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Skill Test Summary

SUMMARY 1. Add up your ATT+ SK combination.

2. Check the difficulty.

In any situation where your character’s success is in doubt, their
failure is interesting, or they are at risk, you need to attempt a 3. Buying d20s using AP?
skill test.
The GM will ask you to roll a pool of d20s, and get more 4. Roll the dice.
successes than the target number (TN).
You will need to roll an attribute + skill combination from your 5. Count your successes. Did you succeed?

character sheet that best applies to the action you’re trying to
achieve. That TN, made by adding your chosen attribute and 6. Any extra successes become AP to spend
immediately or save/pool for the group.
skill, gives you the number each d20 must roll equal to, or under
—if it does then you generate one success.
Luck Options Summary


Luck of the Draw Add a detail to a scene

1.CHOOSE ATTRIBUTE + SKILL: Add together an attribute
and skill from your character sheet appropriate for your
test: this is your target number for each d20. You can Stacked Deck Use your LCK attribute for a skill test
suggest ATT+ SK, but the GM has the final say.
•Your target number is the number each d20 must roll Lucky Timing Interrupt the normal turn order to take
equal or under to generate one success. your turn now
2.SET THE DIFFICULTY: GM sets the difficulty for the Miss Fortune Re-roll 1d20 or 3 per Luck point
test, normally between 1 and 5. The difficulty is the spent
number of successes you must generate with your d20s
to pass.
Describe and roll attribute+ skill. Roll 1d20 and add any successes to
3..ROLL THE DICE POOL: Assemble your dice pool. You start the main skill test, provided they scored at least 1 success of their
with two d20s, but you can buy up to 3 more d20s by own. If they didn’t generate any successes, then you can’t add any
spending Action Points. Then roll the dice pool. successes.
4. CHECK FOR SUCCESSES: Each d20 that rolls equal to or GROUP TESTS
less than your target number scores one success. Any d20 that Decide who is going to lead the test, while the rest of the group
rolls a 1 is a critical success, which is worth two successes. assists (as above). Leader rolls a normal dice pool. Everyone else
• If the skill you’re using is a Tag Skill, then you rolls 1d20, using their own attribute+ skill.
score a critical success (2 successes) for each die OPPOSED TESTS
which rolls equal to or less than your skill rating. When another character opposes you in a skill test, they roll their
• Each d20 that rolls a 20 generates a d20 dice after buying any extras. The number of successes they
complication. generate becomes your difficulty. Extra successes are converted
to AP. If you fail, you do not succeed and your opponent gains the
number of successes equals/beats the difficulty you passed. If it ACTION POINTS (AP)
is less than the difficulty, you have failed. When you succeed a test, each success above the difficulty
• Each success above the difficulty becomes an becomes an AP. Spend AP to do the following:
•Buy d20s (1-6 AP): Buy bonus d20s for a test, before the dice
Action Point (AP).
pool is rolled. The cost increases for each die purchased: the
6. GET THE RESULT: The GM describes the outcome, first d20 costs 1 AP, the second costs 2, and the third costs 3..
and if the test was successful you can spend AP to improve the •Obtain Info (1 AP): Ask the GM a single question about the
result further. After that, the GM introduces any complications. current situation. The GM will answer truthfully, but the answer
might not be complete.
•Reduce Time (2 AP): Can allow the test to take less time to
Test Difficulty Examples complete, when time is important.
DIFFICULTY EXAMPLE •Take Additional Minor Action (1 AP)
•Take Additional Major Action (2 AP): Any skill test you attempt
is increased in difficulty by +1.
0 Gathering rumors around a settlement, searching a
room in an abandoned building •Add Extra Damage (1-3 AP): On a successful melee or thrown
weapon attack you can spend AP to add 1 per AP spent,
Shooting a target at close range, picking a simple lock
1 up to a maximum of +3 for 3 AP.

2 Breaking down a reinforced door, treating an injury

Bonus d20 Costs
Identifying an unknown poison, deactivating a robot DICE POOL BONUS D20S AP COST
3 from behind
2d20 - 0
4 Hacking a complex computer, disarming a landmine
3 d20 +1d20 1
5 Convincing an enemy to stand down, shooting a
target at long range on a stormy night 4d20 +2d20 3

5d20 +3 d20 6
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Combat is broken down into rounds, that represents a
1. INITIATE COMBAT: Whoever initiated combat takes
( a single turn before the first round begins.

2. INITIATIVE: List all characters in order of their

small amount of time - from a few seconds, up to a Initiative statistic, from greatest to least.
minute - where all characters present complete their (
actions. Every single round each character takes a 3. TAKE TURNS: Each character takes a turn,
single turn. according to their place in the initiative order-from
greatest to least.
On your turn, you can attempt one minor action and one ( )
major action. The minor action is usually something
quick, opening a door or drawing your weapon, while
the major action is something that requires attention
4. BEGIN NEW ROUND: After having been through
the initiative order once, a new round begins. -
and focus, attacking or picking a lock.


Assist: When a character attempts a task, you are able Aim: Re-roll 1d20 on the first attack you make this turn.
to assist. If you have not yet acted this round, you may Draw Item: Draw one or put away an item on your
give up your turn later in the round to assist an ally person, or that is within reach.
when they attempt a skill test. Interact: Interact with your equipment or environment,
Attack: Make a melee or ranged attack, as like opening a door.
described later.
Move: Move up to one zone, to any position within
Command an NPC: If you have an allied NPC Medium range, or stand up from a prone position.
under your command, choose a single major action for
them to take. If the action requires a test, then you Take Chem: Administer a dose of a chem that you are
holding, targeting a willing character within your reach.
automatically assist using your CHA+ Speech (Person),
CHA+ Survival (Animal), or INT+ Science (Robot).
Defend: Make an AGI+ Athletics test with a difficulty
equal to your current Defense. If you succeed, add+1 to
your Defense. For 2 AP, add an extra+1 to your Defense. 1. CHOOSE WEAPON AND TARGET.
F irst Aid: Make an INT+ Medicine test, with a difficulty The target must be visible to you. You may choose to
equal to the number of injuries the patient has, target a specific part of a target creature or character.
increased by 1 if you're performing on yourself. This increases the difficulty of the attack by 1.
Machines require a INT+ Repair and start at 2
difficulty. If you succeed, choose one of the following:
•Heal HP equal to your Medicine/Repair rating The test is determined by the type of weapon used.
•Treat one injury • Melee: STR + Melee weapons
•Stabilize a dying patient STR+ Unarmed
Pass: You choose not to do anything. = Targets DEF

Rally: Make an END+ Survival test with a difficulty of 0, • Ranged: AGI+ Small Guns
and save any Action Points you generate. The GM may END+ Big Guns
allow you to use a different ATT+ skill for this action. PER+ Energy Weapons
Ready: Describe a situation you expect to occur, = Targets DEF+ Range modifier
and choose a major action you will perform when • Thrown: PER+ Explosives
it does. If that action occurs before the start of AGI + Throwing
your next turn, you may perform that major action = Targets DEF+ Range modifier
immediately. If more than one character has readied an 3. DETERMINE HIT LOCATION.
action for the same situation, their readied actions Assuming you passed, roll a hit location die, if you
occur in initiative order. didn't already choose a hit location.
Sprint: You move up to two zones, to anywhere within
Long range. 4. INFLICT DAMAGE.
Test: Perform a skill test for an action not covered by Roll a number of dependent on the weapon, plus
the other actions, with the gamemaster's permission. any bonuses from derived statistics, from AP or from
ammo spent. The target takes damage equal to the
Weapon Range Difficulty total rolled.
RANGE TO WEAPON RANGE The target may reduce the total amount of damage by
their Damage Resistance to the attack's damage type.
TARGET Close Medium Long Extreme
0 +1 +2 +3
(Same Zone) If you made a ranged attack, remove one shot of
Medium ammunition, plus any additional shots of ammunition
+1 0 +1 +2
(Adjacent Zone) spent on the attack. If you made a thrown weapon
Long attack, remove the thrown weapon from your inventory.
+2 +1 0 +1
(2 Zones)
(3+ Zones) +3 +2 +1 0
If you can find somewhere to sleep, for at least six hours, you
regain all lost HP. If you're Well Rested your Maximum HP
increases by +2. When you sleep, if you have any injuries,
CRITICAL HITS & INJURIES make an END + Survival test with a difficulty and complication
A critical hit occurs when five or more damage is dealt in range depends on how active you were the day before. If you
one hit (after reductions from DR). A critical hit imposes an succeed, you may spend 2 AP to recover an additional injury.
injury, a penalty suffered on the location hit that lasts until
medical attention is received. FOOD & DRINK
•Arm: You drop any object held in that hand, and the arm is Food and drink restores HP and cannot be consumed
broken or otherwise unable to move. You cannot perform any during combat. Roll 1 when consuming irradiated food or
actions using that arm—by itself or alongside your other arm. drink, and if you roll an Effect, you suffer 1 Radiation damage,
•Leg: You immediately fall prone as your leg gives out under ignoring any DR.
your weight. You can no longer take the Sprint action, and
the Move action is now a major action. MEDICAL ATTENTION
•Torso: You begin bleeding heavily. At the end of each of your For injuries, each day of rest and medical attention a patient
subsequent turns, you suffer 2 physical damage, ignoring receives allows you to assist their END + Survival test at the
all your DR. end of the day to heal their injuries, using your own INT +
•Head: You are momentarily dazed and lose your normal Medicine target number. For poisons and diseases, you may
actions in your next turn (though you may spend AP for extra assist the patient’s END + Survival tests to help them recover.
actions as normal). Further, you cannot see clearly, and If the patient spent the entire day resting, they reduce the
increase the difficulty of all tests which rely on vision by +2. difficulty of this test by 1 allowing them to recover more quickly.

DYING An hour’s work on a damaged machine restores HP equal to
When your character is reduced to 0 HP, they suffer an injury twice the repairer’s Repair skill rating.
to the location struck, and then fall prone, unconscious, and
start dying. At the start of each of your turns, you must
The four types are physical, energy, radiation, and poison.
attempt an END+ Survival test, with a difficulty equal to the Each target has a Damage Resistance (DR) for each of
number of injuries you have, and a complication range of these types, based on their clothing, armor, or naturally
19-20. If you pass you're alive but still dying. If you fail, you tough hides and chitin.
die. Each weapon lists the type of damage it inflicts:
HEALING (Outside of Combat) •Physical: Unarmed attacks, blunt force, slashing and
STABILIZING THE DYING stabbing, ballistics.
Using the First Aid action, allows you to stabilize a dying •Energy: Laser, plasma, and flame weapons.
character. This requires an INT+ Medicine test with a •Radiation: Exposure to RADs, or nuclear weaponry.
difficulty equal to the number of injuries the patient has. •Poison: Toxins, chemicals, and creatures’ stings and
Passing the test restores the character to 1 HP and they are
no longer dying but the character remains unconscious. You RADIATION DAMAGE
can spend 1 AP to heal 1 HP. You may also spend 1 AP after Radiation damage reduces a character’s maximum health
stabilizing a character to wake them from unconsciousness, points, rather than their current health points. This can reduce
allowing them to continue to act. their current HP as well.
If the radiation would affect the whole body, like an
REGAINING HEALTH environmental effect, then use the character or creature’s
You can use the First Aid action to heal a stable character’s lowest locational radiation DR.
health. Passing an INT+ Medicine test will heal a number of In all cases, where a character would suffer radiation damage
and another type of damage at the same time, resolve the
HP equal to your rank in the Medicine skill, and an additional
radiation damage after any other types of damage.
1 HP for every AP you spend.
TREATING AN INJURY Cover provides additional DR against physical and energy-
You can attempt an INT+ Medicine test to treat an based attacks. This will provide a certain amount of DR, as a
injury sustained from a critical hit. Passing the test number of Combat Dice ( ), depending on what they’re
made from and how resilient they are.
allows a patient to ignore the penalties of their injury.
When you are attacked by a physical or energy-based attack
An injury treated using First Aid is not fully healed. Whenever
while behind cover, roll the number of listed in the Cover
a character suffers any damage to a location which has a Values table and add that result to your DR for that attack.
treated injury, roll 1 . If you roll an Effect, the damage has You can’t be targeted by an attack if the cover obscures your
re-opened that wound and the character is injured again. character’s entire body, as you can only be attacked by
something that can see you.
Cover Values
Attempting the First Aid action on a machine requires an INT
+ Repair test, with a difficulty of 2. This increases by +1 for COVER TYPE COMBAT DICE
each injury the machine has suffered. Passing the test
Foliage, Wood 1
restores health points equal to your Repair rating, treats an
injury, or stabilizes a dying machine. Rubble, Ruined Brick Walls, 2
Metal Fencing

Concrete Walls, 3
Steel Barricades
If an enemy is not aware of you when you attack with a
Suppressed weapon, they do not notice the attack unless they
are the target or they pass a PER + Survival test with a
WEAPON QUALITIES difficulty of 2.
If you take the Aim minor action before attacking with an A Thrown (C) weapon can be thrown, as a ranged attack with
Accurate weapon, you may spend up to 3 AP to add +1 an ideal range of Close. A Thrown (M) weapon can be thrown,
per AP spent to the attack’s damage. If you gain damage in as a ranged attack with an ideal range of Medium. You make
this way, you may not spend ammunition for extra damage. an AGI + Throwing test to attack with the weapon, depending
A weapon cannot be both Accurate and Inaccurate. on the type of weapon.
When you make an attack with a Blast weapon, you do not A Two-Handed weapon must be held in two hands to be used
target a single opponent. Instead, select a single zone you effectively; attempting to attack with a Two-Handed weapon in
can see, and make the appropriate skill test to attack, with a one hand increases the difficulty by +2.
basic difficulty of 2 (adjusted for range as normal). If you UNREALIABLE
succeed, every creature (and other damageable target) in When you make an attack with an Unreliable weapon,
that zone suffers the weapon’s damage. If you fail, your increase the complication range of the attack by 1. A weapon
misplaced attack is less effective: roll only half the weapon’s may not be both Reliable and Unreliable.
Z to determine the damage inflicted to creatures in the
target zone and ignore the weapon’s normal damage effects.
A Close Quarters weapon is easy to use up-close, and When you roll one or more Effects in a damage roll, all your
suffers no difficulty increase for being used when within weapon’s damage effects are triggered. Some damage
Reach of an enemy. effects are based on the number of symbols.
A Concealed weapon is small, or otherwise easy to hide on The attack may hit one additional target within Close range of
your person. Enemies do not spot a Concealed weapon the primary target for each Effect rolled. Each additional
unless you’re wielding it, or if they make a thorough search target costs 1 additional shot from the weapon.
and succeed at a PER + Survival test with a difficulty of 2. BREAKING
DEBILITATING For each Effect rolled, reduce the number of Cover Dice a
The difficulty of any skill test to treat injuries inflicted by a piece of cover provides by 1, permanently. If the target is not
Debilitating weapon increase by +1. in cover, instead reduce the damage resistance on the
GATLING location struck by 1, according to the damage type of the
Ammunition is spent at ten times the normal rate by Gatling weapon (i.e., physical damage reduces Physical damage
weapons: whenever you would spend one shot of resistance, energy damage reduces Energy damage
ammunition, a Gatling weapon instead spends a burst of 10 resistance).
shots. Whenever you spend ammunition to increase this PERSISTENT
weapon’s damage, add +2 per ten-shot burst (to a If one or more Effects are rolled, the target suffers the
maximum number of bursts equal to the weapon’s Fire weapon’s damage again at the end of their next and
Rate), rather than +1 per shot. subsequent turns, for a number of rounds equal to the
INACCURATE number of Effects rolled. A character may spend a major
When making an attack with an Inaccurate weapon, you gain action to make a test to stop Persistent damage early; the
no benefit from the Aim minor action. A weapon may not be difficulty is equal to the number of Effects rolled, and the
both Accurate and Inaccurate. attribute + skill used are chosen by the GM. Some Persistent
MINE weapons may inflict a different type of damage to the
When a Mine is placed onto a surface and primed, it weapon, and where this is the case, it is noted in brackets; for
becomes a dangerous object, inflicting its damage upon example, Persistent (Poison).
anyone who comes within Reach of it (and upon additional PIERCING X
characters, if it has the Blast quality). Ignore X points of the target’s damage reduction for each
NIGHT VISION Effect rolled, where X is the rating of this damage effect.
The sights of a weapon with Night Vision have been made to RADIOACTIVE
allow you to see more clearly in the dark. When you Aim with For every Effect rolled, the target also suffers 1 point of
a Night Vision weapon, you ignore any increase in the Radiation damage. This Radiation damage is totaled and
difficulty of an attack due to darkness. applied separately, after a character has suffered the normal
PARRY damage from the attack.
When an enemy attempts a melee attack against you, and SPREAD
you are wielding a Parry weapon, you may spend 1 AP to For each Effect rolled, your attack inflicts one additional hit on
add +1 to your Defense against that attack. the target. Each additional hit inflicts half the rolled damage
RECON (round down) and hits a random location even if a specific
When you Aim with a Recon weapon, you may mark the location was targeted for the initial attack.
target you aimed at. The next ally to attack that target may STUN
re-roll one d20 on their attack. If one or more Effects are rolled, the target loses their normal
RELIABLE actions in their next turn. A stunned character or creature
During each combat encounter, a Reliable weapon ignores may still spend AP to take additional actions as normal.
the first complication you roll on a test to use that weapon. A VICIOUS
weapon may not be both Reliable and Unreliable. The attack inflicts +1 damage for each Effect rolled.

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