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Case 3:21-cr-00022-MMH-MCR Document 296 Filed 08/07/23 Page 1 of 8 PageID 6289




v. CASE NO. 3:21-cr-22(S4)-MMH-MCR





The United States of America, by and through the undersigned Assistant

United States Attorney, hereby notifies this Court that there is cause to believe that

defendant Hoover, via his wife, has transmitted a copy of his Presentence

Investigation Report (PSR) to certain YouTube personalities with the intention that

those individuals use the PSR to create YouTube videos.

I. Factual Background

On August 1, 2023, the initial PSRs were disclosed in this case by the U.S.

Probation Office (Docs. 294, 295). The PSRs are sealed and intended only to be

available to the parties to the case and Court personnel. Each of the PSRs warns on

the third page that “[i]t is the policy of the federal judiciary and the Department of

Justice that further redisclosure of the presentence investigation report is prohibited

without the consent of the sentencing judge.” Doc. 294 at 3; Doc. 295 at 3.

On August 3, 2023, at 8:23 pm, Hoover placed a recorded phone call to John

Crump, who operates the YouTube channel John Crump News. Hoover informed

Crump that he had received his PSR and proceeded to discuss his sentencing
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guidelines with Crump as well as information contained in the PSR related to

potential upward departures. Crump informed Hoover that he had received many

inquiries about the sentencing, and asked if he could make a video about the

information Hoover had told him about the sentencing guidelines. Hoover said

“you can do whatever you want man.” Hoover stated that he did not believe he

was going to have his wife cover the PSR on his own channel (CRS Firearms).

On August 3, 2023, at 8:39 pm, Hoover placed a recorded phone call to

Richard Hughes, who operates the YouTube channel FlyingRich. Hoover informed

Hughes of the sentencing guidelines recommendations in both his and Ervin’s PSRs.

Hughes asked Hoover “should I talk about this, or not talk about this?” Hoover

stated that it was “a little bit too close to home” for him, “so you and Crump can run

with this one.” Hoover indicated that he believed that Crump would be able to

obtain a copy of the PSR online. Hughes and Hoover continued to discuss

information in the PSR. Later, Hughes added Crump to the call. Hoover said that

Crump should obtain a copy of the PSR, or Hoover’s “girl” had a copy and could

send it to Crump. Crump stated that he would do a video on it the next day.

Hoover, Crump, and Hughes then discussed logistics for publishing the videos in

order to get the most views, and Hoover stated that he would have his wife send the

PSR to Hughes who could then send it to Crump. Hoover stated that his wife did

not have Ervin’s PSR, but she could “text you the rough ins and outs of what it’s

about.” Toward the end of the call, Hoover’s wife, Erica Hoover, joined the call.

Hoover told her “babe I need you to send my PSI to Rich cuz he’s going to cover the

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story [unintelligible] cover direct because it’s a little too close to home and I don’t

want the prosecutor to try using it. So send my PSI to Rich – he’s going to cover the

story, they’re going to talk about the shit – let me call you right back.”

On August 3, 2023, at 9:01 pm, Hoover again called Hughes, who joined

Crump and Erica Hoover to the call. Hoover again discussed that he did not want

to discuss the PSR on his own channel, and he wanted Crump and Hughes to do it.

Crump stated he would give Erica Hoover a “heads up on some stories that are

coming out that’ll be, uh, big.” Hoover again stated he did not want the PSR

covered on his own channel “because the prosecutor’ll show it and be like, you know

– babe, I dunno babe.” Hoover indicated he wanted Crump and Hughes to have

this story due to all of the help that they have provided to him.

On August 3, 2023, at 9:04 pm, Hoover called his wife and told her to “get

them the PSI right away” and stated “they deserve this story” because Crump had set

up fundraisers for Hoover and Hughes had done “thousands of dollars worth of

work” for them. Erica Hoover stated she was unsure because she did not want

Hoover’s attorney to yell at her, and Hoover stated “for what? Just send them the –

if there is a problem, tell him to talk to me.” Erica Hoover asked “is that public

information?” and Hoover stated that it was, although it was not on PACER.

On August 4, 2023, Crump posted a video titled “Auto KeyCard Update:

Sentencing Update! (ft @flyingRich)” (available at and Hughes posted a video

titled “CRS Firearms Sentencing @JohnCrumpNews” (available at

Case 3:21-cr-00022-MMH-MCR Document 296 Filed 08/07/23 Page 4 of 8 PageID 6292, which discuss materials

contained in the PSRs for Ervin and Hoover. 1 The United States has preserved

copies of these two videos.

On August 4 and 5, 2023, Hoover continued to make phone calls to Crump

and Hughes, who confirmed that they had made videos about the PSR. Hughes

These videos prompted a deluge of inflammatory and threatening comments directed primarily to
the undersigned and also to this Court, including:

• “as long as there are no lethal consequences for that prosecutor, you can expect this to
happen again and again” and a reply to that comment reading “That ‘persecutor’ having to
deal with cancer is just the beginning of his [sic] karma. The whole matter is a travesty, and
the evil pricks are loading up on bad karma big time… and they deserve every bit of it.
Waiting for that ‘judge’ to get some bad news, too.”

• “Be a shame if prosecutor’s cancer was complimented with Lead Poisoning. God speed
suffering ends at terminal velocity.”

• “I would hate to have the Karma that the Prosecutor has earned for herself. Then again I
wouldn’t want her job, I enjoy sleeping at night.”

• “Sounds like the prosecutor is getting punished for her evil.”

• “Some times cancer can be [a] good thing.” With a reply: “the body’s side reaction to cancer
treatment I would not wish on anyone….. but the likes of this EVIL prosecutor, an exception
is granted.”

• “’Prosecutor had to have cancer treatment.’ Couldn’t have happened to a more worthy girl.
[dabbing emoji] Hope it’s pancreatic.” And a reply “Nah God willing its upgraded to
terminal cancer” and another reply: “Hope it spreads.”

• A comment to the effect that arresting Hoover was done to send a message, and a reply
stating “Its [sic] a message that will get them killed.”

• “Court system is really only good at breaking up the family unit” and a reply reading
“Should’ve never gotten to that point. These men should’ve just started dropping cops.”

• “I’m glad the prosecutor isn’t happy. In fact I hope cancer is happily doing it’s [sic] work.”

• “He shouldn’t get any time at all. The judge and prosecutor should be locked up for their
obvious lack of a brain and being a danger to society.”

Several of these comments that were left on Crump’s video were “liked” by Crump.

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stated that he had received the PSR from Erica Hoover, but he did not see it until

after he published his video.

II. Pertinent Legal Authority

“Presentence reports are not public records but rather confidential reports to

the trial judge for use in his effort to arrive at a fair sentence.” United States v.

Martinello, 556 Fl.2d 1215, 1216 (5th Cir. 1977). 2 There is a “general presumption

that courts will not grant third parties access to the presentence reports of other

individuals.” United States v. Huckaby, 43 F.3d 135, 138 (5th Cir. 1995) (internal

quotation and citation omitted). Additionally, the local rules of the Middle District

of Florida state that a lawyer, “directly or through a surrogate must not

extrajudicially and publicly disclose” information including several categories of

information that are contained in the PSR. Local Rule 3.11. Disclosure of the PSR

“’chills’ this Court’s administration of justice as it may affect the willingness of

individuals who contribute to such reports to assist in the report’s creation.” Doc.

103 at 5 in United States v. Phillips, Case No. 3:18-cr-142-BJD-MCR (M.D. Fla. Apr.

28, 2022).

As described above, the PSRs for both defendants contain warnings that it is

against the policy of the federal judiciary and the Department of Justice to

disseminate the PSR without the consent of the Court. Doc. 294 at 3; Doc. 295 at 3.

In Bonner v. City of Prichard, 661 F.2d 1206, 1209 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), the Eleventh Circuit
adopted as binding precedent all the decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down prior to the
close of business on September 30, 1981.

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No such consent has been granted in this case. Moreover, the initial PSR that

Crump and Hughes reported on at Hoover’s behest contains only preliminary

calculations and statements of fact that routinely are amended before the sentencing

hearing via the process outlined in Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 32 and as

overseen by the probation officer – which process is generally not public. Finally,

the publication of non-final and non-public information about this case serves no

legitimate purpose and rather appears to be aimed at generating vitriol against the

undersigned and this Court with the intent to intimidate and obstruct these

proceedings while generating views and profits for Hoover, Crump, and Hughes.


WHEREFORE, the government requests that this Court issue an order

reiterating that the PSRs are non-public documents and may not be disseminated

beyond court personnel, the defense teams, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and order

that any individuals who possess a copy of the PSR without authority (including

Crump, Hughes, and Erica Hoover) destroy it and confirm its destruction in writing,

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and any other relief this Court deems necessary to protect the sentencing process in

this case.

Respectfully submitted,

United States Attorney

By: s/ Laura Cofer Taylor

Assistant United States Attorney
USA No. 170
E-mail: [email protected]

300 N. Hogan Street, Suite 700

Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Telephone: (904) 301-6300
Facsimile: (904) 301-6310

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I hereby certify that on August 7, 2023, I electronically filed the foregoing with

the Clerk of the Court by using the CM/ECF system which will send a notice of

electronic filing to the following:

Alex King, Esq.


Zachary Z. Zermay
Matthew LaRosiere
Counsel for defendant MATTHEW RAYMOND HOOVER

s/ Laura Cofer Taylor

Assistant United States Attorney

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