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In ophthalmology a patient is allergic to

aminoesters. What can be used?
a) Cocaine

b) Procaine

c) Prilocaine

d) Bupivacaine

e) Tetracaine

Correct Answer - C:D

Ans. is'c'i.e., Prilocaine &'d'i.e., Bupivacaine
[Ref: Lee's 13th/e p. 486]
Prilocaine & bupivacaine are amides (amcinonide). Other three are

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2. TRUE statement regarding inhalational
anesthesia is/ are?
a) Sevoflurane is the agent of choice for children and asthma

b) Sevoflurane should not be used where the gas flow rate is less
than 2 L/min

c) Desflurane should not be used for induction in children

d) Isoflurane is more potent than sevoflurane

e) Halothane is the agent of choice for day care surgery

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D

Ans. is'a'i.e., Sevoflurane is the agent of choice for children and
asthma patients,'b'i.e., Sevoflurane should not be used where
the gas flow rate is less than 2Llmin,'c' i.e., Desflurane should
not be used for induction in children & 'd' i.e., Isoflurane is
more potent than sevoflurane
[Ref: Ajay Yadav Sth/e p. 70-87; Morgan Sth/e p. 163-70]
"In June 1995' the Food and Drug Administration (FDAI approved
the clinical use of sevoflurane. but with a warning that not sued at
fresh gas flows less than 2 l/min because sufficient data had not
been presented to establish its safety in that circumstance.
The FDA was concerned that sevoflurane may cause adverse renal
effects at low flows because it is degraded by the strong bases in
CO2 absorbents to fluoromethyl-2,2-difluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl) vinyl
ether (compound A).
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3. If you are asked to collect 4 serial samples
from lumbar puncture. What should be
done with first sample?
a) Cell counts like differential counts

b) Biochemical tests [protein & glucose etc

c) Bacterial culture and gram staining

d) Mycobacterial & fungal culture and staining

e) None of the above-discard the sample

Correct Answer - A
Ans. is'a'i.e., Cell counts like differential counts
The classic approach is to send the 4 CSF tubes for the
following studies:
1. Tube I - Cell count and differential
2. Tube 2 - Glucose and protein levels
3. Tube 3 - Gram stain, culture and sensitivity (C&S)
4. Tube 4 - Cell count and differential
4. True regarding local anesthatics is/are?
a) Prilocaine is longer acting then bupivacaine

b) Tetracaine is more potent than lignocaine

c) Dibucaine is the longest acting local anesthetic

d) Bupivacaine can produce cardiotoxicity

e) Cocaine can produce hypotension

Correct Answer - B:C:D

Ans. is'b'i.e., Tetracaine is more potent than lignocaine,'c' i.e.,
Dibucaine is the longest acting local anesthetic & 'd' i.e.,
Bupivacaine can produce cardiotoxicity
[Ref: Morgan 4th/e p. 266-270, 926; Ajay Yadav 4'h/e p. 118;
Essential of anaesthesia 4th/e p. 116; Goodman & Gilman LLth/e p.
Chloroprocaine is the shortest actingLA.
Dibucaine is the longest acting. most potent and most toxic LA.
Procaine & chloroprocaine are least potent LAs.
BuQivacaind is the most cardiotoxic LA (Ropivacaine is a newer
bupivacaine congener with less cardiotoxicity).
Levobupivacaine (The S (-) enantiomer of bupivacaine) is less
cardiotoxic and less prone to cause seizure.
Prilocaine and Benzocaine can cause Methemoglobinemia.
Lignocaine is the most commonly used LA.
Bupivacaine has the highest local tissue irritancy
Chloroprocaine is contraindicated in spinal anaesthesia as it can
cause paraplegia due to the presence of neurotoxic preservative
sodium metabisulphite.
Procaine is the LA of choice in malignant hyperthermia.
5. Which of the following anesthetic should
not be used in a patient of chronic renal
a) Methoxyflurane

b) Ketamine

c) Pancuronium

d) Succinylcholine

e) Desflurane

Correct Answer - A:B:C

Ans. is 'a' i.e., Methoxyflurane, 'b' i.e., Ketamine &'c' i.e.,
[Ref: Morgan 4th/e p. 219]
Muscle relaxants
Atracurium/cisatracurium are the muscle relaxant of choice as there
elimination is not dependent on kidney.
Mivacurium is an alternative as its elimination is also independent of
Gallamine and metocurine are entirely dependent on renal excretion
for elimination) Contraindicated in renal disease .
Pancuronium. pipecuranium, Alcuronium and doxacurium are
Primarily dependent on r contraindicated, however neuromuscular
function should be closely monitored r.f these agents are used in
Patients with abnormal renal function.
Vecuronium and Rocuronium are primarily excreted in Bile (hepatic
elimination) but some amount is eliminated in urine also.
So, only three non-depolarizing blockers have no elimination through
kidney:- Atracurium, Cisatracurium, Mivacurium
Succinylcholine (delnlarizing blockerl is also independent of renal
excretion for elimination.
It can be safety used in the Presence of renal failure. provided
serum potassium concentration is less than 5 mg/L.
6. In comparison to IJV cannulation, true
about subclavian vein cannulation is/are?
a) More chances of pneumothorax

b) More incidence of catheter malposition

c) More infectious complications

d) More safety in ultrasound guided technique

e) All of the above

Correct Answer - A:B

Ans. is'a'i.e., More chances of pneumothorax &'b'i.e., More
incidence of catheter malposition
[Ref: i. nlm.nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ PMC i 27 09 25
Subclavian vein cannulation
Good external landmarks
Large radius
Practical method of central line in cardio-respiratory arrest
Blind procedure
Ultrasound not much useful
Should not be attempted in children < 2 years
Unable to compress bleeding vessels
More common & frequent: Catheter malposition, Pneumothorax,
hemothorax, Pinch-off sy:rdrome.
Less common & frequent: Arterial puncture, Thrombosis,
infectious complications.
7. A patient, planned for cesarean section,
develops hypotension 8 minutes after the
spinal anesthesia. Drugs which can be
used to treat this are?
a) Ephedrine

b) Mephenteramine

c) Adrenaline

d) Dopamine

e) Steroids

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D

Ans. is'a'i.e., Ephedrine, 'b' i.e., Mephenteramine, 'c' i.e.,
Phenylephrine &'d' i.e. Dopamine
[Ref: Miller Vh/e p. 1617]
Managing hypotension induced by spinal anesthesia for
caesarean section:
In spite of using all the prophylactic measures,40o/o to 60% of
patients will still need treatment for hypotension:-
i) Fluid loading is superior to no-fluid regimen; however, the
incidence of PSH is still high with all fluid loading protocols
ii) Vasopressors:-
Phenylephrine(PE) is preferred vasopressor.
Prevention and treatment of PSH because of faster onset.
Ephedrine may be more beneficial in patients with bradycardia.
Norepinephrine infusion was recently investigated as an alternative
for prophylaxis of PSH.
Ondansetron was reported as a prophylactic drug from PSH
Other sympathomimetic drugs used are mephentermine.
metaraminol, methoxamine, dopamine and, angiotensin II
Atropine should be given for bradycardia
8. Endotracheal intubation is/are assessed
a) Mallampati grading

b) ASA physical status grading

c) Thyromental distance

d) Teeth arrangement

e) None

Correct Answer - A:C:D

Ans. A,Mallampati grading C,Thyromental distance & D,Teeth
Ref: Manipal Surgery 4th/ 1072-73; Ajay Yadav 5th/53' 124; Morgan
5th/ 312-13
ASA physical status grading is for general health status of patient
(not for assessing intubation)
Assessment of Difficult Intubation:
Mallampati grading: It is done to assess mouth oPening
Thyromental distance (distance b/w thyroid notch to mental
prominence with fully extended neck)
Mentohyoid distance: normal > 5 cm
Assessment of TM joint function: Inter incisor gap (mouth opening)
should be at least 5 cm (2 fingerbreadth)
Neck Movement
9. Drug(s) not given as transdermal patch:
a) Fentanyl

b) Diclofenac

c) Morphine

d) Clonidine

e) Buprenorphine

Correct Answer - B:C

Ans.B,Diclofenac & C,Morphine
[Ref: KDT 7th/476
Transdermal fentanyl (Durogesic) has become available for use in
cancer/terminal illness.
Butrans skin patches contain buprenorphine an opioid pain
Clonidine transdermal delivery (patch) systems have been available
since the 1980
10. True about desflurane:
a) Boiling point is <230C

b) Chemically it is Flourinated methyl ethylether

c) It increases the effect of muscle relaxant

d) Can be given safely to patient susceptible to malignant


e) More potent than isoflurane

Correct Answer - A:B:C

Ans.A,Boiling point is <230C B,Chemically it is Flourinated
methyl ethylether C,It increases the effect of muscle relaxant
[Ref Ajey Yadav Sth/ 82; Morgan Sth/170 & 71)
Fluorinated methyl ethyl ether
Boiling point is less than 20C.
Produces maximum muscle relaxation among the agents.
5 times less potent than isoflurane.
Loss of potency (the MAC of desflurane is 5 times higher than
Immune mediated hepatitis a rare occurrence.
has the lowest blood: gas solubility of the potent volatile anesthetics
11. True about tracheostomy:
a) Tracheostomy tube may closed by mucous secretion & crust

b) Copious secretion from tube is always due pulmonary infection

c) X-ray chest should be done for confirmation in every case

d) Improper positioning may lead to fatal haemorrhage

e) Displacing of tube after 2 week is medical emergency

Correct Answer - A:D

Ans. A,Tracheostomy tube may closed by mucous secretion &
crust formation D,Improper positioning may lead to fatal
Ref Schwartz 9th/ 59- I qhttp:/ / ; p L.Dhingra 6th/
3 I 6 - 20;Ajay Yadav 5th/48-49; Millo Anaesthaia Zth/232& IBit-72
Reintubation in the first 36 hours after tracheostomy Is on
Tracheostomy tube should not be disturbed For the first 48-72 hr,
but thereafter the tube is changed daily & cleaned at regular interval.
Recent study do not support obtaining a routine post tracheostomy
chest X-ray.
The most dramatic complication is tracheo-innominate artery fistula
Palpable tube pulsation suggest impending erosion of an artery,
Tracheal deviation may signal abdomen bleeding
12. Cnrnnonent of Advanced cardiovascular
life support (ACLS) in accordance to AHA
2015 guideline:
a) Chest compression 100-150 per minute

b) Chest compression at least 5 cm/2 inch

c) Vasopressors is used to maintain MAP > 70 mmHg in non-

responsive to fluids

d) 1 Breath every 8 seconds

e) Vasopressin is used as vasopressor

Correct Answer - B
Ans. B. Chest compression at least 5 cm/2 inch
Basic life support (BLS), advanced cardiovascular life support
(ACLS), and post-cardiac arrest care all describe a set of skills and
knowledge applied sequentially during the treatment of patients who
have a cardiac arrest.
ACLS comprises the level of care between BLS and post-cardiac
arrest care
Update recommendations for advanced cardiac life support
The combined use vasopressin and epinephrine offers no advantage
to using standard-dose epinephrine in cardiac arrest.
Vasopressin has been removed from the Adult Cardiac Arrest
Algorithm-2015 update.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support:
Continuous chest compressions at a rate of lil)/rnin to 120/min,
vnthout pauses for ventilation. The provider delivering ventilation
should provide 1 breath every 6 seconds (10 breaths per minute).
It may be reasonable to avoid and immediate$r correct hypotension
(SBp < 90 mm Hg, MAp < 65 mmHg) during post-cardiac arrest
13. Anaesthetic agents(s) having
epileptogenic potential:
a) Atracurium

b) Etomidate

c) Enflurane

d) Pethidine

e) Propofol

Correct Answer - A:C:D

Ans. (A) Atracurium (C) Enflurane (D) Pethidine
Etomidate: Does not have epileptogenic potential.
Enflurane: At high doses it produces spike and wave pattern in
EEG which culminates into frank tonic-clonic seizure.
Atracurium: Its metabolic product laudanosine(Laudanosine
Toxicity)- seizures precipitated.
Ketamlne can elicit seizures in patients with an epileptic diathesis.
Propofol: Significant anticonvulsant activity.
14. True about xenon is are:
a) Environment friendly

b) Cheap

c) Low blood solubility

d) Inert

e) Stable

Correct Answer - A:C:D:E

Ans. (A) Environment friendly (C) Low blood solubility (D) Inert
(E) Stable
Advantages and disadvantages of xenon (Xe) anesthesia:
Inert (probably nontoxic with no metabolism).
Minimal cardiovascular effects.
Low blood solubilitY.
Rapid induction and recovery
Does not trigger malignant hyperthermia
Environmental friendly.
High cost
Low potency {MAC=70%)
15. In gas tubing, rate of turbulent flow
depends upon :
a) Viscosity of gas

b) Pressure gradient

c) Length of tube

d) Radius of tube

e) Density of gas

Correct Answer - B:E

Ans. (B) Pressure gradient (E) Density of gas
Turbulent flow is produced if flow rate is very high or if gas passes
through bends, constrictions.
Flow is rough.
Reynold's number must exceed to 2000 for turbulence.
Turbulent flow is more depend on density
16. Gas stored in liquid state in cylinders:
a) Nitrogen

b) Helium

c) CO2

d) Cyclopropane

e) Nitrous oxide

Correct Answer - C:D:E

Ans, (C) CO2 (D) Cyclopropane (E) Nitrous oxide
Oxygen, nitrogen, air and helium are stored in cylinders as gases.
Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and cyclopropane are stored in as
liquid in equilibrium with saturated vapour.
Colour of Cylinders:
O2-Black body with white shoulder
N2O- Blue
Air-Grey body with black and white shoulders
Entonox-Blue body with blue and white shoulders (50% O2. + 50%
17. True about caudal anesthesia in children:
a) Average distance from the skin to the anterior wall of the sacral
canal is 21 mm

b) 0.5 mL/kg dose of bupivacaine is sufficient for lumber and

sacral dermatomes block

c) Beyond 6-7 years of age, it is difficult to give and is less

successful in comparison to younger children

d) 2-3 cm of epidural catheter is advances through epidural space

in continuos infusion

e) Distance from the upper border of the sacral hiatus to the dural
sac is 30±10.4mm

Correct Answer - A:C:D:E

Ans. (A) Average distance from the skin to the anterior wall of
the sacral canal is 21 mm (C) Beyond 6-7 years of age, it is
difficult to give and is less successful in comparison to
younger children (D) 2-3 cm of epidural catheter is advances
through epidural space in continuos infusion (E) Distance from
the upper border of the sacral hiatus to the dural sac is
Caudal Anesthesia
Normal length of catheter to be introduced into the epidural space ls
2 to 3 cm, asfor any epidural block.
Dosage prescription scheme:
1. With 0.5 mL/kg, all sacral dermatomes are blocked.
2. With 1.0 ml/kg all sacral and lumbar dermatomes are blocked.
3. With 1 .25 ml/kg, the upper limit of anesthesia is at least midthoracic.
Drug used: The dose of 0.25% bupivacaine ts 0.5-O.75 ml/kg
Extradural space below sacral hiatus may range from being deep to
excessively shallow-its average length ls 10-15 cm.
Its anatomy is more easily appreciated in infants and chilDren
Use for pattants < 8 years old to provide intraoperative and
postoperative analgesia for abdominal and lower extremity surgery.
Advance needle and catheter 2 to 4 mm.
18. Anaesthetic used for induction in
pediatric surgery is ?
a) Propofol

b) Thiopentone

c) Ketamine

d) Diazepam

e) Etomidate

Correct Answer - A:B:E

Ans. (A) Propofol (B) Thiopentone (E) Etomidate
Anaesthetics in Pediatric patients:
Inhalational induction:
Inhalational agent with mask - Induction method of choice in
Sevoflurane - Induction agent of choice in children.
Used in N2O +O2 gas mixture.
Halothane - 2nd Induction agent of choice.
Intravenous induction:
THiopental/propofol (Outpatient surgery).
Ketamine - preferred in children with hypovolemia.
Etomidate - preferred in children with unstable cardiovascular status
19. Atracurium is metabolized by -
a) Conjugation

b) Hoffman degradation

c) Pseudocholineaterase

d) Methylation

e) None

Correct Answer - B
Ans. B. Hoffman degradation
The unique feature of atracurium is inactivation in plasma by
spontaneous non enzymatic degradation (Hofmann elimination).
Consequently its duration of action is not altered in patients with
hepatic/renal insufficiency or hyperdynamic circulation ---> Hence,
preferred muscle relaxant for such patients as well as for neonates
and the elderly.
Atracurtum is metabolised to laudanosine that is responsible for
Cause histamine release > Hypotension, bronchoconstriction &
20. Ventilator associated complication(s)
is/are ?
a) Barotrauma

b) Subglottic stenosis

c) Pneumoperitoneum

d) Paralytic ileus

e) Increased cardiac output

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D

Ans. (A) Barotrauma (B) Subglottic stenosis
(C) Pneumoperitoneum (D) Paralytic ileus
[Ref Essentials of anesthetic emergencies p. 123]
Complications of mechanical ventilator:
Barotrauma - Cause pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum,
bronchopleural fistula, pneumopericardium/cardiac tamponade,
Pneumoperitoneum, systemic air embolism and pulmonary
Hemodynamic complications
Nosocomial infections: Pneumonia, UTI
Acid-base disturbances - Respiratory alkalosis due to CO2 washout.
Water retention.
GIT - Mainly paralytic ileus.
21. Headache following dural puncture,
treatment is:

b) Clonidine

c) Steroids

d) Blood

e) Caffeine

Correct Answer - A:C:E

Ans. (A) ACTH (C) Steroids (E) Caffeine
Ref: Morgan's 4,h/e p. 297, Lee's 13h/e p. 509,
Post dural puncture headache:
Due to CSF leak from a dural defect & decreased ICT.
Most common complication of spinal anesthesia.
Typical location is bifrontal or occipital.
Usually 12-72hotrs following the procedure.
Lasts for 7-10 days.
Use of small bore needle can prevent pDpH.
Conservative treatment:
Analgesics (NSAIDs), oral or i.v. fluids.
Drugs: Cosyntropin, caffeine, hydrocortisone, gabapentin,
theophylline, sumatriptan, pregabalin and ACTH.
22. Pre-anaesthetic medication is given to ?
a) Reduce anxiety and fear

b) Reduction of secretion of saliva

c) To produce amnesia

d) To prevent undesirable reflexes

e) Prevent vomiting

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D

Ans. (A) Reduce anxiety and fear (B) Reduction of secretion of
saliva (C) To produce amnesia (D) To prevent undesirable
[Rel KDT 6h/e p. 378]
Preanaesthetic medication:
1. Relief of anxiety and apprehension preoperatively and to facilitate
smooth induction.
2. Amnesia for preoperative and postoperative events.
3. Supplement analgesic action of anaesthetics and potentiate them.
4. Decrease secretions and vagal stimulation (undesirable reflex).
5. Antiemetic effect extending into postoperative period.
6. Decrease acidity and volume of gastric juice so that it is less
damaging if aspirated.
23. Methods of regional anaesthesia is/are ?
a) Bier's block

b) Spinal anaesthesia

c) Rapid sequence induction

d) Conscious sedation

e) Surface anaesthesia

Correct Answer - A:B:E

Ans. (A) Bier's block (B) Spinal anaesthesia (E) Surface
[Ref: Morgan 4/e p. 269-270]
Regional anaesthesia (Local anaesthesia):
Methods are:
1. Topical anaesthesia (surface anaesthesia)
2. Infiltration anaesthesia
3. Intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier's block)
4. Conduction block (either field block or nerve block)
5. Spinal anaesthesia
6. Epiduralanaesthesia
24. If we increase the depth of chest
compression in CPR, it causes -
a) Decreased mortality

b) Increased brain perfusion

c) Increased aortic pressure

d) Rib fracture

e) Hemothorax

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D:E

Ans. (A) Decreased mortality (B) Increased brain perfusion
(C) Increased aortic pressure (D) Rib fracture (E) Hemothorax
Increasing the depth of chest compression also carry an increased
risk of complications like :-
Rib and / or sternal fracture
InjurY to diaPhragm or lung
Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium
25. Hypotensive shock refractory to fluid,
what is contraindicated ?
a) Ketamine

b) Atropine

c) Fentanyl

d) Thopentone

e) Etomidate

Correct Answer - C:D

Ans. (C) Fentanyl (D) Thopentone
[Ref: Wroerlee textbook of anaesthesia p.54]
In hypotensive patients, no sedative, hypnotic or opiate should be
Fentanyl is an opiate and thioPentone is a sedative (barbiturate).
Ketamine increases cardiac output and blood pressure - Intravenous
anaesthetic of choice in shock.
Etomidate produces little cardi-ovascular anil respiratory depression
→ Agent of choice for cardiovascular surgeries (bypass aneurysms,
valve surgery).
Etomidate is most cardiostable inducing agent.
If hypotension is due to bradycardia --> Atropine is the drug of
26. Drugs known to trigger malignant
hyperthermia -
a) Halothane

b) Succinylcholine

c) Pancuronium

d) Fentanyl

e) Propofol

Correct Answer - A:B

Ans. (A) Halothane (B) Succinylcholine
[Ref Morgan Anaesthesia 5th/e p. 1187-9A; Aiay Yadav p. 13j- 35;
Miter p. 1187-89; Lee l3'h/e p. 353; Wylle's Aflaesthesifl Vh/c p. I65-
Drugs causing Malignant hyperthermia (MH):
MAO inhibitors
27. When will you suspect malignant
hyperthermia in post appendectomy
patient shifted to ICU with high fever & -
a) Hypotonia

b) Seizure

c) Masseter spasm

d) Metabolic acidosis

e) Hypokalemia

Correct Answer - B:C:D

Ans. (B) Seizure (C) Masseter spasm (D) Metabolic acidosis
[Ref: Morgan Anaesthesia 5'h/e p. 1187-90; Ajay Yadav Se/e p. 133-
35; Miller Thle p, 1187-89; Lee l3'h/e p. 35i; Wylie's Anesthesia Vh/e
p. j65, 367]
Malignant hyperthermia:
The condition occurs during or immediately after anaesthesia and
may be precipitated by potent inhalation agents ( enflurane,
halothane, isoflurane), or suxamethonium.
Clinical features are: -
Masseter sPasm → If a patient develops severe masseter spasm
after suxamethonium, there is a significant possibility of malignant
Tachycardia and arrhythmias
Rise in end-tidal CO, (first sign)
Increased temperature & unexpected change in BP.
Seizures agitation and muscle rigidity
28. Which of the following is/are used in
bupivacaine toxicity -
a) CaC12

b) Bretylium

c) Intralipids

d) Esmolol

e) Epinephrine

Correct Answer - B:C:E

Ans. (B) Bretylium (C) Intralipids (E) Epinephrine
[Re!. Morgan Anaesthesia Sth/e p. 273-74; Ajay yadav 5'h/e p. 144;
Miller 6th/e p. 933; Lee l3th/e p. 384; Barash Anaesthesia 6,h/e p.
Management of bupivacaine toxicity
Ensure adequate oxygenation, whether by face mask or by
Anticonvulsants such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates are the
drug of choice for seizure control.
Propofol can also be used.
Succinylcholine is sometimes also used to terminate the
neuromuscular effects of seizures.
For unresPonsive bupivacaine toxicity, intravenous lipid or
cardiopulmonary bypass may be considered.
For arrhythmias, amiodarone is the DOC. Bretylium and esmolol can
also be used.
29. Anaesthesia used for induction is/are -
a) Propofol

b) Thiopentone

c) Ketamine

d) Diazepam

e) Midazolam

Correct Answer - A:B:C:E

Ans. (A) Propofol (B) Thiopentone (C) Ketamine (E) Midazolam
[Ref: Morgan Anaesthesia 5th/e p. 175-82; Ajay Yadav S,h/e p. 92;
Lee l3th/e p. 155]
Intravenous inducing agents:
30. Which of the following criteria is/are used
for settingmechanical ventilator for adult
in ICU -
a) Age

b) Gender

c) Weight

d) Height

e) Underlying condition of patient

Correct Answer - B:C:D:E

Ans. (B) Gender (C) Weight (D) Height (E) Underlying condition
of patient
[Ref: Morgan Anaesthesia 5th /e p. 1288;]
Mainly depends on ideal body weight (IBW), which is calculated
based on gender and height.
Women IBW(lbs) = 105 + 5 (Height in inches - 60)
Men IBW (lbs) = 106 + 6 (Height in inches - 60)
Settings also depend a types of lung disease, i.e. whether the
patient is normal or with restrictive disease or with obstructive lung
31. True about endotracheal tube -
a) Non cuffed tube is used in pediatric age group

b) Made of PVC & disposable

c) Can be put either oral or nasal according to different situations

d) Cuffed PVC tubes - low pressure, low volume

e) More tendency to go to right bronchus thereby

Correct Answer - A:B:C:E

Ans. (A) Non cuffed tube is used in pediatric age group
(B) Made of PVC & disposable (C) Can be put either oral or
nasal according to different situations (E) More tendency to go
to right bronchus thereby
[Ref: Morgan Anaesthesia p. 320-25; Ajay Yedav 5'h/e p. 43-46; Lee
l3th/e p. 205-09]
Endotracheal tubes are mainly of two types.
Cuffed Endotracheal Tube:
Cuff Pressure should not exceed 30 cm H2O (22 mm Hg) to prevent
ischemic damage to tracheal mucosa.
Two types, based on cuff pressure and volume.
Low Pressure, High volume : -
In this cuff has high volume & low pressure.
Because of low pressure these tubes produce less tracheal injury,
therefore suitable for prolonged surgeries.0
More commonly used than high pressure low volume tube.
These tubes are made up of polyvinyl chloride
High pressure,low volume:
Made up of red rubber.
Uncuffed Endotracheal Tube:
In children (less than l0 years of age) uncuffed tubes should be used
and there should be slight teak on inspiratory pressure of 30 cm IIrO
32. True about endotracheal intubation -
a) Head trauma patient presenting with a GCS score 8 or less
should be intubated

b) Done in patients with increased risk of aspiration

c) Can be used in patient with full stomach

d) In cervical injury, patient neck is stabilized before intuvation

e) Done in patients who need anaesthesia

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D:E

Ans. (A) Head trauma patient presenting with a GCS score 8 or
less should be intubated (B) Done in patients with increased
risk of aspiration (C) Can be used in patient with full stomach
(D) In cervical injury, patient neck is stabilized before intuvation
(E) Done in patients who need anaesthesia
[Ref Lee l3tt'/e p. 208; Miller Vh/ep. /586; CSDT l4th/e p. 814]
Endotracheal intubation is used to maintain a patent airway in
operation theater as well as outside the operation theater : -
Indications for Endotracheal Intubation in the operating room
The need to deliver positive pressure ventilation.
Protection of respiratory tract from aspiration of gastric contents.
Surgical procedure involving the head and neck or in non-supine
positions that preclude manual airway support.
Almost all situations involving neuromuscular paralysis.
Some non-operative indications are :
Tracheobronchial toilet (pulmonary toilet).
Profound disturbance in consciousness with the inability to protect
the airways.
33. Which of the following is/are feature(s) of
epidural anaesthesia than spinal
anaesthesia -
a) Smaller size of needle is used

b) Drug used is less in concentration

c) Less chance of spinal headache

d) Onset of action is delayed

e) Density of anaesthetic agent is less in epidural than spinal

Correct Answer - B:C:D:E

Ans. (B) Drug used is less in concentration (C) Less chance of
spinal headache (D) Onset of action is delayed (E) Density of
anaesthetic agent is less in epidural than spinal
[Ref Morgan Anaesthesia p. 959,969; Ajay Yadav 5'h/e p. 162;
Miller Vh/e p. 1626]
Epidural anaesthesia:
Slower onset of action
Less reliable
Duration can be prolonged by repeatedly injecting LA by an epidural
Can be used for upper abdominal, thoracic & neck surgery as well in
addition to surgeries performed by spinal anaesthesia.
PDPH is unlikely because dura is not pierced -> so, there is no CSF
Epidural needles are larger than spinal needles.
34. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
correct regarding management of
malignant hyperthermia except:
a) Discontinue all anaesthetics immediately

b) Dantrolene is mainstay of therapy for MH

c) Hyperventilation with 100% oxygen is helpful

d) Sodium bicarbonate is given to correct alkalosis

e) Correct hyperkalemia by giving dextrose & insulin

Correct Answer - D
Ans. D. Sodium bicarbonate is given to correct alkalosis
Malignant Hyperthermia:
Due to abnormality of type I Ryanodine receptor which is calcium
release channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Genetic disease usually autosomal dominant but can be recessive
Patient with normal CK levels should undergo muscle biopsy studies
(where muscle is subjected to triggering factors (like halothane &
Treatment of MH:
Dantrolene -
Mainstay of therapy of MH.
Directly binds to Ryanodine receptor inhibiting calcium release
35. Which of the following is/are true about
pre-anaesthetic checkup (PAC):
a) Not necessary in children

b) Used to assess patient condition to tolerate anaesthesia &


c) Can be performed by surgical faculty

d) Relieves anxiety of patient

e) Help in planning anaesthesia technique

Correct Answer - B:D:E

Ans. (B) Used to assess patient condition to tolerate
anaesthesia & surgery (D) Relieves anxiety of patient (E) Help in
planning anaesthesia technique
PAC is equally necessary in infant & children (in fact, even more
than adults).
Infants are at a much greater risk of anesthetic morbidity & mortality
than older children; risk is generally inversely proportional to age.
Pre-anaesthetic Checkup (PAC): Goals:
To reduce anxiety & educate the patient about anaesthesia
To obtain information about patient\ medical history
To Perform Physical examination
To determine which tests are required
To plon anaesthetic technique.
To obtain informed consent
To give any preoperative instructions
36. Which of the following statement is/are
true regarding intravenous fluid:
a) Ringer lactate is crystalloid of choice for blood loss replacement

b) Colloid is fluid of choice in severe shock

c) 5% Dextrose should be avoided in head injury

d) 0.45% saline contains 154 mEq/L Na+ & 154 mEq/L Ci?

e) Dextrose normal saline (DNS) is hypotonic

Correct Answer - A:B:C

Ans. (A) Ringer lactate is crystalloid of choice for blood loss
replacement (B) Colloid is fluid of choice in severe shock
(C) 5% Dextrose should be avoided in head injury
[Ref: Morgan Anaesthesia Sth/1163-66; Ajay yadav 5th/12-15; Lee
Anaesthesia 1 3th/ 232 - 3 3 ; Miller 7 th/ 2799]
Colloids are only reserved for severe shock.
Blood glucose control:
Hyperglycaemia is known to exacerbate cerebral lactic acidosis and
consequently aggravates cerebral ischaemia in head injury.
Therefore glucose solutions should be avoided.
Aggregate ischemic neurologic injury
Hyperglycemia may also constitute a hormonally mediated response
to more severe injury.
Ringer lactate:
Crystalloid of choice for blood loss replacement.
Normal Saline:
0.9% NaCl isotonic solution
Dextrose Normal Saline:

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37. Which of the following is/are true
regarding anaesthetic gas:
a) N20- increases efficacy of other inhalational agents

b) Halothane- agent of choice in children

c) Sevoflurane is agent of choice in children

d) Isoflurane- smooth induction

e) None

Correct Answer - A:C

Ans. (A) N20- increases efficacy of other inhalational agents
(C) Sevoflurane is agent of choice in children
Nitrous Oxide:
Good analgesia
It is not complete anaesthesia (used as a supplement to anesthesia)
When given along with other inhalational agent it increases the
alveolar concentration of that agent (second gas effect)
Not a muscle relaxant
Odour is sweet so induction is smooth
Faster, pleasant & smooth induction with no significant systemic
toxicity makes sevoflurane is the agent of choice for induction in
38. True about Endotracheal tube:
a) Most common used size for adult male is 8-8. 5

b) Most common used size for adult female is 7-7. 5

c) PVC tube is reusable by cleaning

d) In children cuffed tube is not used

e) Cuff is for aspiration of secretions

Correct Answer - A:B:D

Ans. (A) Most common used size for adult male is 8-8. 5
(B) Most common used size for adult female is 7-7. 5 (D) In
children cuffed tube is not used
[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/43-46; Lee 13th/209; Miller 7th/Chap10;
Morgans clinical anesthesia 5 th/ 321]
The size of the tracheal tube is normally described as the internal
diameter (ID) in millimeters.
Tracheal tube size of 8 mm (ID) for moles and 7. 5 mm (ID) for
females are often used.
Two types- red rubber (reusable, costlier, non-transParent) & PVC
(disposable, cheap, transparent).
Cuff prevent leakage between the ETT & the trachea- both leakage
of gas outwards during IPPV & of gastric contents, blood & mucus
into the lungs.
In children less than 10 years of age uncuffed tube should be used
&-there should be slight leak to avoid barotraumas if inspiratory
pressure exceeds above 30 cm H2O.
39. True about subarachnoid block (spinal
a) Cannot be used in infant & children

b) Can be given by unskilled doctor

c) May be used when I. V access is not possible for intravenous


d) Hypotension is most common side-effect

e) None

Correct Answer - D
Ans. D. Hypotension is most common side-effect
[Ref Ajay Yailav 5th/155-61; Lee 13th/479; Oxford Handbook of
Anesthesia 3rd/832]
Subarachnoid block:
Most commonly used anaesthetic technique
Adult level is usually L3-4
Orthopaedics surgery general surgery (pelvic & perineal),
gynecological & obstetrical surgery' urological surgeries etc.,
Most commonly drugs used in India are- xylocaine (lignocaine) &
Sensoricaine (bupivacaine)
Hypotension is most common side-effect:
Managed by preloading & intraoperative fluids vasopressors. For
this good i.V access is very imPortant.
40. Indication of CVP line is/are:
a) CVP monitoring in shock patient

b) Prior to major surgery

c) For administering inotropics through CVP line in shock patients

d) In every case of caesarean section

e) For giving blood in patient with severe haemorrhage

Correct Answer - A:B:C:E

Ans. (A) CVP monitoring in shock patient (B) Prior to major
surgery (C) For administering inotropics through CVP line in
shock patients (E) For giving blood in patient with severe
[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/59; Morgan's clinical anesthesia 5th/100]
Indication of CVP:
Major surgeries where large fluctuations in haemodynamics are
Open heart surgeries
Fluid management in shock
As venous access in patients with poor peripheral veins
Parenteral nutrition
Aspiration of air embolism
Cardiac pacing
41. A Patient has hypersensitivity to
neostigmine. He has to undergo upper
abdominal surgery. Muscle relaxant of
choice is:
a) Pancuronium

b) Ropacuronium

c) Vecuronium

d) Atracurium

e) Piperacurium

Correct Answer - D
Ans. D. Atracurium
[Ref: Ajay Yadav 5th/116-17; Lee 13th/189-95]
Atracurium undergo spontaneous degradation in plasma called as
Hoffman degradation.
Atracurium is relaxant of choice if reversal agent is contraindicated.
Other muscle relaxants:
(mentioned in question) require reversal with neostigmine (but Ne
can not use neostigmine due to hypersensitivity), so can not use in
this patient
42. Which of the following condition (s) can
cause exaggerated hyperkalemia in
patients with use of succinylcholine:
a) Burn

b) Spinal cord injury

c) Muscular dystrophy

d) Tetanus

e) Abdominal organ injury

Correct Answer - A:B:C:D

Ans. (A) Burn (B) Spinal cord injury (C) Muscular dystrophy
(D) Tetanus
[Ref Ajay Yaday 5th/112-13; Lee 13th/190; KDT 7th/355; Barash
Clinical Anesthesia 6th/MR]
Succinylcholine & hyperkalemia:
In patients with extensive burn & soft tissue injuries.
Also in tetanus & spinal cord injuries, neurological & muscular
disorders (stroke, cerebral palsy & muscular dystrophy).
After major denervation injuries, spinal cord transection, peripheral
denervation, stroke, trauma, extensive burns, and prolonged
immobility with disease
43. Which of the following does not increase
intracranial pressure:
a) Sodium thiopentone

b) Desflurane

c) Mannitol

d) Sevoflurane

e) Propofol

Correct Answer - A:C:E

Ans. (A) Sodium thiopentone (C) Mannitol (E) Propofol
[Ref Ajay Yadav p.86, 109; Lee /643-45]
Mannitol is used in the treatment of increased intracranial tension.
44. Mechanism of action of general
anesthesia is/are:
a) GABA-A receptor

b) GABA-B receptor

c) NMDA receptor

d) Na+ channel blockage

e) None

Correct Answer - A:C

Ans. (A) GABA-A receptor (C) NMDA receptor
[Ref: KDT 7th/372-73; Ajay Yadav 5th/71; Lee 13th/149; Miller
6th/721- 22]
Mechanism of General Anaesthesia:
The GABA-A receptor gated Cl-channel is the most important of
Many inhalational agents, barbiturates, benzodiazepines e propofol
Action of glycine in the spinal cord & medulla is augmented by
barbiturate, Propofol & many inhalational anaesthetics.
Inhibition of excitatory type of NMDA type of glutamate receptor:
Ketamine & N2O.
45. Which of the following statement is
correct regarding mechanism of action of
local anaesthesia:
a) Blockage of resting sodium channel more is than activated
sodium channel

b) Faster conducting fibers blocked easily

c) Block Na-K ATPase channel

d) Fine touch goes before pain

e) In regional block i.v injection is used

Correct Answer - E
Ans. E. In regional block i.v injection is used
[Ref, Ajay Yadav 5th/138-140, 149; Lee 13th/369-374]
The key target of local anesthetics is the voltage-gated sodium
The binding is intracellular and is mediated by hydrophobic
Local anesthetics block voltage-gated sodium channels and interrupt
initiation and propagation of impulses in axons.
Local anesthetics reversibly inhibit peripheral nerve conduction by
blocking voltage gated sodium & potassium channel .
The affinity of the sodium receptor is higher in open or inactivated
states than in the resting state.
Blockade sequence is-sympathetic> temperature (cold)> pain (prick)
>proprioception (Light touch with cotton).
46. All are true regarding Laryngeal Mask
Airway except:
a) Big oral tumor is contraindication for its use

b) May be used when intubation with ETT is not possible

c) Can be used in child 's eye surgery

d) May be used in CPR

e) None

Correct Answer - E
Ans. (E) NONE
[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/42-43; Lee Anaesthesia 13th/206-08; Morgo4
Anesthesia 4th/97; Dorsch Dorsch anesthesia equipment 5th/488;
Miller\ anesthesia 6th/ I 6 27]
Advanced cardiac life support (Part of CPR):
For breathing- Advanced method like endotracheal tube, LMA,
combitube or tracheostomy tube.
Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA):
As an alternative to intubation where difficult intubation is anticipated
An elective method for minor surgeries where anesthetist wants to
avoid intubation (Like eye surgery in children).
Contraindication: oropharyngeal mass.
LMA provides an alternative to ventilation through a face mask or
endotracheal tube (ETT).
LMA has proven particularly helpful as a temporary measure if
patients with difficult airways (those who cannot be ventilated or
intubated) because of its ease of insertion & relatively high success
rate (95-99%).
C/I for LMA includes: patient with pharyngeal pathology (e.g.,
abscess), pharyngeal obstruction, full stomach (e.g., pregnancy,
hiatal hernia) or low pulmonary compliance
47. Which of the following circuit is preferred
in child for spontaneous respiration:
a) Mapleson A

b) Jackson & Rees circuit

c) Mapleson C

d) Mapleson E

e) Mapleson F

Correct Answer - A
Ans. (A) Mapleson A
[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/35; Dorsch Anesthesia Equipment 5th/213-215;
Morgan Anesthesia 5th/ i3; 4th/ 35-37]
Pediatric Breathing Circuits:
Type E Mapleson Circuit:
It is Ayre's T piece with corrugated tubing.
It is a pediatric circuit
As it does not have breathing bag so it is not a complete circuit (It
was made complete by attaching a breathing bag by attaching a
breathing bagby Jackson & Rees).
Type E is basically a circuit only for spontaneous respiration (as it
does not contain breathing bag) but can be utilized for controlled
ventilation by intermittently occluding the end of expiratory limb
48. Weaning is generally done by:

b) Controlled mode ventilation(CMV)


d) Pressure controlled Ventilation

e) Assisted controlled Ventilation

Correct Answer - A:C

[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/239-40; Morgan 5th/1298; Miller anesthesia 6th]
Means discontinuing the ventilator support.
Weaning process may vary from Patient to Patient, hospital to
hospital (depending on the type of ventilator available) 6 clinician to
clinician 4is possible to wean patient in any mode of ventilation
except control mode ventilation
Techniques for Weaning:
The common techniques to wean a patient from the ventilator
include SIMV pressure support, or periods of spontaneous breathing
alone on a T-piece or on low levels Of CPAP
Mandatory minute ventilation has also been suggested as an ideal
weaning techniques, but experience with it is limited.
Most often aPPLied approach is that patient from control/assist
control mode ventilation is shifted to SIMV & then keep on
decreasing the rate of breath delivered by ventilator gradually till it
becomes 1 to 2 breath/min
49. A child on immediate postoperative, is
complaining of nausea & vomiting after
squint surgery. Which of the following
drugs may be not used during operation
in controlling this symptom:
a) Propofol

b) Ketamine

c) Dexamethasone

d) Ondansetron

e) Palonosetron

Correct Answer - A:C:D

Ans. A,Propofol C, Dexamethasone & D,Ondansetron
[Ref Ajay Yadav Sth/132; Lee Anaesthesia l3th/630]
Strabismus Surgery in Paediatric Patient:
Key features in relation to strabismus are oculocardiac reflex in
response to surgical movement of globe, postoperative nausea &
vomiting (PONV) & the association of strabismus with occult
myopathies & possibly malignant hyperthermia.
Antiemesis is improved by use of propofol on induction &
maintenance & by the preemptive use of both 5-hydroxy- tryptamine
inhibitors & dexamethasone,
Opioids should be avoided because regular NSAIDS are as
Topical NSAIDS (Ketorolac 0.5%o o/o, diclofenac l%) have been
used with some success.
The incidence of oculocardiac reflex can be reduced by the use of
ketamine at induction & by the use of medial canthal injection of
local anaesthetic (lidocaine), which also reduces the need for
postoperative analgesia
50. Which of the following fluid used in
perioperative period is isotonic:
a) RL

b) DNS

c) 5% Dextrose

d) HES

e) NS

Correct Answer - A:C:D:E

Ans. A,RL C, 5% Dextrose D, HES & E, NS
[Ref Ajay Yadav 5th/12-15; Lee Anaesthesia p.232-33; Morgan
Ringer Lactate Solution (RL, Hartman solution):
Lactate is metabolized to bicarbonate in liver
Ringer lactate is crystalloid of choice for blood loss rePlacement.
RL is slightly hypotonic.
Normal Saline:
0.99% NaCl isotonic solution.
Preferred over RL for treating: hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis,
brain injury (Catin lactate can increase the neuronal injury) &
Dextrose Normal Saline:
best used as maintenance fluid.
Hydroxyethyl Starch (Colloid):
Types: Hetastarch & Pentastarch

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