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Parallel structure or parallelism

Parallel structure or parallelism is words used in pairs or
group to show that there are two or more elements of
sentences that have the same grammatical form ( verb and
verb;noun and nouns ; adjective and adjectives ; etc ). These
words are used in sentences to avoid the repetition use of
word. Parallel stucture use words such as: both, neither ,
either , and.
 Both houses are beautiful
 Neither of us like boiled potato. (we don’t like boiled
 This pair of shoes is not only just what i wanted, but also
what i needed.
 The girls are both smart and pretty.
 Either my mother or my sisters love my pet.
 Either gita or wanda doesn’t like white shoes.

There are three ways to express parallelism between

two things or two people; both ‘ neither , and either.


 Function
To talk two things or two people which parallel
or similar in positive setence.
 Example :
 Both songs are cool
 Both of them can sing well
2. Neither
 Function
To talk about two things or two people which
parallel or similar negative sentence.
 Example :
 Neither songs are cool. (the songs are not
cool ).
 Neither of them can sing well.( they can’t
sing well)

3. Either
 Function
To talk about talk about two things or two people
which parallel or similar in negative or positive
 Example :
 Either the old song or the new song is not
 Either the red dress or the yellow dress is
B. Grammar Focus
Correlative Conjunctions : “both” neither ..... not “
“either....or” “ not only ..... but also”
1. Both
‘Both’ conjunction refers to similarity between two persons
or two people. Pattern of ‘both’:
Both + noun + and +noun

Both can be used in the following situations .

 As pronoun ( referring to things/people which are
mentioned before )
 Example :
- A : do you like coffee or tea ?
B : I like both
 As adjective
Both + adjective + and + adjective
 Example :
- I feel both happy and sad in this graduation
 As singular noun
Both + singular noun + and + singular noun
 Example :
- Mr. Heru has both a car and a motorcycle
 As plural noun
Both + plural noun
 Example :
- Tania has two bags
- She love both bags
1. Both is for positive sentence only. ( there is no negative
sentence usinf ‘both’)
Example :
We have two jackets. We use both.
2. Use ‘neither’ for negative sentence.
Example :
We use neither of the jackets.

C. Neither ......nor
Neither is a conjunction which has negative meaning
( whitout “ not “ word ) in an affirmative sentence. Pattern of

Neiher + noun + nor + noun

Neither can be used in the following situations.

 Neither of is used for replacin ‘both’ for negative
sentence because ‘ both ‘ is not allowed for negative
Example :
- There are two beautiful dresses. Both dresses
are not cheap. ( incorrect ).
- Neither of dresses are cheap. ( correct )
D. Either ... or
Either means one of two, either can be used for negative
sentence or affirmative positive sentence. Pattern of

Either + non + or + noun

Either can be used in the following situations.

 Either ... or + not can replace neither ... nor
( negative sentence with either ).
Example :
Either Rudi or Hana does not love watching movie.

E. Not only ... but also

Not only ...but also is one of correlative conjunctions that
is used to present related pleces of informaton. Pattern of
not only ... but also:

Not only + ( noun/verb/adjective ) + but also + ( noun/verb/adjective )

Not only ... but also can be used in the following situations:
 Not only ... but also before subject
Example :
1. Not only rini but also niken studies english. ( single
subject )
2. Not only my sister but also my parents love friend
rice. ( plural subject )
3. Not only his friends but also his sister is here.
English Group

Member’s name :
1. Aulia
2. Dita
3. Inriani
4. Nurul
5. Putri
6. Widya

Class X MIPA 6
Tahun ajaran 2018 – 2019
Both Novels are Interesting to read

Parallelism or parallel Correlative

structure conjunctions

Both either neither

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