Unit 1 - Grammer - Vocabulary

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Unit 1: Exercise 1

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. There is often more than

one possible answer.
1. Your uncle is your … 
□ aunt’s husband.
□ mother or father’s brother.
□ sister’s husband.
2. Your cousin is your … 
□ brother’s father.
□ father’s nephew or niece.
□ uncle or aunt’s child.
3. Your niece is your … 
□ brother or sister’s daughter.
□ mother or father’s cousin.
□ son or daughter’s cousin.
4. Your brother-in-law is your … 
□ brother’s wife.
□ husband or wife’s brother.
□ sister’s husband.
5. Your aunt is your … 
□ cousin’s wife.
□ mother or father’s sister.
□ uncle’s wife.
6. Your daughter-in-law is your … 
□ brother’s wife.
□ daughter’s husband.
□ son’s wife.
7. Your nephew is your … 
□ brother or sister’s daughter.
□ brother or sister’s son.
□ niece’s brother.

Unit 1: Exercise 2
Complete the text. Use the words in the box.

I come from a very large family, but we all live in different places, so we don’t get _______
together _______ very often. We usually meet for special ______ occasions _________
like weddings. Last year, we all met for my grandparents’ 50th wedding _____ Anniversary
____________ .
It was my birthday a few weeks ago, but I didn’t _______ have ________ a big party. I
prefer to _______ celebrate _______ my birthday with my family and a few close
friends. My cousin, who lives in Australia, phoned to _______ wish __________ me a happy
birthday. She got engaged ____________________ last month and is going to get _ married
_________________ next year. I ________ congratulated ________ her on the great
news. She’s _______ invited ___________ me to her wedding next
year. I'm so excited because I've never been to Australia before.

Unit 1: Exercise 3
Choose two correct words to complete the sentences.
1. Age: She’s … 
□ middle-aged.
□ slim.
□ young.
2. Type of person: He’s a/an … 
□ baby.
□ child.
□ scar.
3. Size/Height: He’s … 
□ long.
□ short.
□ tall.
4. Weight: He’s …
□ plain.
□ slim.
□ thin.
5. Looks: She’s … 
□ good-looking.
□ plain.
□ wavy.
6. Hair: He’s got … hair.
□ Bald
□ Dark
□ fair
7. Features: He’s got a/an …
□ adult.
□ beard.
□ moustache.
8. Features: She wears …
□ big earrings.
□ glasses.
□ long hair.
Unit 1: Exercise 4
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

1. A/An _______ relative _____ is a member of your family, such as a cousin, a parent
or one of your children.
2. A/An ____ enemy ________ is a person who hates another person and tries to hurt
them or stop them from doing something.
3. Your _______ neighbor _______ is someone who lives very close to you, sometimes
in the next house or flat.
4. If you don’t know somebody, they are a/an _____ stranger ___________ .
5. Your __________ Boss ____ is the person who tells you what to do at work.
6. A/An _______ classmate _____ is someone who is in the same class as you at
school or university.
7. A/An ____ colleague ________ is one of a group of people who work together.
8. Your ______ partner ________ is a person you work closely with, for example
in pairwork.
Unit 1: Exercise 5
Complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the box.
always does a lot of work doesn’t like meeting new people
doesn’t want to work or do anything that needs effort
is happy to give other people money, help or their time
is happy to help other people is happy to meet new people
thinks only of themselves, and doesn’t care about other people
will do what they say they will do

1. A hard-working person ------------------------------------------------------------------

2. A lazy person ------------------------------------------------------------------
3. A shy person ------------------------------------------------------------------
4. A friendly person ------------------------------------------------------------------
5. A reliable person ------------------------------------------------------------------
6. A selfish person ------------------------------------------------------------------
7. A helpful person ------------------------------------------------------------------
8. A generous person ------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit 1: Exercise 6
Read the information. Then change the underlined words to the negative form.
Use contractions (e.g. don’t, aren’t) where possible.
You will get 1 point per mistake (1 point for making each change correctly).
To make a sentence negative, we use do + not + the infinitive without to.
Positive sentence:
I see my cousin very often because she lives in the same town.
Negative sentence:
I don’t see my cousin very often because she doesn’t live in the same town.
1. I can remember people’s names because I’ve got a good memory.
2. My uncle looks old because he’s got grey hair.
3. My grandmother gives us lots of presents because she’s a rich person.
4. We have a lot of family get-togethers*, so I know my cousins very well.
5. You can buy toys for your nieces and nephews because they’re little children.
* get-together = a social occasion/event, usually organised for a particular reason
Unit 1: Exercise 7
Complete the questions in the conversations.
1. A : How ________________ do you see your cousins?
B: Not very often. I only see them about once a year.
2. A : ___________________ wear a lot of make-up?
B: My boss? Yes, she wears a lot of make-up.
3. A : ___________________ your nephews and nieces?
B: My nephew is eight years old and my nieces are five and two years old.
4. A : ___________________ your colleagues lazy or hard-working?
B: They’re quite lazy.
5. A: How ___________________ got?
B: I’ve got six cousins.
6. A: What _________________ your brother’s hair?
B: It’s dark brown.
7. A: ___________________ your cousin’s wedding?
B: No, I can’t. I was only three years old at the time, so I can’t remember it at all.
8. A: ___________________ usually celebrate your birthday?
B: I usually have a party with my relatives and close friends.
Unit 1: Exercise 8
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the first sentence. Use the
words and phrases in bold to help you.
1. Whenever it’s my aunt’s birthday, she organises a family get-together.
o My aunt always organises a family get-together for her birthday.
o My aunt occasionally organises a family get-together for her birthday.
o My aunt rarely organises a family get-together for her birthday.
2. When it’s my aunt’s birthday, she usually organises a family get-together.
o My aunt almost never organises a family get-together for her birthday.
o My aunt always organises a family get-together for her birthday.
o My aunt organises a family get-together most years for her birthday.
3. My aunt often organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt always organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt occasionally organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt organises a lot of family get-togethers.
4. My aunt organises family get-togethers from time to time.
o My aunt almost never organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt always organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt occasionally organises family get-togethers.
5. My aunt organises a family get-together three times a year.
o My aunt organises a family get-together every four months.
o My aunt organises a family get-together every month.
o My aunt organises a family get-together every three months.
6. My aunt organises a family get-together every other month.
o My aunt organises a family get-together every four months.
o My aunt organises a family get-together six times a year.
o My aunt organises a family get-together twice a year.
7. My aunt doesn’t often organise family get-togethers.
o My aunt organises a lot of family get-togethers.
o My aunt organises family get-togethers from time to time.
o My aunt rarely organises family get-togethers.
8. My aunt hardly ever organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt almost never organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt always organises family get-togethers.
o My aunt occasionally organises family get-togethers.

Unit 1: Exercise 9
Read the active sentences. Then complete the present simple passive sentences
underneath. Leave out the underlined words from the passive sentences. The
first one has been done for you.
1. We treat elderly people with respect in my country.
Elderly people are treated with respect in my country.
2. We define teenagers as young people aged between 13 and 19 years old.
___________________________________ as young people aged between 13 and 19
years old.
3. The police describe the thief as tall with a scar on his face.
___________________________________ as tall with a scar on his face.
4. The police advise members of the public not to speak to the thief.
___________________________________ not to speak to the thief.
5. How do people usually celebrate birthdays in your country?
How ______________________________ in your country?
6. We don’t expect you to give us an exact number of guests.
___________________________________ to give us an exact number of guests.
7. They don’t allow us to wear make-up at school.
__________________________________ at school.
8. What kind of presents do people normally give at weddings in your country?
What kind of presents _____________________________________ at weddings in your

Unit 1: Exercise 10
Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verbs in
brackets. Some answers need to be in the present simple passive.
1. In my country, a wedding usually __________________ (take) months, or even
years, to prepare.
2. The best places for a wedding reception __________________ (book) years in
3. So you __________________ (need) to make a booking as soon as possible.
4. This ________________ (mean) that you need to quickly decide how many people
you want to invite.
5. A wedding often ________________ (cost) a lot of money, so you need to find
out how many people you can afford to invite.
6. The guests ___________________ (invite) as soon as possible to give them time
to make the necessary arrangements.
7. The whole event ___________________ (plan) very carefully, as there are a lot of
things to organise in time for the wedding.
8. Finally, the wedding day _________________ (arrive).
9. Usually, everything goes well, everyone has a nice time and the stress of the last
months _________________ (forget).

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