Article On Rape Capital Claim

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Rape Statistics Ranking

Worldwide (2010) | USA: 11;
UK:12; NZ:14; India:93 | Stop
Labelling Indian Men As Gang

 by Arnaz Hathiram
 November 17, 2021
Rape Statistics Ranking Worldwide (2010) | USA: 11; UK:12; NZ:14; India:93 | Stop Labelling Indian
Men As Gang Rapists (Source: In the article)
Rape Statistics Ranking Worldwide (2010) | USA: 11; UK:12; NZ:14; India:93 | Stop Labelling Indian Men As Gang Rapists (Source: In
the article)

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Rape is one of the most horrific crimes that can lead to not just physical, but also
mental trauma for life of the victim. It an unlawful act that typically involves sexual
intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will. However,
is India the Rape Capital of the World as often projected by some parts of media, or
even our own people who paint the country poorly on a foreign platform?

Yes, we are referring to the current Vir Das controversy, where he quoted:

I come from an India where we worship women during the day, and gang
rape them at night.
Let us analyse NCRB Statistics for Rape in India for the last year. According to the
same, in a country of 1.39 billion population, 28,046 cases had been reported under
Section 376 of the IPC during the year 2020. Out of these, total of 5,015 cases were
closed by police because either they were FALSE, or did not have enough evidence, or
were a mistake or registered due to civil dispute. 
Nearly, 10,751 cases were registered against former partners/boyfriends/friends/online
friends/separated husbands – which also constitute cases by women, after boyfriends
back out from marriage or when a consensual relationship goes kaput. 

One of the most common arguments about rape statistics in India revolve around the
stigma of reporting rapes, thereby, assuming that the number of cases published by
NCRB could be very less. Hypothetically, even if the said number increases by 3 to 4
times, it is still only around 0.007% of the total population.

Rape Statistics Worldwide

As per a report, it is estimated that approximately 35% of women worldwide have
experienced sexual harassment in their lifetime. However, in most countries with data
available on rape (including the U.S.), fewer than 40% of those women seek help — and
fewer than 10% seek assistance from law enforcement.
In the U.S., for instance, it is estimated that only 9% of rapists are prosecuted, and
only 3% spend time in prison. 97% of rapists walk free.

SA Rape Conviction Report

Statistics of Rape in USA

The scope and severity of the issue of rape in the U.S. can be seen in statistics such as:
 While the frequency of rape in the United States varies from state to state, it averages out
to one every 1-2 minutes
 Women ages 16-19 are four times more likely than the general population to be victims of
rape or sexual assault

 94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) during the two weeks following the rape. 30% of those PTSD cases last at least
nine months

 33% of women who are raped contemplate suicide

 A high percentage of rape victims experience ongoing professional and/or emotional issues
as a result of the attack

 While the majority of sexual assault victims are female (82% of juveniles and 90% of
adults), males around the world also experience sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape
every day

 Transgender people and those with disabilities are twice as likely to be victims of sexual
assault or rape

 In the United States, 70% of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows

Why Country-to-Country Comparisons of Rape Statistics

Are Difficult?
Another confounding issue when compiling and comparing global rape statistics is that
the legal definition of rape can vary from one country to the next. The methods used to
count rapes can also vary significantly.

These differences include, but are not limited to:

TRIGGER WARNING: This list includes multiple general descriptions of what various countries
do and do not consider rape
 Some countries consider any non-consensual sex to be rape. Others classify a sexual assault
as rape only when it exceeds a certain threshold of violence

 Some countries acknowledge spousal rape. Others do not

 Some countries count any report of rape. Others count only those incidents that proceed to a
legal trial
 Some countries include non-consensual, and sometimes also consensual, sex with a minor
—typically classifed as statutory rape—in their rape totals. Other countries place any sex
with a minor, consensual or not, into a separate category.

 Some countries confine the definition of rape to forced vaginal penetration during sexual
intercourse only. Others consider any unwarranted penetration of the mouth, anus, or vulva
with any body part or object to be rape

 Some countries track only male-on-female rape. Others also track female-on-female,
female-on-male, and male-on-male rape

 Some countries count each individual assault that occurs between the same people (for
instance, a child and a relative, or a man and his arranged fiancé) as its own separate
incident. Others add all of the incidents together and count them as a single rape

 Similarly, some countries count gang rapes as a single incident regardless of how many
individuals participated. Others count gang rapes as multiple incidents (one per participant,
minus the victim or victims)

Despite these variances in recording and reporting methods, the data nonetheless
makes clear that rape is a major issue all over the world.

For the year 2010, South Africa had the highest rate of rape in the world at 132.4
incidents per 100,000 people. In a survey released by the South African Medical
Research Council in 2009, approximately one in four men admitted to committing rape.
However, the government in South Africa is working to address this dysfunction, and
proponents maintain that the rate has dropped to 72.1 in 2019-20 reporting.
Statistics serve a vital purpose, but when taken at face value, they sometimes fail to tell
the whole story.

For example, countries that step up their efforts to prevent rape may see a rise in
reported rapes rather than a decrease—but this is not necessarily bad. The key is to
examine the cause of the increase.
Sweden’s seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this
scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000
inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was
examined, it became clear that Sweden’s high numbers were fuelled in large part by
Sweden’s broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to
other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany‘s narrower
guidelines, for example, Sweden’s average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from
64 to 15, a decrease of 326.7%.
Top 15 Countries – Rape Rate – Year in which Data
1. Botswana (92.93) (2010)
2. Australia (91.92) (2003)
3. Lesotho (82.68) (2009) 
4. South Africa (72.10) (2019)
5. Bermuda (67.29) (2004)
6. Sweden (63.54) (2010) 
7. Suriname (45.21) (2004)
8. Costa Rica (36.70) (2009)
9. Nicaragua (31.60) (2010) 
10. Grenada (30.63) (2010) 
11. United States (27.31) (2010) 
12. United Kingdom (27.29) (2010) 
13. Bolivia (26.05) (2010) 
14. New Zealand (25.85) (2010) 
15. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (25.61) (2010) 
India was at number 93 at 1.81 rate according to 2010
data. With these statistics globally, can we demean India as
a land of rapists?

ape Statistics Worldwide – 2010

The objective of the above article is not to pat our backs against other countries. Of
course no one can deny that even a single rape can be justified in any manner. However,
while speaking on an international platform, should we highlight and project India as a
country, where all Men are labelled as gang rapists? Due to such skewed projections,
citizens blindly demand more and more stringent laws against the Men, without
understanding how it affects the country and the legal system at a macro level. 

While a stand up comedian is facing multiple cases across the country today, it is also
the duty of our central government to put out hard data when it comes to Rape
Statistics. Unless the gender biased media is not countered, we will continue to be
defamed on international platforms by motivated interests or few of our own dear

NCRB Report 2020 | Crimes Against Women | Cases Registered V/s
False; Conviction Vs Acquittal
Haryana | 40.3% Rape Cases Between 2018-2020 Declared False By State
Crime Record Bureau data
Madhya Pradesh Court Orders 10-Years Jail To Woman, Son-in-Law For
Filing False Gang Rape Case
Ghatkesar BPharma Student Who Alleged False Gang Rape Dies By
Suicide | Watch Interview With Auto Driver
WATCH VIDEO | Hyderabad Police Commissioner Apologises To 4
Wrongly Accused Auto Drivers In False Gang Rape Case
FIR Registered Against Woman For Filing False Gang Rape Case Against
Two Men | Compensation Withheld
READ ORDER | Maharashtra Court Books Woman For Perjury & Filing
False Gang Rape Case
Karnal Woman, Husband Arrested Red Handed While Extorting Money In
Alleged False Gang Rape Case
Gurugram Woman Arrested For Filing False Gang Rape Case & Extorting
Rs 30 Lakhs
After Filing 19 False Gang Rape Cases, Haryana Woman Arrested; Lady
SI Who Helped Her Is Absconding
Gandhi Hospital & Santosh Nagar Gang Rape Cases Registered Last Week
In Hyderabad Found To Be False
Delhi Shakur Basti Station GANG RAPE FALSE | Woman Wanted To Get
Rid Of Old Husband & Marry Paramour
Delhi Woman Files False ‘Bus Gang Rape Case’ Because She Reached
Office Late
Interview | Abhijit Iyer-Mitra Discusses Menace Of False Rape Cases In
#Bulandshahr | 2 False Gang Rape cases have been filed in last 2-days
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