Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks in Zar

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Open Journal of Geology, 2017, 7, 348-359
ISSN Online: 2161-7589
ISSN Print: 2161-7570

Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous

Rocks in Zarinkamar Area,
NE of Shahrood, Iran

Ebrahim Nazemi1, Mohammad Ali Arian1*, Abdoreza Jafarian2, Mohsen Porkermani1

Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Department of Geology, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran


How to cite this paper: Nazemi, E., Arian, Abstract

M.A., Jafarian, A. and Porkermani, M.
(2017) Petrology and Geochemistry of Zarinkamar area is located in northeast of Shahrood, northeast of Iran, between
Igneous Rocks in Zarinkamar Area, NE of latitudes of 36˚37’ - 36˚42’ and longitudes of 55˚07’ - 55˚12’. Different types of
Shahrood, Iran. Open Journal of Geology,
igneous rocks have an outcrop on the region. Intrusive igneous rocks include a
7, 348-359. type of syenite with aegirine pyroxene and the other includes quartz from 5 to
20 percent. Moreover, aegirine syenite, ordinary syenite, and quartz syenite have
Received: October 22, 2016 been injected into Karaj Formation with an age of middle to early Eocene. Also,
Accepted: March 27, 2017
Published: March 30, 2017 some parts of trachyte magma have given rise to produce trachyte outcrops after
passing the crust and current flows. Studying major and rare elements shows
Copyright © 2017 by authors and that a magma separation has been caused by separation smelting or a crystal se-
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
paration. These magmas are alkaline and shoshonites and they have been origi-
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International nated in a continental rift. The magma of Zarinkamar region has been com-
License (CC BY 4.0). bined with acidic continent crust as it rose to the surface. High amount of Th, and Rb and low amount of Ti, P, Sr, and Ba can prove this hypothesis.
Open Access

Zarinkamar, Sharood, Syenite, Trachyte

1. Introduction
Study area is located 28 km northeast of Shahrood in Semnan province in Iran. As
far as geological classification of Iran is concerned, the area belongs to eastern Alborz
zone. This zone is a subzone of northern part of Alp-Himalia orogeny belt in West-
ern Asia. It is also collided with Caspian block and central Iran block toward north
and south, respectively. Based on the geochemical databases and related geochemi-
cal figures of major, rare and cation figures, the composition of the magma is

DOI: 10.4236/ojg.2017.73024 March 30, 2017

E. Nazemi et al.

classified as Alkaline and Shoshonite magma. As far as petrological issue is con-

cerned, the rocks include intrusive rocks, alkali feldspar aegirine syenite, alkali
feldspar quartz syenite and volcanic rocks (e.g. tracite and crystalline silica)
which specifies that the tectonic regime of these rocks are continental alkaline
rifts with a depletion of Eu (negative anomaly). Based on geochemical studies
and related geochemical figures, Eu shows a negative anomaly which is related to
plagioclase separation. Also, the magma shows a concentration of LREE/HREE.
A concentration of LREE is one of the specifications of OIB showing a presence
of garnet in a magma resource. La/Yb is about 6.16 to 8.8 and La/Sm is approx-
imately 2.98 to 3.49; also a notable negative anomaly of Eu is considered (Eu/Eu*
= 0.05 − 0.69). Based on the geochemical database and related figures of major
and rare elements, the magma of Zarinkamar region is classified as an alkaline
and Shoshonite magma which consists of syenite, syenite alkali feldspar with
quartz, and syenite quartz. The pattern of related normalized to diagonal values
of the rare elements demonstrate the concentration of lithophile elements with
high ion radius (LILE) of Th, K, and Rb; while, the elements with high ionic
strength (HFSE) show depletion. A negative anomaly of Ti, P, Sr, and Ba shows a
fractional crystallization and lack of depletion of Nb-Ta illustrates Shoshonite
masses which have been originated within continent environments. Also, their
tectonic source of these rocks is continental alkaline rifts.

2. Petrography
2.1. Alkali Feldspar Quartz Syenite
Linear alkali feldspar with long and stretched shapes which has been getting gray
and dusty color has been identified in thin sections, they are almost similar and
in the same size. Also, some of them have kept their primitive shape and shown
a simple macle. Their frequencies are about 90 to 95 percent which have crossed
each other. Pyroxenes (acmite and aegirine) have been identified among them
with a dark and olive green color to brownish green color with a zonal condition
and semi shaped frame which all of them show a zonal condition vividly. Quartz
has been placed in residual spaces among minerals as micro crystalline with a
frequency of 5 percent and it shows a hypidiomorphic intergranular (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Microscopic image of Alkali feldspar aegirine quartz syenite.

E. Nazemi et al.

2.2. Alkali Feldspar Aegirine Quartz Syenite

Elongated minerals of feldspars are often gray and dusty and show a simple
macle with a regular shape and different size. The macles are usually crossed
each other and they normally have been altered and become kaolinitized. Their
frequencies are approximately 80 to 90 percent. Quartz crystalline appears in a
shaped and hypidiomorphic formation among vacant spaces among minerals
and their frequency is about 10 to 15 percent. Pyroxenes are in light to dark
green colors in a stockwork texture with small to big crystalline which the bigger
the pyroxenes are, the better zoning and vertical cleavage properties are identi-
fied. Apart from pyroxene, amphiboles are appeared with inclined cleavage with
a green to brown and dark green color which all of them are macro crystalline
with angled and amorphous shapes. Ferrous minerals are in dark red which are
amorphous and mostly in stockwork texture with angled shapes. According to
the thin-section interpretation, this sample has hypidiomorphic intergranular
texture (Figure 2).

3. Geochemistry
After plotting geochemical databases of the samples on QAP [1] figure, sample
(A.23) with a value of Q=0 has been set to the alkali feldspar syenite class and
sample C.02 has been set to alkali feldspar granite with a value of Q = 14.77 in
their norms; rest of samples have been set to quartz alkali feldspar syenite group
(Figure 3). Also, based on the diagram of (Na2O+K2O) versus (SiO2) [2], the
samples within syenite class have ranged from semi acidic to alkaline groups
(Figure 4). Based on the diagram of K2O versus SiO2 [3], the rocks in sample
A.01 has been classified in tholeiitic part and A.02 sample has been set to an up-
per part of K2O; the rest of samples have been classified in shoshonites part
(Figure 5). Based on the diagram of Ab-An-Or [4], sample A.01 has been classi-
fied in a sodic region and rest of samples have been classified in potassic region
(Figure 6). The total value of alkaline values in igneous rocks in ZarinKamar re-
gion is 10.54 and the ratio of K2O to Na2O is about 0.87 to 1.015. Also the value
of TiO2 is about 0.8 to 0.011 and the average value of Al2O3 is 12.3. As far as the
diagrams of major elements versus SiO2 [5] are concerned, CaO shows a reduc-


Figure 2. Microscopic image of alkali feldespar quartz aegirinesenyite in Zarinkamar


E. Nazemi et al.

Figure 3. The figure classifying intrusive igneous rocks saturated in silica (AQP diagram)

Figure 4. The diagrams introducing extrusive igneous rocks based on TAS method [2].

ing trend versus SiO2 which can illustrate the separation process and it had been
consumed in the minerals such as pyroxene, sphene, titanite, calcite and epidote.
FeO (and Fe total) shows a decreasing trend which determines a separation

E. Nazemi et al.

Figure 5. Diagram of K2O versus SiO2 [3].

Figure 6. An-Ab-Or diagram classifying alkaline igneous rocks (Sodic

from potassic) [4].

process and it also has taken part in the opaque mineral structures like pyroxene,
and ilmenite. The source of magma with a high potassium causes an increase on
K2O versus SiO2. Also, potassic minerals (e.g. alkali feldspar) show an increasing
trend as SiO2 increases. The phenomena can be seen on microscopic sections by
the presence of plenty of alkali feldspar. Also, this trend can be related to re-
maining potassium in the final step of magma separation and concentrating on
feldspar phases. MgO reduces versus SiO2. Mg is a consistent element and this

E. Nazemi et al.

reduction explains a more magma separation process and it shows that the rock
has faced more separation phases and it is far away from its parent. Na2O shows
a decreasing trend versus SiO2 which has been consumed in the structure of al-
kali feldspars and sodic pyroxenes (acmite) (Figure 7). Pyroxene is a key frac-
tionating phase in alkaline magmatic systems and has the potential to control the
behaviour of the rare metals (REE + HFSE) during crystallization [6].
K2O and SiO2 increment and CaO and MgO reduction show a magma separa-
tion and generally it can be concluded that the rocks in Zarinkamar region have
passed a magma separation phase [7]. As separation phase expands, the percen-
tage of ferromagnesium minerals like olivine and pyroxene content decreases
while feldspar concentration increases significantly. Na2O increases and SiO2
decreases as separation phase continues. They finally contribute in the structure
of silicate minerals (e.g. alkaline feldspar) and residual SiO2 of quartz is pro-
duced inconsiderably which can be seen on thin sections. Al2O3 shows a de-
creasing trend as the separation phase continues. Al2O3 has positioned in alka-
line feldspar minerals (e.g. Albite, orthoclase, anorthoclase, and microcline).
CaO concentration was low in the primitive phases and it increased as separa-
tion phase developed. It is consistent with presence of pyroxene in the final
process of separation. K2O content in Zarinkamar magma which is a high potassic
magma is controlled by alkaline feldspar minerals (i.e. potassium feldspar). K2O

Figure 7. Geochemical database of Zarinkamar samples on the major elements versus

SiO2 diagram [5].

E. Nazemi et al.

was high in the beginning of the separation and it decreases as separation pro-
cess develops and it dropped to its minimum content in the final stages of the
separation and it locates finally in the crystalline structure. Total iron content
increases as separation phase expands and it reaches to its maximum concentra-
tion at the final stages of the separation process and it contributes in ferrous
mineral compositions (Figure 8).
K, Th, Rb, Nb, Hf, Zr, Sm, Y are concentrated in the rocks of Zarinkamar re-
gion and Ba, Sr, P, Ti are depleted in these samples. High content of Rb is related
to Shoshonite properties and it also may relate to contamination with crust. So-
lubility of titanium minerals decreases as pressure increases in aqueous fluids.
These minerals can be remained as residual phases during partial melting pro-
cesses in the depth of over 30 km and it causes a negative anomaly in the melt
[9]. Based on a theory [10], LREE concentration in the rocks shows an interven-
tion of continental crust on forming the magma (Figure 9).
In the normalized multi elements of spider diagram related to chondrite [11],
Ba, Sr, P, and Ti elements show depletion and Rb, Th, La, Ce, and Nd show con-
centration. The high amount of Rb, and Th and low amount of Ba, Sr, P, and Ti
are consistent with crust properties which shows that crust materials have made
some impurities during magma evaluation. Sr also enters to feldspar structures
and Rb is placed in the potassium feldspar structure. Based on the theory raised
by [12], negative anomalies of Ba, Sr, P, and Ti shows fractional crystallization
and non-depletion of Nb-Ta shows a source of Shoshonite masses formed main-
ly within inter continent environment (Figure 10).
In the normalized diagrams to the REE chondrite [13], LREE to HRE shows a
moderate concentration (Figure 11). Concentration of LREE is the unique spe-
cification of OIB which shows presence of residual garnet in the source. N
(La/Yb) = 6.16 - 8.8 and N (La/Sm) = 2.98 - 3.49 and negative anomaly of Eu

Figure 8. Geochemical database of Zarinkamar samples on the major elements versus

separation coefficient [6].

E. Nazemi et al.

Figure 9. Normalized spider diagram related to MORB [8].

Figure 10. Spider diagram related to chondrite [11].

Figure 11. Spider diagram of normalized REE to the chondrite [13].

E. Nazemi et al.

(Eu/Eu* = 0.05 - 0.69), Figure 12, are notable. Figure 13 shows that all the sam-
ples have been placed within a negative anomaly of Eu. Eu anomalies are often
controlled by feldspars since Eu is stable in its bivalency in calcium feldspars;
while, other trivalent REE are inconsistent in calcium feldspars. Therefore, se-
parating calcium feldspar from the melting phase can lead to a negative anomaly
of Eu in the magma either the separation has been caused by crystalline separa-
tion or partial separation (which feldspar is remained in the magma). The Eu

Figure 12. Diagram of Eu/Eu* versus SiO2 [16].

Figure 13. Diagram of Ta versus Yb [17].

E. Nazemi et al.

Figure 14. Triplex diagram of Y-Nb-Ce [A1: Continental rift or inter-plate

magma; A2: Continent-continent collision or island-arc magma] [18].

Figure 15. Tectonic position of rock samples in Zarrinkamar region [19].

depletion is probably because of plagioclase removal from the source or later

discarding by fractional crystallization in the magma chamber prior to em-
placement [14]. Also, the absence of plagioclase in the macroscopic samples
proves the negative anomaly of Eu in samples [15].

4. Tectonomagmatic Environments
In the diagram of Yb versus Ta [17], rock samples have been placed in the inter-
plate tectonic region (Figure 13). Also, in the triplex diagram of Y-Nb-Ce [18]

E. Nazemi et al.

which consists of two parts, A1, and A2, all samples have been placed in A1 part
which is the interpolate magma or continental rifts (Figure 14). Based on the
Figure 15 the samples have been placed as interpolate continent alkaline rifts.

5. Conclusions
A small and limited magmatism of trachyte have taken place at Zarinkamar re-
gion, north east of Shahrood with the age of middle Eocene. The raised magma
had been frozen in the host rocks and types of syenite have been formed. This
magma could also get to surface and it caused a limited trachyte flows.
Agirine syenite of Zarinkamar region is generally elongated alkaline feldspars
with semi to fully shaped formation which are often crossed each other.
Agirine with an almost vertical cleavage (87 degree) has been placed within
feldspars which their origin is shoshonite. As far as diagrams related to sodic and
potassic alkaline igneous rocks are concerned, A.01 has been placed in the tho-
leiitic region and the rest of the samples have been placed in the potassic region.
Based on Harker diagrams, Zarinkamar rocks have passed magma separation
process. In comparison to inter-oceanic basalts, Zarinkamar rocks are concen-
trated in K, Th, Rb, Nb, Hf, Zr, Sm, and Y and depleted from Ba, Sr, P, and Ti.
High concentration of Rb can be related either to Shoshonite properties or mix-
ing with earth crust. In the normalized multi element (to chondrite) spider dia-
gram, related values of the samples to the chondrite showed depletion of Ba, Sr,
P, and Ti and concentration of Rb, Th, La, Ce, and, Nd. High content of Rb and
Th and low content of Ba, Sr, P, and Ti are consistent with magmas related to
the earth crust. The elements in the earth crust have been contaminated during
magma evaluation. In the rock samples of Zarinkamar LREE to HREE shows a
moderate concentration which LREE concentration is the specification of OIB.
(La/Sm) N was 2.98 - 3.49 and a negative anomaly of Eu is notable (Eu/Eu* =
0.05 - 0.69). Eu anomalies are usually controlled by feldspars since Eu in its bi-
valent is consistent with calcium feldspars while other triplex REEs are inconsis-
tent with feldspars. Therefore, separation of calcium feldspar from magma leads
to a negative anomaly of Eu whether it is provided by crystalline or partial sepa-
ration. The absence of plagioclase in the microscopic samples confirms the nega-
tive anomaly of Eu. According to the tectonomagmatic diagrams, the rock sam-
ples have been placed within interpolate environments and inter-continental

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