Microteaching Lesson Plan

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Strand/Topic: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Grade: 5 Date: October 5, 2022

Expectations Is there a Connection for Students? Connections to other Curricular

Overall: Areas?
 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators, in various contexts. – Adding and subtracting fractions has real-world applications such as:
Ontario grade 5 math curriculum.  Adding or subtracting measurements in a recipe for
Specific:  Adding up your marks from different sections on a test (e.g.,
 Generate visual models of adding and subtracting fractions with like multiple choice 7/10 + short answer 8/10).
denominators.  Counting money (e.g., How many quarters make a dollar? ¼ + ¼
 Describe relationships and show equivalences among fractions using + ¼ + ¼).
appropriate tools and drawings.
 Solve word problems involving adding and subtracting fractions with like I would be aware of my students’ personal interests and use specific
denominators. examples that include those interests to engage students further.
 Use physical or online tools like fraction strips and fraction circles to  For example, if many of the students enjoy sports, I would
demonstrate visual models of adding and subtracting fractions with like incorporate a word problem about sports.
 Understand that a fraction is a number that conveys a relationship between A cross-curricular reference would be when students learn about
two quantities. creating scientific experiments that include measuring different
 Understand that a fraction can represent a quotient. solutions or ingredients to create a reaction.
 For example, students would add ¼ cup of baking soda to ¼ cup
of vinegar to create a reaction.
Equity/Diversity and Social Justice (Teacher Actions)
 To ensure the lesson is attainable for all students, I would make sure to use differentiated learning strategies to meet all students’ goals.
 Make sure to include activities that accommodate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
 I would check that all students were working cooperatively with one another in the group work part of the lesson plan together. If some children did
not get along with one another, I would first try to sort out the problem between students. If there were still issues, I would choose to switch around
students from other groups.
 The lesson includes group work; however, some students may be shy. I would make sure that these students feel comfortable in collaborating with
others by explaining to all students that this is an inclusive environment for all peers to share collective ideas with one another.
 Throughout the lesson, I made sure to ask the children after each section if anyone needed clarification on a topic or if they had any questions.
 If a student is visually impaired, I would make sure to orally explain the lesson in depth in order for the student to fully comprehend the topic.
 Individuals with disabilities have individualized needs, so I would adjust my lesson pertaining to the specific situation. I would check with the special
education department to confirm all learning goals are met. For students with physical disabilities, I would make sure to use assistive technology, if
possible (iPad, assistive software, etc.), along with a printed worksheet if they could not physically write. I would partner them with a peer if they felt
comfortable to do so. I will make sure to check in with the student after class if they need any extra explanations or help to write something down that
they could not.

Niamh McNally 1
Questions to Ask Accommodations/ Materials
In previous grades, students learned how to: The read aloud word If needed, some students Printable
 Represent fractions from halves to tenths using drawings, tools, and problems would include with accommodations can cut-out
standard fractional notation, and explain the meanings of the questions such as: use an online version of fraction
denominator and the numerator. 1) If one whole fraction strips. strips from
 Have an understanding that a fraction is a number that tells us about chocolate bar is this website:
the relationship between two quantities. split into 4 If less than five children were https://
 Use models to visually represent fractions. pieces, what not understanding the www.math-
does each piece concept, I would make sure salamanders
To assess and activate students’ prior knowledge, students will complete a represent as a to speak to them directly .com/
mini task activity. fraction? Show and assist them in the printable-
 I will bring cut-out paper fraction strips along with a number line on this with the specific area they are having fraction-
chart paper and ask students to demonstrate their knowledge of strips. trouble with independently. strips.html
what a fraction represents. 2) If I cut a paper
 With these movable cut-out manipulatives, kids can refresh their into 6 pieces, If five or more children were OR this
memory on how numerators and denominators work. what fraction of having trouble, I would need website that
 I would start by placing students in groups of 4. Then I would read a whole does to first give a mini lesson on has online
Part 1: Minds On

aloud one word problem question at a time to the class and ask each piece of an overview of fractions in interactive
students to visually show the answers to these questions with the paper order to ensure that fraction
cut-out strips and the number line. represent? everyone was on the same strips:
 By starting off this lesson in groups, it does not intimidate the page before moving on to https://
children if they do not fully understand this topic because they can Ask the class as a group adding and subtracting toytheater.c
work with their peers to help refresh their memory and get on track. what it means to make fractions with like om/fraction-
multiple fractions into a denominators. strips/
This mini task can assess students’ present knowledge on fractions and will whole number.
be dependent on how the following lesson will continue. Completing this mini task will Graph paper
 For example, if students have trouble understanding what a visual Ask the specific groups allow me to gauge the with a
representation of a fraction is, more time will be dedicated to of 4 how they came up students’ knowledge level on number line
clarifying these concepts before moving on to adding and subtracting with their solutions to fractions. already
fractions with like denominators. the word problems. drawn on.

Ask for a volunteer to

show their fraction
strips and number line
to the class and how
they got their answer
for each of the word

Niamh McNally 2
Students will be shown some warm-up problems on the blackboard and be Extra examples to be If students are still having Different
shown how to solve problems of adding and subtracting fractions that have explained: difficulty understanding colour
common denominators. 1) 1/5 + 8/5 this concept, show this chalk/dry
2) 3/9 + 8/9 YouTube video that uses erase
I will use different colour chalk/markers to show on the board how students 3) 7/12 + 9/12 great visualizations of adding markers.
would keep the denominator the same, and either add or subtract the 4) 17/20 – 3/20 and subtracting fractions:
numerators from one another. 5) 10/11 – 7/11 https://www.youtube.com/ Pencil and
6) 7/12 – 5/12 watch?v=KFdHetid008 paper.
The steps discussed should go along the lines of:
1) Ensure the denominators are the same. Word problems: Students with visual Projector to
2) Add or subtract the numerators. 1) Abdul and impairments would need an show
4) Keep the denominator. Jennifer created in-depth oral explanation. YouTube
5) Reduce the final answer if possible. a triathlon video, if
course that Students who are more needed.
Then the addition problem of 3/6 + 1/6 will be presented to the class. included a swim advanced could partner up
Students will discuss ideas of how to solve the problem with a partner. of 5/4 km, with students who are Fractions
 Remind students that they can draw pictures or use the fraction biking for 95/4 having trouble strips and
Part 2: Action

strips and number line if it helps them think about the problem. A km, and running understanding the main graph paper
discussion will be done after everyone has a chance to think. for 21/4 km. concepts. If these students with number
 If students need more addition examples, they will be given to the How long was still needed individualized line for
class to ensure students have an understanding. the course? help, I would assist them at students
2) Erika is the end of class while other that needed
The next sample problem discussed would be subtracting fractions. measuring milk students complete their in- to visualize
 For example, 7/8 – 5/8 would be read aloud to everyone and written to make class exit tickets. the
on the board. Students will again discuss how to solve this problem cookies. The questions.
with a partner, and then the answer will be taken up with the class recipe calls for
after a volunteer who raises their hand explains their understanding ¾ cup of milk
of how they got their final answer to the class. and she has ¼
of a jug now.
Then, two application word problems will be read aloud and solved on the How much
board along with steps of how to do so to ensure the class has an more milk does
understanding of how to solve adding and subtracting fractions with like she need?
denominator word problems.
 If more than five students needed more word problem examples to
understand how to solve them, another problem would be given to
everyone along with the steps shown on how to solve it.
 A volunteer could demonstrate how they got their answer on the
board while explaining the steps in front of the class.

Niamh McNally 3
Questions to Ask Accommodations / Materials
Help students summarize concepts learned and highlight the main Show of hands to If some students still Homework
ideas. ensure everyone need individualized help worksheets.
understands the after the debrief, I will
I conclude by giving an overview checklist of the main ideas learned concept of adding work with them at the Different coloured
in this class. and subtracting end of the class when pens if some
 Then, I explain the homework worksheet to the students fractions with like others are completing students need to
Part 3: Consolidate Debrief

that will need to be completed at home. This worksheet denominators. their exit ticket. visualize to
includes number problems and word problems that are add/subtract the
similar to those discussed in class. Ask if there are any If 85% or more of numerators (e.g.,
questions on the students received a 3/4 write the
Students will complete an exit ticket consisting of four questions (2 lesson or main or higher on the exit numerators with
adding fractions and 2 subtracting fractions). concepts that need ticket, I would consider blue pen) and keep
to be clarified. the lesson to be a the denominators
It is important to make sure that at least 80% of the class success. If not, I would the same (e.g., write
comprehends this lesson. This can be done by asking students to Exit ticket questions: ensure to go over the the denominators
discuss their thoughts as well as acknowledge the questions they 1) 2/8 + 4/8 main concepts with the with red pen).
ask. 2) 9/14 + 7/14 whole class.
3) 11/19 – 4/19
4) 7/10 – 5/10

Assessment Tools (diagnostic/formative/summative)

 Diagnostic: When students are in their groups during the mini task, observation notes can be taken to assess the students’ prior knowledge on
this topic. This is helpful to note when deciding if it is appropriate to move on to the following lesson and make sure that students have an
understanding of the base knowledge needed.
 Formative: Answering questions during the action part of the lesson is an important part of tracking students’ participation. How students
work with one another in their group is also a means of formative assessment.
 Summative: Have students complete the homework worksheet questions overnight. This worksheet will contribute to a percentage of their
overall math grade. Also, this topic would be a part of the unit test, which would also count towards their final grade.

Niamh McNally 4
Next Steps
 Students will complete the homework worksheet and bring it to class the following day. The worksheet will be marked and taken up as a class,
as well as clarify any areas or questions that students had difficulties with.

Examples of questions on the worksheet:

1) Solve the following fraction using fraction strips: 7/9 + 12/9
2) Add the following fraction with the help of a number line and visually show how you got your answer: 8/12 + 2/12
3) Solve the following fraction using fraction strips: 6/11 – 3/11
4) Subtract the following fraction with the help of a number line and visually show how you got your answer: 7/16 – 3/16
5) Caiden spent 1/2 of an hour on his science homework and 1/4 of an hour on his geography homework. How much time did Caiden spend doing
6) Maeve had 6/10 liters of water in her jug. She drank 3/10 liters of water. How much water does Maeve have left?
7) Aleena had a birthday party with her friends, and they enjoyed eating a cake. Aleena ate 1/2 of the cake, Joan ate 2/12 of the cake and Akio
ate 3/12 of the cake. How much of the cake has been eaten?
8) Janaye brought 8/9 of a chocolate bar to school to share with her friends. She gave Amira 3/9 of the bar and gave Arjun 2/9 of the bar. How
much of the bar does Janaye have to eat herself?

 For the following lesson, I would go over what the students learned in this lesson. Then I would use this knowledge to build onto the next
topic. Students would need to have a full understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators in order to move onto the
following topic, which would be adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.


What went well? What didn’t go so well? What do I need to change?

 My peers enjoyed the level of detail  It was difficult to teach this topic is ten  Implement additional online tools for
presented in an interesting and minutes. In an actual grade 5 class, students to practice at home.
engaging way. typically this lesson may take an hour or  Make sure to be aware of time and note
 It was easy for them to understand longer depending on students’ how much time each part of the lesson
when using different colour markers to understanding of concepts. would take (e.g., Minds on took seven
explain the rules when adding and  Students may need more time to clarify minutes to explain, etc.), as well as
subtracting fractions. concepts learned in the previous grade, accounting extra time for students’
which may take longer than ten minutes questions.
itself (just reviewing).

Niamh McNally 5

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