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Email Response Template

Effective: March 2022 Next review date: March 2023


Hi [Name],

Notice to cease care

Thank you for your email notifying that you will be ceasing care at Gowrie. We will be sad to see
[Child Name] and your family leave our care, however we hope that you have enjoyed your time at
our service.

As per Gowrie’s Enrolment Policy and as outlined in the Parent Handbook, you are required to
provide four weeks’ notice prior to ceasing care from our service. Therefore, your last day with
Gowrie will be [Date].

Please be advised that your child(ren) will need to attend their last booked session to receive
childcare subsidy. This is a requirement enforced by Centrelink, not Gowrie, and should you not
attend a debt will be incurred as a result of your Child Care Subsidy not being paid for any days after
your child physically attends. For more information please visit Services Australia at

Gowrie appreciates feedback from our children and families on how we can improve our service.
Should you wish to, you are welcome to complete our cease of care survey. The survey takes
approximately five minutes to do, and your responses will assist us to learn, develop and
continuously improve. The survey can be accessed here -

Thank you again for choosing Gowrie for your family. We wish you all the very best in the future.

Yours sincerely,

[Email Signature]


Hi [Name],

Confirmation of your casual booking/s

Thank you for your email requesting casual booking/s. I am happy to confirm the bookings for you.

Please be advised that as per Gowrie’s Casual Booking Policy and as outlined in the Parent
Handbook, you are required to provide one week’s notice to cancel casual bookings and incur no
cost. If you do not provide the notice, you will be charged for the casual booking you originally
Please note that should you book the same day casually for a period of four consecutive weeks, the
booking will be made into a permanent booking. To cancel or change a permanent booking, we
require a two-week notice period.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns.

Yours sincerely,

[Email Signature]


Hi [Name],

Unable to confirm your casual booking/s

Thank you for your email requesting casual booking/s. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate
your booking at this time, due to our enrolment numbers on this day/s.

If you would like to be placed on the waitlist for the day/s you have requested, please let me know as
soon as possible. Should a booking place become available either before or on the day you require,
we will contact you to see if you would like to confirm a booking.   

We are sorry we have not been able to assist you with your booking on this occasion. Please don’t
hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns, and please accept our apology for any
inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

[Email Signature]


Hi [Name],

Confirmation of your holiday bookings  

Thank you for your email regarding your family taking holidays and for providing the required four
weeks’ notice. I am pleased to confirm that as per Gowrie’s Fee Policy, we will be reducing your
charges for the period you are away and administering Gowrie’s holiday rate.

You are eligible for up to four weeks, or 10 days of holiday bookings (based on whichever comes
first). Therefore, after taking the holidays you have just confirmed, you now have [number] holiday
bookings remaining for this financial year.

If you have any questions regarding your holiday bookings, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We
hope you have a relaxing and restful break, and we look forward to seeing you upon your return.

Yours sincerely,

[Email Signature]

Hi [Name],

Enrolling at Gowrie Early Learning

Thank you for contacting Gowrie regarding enrolling your child at our Early Learning Centre. We
appreciate your interest in our centre and hope the below information assists you. 
We would very much like to invite to visit our centre for a tour, at which time we are more than happy
to answer any questions you may have, and where we can provide you with more information. To set
up a tour, please let me know a convenient day and time for you and your child to visit and I will do
my best to accommodate it.
Should you wish to complete and submit an enrolment form for your child without a tour first, or if you
would like to complete the form to bring with you to a tour, we have attached one for you along with a
Parent Handbook. These documents provide you with some information on how we will care for your
child, and how our service operates. In addition to these informative documents, we very much look
forward to providing you with more information and answering any of your queries. 
If you would like to formally enrol your child at our centre, we ask that you fully complete the attached
documents and return them to us as soon as possible, and before your child is booked to commence
care with Gowrie. Although the forms are long and thorough, we want to assure you that all the
information we request is necessary and much of it relates to information required to meet
regulations. The information contained in the enrolment form also goes a long way to assisting us to
know as much as possible about your child, so we can provide the best possible care. The enrolment
form does require copies of your child’s Birth Certificate and a current immunisation statement. 
Once we have received your documents, they will be checked by a Gowrie team member to ensure
all information is completed and meets regulatory and Gowrie requirements. Please note that a
completed form does not constitute an automatic position at Gowrie. Your child’s start date will be
discussed with you. Prior to confirming a start date, we will consider things such as the date you wish
to start, if there is a vacancy and if not when there will be one, whether staff rosters have already
been set, and the inclusion of any additional resources or requirements. Please note that it may take
up to two weeks, and at times longer, between receiving your fully completed enrolment form and
your start date. If care is required urgently, please discuss this with us and we will examine whether
we have any capacity to confirm an earlier commencement.  
Should you be eligible for childcare subsidy, will ask that you please provide your parent and child
CRN (customer reference number). By providing this number we will be able to administer childcare
subsidy to your fees. For information on how to claim childcare subsidy, please visit Services
Australia at
how-claim. It can take up to 90 days for Centrelink to assess your claim and therefore it is suggested
to do this as soon as possible, if you haven’t already. 
As mentioned above, we welcome you to visit our centre. If you have any other questions regarding
enrolling your child, or about Gowrie, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the details found below.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

[Email Signature]
Templates For Enrolment
Please see below for email response for people enrolling that haven’t provided everything. We just
need to change the bits in red and add in exactly what is missing.


Thank you for submitting an enrolment form for Gowrie Kewdale. Before we can confirm your
enrolment, there is some further information that we require. Can you please assist us by providing
the below..
 Xx
 Xx

Once this information has been received, we will be able to confirm the enrolment with Gowrie and
provide a commencement date. Please keep in mind that it is generally two weeks between the
receival of all enrolment documentation and first booked session in care.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Confirming the Enrolment

Hi xx,
Thank you for submitting all enrolment information for child name. We are pleased to confirm your
enrolment with Gowrie commencing on date for include days that they are enrolling.
We encourage families to make use of our stay and play sessions to give our little learners the best
opportunity for a smooth transition into care. Would you like to book in some stay and play sessions
in the lead up to commencing in care?
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

Entering Enrolment into QikKids

Follow the adding enrolment to QikKids process.

Once entered, email family to confirm their CCS enrolment using the below template (only needs to
be done if claiming CCS)

Hi xx,
We have now processed and entered child’s name enrolment. To ensure that we can receive CCS,
can you please log into your Centrelink account and confirm the enrolment with Gowrie. The
enrolment details will be found under family, then childcare. Please let me know once this has been
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

Late Pick Up

Hi xx,    

As you are aware, our centre opening times for Gowrie Karawara are 7am to 6pm. As stipulated in
our enrolment form and parent handbook, late fees apply for any pick up after 6:00pm. I have copied
the section from our enrolment form, and have attached the parent handbook for you. 

I/we understand that a system of payment for late collection operates at the centre, to cover
payments to staff who are required to work outside their rostered shift, and that I/we are obliged to
drop off and pick up the child as negotiated with the centre and within the opening hours. Any late
collection of my/our child will result in a fee being charged. Refer to the delivery and collection of
children policy for further information, including the current late fee amount.
Our late collection fee is currently $2 per minute, per child. A fee of $xx will be applied to your
account for the late collection times this week, which are detailed below..
Monday 13 March – 6:05

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,

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