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This article first appeared in Reporting:

How big data

and analytics are
transforming the audit
The massive volumes of data now available inside and outside
companies, and the power of new data analytics technologies,
are fundamentally changing the audit. EY’s Roshan Ramlukan
explores the possibilities and explains the key issues facing
auditors as they embrace big data and analytics.

Historically, data was something you Analytics is the process of analyzing data with the
owned and was generally structured and human– objective of drawing meaningful conclusions. Major
generated. However, technology trends over the companies and organizations have recognized the
past decade have broadened the definition, which opportunity that big data and analytics provide, and
now includes data that is unstructured and machine– many are making significant investments to better
generated, as well as data that resides outside of understand the impact of these capabilities on their
corporate boundaries. businesses (for an example, see panel, page 04).
“Big data” is the term used to describe One area where we see significant potential is in
this massive portfolio of data that is growing the transformation of the audit.
exponentially. The general view is that big data will
have a dramatic impact on enhancing productivity, TRANSFORMING THE AUDIT
profits and risk management. But big data in itself As we continue to operate in one of the toughest
yields limited value until it has been processed and and most uneven economic climates in modern
analyzed (for more on the business value of data times, the relevance of the role of auditors in the
analytics, see the article in Issue 7 of Reporting). financial markets is more important than ever

This article first appeared in Reporting:

before. Audit firms must continue their robust and tailor their approach to deliver a more
audits to serve the public interest by increasing relevant audit.
quality on a continuous basis and by delivering While we are making significant progress and
more insights and value to the users of the are beginning to see the benefits of big data and
financial statements. Professional skepticism, and analytics in the audit, we recognize that this is a
a continued focus on the quality of audit evidence, journey. A good way to describe where we are as a
are required throughout an audit. Meanwhile, profession is to draw parallels with the TV and film
companies are expecting an enhanced dialogue subscription service Netflix. When the company
with their auditors and more relevant insights.
While the profession has long recognized the
impact of data analysis on enhancing the quality
and relevance of the audit, mainstream use of
“It’s a massive leap
this technique has been hampered due to a lack
to go from traditional audit
of efficient technology solutions, problems with approaches to one that fully
data capture and concerns about privacy. However, integrates big data and analytics in
seamless manner.”
recent technology advancements in big data and
analytics are providing an opportunity to rethink a
the way in which an audit is executed.
The transformed audit will expand beyond
sample–based testing to include analysis of entire started in 1997, it adopted a DVD–by–mail model,
populations of audit–relevant data (transaction sending movies to its customers, who returned them
activity and master data from key business after an evening or a week of entertainment. Netflix
processes), using intelligent analytics to deliver always knew that the future was in online streaming
a higher quality of audit evidence and more of movies, but the technology was not ready at that
relevant business insights. Big data and analytics time, nor was high–speed consumer broadband as
are enabling auditors to better identify financial prevalent as it has since become.
reporting, fraud and operational business risks Today, we are engaged in the audit equivalent
of DVD–by–mail, moving data from our clients to
EY for use by auditors. What we really want is to
have intelligent audit appliances that reside within
Key considerations for companies’ data centers and stream the results of

the audit committee our proprietary analytics to audit teams. But the
technology to accomplish this vision is still in its
We have identified three key areas the audit infancy and, in the interim, we are delivering audit
committee and finance leadership should be analytics by processing large client data sets within
thinking about now when it comes to big data our environment, integrating analytics into our audit
and analytics: approach and getting companies comfortable with
1) External audit: develop a better the future of audit.
understanding of how analytics is being The transition to this future won’t happen
used in the audit today. Since data capture overnight. It’s a massive leap to go from traditional
is a key barrier, determine the scope of data audit approaches to one that fully integrates big
currently being captured, and the steps data and analytics in a seamless manner.
being taken by the company’s IT function
and its auditor to streamline data capture. BARRIERS TO INTEGRATION
2) Compliance and risk management: There are a number of barriers to the successful
understand how internal audit and integration of big data and analytics into the audit,
compliance functions are using big data though they are not insurmountable.
and analytics today, and management’s The first is data capture: if auditors are unable
future plans. These techniques can have a to efficiently and cost–effectively capture company
significant impact on identifying key risks data, they will not be able to use analytics in the
and automating the monitoring processes. audit. Companies invest significantly in protecting
3) Competency development: the success of their data, with multilayered approval processes
any investments in big data and analytics will and technology safeguards. As a result, the process
be determined by the human element. Focus of obtaining client approval for provision of data to
should not be limited to developing technical the auditors can be time–consuming. In some cases,
competencies, but should extend to creating companies have refused or have been reluctant to
the analytical mindset within the finance, provide data, citing security concerns.
risk and compliance functions to consume Moreover, auditors encounter hundreds of different
the analytics produced effectively. accounting systems and, in many cases, multiple
systems within the same company. Data extraction

This article first appeared in Reporting:

has not historically been a core competency within

audit, and companies don’t necessarily have this “The transformed audit
competency either. This results in multiple attempts will expand beyond sample-based testing
and a lot of back and forth between the company
and the auditor on data capture.
to include analysis of entire populations of
Today, extraction of data is primarily focused on
general ledger data. However, embracing big data
audit-relevant data.”
to support the audit will mean obtaining sub–ledger
information, such as revenue or procurement–cycle It requires a ground–up initiative to better
data, for key business processes. This increases the understand and influence the education students
complexity of data extraction and the volumes of get at universities and colleges, enhancing learning
data to be processed. and development programs, and establishing
While it is reasonably easy to use descriptive the appropriate implementation and enablement
analytics to understand the business and identify programs to support audit teams to effectively
potential risk areas, using analytics to produce audit integrate big data and analytics into the audit.
evidence in response to those risks is a lot more
difficult. One problem with relying on analytics to ANALYTICS DILEMMAS
produce audit evidence relates to the “black box” A further issue is how auditing standards and
nature of the way in which analytics works, with regulations can be aligned with the use of data
algorithms or rules used to transform data and analytics. In general, the auditing profession is
produce visualizations or reports. When the auditor governed by standards that were conceived some
gets to this stage, they need to find the appropriate years ago and that did not contemplate the ability
balance between applying auditor judgment and to leverage big data. Below are four areas that
relying on the results of these analytics. require further consideration.
The value of integrating big data and analytics
into the audit will only be realized when used by 1) Substantive analytical procedures: these
auditors to influence the scope, nature and extent examine the reasonableness of relationships in
of the audit. This will require them to develop new financial statement items, to uncover variations
skills focused on knowing what questions to ask of from expected trends. However, the standard
the data, and the ability to use analytics output to doesn’t cover using big data–based analytics to
produce audit evidence, draw audit conclusions and provide “substantive evidence.” One of the key
derive meaningful business insights. differences with analytics techniques is that the

This article first appeared in Reporting:

procedures are used to identify unusual transactions possible to relate some of these types of tests to
or misstatements, based on the analysis of the the current framework in the standards, but not all.
data, and usually without the auditor establishing Without a proper description of the type of evidence
an expectation. Big data and these kind of analytics that analytics provides, auditors are reluctant to
techniques did not exist when the standard was claim it as evidence, thus negating the benefits.
conceived, so were not considered as a source
of audit evidence. The gap creates uncertainty 4) Precision: an audit is designed to detect a
regarding the relevance and applicability of analytics material misstatement. When companies record
in providing anything more than indicative evidence. revenues amounting to billions of dollars and
users of the financial statements expect them
2) Validating the data used for analytics: as to be free of material misstatements, what level
auditors receive information from the client, they of precision do the auditors require of their data
determine its clerical accuracy and completeness, analytics? The standards need to provide more
and whether it is appropriate as audit evidence. This guidance in this area.
applies whether they receive printed documents
(such as contracts) or electronic data. Ultimately, the audit of the future could look
But audit analytics do not use or rely on reports quite different from the audit of today. Auditors
generated by the system; instead, relevant will be able to use larger data sets and analytics to
master and transaction data is extracted directly better understand the business, identify key risk
from the underlying databases. Procedures are areas and deliver enhanced quality and coverage
then performed to validate the accuracy and while providing more business value. But to
completeness of the data, and it is reconciled achieve this transformation, the profession will
to system-generated reports. The auditor is need to work closely with key stakeholders, from
then confident that their analysis is based on the businesses they are auditing to the regulators
the same data the company uses to produce its and standard–setters.
financial information.
While the standards provide some guidance in Roshan Ramlukan is a partner in EY’s Global
this area, they could not have anticipated the type Assurance Team and leads the organization’s
and volume of data that auditors are extracting. Audit Transformation Analytics initiative. He
Inevitably, there are limitations in the extent is based in Boston in the US.
to which auditors can derive evidence from the
procedures that may be performed in relation April 2015
to such data.

3) Defining audit evidence: the standards provide

a hierarchy of evidence, with third–party evidence
at the top and management inquiries at the
bottom. However, the standards do not indicate
what type of evidence analytics provides. It is

How RoboCop is reducing financial reporting fraud

In 2013, the US Securities and Exchange The SEC subsequently expanded the model’s
Commission (SEC) announced new initiatives capabilities to include a scan of the management
aimed at better identifying financial reporting discussion and analysis sections of annual
fraud through the use of big data and reports. SEC analysts have developed lists of
analytics tools. words and phrasing choices that are common
One of these is the Accounting Quality Model among past fraudulent filers. These lists have
(AQM), often referred to as “RoboCop.” AQM been turned into risk factors and integrated into
is a fully automated system that analyzes a AQM’s review process.
company’s filing within 24 hours of it being AQM assigns a risk score to each filing,
posted to EDGAR, the SEC’s online database assessing the likelihood that fraudulent activities
of submissions from companies. The system have occurred. The AQM risk score is used by
is designed to identify high–risk activity by SEC inspection staff to prioritize inspections,
comparing the current filing with those of and the nature of issues identified by AQM help
companies in the filer’s industry peer group. influence the scope and focus of the inspection.

This article first appeared in Reporting:

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