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11/8/23, 21:15 donjon; My Random Campaign


  The Republic of Londorwin


  The Hunter and Purse

  Jane, female human, who is cursed by a witch


  The Troll's Road  

  The River of Wrath A plague of undead shadows

  The Rotted Wood, wherein stands a mysterious crystal spire  

  The Hera Fells, wherein stands a castle frozen in time A clan of young green dragons

  Byley, Kethorp  
  The Blessed City of Ingford Praksha, a female fire demon

    The Helm of Demonic Sorcery

Baroness Marger, female human
  Nurta, Keeper of Dreams A swarm of aberrations will be spawned
A council of wizards' familiars Paha, Lord of Light
  Mano of the Staff

      Idwah, the Dark Lord

  Alan, Lord of Fools
Noble warriors    
Rielel, the Blood-soaked Goddess The queen is a doppelganger

  Reclusive sages and scholars  
Benne the Enlightened, female dwarf The innkeeper is also master of assassins

  Daring river pirates  

Heny the Ardent, male halfling

  Clever and inventive    

Elean the Erudite, female human The town wizard is creating chimeras

Efrin the Erudite, female human

Based on a PDF by Matt Colville, 1/1

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