Lecture 5 - Dam Construction

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School of Graduate Studies

Civil Engineering Department, COEA,
Cagayan State University-Carig Campus

Emer T. Quezon, Ph.D, C.Eng,

Associate Professor
Emails: [email protected] ||
[email protected]
Telegram: 09451631743
Lecture 5
What is Dam?
 Dam is a solid barrier constructed at a
suitable location across a river valley to
store flowing water.
 Storage of water is utilized for following
 Hydropower
 Irrigation
 Water for domestic consumption
 Drought and flood control
 For navigational facilities
 Other additional utilization is to develop
Responsibilities of Engineering
 The engineering team responsible for
construction of a dam at each site must be:
1. able to make reliable predictions about
suitable construction methods, and
2. how the dam and its foundation will
interact and perform, under any operating
 The predictions will usually involve both
judgments and quantitative analyses, based
on data provided by the site investigation
Site selection for a dam
1. Topography
2. Suitable Foundation
3. Good Site for reservoir – (i) Large storage capacity (ii) Shape of
reservoir basin (iii) Water tightness of the reservoir (iv) Good
hydrological conditions (v) Deep reservoir (vi) Small submerged
area (vii) Low silt inflow (viii) No objectionable minerals
4. Provision of sites for:
1. water intake structures and pumping stations for water supply
2. Penstocks ( inlet tower )
3. power station in the case of hydro-electric facilities
5. Spillway site
6. Availability of materials
7. Accessibility
8. Healthy surroundings
9. Minimum overall cost
10. Other considerations
Selection of type of dam
1. Selection of the most suitable type of dam for a
particular site requires a lot of judgment and
2. It is only in exceptional cases that the most
suitable type is obvious.
3. Preliminary designs and estimates are usually
required for several types of dams before making
the final selection on economic basis.
4. The salient features of different types of dams
sections should be kept in mind while selecting
the type of dam.
5. Various factors govern the selection of type of
Selection of type of dam
Various Factors:
1. Topography and valley shape
2. Geology and foundation conditions
3. Availability of construction materials
4. Overall cost
5. Spillway size and location
6. Earthquake hazards
7. Climatic conditions
8. Diversion problems
9. Environmental considerations
10. Roadway
11. Length and height of dam
12. Life of dam
13. Miscellaneous considerations
Embankment dams
 There are several types of embankment
 The designs have varying degrees of in-
built conservatism, usually relating to the
degree to which seepage within the dam
is controlled by provision of filters and
Thomson Dam, a 166 m high earthfill and rockfill dam
Zones in embankment dams
 There is no universally adopted
numbering system for zones in
embankment dams.
 Some dams will have several rockfill
zones to accommodate the materials
available from the quarry and
excavations required for the spillway.
Figure: Schematic cross-sections of typical earthfill dams
Figure: Schematic cross sections of typical earthfill dams
Figure: Schematic cross sections of typical earth and rockfill and
concrete face rockfill dams
Figure: Schematic cross sections of typical earth and
rockfill and concrete face rockfill dams
cross- sections
of some
earlier dam
Other types of embankment

1. Concrete face earthfill

2. Asphaltic core rockfill
3. Bituminous concrete face earth and
4. Steel face rockfill
5. Geomembrane face earth and rockfill
Embankment dam foundation
Item Description
General foundation Excavation of compressible and low
excavation strength soil and weathered rock as is
necessary to form a surface sufficiently
strong to support the dam and to limit
settlement to acceptable values
Cut-off foundation Excavation below general foundation level
excavation to remove highly permeable and/or
erodible soil and rock
Curtain grouting Drilling of holes into the foundation and
injecting grout (usually cement slurry)
under pressure to reduce the permeability
of the rock
Consolidation Grouting carried out in the upper part of
grouting (also called the cut-off foundation to reduce
“blanket grouting”) permeability (of the rock)
Figure: Plan of typical embankment dam and
associated structures
Types of concrete dams and their
main features
1. Concrete gravity dams rely on the weight of the
concrete to withstand the forces imposed on the
2. Concrete arch dams transpose these forces into the
abutment foundation by the arching action and
generally impose higher loads on the foundations.
3. Modern concrete gravity and arch dams have a
gallery in the dam from which grout holes are drilled
to reduce the rock mass permeability of the
4. Grouting, combined with drainage holes reduces
the uplift pressures within the dam foundation and at
the dam foundation contact.
Structure of concrete Dam
Upstream Crest Down stream

Max. level (inside dam)

water level

Free board
Sluice way


Figure: Typical Cross-section of a Dam
 Heel: contact with the ground on the upstream side
 Toe: contact on the downstream side
 Abutment: Sides of the valley on which the structure of the
dam rest
 Galleries: small rooms like structure left within the dam for
checking operations.
 Diversion tunnel: Tunnels are constructed for diverting water
before the construction of dam. This helps in keeping the river
bed dry.
 Spillways: It is the arrangement near the top to release the
excess water of the reservoir to downstream side
 Sluice way: An opening in the dam near the ground level,
which is used to clear the silt accumulation in the reservoir.
Figure: Typical cross-section of concrete gravity dam
Figure: Typical concrete gravity dam plan and elevation
Figure: Typical concrete arch dam cross section
Figure: Typical concrete arch dam plan and elevation
Figure: Concrete arch dam
Figure: Different types of buttress dam
 Buttress Dam – Is a
gravity dam
reinforced by
structural supports
 Buttress - a support
that transmits a
force from a roof or
wall to another

This type of structure can be considered even if

the foundation rocks are little weaker
Dam construction
Planning for Construction
1. Construction equipment (roller, carrier,
bulldozer, ...)
2. Foundation treatment (grouting,
3. Placement (execution management,
field and laboratory testing)
4. Observation (pore-water pressure,
settlement, earth pressure, deformation)
Steps in Construction of a Dam
Step 1
 To build a Dam, the engineers must first dewater
the part of the river valley in which they wish to
place the dam. This is usually achieved by
diverting the river through a tunnel.
 The tunnel is built through one side of the valley
around the planned construction area.
 A series of holes is drilled in the rock.
 Explosives are placed in the drill holes, blasting
takes place and broken rock is then removed.
 This procedure is repeated many times until the
tunnel is completed.
 Diversion tunnels are often lined with concrete.
Step 2
 Work on diverting the river starts in summer when river
levels are low.
 Earth-moving equipment is used to build a small dam
(called a cofferdam) upstream of the main construction
area. This acts as a barrier to the river and causes it to
flow through the diversion tunnel.
 Another cofferdam is built downstream of the main dam
site to prevent water flowing back into the construction
 Pumps are used to remove any water that seeps
through the cofferdams.
 Diversion tunnels are not always necessary when
concrete dams are being built. The river can sometimes
be channeled through a large pipe and the dam
constructed around it.
Step 3
 The construction methods used in construction a
dam depend on the type of dam being built. The 1st
stage normally involves the removal of loose rock
and rubble from the valley walls and river bed.
 Concrete-faced rockfill dams require a footing (or
plinth) to be constructed around their upstream
edge. The plinth is made from concrete and serves
as a foundation or connection between the dam
and the valley walls and floor.
 It has an important role in preventing water leakage
around the edges of the dam. The area under the
plinth is waterproofed by drilling holes and pumping
cement grout into cracks in the rock. The thin
concrete face on the upstream side of the dam is
connected to the plinth via stainless steel and
rubber seals called water stops.
Step 4
 During dam construction the associated power
station and intake works are also being built.
 When the dam is completed, the diversion
tunnel is closed and the reservoir begins to fill.
The closure of the diversion tunnel has two(2)
1. During low flow a large re-usable steel gate is
lowered across the entrance.
2. The diversion tunnel is then permanently
blocked off by the construction of a concrete
 In some instances, dewatering outlets are built
into the plugs so water can be released during
an emergency.
Major Steps
1. Building a 2.Cofferdams
diversion act as
tunnel barriers to
the river

3.Construction 4.Closure of the

of the dam diversion
and power tunnel
Special consideration of Earthfill dam

 All vegetable matter and organic material is cleared

from the dam site.
 grout holes for the cut-off curtain are drilled to a
depth where the grout curtain will effectively seal off
the seepage of water beneath the proposed dam.
Embankment Dams - Earthfill

 The holes are filled with cement-water

at sufficient pressure to force it into
rock fissures beneath the dam
Embankment Dams - Earthfill

 When placing the embankment layers of soil

should be kept horizontal, but graded slightly
from the centre to the sides.
 layers should be approximate:
– 150 mm after compaction for impervious
– 225 mm for outer pervious zones.
Embankment Dams - Earthfill
 Protection of the embankment from
upstream wave action.
 stone rip-rap commonly used
 Prevention of erosion on dry downstream
 grass, stone or concrete

 No earth dam should be overtopped

from the reservoir, spillways are provided
to discharge excess water from the
Construction Monitoring
 For Earth Dams
Reasons for Construction
1. Ensure proper materials are used.
2. Ensure proper construction and design is
3. Quickly modify design and construction
practices based on encountered site
INSPECTION (i.e., 24/7)”
Inspection Requirements

1. Must not hinder or slow down

2. Must work with contractor.
3. Must consider contractor
construction practices.
Construction Monitoring
 Grain size distribution analysis of materials
1. Core, filters, drains.
2. Make sure material installed meets
3. Make sure that the borrow materials
do not change…
Construction Monitoring
 Triaxial extension/shear – filter and core
 Consolidation – core
 Hydraulic conductivity
Lab tests:
 filters - Constant or falling head
 core – triaxial
Field clay:
 Double ring infiltrometer
 Centrifuge permeanometer
Construction Monitoring
Proctor Tests
 Source materials in borrow pit
 Materials hauled to site

Field Compaction
 Uncompacted layer thickness (300mm max.)
 Compaction equipment is suitable
 Moisture content and Maximum dry density
 Nuclear Density, sand cone, rubber balloon
 Make sure Nuclear density is calibrated
Goal of Compaction
 Place loose soil in the field and
compact it to make soil strong as
 Maximum shear strength
 Very little settlement
 Low hydraulic conductivity
 Find soil lowest emin ……highest dry
unit weight.
Knead Clay Chunks

Sheepsfoot roller
Soil Compaction
Soil Compaction Measurement
 Use dry sand with
known dry density
and specific gravity
 Use dry sand to get
volume of hole
 Quick and reliable
Soil Compaction Measurement
 Use radioactive
material to get
moisture content and
soil density.
 Quick method.
 Reliable if calibrated.
 Radioactive device
therefore special
transportation and
rules must be
Compaction Specification:
Insitu dry unit weigh t
Compaction level (%)  x 100
Max. dry unit weigh t (Proctor)

 Standard Proctor Specification

 95 to 100 percent of maximum dry unit

 Modified Proctor Specification

 92 to 98 percent of maximum dry unit weight
Compaction Specification
 Make sure
soil same as
(grain size
 Add water
to soil if too
 95% Density
Field Instrumentation
 Measure performance of structure during
 Long-term monitoring of structure behavior
and health.
 Must not impact structure performance.

Geotechnical instrumentation can reduce

undesirable consequences from
These consequences may be the results of
adverse performances, damage to the
adjacent facility and/or delays of dam
Justification for Instrumentation
 Engineers should developed justifications for
geotechnical instrumentation program on their
 In practice such programs are used to save
lives, save money and/ or reduce risk of failure

In concept, these are simple and easy to

understand benefits, but in practice it is difficult to
Reasons to Install Instrumentation
1. Indicate impending failures
2. Provide a warning
3. Reveal unknowns
4. Evaluate critical design assumptions
5. Minimize damage to the adjacent structures
6. Control construction
7. Control operation
8. Provide data to help select remedial methods to
fix problems
9. Documents performance for assessing damages
10. Inform stakeholders
11. Satisfy regulators
12. Reduce litigation
13. Advanced state- of – knowledge.
Field Instrumentations:
 Piezometers (used for measuring pore pressures in ground)
 Excess pore water pressure (pwp) in core during
 Uplift pressures.
 Foundation head loss.
 Core phreatic surface (indicates the location where the
pore water pressure is under atmospheric conditions-i.e.
pressure head is Zero).
 Inclinometers (an instrument used for measuring angles of
slope, elevation, or depression of an object with respect
to gravity's direction)
 Stability of slopes and foundations
 Settlement gauges (comprises of a plate with attached
measuring rods. The plate is positioned at the depth at
which the settlement is prearranged to be measured and
the plate level is recorded).
 Extensometers (is a device that is used to measure
changes in the length of an object. It is useful for stress-
strain measurements and tensile tests).
Suggested Piezometer locations

Earth fill dam:

1. Control placement of fill, monitor pwp to find shear strength and measure uplift
2. Control placement of fill, monitor pwp to find shear strength and measure uplift
pressure and monitor seepage.
3. Control placement of fill and monitor seepage.
Piezometer installation

Downstream side(d/s)

Upstream side(u/s)

Downstream side(d/s)

Monitor lateral earth movements in embankment, e.g. detect movement of D/S of earth
fill dam, particularly during impounding. Determine type of shear and zone in
foundation. Monitor stability of U/S slope during and after impounding. Determine depth,
direction, magnitude and rate of movement

Upstream side(u/s)
Downstream side(d/s)

 Locate shear zone and help identify whether shear is planner or

 Measure the movement at the shear zone. Determine whether the
movement is constant, accelerating or slowing.
Settlement cell: Pneumatic settlement provide a single point
measurement of settlement. They can be read from central location
particularly useful where asses is difficult. Monitor consolidation during
construction and long term settlement in the foundation of the fill.
Settlement cell installation

 Monitor long term settlement and consolidation in the

foundation of embankments.
Dam Monitoring
Key Components for Design of
 Put in redundancy
 Instruments will get lost due to construction activities
 Equipment will stop working
 Protect
instrument/equipment from
contractors’ workers.
 Put in safe areas
 Mark instrument/equipment
 Protect it during installation and post installation
 Arrange for remotely monitor and collect
 Consider data analysis cost.

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