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What is Yoga?

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline

based on an extremely subtle science,
which focuses on bringing harmony
between mind and body. It is an art
and scince of healthy living. The word
'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root
'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke'
What is Yoga Education?

Yoga education can supplement school and

university education. It can prepare the
students physically and mentally for the
integration of their physical, mental and
spiritual faculties so that the students can
become healthier, saner and more
integrated members of the society and of
the nation.
What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a style of yoga

as exercise popularised by K. Pattabhi Jois
during the 20th century, often promoted
as a modern-day form of classical Indian
yoga. He claimed to have learnt the
system from his teacher, Tirumalai
Krishnamacharya. The style is energetic,
synchronising breath with movements.
Limbs of astanga yoga
1. Yama(Self restraint, moral guidelines for human
2. Niyama(Observances, principles of morality)
3. Asana (yoga postures)
4. Pranayama(breath control)
5. Pratyahara(withdrawal of mind)
6. Dharana(concentration)
7. Dhyana(meditation)
8. Samadhi (suspension of mind in the goal)

Yama is the first of the 8 limbs of

ashtanga yoga. Yama (Restraints,
Abstinence or Universal Morality) The
verbal meaning of "Yama" is "rein, curb, or
bridle, discipline or restraints" In the
present context, it is used to mean "self-
control, forbearance, or any great rule or
Elements of Yama

The five Yamas are-:

1.Ahimsa (non-violence),
2.Satya (truthfulness),
3.Asteya (not stealing),
4.Brahmacharya (moderation),
5.Aparigraha (not hoarding).

The Niyamas are the 2nd limb

of Ashtanga yoga, after the yamas.
The Niyamas are guidelines for how
you should treat yourself and how
to develop and improve your
personal qualities.
Elements of Niyama
The Yoga Sutra describes five different niyamas
1. Saucha (cleanliness),
2. Santosha (contentment),
3. Tapas (self-discipline),
4. Svadhyaya (self-reflection),
5. Ishvara pranidhana (surrender to a higher

An asana is the 3rd limb of ashtanga yoga. An

asana is a body posture, originally and still a
general term for a sitting meditation pose,
and later extended in hatha yoga and
modern yoga as exercise, to any type of
position, adding reclining, standing, inverted,
twisting, and balancing poses. Asanas are also
called yoga poses or yoga postures in English.

Pranayama is the 4the limb of ashtanga

yoga. Pranayama is the practice of breath
regulation. It's a main component of yoga,
an exercise for physical and mental
wellness. In Sanskrit, “prana” means life
energy and “yama” means control. The
practice of pranayama involves breathing
exercises and patterns.

Pratyahara is the fifth limb of yoga in

the Ashtanga yoga system—also called
the eight-limbed path—and it serves as
a foundation for meditation. The
experience of pratyahara is the ability
to disengage your mind by controlling
your reaction to external disturbances.

Dhāraṇā is the 6th limb Of ashtanga yoga.

Dharana(from Sanskrit धारणा) is translated as
"collection or concentration of the mind
(joined with the retention of breath)", or "the
act of holding, bearing, wearing, supporting,
maintaining, retaining, keeping back (in
remembrance), a good memory", or "firmness,
steadfastness, certainty".

Dhyana is a term used for the seventh

anga (limb or level) in the eight-
step Yoga practice of Sage Patanjali. This
state is penultimate to Samadhi or
“absorption.” Unfortunately, the
word dhyana is usually translated as
meditation, implying a state of abiding

Yoga is a spiritual practice, and Samadhi is the

8th and final stage on the eightfold path
of yoga. It is a state of consciousness where
individual awareness dissolves into the great
Whole. Samadhi is a state of profound and
utterly absorptive contemplation of the
Absolute that is undisturbed by desire, anger, or
any other ego-generated thought or emotion.
Yoga is the medicine for nearly every problem. As you
practice yoga, it does not only help you to improve your
physical body but also helps in maintaining your inner
peace and relaxing your mind. Thus, there is nothing
that yoga will not help. If you practice yoga daily you
will enjoy a peaceful and healthy lifetime.
Through the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali has provided the
highest knowledge to reach the ultimate.
Thus, Ashtanga Yoga is the core of the
Patanjali Yoga Sutras, thus, standing tall as one of the
best and the most practiced forms of yoga even today.

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