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A Summer Internship Project Report


A Study on Consumer Buying Pattern towards

– Maruti Suzuki India (Nexa)

For The Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Award


Master of Business Administration (MBA) Semester II, Class of 2023

Under The Guidance & Supervision Of:

Submitted By:
Enrollment No.: XXXXXX
Amity Global Business School

I XXXXXXXXX, student of Amity Global Business School, Hyderabad hereby declare that the
Project Titled “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” is the record of authentic
work done by me for submission of the Summer Internship Project as a partial fulfillment and
had not been submitted in any other university or Institute for the award of any other Degree. An
attempt has been made by me to provide all relevant and important details regarding the topic to
support the theoretical aspects and practical evidence related to the topic.

Date: 27.05.2020
Place: Hyderabad

My heartfelt sincere thanks to XXXXXXX Director General, Amity Global Business School
Hyderabad, for giving me this opportunity for doing my project in “Customer Perception of
Solar as Primary Energy Resource in Residential sector”.

XXXXXXXXXXXXX has been very supportive and helped me to learn and complete the
project. My sincere thanks my Industry guide and company XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

My sincere and grateful thanks to my faculty guide XXXXXXXXX for guiding me throughout
my project. My sincere thanks to my family member who stood by me motivating me to
complete my project successfully.


This is to certify that XXXXXXXX, student of semester II class of MBA 2019-2021 has
completed the Summer Internship Project Titled “Customer Perception of Solar as Primary
Energy Resource in Residential sector” is a bonafide work and has worked under my guidance
sincerely for the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration for the year 2019 –
2021 to the best of my knowledge and wish him/her success for the future endeavors.

(Name & Sign of Faculty)

Date: 30.05.2020
Place: Hyderabad


SL No. Contents Page no.

Executive summary


Review Of Literature

Research Methodology

Data Analysis And Interpretation

6 Recommendations


In this Information Technology era importance of consumer buying behavior cannot be ignored.
The manufacturer has understood that he is not the decider of which products to be produced it is
the consumer itself as there is a say customer is the king.

This study is intending to identify the importance and factors that influence the consumer in
Maruthi Suzuki to buy an car. What are consumer‘s preferences towards a particular brand and
what are his view points towards it. Also what is the information he uses before the purchase of a

In this project a brief study on Maruthi Suzuki and its growth and evolution has been analyzed.
Also the various factor affecting consumer decision making and process is being analyzed.

Various researchers ‘viewpoints and their views of consumer behavior have been analyzed. Also
study objectives and the type of survey method through questionnaire are used and all the data
are collected around urban areas. Number of respondent considered is eighty and their opinions
has been taken as a form of data collection and used for interpretation and suggestions and
outcome of the study is analyzed.

Statistical tools such as Independent sample t-test, Anova and Correlation are been used to find
out the relationship between buying decision of consumers and various factors.

Data collection is done from various sources such as magazines, reference books from various
authors, also various web sites regarding consumer behavior has been analyzed. Also
interpretation and analysis of data is done and suggestions and conclusions are given for on how
the consumers are influenced by various factors knowingly and un-knowingly in their buying
decision process. Finally it is the consumer has to buy the products


Our society is a land of diversity. We see diversity at all level exist among consumers,
among nation, culture, food and taste among marketers and even among consumers behavior
theoretically perspective. However, despite prevailing diversity in our society.

The term consumers behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching
for purchasing, using, evaluating a disposing of product and service that they expect will satisfy
their needs. To study consumers behavior to spend their available resource to understand and
predict behavior in the market place, it also promote understanding of the role that consumption
play in the lines of individuals.

Consumer behaviour study include the study what they buy, why they buy it, when they
buy, where they buy it, how often they buy it and how often they use it. Consumer research takes
place at every phases of the consumption process, before the purchase, during the purchase and
after the purchase, consumer behaviour research goes far beyond these facts of consumer
behaviour and considered the uses of consumers make of the good they buy and their subsequent
Consumer behaviour is inter disciplinary, that it is based on concept and theories about
people that have been involved by scientist in such diverse disciplines as psychology, sociology,
social psychology, cultural anthropology and economics.

Consumer behaviour has been an integral part of strategic market planning. The belief
that ethics and social responsibility should also be Integral component of every marketing
decision is a revised market concept.

The term consumer is often used to describe two different kinds of consuming entitles the
personal consumer and the organizational consumers. The personal consumers buys goods and
service for his/her own use for the organizational encompasses for profit and non profit business,

govt. agencies and institution all of which must buy product, equipment and service in order to
run their organization.

Introduction to buying motives Consumer or buyer is the central figure of all marketing
activities. It is the consumer who determines the growth, prosperity and even existence of a
business enterprise. Hence the marketer should always feel the pulse of customers. In order to
understand the pulse of the customers, the marketer needs to understand fully the working of
buyers mind. It helps him to plan his production and distribution to suit to the needs and
convenience of customers‘ .It also helps him to plan suitable marketing strategies. Thus it is very
essential for every marketer to know his customers buying motives. Buying motives Motive is a
strong feeling, instinct, desire or emotion that makes a person to do something. When a motive
makes a person to buy a product, then it becomes a buying motive. Thus buying motive means
the influence and considerations which makes a customer to buy a particular product. According
to D.J.Duncan, ―buying motives are those influences or considerations which provide the
impulse to buy, induce action or determine choice in the purchase of goods and services‖. Buying
motives are mainly two types, manifest motives and latent motives. Manifest motives are those
motives which are known to the customer and also ready to admit them.

Consumer Behaviour: Turning to the Web and New C2C Tools

Consumers today have a multitude of sources from which to gather information during the
vehicle buying process, but the Internet tops the list. The web has become a standard resource in
the shopping process for eight out of 10 consumers when researching car purchases. However,
the way they use it is changing. As the web matures, vehicle buyers are visiting fewer sites and
focussing more on manufacturer and C2C websites and less on third-party information sites and
independent e-tailer sties.

Manufacturer Sites a Key Information Source

Just two years ago, information websites were identified as the number one information source
by web users responding to the Cars Online survey (tied with family and friends and
manufacturer specific dealer), named by 55% of consumers. This year, they dropped to the
number four source, named by 41% of web users. In comparison, manufacturer sites are now the

top source for consumers who use the web when researching vehicles, named by 70% of
respondents. Two years ago manufacturer sites held the number three position, named by 43% of
web users. The use of dealer websites has remained steady, with about half of web users turning
to these sites.

Key Factors in Vehicle Choice

When it comes to making their final decision about which vehicle to buy, consumers focus on
factors such as reliability, safety, price and fuel economy. At the bottom of the list are cash-back
incentives, named by fewer than half of consumers. The importance of incentives as a deciding
factor has declined for the past several years, indicating that consumers today seem less
interested in gimmicks when it comes to their car purchases. Where consumers are in the buying
cycle can make a difference in how they rank the factors that influence their vehicle choice. For
example, additional warranty coverage is important to consumers who are furthest away from the
point of purchase; it was named by 69% of respondents who were 13 to 18 months from
purchase. However, the number declines as consumers get closer to actually buying the car: 55%
of respondents who were within three months of purchase said extra warranty coverage was
important. This reflects the fact that consumers will narrow down the factors that really matter to
them as they get closer to the point of purchase. Demographic factors such as age and gender
accounted for some variances. For example, older consumers tend to put more emphasis on
reliability and safety than do younger respondents. Those in the 50-plus age group were also
more concerned with environmental issues and fuel economy. The youngest respondents were
most likely to rate the ability to research information on the Internet as an important factor in
their vehicle decision. Women tend to rate most of the factors as more important than do men.
The difference was most pronounced for cash-back incentives, low financing, safety,
environmental issues, fuel economy and additional warranty coverage.

Going ‘Green’: Fuel Efficiency Takes Centre Stage
Fuel efficiency and environmental issues have moved to the forefront in consumers’ minds and
in automotive industry forums thanks to factors including global warming, fluctuating gasoline
prices, and proposed legislation to increase fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. This
growing interest in so-called green vehicles was evident in this year’s Cars Online research.

More than one-quarter of respondents said they currently own or lease a fuel-efficient vehicle
while almost half said they are planning to buy or thinking seriously about buying a fuel-efficient
vehicle. Not surprisingly, the numbers for alternative-fuel vehicles were lower. Just 2% of
respondents currently own an alternative-fuel vehicle and 11% are planning to buy or thinking
seriously about buying one. The most common type of alternative-fuel vehicle represented in the
survey were gas/ electric hybrids, named by about half of current alternative-fuel car owners.

Biodiesel vehicles were the second most common, named by 15%. The alternative-fuel market
remains in transition and it’s still too early to tell how it will ultimately shake out, although sales
are expected to continue to grow. For example, J.D. Power and Associates predicts that U.S.
sales of hybrid vehicles will increase by 35% in 2007, compared with 2006.

Current ownership of fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles tended to be quite consistent

across gender and age groups, although the oldest consumers were somewhat more likely to be
seriously thinking about buying an alternative-fuel car.


Final (or ultimate) consumers purchase for:
 personal,
 family, or
 household use
Organizational consumers purchase for:
 further production,
 usage in operating the organization, and/or
 resale to other consumers

Consumer Buying Behavior
The decision processes and acts of final household consumers associated with evaluating,
buying, consuming, and discarding products for personal consumption
Consider the purchase an automobile. You generally will not consider different options until
some event triggers a need, such as a problem needing potentially expensive repair. Once this
need has put you "on the market", you begin to ask your friends for recommendations regarding
dealerships and car models. After visiting several dealerships, you test drive several models and
finally decide on a particular model. After picking up your new car, you have doubts on the way
home, wondering if you can afford the monthly payments, but then begin to wonder if instead
you should have purchased a more expensive but potentially more reliable model. Over the next
five years, the car has several unexpected breakdowns that lead you to want to purchase a
different brand, but you have been very happy with the services of the local dealership and
decide to again purchase your next car there.
In this particular case, the following generic model of consumer decision making appears to
=====>need recognition
=====>information search
=====>evaluation of alternatives
=====>purchase decision
=====> post purchase behavior
Now consider the purchase of a quart of orange juice. You purchase this product when you do
your grocery shopping once per week. You have a favorite brand of orange juice and usually do
your grocery shopping at the same store. When you buy orange juice, you always go to the same
place in the store to pick it up, and never notice what other brands are on the shelf or what the
prices of other brands are. How is it that the generic model above works differently in this
second scenario? Why does it work differently? Why would we generally need the ministrations
of a sales person in the sale of a car, but we generally do not need the help of a salesperson in the
purchase of orange juice.

How can the marketer of orange juice get a consumer like you to exert more effort into
information search or to consider alternative products? How is it that the marketer of your brand

got you to ignore alternative competing brands? What is the involvement of salespeople in sales
promotions that might be associated with products such as orange juice?
Consumer behavior researchers are not so interested in studying the validity of the above generic
model, but are more interested in various factors that influence how such a model might work.


the set of basic values, beliefs, norms, and associated behaviors that are learned by a member of
Note that culture is something that is learned and that it has a relatively long lasting effect on the
behaviors of an individual. As an example of cultural influences, consider how the salesperson in
an appliance store in the U.S. must react to different couples who are considering the purchase of
a refrigerator. In some subcultures, the husband will play a dominant role in the purchase
decision; in others, the wife will play a more dominant role.

Social Class
A group of individuals with similar social rank, based on such factors as occupation, education,
and wealth
Reference Groups
Groups, often temporary, that affect a person's values, attitude, or behaviors
 E.g., your behaviors around colleagues at work or friends at school are probably different
from your behaviors around your parents, no matter your age or stage in the family life
cycle. If you were a used car salesperson, how might you respond differently to a
nineteen year old prospect accompanied by her boyfriend from one accompanied by two
 Opinion leader
A person within a reference group who exerts influence on others because of special
skills, knowledge, personality, etc.
o You might ask the webmaster at work for an opinion about a particular software
application. Software manufacturers often give away free beta copies of software

to potential opinion leaders with the hope that they will in turn influence many
others to purchase the product.
 Family
A group of people related by blood, marriage, or other socially approved relationship

Objectives of the Study
 The main objective of the study is to identify the consumer buying pattern with Maruti
Suzuki .
 To analyze the number and percentage of respondents owning Maruti Suzuki Car on the basis
of income, occupational level.
 To analysis the percentage of respondents owning Maruti Suzuki on the basis of the causes
and sources of awareness.
 To analysis the preference of Maruti Suzuki on the basis of price.
 To analysis the result of consumer satisfaction on the basis of future purchase and
comparison of Maruti Suzuki with other brands.

Scope of study

Scope covers only Maruti Suzuki owners. Their preference is on basis of various factors and
consumer satisfaction level is on basis of future purchase and comparison with other brands. The
survey is conducted at the company service center at Mumbai. The sample survey is taken for a
number of “100” Maruti Suzuki customers.

Prepare Research Design

A preliminary study was first carried out in order to create a database of Maruti Suzuki car
owners across Mumbai. It involved three steps – a review of various online databases, a
compilation of the relevant data for preparing a database and an analysis of the data in order to
shortlist an appropriate sample for the purpose of research.

Following the preliminary study, Descriptive Research was undertaken. Descriptive Research
embraces a large proportion of marketing research. The purpose is to provide an accurate snap
shot of some aspect of the market environment. In Descriptive Research, the researcher has to
report what has happened or what is happening the way it is. The researcher cannot change
anything in the findings. Surveys are of Descriptive Research.

The Automobile industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest
growing globally. India manufactures over 17.5 million vehicles (including 2 wheeled and 4
wheeled) and exports about 2.33 million every year. It is the world's second largest manufacturer
of motorcycles, with annual sales exceeding 8.5 million in 2009. India's passenger car and
commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual
production of more than 3.7 million units in 2010. According to recent reports, India is set to
overtake Brazil to become the sixth largest passenger vehicle producer in the world, growing 16-
18 per cent to sell around three million units in the course of 2011-12. In 2009, India emerged as
Asia's fourth largest exporter of passenger cars, behind Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.

As of 2010, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles and more than 3.7 million automotive
vehicles were produced in India in 2010 (an increase of 33.9%), making the country the second
fastest growing automobile market in the world. According to the Society of Indian Automobile
Manufacturers, annual car sales are projected to increase up to 5 million vehicles by 2015 and
more than 9 million by 2020. By 2050, the country is expected to top the world in car volumes
with approximately 611 million vehicles on the nation's roads.

A chunk of India's car manufacturing industry is based in and around Chennai, also known as the
"Detroit of India" with the India operations of BMW, Ford, Hyundai and Nissan headquartered in
the city. Chennai accounts for 60 per cent of the country's automotive exports. Gurgaon and
Manesar in Haryana are hubs where all of the Maruti Suzuki cars in India are manufactured. The
Chakan corridor near Pune, Maharashtra is another vehicular production hub with companies
like General Motors, Volkswagen, Skoda, Mahindra and Mahindra, Tata Motors, Mercedes
Benz, Fiat and Force Motors having assembly plants in the area. Ahmedabad with the Tata Nano
plant, Halol with General Motors, Aurangabad with Audi, Kolkatta with Hindustan Motors,
Noida with Honda and Bengaluru with Toyota are some of the other automotive manufacturing
regions around the country.

The Indian automobile industry seems to come a long way since the first car that was
manufactured in Mumbai in 1898. The automobile sector today is one of the key sectors of the

country contributing majorly to the economy of India. It directly and indirectly provides
employment to over 10 million people in the country. The Indian automobile industry has a well
established name globally being the second largest two wheeler market in the world, fourth
largest commercial vehicle market in the world, and eleventh largest passenger car market in the
world and expected to become the third largest automobile market in the world only behind USA

The growth of the Indian middleclass along with the growth of the economy over the last few
years has resulted in a host of global auto giants setting their foot inside the Indian Territory.
Moreover India also provides trained manpower at competitive costs making the country a
manufacturing hub for many foreign automobile companies.

Key automobile manufactures in India

 Maruti Udyog
 General Motors
 Ford India Limited
 Eicher Motors
 Bajaj Auto
 Daewoo Motors India
 Hero Motors
 Hindustan Motors
 Maruti Suzuki Motors India Limited
 Royal Enfield Motors
 Telco
 TVS Motors
 DC Designs
 Swaraj Mazda Limited

The Indian car industry has undergone tremendous change in recent times in terms of innovative
designs, concepts and technology. The efforts of the car manufacturers in India also started

reflecting in the sales figures. In 2009, the festive season brought cheers in the car market for
major players like Honda Siel Cars India (HSCI), General Motors India (GMI) and Maruti
Suzuki India boosting their sales records. The trend is still ticking in the same spirit and the year
2010 is also expected to yield good results for the automobile industry in India with touching 10
to 12% growth.

There are some of the car manufacturing companies in India like Toyota, Hyundai, Maruti
Suzuki, Ford and Skoda which hope to make it big in next few years. These and other major
players such as M&M and Hindustan Motors are devising new techniques to accelerate growth.
Many of them have already launched the new luxury to economic class car models in India and
many others are in the process to tap the market with their new offerings.

Despite the fiscal slowdown worldwide, India had maintained its growth rate at a steady 8-8.5
per cent and the automobile industry has also grown in excess of 13 per cent over the last few
years. With easy financing options and with the wide range of cars being launched frequently,
the Indian automobile enthusiasts have never seen it better.

Recently, the President of the industry body Society of Indian Automobile Industry (SIAM),
Pawan Goenka commented that the Indian Automobile Industry is expected to grow at the rate of
15 to 16 per cent in 2011. And this growth will be across the categories – from two wheelers and
four wheelers to commercial vehicles.

According to a study by Booz & Company, a Global Management Consulting Company, the
Indian Automobile industry will overtake the European market and is slated to become the
world’s fourth largest by 2015 and will be selling almost 6 million units annually by 2020.

In the Automotive Mission Plan – 2006-2016 it is stated, ‘By 2016, India would emerge as the
world’s seventh largest car producer (as compared to the eleventh largest currently) and retain
4th largest position in world truck manufacturing sector. Further, by 2016, the automotive sector
would double its contribution to the country’s GDP from current levels of 5 per cent to 10 per
cent. Its contribution to the manufacturing sector would rise to 30-35 per cent from the current

level of 17 per cent. This is because the share of manufacturing in GDP is expected to go up to
around 35 per cent from current level of 17 per cent by 2016’.

The Union Budget of 2011-12 was termed as a ‘Reform Oriented Budget’ by Dr Pawan Goenka,
President, and SIAM. Several reform initiatives including roadmap for Direct Taxes Code,
Constitutional Amendment Bill for Goods & Services Tax (GST) which would be tabled in the
current session of the Parliament and also pilot project across 11 states for implementation of IT
towards GST introduction is positive for the automobile industry.

Maruti Suzuki Motor India Limited

Maruti Suzuki Motor India Limited (HMIL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Maruti Suzuki
Motor Company (HMC), South Korea and is the largest passenger car exporter and the second
largest car manufacturer in India. HMIL presently markets 6 models of passenger cars across
segments. The A2 segment includes the Santro, i10 and the i20, the A3 segment includes the
Accent and the Verna, the A5 segment includes the Sonata Transform and the SUV segment
includes the Santa Fe.
HMIL’s fully integrated state-of-the-art manufacturing plant near Chennai boasts of the most
advanced production, quality and testing capabilities in the country. To cater to rising demand,
HMIL commissioned its second plant in February 2008, which produces an additional 300,000
units per annum, raising HMIL’s total production capacity to 600,000 units per annum.

In continuation with its commitment to providing Indian customers with cutting-edge global
technology, HMIL has set up a modern multi-million dollar research and development facility in
the cyber city of Hyderabad. It aims to become a centre of excellence for automobile engineering
and ensure quick turnaround time to changing consumer needs.

As HMC’s global export hub for compact cars, HMIL is the first automotive company in India to
achieve the export of 10 lakh cars in just over a decade. HMIL currently exports cars to more
than 110 countries across EU, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Australia. It has
been the number one exporter of passenger car of the country for the sixth year in a row.

To support its growth and expansion plans, HMIL currently has a 315 strong dealer network and
640 strong service points across India, which will see further expansion in 2010.

A major force in the Indian automobile scenario, HMIL is the second largest manufacturer in
India. Focusing on the latest technologies and innovative marketing strategies, HMIL has carved
out a niche for itself in the market today  with  most  of  its  models  leading  in  their  respective 

segments.  It’s been a long journey from just 8,447 units in 1998, till today when HMIL has 
become  a  key  player  in  driving  the  industry  growth  year  after  year.

In calendar year 2010 (Jan – Dec) HMIL grew by 7.8% cumulatively registering total sales of
603,819 units as against 559,880 units of 2009 with domestic sales surging by 23.1% over 2009.
Domestic sales accounted for 356,717 units in 2010 as against 289,863 in the year 2009.
Overseas sales accounted for 247,102 units as against 270,017 units in 2009 which reflects a
decline of 8.5% for the calendar year 2010.

Currently, Maruti Suzuki Motor India is exporting four of its popular models namely - Santro,
i10, i20 and Accent to 110 countries. In 2009, in spite of a global slowdown, Maruti Suzuki
Motor India’s exports grew by 10.7%. In 2010 Maruti Suzuki plans to add 10 new markets with
Australia being the latest entrant to the list. The first shipment to Australia is of 500 units of the
i20 and the total i20 exports to Australia are expected to be in the region of 15,000 per annum.

HMIL has invested to expand capacity in line with its positioning as HMC's global export hub
for compact cars. Apart from the expansion of production capacity, HMIL currently has 271
strong dealer network across India, which will be further bolstered in 2009.

In 2008, HMIL also successfully completed 10 glorious years of operations in India and to
commemorate its achievements, initiated a unique trans-continental drive from Delhi to Paris in
two of its hugely popular i10 Kappa cars. The drive created automobile history by completing a
distance of 10,000km in just 17 days after which the i10s were showcased at the Paris Motor
Show in October. In fact it was at the Paris Motor Show that HMIL first unveiled the Maruti
Suzuki i20 and the car received a phenomenal response from the auto enthusiasts across the
world. Maruti Suzuki Motor India also accomplished the landmark of producing the fastest 20th
lakh cars in India in 2008.

Like 2008, the year 2007 had also been a significant year for Maruti Suzuki Motor India. It
achieved a significant milestone by rolling out the fastest 400,000th export car. Maruti Suzuki
exported to over 95 countries globally; even as it plans to continue its thrust in existing export

markets, it is gearing up to step up its foray into new markets. 2007 also saw the launch of the
i10 and yet another path-breaking record in its young journey by rolling out the fastest
1,500,000th car.

Hyundai's new model i10 made a clean sweep of all the 'Car of the Year 2008' awards from the
leading automotive magazines and TV channels like BS Motoring, CNBC-TV18 AutoCar,
NDTV Profit Car & Bike India and Overdrive magazine. The i10 was also the choice of the
discerning automotive media of the country as they conferred the prestigious 'Indian Car of the
Year' (ICOTY) award to the i10 as well.

The Santro and the Accent also received the 'TNS Voice of the Customer - 2008' award for the
Premium Compact Car (Santro) and the Entry Mid size Car (Accent). In March 2008 it achieved
yet another milestone by rolling out the fastest 500,000th export car.

In 2007, the Maruti Suzuki Verna had also bagged some of the most prestigious awards starting
with the Overdrive magazine’s ‘Car of the Year 2007’, the ‘Best Mid-size Car of the Year’
award from NDTV Profit Car & Bike India, the ‘Best Value for Money Car’ from CNBC
Autocar and 'Performance Car of the Year' from Business Standard Motoring.

Maruti Suzuki have been a favorite at all awards ceremonies and has won many awards. The
Sonata Embera won the 'Executive Car of The Year 2006' award from Business Standard
Motoring magazine and NDTV Profit Car & Bike India had declared the Tucson as the 'SUV of
The Year 2006'.

Management Philosophy

With the spirit of creative challenge, we will strive to create a more affluent lifestyle for
humanity, and contribute to the harmony and co-prosperity with shareholders, customers,
employees and other stakeholders in the automobile industry.

The spirit of creative challenge has been a driving force in leading HMC to where it is today.

It is the permanent key factor for HMC to actively respond to change in the management system
and seek creative and self–innovative system. With the spirit of creative challenge, we create
profits, the primary objective of a private enterprise. Furthermore, we take responsibility for the
environment and society we belong to, and offer sustainable mobility in order to implement our
corporate philosophy and provide benefits to all stakeholders including shareholders, customers,
executives, employees, suppliers, and communities.


Company announced "Innovation for Customers" as our mid–to long–term vision with five core
strategies: global orientation, respect for human values, customer satisfaction, technology
innovation, and cultural creation. We desire to create an automobile culture of putting customer
first via developing human–centered and environment–friendly technological innovation.

Management Policy

Based on a respect for human dignity, we make efforts to meet the expectations of all
stakeholders including customers and business partners by building a constructive relationship
amongst management, labor, executives and employees. Also, we focus on communicating our
corporate values both internally and externally, and gaining confidence from all stakeholders.

Mid-and Long-term Strategies

We developed five mid–and long–term strategies: global management, higher brand values,
business innovation, environmental management, and strengthening product competitiveness.
Especially, we selected environmental management as one of our strategies to meet the needs of
our stakeholders and the society we belong to. We also intend to promote sustainability
development and preservation of the environment.

Some of the top cars of the company are:

 Maruti Suzuki Santro

 Maruti Suzuki Accent
 Maruti Suzuki Elantra

 Maruti Suzuki i20
 Maruti Suzuki Getz
 Maruti Suzuki Sonata
 Maruti Suzuki i10
 Maruti Suzuki Verna

Strength of the Company

 Separate showroom for cars.

 Well equipped workshop with all infrastructural facilities.

 Workshop is well supported by an organized spare parts division.

 Their goodwill in the possess trained, sincere and efficient manpower to encounter present
market condition.

 Established strong and transparent systems in all the departments.

 We positional quality product.

 Trained man power

 Excellent marketing network for fixed coverage.


Dr. A.T. Jaganathan, Mr. M. Mohanraj (2019) in their present to study the brand
preference of customers with regard to Hyundai. The result of this study reveals that level of
satisfaction and the overall performance of the Maruti Suzuki are good. The study has suggested
that the advertisers need to focus on their market assuming the influence of the television
advertisement in the Maruti Suzuki purchase behavior.

Akhila and Thayyullathi (2020) in their research on customer perception toward Maruti Suzuki
in Coimbatore found that majority of the respondents were using SUV- Sport utility vehicle type
cars. They identified that Maruti Suzuki were the best and fast moving brands. There were
growing trend because of easy handling, safety, security and high performance that makes the
advanced technologies to adopt new model.

Parthian and Rajendran (2020) carried on a study customer preference toward Hyundai. Main
aim of this study was to understand the mind of customers whether they were eager and satisfied
with Maruti Suzuki . Even though most of the customers were satisfied with present model and
service, few customers were not satisfied about the facilities provided by the car. If the Maruti
Suzuki car service providers give enough attention regarding this, they can ensure a large level of
customer preference.

Ranjith and Snekalatha (2019) focused on the customer‟s brand loyalty and satisfaction
towards Maruti Suzuki car. Maruti Suzuki India Limited is India‟s leading & largest passenger
car manufacturer which accounting for nearly fifty per cent of the total industry sales. Customer
loyalty is a major contribution to sustainable profit growth to achieve success. This study found
that Maruti Suzuki has various brands of car. They are satisfied with price, band, image,
convenience, appearance quality and require less maintenance cost.

Suganya R, (2018) in her study shows the consequence of brand equity on consumer purchasing
behavior on car. The paper shows that brand acts vital role in car sales, not only to attract but
also to maintain customers. The researcher concluded that brand awareness and quality
perception has proved to influence the brand loyalty. And also the brand loyalty and brand
relationship have an effect on customers„attitudes towards brand.

Thangasamy & Dr. Gautam Patikar (2014): The consumers aim at attaining optimum
consumer surplus, be it durables or non- durables, while making such purchases to satisfy their
wants. For this reason, the marketers do continually rely on research studies about the dynamic
consumer behaviour to position their product planning and development strategies to meet the
requirements efficiently. This complex consumer buying behaviour does, therefore, necessitate a
critical investigation by the researchers in every nook and corner of the world. In this paper
researcher has study about buying behavior of consumer, the behavior of consumer not same for
any locality. The Behavior of consumer are depend on their income, standard of living, size of
family there are factors influence of consumer buying behavior.

Rakesh Kumar (December 2013):The term consumer behaviour is defined as the behaviour
that consumer display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of product,
services and ideas that they expect will satisfy their needs. Consumer behaviour is the process
whereby, individuals decide whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom to purchase
goods and services. Due to the increase in income level and easy finance being provided by all
the financial institutes, the four wheelers sales have been significantly increased. This papers we
analysis the buying behavior of consumer towards four wheelers Industries. And how the
consumer has preferences specific brand, quality products, good services and so on.

D. ARTHI & K. MALAR MATHI (Oct 2013): Customer playing the three distinct roles of
user, payer and buyer differ in their intention towards buying a product, some purchase for need,
while some purchase for the want of status, status seeking consumers are those who give much
importance to the non functional attributes of the product such as beauty, attractiveness, brand,
social comparison, prestige etc than the functional attribute. Car a common means of transport is
bought by people not only for the transportation purpose, it is also bought for comfort,

convenience, fun, prestige/status. The research paper has indicate consumer has buy four
wheelers for increasing the income and to show their status.

Ratan Binodini Amiya Priyadarsini (May 2013): As India’s economy continues to grow at a
rapid pace, the automobile industry will be a key beneficiary. This is widely true across
automotive markets—from those serving customers with four-wheelers to those offering
commercial vehicles. The main factors behind such growth are the increasing affluence of the
average consumer, overall GDP growth, the arrival of ultra-low-cost cars, and the increasing
maturity of Indian original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). However, India’s path to mass
motorization will be very different from that of developed countries; it must first develop the
new technologies, business models, and government policies that will pave the way to increased
automobile penetration. The automotive sector is one of the core industries of the Indian
economy, whose prospect is reflective of the economic resilience of the country. This research
paper are give the information for how the automobile sector has grown up in this city due to
increasing the GDP rate in the city.

Dr. H. S. Adithya (Jan 2013): Automobile Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in our
country. Cars were once considered as a luxury and now it has become a necessity. They have
become a part and parcel of today’s life and most of the car manufacturers target the middle class
segment to a great extent. The introduction of small cars is a classic example for this. Today’s
consumer has plenty of options available to him. We are in a consumers market where the
marketers do not merely satisfy a need but try to achieve consumer delight. The decision to
purchase a car is not a one man decision. The purchase is normally influenced by many including
their own perceptions and behaviour. The author has clearly define in this paper perception of
consumer towards car owner and their behavior of purchasing decision. Every consumer decision
different so they analysis then give the opinion.

Prof. Elizabeth Chacko, Ms. Punnya Selvaraj (2014): The Automobile Industry is growing
and if compared the sales and production of four wheelers is more. Also if we compare the four
wheeler models like car which can be driven by females were least in market because the market
was male dominant. But now there is drastic change. Earlier car which can be driven by female

was only Maruti 800, all other like Tata Sumo, Bolero, Ambassador etc. In this new era we can
see segment for small four wheeler car quite large. This research paper has most innovative,
author are analysis only female consumer Pattern and how they driving new car and also the
purchasing pattern of their brand, Services, quality, mileage etc

Prof. Madhavi Dhole, (June 2013):The automobile sector is a key player in the global and
Indian economy. Indian automobile industry embarked on a new journey in 1991 with de
licensing of the sector and subsequent opening up for 100 percent FDI through automatic route.
In India, the automobile industry provides direct employment to about 5 lakh persons. In this
paper the author has given information about the history of automobile sector and they also
inform how the Indian market are developing & increasing by financial way so the consumer
purchasing power has increasing.

K.P Najeemudeen and Dr. N. Panchanatham (December 2014): India’s automobile industry
is one of the key drivers that boost the economic growth of the country. Spurred by rapid
economic growth, personal vehicle ownership in India is increasing at a fast pace. The relative
popularity of the various vehicle segments by size and price are also undergoing marked
changes. A fast-paced shift towards private motorized transport is a substantial change,
especially in a country where motorized and non- motorized informal transport serves the
majority of the trips, along with public transport in bigger cities. The research paper has giving
knowledge about the automobile sector and how it was small and not that much develop and now
its to much growth and also getting perpetual succession.

Vikram Shende (February 2014): The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry.
Due to increase in disposable income in both rural and urban sector and availability of easy
finance are the main drivers of high volume car segments. Further competition is heating up with
host of new players coming in and global brands like Porsche, Bentley, and Ferrari all set to
venture in Indian market. All segments in Indian Car industry were studied and found that buyer
has different priority of behaviors in each segment, where as main driver for car purchase is
disposable income. Now a days competition has to much increasing due to this every company
will try to capture the market and develop their business, similarly four wheelers sectors are

increasing due to easy finance available, different-different attractive scheme has came so
consumer can easy affordable the four wheelers.

Automobile Industry has played a major role in the Indian economy during the last decade. With
the Indian market opening its wings to MNC‘s, the competition has become severe in terms of
product quality and service. This has brought forward the focus on customer satisfaction
especially at the dealer level. Companies now are becoming more responsive, they offer a better
product and keep improving it through Total Quality Management technique. Dealers are core
part of this they are not just sale the four wheelers to the customer but also providing after sale
services. When the dealers are giving good services or quality for any product then consumer are
satisfy. Consumer are important part of market with them not any product will sale in market.

M.C. Vijayakanth Urs, A N Santosh Kumar, A.N. Hari Rao (OCT 13)
Customer satisfaction is the key to business servers. According to a study Customer in India are
more concerned with the service that are performed at timely manner with the affordable cost
The Dealer in India must be responsive to all the needs of their customer; simply providing a
good product at a good price is no longer enough. satisfied customer’s form the foundation of
any successful business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and
positive word of mouth. Customer are satisfy only they get good or positive services from the
dealers. It is good enough to the dealers when they maintain proper quality so customer can

Dr. M. Prasanna Mohan Raj, (January 2013):

The heterogeneous behaviour of consumers towards the choice of various brands in a particular
segment can be explained by the influence of various factors underlying their decisions and its
brand equity. The objective of this study is the identification and study of factors influencing
customers’ brand preferences of the economy segment SUV’s and MUV’s as well as brand
equity as a function of product choice. This paper has indicate how the customer are prefer the
particulars brand for example there are people select specific brand in four wheelers like Maruti

or TATA, so people are purchase car which they really like. Brand factors are core part for
customer point of view.

Gupta Bhuwan, Agarwal Nisha (2013): The Indian Automobile Industry has got a incredible
market potential. With the growth of population and change in their pattern of life style as a
result of urbanization, there has been a rapid increase in demand for Indian automobiles. The
purpose of this chapter is to survey the growth of Automobile Industry in India and their role in
economic development and to bring out the profile of the study area. In recent days India is
witnessing a change in consumerism. The market is now mainly consumer driver. The focus is
shifting for product based marketing to need based marketing. Consumer is given many options
to make a decision. Passenger car segment is no omission to this general trend. In this paper the
author has indicate costumer preferences to their car and how they behave for taking decision to
purchases car.

Dr.G. Syamala, Vinayak Ghosh (DEC2012): Its passenger car and commercial vehicle
segment is the sixth largest in the world. Indian small car market is increasing by leaps is about
one million. Almost all automobile in India are competing with each other in terms of design,
innovation, pricing and technology. The following paper is an attempt to study the satisfaction
level of customers who own small car. The research covers the areas of Aundh, Pashan, Baner in
Pune, Maharashtra. The author has inform in this paper about the small car and consumer
satisfaction regarding this for example Maruti alto, maruti 800, Chevrolet Beat. The small car
buy only the small family, they are satisfy to purchase small car with good mileage and services.

Dr. K. Ravichandran (December):This paper has made a scientific approach to identify the key
factors that influence the consumers (1) while selecting the appropriate four wheelers especially
cars by considering the parameters such as mileage, maintenance cost, brake failure, comfort and
brand which are obscure and imprecise in nature. With regards to the selection of four wheelers
like cars, the consumers are in dilemma to identify and select an appropriate model. The survey
has been conducted in an automobile industry by analyzing the customer’s preferences in buying
a car. Whenever any consumer buy four wheelers they should identify which company has

providing good quality, services, mileages and most important after sale services so consumer
can buy without any hesitation.

Nikhil Monga (February 2012):The concept of “buying behavior” is of prime importance in

marketing and has evolved over the years. It is important to understand consumer buying
behavior as it plays a vital role in crating an impact on purchase of products. The human wants
are unlimited and always expect more and more. Car Models are no exception to this behavior.
This lead to constant modifications of Car Models & its features and today we see a new model
coming into the market practically every quarter. The market is a very important place to study
the behavior of consumers and also provide useful insights what a consumer requires in a
product. It is only through research that a company will be able to study the buying behavior of
consumers. The four wheelers sectors has launch any car before they launch they analysis the
market, locality, income level of particulars group or family for example TATA Nano has
capture middle class people and they get good response and also increasing sales.

NATARAJ S; DR. N.NAGARAJA (June 2012): Online bookings and online purchase are the
current wave in Indian car industry. Internet is gradually hitting the core of every industry
including the car industry. It creates a greater awareness of the vehicle and influences the buyer
to purchase. Internet is believed to have a greater impact on the sales process and will definitely
give higher level of sales satisfaction. In this paper has giving the information about online
purchase or booking four wheelers, due to rising the competition company has develop their
strategy to sell the car for example now a days most popular website is and both of this getting nice response from customer and customer will satisfy.

Minwir Al-Shammari (November 2014) In today's high competitive global market, the
importance of the service sector has sharply increased in both the developing and already
developed countries. Service providers are primarily focused on delivering superior service
quality to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research paper has the
author has study or examine the quality providing by automobile company and whether the
consumer are really satisfy with this services. To develop the reputation in the business market
every company have to do the good services and maintain the quality.


Design Research Methodology

The research methodology selected was influenced by the target population i.e. the Maruti
Suzuki car owners. The major parts of the research methodology were:

Method of Data Collection

Both, secondary as well as primary methods were used.

Sampling Plan

Sampling Technique – Non Probability Purposive and Convenience Sampling

Sample Universe – All the Maruti Suzuki car owners in Mumbai
Sample Frame – Mumbai Region I (Central Line, few areas of Harbor Line and some areas of
Western Line)
Sample Unit – All respondents
Sample Size – 100

Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire was designed in order to meet all the primary and secondary objectives of the
study. Structured open and close ended questionnaire was used.

Plan and Do Secondary Research

Secondary Data
It included the data like Indian Automobile Industry, Need for Consumer behaviour and Buyer 5
Step process.

Secondary Data Sources: Internet, Company profile, brochures.
Plan and Do Primary Research
Primary Data
Primary data was collected via Questionnaire.

Primary Data Sources: Primary data is collected directly by meeting the consumers who own
Maruti Suzuki

Tabulation and Analysis

The analysis of data involved a number of closely related operations such as establishment of
categories, the applications of these categories into raw data through tabulation, charts etc and
then drawing inferences. All analysis was univariate in nature and was of Simple tabulation type.
In this report mostly judgmental analysis was applied. The data collected were grouped into
research characteristics and further subjected to segmentation and then the scores were obtained
by using tally bars. The scores and percentage are presented in tables, graphs and charts. By
percentile inferences were drawn. Every table for each test is represented through charts and

Report Writing and Presentation

After analysis, the next step was the preparation of report. The report was prepared according to
the report writing principles. The inferences drawn from the analysis have been incorporated in
the report along with the recommendations & limitations of the study.


Analysis of data is the process by which data is converted into useful information. The raw data
collected from the questionnaires was processed in such a way in order to make it amenable to
draw conclusions. Here, the analysis of data involved a number of closely related operations such
as establishment of categories, the applications of these categories into raw data through
tabulation, charts etc and then drawing inferences. All analysis was univariate in nature and was
of Simple tabulation type. In this report mostly judgmental analysis was applied.

Following is the data analysis of data collected through questionnaire (Annexure I) during the


Age Group Respondents

Upto 25 Years 10
26-35 Years 25
36-45 years 30
46-60 20
60 and above 15
Total 100

Car purchaser age group

30 25
25 20
Upto 25 Years
20 15 26-35 Years
15 10 36-45 years
10 60 and above
Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 The maximum buyers of Maruti Suzuki as per the survey shows that the customers are from
the age group of 25-35 and 36-45.The people from age group below 25 and above 60 are less
buyers of the vehicle.

 From the above we can infer that the respondents in the age group below 25 and above 60
years are less in number because youngsters depend on their parents who in turn prefer two
wheelers and old aged people usually prefer luxury cars. The age group i.e. from 26-35 will
have started earning and the people at the age group from 36-45, who are independent and
are settled in the life and are able to afford the expenses. So they are the majority buyers of
the car.


Annual Income Respondents

Upto 3,00,000 10
3,00,000 to 5,00,000 25
5,00,000 to 7,00,000 20
7,00,000 to 10,00,000 25
Above 10,00,000 20

25 25
25 20 20 Upto 3,00,000
20 3,00,000 to
15 10 5,00,000 to
7,00,000 to
5 10,00,000
Above 10,00,000

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we see that the people from all income groups will preferably go for
Maruti Suzuki segment.

 Here the customers from all the income group would like to buy Maruti Suzuki car. The
people with the income group of up to 3 lakh and 3-5 lakhs would like to buy the small
car like xing. But the people of income group from 5-7 and above would like to buy the
big segment car like accent.


Reason Respondents
Manufacturers reputation 30
Availability of service 40
Cost of the vehicle 20
Looks of the vehicle 10

Reasons for Purchasing Hyundai Cars


30% Manufacturers Reputation

Availbility of Service
20% Cost of the vehicle
Looks of the vehicle


Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above chart we can make out that most of the buyers say that they have
purchased the car because of the availability of service and manufacturing reputation of
the company and importance towards the cost of the vehicle as well.

 From this we can make out that the company has created a Good Brand loyalty among
the customers and because of the luxury provided by the company towards the vehicle
and the good service facility available from the dealer side. So people would like to buy
the Maruti Suzuki because of the available facilities and also due to the reputation which
is gained by the manufacturer.


Sources Respondents
Television Advertisement 35
Newspaper Advertisement 15
Friends and Relatives 45
Other Sources 5
Total 100

Awareness About the Car

Other Sources

Friends & 35%

Newspaper Advertisement

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above findings we can make out that friends & relatives i.e. word of mouth
publicity has made the Customers to purchase the Maruti Suzuki and also the Television
Advertisement has play a major role in the purchase of Maruti Suzuki .

 Here we can see that the impact of friends and relatives and the role of media publicity
had played a major role in the purchase of Maruti Suzuki vehicles. The satisfied Maruti
Suzuki customers will recommend their friends and relatives to buy the Maruti Suzuki
car and the television advertisement will let the people to know about the vehicle more.


Mode of Purchase Respondents

Through Loan 60
Direct Payment 40

How the car is being purchased

40% Through Loan

Direct Payment


Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 As per the findings from a group of 100 customers it has been found out that 60% of the
people had purchased the vehicle by taking loans. Remaining 40% of people through
direct payment

 Here most of customers have purchased the car through loans. So the company should
provide some good finance option by giving attractive finance schemes and good interest
rates. So that it will help future customers for buying the cars.


Reason Respondents
Looks 10
Price 15
Colour 10
Engine Capacity 20
Pickup 30
Accessories 15






Looks Price Colour Engine Capacity Pick up Accessories

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we can draw the information that the most of the people give much
preference to the pickup and engine capacity and also some importance towards looks
mileage etc.

 Since consumers consider more than one factor for buying a car. Most of them have
chosen because engine capacity, mileage, price, pickup because people of our country are
much aware about the value of the money. This car provides and fulfills most of the
needs like reasonably priced, good mileage, pick-up etc.


Parameters Opinions
Politeness of the dealer Satisfied
Availability of Information when asked Satisfied
Commitment of Delivery Satisfied
Cleanliness of the vehicle Satisfied

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we come to know that the experience of the customers with the
dealer was good in all aspects mentioned in the table at the time of purchase of the car

 Here all the customers are satisfied with all the parameters. So it is better to maintain the
same or to improve on it. The dealer must not only be customer caring at the time of
purchase of the product but he must follow the same always i.e. even after the sales of the
product which helps for the long run of the organization.


Car Respondents
Maruti Suzuki 40
Opel 05
Hindustan Motors 10
Maruti 10
Ford 15
Honda 20

Hyundai Opel Hindustan Maruti Ford Honda

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we can draw the inference that the people are well satisfied with the
Maruti Suzuki car and when the survey is conducted, the people were asked about their
future plan of purchasing new vehicle. Maximum of them preferred Maruti Suzuki

 Here when the customers were asked about their future car most of them opted toward
Hyundai. This shows there brand loyal toward the company and their faith toward the
company. We find that the Maruti Suzuki car is ranked as top most position, with such a
good percentage we can easily make out that Maruti Suzuki is liked by most of the
people. The organization must keep on conducting the surveys, should identify the needs
of the customer and it should try to fulfill them for its long run and to retain the market
share. When the surveys is conducted the information drawn is if the Maruti Suzuki
Customers planning go for a new car he is once again back to Maruti Suzuki with more
luxury and good features, which have satisfied him.


Purpose of Use Respondents

Own use 75
Company use 20
Taxi Service 05

Purpose of the Car

Own Use Company Use Taxi Service

20% 5%


Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 Of the 100 respondents 75% of them say that the vehicle is used for OWN USE and only
20% use for company purpose and 5% for Taxi purpose.

 From this we can say that the car is purchased more than 70% for OWN USE 25% for
company use and 5% for taxi services. This shows that the Maruti Suzuki are purchased
to make use for own purpose not for the commercial purpose. So the Maruti Suzuki
vehicles are termed as complete family vehicle with required family comforts and


Price Rated Respondents

Highly priced 12
Reasonably priced 74
Approximately priced 14
Below level Priced 0

80 74

Highly priced
50 Reasonably priced
30 priced
20 12 14
Below level Priced
10 0

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we can draw the inference that the pricing of the car is well
accepted by the customers. 74% of them say that Maruti Suzuki Car is reasonably priced.

 From the above we can say that the price of Maruti Suzuki is reasonably priced the
customers have accepted the price and the customers are satisfied from the price of the
Maruti Suzuki . So the company should maintain the price any try to reduce the price to
slight extent if possible.


Occupation Respondents
Government 10
Professionals 40
Business 30
Housewife 10
Retired 10









Government Professionals Business Housewife Retired

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the above table we can make out that the Maruti Suzuki car buyers are more in
number from the Business Group as well as professionals.

 Here most of the Maruti Suzuki car customers are from professional back ground and
business background. So they opt for the luxury and good performed vehicles. Maruti
Suzuki have satisfied all there needs and demands. So all the customers are satisfied
about the vehicle from this we can make out that business people and professionals have
more buying power compared to other occupational groups.


Performance Highly satisfied Satisfied Dis-satisfied

Pick-up 38 58 8
Interior 6 60 34
Mileage 20 60 20
Road Handling 42 40 18
Comfort 34 40 26
Visibility 22 54 24
Service Backup 56 18 14



30 Mileage
Road Handling
20 Comfort
Service Backup
Highly satis- Satisfied Dis-satisfied

Data Analysis & Interpretation:

 From the table we can make out that most of the Maruti Suzuki car customers are
satisfied about the performance of pickup, mileage, interior, Road handling, comfort,
visibility, service.

 From the above we can say that some Maruti Suzuki customers are highly satisfied with
all the features, mileage, pick up, visibility, road handling etc. but still we can find that
there are customers showing their dissatisfaction whom the organization can’t neglect.
Hence the organization must try to make the dissatisfied customers to get satisfied or else
their opinion may directly or indirectly affects the organization

 In the analysis of consumer Buyer behavior pattern with Maruti Suzuki , 100 consumers
were interviewed who are Maruti Suzuki car owners.

 The car owners were interviewed at Maruti Suzuki Authorized Dealers of Maruti
Suzuki , by visiting to their places like to their residents, offices, shops and on the road
side’s and also at the company service station. 90% of the data that has been collected is
primary data.

 Respondents were segmented on the basis of Income, Occupation, Price, Causes, Source
of awareness, Comparative analysis with other brands.

 The maximum buyers (55%) of Maruti Suzuki as per the survey show that the customers
are from the age group of between 26 – 45.

 As per Income group maximum percentage of Maruti Suzuki Car owners are in the
Income group of 3-5 lakhs and above.

 As per Occupation group 40% are professionals, 30% are business owners, 10% are
government employees.

 When the cause was analyzed behind the purchase of Maruti Suzuki car it was found that
the Maruti Suzuki car is purchased because of Manufacturer’s reputation and availability
of services.

 When the source of awareness was analyzed, it was found that the awareness of the car
more from Friends and Relatives and also from T.V. ads.

 30 % of the people gave much preference to the pickup and 20% to engine capacity and
also some importance were given towards looks, mileage etc.

 60% of the people had purchased the Maruti Suzuki by taking loans.

 74% of them say that Maruti Suzuki Car is reasonably priced

 Most of the Maruti Suzuki car customers are satisfied about the performance of pickup,
mileage, interior, Road handling, comfort, visibility, service.

 On the basis of comparison Maruti Suzuki car with its competitors like Honda, ford,
Hindustan Motors, Maruti etc. with respect to the market where the survey was
conducted as per the information we have got we can say that 45% of them are satisfied
with the performance they had expected from the Maruti Suzuki Car.

1. Improve the model

2. Establish more service centers and provide the best service.

3. Come with a ‘clean proposal’. Never hide the facts, be honest in selling your vehicles, in
describing the PLUS / MINUS facts, “customers friendly” attitude is a must for any Business

4. Spare parts should be made available at lower rate.

5. Please provide High-way horn and reverse horn.

6. Dealers should be courteous in all the time as they are at the time of selling the car. This
show, the dealers are not focusing on customer care.

7. Change the look and increase the Mileage consumption.

8. Improve service and train the service personnel. After sales service is a very important factor
in case of automobile sector which may induce buying or stop people from buying the
particular brand of vehicle.

9. Maintain the same demand in the market.

10. Provide good product (model) & service according to the needs of changing customer

11. Introduce more colours in accent.

12. Reduce some bit in the price of xing.

13. Increase after sales service and increase the number of service stations for the continence of
customers at different locations at the city.

14. Dropping facility should be provided.

15. Improve crash safety in all the Maruti Suzuki vehicles.

Limitations of the study

No project is ideal. In reality different problems were encountered which acted as limitations of
the project such as-

 Some of the respondents were not ready to reveal relevant information which was
required for the project. Because the information collected from the customers by
meeting them at their working places, company service centers, during the business
hours, or at the parking lot where they may or will be busy with some other work, the
information extracted would not be sufficient from the respondents.

 There was time constraint (2 months) for completing the entire project and meeting all
the objectives. Due to which only 100 no. of respondents could be surveyed, who
represents the population

 The study is limited to Mumbai city only.


From the findings and analysis it is clear that Maruti Suzuki Car is highly preferred when
compared to the other brands of car in the same segment.

With the analysis through the survey conducted for a period of 2 months in Mumbai on the
consumer buyer behaviour of Maruti Suzuki Car, the findings and analysis shows that 80% of the
consumers are happy with the product performance and also sales service and rest 20% of them
says that they are dissatisfied.

Consumer considers the following factors while buying car:

 Price
 Income of the consumer
 Features in the car
 Safety standard
 Warranty scheme
 Finance facility

Since each customer is like an asset for an organization the company should try to improve in the
area of dissatisfaction.

We know that getting new customer is double the cost of retaining the old customer so the
company should focus on retaining the old customers who in the future will purchase the product
or recommend others to purchase the product. Thus they help directly or indirectly for the
product sale.

Change is the only think to retain and attract the customers so the company should identify the
needs and dry to fulfill them.

Finally we conclude that the Maruti Suzuki is MORE POWER, MORE FUN car which is a
complete family car and is accepted by most of them and it gives consumer satisfaction as per
study undertaken.

 Nargundkar, Rajendra, Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd,
New Delhi, 2009.

 Kulkarni, M.V., Marketing Research, Everest Publishing House, Pune, 2002.

 Marketing Management, Philip Kotler

 Consumer Behaviour, Suja.R.Nair

 Business India – Februray,2011






(A) Questionnaire

Contact Number: Email Id:

(1) Occupation:
(a) Government (c)Business (e) Retried
(b) Professionals (d) Housewife

(2) Income:
(a) Upto 3,00,000 (b) 3,00,000 – 5,00,000 (c) 5,00,000 – 7,00,000
(d) 7, 00, 000 – 10,00,000 (e) Above 10,00,000

(3) Reasons for purchasing Maruti Suzuki ?

(a) Manufacturer Reputation (b) Availability of Service (c) Cost of the Vehicle
(d) Looks of the Vehicle

(4) Awareness about the car

(a) Television Advertisement (b) Newspaper Advertisement
(c) Friends & Relatives (d) Other Sources

(5) How car is being purchased? (a) Through Loan (b) Direct Payment

(6) What parameters do you consider while purchasing the Maruti Suzuki ?
(a) Looks (b) Price (c) Colour (d) Engine Capacity (e) Pickup (f) Accessories

(7) Further Plans of the customers towards new car?

(a) Hyundai (b) Opel (c) Hindustan Motors (d) Maruti (e) Ford (f) Honda

(8) Purpose of buying the car?

(a) Own Use (b) Company Use (c) Taxi Service

(9) What is your opinion regarding the price of Maruti Suzuki ?

(a) Highly priced (b) Reasonably priced
(c) Approximately priced (d) Below Level priced

Any Suggestions


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