, rue de l'Ecole L-1454 Sports and artistic activities


Luxembourg (Muhlenbach)

(+352) 4796-2442 National Youth Service (SNJ)

The pedagogical animations and recreation
centre (Capel) organises activities during school  138, bd de la Pétrusse L-2330 Luxembourg
holidays for children aged 5 to 12: sports, walks, (Ville-Haute)
creative activities, and games. These activities
(+352) 24 78 64 55
are free and designed for children residing in
Luxembourg-ville. A special and free bus ser- SNJ organises, throughout the year, many ac-
vice ensures the connection between different tivities in partnership with associations. These
districts and Capel. activities are accessible to everyone, as early as
4 years old. In general, the vehicular language is
SdS Sport Wochen Luxembourgish.
 Service Sports Other references
5, r. de l’Abattoir L-2330
Luxembourg (Hollerich)

(+352) 47 96 25 83

The pedagogical animations and recreation See "Sports and Leisure" section
centre (Capel) organises activities during school
holidays for children aged 5 to 12: sports, walks, Language programmes
creative activities, and games. These activities
are free and designed for children residing in
Luxembourg-ville. A special and free bus ser-
vice ensures the connection between different
districts and Capel.

See paragraph on "Integration/Language Several camps organised during the school holi-
courses" days, including a 2-week summer camp abroad.

Student jobs Robert Schuman unit

From 15 years old onwards, young people can From 8 years old and above. Francophone scou-
apply for summer jobs during school holidays ting unit of FNEL.
in exchange for a salary calculated on the basis
of their age and minimum wage. This way, they Telstar
can acquire an early professional experience,
which will be useful when looking for a job.
From 6 years old and above. English-speaking
Communes offer paid summer work to students scouting unit of FNEL..
aged 15 and over. Ask your municipality for
more information. Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten

5, r. Munchen Tesch L-2173
Luxembougr (Weimerskirch)

(+352) 26 94 84

From 6 years old and above. Luxembourg

scouting movement.

Scan qr code
Europa Scouten vu Lëtzbuerg
Members of the International Union of Guides
3 scouting federations are at your disposal. You and Scouts of Europe (more than 55.000
will undoubtedly find the one that best suits your members), working together according to a
children and your wishes. In addition to activities shared set of catholic principles. Accessible from
during the school year, scouting organizations 8 years old onwards. .
also offer nature camps for your children during
the school vacations.

National scout federation of

 61a Rue de Treves, 2630
Luxembourg (Cents)

(+352) 26 48 04 50 Scan qr code
From 6 years old and above. Secular scouting


General information, Activities provided by the communes


Swimming pools, Aquatic relaxation, Useful adresses


Hiking, Jogging, Cycling and mountain biking, Skateparks, Golf, Fitness,
Ice rinks


Parks, forests and green areas in Luxembourg, Fairs and adventure


Free courses, Music schools, Arts, painting, photography, Theatre,
danse, circus, Cooking, oenology, Creative hobbies
General information More than 150 sports and fitness classes in
different areas of the capital.
Sports portal Choose a particular class or take the card that
 Ministère des sports gives you access to all classes. Luxembourg City
66 Rue de Treves, 2630 residents benefit from a preferential rate.
Luxembourg (Cents)

(+352) 24 78 34 00
“Movin’ Kids” project
Find all the sports information on this portal: re-
creational and competitive sports, sports medi- The Movin’ Kids project was launched by the
cine services, sports agenda, actors in the field medical school service and the sports service of
of sports,.... the City of Luxembourg. It is addressed to child-
ren between the ages of 8 and 12, who have
Olympic and sports comittee of weight problems. The objective is to encourage
Luxembourg (COSL) children to move and stay active. Indoor and
SPORTS & LEISURE outdoor sportive activities. Other workshops (on

 3 Rte d'Arlon, 8009 Strassen dietary habits, self-esteem…) and consultations

(+352) 48 80 48 200 are organised.
The COSL covers all sports and sports-related
federations.You can find the list of federations on Sport on the Kinnekswiss
the TeamLetzebuerg website.  Between the Glacis field and Avenue
Porte neuve Luxembourg(Ville Haute)
The committee is also in charge of contribu-
ting to sports development and organising the Outdoor sports and leisure activities for all tastes
country’s participation to the Olympic Games and ages, from July to September. Sports equip-
and other competitions. ment available free of charge. Non-stop sports
activities and occasional courses.
Activities provided by
the communes Other communes

City of Luxembourg All municipalities offer sports activities to their

residents, regardless of their age.
“Sports for all” programme in the City
of Luxembourg Ask your local authority for information.
 90 Bd de Kockelscheuer,
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 47 96 25 83

Swimming pools Belair’s municipal swimming pool consists of a
big pool divided in 2 for experienced and ap-
Luxembourg's swimming pools are very prentice swimmers. You can find the opening
well equipped and clean. In addition to the hours online.
swimming pools, they offer fun and relaxa-
tion facilities for all: large slides, paddling Badanstalt’s aquatic relaxation
pools, jacuzzis, saunas, outdoor lawns for centre
sunny days, etc.  12 Rue des Bains, 1212
Luxembourg (Ville Haute)

(+352) 47 96 25 50
It is also possible to celebrate birthdays in
these places with the help of monitors. Ask Swimming pool and relaxation centre, sauna,
for information on site. solarium, massages, fitness area. This centre is
a relaxation space with an aquatic circuit simi-
City of Luxembourg lar to thalassotherapy. You can find the opening hours on the website.


Three municipal swimming pools exist at they Other swimming pools Centre
heart of the capital, in the city centre and in Region
the areas of Bonnevoie and Belair. School
groups and sportive associations of the City National Sports and Cultural Centre
have 4 learning basins at their disposal in the of d'Coque
neighbourhoods of Belair, Gare, Gasperich and
Limpertsberg.  2 Rue Léon Hengen, 1745
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
Bonnevoie’s municipal swimming pool
(+352) 43 60 60 1
 30 Rue Sigismond, 2537 La Coque is the sports venue par excellence
Luxembourg (Bonnevoie) with swimming pools, saunas, fitness, climbing

(+352) 47 96 34 71
Bonnevoie’s municipal swimming pool is mo-
dern and composed of a large pool, a small ba- Many schools come to train at La Coque.
sin with varying depths, a body building room, a
sauna and solarium. Swimming pool lessons are Les Thermes - Strassen
offered on site. You can find the opening hours
online.  Rue des Thermes, 8018 Strassen

(+352) 27 03 00 27
Belair's municipal swimming pool The Strassen swimming pool has several swim-
 14 Rue d'Ostende, 2271 ming pools, a relaxation area with slides, and a
Luxembourg (Belair) wellness centre with saunas, hammams,...

(+352) 47 96 49 80

Aquatic centre Krounerbierg Open-air pool - Dudelange
- Mersch  Rue René Hartmann, L-3425 Dudelange
 14 Rue de la Piscine, 7572 Mersch
(+352) 516121 -371

(+352) 32 50 23 823 j Du 16.07au 04.09 de 10h à 20h

Syrdall Schwemm - Niederanven Open-air pool - Remich
 Routscheed, 6939 Niederanven  Route du Vin, 5576 Remich

(+352) 34 93 63 - 1
(+352) 23 69 81 11
j du 13.05 au 15.09 | 09h00-20h00
PIDAL Intercommunal swimming pool
of the Alzette - Walferdange Northern Region Pools
 37 Rue des Prés, 7246 Walferdange Den Nordpool - Colmar-Berg

(+352) 33 91 72 1
 Rue de l'Ecole, 7730 Colmar-Berg
Southern Region Pools
(+352) 83 55 43 342

Les Bains du Parc Escher Schwemm Aquatic relaxation


- Esch-sur-Alzette See the Wellness chapter in the Health &
 1 Pl. des Sacrifiés 1940- Wellness section
1945,, 4115 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 27 54 72 00 Useful adresses
Aquasud - Differdange Swimming Luxembourg asbl
 1 Rue Jeannot Kremer, 4671 Differdange

(+352) 27 32 83 1  13 A bd Royal, 2449
Centre An der Schwemm Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
- Bettembourg
(+352) 22 85 28 The SL is an association in charge of the prac-
 10 Rue James-Hilliard tice of swimming in Luxembourg according to
Polk, 3275 Bettembourg the regulations of the International Swimming

(+352) 26 52 95 1 Federation.
PIKO Piscine Kordall - Rodange Organisation of various swimming events and
 1 Rue de la Piscine, 4846 Pétange related activities.

(+352) 50 12 51 7300

Hiking For the more competitive and accomplished run- ners, take on the:
• Iron Man in June
For hikers, Nordic walkers or simply wal- • Sure to Sure Swimrun in June
kers, the magnificent national parks offer • Mullerthal Ultra Trail in September in
several tours to be done with the family or Luxembourg's Little Switzerland
with other enthusiasts. • Uewersauer Trail in November.

All regions are suitable for beautiful walks: Cycling and mountain biking
Eisleck and Mullerthal in the north, Guttland
in the centre, Minett in the south and Mosel in Bike rides
the east. The Eisleck is now a "Leading Quality
Region - Best of Europe".

The "Leading Quality Trails - Best of Europe" are Check out the numerous bike rides offered in this


particularly noteworthy: gorgeous country, famous for its great cham-
• the Mullerthal Trail of 112 kilometres, pions Charly Gaul and the Schleck brothers.
• the cross-border Escapardenne Eislek Trail
of 106 kilometres, the Lee Trail of 52 kilometres On the outskirts of the capital, along the Moselle
• the Minett Trail of 90 kilometres. valley or in the Eisleck, more than 600 km of cy-
cle paths and 700 km of mountain bike routes
You can download the leaflets directly from the await cyclists of all ages and abilities.
website of the Directorate-General for Tourism, Bike & Rail
The nice forests around Luxembourg also of-
fer great opportunities for family outings in all With the Bike&Rail service, the CFL offers you
seasons. the opportunity to join the cycling routes by train.
About fifteen routes are proposed on the CFL
Jogging website with all the useful information.

Luxembourg has many runners, regardless of VTT Bike Park Boy Konen
the weather conditions.

3 Rue des Sports L-2548
Don't miss the major events in Luxembourg: Luxembourg (Cessange)
• DKV Urban Trail in March/April "The Bike Park Boy Konen" is a unique mountain
• ING Marathon in May/June bike training track in Luxembourg. Intended for
• JP Morgan City Jogging in July. leisure sports and competitions, the track allows
• Wine Route in September. the learning of techniques and the practice of

mountain biking. Golf
Skateparks Luxembourg has 4 very well maintained golf
clubs with good facilities. Due to the hilly lands-
Skatepark Péitruss cape, the courses are interesting and diversified.
 r. Saint Quirin L-2327 Luxembourg (Grund) There is also a golf course at the 3 borders.

(+352) 47 96 34 71
The City of Luxembourg created a skate park References
with incomparable quality and functionality.
Situated in the Pétrusse valley, this skate park
adapts perfectly to its natural surroundings.
Stones originating from the fortress’ vestiges golf-de-clervaux/
delineate the site.
• Total area : 3.400m2
• Surface designed for “skating”: 2.500 m2
• Traditional street : 1.300 m2 Fitness
• Streetplaza : 600 m2
• Bowl : 600 m2 Self-service fitness areas

Indoor skatepark Hollerich Fun, playful and efficient, open-air equipment ensures a complete and friendly training for all.
 5, r. de l’Abattoir L-1111 The access is open to anyone over the age of 12.
Luxembourg (Hollerich)
BMX courses every Saturdays from 11am-1pm. Find these spaces in Luxembourg:
• Kaltreis boulevard,
Skatepark Luxembourg-Gasperich • Bettembourg road, • Anvers street,
 Muehlenweg L-2155 • St. Quirin street.
Luxembourg (Gasperich)
You can also find these facilities in some
Skatepark Belval Palza Esch/Alzette communes. Check out with your communal
 Belval plaza - Esch sur Azette administration.
Built on 700 m2 approximately, this solid exte-
rior skate park matches the natural relief and Kinnekswiss
resembles an urban square. It contains the latest  Between Champ du Glacis and
innovations in terms of street furniture for skate Avenue de la Porte Neuve (Lux-Centre)
practice (rails, walls, stairs, etc.). Open-air sports and leisure activities for all
tastes and ages, from July to September. Sports
Red rock Skate park Schifflange equipment is made available for free. Occasional
 Chemin de Bergem L-4149 Schifflange sportive animations and classes.
This is the largest concrete skate park of the
country and the Great Region!

Sports centres and trainers Knuedler on ice Luxembourg
There are many gyms in and around  Luxembourg
Luxembourg City. Access to machines, group j Exceptionally cancelled during the Advent
classes, personal coaching... It's up to you to Markets 2022-2023
choose the formula! Traditional animation of the Christmas Markets
of the City of Luxembourg. Surface of 800 m².
Some references Rental of skates and bobbies on site. Other sports
For other sports, consult the sports federations
Ice rinks directly.

Public skating rink Luxembourg
[email protected]
 Rue de Bettembourg, 1899
Luxembourg (Gasperich)

(+352) 46 74 65


j From 15 September to 15 April.

Skates can be hired on site. The cafeteria offers

refreshments and snacks. Ice skating lessons. Scan qr code

Icepark Beaufort
 87 Grand-Rue L-6310 Beaufort
j Late October to early March

Located in the open air, it is covered by a canvas

tent and operates during the winter season only.

Galgebierg Esch-sur Alzette
 Muncipal Park- Esch-sur Alzette

As soon as the weather permits, the Galgebierg

natural ice rink is open on almost 2,000 m²!

In summer, the area is a huge playground.

©Pixxelfly Drone Service

Merl / Belair park
Parks, forests and green  Bd Pierre Dupong Luxembourg (Merl)
areas in Luxembourg city The 5-hectare Merl park has plenty of space for
fun with a large playground, table tennis tables,
The capital has many parks and green a basketball court, a zip line, large lawns for
spaces, which are very pleasant to discover. playing football or picnicking.

Municipal park Édouard André You can cycle, rollerblade around the lake or
 Av. Monterey Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) take a pram along the grassy path.
In the heart of the municipal park in the city
centre, discover a superb wooden pirate ship In the middle of the park is the restaurant Le
built to life size. It's a magical place for children Pavillon with a large terrace to enjoy the wa-
to climb and jump like real pirates. A huge slide ter.
for the most daring; in summer, bring a swimmi-
ng costume to enjoy the water games! Tony Neuman park


 162 Av. de la Faïencerie
Kinnekswiss Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)
 Between Champ du Glacis and Avenue This wooded, flowery and very well managed
de la Porte neuve Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) park has modern sculptures, beautiful rose bu-
Relax in the vast green space located between the shes and a small playground for children. The
Glacis field and the Avenue de la Porte-Neuve. area is very peaceful, as it is not very busy.
Deckchairs, music, fun activities, outdoor sports
and leisure activities are offered every day from Gasperich park
July to September. More information on the we-  Boulevard de Kockelscheuer (Gasperich)
bsite of the City of Luxembourg. This large park in the Cloche d'Or district will be
accessible from mid-2023. It will be the largest
Laval park public park in Luxembourg with a total area of
 R. Michel Hülsemann over 16 hectares.
Luxembourg (Pfaffenthal)
The entrance to the park is located near the Pétrusse valley
Place Dargent, at the bottom of the Côte d'Eich.  Vallée de la Pétrusse Luxembourg (Grund)
The English-style park, with magnificent centu- The Pétrusse valley, located under the Adolphe
ry-old chestnut trees, is located on the banks of bridge, separates the Ville-Haute from the
the Alzette. There are two playgrounds and a Bourbon plateau. It is an easy and very pleasant
multi-sports ground. walk, both on foot and by bike.

On the Grund side, you can enjoy the miniature

golf course, the miniature train, the outdoor
fitness park and the skate park.

a public basketball court. Fairs and adventure parks

A major ecological redevelopment project is un- Schueberfouer - Luxembourg

derway for 2023/2024..
 Champ du Glacis Luxembourg
Central park (Limpertsberg)
 Plateau du Kirchberg j Late August-early September
Luxembourg (Kirchberg) Don't miss the great fair of the Grand Duchy
This large park is located between the European and the Greater Region. Every year it welcomes
School and the national sports and cultural centre more than 2 million visitors.
in Coque. Enjoy a drink in front of the large pond,
eat a delicious flammekueche or play a game of See the section Celebrations and Traditions, wit-
Petanque with friends at the Kyosk. hin the Integration chapter.

Kockelscheuer forest Parc merveilleux - Bettembourg

 42, rte de Bettembourg
Luxembourg (Gasperich)  Rte de Mondorf, 3260 Bettembourg
To the south of Luxembourg City, discover the
(+352) 51 10 48-1
vast Kockelscheuer forest on foot or by moun- j Open from March to October
tain bike. Its main access is near the ice rink of You cannot miss Luxembourg’s Parc merveil-

the same name. The path along the ponds is leux! You will have a wonderful time with the
suitable for pushchairs. There are barbecue and family playing some miniature golf, enjoying
picnic areas as well as a small playground. the playgrounds, water games and the zoo, with
more than 200 animal species. Children can
Bambësch forest also participate to pedagogical workshops and
 r. de Bridel Luxembourg (Mülhenbach) guided tours at the zoological school.
Au nord-ouest de la ville, la forêt de Bambësch
offre de nombreux sentiers de randonnées et In the woods, fairy tales are staged with ani-
des parcours fitness. Avec son centre sportif mated dolls. Stories are told with music in three
Bambësch, elle abrite également une magni- different languages.
fique aire de jeux, un club de tennis et un terrain
de football. Catering on site.

Hamm forest - Bonnevoie Päiperleksgaart - Butterfly Garden

 r. Anatole France Luxembourg (Hamm)
The Hamm - Bonnevoie forest offers several  56 Rte de Trèves, 6793 Grevenmacher
very attractive circuits, allowing you to discover
(+352) 75 85 39
the industrial past of Luxembourg City. The Butterfly garden is located in the Eastern
part of the country, at Grevenmacher. This green
house has 600m2: you can walk through the tro-
pical garden and admire the butterflies that fly
around you. This is a magic and unique change
in scenery!!

Adventure park Heiderscheid
 20, rte d’Ettelbruck à
Heiderscheid, Esch-sur-Sûre

(+352) 80 48 85
Based in the natural park of Upper-Sûre, this
adventure park offers different circuits, for all le-
vels, and from the age of 3. Qualified instructors
will accompany you throughout the activities. Scan qr code

Sennesraïsch park
 18 Wëntger Wee, 9762 Wincrange

(+352) 99 47 84 45
Sënnesräich Park offers an authentic experience
to visitors. Fun and pedagogical activities focus
on the 5 senses of the human being. Accessible
to children from 5 to 12 years old. The many
park stops invite the children to explore their
senses and participate actively.


Park Le’h adventures
 203 Rue du Parc, 3542 Dudelange

Le’h adventures park offers more than 100

workshops and 7 tree circuits for the little ones
(from 2 years old onwards) and grown-ups.

The opening hours are displayed on the website.

Book your ticket online!

Painting, photography, cooking, embroide- Conservatoire du Nord
ry or even dance… Whichever your interest
is, plenty of activities exist for both child-  1 Pl. Marie-Adélaïde, 9063 Ettelbruck
ren and adults. Find out some addresses
(+352) 26 81 26 1
to let your creativity run free and perfect
your skills!! UGDA music schools
Free courses  3 Rte d'Arlon, 8009 Strassen

(+352) 22 05 58
Since the start of the 2022-2023 school year,
UGDA (Union du Grand Duc Adolphe) is a public
a large part of the music, speech and dance utility institution. The school offers music and
courses in the municipal music schools are free singing lessons in 61 communes of the country..
of charge, from the early years (from the age of
4) to the first cycle diploma. Music Schools Association

Ask your local authority for more information.  3 Rte d'Arlon, 8009 Strassen

(+352) 759 323
Music schools
Conservatoire ot the city of
 33 Rue Charles Martel,
2134 Luxembourg (Merl)

(+352) 47 96 55 55
The Conservatoire has 150 professors and tea-
ching staff responsible for theoretical and prac-
tical fields of study, from age 7 and above. For Scan qr code
the younger ones, music introduction classes
are available from the age of 3.

You can find more information on the

Conservatoire website.

Conservatoire of Esch-sur-Alzette
 50 Rue d'Audun, 4018 Esch-sur-Alzette

(+352) 27 54 97 25

Arts, painting, photography More references
Luxembourg Accueil Asbl
 10 Bisserweg, 1238 Luxembourg (Grund)

(+352) 24 17 17 You can also contact museums. They regularly

This association is a meeting point where many organise workshops or visits dedicated to child-
artistic and creative activities, such as sewing, ren during school holidays, among other things.
pastry-making, singing, decoration, drama and
watercolour workshops take place, in addition to Theatre, danse, circus
physical activities.
Conservatoire of Luxembourg city
European circle for the expansion of
arts (Cepa)  33 Rue Charles Martel, 2134 Luxembourg (Merl)
 44 Av. de la Faiencerie, 1510
(+352) 47 96 55 55
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)
In addition to instrumental formations, the

(+352) 40 99 20
Conservatoire offers diction and dramatic art
Summer academy for children, teenagers and classes in German and French. It also imparts ballet,
adults. You will find the programme online, as jazz and contemporary dance lessons.


well as the registration form.
Luxembourg Improvisation
Cultural centre of european Federation (FLI)
institutions  27, cité Holleschbierg L-5831 Hespérange
 10 Rue Heinrich Heine,
(+352) 661 73 39 26
1720 Luxembourg (Gare)
The FLI offers weekly workshops on theatrical
Music, theatre, cooking, oenology, dancing… improvisation for adults.
Find out more about the activities offered on the
cultural centre’s website.
More references
Lycée technique des arts et métiers
 19, r. Guillaume Schneider L-2522
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)

(+352) 46 76 16-1

Photography, art history and Photoshop evening
courses. You will find the programme online, as
well as the registration form

Cooking, oenology

Some references
Scan qr code

Creative hobbies

Salon Expo Creativ Luxembourg

Every year, the Expo Creativ fair presents hobby

stands and workshops during 3 days at LuxExpo.

More references


Outings, visits, shows, Cultural events, Museums, Promotion of
museums and art, Exhibition Centres, Theaters, Cinemas, Librairies and
medias centres, Concerts and shows

General information, Visit the city of Luxembourg, Sightseeing tours
and heritage of Luxembourg, Greater region


Outings, visits, shows

Luxembourg offers all kinds of cultural ou-

tings, concerts and shows. More and more
international stars from the world of mu-
sic and entertainment are stopping off in
Luxembourg on their world tour. Scan qr codei

You can keep up to date with the programme Cultural events

directly on the websites of the various venues or
in the City Magazine of the City of Luxembourg Numerous cultural events are organised
(free subscription). throughout the year, giving a rather dynamic
image of Luxembourg. These events are a re-
Luxembourg Ticket flection of its historical heritage and its current multiculturality.


 1 Bd Robert Schuman, 2525
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg) Festival of Migration, Culture and

(+352) 47 08 95-1 Citizenship

j Monday to Friday from 10am to 6.30pm
 Luxexpo The Box, Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
Luxembourg Ticket is the national ticketing
service for concerts, plays and other cultural This festival is a must and shows the diversity
events. You will find a lot of information and all of the 170 nationalities present in Luxembourg.
the points of sale on the website of Luxembourg With 400 stands, the festival is synonymous with
Ticket. encounters and multiculturalism, through music,
books, dance, ...
Billeterie Auchan Kirchberg
 Shopping Center Auchan 1st International Bazar
floor, 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker,
2721 Luxembourg (Kirchberg)  Luxexpo The Box, Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

The Auchan ticketing service on the first floor The International Bazaar is one of the most ea-
of the Kirchberg shopping centre also offers gerly awaited multicultural events of the year
outings throughout the Greater Region. You can with almost 30,000 visitors and over 1,500 vo-
buy your tickets directly there. lunteers. In addition to the festivities, it is also
an essential event to participate in a charity. The
funds raised help finance social and humanita-
rian projects.

Promotion of enjoy invitations to exhibition inaugurations and
museums and art to other events organised by the association.

Hop Hop an de Musée Museums

Every year, Luxembourg's museums open their Museums are generally closed on Mondays
doors for free. Discover their diversity and, and offer a time slot during the week when
above all, immerse yourself in Luxembourg's admission is free.
culture through its history, art, geography,...
Find the complete list of museums on the Visit
At least forty museums participate to this event. Luxembourg website.
For the occasion, museums offer a complete
and varied cultural programme for the entire History and art museum of the city of
family: guided visits, conferences and creative Luxembourg (MNHA)
workshops in Luxembourgish, French, German
or English.  Marché-aux-Poissons, 2345
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
Museums night

(+352) 47 93 30-1
j Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm

Located at the heart of the old town, the history

Discover museums, their collections and tempo- and art museum of the City of Luxembourg of-
rary exhibitions at night. fers a free permanent exhibition.

The special programme, free guided tours and You will be able to contemplate collections de-
surprises in the 7 participating museums in the dicated to prehistory, the Gallo-Roman period,
city of Luxembourg ensure a great atmosphere. the Middle Ages, but also to the decorative and
popular arts and the fine arts. Temporary collec-
The entrance is free for children under 16 and tions complete this ensemble. Guided visits are
for members of “Amis des musées”. organised in Luxembourgish, French, German,
English and Portuguese.
Les Amis des Musées Luxembourg In addition, the museum offers thematic
workshops for children and adults, conferences
Les Amis des musées contributes to the safe- and events.
guarding of the cultural heritage, the promotion
of the arts and history, and the development of Lëtzebuerg City Museum
collections. The association organises each year
several events: “midis de l’art”, special guided  14 Rue du St Esprit, 1475
visits, trips… Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 47 96 45 00
j Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm
Thanks to the membership card, you can visit
the affiliated museums at no costs (total, perma- Lëtzebuerg city Museum traces back the history
nent and unlimited free entrance). You can also of the City of Luxembourg. the museum offers

guided visits for temporary and permanent exhi- 1867, the remains of this fort were restored and
bitions in Luxembourgish, French, German and rebuilt to house the present museum. Through
English, and for all public. The entrance is free the permanent exhibition, discover the history
of charge every Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm. of the fortress of Luxembourg and travel back
in time.
Grand-Duc Jean Modern art museum
(Mudam) Admission is free on Wednesdays, from 5 pm.
 3, Park Dräi Eechelen L-1499 Villa Vauban
Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 45 37 85-1  18 Av. Emile Reuter, 2420 Luxembourg

j Wednesday to Monday, 10am to 6pm (Ville-Haute dans le Parc Municipal)
Inaugurated in 2006, the Grand-Duc Jean mo-
(+352) 47 96 49 00
j Wednesday to Monday, 10am to 6pm
dern art museum (Mudam) is a place with an ex-
traordinary architecture, conceptualised by the Villa Vauban displays numerous paintings, sculp-
famous architect leoh Ming Pei. Leaning against tures and engravings from European artists
the Thüngen Fort, and matching the shape of the from the 17th to the 19th century. It also hosts
fortress’s ancient walls, the building is well wor- temporary exhibitions. The museum offers a
th a visit. programme with varied and innovative activi-
ties: thematic visits, guided tours for children,


Its collection and temporary exhibitions reflect workshops for all ages, conferences, public
the current artistic trends, be they national or in- events and concerts.
ternational, originating from different disciplines.
The museum has the most important collection Free admission every Friday from 6pm to 9pm.
of contemporary art in the Grand Duchy, with
more than 700 works. Guided tours are available From spring onwards, enjoy the outdoor pro-
in French, Luxembourgish, German and English. gramme in the beautiful garden surrounding the
The Mudam also offers a varied programme
adapted to all audiences. Workshops are avai- Casino Luxembourg
lable for children from the age of 3.
 41 Rue Notre Dame, 2240
The entrance is free of charge every Wednesdays Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
from 6pm to 11pm.
(+352) 22 50 45
j Wednesday to Monday, 11am to 7pm

Museum Dräi Eechelen The Luxembourg Casino is a contemporary art forum. Its international programming puts spe-
 5 Park Drai Eechelen, 1499 cial emphasis on a young generation of artists.
Luxembourg (Kirchberg) The Casino also organises activities for children
j Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm and adults. Find the complete calendar on the
Fort Thüngen, known as "Dräi Eechelen" (literal- forum’s website.
ly "Three Acorns") is located behind the Mudam
on the Kirchberg plateau. Partially razed to the Admission is free.
ground when the fortress was dismantled in

A library and a reading room - the InfoLab - pro- Rotondes is an exceptional site composed of
vide access to more than 5,000 books, some 40 two ancient engine sheds at Luxembourg sta-
magazines and other publications on contempo- tion. The cultural centre welcomes shows and
rary art. You will also find files on local artists. events in all areas (performing arts, visual arts,
contemporary music…). Participation projects
National museum of natural history and workshops also take place there.
(MNHN) Find the detailed programme on the Rotondes
 25 Rue Münster, 2160 website.
Luxembourg (Grund)

(+352) 46 22 33 1 Contemporary art gallery "Am
j Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm
At the heart of Grund, the “natur musée” is a real
natural history cabinet. The museum has one of  16 Rue Sainte-Zithe, 2763
the most important zoological, paleontological, Luxembourg (Gare)
botanical and mineralogical collections of the
(+352) 40 15 24 50
country. Science, nature and technology lovers, Am Tunnel is an art gallery located under the
of any age, will find plenty of things of interest. Spuerkeess buildings, composed of tunnels that
The museum organises many activities for the gave it its name. The “Edward Steichen Space”
large public. Find the detailed programme on the welcomes a permanent exhibition of this

“natur musée" website. Luxembourg photographer’s works and col-

lections, acquired by the bank. The remaining
Free entrance on Tuesdays from 6pm onwards. . space hosts temporary painting, photography
and sculpture exhibitions.
Exhibition centres
LuxExpo The Box
 10 Circuit de La Foire Internationale,
1347 Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

(+352) 43 99-1
LuxExpo is the place to be for major events, fairs
and exhibitions. Scan qr code

It is the venue for major events such as the

Housing Week, the Art3F Fair, the Relay for Life,
the start/finish of the ING Marathon,...

Les Rotondes
 3, Place des Rotondes, 2448
Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)

(+352) 26 62 20 07

Theaters Théâtre des Casemates
Thatre info  14 Rue du Puits, 2355 Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)

(+352) 29 12 81
Theatre, dance, music, improvisations… You can German-speaking contemporary programming
find all the shows’ timetables online.
Théâtre ouvert Luxembourg (TOL)
Subscribe to the newsletter not to miss out on
events! r !  143 Rte de Thionville, 2611
Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)
National theatre of Luxembourg (TNL)
(+352) 49 31 66 Built in an old spirits hangar, the open theatre of

 194 Rte de Longwy, 1940 Luxembourg offers a varied programming in an
Luxembourg (Merl) intimate setting. Find the detailed schedule of the

(+352) 26 44 12 70-1 performances on the TOL website.

The national theatre of Luxembourg offers a
very modern programming in French, German Municipal Theater of Esch-sur-Alzette
and Luxembourgish: plays, operas, contempora-
ry musical creations, dances…  120 Rue de l'Alzette, 4010 Esch-sur-Alzette


(+352) 27 54 50 10
The TNL is also a theatre of newly created plays. The municipal theatre of Esch-sur-Alzette offers
a varied programme of musical and theatrical
Theatres of the city of Luxembourg performances. An art gallery is located on the second floor of the theatre building.
 Grand Théâtre
1, rond-point Schuman L-2525 Cinemas
Luxembourg (Limpertsberg)
 Théâtre des Capucins
9, place du Théâtre L-2613 Around fifteen film theatres exist throughout the
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) country, be they intimate or larger ones. Most
of the film releases happen on Wednesdays.
On, you will find all the information However, you can also attend many premieres.
regarding the Grand Théâtre and the Théâtre
des Capucins. The Grand Théâtre offers various Movie tickets can be bought directly at the
works including operas and ballets. film theatre’s ticket office or, to avoid queuing,
through the vending machines. You can also buy
Théâtre du Centaure your tickets online.
 « Am Dierfgen » 4 Grand-Rue, Cinémathèque
1660 Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 22 28 28  17 Pl. du Théâtre, 2613

In a vaulted cave at the heart of the capital, Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
the Théâtre du Centaure offers an eclectic pro-
(+352) 47 96 26 44

The programming of the film library (available CinEast
on the website) is meant to be scholarly, diversi-
fied, historical and general. Screenings for child-
ren - baptized "cinéma Paradisio" - are orga- Every year in October, the Central and Eastern
nized every Sunday at 3 pm. European Film Festival takes place. Several
films in competition and many different events.
The major annual event of Cinémathèque is
the “Live cinema” (silent films with symphonic Italian film festival Villerupt
orchestra). In summer, open-air screenings,
freely accessible, are also organised in front of
the Grand Ducal Palace and on the courtyard of Every year in October/November, the Villerupt
Théâtre des Capucins. film festival attracts Italian film lovers. More than
70 films are presented over 300 screenings, 17
Cinémathèque has one of the most important days of competition.
collections of cinematic archives in Europe:
film copies, photos, cinema posters, books and City Open Air cinema

Other references Every summer, open-air film screenings are organised in the evening in Luxembourg City in
DISCOVER & EXPLORE the prestigious setting of the Grand Ducal Palace and the Capuchin Court. The screenings start at 9.30 pm at sunset.
Cinema events

Luxembourg City Film Festival Comme à Luxembourg-ville, d'autres séances open-air sont proposées dans d'autres villes du
The Luxembourg City Film Festival "LuxFilmFest
" is a prestigious cinematic event in Luxembourg National audio-visual centre (CNA)
and is among the most renowned film festivals
in Europe.  1 B Rue du Centenaire, 3475 Dudelange

(+352) 52 24 24-1
Each year, the festival offers a real panorama of j Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm,
Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 10pm.
contemporary and international cinematic crea-
tions. In addition to screenings, it also organises The CNA is responsible for the preservation and
thematic evenings, workshops, concerts and promotion of Luxembourg's photographic and
exhibitions. audiovisual heritage. It is a space for exhibi-
tions and screenings in Luxembourgish, for the
conservation and consultation of documents and
archives and a training centre.

Every Tuesday at 3.30 pm, the cultural centre collections, which are available in the country’s
introduces children to cinema. official languages.

All documents are freely accessible. Book ren-

tals and the working stations’ Internet access
are all free. As part of the offer, authors come
to do readings, and children activities are also
Scan qr code
Casino Luxembourg - InfoLab
 41 Rue Notre Dame, 2240
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)
Librairies and medias centres
(+352) 22 50 45
j Wednesday to Monday from 11am to
7pm, closing at 9pm on Thursday.
Bibliothèque Nationale de
Luxembourg Consisting of a library and a reading room, the InfoLab is a place of relaxation within the Casino
 37D Av. John F. Kennedy, Luxembourg, Forum d'Art Contemporain.
1855 Luxembourg (Kirchberg) Discover more than 5,000 books, about forty


(+352) 26 55 91 00 magazines and other publications dedicated to

j Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 8pm and
contemporary art. Access is free.
Saturday from 10am to 6pm
Modern, functional, connected and sustainable Luxembourg Learning Centre (LLC)
infrastructure. User-friendly and multifunctional
reading rooms with almost 300,000 books, with  7, Ënnert den Héichiewen,
direct access. 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
j Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm,
Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm
Registration is free and open to all.
Luxembourg learning centre (LLC) opened its
Cité Bibliothèque doors on September 2018. This unique place is accessible to all. This space offers nothing less
[email protected] than 10,7 km of books and document racks, and
 3 Rue Genistre, 1623 more than 500.000 ebooks! You will also find
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) plenty of national and international newspapers.

(+352) 47 96 27 32
j Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 7pm and
Saturday from 10am to 6pm
FYou can recognise the library and media centre
of the City of Luxembourg by its large glass door. is the search engine of the 84 libraries of
Its functional and confortable spaces for consul- the network to search for documents,
tation and rental are appealing to any avid rea- reserve them or consult them online.
der. The literary, children and Luxemburgensia
sections form the most important part of the

Bicherschaf – bookshelves Circolo culturale e ricreativo Eugenio
Bookshelves are accessible to everyone, child-
ren and adults, 24/7, for free and without regis-  107 Rte d'Esch, 1471
tration. More and more communes recycle old Luxembourg (Hollerich)
phone booths and transform them into self-ser-
(+352) 49 17 50
j Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm
vice bookshelves.
Circulo Curiel is an Italian library and me-
Book owners are therefore able to give their no- dia centre. It is also a friendly meeting space
vels a second life, and find some new literature for conversations. All kinds of conferences
for free. and events are regularly scheduled, for all
Interested persons can borrow one or more
books and put them back in the cupboard after On the ground floor, you will find a restaurant of-
reading. The reader can also keep the selected fering typical and family-friendly cuisine.
books and replace them with others.
Cultural Centre Antonio Machado
These bookshelves can be found in several com-
munes. At Luxembourg:  27 Rue de Strasbourg,
• place du Théâtre (Ville Haute) 2561 Luxembourg (Gare)

• place de Gand (Belair)

Monday to Friday from 1pm to 7.30pm
• place Laurent (Limpertsberg). The Spanish library of Antonio Machado’s
• Place Quartier Stuff (Kirchberg) cultural centre has around 3.000 books, mainly
• Rue Léon Kauffman (Cents). in Castilian language. A media centre is also at
your disposal.
The waste disposal centres also offer recycling
corners, where people leave useless items, in-
cluding books, for others to use for free.

Cid Fraen an Gender Asbl
 14 Rue Beck, 1222
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) Scan qr code

(+352) 24 10 95-1
j Tuesday to Friday from 12 to 6 pm
Fraen an Gender (Cid) is an information and do-
cumentation centre for all individuals interested
in feminism, gender equality, but also in ques-
tions related to identity and gender stereotypes.
The Asbl offers the possibility to freely borrow
books or media for 28 days.

Concerts and shows Den Atelier
Music festivals  54 Rue de Hollerich, 1740 Luxembourg (Hollerich)

(+352) 49 54 85-1
Le Luxembourg City Tourist Office organise de Den Atelier is a rather intimate concert hall, lo-
nombreux festivals de musique et animations cated in a former garage.
musicales. You can find the programme on their
website. The hall can accommodate up to 800 people.

The “Concerts de midi” and “Klassik am Park” Rotondes

programmes allow you to enjoy your lunch
break in a musical atmosphere made of diverse  3 Place des Rotondes, 2448
and colourful melodies. Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)

(+352) 26 62 20 07
“Summer in the City” is a summer event that of- Just steps from the station, Rotondes organises
fers a large choice of music for you to celebrate concerts throughout the year.
in Luxembourg until dawn. You will be able to
organise picnics while enjoying some rock, jazz In summer, the “Congés annulés” takes place for
and classical music. a month, with a special programming.


Several musical events are also organised on Abbaye de Neumünster
a yearly basis by different actors. For instance,
the traditional “Fête de la musique” (Music Day)  28 Rue Münster, 2160
on June 21st cannot be missed, and many other Luxembourg (Grund)
music festivals like Siren’s call, e-lake, Automne
(+352) 26 20 52-1
leaves, Rock-a-field, Rock am Park, or the E-lake Neumünster Abbey’s cultural meeting centre
festival in Echternach.. organises, throughout the year, many concerts
of jazz.
Concert and performance halls
Conservatoire de la Ville de
Rockhal Luxembourg
 5 Av. du Rock'n'Roll, 4083 Esch-sur-Alzette  33 Rue Charles Martel,

(+352) 24 55 51 2134 Luxembourg (Merl)

(+352) 47 96 55 55
The Rockhal is the place to be for all music lo- The Luxembourg Conservatory has a prestigious
vers. Located in Belval (Esch-sur-Alzette), the auditorium whose acoustics have already won
complex has three concert halls that can accom- over many artists.
modate up to 6,500 people.

The programme is extremely varied and in-

cludes pop and rock concerts by international
artists, musicals and classical ballets.

Philharmonie Luxembourg Sang a klang
 1 Pl. de l'Europe, 1499  1 Rue des Trois-Glands, 1629
Luxembourg (Kirchberg) Luxembourg (Pfaffenthal)

(+352) 26 32 26 32
(+352) 33 8 95
Located in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, the Grand- The Blues club regularly organises blues and
Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte concert hall or jazz concerts. More information on the website
Philharmonie de Luxembourg is a beautiful and of the Asbl.
a very modern building, that makes it a magical
place by day and night. The Sang a Klang venue has become a blues
Mecca in Luxembourg..
Completed in 2005 and designed by the archi-
tect Christian de Portzamparc, the Philharmonie
hosts more than 400 performances of all styles
of music per year: chamber music and recitals,
jazz, pop music, classical music and world mu-
sic.The Philharmonic also offers workshops for

Casino 2000 - Mondorf-les-Bains

 5 Rue Flammang, 5618 Mondorf-les-Bains

(+352) 23 61 11 Scan Qr code

Located only a few kilometres away from the
capital, at Mondorf-les-Bains, the amusement
centre Casino 2000 organises many events
throughout the year.

International artists perform at the Casino’s


The Casino 2000 is also a gaming area. It is the

only establishment of its kind in Luxembourg.

Luxembourg is a beautiful country. It is full Visit Luxembourg
of activities and indoor and outdoor leisure
activities. Do not hesitate to discover it du-
ring your next weekends. On this website you will find a lot of practical in-
• All regions have their own special features formation, suggestions for activities, addresses
and are worth a visit: for accommodation and restaurants, a calendar
• the Central or Guttland region with the city of events and a traveller's guide.
of Luxembourg and the Valley of the Seven
Castles You will also find information on museums,
• the Luxembourg Ardennes with the na- cycling tours of Luxembourg, walking tours
tional parks of the Haute-Sûre and Our, as and much more. The site is available in eight
well as the Müllerthal or Luxembourg's Little languages.
• the Moselle valley with its vineyards Visit the city of Luxembourg
• the Terres Rouges in the south to discover

the country's mining past. The City of Luxembourg is a very lovely

city, with diverse landscapes, and different
General information types of atmospheres, depending on the
neighbourhood you are visiting.
Luxembourg city tourist office
(lcto) Furthermore, its old districts and fortifications are part of the UNESCO-inscribed sites. The
[email protected] more modern areas make it an intrinsically
 30 Pl. Guillaume II, 1648 forward-looking city. The City of Luxembourg
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute) will never cease to please and surprise you!

(+352) 22 28 09
j Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm,
Sunday from 11am to 4pm. Opening hours vary Tourist circuits and historical
according to the season heritage

The Luxembourg City Tourist Office is the tourist Bock and Pétrusse casemates
office of Luxembourg City. At the office on Place
Guillaume or on the internet, you will find advice, Bock and Pétrusse Casemates are underground
information material and guided tours to disco- galleries that were dug into the Bock rock. They
ver and admire Luxembourg City. are part of the UNESCO list of world heritage
The LCTO also organises various music festi-
vals, open-air concerts and events in the capital. The first underground galleries were built in
1644, under Spanish domination, and aggran-
dised throughout the years and the different


Luxembourg City Tourist Office - Place Guillaume II

invasions. This defence system, with its 40 me- From July to beginnings of September, the
ters deep, has now spread through more than Grand Ducal Palace opens its doors to visi-
20 kilometres long. The City of Luxembourg was tors. Guided tours are given in Luxembourgish,
nicknamed the “Gibraltar of the North”. French, German, English or Dutch. Prior regis-
tration is mandatory.
Wenzel circuit
Please note that part of the profits from the ticket
Discover 1.000 years of history of the City of sales go to the Foundation of the Grand Duke
Luxembourg by following the Wenzel circuit, and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg.
which connects the Upper City to the Lower City.
You will be able to contemplate the city thanks Pétrusse Express
to its stunning and diverse views. Beware! The
circuit has lots of stairs to climb. It is therefore You can visit the capital on board the Pétrusse
difficult to access with prams or wheelchairs. . Express. The tour lasts 1 hour approximately,
and it will take you along the charming Valley
City Safari of Pétrusse.

The City safari is a fun tour for children and fa- Hop On-Hop Off
milies. It focuses on the discovery of the city’s
animals. Tours (lasting between 2 and 2h30) You can also explore the city with the double-dec-

are made upon request for more than 10 ker buses Hop-On Hop-Off. The tour lasts 1 hour
participants. approximately.

City Promenade The complete tour lasts about 1 hour and allows
you to visit the most emblematic places of the
This tour is perfect to get acquainted with the capital.
city of Luxembourg and discover its main monu-
ments. A 2-hour tour with an official guide. Sightseeing tours and
heritage of Luxembourg
Top City Views
Vianden castle
This tour allows you to discover the sites that
have been listed as part of UNESCO’s world
(+352) 83 41 08 1
heritage. It captures unforgettable landscapes
of the Upper City, the valleys of Alzette and The Castle of Vianden is located in Luxembourg
Pétrusse. Ardennes, overlooking the entire valley. Every
summer, a medieval festival recreates the folk-
Grand-ducal palace loric atmosphere of the period in which this
feudal vestige was built: jugglers, fire-eaters,
Luxembourg is the only Grand Duchy in the wor- musicians…
ld. The Grand Duke is head of State within the
framework of its constitutional Monarchy. You should also take the time to walk through
the town of Vianden, and if you are not afraid of
heights, you could even try chairlifts!

Clervaux castle environment of Upper Sûre Lake.

(+352) 28 41 98 Several activities are available: hiking, horse

riding, cycling, sailing, windsurfing, diving, ca-
The castle of Clervaux takes place in the North noeing or even fishing. You can also explore the
of Luxembourg. Built through various stages fauna and flora of the region with a solar boat!
from 1129 onwards, it was destroyed during the
Second World War. Müllerthal
It has now been restored, and gives you the op-  Office du tourisme régional du
portunity to discover the war museum, the mu- Müllerthal (Echternach)
seum of models of Luxembourg castles, the mu-
(+352) 72 04 57-1
seum of the Battle of Ardennes and the famous Discover the magnificent forest of the re-
photographic collection “The Family of Man” by gion of Müllerthal called “Luxembourg’s Little
Edward Steichen. Switzerland” and the most famous waterfall of
the country “Schiessentümpel”.
Minett park The paths are signposted and they allow you to
 2 Fonds de gras, L-4576 Niederkorn choose the level of difficulty and hiking length.
Guided tours are available upon request.


Spend a day in the Minett Park Fond-de-Gras, to
discover Luxembourg's mining and steelmaking
past in this life-size museum. Many activities are
waiting for you around iron ore.

Natural park of our
 12 Parc, 9836 Parc Hosingen

(+352) 90 81 88 1
At the heart of Luxembourg Ardennes is the na-
tural park of Our. By walk or bike, you will disco-
ver the unique natural landscapes of this region. Scan qr code
You can also visit the adventure park of Vianden
and make the most of 60 tree-climbing stations.

Natural park of Haute-Sûre
 La Maison du parc naturel
15 Rue de Lultzhausen,
9650 Esch-sur-Sûre

(+352) 89 93 31 1

Located in the North West of the country, the

natural park of Upper Sûre allows you to take
a deep breathe in the magnificent natural

Greater region breath-taking view.

Based in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg’s On your way back, make sure you go along the
geography is ideal for traveling. You can very pretty Mosel Valley, with its castles and the
explore its neighbouring countries for the typical and welcoming architecture of the towns
weekend, only at a few kilometres from and villages.
Werner freund wolves park
 Waldstraße 204, 66663 Merzig, Allemagne
At the border of Luxembourg, discover the rich
(+49) 171 749 69 99
cultural and historical heritage of these regions. Would you like seeing some wolves? Discover
the wolf sanctuary in Merzig. Free and guided
Trier visits take place every 1st Sunday of the month at 4pm.

Trier is the oldest city in Germany and a former Eifelpark

Roman colony. The Porta Nigra, an emblema-  [email protected]
tic monument, is a UNESCO World Heritage  Weißstraße 12, 54647 Gondorf, Allemagne
(+49) 6565 95660

In the middle of the woods, the Eifel park offers

The streets in the city centre are very lively. many attractions for little children: small rol-
The city is also worth discovering during the lercoasters, giant slides, bumper cars, trampo-
Christmas markets. lines… You will also see lots of animals at the
animal park and farm (bears, meerkats, deer,
See the Festivals and Traditions chapter in the poneys…).
Integrating section
Rhine castles
Would you like to go shopping? The city of
Many castles and fortresses are situated on Sarrebrück has plenty of stores. In Germany,
the banks of the Rhine, between Bingen and prices are lower than in Luxembourg when it co-
Koblenz. The Upper Middle Rhine Valley is ano- mes to fashion and care products.
ther one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites.
The cable car of Koblenz In the North East of Luxembourg, you will find
the Ardennes: the “green lungs” of the Kingdom
Koblenz is a very pretty city to visit, at the of Belgium. There, you will discover many pictu-
confluence of Rhine and Mosel. The Cable resque villages and magnificent green spaces.
Car of Koblenz will take you to the fortress Walks, cycling, water activities, climbing and
of Ehrenbreitstein. Enjoy the Rhine Valley’s horse riding, but also skiing in winter… The

©Just Arrived
region is full of activities. It is also known for its Arlon’s flea market
historical and remembrance tourism.
The website is an important portal
for housing, stays, attractions, leisure activities, Every first Sunday of the month, from March
food and events in the Belgium, French and to November, a flea market takes place at Old
Luxembourg Ardennes. Arlon.

The bison farm Caves of Han
 Recogne 63, 6600 Bastogne, Belgique  2, rue J. Lamotte 5580 Han-Sur-Lesse

(+32) 61 21 21 15
Ride a wagon through the buffalo. Typical Discover the domain of the Grottes de Han with
cuisine. its fabulous cave, its animal park, its huts in the
Abbay of Orval Skiing at "Baraque de Fraiture"
 Orval 1, 6823 Florenville, Belgique

(+ 32) 61 31 10 60  Vielsalm, (Belgique)
You should absolutely visit the Cistercian Abbey
+32 80 41 88 78

of Orval and its ruins! Discover the brewing sa- Downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, sledge…
voir-faire of Orval beer, which you can enjoy The winter sports lovers can visit the Baraque
with a piece of cheese made by the monks of de Fraiture in the High Ardennes. You can also
the Abbey. do some hiking and enjoy the beautiful and asto-
nishing landscapes.
Euro Space Center France
 Devant les Hêtres 1, 6890 Libin, Belgique

(+32) 61 65 64 65 The Grand-Est region stretches from Reims to
The Euro Space Centre offers a unique expe- Strasbourg and from Thionville to Troyes and
rience. Immerse yourself in the life of an astro- Mulhouse. Nearby are the Vosges mountains
naut and experience the space conquest. The for skiing and hiking enthusiasts.
Euro-Space Centre also organises activities for
children during the holidays. Nancy
The book village In Lorraine, you can discover Nancy and its fa-
 Redu (Belgique) mous place Stanislas, with its crystal works and
unique architectural style, known as "Ecole de
Within a hundred kilometres from Luxembourg, Nancy".
the village of Redu has around fifteen libraries. It
also organises literary events every year.

Metz Aquarium Amnéville
 Centre thermal et touristique
Visit the beautiful city of Metz, its majestic ca- Amnéville (France)
thedral and its cultural centre Pompidou. Metz is
+33 (0)3 87 70 36 61
also known for its shopping. The aquarium of Amnéville lets you explore the
aquatic world by contemplating different fish
Pompidou Centre species from the four corners of the planet.
 1, parvis des droits de l’Homme Zoological park Amnéville
57000 Metz, (France)

(+33) (0)3 87 15 39 39  1, r. du Tigre Amnéville (France)

The Centre Pompidou-Metz is a place to disco-
+33 (0)3 87 70 25 60
ver art in all its forms. The "Pass-M" offers you With more than 2.000 animals originating from
unlimited access to the centre for one year, with the five continents, the zoo of Amnéville is a key
the person of your choice. destination.

Cour d'Or museum Several shows (raptors, tigers, seals…) are or- ganised. In addition, the junior zoo academy of-
 2 rue du Haut Poirier (Metz) fers the possibility for children over the age of 7


+33 (0) to discover the profession of animal keeper.

Discover the Gallo-Roman collections of this mu-
seum, which was built on thermal baths dating Snowhall Amnéville
back to the second century AD.
 Chemin des terrasses du soleil (Amnéville)
La Flotille
+33 (0)3 87 15 15 15 At only 50 km away from Luxembourg, you can
 1, quai des Régates (Metz) make the most of an indoor ski slope that mea-

(+33) (0)3 87 36 86 71 sures 620 m in length, 35 m in large and 90 m in

Rent an electric boat, pedal boats or fishing altitude (blue slope). Instructors from the French
boats to discover Metz’s water and canals. You ski school can give you some lessons. Beware!
can take part in these activities if the weather It is mandatory for children under the age of 12
conditions permit. to wear helmets.

Malbrouck castle Walygator Park Amnéville
 Manderen (France)  Voie romaine Maizières-les-Metz (France)

+ 33 (0) 3 87 35 03 87
+33 (0) 87 30 70 07
Built in 1419, this fortified castle offers fun tours Interactive cinema, merry-go-round, mini-golf,
where you can discover the site in an entertai- thrilling rides and water activities… This park will
ning manner (booking is mandatory). appeal to children and grown ups!.



Population, Religion, Official languages, Language learning,
Conversation guide

Newspapers, Local radios, Websites


Associations, Associations of public utility, Support associations,


Right to vote, Luxembourgish nationality


Population The practice of one’s cult is relatively easy in
The population in Luxembourg is cha-
racterised by a high proportion of forei- Official languages
gners, who are perfectly integrated into
Luxembourg society. Luxembourg has 3 official languages:
• the national language, Luxembourgish,
While the number of inhabitants in Luxembourg is used from the very beginning of school
was 315,000 in the early 1960s with a proportion life. It is also the language used for daily ex-
of 13.2% foreigners, the country reached a po- changes. The knowledge of Luxembourgish
pulation of more than 645,000 in 2022, of which is mandatory if you want to obtain the
47.1% are foreigners. Luxembourg nationality via naturalisation.
It also can be an important asset when ap-
170 different nationalities coexist in Luxembourg, plying for certain public jobs, in Luxembourg
more than 80% of them from Europe. companies or in jobs in contact with the popu-
lation (hospitals, nurseries, etc.) ;

The most represented communities are • German is taught to children at the begin-
• the Portuguese community represents the ning of primary school. It is the language of
1st foreign community with over 30% of the literacy and reading. Traditionally, it is also the
foreign population, language for journals ;
• the French community represents the 2nd • French is traditionally taught to children
largest foreign community with over 16% of from the 2nd year of primary school, in addition
the foreign population. The French are also to German. French is also introduced during
strongly represented by the presence of more kindergarten and within childcare centres, in
than 100,000 border workers on a daily basis, the form of oral learning. Some luxembourgish
• the Italian community with 7.9% of the fo- schools are testing literacy in French. French is
reign community, considered the administrative language ;
• the Belgian community with 6.4% of the • English is increasingly becoming the wor-
foreign population and 45,000 border workers king language. Mastering it is nowadays a
• the German community with 4.2% of the mandatory for many companies.
foreign population and 45,000 border workers.
Language learning
Linguistic leave
Historically, the principal religion in Luxembourg
is Catholic (68%). Because of its multiculturalism, In Luxembourg, language leaves exist to learn
Islam is now becoming the second religion of the Luxembourgish or improve your knowledge of
country (2%), thereby replacing the Protestant our official language.

Employees, independents and individuals en- Institut Français du Luxembourg
gaged in liberal professions can benefit from a
specific leave during their professional career,  47 Av. Monterey, 2163
which can be paid up until 200 hours. Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352) 46 21 66
Language courses French Institute of Luxembourg promotes
French language and culture. The institute offers
Institut National des Langues (INL) courses that adapt to different needs and levels. Every year, it engages in educational coope-
 21 Bd de la Foire, 1528 ration activities with school institutions of the
Luxembourg (Kirchberg) Grand Duchy.

(+352) 26 44 30-1
National Institute of Languages (INL) is a public References
institution for linguistic education. The applied
charges are very interesting. Eight languages
are taught. At the end of each semester, evalua-
tions of the students’ skills are made. The course
timetables – at all levels – are made available
Beware! INL is on high demand. Make sure you

apply for a place in advance!’Institut national des Language café

Numerous organisations regularly organise
INL is the organisation in charge of the tests for Language Cafés, which allow you to have
obtaining Luxembourg nationality. conversations in your preferred language while
having a drink in a friendly setting.
See the chapter "Luxembourg nationality".
Beware! INL is on high demand. Make sure you
apply for a place in advance!’Institut national des
City of Luxembourg and other

Every year, the municipalities offer language

courses to their citizens.

Ask your local authority for information.

Scan qr code

Conversation guide

French Luxembourgish English

Je m’appelle… Ech heeschen… My name is…
Comment allez-vous ? Wéi geet et lech ? How are you?
Je vais bien. Et toi / vous ? Et geet mir gutt. A bei dir / I am good. And you?
lech ?
Enchanté(e) Et freet mech Pleased to meet you
J’habite en ville Ech wunnen an der Staat I live in town
Un instant s’il vous plait ee Moment, wann ech gelift Just one moment please
Merci beaucoup Villmools Merci Thank you very much
Je suis vraiment désolé(e) Et deet mer wierklech Leed I am really sorry
Ce n’est pas grave Et ass net schlëmm It is okay
Pouvez-vous parler un peu Kënnt Dir e bësse méi lues Could you speak more slowly
plus doucement s’il vous plait ? schwätzen, wann ech gelift ? please?
Pourriez-vous répéter s’il vous Kënnt Dir dat widderhuelen, Could you please repeat that?
plait ? wann ech gelift ?
Comment dit-on cela en Wéi seet een dat op How do you say that in
luxembourgeois ? Lëtzebuergesch ? Luxembourgish?
J’apprends le luxembourgeois Ech léiere Lëtzebuergesch I am learning Luxembourgish
Que puis-je faire pour vous ? Wat kann ech fir lech maachen How can I help you?
Je ne suis pas d’accord Ech si net averstanen I do not agree
Quelle heure est-il ? Wéi spéit ass et ? Wéi vill Auer What time is it?
ass et ?
Je cherche… Ech sichen… I am looking for…
Je n’ai pas de monnaie Ech hu keng Mënz I don’t have any change
J’ai mal à la tête Ech hunn de Kapp wéi I have a headache
Je suis malade Ech si krank I am sick
Quel temps fait-il ? Wéi ass d’Wieder ? What is the weather like?
Il fait beau D’Wieder ass schéin The weather is nice
Quel est le plat du jour ? Wat hu Dir als Plat du jour ? What is today's special?
On va prendre un verre ? Gi mir e Patt huelen ? Shall we go and have a drink?
Newspapers Local radios
• DNR (LU)
Daily • Eldoradio (LU)
• Le Quotidien (FR) • L’Essentiel radio (FR)
• L’Essentiel (FR) • Radio Ara (EN / LU)
• Lëtzebuerger Journal (DE) • Radio Latina (PT)
• Luxemburger Wort (DE) • Radio 100,7 (LU)
• Virgule (FR) • RTL Radio Lëtzebuerg (LU)
• Tageblatt (DE)
• Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek (DE) Websites
Weekly •
• Contacto (PT) •
• D'Revue (DE) •
• D’Lëtzebuerger Land (DE, FR) •
• D'Letzeburger Bauer (DE) •

• Télécran (FR) •

• Woxx (DE) •
Monthly •
• Agefi Luxembourg (FR) •
• Bold magazine (FR) •
• City magazine Luxembourg (EN, FR) •
• Delano (EN) •
• Den Feierkrop (DE)
• Femmes Magazine (FR)
• Forum (DE, FR)
• Happen (EN)
• Janette (FR)
• Luxembourg Féminin (FR)
• Mental (FR)
• Merkur (FR)
• Paperjam (FR)
• Silicon Luxembourg
• Premium (FR) Scan qr code
• Revue (DE)


Luxembourg is a country of Christian tradi- "Buergbrennen "

tions. Its celebrations reflect its history.
Buergbrennen is celebrated on the first Sunday
January 6th "Dräikinneksdag" after the carnival. In the villages, you will see
huge bonfires upon which sits a big cross. After
On January 6th, the Luxembourgers celebrate a torchlight procession, by nightfall, the bonfires
the Epiphany (“Dräikinneksdag”). It is the ce- are ignited. Symbolically, this is how we drive
lebration of the arrival of the Wise Men near away winter.
Jesus. On this occasion, people enjoy a “galette
des Rois”, a puff pastry cake, made of frangipane "Bretzelsonndeg"
and containing a hidden trinket inside. The per-
son who finds this “fêve” inside his or her piece Bretzelsonndeg (Pretzel Sunday) is celebrated
of cake, becomes the king or the queen for the on the fourth Sunday of Lent. The tradition is
day. Contrarily to some European countries, the that the man gives a pretzel to the woman of his
Epiphany is not a bank holiday in Luxembourg.. choice. In leap years, the tradition is reversed:
the woman offers the pretzel

February 2nd, "Liichtmëssdag"
On February 2nd, children celebrate
“Liichtmëssdag”, Candlemas. On that day, In the Christian tradition, the church bells fly
children knock on each house with some self- to Rome after the Holy Thursday Mass, in or-
made lanterns. Back in the day, children would der to receive the Easter blessing. To replace
receive some bacon, green peas or biscuits them, children go around the villages with their
in exchange for a traditional song: "Léiwer “Klibber”, a wooden ratchet. In exchange, they
Härgottsblieschen...". Today, the practice invites generally receive eggs, sweets and sometimes
you to offer them sweets or money. a bit of money.

"Fuesend" The tradition of Jaudes

Luxembourgers celebrate the Carnival of The custom of Jaudes is a local tradition from
Candlemas on Ash Wednesday. Masked Vianden, a city in the North of Luxembourg. It is
balls, parades and cavalcades are organised celebrated on Good Friday. During that day, the
throughout the country. At the end of the car- boys of Vianden burn their Jaudes, a bouquet of
nival, people burn the “Stréimännchen”, which dog rose thorns and paper flowers. This tradi-
literally means the straw man. You can assist to tion highlights the people’s disapproval of Judas’
this ceremony near Remich betrayal.

"Ouschterdag", Easter is called Oktavemäertchen.

In Luxembourg, Easter celebrates the resurrec- Notre-Dame de Fatima

tion of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most impor-
tant religious holidays, with Christmas. It is also Every Ascension Thursday, a pilgrimage is orga-
a family celebration with its traditional egg hunts nised to the sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Fatima
organised throughout the country. at Wiltz in the North of the country. Pilgrims
pay tribute to the Virgin Mary who, in 1917, ap-
The return of "Bretzelsonndeg" peared six times at Fatima, a village situated at
the centre of Portugal. The pilgrimage of Notre-
Women who have received a pretzel from their Dame de Fatima became, over the years, a real
lover on the occasion of Bretzelsonndeg, give popular celebration, dear to the Portuguese
them an egg in return on Easter Day to show community of Luxembourg.
their love.
Otherwise, they give them a basket. Hence the
Luxembourg expression "Kuerf kréien", literally Every 1st of May, foliage crowns are attached
"to receive a basket", which means "to be dum- to the front of houses, as a symbol of a meeting
ped". In leap years, men offer eggs. place. Before, this pagan tradition aimed to drive
away evil spirits. Today, this custom inaugurates
"Éimaischen" warmer seasons. During the day, it is also cus-

tomary to drink some Maitrank, i.e. aromatised
Éimaischen is the day of Emmaüs. At wine.
Luxembourg, it takes place on Easter Monday
on the place of Marché-aux-Poissons, since "Gënzefest", Whit monday
1827. This popular and folkloric celebration has
become, over the years, a day when all types of Gënzefest is the traditional broom festival (“fête
craftsmen can meet. For the occasion you can du genet”). It takes place every Whit Monday at
buy some little terracotta birds, typical of the re- Wiltz. This custom is mainly famous for its im-
gion: the Péckvillercher. pressive broom parade, composed of more than
40 tanks. Exhibitions, musical animations and
"Oktav" balls are all part of the programming

Oktav is am important religious celebration, "Sprangpressessioun"

which honours the mother of Jesus. For fifteen
days, the country’s parishioners go on a pilgri- On the Tuesday following the Pentecost, the
mage to the capital. Once arrived, the pilgrims dancing procession of Echternach takes place.
form processions and enter the cathedral of This ancient religious tradition is unique and at-
Luxembourg. A final procession, in which they tracts thousands of curious visitors each year.
carry the statue of Mary, ends the pilgrimage.
Its reputation exceeds the cross borders of the
At the same time, a small traditional market Grand Duchy and has become part of the intan-
takes place at Luxembourg-ville, on the place gible cultural heritage of Unesco since 2010.
Guillaume II and the place of the Constitution. It

National day "Chrëschtdag" Christmas

Luxembourg’s national day is celebrated on June Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates
23rd throughout the country. Each commune ce- the birth of Jesus of Nazareth on December 25th.
lebrates the event with its citizens, regardless of A midnight Mass is celebrated, on Christmas
their nationalities. Eve, at the cathedral Our Lady of Luxembourg
and at all the churches of the country.
In the capital, festivities start the evening be-
fore, with the solemn changing of the guard. At For Luxembourg children, it is not Santa Claus
night, torchlight processions and fireworks are who brings the gifts, but Chrëschtkëndchen,
organised. which means “the Child Jesus”. Christmas is also
the occasion to share a copious meal with the
On June 23rd, an official ceremony takes place family and enjoy each others company.
at the Philharmonic. The Grand Duke and the
Hereditary Grand Duke review the troops be- Christmas or advent's markets
fore attending two parades: a military and a
non-military one. During the afternoon, a Te
Deum is celebrated at the cathedral Our Lady The Christmas markets take place every year at
of Luxembourg, and at all the churches of the several places of the City of Luxembourg, with a
country. magic atmosphere.

"Schueberfouer " It is also a hotspot for popular gastronomy. Visitors

can taste the famous "Gromperkichelcher",
With more than 2 million visitors, the some delicious and traditional potato pancakes
”Schueberfoue” is the biggest fun fair of from Luxembourg.
Luxembourg and the Great Region. From the
end of August to the beginning of September,
the fair of the City of Luxembourg invites its vi-
sitors to Champ du Glacis at Limpertsberg, with
its festive atmosphere and numerous rides and

"Kleeschen" Saint-Nicholas
Scan qr code
On December 6th, the Kleeschen – also called
Saint Nicholas – distributes presents to well-be-
haved children. The children place their slippers
in front of their rooms so he can drop some
sweets and gifts inside. In Luxembourg, this ce-
lebration is very important. December 6th has
also become a bank holiday for children atten-
ding basic education.

Tuesday 6 December 2022, St. Nicholas Day: no
Public holidays classes for children in the basic school.
• New Year, January 1st
• Easter Monday, April Christmas holidays: from Saturday 24 December
• Labour Day, May 1st 2022 to Sunday 8 January 2023
• Europe Day, May 9th
• Ascension, May Winter or Carnival holidays: from Saturday 11
• Whit Monday, May February to Sunday 19 February 2023
• National Day (Grand Duke’s birthday),
June 23rd Spring or Easter holidays: from Saturday 1 April
• Assumption, August 15th to Sunday 16 April 2023
• All Saints Day, November 1st
• Christmas Day, December 25th Whitsun holidays: from Saturday 27 May to
• Boxing day, December 26th Sunday 4 June 2023

In Luxembourg, you will also experience some Summer holidays: from Saturday 15 July to

customary and local celebrations, such as Thursday 14 September 2023.
Carnival Monday, Holy Friday, Kermis Monday
and November 2nd. These days are not neces- School year 2023 – 2024
sarily granted; the employer is free to dispense
his employees from work – or not. Back-to-School: Friday 15 September 2023

School holidays All Saints' Day holiday: Saturday 28 October to

Sunday 5 November 2023.
The holidays below are for students in the
public school system. Wednesday 6 December 2023, St. Nicola's: no
classes for pupils of the basic schools
Does your child attend an international or public
school in Luxembourg? Please refer to the ca- Christmas holidays: from Saturday 23 December
lendar provided by your school. 2023 to Sunday 7 January 2024

School year 2022-2023 Carnival holidays: from Saturday 10 February to

Sunday 18 February 2024
Start of the school year: Thursday 15 September
2022. Easter holidays: from Saturday 30 March to
Sunday 14 April 2024
All Saints' Day holidays: Saturday 29 October to
Sunday 6 November 2022 Whitsun holiday: from Saturday 25 May to
Sunday 2 June 2024

The summer holidays start on Tuesday 16 July

School year 2024 – 2025

School starts on Monday 16 September 2024.

All Saints' Day holidays: Saturday 26 October to

Sunday 3 November 2024

St. Nicholas Day: Friday 6 December 2024 for

pupils in the basic school

Christmas holidays: from Saturday 21 December

2024 to Sunday 5 January 2025

Carnival holidays: from Saturday 15 February to

Sunday 23 February 2025

Easter holidays: from Saturday 5 April to Sunday

20 April 2025

Whitsun holiday: Saturday 24 May to Sunday 1

June 2025

Summer holidays: from Wednesday 16 July to

Sunday 14 September 2025.

The integration of newcomers is a major This association also gives public and direct
challenge for Luxembourg, where the fo- translation services orally in English, German,
reign population represents more than 47% French, Luxembourgish, Arabic and Farsi.
of the total population. The State, the mu-
nicipalities and civil society are working to- Foreigner's association liaison com-
gether to ensure the successful integration mittee (CLAE)
of newcomers.
 26 Rue de Gasperich, 1617
Associations Luxembourg (Gasperich)

(+352) 29 86 86-1
The welcome and integration office CLAE is a cultural and linguistic mediation plat-
of Luxembourg (OLAI) form. It informs people and their families on their rights in order to facilitate their settling in
 5, rue Carlo Hemmer 1734 process within Luxembourg society. It offers a
Luxembourg (Kirchberg) helpline and assistance for certain administra-

(+352) 24 78 57 00 tive procedures.

OLAI is responsible for the coordination and the
implementation of the policy of immigrant wel- CLAE offers its support to associative life via
coming and integration in the Grand Duchy of personalised meetings, the rental of materials
Luxembourg. and the provision of rooms.

The Welcome and Integration contract– CAI pro- Luxembourg accueil information
vides integration measures such as:
• language courses at a reduced cost  10 Bisserweg, 1238 Luxembourg (Grund)
(Luxembourgish, French and/or German),
(+352) 24 17 17
• civic education courses, j Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h
• a free orientation day Luxembourg information reception offers wel-
coming and informative services. It helps the
Immigrant workers support associa- integration of families from all nationalities by
tion (ASTI) answering questions on daily life, and inviting them to take part in diverse activities.
 10-12 Rue Auguste Laval,
1922 Luxembourg (Eich) Associations of public utility

(+352) 43 83 33 1
Asti offers support to immigrant workers. It pro- National Association of Road Traffic
vides information to all people requiring advice Victims (AVR)
and guidance on issues related to immigration
and residence permits (family reunification, au-  4 r. Jos Felten, 1508 Hesperange
thorisations to stay…).
(+352) 26 43 21 21

Support for victims of traffic accidents and their The Cancer Foundation informs the general
relatives. Moral and legal support and practical public and supports cancer patients and their
advice. The association collaborates in preven- relatives. It provides practical help and psycho-
tion actions to improve road safety. logical support.

Caritas Luxembourg Foundation It organises the annual "Relay for Life" at La Coque and provides financial support for cancer
 29 Rue Michel Welter, research projects.
2730 Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 40 21 31-1 Médecins du monde
The Caritas Foundation prevents and acts
against injustice, misery and poverty: emer-  30 Dernier Sol, 2543
gency accommodation, support for people in Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)
distress, sponsorship of refugees, ... Social gro-
(+352) 28 89 23 71
cery stores called "Caritas buttek". Numerous actions in favour of the most disad-
vantaged, migrants, homeless, women victims
Luxembourgish Red Cross of violence.
 44 Bd Joseph II, 1840 Support associations
Luxembourg (Ville-Haute)

(+352)27 55 20 00 Help and support for young people

Numerous humanitarian missions:

• youth services: adoption, foster care, Kanner Jugend telefon
psychological and psychotherapeutic fol-
116 111
• social services for migrants and refugees,
meals on wheels, Assistance service for children and young
• health services: first aid training, home help people in distress. Consultation by phone, email
and services, blood transfusions, or chat.
• international services (education for sus-
tainable development, international solidarity, SOS Enfants en détresse Asbl
etc.).  17 Rue des Noyers, 7594 Mersch

(+352) 32 91 17
A listening, information and support telephone
service is also available on 2755, every day
from 7am to 10pm. Calls are anonymous.

Fondation Cancer
 209 Rte d'Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg (Belair)

(+352) 45 30 33-1

Help and support for parents

Missing and distressed children

116 000

The "116 000" service listens to and supports the

families of missing or distressed children. Scan qr code

Elterentelephon : parenting support

(+352) 26 64 05 55

National Centre for Addiction Volunteering

Prevention Agence du bénévolat Asbl
Help and support against violence  103 Rte d'Arlon, 8009 Strassen

(+352) 26 12 10
Femmes en détresse Asbl - Women in The Agence du bénévolat informs the general
Need public and supports candidates for volunteering in their search for a project. It also aims to pro-

 2 Rue du Fort Wallis, 2714 Luxembourg mote volunteering.

(+352) 49 08 77 1
Women in Need offers protection from violence
to girls, women and their children. Information
and counselling centres, special homes for wo-
men in distress.

Bullying Scan qr code
 64, Avenue de la Liberté
L-1930 Luxembourg (Gare)

(+352) 28 37 12 12

Centre for Equal Treatment

(+352) 26 48 30 33

The centre is for people who are victims of dis-

crimination. Advice and guidance is offered to
help you assert your rights.

Right to vote has been residing in that commune for at least 6 months and living in Luxembourg for more than five years, and uninterruptedly for the last year.
Legislative elections
In Luxembourg, voting is a right and an obliga-
tion. Adults aged 18 and more can register to Legislative elections occur every 5 years in
vote when registering in their residential com- Luxembourg. It nominates the 60 deputies of the
mune. They will be called upon to vote in the Chamber of Deputies. At the end of this vote,
different elections according to their nationality a new government will be created, with a new
and residential status. prime Minister, appointed by the Grand Duke.
The next elections will take place on October
A foreign citizen willing to participate to the elec- 2023.
tions for the first time must go to his or her com-
munal administration with a valid identity card. Legislative elections are for citizens of
A registration application should be deposited Luxembourg nationality only.

to the board of mayors and aldermen within the

deadline. European elections

Municipal elections European elections allow European citizens to

vote for their representatives at the European
Municipal elections happen every 6 years in or- Parliament for 5 years. The next elections will
der to elect the representatives of every com- take place in May 2024.
mune in Luxembourg: the mayor, the aldermen
and the communal council. The next elections All Luxembourg residents, nationals of a
will take place on 11 June 2023. European Union country and fulfilling the re-
quired conditions should vote in the European
In order to vote or stand in municipal elections, elections of their country of origin or of
you must be a Luxembourg citizen and resident Luxembourg.
in the Grand Duchy.
In order to participate in the European elections
Non-Luxembourgish nationals must have been in Luxembourg, citizens must apply in writing to
resident in the Grand Duchy for at least five their commune of residence or apply electroni-
years at the time of application for registration cally via the website
on the electoral roll,
Check with your consulate or embassy your po-
A resident who is not from Luxembourg can sition on the elections in your own country.
present himself to the communal elections of his
or her residential place, provided that he or she

Nationality infolie

 13, rue Erasme L - 1468

Luxembourg (Kirchberg)

fom Luxembourg: 8002 1000 (free number)

from abroad: (+352) 247-88588.
j Monday to Friday 8.30am-12pm and 1.30
p.m. to 5 p.m.
Scan qr code
The Service is responsible for all requests re-
garding Luxembourg nationality, including its
Luxembourgish nationality

Persons of majority age who have been resident

in Luxembourg for at least five years may ac-
quire the Luxembourg nationality by naturalisa-
tion, under certain conditions. The applicant is
not obliged to renounce his or her original natio-
nality because of the principle of dual nationality.

The acquisition of Luxembourg nationality Scan qr code
through naturalisation confers the status of
Luxembourger to the foreigner, with all attached
rights and obligations.

To acquire nationality, the applicant must

• prove a good knowledge of the
Luxembourg language (level B1 in oral com-
prehension and A2 in oral expression)
• have taken part in the "Living together in
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" course or,
failing that, have passed the examination
• have passed the examination on the sub-
jects taught in this course.

The acquisition of the Luxembourg nationality is

also subject to a good-repute condition.






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