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1. The _____ has defined sustainable development as 'Our Common Future'

a) Brundt land Response b) Green Economy

c) Green skill d) The Sustainable Development Commission

2. ______ also includes economic and social sustainability a) Sustainable Development c) Green Skill
b) Development d) The Sustainable Development Commission

3. A ______ can exist only when economic, social and environmental sustainability is practiced a)
Truly Sustainable Environment c) Truly Sustainable Economic b) Truly Sustainable Technology d)
Truly Sustainable earth

4. The _____ has defined sustainable development as 'Our Common Future' a) Brundtland Repon c)
Green Economy b) Green skill d) The Sustainable Development Commission Class 10 Information
Technology (Subject Code 402) - Green Skills MCQs SET- 1 1. What is the focus of green skills in IT? a)
Environmental sustainability b) Resource conservation c) Carbon emissions reduction d) Green
energy adoption 2. How can green computing benefit the environment? a) Reducing energy
consumption b) Increasing electronic waste c) Implementing faster processors d) Utilizing cloud
computing 3. What does the term "e-waste" refer to? a) Discarded electronic devices b) Renewable
energy source c) Eco-friendly software d) Green networking solutions 4. Which technology allows
multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine? a) Virtualization b) Green networking c)
Cloud computing d) Hyper-convergence 5. What is the main goal of e-waste recycling in IT? a)
Minimize environmental impact b) Create electronic art installations c) Generate revenue for
companies d) Facilitate international trade 6. Which certification ensures energy-efficient electronic
products? a) Energy Star b) EcoFriendly c) Sustainable Tech d) GreenMark 7. How can cloud
computing contribute to sustainability? a) Sharing computing resources b) Increasing data centers c)
Supporting paperless offices d) Enabling data hoarding 8. What is the meaning of the 3 R's in green
skills? a) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle b) Repair, Recover, Refurbish c) Renewable, Refillable,
Rechargeable d) Reclaim, Restore, Resurrect 9. Which coding practice aims to optimize energy
consumption in software? a) Green coding b) Sustainable programming c) Eco-code development d)
Energy-efficient algorithms 10. What is the role of "Smart Meters" in green IT? a) Measure energy
usage b) Manage virtual machines c) Monitor network traffic d) Optimize server cooling 11. What
does "LEED" stand for in the context of green buildings? a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design b) Low Energy and Emission Design c) Land and Environment Efficiency Development d) Light
and Eco-friendly Equipment Design 12. How can IoT (Internet of Things) contribute to sustainability?
a) By increasing electronic waste b) By enabling better energy management through smart devices c)
By promoting the use of non-renewable resources d) By creating more data centers 13. What is the
primary purpose of a "Green IT Policy" in organizations? a) To ensure a paperless office environment
b) To encourage employees to use personal devices at work c) To establish guidelines for sustainable
IT practices d) To reduce the use of renewable energy sources 14. How does "BYOD" (Bring Your
Own Device) help in green IT initiatives? a) By increasing e-waste generation b) By reducing the need
for server virtualizationa) Sustainable UX (User Experience) b) Green Design Thinking c) Renewable
Interface Development d) Eco-User Interaction 16. What is the significance of "Energy Harvesting" in
green technology? a) It aims to convert physical energy into electronic waste. b) It focuses on
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collecting and utilizing ambient energy for powering devices. c) It refers to the process of recycling
solar panels for energy production. d) It aims to capture electronic emissions for data storage. 17.
How does "Cradle to Cradle" design contribute to green skills? a) It focuses on reusing electronic
waste as raw materials. b) It refers to the practice of using biodegradable materials in software
development. c) It aims to minimize the lifespan of electronic devices to reduce waste. d) It
promotes energy-intensive manufacturing processes. 18. Which environmental metric is used to
measure the impact of electronic devices? a) Ecological Footprint b) Carbon Sink c) Greenhouse
Effect d) Ozone Depletion Potential 19. What is the role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in green
computing? a) To increase data center power consumption b) To automate energy-efficient practices
c) To replace human employees in IT companies d) To develop energy-consuming algorithms 20.
Which green skill focuses on designing software for low-power devices? a) Energy-Efficient
Programming b) Sustainable Software Design c) Green Device Protocols d) Eco-Friendly Application
Development 21. How can remote work contribute to green skills? a) By encouraging more paper
use for documentation b) By increasing energy consumption in data centers c) By reducing
commuting-related carbon emissions d) By promoting the use of energy-inefficient computers 22.
Which sustainable practice can be adopted while manufacturing electronic devices? a) Encouraging
single-use devices b) Using non-recyclable materials c) Designing products with easy repairability d)
Increasing the use of hazardous components 23. What is the role of "Green Web Hosting" in
reducing the environmental impact of websites? a) To increase the use of coal-powered servers b)
To optimize website performance at the cost of energy efficiencyc) To host websites using
renewable energy sources d) To encourage the use of data-intensive multimedia content 24. How
does "Power Management" contribute to green computing? a) By increasing the power consumption
of electronic devices b) By optimizing energy usage and reducing wasteful activities c) By prioritizing
performance over energy efficiency d) By encouraging the use of energy-intensive peripherals 25.
Which green skill focuses on designing energy-efficient networking equipment? a) Green Network
Management b) Eco-Friendly Network Protocols c) Sustainable Network Architecture d) Energy-
Saving Data Routers 26. What is the role of "Green IT Certification" in promoting environmental
sustainability? a) To encourage organizations to use outdated hardware b) To discourage energy-
efficient practices c) To validate companies' commitment to eco-friendly initiatives d) To promote
data center expansion without any regulations 27. How can adopting "Renewable Energy Sources"
benefit data centers? a) By increasing dependence on non-renewable energy b) By reducing data
center power consumption c) By accelerating electronic waste generation d) By adding backup
generators for emergencies 28. Which sustainable practice involves developing energy-efficient
software algorithms? a) Green Software Programming b) Renewable Code Development c) Energy-
Saving Algorithm Design d) Sustainable Code Architecture 29. What is the primary goal of a "Green IT
Policy" in organizations? a) To ensure a paperless office environment b) To encourage employees to
use personal devices at work c) To establish guidelines for sustainable IT practices d) To reduce the
use of renewable energy sources 30. How does "BYOD" (Bring Your Own Device) help in green IT
initiatives? a) By increasing e-waste generation b) By reducing the need for server virtualization c) By
promoting the use of energy-efficient devices d) By eliminating the use of cloud computing 31.
Which green skill focuses on creating eco-friendly user interfaces? a) Sustainable UX (User
Experience) b) Green Design Thinking c) Renewable Interface Development d) Eco-User Interaction
32. What is the significance of "Energy Harvesting" in green technology? a) It aims to convert
physical energy into electronic waste. b) It focuses on collecting and utilizing ambient energy for
powering devices. c) It refers to the process of recycling solar panels for energy production. d) It
aims to capture electronic emissions for data storage. 33. How does "Cradle to Cradle" design
contribute to green skills? a) It focuses on reusing electronic waste as raw materials. b) It refers to
the practice of using biodegradable materials in software development. c) It aims to minimize the
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lifespan of electronic devices to reduce waste. d) It promotes energy-intensive manufacturing

processes. 34. Which environmental metric is used to measure the impact of electronic devices? a)
Ecological Footprint b) Carbon Sink c) Greenhouse Effect d) Ozone Depletion Potential 35. What is
the role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in green computing? a) To increase data center power
consumption b) To automate energy-efficient practices c) To replace human employees in IT
companies d) To develop energy-consuming algorithms 36. Which green skill focuses on designing
software for low-power devices? a) Energy-Efficient Programming b) Sustainable Software Design c)
Green Device Protocols d) Eco-Friendly Application Development 37. How can remote work
contribute to green skills? a) By encouraging more paper use for documentation b) By increasing
energy consumption in data centers c) By reducing commuting-related carbon emissions d) By
promoting the use of energy-inefficient computers 38. Which sustainable practice can be adopted
while manufacturing electronic devices? a) Encouraging single-use devices b) Using non-recyclable
materials c) Designing products with easy repairability d) Increasing the use of hazardous
components 39. What is the role of "Green Web Hosting" in reducing the environmental impact of
websites? a) To increase the use of coal-powered servers b) To optimize website performance at the
cost of energy efficiency c) To host websites using renewable energy sources d) To encourage the
use of data-intensive multimedia content 40. How does "Power Management" contribute to green
computing? a) By increasing the power consumption of electronic devices b) By optimizing energy
usage and reducing wasteful activities c) By prioritizing performance over energy efficiency d) By
encouraging the use of energy-intensive peripherals 41. Which green skill focuses on designing
energy-efficient networking equipment? a) Green Network Management b) Eco-Friendly Network
Protocols c) Sustainable Network Architecture d) Energy-Saving Data Routers 42. What is the role of
"Green IT Certification" in promoting environmental sustainabilitya) To encourage organizations to
use outdated hardware b) To discourage energy-efficient practices c) To validate companies'
commitment to eco-friendly initiatives d) To promote data center expansion without any regulations
43. How can adopting "Renewable Energy Sources" benefit data centers? a) By increasing
dependence on non-renewable energy b) By reducing data center power consumption c) By
accelerating electronic waste generation d) By adding backup generators for emergencies 44. Which
sustainable practice involves developing energy-efficient software algorithms? a) Green Software
Programming b) Renewable Code Development c) Energy-Saving Algorithm Design d) Sustainable
Code Architecture 45. How can "Data Compression" help in green computing? a) By increasing data
storage requirements b) By reducing the need for server virtualization c) By saving energy during
data transmission d) By increasing the size of electronic waste 46. What is the significance of the
"Circular Economy" in green skills? a) To promote linear production and waste generation b) To
eliminate the concept of recycling c) To reduce the lifespan of electronic devices d) To minimize
waste and make the most of resources 47. How can "Dynamic Frequency Scaling" help in green
computing? a) By ensuring maximum processor speed at all times b) By adjusting processor speed
based on workload, saving energy c) By reducing the number of cores in a CPU d) By disabling the
power-saving mode on devices 48. Which green skill focuses on designing energy-efficient
networking equipment? a) Green Network Management b) Eco-Friendly Network Protocols c)
Sustainable Network Architecture d) Energy-Saving Data Routers 49. What is the role of "Green IT
Certification" in promoting environmental sustainability? a) To encourage organizations to use
outdated hardware b) To discourage energy-efficient practices c) To validate companies'
commitment to eco-friendly initiatives d) To promote data center expansion without any regulations
50. How can adopting "Renewable Energy Sources" benefit data centers? a) By increasing
dependence on non-renewable energy b) By reducing data center power consumption c) By
accelerating electronic waste generation d) By adding backup generators for emergenciesAnswer
key for Set I MCQs 1. a), 2. a), 3. a), 4. a), 5. a), 6. a), 7. a), 8. a), 9. d), 10. a), 11. a), 12. b), 13. c), 14.
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c), 15. a), 16. b), 17. a), 18. a), 19. b), 20. a), 21. c), 22. c), 23. c), 24. b), 25. d), 26. c), 27. b), 28. c), 29.
c), 30. b), 31. a), 32. b), 33. a), 34. a), 35. b), 36. a), 37. c), 38. c), 39. c), 40. b), 41. d), 42. c), 43. b), 44.
c), 45. c), 46. d), 47. b), 48. c), 49. c), 50. b

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