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Class 10 Digital Documentation (Advanced) IT (402)

1. What are styles? What are the advantages of using styles?

Ans. ​A style is a set of formats that can be applied to selected pages, text, frames and other
elements in a document to quickly change their appearance. The advantages of using style are:

i) It helps to improve consistency in a document.

ii) It makes major formatting changes easy.

2. How can we create our own styles?

Ans. ​The steps to create own styles are:

i) Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the type of style to be created.

ii) In the document, select the item to save as a style.

iii) In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New Style from Selection icon.

iv) In the Create Style dialog, type a name for the new style.

v) Drag and drop a text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new style.

3. List any three methods of inserting images in a text document.

Ans. ​The three methods of inserting images in a text document are:

i) Drag and drop

ii) Insert Picture using dialog

iii) Inserting an image from the clipboard

iv) Inserting an image using scanner

v) Inserting an image from the Gallery

4. What do you understand by the terms:

a. Text Wrapping

b. Anchoring

Ans. ​Text Wrapping​: ​It refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text, which may wrap
around the graphic on one or both sides, be overprinted behind or in front of the graphic or treat
the graphics as a separate paragraph or character.

Anchoring​: ​It refers to the reference point for the graphics. This point could be the page, or frame
where the object is, a paragraph, or even a character. An image always has an anchor point.

5. What are templates? What are the advantages of using templates?

Ans. ​Templates are preformatted documents, intended to speed up the creation of commonly
used document types such as letters, fax forms, or envelopes. Templates are also used as
guidelines. The advantages of using templates are:

i) Save time and money.

ii) Consistency and clarity

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Class 10 Digital Documentation (Advanced) IT (402)
6. Write steps to Insert an image from the clipboard.

Ans. ​The steps to Insert an image from the clipboard are:

i) Open both the source document and the target document.

ii) In the source document, select the image to be copied.

iii) Move the mouse pointer over the selected image and press CTRL+C to copy the image to

iv) Switch to the target document.

v) Click to place the cursor where the graphic is to be inserted.

vi) Press CTRL+V to insert the image.

7. Write steps to create drawing objects.

Ans. ​The steps to create drawing object are:

i) ​ ​Click on the document where you want the drawing to be done.

ii) Select the tool from the Drawing toolbar. The mouse pointer changes to a drawing functions

iii) Move the mouse pointer to the place in the document where the graphic must appear and then
click and drag to create the drawing object.

iv) To cancel the selected drawing function press the Esc key.

8. Write the steps to Insert a Table in the document.

Ans. ​The steps to Insert a table in the document are:

i) Position the cursor where the table must appear.

ii) Choose Table> Insert> Table option. The dialog box appears.

iii) Enter the number of rows and columns for the table in the number of columns and the number
of row boxes.

iv) Click on the Insert button.

9. Write steps to split cells in a table.

Ans. ​The steps to split cells in a table are:

i) Place the cursor on the cell to be splitted.

ii) Click on Table> Split Cells.

iii) Enter number of columns and the number of rows to split into.

iv) Press Enter or click on the OK button.

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Class 10 Digital Documentation (Advanced) IT (402)
10. What is mail merge? Write down the steps to create mailing labels to paste on wedding

Ans.​ A mail merge is a method of taking data from a database, spreadsheet, or other form of

structured data, and inserting it into documents such as letters, mailing labels, and name tags.

The steps to create mailing labels to paste on wedding cards are:

1) Click on the tools tab in the menu bar.

2) Select the Mail Merge option from the dropdown list.

3) Select the starting document and click on the next button.

4) Select document type and click on the next button.

5) Select Insert Address list and fill the details of the recipient.

6) Click on the OK button, type the name of the list and click save.

7) After saving, list details will be displayed.

8) Select the required list and click on OK.

9) Create the salutation and click on the next button.

10) Adjust the layout of the document and click Finish.

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