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Research Article

iMedPub Journals British Journal of Research 2020 Vol.7 No.1:49
ISSN 2394-3718
DOI: 10.36648/2394-3718.7.1.49

The Impact of Flexible Working Hours and Psychological Empowerment on

Team Performance with the Mediating Role of Work Engagement
Muhammad Waseem Shah1*, Pirzada Khattak2 and Muhammad Hammad Shah3
1Site Engineer in Employee Housing Foundation progressive (EHFPRO Pvt. Ltd.) in Islamabad (Pakistan).
2IT manager in pathfinder group of Pakistan.
3Site Incharge (MEP works) in Employee Housing Foundation Progressive (EHFPRO Pvt. Ltd.) in Islamabad, Pakistan.
*Correspondingauthor: Shah MW, Site Engineer in Employee Housing Foundation progressive (EHFPRO Pvt. Ltd.) in Islamabad (Pakistan), E-
mail:[email protected]
Received Date: January 01, 2020; Accepted Date: February 27, 2020; Published Date: March 05, 2020
Citation: Shah MW, Khattak P, Shah MH (2020) The Impact of Flexible Working Hours and Psychological Empowerment on Team Performance
with the Mediating Role of Work Engagement.Br J Res Vol.7 No.1:49.
committed to their organization. Happiness of employees
depends upon the work environment, psychological
Abstract empowerment, flexible work options, appreciation for work,
reward for remarkable performance and good relationship
Companies that offer flex-time and empower its with supervisors etc. Happiness of employees lead to a high
employees psychologically help to keep the employees level of work engagement and team performance is enhanced.
engaged in their work effectively and ultimately Team achieves its objectives within time frame, allocated
ameliorates team performance. In this paper, we budget while maintaining the quality of deliverables. In order
scrutinize how flexible working hours and psychological to attain the team leader’s baselines, the employees need to
empowerment boosts team performance while observing work in teams. Team work is an important factor affecting the
work engagement as mediator. In order to carry out our
overall reputation and profit of organizations. Companies that
study, we used cross-sectional method of survey and the
provide flexibility in working hours to its employees are said to
data was collected from employees of construction
perform well in a team work environment. In project based
project based organizations. Results of the experiment
from 221 employees reveal that by initiating flexibility in
organizations and especially in the construction industry,
working hours enhances the work engagement of employees have to work for long hours and are too much
employees, which ultimately enhances team stressful due to a lot of work burden. Due to this fact, the
performance. Similarly, by empowering the employees engagement level of employees is not up to the expectations
psychologically increases the work engagement level and definitely leads to low performance. Flex time enhances
which enhances team performance. There is evidence productivity, job satisfaction, reduce stress level of employees,
that work engagement enhances team performance and improves quality of lives of employees, reduce absenteeism
as the engagement level of employees enhances, so team and lessens organizational overtime costs [45]. Flexible
performance also increases. Hence, our results indicate working hours have recently been fully considered by
that work engagement of employees enhances by companies and researchers as a family-friendly approach
initiating flexibility in working hours and by empowering [2].Flexible working hours enhances productivity and
the employees psychologically in an organization. Due to profitability of organizations [3]. In order to attain good team
high engagement level of employees in their work, team performance, the team needs to carry out all the necessary
performance increases. activities so to achieve the specific objectives of team [4].
Flexibility in working hours leads to better work life balance
Keywords: Flexible working hours; Psychological and improves company performance [46]. In short, flexible
Empowerment; Work Engagement; Team performance; working hours helps to reduce stress level and work burden of
Project based organizations
employees and enhances engagement level of employees and
ultimately leads to improve team performance.
Empowerment means empowering employees to take
Introduction decisions autonomously and becoming independent [47].
Organizations are mostly dependent on teams. Project Empowerment refers to personal thinking, taking actions to
activities that need to be completed are too complicated and control work and taking decisions autonomously [5]. In project
confusing to complete individually. Therefore, it is necessary to based organizations the principal issue is that employee ’ s
work together to achieve the goals and to complete the task decisions regarding work are intervened by senior
[1]. As employees are the back bone of organization, and management, due to which employees feel too low and their
happy employees are more motivated, productive and interest level is reduced. And low level of interest causes low
level of engagement, which ultimately leads to low team
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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

performance. Psychological empowerment has many metrics, that flexibility in working time has a lot of benefits for the
such as impact (the level to which employee perceive that how organizations which includes high performance, productivity,
his/her work influences his/her organization), competence health improvement, decreased stress, better work life
(the capability of employee to do his/her assigned tasks balance and less absenteeism [51]. Flex time is beneficial for
efficiently), meaningfulness (the intrinsic caring about work- both organizations and employees. The organizational benefits
related tasks), and choice (autonomy of employee at work i.e. are enhanced productivity; less accidents and reduction in
the decisions which an employee takes regarding work are not turnover rates [13], the benefits for employees are low work
intervened) [48]. Empowerment enhances business profits, burden, well-being and a better work life balance. Hashim et
lessens the cost and improves quality of deliverable al. studied the effect of time flexibility on employee
[49].Empowerment of employees enhances employee performance: a study of teachers at the government
performance [6]. Psychological empowerment has a positive management science school Peshawar and noticed a positive
effect on job performance and job satisfaction [7]. In a influence of time flexibility on employee performance [14].
nutshell, if employees are psychologically empowered I-e they Today, flexible working hours is becoming more and more
are given the authority to take decisions without interference important to the workplace. Many organizations offer
of anyone, so employees will work with interest and their work employees the option of flexible working hours because of the
engagement level will enhance and ultimately team benefits that flexibility brings to employees and employers.
performance will ameliorate. Mungania et al. carried out a study on the effect of flexible
work arrangements on performance of Kenyan banking
Employee engagement is the degree to which an employee
organizations [15]. The goal of this examination was to
involves himself in his assigned duties and tasks and put
determine the influence of flexible work arrangements on the
discretionary effort in his work. Engagement means utilizing
performance of Kenyan banking organizations. The results
your energy in cognitive, physical and mental work [8]. If
showed a positive association between flexible working
employees are highly engaged in their tasks so the tasks will be
arrangements and performance of Kenyan banking
completed within cost and time frame and the deliverable will
organizations. Bijsterveldt studied the impact of socially-led
be handed over to the end users within allocated cost and
flexible work arrangements on employee well-being [16]. The
time frame. As in project based organizations the issue is that
motivation for this exam was to explore whether flexible work
employees are not highly engaged in their assigned tasks due
arrangements are related to mental, social and physical health.
to which project completion time is extended and also
The results showed that there was a positive relationship
variations in cost occurs. So in order to avoid such variations
between flexible work arrangements and mental health. In
companies shall motivate its employees so to keep them
addition, the results showed that there was a negative
highly engaged in their works. Employee engagement is an
relationship between flexible work arrangements and social
important factor of the company’s performance and results in
well-being, and also showed an anxiety of physical health.
enhanced profitability, productivity, performance and
Michael (2015) carried out a study on the effect of flexible
customer ratings [9]. Employee engagement means to
work arrangements on individual performance and ended up
organize employees, not the mental state that individual ’ s
with results that performance of individual enhances by
experience at work [10]. Organizations shall provide an
introducing flex time [52].Hence our proposed hypothesis is;
ambient working atmosphere for its employee in order to
enhance peer relationship and improve team performance H1: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on team
[50]. Similarly, dedicated workers are enthusiastic and are of performance.
the feeling that they are working effectively [11]. Highly
engaged employees are more productive to the organizations Flexible working hours and work engagement
profitability and productivity as compared to less engaged
employees [12]. In short, if employees are engaged in their The flexibility in working time means the policies and
work more effectively so team performance will enhance and practices offer the employees to have some freedom of choice
team will achieve its goals within the schedule and assigned in working hours which meet their preferences [17]. More
budget while maintaining the quality of deliverables. importantly, researchers showed that the notion of
organizational efforts to support work/life balance was
positively impacting employee commitment to work,
LITERATURE REVIEW satisfaction with work, and the ability to manage their
assignments at work and duties at home. Anderson et al.
Flexible working hours and Team Performance inferred from their study that flexible working hours affected
employee engagement through positive relationships with
Abid et al. studied influence of flexible working hours on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and employee
performance of employees and noticed a positive association discretion [18]. Organizations with flexible working strategies
[3]. Flexible working hours boosts performance of employees give employees the opportunity to work according to their
and enhances organizations profitability. Flex time enhances preferences, which increases employee organizational
productivity, job satisfaction, reduces stress level of commitment and increases employee engagement level. There
employees, improves quality of lives of employees, lessens were other benefits of initiating flexible working hours like
absenteeism and organizational overtime costs. Amstad et al. productivity, reducing work errors and turnover [13].
(2011) conducted a study on work flexibility and concluded Ivanauskaite studied the effect of flexible work arrangements
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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

on engagement of employees and organizational commitment about the association between empowerment and
through mediating role of work family progress and inferred performance of employees in the Malaysian automotive
that engagement level of employee enhances by initiating industry and inferred that empowerment has positive effect
flexible work arrangements [19]. Shagvaliyeva et al. studied on employee performance in Malaysian automotive industry.
the effects of flexible working hours on work-life balance and Hence our proposed hypothesis is:
found a positive relationship between the two [2]. Wisely and
H3: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on
Sinead (2017) conducted a study on flexible working hours as
team performance.
an effective tool for organizational commitment, motivation
and productivity and concluded that by introducing flexibility Psychological empowerment and work engagement
in working hours for employees enhances organizational
Empowerment refers to personal thinking, taking actions to
commitment, motivation for work and productivity of
control work and taking decisions autonomously [5].
organization [53]. Many organizations offer employees flexible
Empowering teams leads to improved organizational
working hours because of the benefits that flexibility brings to
productivity and employee quality of life [23]. Researchers had
both employees and employers. More prominently employee
proposed that job satisfaction is the most important factor
engagement level, employee productivity and customer
because of its association to different variables, like
satisfaction were the well-known benefits. And all these lead
organizational commitment, willingness to quit, and
to organizational profitability. Hence our proposed hypothesis
organizational citizenship [24, 25]. It has been examined that
in most organizations the empowered employees are highly
H2: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on work engaged in their work and definitely are satisfied from their
engagement. job. In contrast, the employees whose decisions are intervene
by seniors are less engaged in their work and are not satisfied
Psychological empowerment and team performance
from their job [56]. Moura conducted a study on the role of
Psychological empowerment was characterized by the work engagement and psychological empowerment as
perception of the sense of control, the impression of ability, predictors of job satisfaction in Portuguese hotel staff. It was
and the disguise of organizational objectives [20] carried out a inferred that psychological empowerment has positive
study on the impact of empowerment on employee association with work engagement and both psychological
performance with the mediating effect of employee loyalty empowerment and work engagement leads to job satisfaction
and inferred that empowerment and employee performance [26]. Hashish et al. conducted a study on psychological
are positively associated. Similarly loyalty has a positive effect empowerment nurse perception of psychological
on employee performance while loyalty mediates partially the empowerment and its linkage to work engagement and job
association between empowerment and employee insecurity [27]. Results revealed that psychological
performance. Jawad et al. conducted a study on the effect of empowerment has a positive association with work
empowerment on team performance [21]. Empowerment was engagement, while job insecurity has negative association with
measured by autonomy, responsibility, information and psychological empowerment and work engagement. Nawrin
creativity. The results of this study revealed positive studied the effect of psychological empowerment on
associations of autonomy, responsibility, and creativity with employee work and organizational engagement targeting the
team performance while a negative relationship between manufacturing sectors in Bangladesh [28]. The aim of this
information and team performance. Indradevi studied the study was to inspect the relationship between psychological
influence of psychological empowerment on job performance empowerment and employee work engagement and the
and job satisfaction in Indian software companies [7]. relationship between psychological empowerment and
Psychological empowerment was measured by four organization engagement. The results showed that the work
components i.e. meaningful work, competence, autonomy and engagement was affected by the psychological empowerment
impact. From the results, it was confirmed that if employees by 62.4%, and organization engagement was affected by
are empowered their performance enhances. Similarly if psychological empowerment by 41.6% respectively. Kosar
employees are empowered they are highly satisfied from jobs. studied the effect of psychological empowerment on
Ayoub and Al-Akhras (2018) carried out a study on the organizational citizenship behaviour and knowledge sharing
relationship between psychological empowerment and behaviour through the mediating role of employee
creative performance of employees with the mediating role of engagement and the moderating role of leader-member
job satisfaction in international non-governmental exchange [29]. Results revealed that psychological
organizations in Jordan. From the results it was concluded that empowerment positively has positive association with
psychological empowerment has positive impact on organizational citizenship behaviour and knowledge sharing
performance [54]. Tetik (2016) studied the effects of behaviour. Furthermore, employee engagement partially
empowerment on job performance and job satisfaction and mediates the association between psychological
found positive relationship between empowerment and job empowerment and organizational citizenship behaviour.
performance and between empowerment and job satisfaction Similarly employee engagement fully mediates the association
[54]. Wang et al studied the influence of empowerment on between psychological empowerment and knowledge sharing.
performance of employees in the Malaysian automotive Hence our proposed hypothesis is:
industry [22]. This research was conducted to investigate

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

H4: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on for this study was collected from Spain (n=386) and
work engagement. Netherlands (n=338). The results of the two samples
confirmed that work engagement completely mediated the
Work engagement and team performance effect of job resources on pro-active behaviour. Sulea studied
work engagement in mediating role between characteristics of
Work engagement is a positive, fulfilling and work-related job and positive and negative extra role-behaviours [36]. This
state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption inspection was based on the JD-R model and was used to make
[30]. The concept of engagement at work was first introduced clear the role of work engagement as mediator between job
by (Kahn, 1990) and defined it as the harness of organization resources (perceived organizational support) and positive
member’s selves to their work roles, in engagement people extra role behaviour (Organizational citizenship behaviour),
employ and empress themselves physically, cognitively and between demands of job (interpersonal conflicts) and negative
emotionally [57]. Employee engagement is a mode of working extra-role behaviour (counterproductive work behaviour) and
where dedicated employee had experienced a comprehensive between personal resource(conscientiousness) and both
self-work in the process of fully understanding their well-being positive and negative extra role-behaviour. Results revealed
[57]. Employee engagement is the means of organizing and that work engagement plays a partial mediating role between
managing the workforce, not the mental state that employees both organizational citizenship behaviour and
experienced at work [10]. Engagement of employees was counterproductive work behaviour but for organizational
positively associated with customer reliability, productivity, citizenship behaviour the effect was stronger in comparison
profitability and consumer loyalty, and was negatively with counterproductive work behaviour. Bernt conducted a
correlated with turnover [31]. Perrin carried out a study and study in which he used work engagement as mediator
inferred that firms which recruit highly dedicated employees between HRM practices and performance of employees and
had a good productivity in terms of work and net margins, in concluded that work engagement acts as a partial mediator
contrast to the companies that recruit indifferent employees between HRM practices and performance of employees [37].
[12]. Gast studied the effects of employee engagement on Yalabik studied work engagement as mediator between
individual performance and noticed a positive link between affective commitment to job performance and intentions to
the two variables [32]. Yongxing studied the effect of work quit and between job satisfaction to job performance and
engagement on job performance with the moderating role of intentions to quit [38]. From the results it was inferred that
perceived organizational support [33]. The results showed that work engagement played a mediating role between affective
work engagement and objective task performance are commitment to job performance and intentions to quit.
positively associated. Furthermore, perceived organizational Similarly work engagement mediated the association from job
support positively moderates the association between work satisfaction to job performance, and partially mediated the
engagement and objective task performance. Torrente studied association between job satisfaction and intentions to quit.
that how the team work engagement mediates between social
resources and team performance [34]. Results revealed that H6: Work engagement mediates positively between flexible
team work engagement mediates between social resources working hours and team performance.
(supportive team atmosphere, coordination, teamwork) and H7: Work engagement mediates positively between
team performance (in-role and extra-role performance), as psychological empowerment and team performance.
predicted by JD-R model. Aditiarani (2018) conducted a study
on strengths coordination and team performance: To explore Theoretical Support
the mediating role of team work engagement and the
moderating effect of task complexity. The study concluded that This study has the support of broaden and build theory of
there was positive association between team work positive emotions stated by Barbara Fredrickson in1988 in a
engagement and performance of team. The study concluded way that if there will be positive emotions like love, joy,
that higher level of coordination leaded to higher team interest and contentment so employees will engage in their
performance, and the team work engagement mediated this work effectively [59]. So employee positive emotions lead to
relationship [58].Hence our proposed hypothesis is: high engagement level of employees which ultimately
enhances team performance. The current study has also the
H5: Work engagement has a positive impact on Team
support of Leader-members exchange theory, in a way that if
managers offer flexibility in working hours to employees and
give them psychological empowerment, so employees will
Work engagement as mediator engage in their work more effectively and will lead to enhance
Employee engagement was positively correlated to team performance.
customer reliability, productivity, profitability and consumer
loyalty, and was negatively correlated with employee turnover Research Methodology
[31]. Salanova studied the effect of job resources on pro-active
To test the following research hypothesis, the research
behaviour with the mediating role of work engagement [35].
methodology is as under:
Work engagement was measured by its two constructs i.e.
Vigour and dedication, while job resources by measured by H1: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on team
three constructs i.e. job control, feedback and variety. Samples performance.

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

H2: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on work

H3: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on Age
team performance.
The age was divided among the intervals of 25-30, 31-35,
H4: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on 36-40, 41-45, 46-50 and above 50. There were 19 respondents
work engagement. from 25-30 which is 8.6% of the total. 56 respondents were in
H5: Work engagement has a positive impact on Team the interval of 31-35 which is 25.3% of the total. 39
performance. respondents were in the age among 36-40 which is 17.6% of
the total. 48 respondents were in the age among 41-45 which
H6: Work engagement mediates positively between flexible is 21.7% of the total. 32 respondents werein age group 46-50
working hours and team performance. which is 14.5% of the total. Similarly 27 respondents were
H7: Work engagement mediates positively between more than 50, which is 12.2% of the total. The results are
psychological empowerment and team performance. shown in (Table1)
Questionnaires were distributed to 425 employees of Table 1: Age
construction project based organizations in two cities i.e.
Rawalpindi and Islamabad cities of Pakistan in January 2019. Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
The organizations included were EA consulting (Pvt) Ltd,
25-30 19 8.6 8.6
NESPAK, Ghulam Habib Construction Company, Employee
Housing Foundation Progressive (EHFPRO), FWO and NLC. Data 31-35 56 25.3 33.9
was collected through several modes of communication such
36-40 39 17.6 51.6
as through email, whatsapp, and personal meeting. Of the
distributed questionnaires, the overall useable response rate 41-45 48 21.7 73.3
was 52% (221). Five point Likert scale was followed for
46-50 32 14.5 87.8
conducting the survey. Flexible working hours was measured
by 7 items adopted from Fransman [39,40]. The sample item Above 50 27 12.2 100
was: “ I currently make use of flexible work hours in my Total 221 100
organization”. Psychological empowerment was measured by
11 items adopted from Spreitzer [41]. It included four
categories which measured psychological empowerment. First Gender
category is meaning sample question and sample item was The sample was comprised of 221 personnel’s. So, in the
“ the work I do is meaningful … . ” The second category is following study, there were 191 males (86.4%) and 30 female’s
acompetence sample and the sample item was is “ I am (13.6%) respondents. (Table 2) shows the distribution of male
confident about my ability … . ” The third category is self- and female.
determination sample and the sample question is “Can decide
on my own how to……” And last one is impact sample and the Table 2: Gender
sample item is “ my impact is large what …… . ” Work
engagement was measured by 09 items and was followed from Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Schaufeli et al. [42]. The sample item included “I am proud of
Male 191 86.4 86.4
the work that I do”. Team performance was measured by 07
items and was followed from Zhang et al. [43]. The sample Female 30 13.6 100
item was “Has high employee satisfaction”. The convenient
Total 221 100
sampling technique was used and those employees who were
suitable for this study were approached for their well thought
participation. After collection of data different analytical tools Education
like correlation analysis, regression analysis was carried out to
investigate the association of the proposed study. For the In this category, 29.4% were bachelors; 58.4% were masters;
reliability of the items, Cronbach’s alpha was calculated which 10.4% were from M.S/M.PHIL; and 1.8% was from others
was introduced by Cronbach [44]. A correlation test was category. (Table 3) shows the categories of education of the
carried out to ascertain the association between flexible collected data.
working hours, psychological empowerment, work
Table 3: Education
engagement and team performance. Regression tests were
carried out and hypothesis was accepted or rejected using
Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
significance values. Similarly to inspect about the mediating
role of work engagement Preacher and Hayes (2004) bootstrap Bachelor Degree 65 29.4 29.4
method was used [60]. Masters 129 58.4 87.8

MPHIL 23 10.4 98.2

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

Others 4 1.8 100 [61]. The values of Cronbach’s Alpha for all the variables were
greater than 0.70. As evident from the table 4.5, the
Total 221 100
Cronbach ’ s alpha for all the measures is above 0.7 which
shows that the scale is highly reliable.
Table 5: Reliability Analysis
In experience category, an experience of less than 5 years
was 24.4%, 6-10 years were 21.7%, 11-15 years were 27.6% Variable No of items
and experience of 16years or above were 26.2%. (Table 4)
Team Performance 7 0.794
shows the experience of the collected sample.
Flexible working Hours 7 0.8
Table 4: Experience
Psychological Empowerment 11 0.792

Percen Work Engagement 9 0.797

Frequency t Cumulative Percent

Less than five year 54 24.4 24.4

Correlation Analysis
6-10yrs 48 21.7 46.2
Correlation analysis was performed to inspect the
11-15 yrs 61 27.6 73.8 relationship of variables with each other i.e. whether
16 or above 58 26.2 100
variables are positively or negatively correlated to each
other. The outcomes are shown by table 4.6. Hence, the
Total 221 100 correlation is described individually as below:
Insert table 6
Reliability Analysis
The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for all the variables were
calculated. The minimum threshold of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.70

Table 6: Correlation Analysis

Predictors Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Age 3.45 1.518 1

Gender 1.14 0.343 .136* 1

Education 1.85 0.67 -0.017 -0.008 1

Experience 2.56 1.125 .269** -0.02 -0.013 1

TP 4.05 0.5088 0.091 0.02 0.094 0.042 1

FWH 4.07 0.5728 0.073 0.023 0.004 0.079 .291** 1

PE 4.14 0.37 0.033 -0.028 0.049 0.013 .348** .363**

WE 3.96 0.4442 -0.091 0.045 0.023 -0.055 .427** .261** .289** 1


Correlation between flexible working hours and team Flexible working hours is positively associated with
performance mediator i.e. work engagement (r = .261**, p ≤ 0.001) as
shown by results from table 4.6, which supported the second
It has been inferred from correlation i.e. table 4.6, that
hypothesis i.e. flexible working hours is positively correlated
Flexible working hours (IV) is positively associated with Team
to work engagement.
performance (DV) i.e. (r=.291**, p ≤ 0.001) which supported
the first hypothesis i.e. flexible working hours is positively Correlation between Psychological empowerment and
associated to team performance. Team performance
Correlation between flexible working hours and work It has been inferred from correlation analysis as shown by
engagement results from table 4.6, that Psychological empowerment (IV)
is positively associated with Team performance (DV) i.e. (r =.

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

348**, p ≤ 0.001) which supported the third hypothesis that 2

Psychological empowerment is positively associated to Team 0
Within Groups 256.952 3 1.266
Correlation between Psychological empowerment and 2
work engagement Total 278.543 0

Work engagement (Mediator) is positively associated with

DV= Team performance
Team performance (DV) as shown by results from table 4.6, (r
= .427**, p ≤ 0.001) which supported the fifth hypothesis i.e. Results from table 4.7 show that age, experience and
work engagement is positively correlated with team education has no significant impact on team performance
performance. while, gender (p=.001) has significant impact on team
performance so that needs to be controlled.
One-way ANOVA Sum of D Mean
Age Squares f Square F P
Demographic variables most of the time affect dependent
variables; therefore those variables need to be controlled. For Between 1 1.12 0.
Groups 46.223 8 2.568 7 33
the purpose of observing the impact of demographic variables
on dependent variable, author conducted one-way ANOVA 2
test. Demographic variables taken into consideration were: 0
Within Groups 460.429 2 2.279
age, gender, education and experience. One-way ANOVA test
was carried out to see the effects of these variables on team 2
performance (DV). Total 506.652 0

Table 7: One-way ANOVA Sum of D Mean

Gender Squares f Square F P

Sum of D Mean Between 1 0.97 0.

Age Squares f Square F P Groups 2.069 8 0.115 3 49

Between 1 0.8 0.6 2

Groups 32.883 7 1.934 29 59 0
Within Groups 23.859 2 0.118
0 2
Within Groups 473.769 3 2.334 2
Total 25.928 0
2 Sum of D Mean
Total 506.652 0 Education Squares f Square F P

Sum of D Mean Between 1 0.44 0.

Gender Squares f Square F P Groups 3.764 8 0.209 5 98

Between 1 2.4 0.0 2

Groups 4.477 7 0.263 92 01 0
Within Groups 95.005 2 0.47
Within Groups 21.451 3 0.106
Total 98.769 0
Sum of D Mean
Experience Squares f Square F P
Total 25.928 0
Between 1 0.84 0.
Sum of D Mean
Groups 19.497 8 1.083 5 65
Education Squares f Square F P
Between 1 0.6 0.8 0
Groups 5.367 7 0.316 86 15 Within Groups 259.046 2 1.282
2 2
0 2
Within Groups 93.402 3 0.46 Total 278.543 0

2 Table 8: One-way ANOVA
Total 98.769 0
Mediator= Work engagement
Sum of D Mean
Experience Squares f Square F P
Also from table 4.8 it is obvious that demographic variables
Between 1 1.0 0.4 i.e. age, gender, education and experience has no significant
Groups 21.591 7 1.27 03 56 impact on work engagement .So these variables don’t need to

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

be controlled when observing the impact of independent table 4.9, it is evident that the first hypothesis which is flexible
variables (flexible working hours and psychological working hours has a positive impact on team performance has
empowerment) on mediator i.e. work engagement. been supported. Beta value, i.e., (β = 0.115*), showed that
there was a positive association between flexible working
Regression Analysis hours and team performance and an increase of one unit in
flexible working hours will cause 11.5% increment in team
Hypothesis were accepted or rejected based on regression performance. The p-value which was (p = 0.045), confirmed
analysis test. If β=0 then we accept the null hypothesis and the support of the first hypothesis.
reject alternate hypothesis and vice versa. So regression
analysis was performed in order to accept or reject hypothesis Psychological Empowerment and Team performance
of current study. From One way ANOVA test (Table 7) it was The second hypothesis, i.e. Psychological empowerment has
revealed that gender (demographic variable) has also a positive effect on team performance has been supported as
significant effect on dependent variable (team performance) shown by the results from (Table 9). Beta value, i.e., (β =
that’s why multiple regression analysis was performed to see 0.285**), showed that there was a positive association
the impact of independent variable, mediator on dependent between psychological empowerment and team performance,
variable by controlling demographic variable i.e. gender. The and an increase of one unit in psychological empowerment will
results are shown in (Table 9). cause an increase of 28.5% in team performance. The p-value
which was (p = 0.002), confirmed the support of the second
Table 9: Multiple Regression Analysis hypothesis.
Predictors β R² ΔR² Work Engagement and Team performance
Step 1 The results from (Table 9) showed that the fifth hypothesis,
i.e. Work engagement (MV) has a positive effect on team
Controlled variable 0.012 0.0004
performance has been supported as shown by the results of
Step 2 regression analysis. Beta value, i.e., (β = 0.383***), showed
Flexible working hours .115*
that there was a positive associationbetween work
engagement and team performance and an increase of one
Psychological Empowerment .285** unit in work engagement will cause 38.3% increment in team
Work Engagement .383*** .252*** .251***
performance. The p-value which was (p = 0.000), confirmed
the support of the fifth hypothesis.
*** p ≤ 0.001, ** p ≤ 0.01, * p ≤ 0.05

Controlled variable= gender
From (Table 8) shows One-way ANOVA test which was
From the (Table 9) it is inferred that variation in team
conducted to see the impact of demographics on work
performance (dependent variable) explained by the gender
engagement. From the results it was concluded that no
(demographic variable) is .04% (R2= .0004). While gender,
demographic variables have any significant impact on work
flexible working hours, psychological empowerment and work
engagement that’s why no demographic variable has been
engagement jointly explained 25.2% variation in team
controlled. Therefore linear regression analysis was performed
performance (R2= .252***). Flexible working hours,
to see effect of flexible working hours on work engagement
psychological empowerment and work engagement altogether
and the effect of psychological empowerment on work
explained a variation of 25.1% as indicated by change in R2
engagement. The results are illustrated in (Table 10).
(ΔR2= .251***).
R12= .0004 (Variation in team performance explained by Table 10: Results of Regression Analysis
demographic variable i.e. gender).
Work Engagement
R22= .252 (Variation in team performance explained by
gender, FWH, WE, PE altogether). Predictors Β R2 Sig

Flexible working hours 0.203*** 0.068 0

ΔR2= (Variation in team performance explained by FWH,
WE, PE). Psychological Empowerment 0.351*** 0.084 0

ΔR2= R22– R12 ** p ≤ 0.01, *p ≤ 0.05

ΔR2= .252 - .0004

Flexible working hours and work engagement
ΔR2= .251
Linear regression analysis was performed to see the effect
Flexible working hours and team performance of flexible working hours on work engagement. From the
Multiple regression analysis was performed to see the effect results of regression test as illustrated in (Table 10), it is
of flexible working hours on team performance by controlling inferred that the third hypothesis i.e. flexible working hours
demographic variable i-e gender. The results are shown in the has a positive impact on work engagement has been

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

supported. Beta value i.e. (β = 0.203***), shows that there flexible working hours on work engagement (indicated by path
was a positive link between flexible working hours and work a) and that of work engagement on team performance
engagement and an increase of one unit in flexible working (indicated by path b) in (Figure 1), were highly significant with
hours will cause 20.3% increment in work engagement. The beta values of .203*** and .432*** respectively. Similarly
value of R2 i.e. (R2= 0.068), shows that flexible working hours controlling for the work engagement (mediator), flexible
is considered for variability of (6.8%) in the work engagement. working hours was still a significant predictor of team
The p-value which was (p = 0.000), confirmed the support of performance with (Beta=.171**) as indicated by path c ’ in
the third hypothesis. (Figure 1).
Psychological Empowerment and Work engagement
Linear regression analysis was performed to see the effect
of psychological empowerment on work engagement. Results
from table 4.10 revealed that the fourth hypothesis i.e.
psychological empowerment has a positive effect on work
engagement has been accepted. Beta value, i.e., (β =
0.351***), showed that there was a positive association
between psychological empowerment and work engagement
and one unit increase in the psychological empowerment will
cause 35.1% increase in work engagement. The value of R2 i.e. Figure 1:Mediation Diagram.
(R2= 0.084), showed that psychological empowerment is
accounted for 8.4% variability in work engagement. The p- Mathematical calculations from Figure 1:
value which was (p = 0.000), confirmed the support of the
fourth hypothesis. Path a= .203***
Path b=.432***
Work engagement as a Mediator between
Path c’=.171**
flexible working hours and team performance
Indirect effect= Path a × Path b
Work engagement was used as mediator in this study to see
the impact of flexible working hours and psychological =.203×.432
empowerment on team performance. Preacher and Hayes =.0876
(2004) bootstrap method of mediation analysis was performed
to see direct effect of flexible working hours on team Direct effect = .171**
performance by controlling the mediator, indirect effect of Total effect (c) = Direct effect + Indirect effect
flexible working hours on team performance by introducing
mediator (work engagement), and the total effect of flexible =.171+.0876
working hours on team performance [60].The indirect effect of =.259

Table 11: Testing for Mediation: Work Engagement (WE) as Mediator between FWH and TP.

Effect of M on Indirect Effect Bootstrapping results for

Predictor Effect of IV on M DV Direct Effect of IV on DV Total Effect indirect effects


95% 95%


Flexible Working
Hours 0.203*** 0.432*** 0.171** 0.0876 0.259*** 0.0256 0.1624

IV= Independent Variable, DV= Dependent Variable, M= Mediator, LL= Lower Limit, UL= Upper Limit, CI= Confidence Interval

The hypothesis six i.e. work engagement positively mediates indirect effect is significant or non-significant, we have to see
the association between flexible working hours and team the bootstrap interval i-e Boot LLCI and Boot ULCI, if zero
performance. The hypothesis is supported by the results from includes in the interval then the indirect effect is said to be
(Table 11) which revealed that, controlling for the mediator non-significant otherwise significant. The results from table
(work engagement), flexible working hours scores were still a 4.11 revealed that (Boot LLCI =.0256 and Boot ULCI=.1624)
significant predictor of team performance scores(β= 0.171**). which means that the interval is [.0256, .1624]. As this interval
The finding indicates partial mediation as the effect of flexible doesn’t include zero so the indirect effect is significant and
working hours on team performance reduces to (.0876) by work engagement exists as a mediator between flexible
introducing work engagement (mediator). To check whether working hours and team performance. From results in (Table
© Copyright iMedPub 9
British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

11), it is evident that direct effect of flexible working hours on

team performance by controlling for mediator is .171** while,
the effect of flexible working hours on team performance after
introducing work engagement (mediator) reduces to.0876**
which indicates partial mediation. As indirect impact < direct
impact (partial mediation)

Work engagement as a Mediator between

Psychological Empowerment and team
performance Figure 2: Mediation Diagram.
Preacher and Hayes (2004) bootstrap method of mediation
was carried out to see the direct effect of psychological Mathematical calculations from Figure 2:
empowerment on team performance by controlling the
mediator, indirect effect of psychological empowerment on Path a= .351***
team performance by introducing mediator (work Path b=.408***
engagement), and the total effect of psychological
empowerment on team performance [60].The indirect effect Path c’=.34**
of psychological empowerment on work engagement Indirect effect= Path a * Path b
(indicated by path a) while work engagement on team
performance (indicated by path b) as shown by (Figure 2), =.351x.408
were highly significant with β values of .351*** and .408*** =.1434
respectively. Similarly controlling for the work engagement
(mediator), psychological empowerment was still a significant Direct effect = .34***
predictor of team performance with (β=.34***) as indicated by Total effect (c) = Direct effect + Indirect effect
path c’ in (Figure 2).

Table 12: Testing for Mediation: Work engagement (WE) as Mediator between PE and TP.

Effect of M on Indirect Effect of Bootstrapping results for

Predictor Effect of IV on M DV Direct Effect IV on DV Total Effect indirect effects


95% 95%


Empowerment 0.351*** 0.408*** 0.34*** 0.1434 0.484*** 0.06 0.2488

IV= Independent Variable, DV= Dependent Variable, M= Mediator, LL= Lower Limit, UL= Upper Limit, CI= Confidence Interval


The hypothesis seven i.e. work engagement positively which means that the interval is [.0600, .2488]. As this interval
mediates the association between psychological doesn’t include zero, so the indirect effect is significant and
empowerment and team performance is supported by the work engagement exists as a mediator between psychological
results of mediation analysis. Results from table 4.12 revealed empowerment and team performance. From results as
that controlling for the mediator (work engagement), illustrated in table 4.12, it is clear that direct effect of
psychological empowerment was still a significant predictor of psychological empowerment on team performance by
team performance (β= 0.34***). The finding indicates partial controlling mediator is .34** while, the effect of psychological
mediation as the effect of psychological empowerment on empowerment on team performance reduces to .1434 when
team performance reduces to (.1434) when work engagement work engagement was used as mediator which indicates
was introduced as mediator. To examine whether indirect partial mediation. As indirect impact < direct impact (partial
effect is significant or non-significant, we have to see the mediation)
bootstrap interval i.e. Boot LLCI and Boot ULCI, if zero is
inclusive in the interval then the indirect effect is said to be
non-significant otherwise significant. The results from (Table
12) revealed that (Boot LLCI =.0600 and Boot ULCI=.2488)

10 This article is available from:

British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

DISCUSSION enhance the performance of the employees. Jawad et al.

conducted a research on empowerment impacts the team
This investigation is an effort to empirically scrutinize the performance and concluded that empowerment has a positive
impact of flexible working hours and psychological impact on team performance [21]. Current study also infers
empowerment on team performance with work engagement that psychological empowerment has positive and significant
as mediator. The results from this study are consistent with impact on team performance. Hence our proposed hypothesis
past empirical studies. In this investigation besides direct is accepted.
effect of flexible working hours and psychological H3: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on
empowerment on team performance, mediation effects have team performance (Accepted)
also been deeply examined. Moreover, the mediating effect of
work engagement on the relation between flexible working
hours and team performance, psychological empowerment Psychological empowerment and work
and team performance were also empirically tested and found engagement
highly significant. The research results have evidently shown
Similarly, from the results in (Table 10) it is well concluded
that work engagement positively mediates between flexible
that psychological empowerment has a positive impact on
working hours-team performance and psychological
work engagement (β = 0.351***, r2= 0.084). Previously Nawrin
empowerment-team performance relationships.
conducted a study on the impact of psychological
empowerment on employee work involvement and deduced
Flexible working hours and team performance that psychological empowerment has a positive impact on
From the results of this investigation (Table 9), it is clear employee work involvement [28]. Current research study also
that flexible working hours positively impact the team infers that psychological empowerment has a positive and
performance. The team performance increases as the significant impact on work engagement. Hence our proposed
flexibility in working hours increases. So it is necessary to hypothesis is accepted.
introduce flexibility in working hours in the organizations to H4: Psychological empowerment has a positive impact on
boost the performance of the employees. Previously research work engagement (Accepted)
was conducted by Hashim et al. to see the impact of flexible
working hours on employee performance and noticed that Work engagement and team performance
flexible working hours has a positive impact on employee
performance [14]. Current study also concludes that flexible The results from (Table 9) showed that Work engagement
working hours has a positive impact on team performance. has a positive effect on team performance. Therefore, if
Hence our proposed hypothesis is accepted. engagement level of employee will enhance so team
performance will boost. So organizations should motivate its
H1: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on team
employees in order to enhance engagement level of
performance (Accepted)
employees which will improve team performance. Harter
concluded from their study that engagement of employees
Flexible working hours and work engagement was positively associated with customer reliability,
The results in (Table 10) show that flexible working hours productivity, profitability and consumer loyalty, and was
has a positive impact on work engagement (β = 0.203***, r2= negatively correlated with turnover [31]. Current research
0.068). So in order to enhance work engagement of employees study also infers that wok engagement has a positive and
it is necessary to introduce flexibility in working hours for significant impact on team performance. Hence our proposed
employees. Previously study was conducted by Ugargol and hypothesis is accepted.
Patrick (2018) to see the impact of flexible working H5: Work engagement has a positive impact on Team
arrangements on employee engagement and reported a performance (Accepted)
positive relationship [62]. Current study also concludes that
flexible working hours has a positive impact on work Work Engagement as mediator
engagement. Hence our proposed hypothesis is accepted.
In this study work engagement was used as mediator to see
H2: Flexible working hours has a positive impact on work
the effect of flexible working hours and psychological
engagement (Accepted)
empowerment on team performance. It is observed that work
engagement positively mediates between flexible working
Psychological empowerment and team hours-team performance and psychological empowerment-
performance team performance relationships. Bernt conducted a study on
work engagement as a mediator between human resource
Similarly from (Table 9) it is evident that psychological management practices and employee performance and
empowerment has a positive impact on team performance. concluded that work engagement mediates positively between
The team performance increases as the psychological human resource management practices and employee
empowerment increases. So it is necessary to introduce performance [37]. Current study also infers that work
psychological empowerment in the organizations in order to engagement mediates positively between flexible working
© Copyright iMedPub 11
British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

hours-Team performance and psychological empowerment- • Current study infers that if flex time is introduced in an
Team performance. Hence our proposed hypothesis is organization, the work burden and the level of stress of
accepted. employees will reduce.
H6: Work engagement mediates positively between flexible • This study concludes that if flex time is initiated in
working hours and team performance (Accepted) organization, employees will obtain work life balance and their
quality of life will be enhanced. While overtime cost of
H7: Work engagement mediates positively between
organization will get lessen.
psychological empowerment and team performance
(Accepted) • Current study concludes that if flexible working hours are
initiated in organization, employees will work with zeal and
Conclusion they will engage in their work due to which the performance
of team will be enhanced.
There are a number of factors in the organization that allow • This research study concluded that by introducing flex
people to accept and develop team Performance with the time in an organization, work errors of employees will reduce.
ultimate goal of improving performance and effectiveness. The
organizational environment is working to motivate • Current study infers that by initiating flex time to
organizational standards and provide tools and routes for team employees, work engagement of employees will ameliorate
Performance. In this study an effort has been made to observe and employees will work with enthusiasm.
the impact of flexible working hours and psychological • This research shows evidence that in an organization, if
empowerment on team performance. It can be well concluded employees are psychologically empowered i.e. they will take
that flexible working hours and psychological empowerment decision themselves without interference of anyone. By doing
positively and significantly impact the team performance. so, employees will engage in their work more effectively and
Furthermore, performance of the team can be enhanced by ultimate profit will be for organization.
initiating flexible working hours and psychological
empowerment culture inside the organization. The results • This research shows evidence that if employees are
suggest that there is a noteworthy positive link of flexible empowered psychologically, the employees will take decisions
working hours and psychological empowerment with team themselves which will lead to enhance team performance (as
Performance, Similarly work engagement positively mediates previous study was conducted by Indradevi which shows that
between flexible working hours-team performance and psychological empowerment increases employee
psychological empowerment-team performance relationships. performance) [7].
By initiating flexible working hours and empowering This study has also the support of broaden and build theory
employees psychologically in the organization, the work of positive emotions stated by Barbara Fredrickson in1988 in a
engagement level of employee will enhance, which will boost way that if there will be positive emotions like love, joy,
up the team performance. interest and contentment so employees will engage in their
Theoretical Implications work effectively. So employee positive emotions lead to high
engagement level of employees which ultimately enhances
As this study is supported by Leaders Members Exchange team performance. In broaden and build theory researchers
(LMX) theory which describes the relationship between emphasized on employee’s positive emotions which lead to
employees and leaders [63]. If manager offers flexibility in performance (e.g. team performance). Our findings add to
working time and psychological empowerment to employees broaden and build theory by providing evidence from
so employees will be engaged in work more effectively and construction project based organizations in this regard. Results
ultimately team performance will be increased. The outcomes generally confirmed the theoretical basis.
for employees from LMX theory will be job satisfaction,
reduced level of stress, high productivity of employees) [63]. • The results of this study concluded that by empowering
Our findings add to LMX theory by providing evidence from employees psychologically in an organization will engage
construction project based organization in this regard. Results employees in work and performance of the team will increase
generally confirmed the theoretical basis. as broaden-and-build theory states.
• This research study has similar findings as stated by the • Current study shows evidence that if employees are
theory that flexibility in working hours will enhance the engaged in their work more effectively and efficiently so team
performance of the team and study carried out by previous performance will increase. And team will attain its target
researchers [14] concluding that flexible working hours within time frame, allocated budget while maintaining quality
enhances employee performance. of deliverables.
• The results of this study concluded that by initiating flex • Current study infers that by empowering team members
time in an organization will engage employees in work and psychologically, their interest for work will increase which will
employees will work with zeal and ultimately team help them achieve the objectives.
performance will enhance. Managerial Implications

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British Journal of Research 2020
ISSN 2394-3718 Vol.7 No.1:49

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