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Name Homeroon ____________

All You Need to Know About Sportsmanship!!!

Sportsmanship is the ablility to:
 Win without bragging
 Lose without complaining - or making excuses
 Treat opponents and referees with respect

Do you?
 Always follow the rules of the game
 Avoid arguments
 Share in the responsibilities of the team
 Let everyone play by the rules of the game
 Always play fair
 Follow what the coach says
 Respect the other team's efforts
 Give encouragement to my teammates
 Follow the judgement of the referee
 End the game smoothly

Here are some sportsmanship tips you can follow:

 If you make a mistake don't make excuses learn from it and improve for next time
 Realize teammates will make mistakes, encourage instead of criticize them

8 Traits of Good Sportsmanship:

1. Courage is having the determination to do the right thing even when others don't; the strength to
exhibit fairness, to be courteous, to gracefully accept the result of the contest, to attempt difficult
things that are worthwhile
2. Good Judgment is choosing worthy goals; setting priorities in accordance with team, county, state
and national rules; leading others to follow these rules
3. Integrity is having the inner strength to be fair and courteous during athletic events, to play
according to the rules, acting positively and honorably not only to your team, but to your opponent
4. Kindness is being considerate, courteous, and generous in spirit to the opposing team; showing
care, compassion and friendship in victory or defeat; treating others as you would like to be
5. Perseverance is being persistent in pursuit of worthy objectives in spite of opposition, difficulty,
injuries, handicaps or discouragement, and exhibiting patience and the fortitude to try again when
confronted with mistakes or failures
6. Respect is showing high regard for coaches, officials, opponents, fans, administrators, self, team,
and the school you are representing.
7. Responsibility is being dependable in carrying out obligations and duties, showing reliability and
consistency in words and conduct, and being accountable for your actions
8. Self-discipline is demonstrating hard work and commitment to purpose, regulating yourself for
improvement and refraining from inappropriate behaviors, maintaining self-control at all times, and
doing your best in all situations

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Name Homeroon ____________

"High Fives" to Sportsmanship:

1. Show respect for the opponent at all times. The opponent should be treated as a guest, greeted
cordially on arriving, given the best accommodations and accorded the respect, honesty and
generosity which all people deserve.
2. Show respect for the officials. The officials should be recognized as impartial arbitrators who
are trained to do their job and who can be expected to do it to the best of their ability.
Sportsmanship implies the willingness to accept and abide by the decisions of the officials.
3. Know, understand, and appreciate the rules of the contest. A familiarity with the current rules of
the game and the recognition of their necessity for a fair contest is essential. Good
sportsmanship suggests the importance of conforming to the spirit as well as the letter of the
4. Maintain self-control at all times. A prerequisite of sportsmanship requires one to understand
their own bias or prejudice and the ability to prevent the desire to win from overcoming rational
behavior. A proper perspective must be maintained if the potential educational values of athletic
competition are to be realized. Sportsmanship is concerned with the behavior of all involved in the
5. Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of affiliation. Applause for a good
performance of an opponent is a demonstration of generosity and good will. The ability to
recognize quality in performance and the willingness to acknowledge it without regard to team
membership is one of the most highly commendable gestures of sportsmanship.

The Acceptable "five":

1. Applaud during introduction of players, coaches, and officials and at the end of a contest for the
performances of all participants.
2. Shake hands with participants and coaches at the end of the contest, regardless of outcome.
3. Accept all decisions of officials.
4. Engage in positive school yells in a respectful manner.
5. Encourage surrounding people to display only sportsmanlike conduct.

The Unacceptable "five":

1. Yelling during the opponent's free-throw attempt, in a disrespectful manner, or to antagonize
2. Booing or heckling an official, coach, player or cheerleader.
3. Refusing to shake hands or give recognition for good performances.
4. Blaming the loss of a game on officials, coaches, or participants.
5. Using profanity or displaying anger that draws attention away from the game
Sources: (image)

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Name Homeroon ____________

1. What do you think make up qualities of good and bad sportsmanship? Create a list in the
boxes of what you think make up these qualities.

Good Sportsmanship Bad Sportsmanship

2. Why is learning good sportsmanship in Physical Education a good life skill (how can you
apply these qualities in other areas of your life)?

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Name Homeroon ____________

3. Use the “Sportsmanship Education” article to fill in as many Traits as you can. What are
the Traits that make up good sportsmanship? In your own words, write a short definition
for each trait.

Courage: determined to
do the right thing

Traits of Good Sportsmanship

4. Which 2 “Good Sportsmanship” traits do you think are the most important to

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Name Homeroon ____________


In order to answer questions 6-7, you will need to watch the following Youtube video found at
this link,

5. Using 4-6 sentences, summarize the plot (what happened) of the video.

6. Of the 8 Sportsmanship Traits that you learned about in the Sportsmanship Article
(respect, courage, good judgment, kindness, perseverance, responsibility, self-
discipline, integrity) which 2 do you think were best represented in the video? Why?
(use 2-4 sentences to explain why)

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Name Homeroon ____________

7. After reading through the “All You Need to Know About Sportsmanship” Article,
completing this worksheet and watching the video what are the 2 MOST IMPORTANT
THINGS that you have learned from this lesson to become a better team player in
your Physical Education class? (Use a sentence for each)

8. You will be participating in a lot of team/group activities throughout the school year. You
contribution to the success of the team will be critical. Using a few sentences, describe what
you will do personally to help your team be successful?

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