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No work can be taken up by PWD unless the competent authority

has given :-
(a) Estimate cost
(b) Preliminary estimate
(c) Expenditure sanction
(d) Technical Sanction
2. Revised administrative approval is to be obtained from the
administrative department, if the cost
of construction is exceeded by more than ____ of the
administratively approved amount :-
(a) 10%
(b) 15%
(c) 20%
(d) None of the above.
3. PWD officers are allowed to incur expenditure on a work in excess
upto ____of the
administratively approved amount :-
(a) 20%
(b) 10%
(c) 15%
(d) 25%
4. Administrative approval is given by the work requisitioning
authority based upon the proposals
contained in :-
(a) Technical Sanction
(b) Expenditure sanction
(c) Preliminary estimate
(d) Detailed estimate
1. No work can be taken up by PWD unless the competent
authority has given :-
(a) Estimate cost (b) Preliminary estimate (c) Expenditure sanction
(d) Technical Sanction

2. Revised administrative approval is to be obtained from the

administrative department, if the cost
of construction is exceeded by more than ____ of the
administratively approved amount :-
(a) 10% (b) 15% (c) 20% (d) None of the above.

3. PWD officers are allowed to incur expenditure on a work in

excess upto ____of the
administratively approved amount :-
(a) 20% (b) 10% (c) 15% (d) 25%

4. Administrative approval is given by the work requisitioning

authority based upon the proposals
contained in :-
(a) Technical Sanction (b) Expenditure sanction (c) Preliminary
estimate (d) Detailed estimate

5. Which of the following is prepared by PWD on the basis of

plinth area of the building at the rate per unit adopted for
rough and ready calculations to give an idea to the
administrative department about the approximate cost
involved in a construction :-
(a) Technical sanction (b) Expenditure sanction (c) Detailed
Estimate (d) Preliminary estimate

6. Formal acceptance by the work requisitioning authority on the

proposals contained in the
preliminary estimate is called :-
(a) Technical sanction (b) Administrative approval. (c) Expenditure
sanction (d) None of these

7. Detailed estimate of a work is prepared by PWD after obtaining

(i) Detailed drawing of the work (ii) Technical Sanction (iii)
Administrative approval from sponsoring department (iv) Assurance
from the administrative department regarding availability of site
(a) (i), (ii) & (iii) (b) (i), (ii) & (iv) (c) (i), (iii) & (iv) (d) All the above

8. Direction office excludes :-

(i) Office of the Chief Engineer (ii) Office of the Superintending
Engineer entrusted with the execution of a work. (iii) Office of the
Superintendent Engineer organising the functioning of various PWD
divisions. (iv) PWD Divisional Office
(a) (i) & (ii) (b) (ii) & (iii) (c) (iii) & (iv) (d) (ii) & (iv)

14. Cost of Work Charged Establishment is met from :-

(a) Work contingencies (b) Office contingencies (c) Direction &
Administration (d) Establishment

15. Salary of Work Charged employees is debited to :-

(a) The work concerned. (b) Direction & Administration (c) The
work contingencies (d) Establishment

16. Special repairs to newly acquired building to make it in a

working condition is :-
(a) Original works (b) Repairs (c) Maintenance works (d) Petty

18. The term administrative approval denotes:-

(i) The formal acceptance by the administrative department
concerned of the proposals for incurring expenditure on a work
connected with the requirements of such administrative
(ii) It is an order to the Public Works Department to execute certain
specified works at a stated sum to meet the administrative needs of
the department requiring the work.
(iii) It is an order of competent authority sanctioning a properly
detailed estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair.
(iv) Administrative approval is given by the work requisitioning
authority on the basis of preliminary estimate prepared by the PWD.
(a) (i) & (iv) are correct. (b) (i), (ii) & (iv) are correct. (c) (i), (ii) &
(iii) are correct. (d) (i), (iii) & (iv) are correct.

19. Asset does not include :-

(a) All outstanding’s which have to be taken in reduction of final
charges. (b) Recoveries of advances or recoverable payment.
(c) Sale proceeds or transfer value of surplus materials. (d)
None of these.

20. Works executed for municipalities and other public

bodies, when the cost of which is met not out of government
funds but from non-government sources are called :-
(a) Municipal Works. (c) Civil Works. (d) Deposit works. (e) Non-govt
21. Sub scheme is represented by :-
(a) Major Head (b) Sub Major Head (c) Minor Head (d) Detailed

22. Intermediate Payment is a term applied to a

disbursement of :-
(a) Advance Payment. (b) Secured advance (c) On account
payment (d) Any of these.

23. The following will not be covered under the definition of

(a) Anticipated charges which are adjustable as final charges, but
yet to be paid. (b) Anticipated charges which are adjustable as
final charges, but not yet due for payment. (c) Anticipated
charges which are adjustable as final charges, having fallen due
but have not been placed to the credit of the persons
concerned. (d) None of these.

29. What would be the best definition for a ‘Running

(a) An account with a contractor when payment for work is made to
him at convenient intervals subject to final settlement of the account
on the completion of his contract.
(b) This term is used to indicate respectively the expenditure, and
the capital charges, on the special services connected with the
construction, repair and maintenance of work.
(c) An account with a contractor who agrees to execute a complete
work with all its contingencies in accordance with the drawings and
specification for a fixed sum.
(d) None of these.

30. For the purpose of financial control and statistical

convenience the estimate of a large work is divided into:-
(a) Sub Work.
(b) Major Head.
(c) Sub Head.
(d) Sub Major Head.

31. Construction of a cook house of a central jail is an

example of :-
(a) Sub head
(b) Sub work
(c) Petty work
(d) Minor work

32. Works of construction or maintenance relating to water

courses are usually referred as :-
(a) Civil Works.
(b) Public Works.
(c) Takavi works
(d) Local loan works.

33. Materials are issued from Stores only on the authority of

an Indent signed by an another
Divisional Officer or Sub Divisional Officer. Find the form No on which
this demand for stores
are placed :-
(a) CPWA- (b) CPWA-7A (c) CPWA- (d) CPWA-

34. Any payment on a running account except final payment

is called :
(a) Advance payment (b) Work advance (c) Mobilisation advance
(d) None of the above

35. A chronological record of receipt, issue and balance

quantity of each article on stock is maintained in :-
(a) Register of Bin Cards. (b) Register of Goods Received Sheet (c)
Summary of stock receipts and indents (d) Bin card.
36. Basic quantity record of stock transactions is :-
(a) Goods Received Sheet. (b) Register of Indents. (c) Bin card. (d)
Summary of stock receipts.

37. Which of the following is maintained in CPWA-

(a) Bin card. (b) Goods Received Sheet. (c) Register of Bin Cards.
(d) Indent.

38. Match the following :-

(1) Priced Stores Ledger (i) CPWA 7A (2) Register of Bin cards (ii)
CPWA 9 (3) Register of Indents (iii) CPWA 12 (4) Summary of stock
receipts (iv) CPWA 12B
(a) 1-(i), 2-(iv), 3-(ii), 4-(iii) (b) 1-(i), 2-(iv), 3-(iii), 4-(ii) (c) 1-(iii), 2-(iv),
3-(ii), 4-(i) (d) 1-(iii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(ii)

45. CPWA-15 is used as :-

(a) Tools and Plant Indent (b) Tools and Plant Ledger (c) Tools and
Plant Received Sheet (d) Indent for stores
46. Imprest cash account is maintained in :-
(a) CPWA- (b) CPWA-1A (c) CPWA- (d) CPWA-3A

47. Account of temporary advance is maintained in :-

(a) CPWA-1A (b) CPWA- (c) CPWA- (d) None of these

48. 50 bags of cement was sold by a PWD division to a public

customer for Rs 15000/-. The amount will be received by the
store keeper in a Cash Memo prepared in :-
(a) CPWA- (b) CPWA-3A (c) CPWA-3B (d) CPWA-
49. PWD Building Division Chennai needs some Tools & Plant
from a neighbouring Division. The indent for these items will be
placed in :-
(a) CPWA- (b) CPWA- (c) CPWA- (d) CPWA-

50. Cash balance report is maintained in :-

(a) CPWA-3A (b) CPWA- (c) CPWA- (d) None of these

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