Petition Under Section 497 Cr.p.c. For Grant of Bail - 420 - 68 - 71

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Name , S/o, D/o Father Name , resident of




1. Muhammad Ramzan Son of Mushtaq

2. Muhammad Irfan Son of Muhammad Ismail
3. Safia Begum Widow of Mushtaq Ahmed

All Residents of House no. 300, Block C, Gowala Colony, Rakh

Chandrai, Lahore.

4. The State

Case FIR No. : 870/12 dated 17.11.2012

Offence : U/s 420/468/471 PPC
Police Station : Ghaziabad, Lahore.




Respectfully Sheweth:-

1. That the brief facts which have led to the institution of the

titled petition before this Honourable Court are that a criminal

case under sections 420, 468, 471 PPC was registered at the

instance of the petitioner against the respondents vide FIR No.

870/12 dated 17.11.2012 at police station Ghaziabad, Lahore,

in which pre-arrest bail of the respondents No. 1 to 3 was

confirmed vide order dated 15.12.2012 by Javaid Iqbal Sheikh,

the then learned ASJ, Lahore. Copies of FIR and order dated

15.12.2012 are attached herewith.

2. That respondent No. 3 with the active connivance of

respondents No. 1 & 2 prepared a fake and forged agreement

to sell in her favour on behalf of petitioner and during the

course of investigation the plea was taken by the respondents

that agreement dated 15.05.2008 has been attached with the

case pending in the court of Civil Judge and thus the I.O. of the

case failed to get recover the said document and also to send

the same for comparison to Forensic Science Laboratory. It was

further alleged by the respondents that the agreement in

question is genuine and they have committed no forgery on

the document and the same was executed by the petitioner

after receiving the consideration amount and learned ASJ was

pleased to confirm the bail of the respondents on the ground

that no result to the extent of thumb impression on the

document in question in the hand of prosecution thus there is

no material against the respondents to connect them with the

commission of alleged offence.

3. That the I.O. of the case moved an application before the court

of Mr. Imran Shahbaz, learned Civil Judge, requesting therein

to handover the document in question for sending the same

for comparison but the learned Civil Judge refused to accept

the request of I.O. thus the investigation of the case could not

be completed at that time.

4. That afterwards the petitioner moved an application before

the court of Mr. Imran Shahbaz with the request to send the

documents in question for combparison to the Forensic

Science Laborqatory and this application was contested by the

respondents in the court but the learned Civil Judge was please

to send the same to the Forensic Science Laboratory, in

presence of respondents specimen of thumb impressions were

obtained by the learned Civil Judge and these specimens

alongwith documents in question was sent to Forernsic Science

Laboratory who after comparing the specimens with the

thumb impressions on the document in question come to the

conclusion that the document in question doesn’t bear the

thumb impression of the petitioner and the same are forged

one. Report of the Forensic Science Laboratory is attached

herewith, which proves that the respondent No. 3 who is the

beneficiary of the document in question alongwith

respondents No. 1 & 2 who are the marginal witnesses

deliberately, willfully and intentionally prepared a forged

document with the intention to deprive the petitioner from his

valuable rights over the property.

5. That the Forensic Science Laboratory report fully proves the

version of the petitioner and negate the contention of the

respondents and it is necessary to mention here that though

the report dated 30.07.2013 is very much in the knowledge of

the respondents and the same has not been assailed in any

higher forum, thus the report has attained the maturity and it

proves that the respondents have deliberately and willfully

prepared a forged document with the intention to get undue

advantage and as such they have committed the offences falls

under the purview of section 420, 468 & 471 PPC.

6. That the respondents are constantly advancing threats to the

petitioner as well as to the witnesses of the case with dire

consequences and in this respect a fake and false application

was submitted by the respondent No. 3 at police station

Islampura, which after preliminary inquiry was found false and

frivolous and was consigned to the record room, it shows that

the respondents are advancing the threats to the petitioner

and are also misusing the concession of bail granted to them.

7. That confirmation of pre-arrest bail is an extra ordinary relief

always granted to innocent persons but the persons of such

category who intentionally, willfully committed fraud and

forgery are never deserved to get this relief and in the instant

case the forgery committed by the respondents is clear in all


8. That the respondents No. 1 to 3 have tried to tamper with the

prosecution witness by threatening the witness.

9. That the respondents No. 1 to 3 are threatening the petitioner

for dire consequences if the petitioner pursues the case.

10. That the respondents No. 1 to 3 have fulfilled all the

ingredients which are required for the cancellation of bail.

In the light of aforementioned facts and

circumstances it is most humbly prayed that bail

granted to the respondents No. 1 to 3 vide order dated

15.12.2012 may kindly be recalled / cancelled.

Any other relief which this Honourable Court

deems fit and proper may also be granted.




In re:
Ch. Karamat Ali VS Muhammad Ramzan etc.

Case FIR No. : 870/12 dated 17.11.2012

Offence : U/s 420/468/471 PPC
Police Station : Ghaziabad, Lahore.




AFFIDAVIT OF Ch. Karamat Ali Son of Ch. Muhammad Ali, Caste

Jutt, Resident of Khanoharni, Tehsil Cantt, District

I the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under:
That the contents of accompanying petition are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing
has been concealed therein.

Verified on oath at Lahore this 2 nd day of December
2013 that the contents of above affidavit are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and
nothing has been concealed therein.


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