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Thornhill Christian College

Maths Cala 4

Topic Matrices

Two families in your residential area spend money on daily expenses.You are asked to record how they
spend money on daily expenses.

CALA Description

Family X needs 10 loaves of bread , 5kg of mealiemeal and 20 eggs in a week . Family Y needs 12 loaves
of bread 3kgs of mealiemeal and 15 eggs.

Part A

a. Arrange the information in matrix form such that the food stuff for family Y will be in the second
column . Bread should be in the first row and eggs in the third row. (3)

b. What is the order of the matrix you have created . (1)

c. Due to inconvinience in supply of bread and mealie meal the families decided to pay the supplier
three weeks in advance . Calculate the quantities of bread and mealiemeal paid for . (3)

Part B

The two families decided to reduce expenses on breakfast .They told the supplier not to supply eggs
anymore .

a. Create a matrix with both families to show their shopping list. Make sure that bread is on the first row
and family Y is on the second column . (3)

b. Name the order of the matrix you have created (1)

c. Find the determinant of the matrix you have created (2)

d. What do you understand by the term singular matrix (2)

e. Given that family Y decided to reduce the number number of loaves of bread they eat in a week . Find
the number of loaves they now will need to make the matrix you have created into a singular matrix

Total 20 Marks

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