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Hampton Golf, Inc.

Team Member Handbook

July 2022


CORE POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

1.0 WELCOME..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 A Welcome Policy ........................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 At-Will Employment (PEO) ...........................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Important Definitions [For Employers Using a PEO].....................................................................................................7
2.0 INTRODUCTORY LANGUAGE AND POLICIES........................................................................................... 7
2.1 About the Company......................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Culture ..........................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Vision ...........................................................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................................7
2.5 Guiding Principles ........................................................................................................................................................8
2.6 Ethics Code ..................................................................................................................................................................8
2.7 Revisions to Handbook ................................................................................................................................................8
3.0 HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES....................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Categories of Employment ...........................................................................................................................................8
3.2 Certification, Licensing and Other Requirements .........................................................................................................9
3.3 Conflicts of Interest.......................................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Employment of Relatives and Friends ..........................................................................................................................9
3.5 Job Descriptions ...........................................................................................................................................................9
3.6 New Hires and Introductory Periods .............................................................................................................................9
3.7 Posting of Openings ...................................................................................................................................................10
3.8 Training Program........................................................................................................................................................10
3.9 Employment Authorization Verification .......................................................................................................................10
4.0 WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES .................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Attendance .................................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Direct Deposit .............................................................................................................................................................10
4.3 Job Abandonment ......................................................................................................................................................10
4.4 Paycheck Deductions .................................................................................................................................................11
4.5 Recording Time ..........................................................................................................................................................11
4.6 Tip Reporting ..............................................................................................................................................................11
5.0 PERFORMANCE, DISCIPLINE, LAYOFF, AND TERMINATION ............................................................... 12
5.1 Disciplinary Process ...................................................................................................................................................12
5.2 Criminal Activity/Arrests .............................................................................................................................................12
5.3 Exit Interview ..............................................................................................................................................................12
5.4 Open Door/Conflict Resolution Process .....................................................................................................................12
5.5 Outside Employment ..................................................................................................................................................13
5.6 Performance Improvement .........................................................................................................................................13
5.7 Post-Employment References ....................................................................................................................................13
5.8 Promotions .................................................................................................................................................................13
5.9 Resignation Policy ......................................................................................................................................................14
5.10 Standards of Conduct...............................................................................................................................................14
5.11 Transfers ..................................................................................................................................................................15
6.0 GENERAL POLICIES .................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications ..........................................................................................................15
6.2 Authorization for Use of Personal Vehicle ..................................................................................................................17
6.3 Bulletin Boards ...........................................................................................................................................................17
6.4 Care of Equipment .....................................................................................................................................................18
6.5 Computer Security and Copying of Software .............................................................................................................18
6.6 Conflict Of Interest/Code Of Ethics.............................................................................................................................18
6.7 Driving Record............................................................................................................................................................18
6.8 Employer Sponsored Social Events ...........................................................................................................................19
6.9 Employer-Provided Cell Phones/Mobile Devices .......................................................................................................19
6.10 Mail Use ...................................................................................................................................................................19
6.11 Members and Guests and Public Relations .............................................................................................................19
6.12 Name Badge ............................................................................................................................................................19
6.13 Nonsolicitation/Nondistribution Policy.......................................................................................................................19
6.14 Payroll Advances and Loans ....................................................................................................................................20
6.15 Personal Appearance ...............................................................................................................................................20
6.16 Personal Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use ..................................................................................................................20
6.17 Personal Data Changes ...........................................................................................................................................21
6.18 Personal Property.....................................................................................................................................................21
6.19 Protecting Hampton Golf's Confidential Information .................................................................................................21
6.20 Security ....................................................................................................................................................................22
6.21 Social Media .............................................................................................................................................................22
6.22 Suggestion Policy .....................................................................................................................................................24
6.23 Telephone Use .........................................................................................................................................................24
6.24 Telephone Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................24
6.25 Third Party Disclosures ............................................................................................................................................24

6.26 Use of Company Technology ...................................................................................................................................25
6.27 Use of Employer Vehicles ........................................................................................................................................26
6.28 Workplace Privacy and Right to Inspect ...................................................................................................................26
7.0 BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.1 Team Member Benefits ..............................................................................................................................................26
7.2 Holidays .....................................................................................................................................................................27
7.3 Paid Time Off (PTO)...................................................................................................................................................27
7.4 Health Insurance ........................................................................................................................................................28
7.5 Dental Insurance ........................................................................................................................................................28
7.6 Vision Care Insurance ................................................................................................................................................28
7.7 Life Insurance .............................................................................................................................................................28
7.8 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ........................................................................................................................28
7.9 COBRA ......................................................................................................................................................................29
7.10 Flexible Spending Account (FSA).............................................................................................................................29
7.11 401(k) Plan ...............................................................................................................................................................29
7.12 Bereavement Leave .................................................................................................................................................30
7.13 Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) ...........................................................................................................................30
7.14 Disability Leave ........................................................................................................................................................34
7.15 Military Leave (USERRA) .........................................................................................................................................34
7.16 Hampton Golf Discounts ..........................................................................................................................................35
7.17 Unemployment Compensation Insurance ................................................................................................................35
7.18 Workers' Compensation Insurance ..........................................................................................................................35
8.0 SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION ........................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Each Team Member's Responsibility .........................................................................................................................35
8.2 Business Closure and Emergencies...........................................................................................................................36
8.3 Drug and Alcohol Policy .............................................................................................................................................37
8.4 General Safety ...........................................................................................................................................................37
8.5 Workplace Violence....................................................................................................................................................37
8.6 Concealed Weapons ..................................................................................................................................................38
9.0 TRADE SECRETS AND INVENTIONS ....................................................................................................... 39
9.1 Confidentiality and Nondisclosure of Trade Secrets ...................................................................................................39
10.0 CUSTOMER RELATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 39
10.1 Customer, Client, and Visitor Relations ....................................................................................................................39
10.2 Products and Services Knowledge ...........................................................................................................................39
FLORIDA POLICIES................................................................................................................................................. 40
HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES.............................................................................................................. 40
Disability Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................40
EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy........................................................................................................................40
Religious Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................42
WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 42
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers ................................................................................................................................42
Meal and Rest Periods ........................................................................................................................................................43
Pay Period...........................................................................................................................................................................43
GENERAL POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 43
Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files ................................................................................................................43
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
Domestic/Sexual Violence Leave ........................................................................................................................................44
Jury Duty Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................44
Voting Leave .......................................................................................................................................................................45
SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 45
Workplace Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................45
MINNESOTA POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 46
HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES.............................................................................................................. 46
Disability Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................46
EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy........................................................................................................................46
Religious Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................48
WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 48
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers ................................................................................................................................48
Meal and Rest Periods ........................................................................................................................................................49
Pay Period...........................................................................................................................................................................49
Wage Disclosure Protection ................................................................................................................................................49
GENERAL POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files ................................................................................................................49
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
Bone Marrow Donation Leave .............................................................................................................................................50
Jury Duty Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................50

Leave for Victims of Harassment or Domestic Violence ......................................................................................................50
Pregnancy and Parenting Leave .........................................................................................................................................51
School Conference and Activities Leave .............................................................................................................................52
Sick and Safety Leave.........................................................................................................................................................53
Victim and Witness Leave ...................................................................................................................................................53
Voting Leave .......................................................................................................................................................................54
SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 54
Workplace Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................54
NEW YORK POLICIES ............................................................................................................................................. 55
HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES.............................................................................................................. 55
Disability Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................55
EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy........................................................................................................................55
Religious Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................58
Sexual Harassment Prevention ...........................................................................................................................................58
WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 65
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers ................................................................................................................................65
Meal Periods .......................................................................................................................................................................65
Pay Period...........................................................................................................................................................................66
Wage Disclosure Protection ................................................................................................................................................66
GENERAL POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files ................................................................................................................66
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................. 67
Accommodations for Victims of Domestic Violence ............................................................................................................67
Blood and Bone Marrow Donation Leave ............................................................................................................................68
COVID-19 Leave Benefits ...................................................................................................................................................68
COVID-19 Vaccination Leave .............................................................................................................................................69
Crime Victim and Witness Leave ........................................................................................................................................69
Disability Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................70
Emergency Services Leave.................................................................................................................................................70
Jury Duty Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................70
Military Spouse Leave .........................................................................................................................................................71
Paid Family Leave ...............................................................................................................................................................71
Paid Sick Leave (Accrual Method) ......................................................................................................................................73
Voting Leave .......................................................................................................................................................................74
SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 75
Workplace Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................75
OHIO POLICIES ....................................................................................................................................................... 76
HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES.............................................................................................................. 76
Disability Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................76
EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy........................................................................................................................76
Religious Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................78
WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 78
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers ................................................................................................................................78
Meal and Rest Periods ........................................................................................................................................................79
Pay Period...........................................................................................................................................................................79
GENERAL POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files ................................................................................................................79
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................. 80
Crime Victim and Witness Leave ........................................................................................................................................80
Jury Duty Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................80
Military Family Leave...........................................................................................................................................................80
Voting Leave .......................................................................................................................................................................81
SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 81
Workplace Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................81
TENNESSEE POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 82
HIRING AND ORIENTATION POLICIES.............................................................................................................. 82
Disability Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................82
EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy........................................................................................................................82
Religious Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................................84
Workplace Bullying ..............................................................................................................................................................84
WAGE AND HOUR POLICIES ............................................................................................................................. 87
Accommodations for Nursing Mothers ................................................................................................................................87
Meal and Rest Periods ........................................................................................................................................................87
Pay Period...........................................................................................................................................................................87

GENERAL POLICIES ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files ................................................................................................................88
BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................................. 88
Jury Duty Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................88
Volunteer Firefighter Leave .................................................................................................................................................88
Volunteer Rescue Squad Member Leave............................................................................................................................88
Voting Leave .......................................................................................................................................................................89
SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................................... 89
Workplace Smoking ............................................................................................................................................................89
CLOSING STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 90
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT AND REVIEW ............................................................................................... 91

Core Policies

1.0 Welcome

1.1 A Welcome Policy

Welcome! You have just joined a dedicated organization. We hope that your employment with Hampton
Golf, Inc. will be rewarding and challenging. We take pride in our team members as well as in the products
and services we provide.

The Company complies with all federal and state employment laws, and this handbook generally reflects
those laws. The Company also complies with any applicable local laws, although there may not be an
express written policy regarding those laws contained in the handbook.

The employment policies and/or benefits summaries in this handbook are written for all team members.
When questions arise concerning the interpretation of these policies as they relate to team members who
are covered by a collective-bargaining agreement, the answers will be determined by reference to the
actual union contract, rather than the summaries contained in this handbook.

Please take the time now to read this handbook carefully. Sign the acknowledgment at the end to show that
you have read, understood, and agree to the contents of this handbook, which sets out the basic rules and
guidelines concerning your employment. This handbook supersedes any previously issued handbooks or
policy statements dealing with the subjects discussed herein. The Company reserves the right to interpret,
modify, or supplement the provisions of this handbook at any time. Neither this handbook nor any other
communication by a management representative or other, whether oral or written, is intended in any way to
create a contract of employment. Please understand that no Team Member handbook can address every
situation in the work place.

If you have questions about your employment or any provisions in this handbook, contact Human

We wish you success in your employment here at Hampton Golf, Inc.!

All the best,

MG Orender, President & Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer

Hampton Golf, Inc.

1.2 At-Will Employment (PEO)

Your employment with Hampton Golf, Inc. is on an "at-will" basis. This means your employment may be
terminated at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. Likewise, we respect your right to
leave the Company at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause.

Nothing in this handbook or any other Company document should be understood as creating a contract,
guaranteed or continued employment, a right to termination only "for cause," or any other guarantee of
continued benefits or employment. Only the President has the authority to make promises or negotiate with
regard to guaranteed or continued employment, and any such promises are only effective if placed in
writing and signed by the President.

If a written contract between you and the Company is inconsistent with this handbook, the written contract
is controlling. However, Paychex Business Solutions is not a party to the contract, and it is not controlling
with respect to Paychex Business Solutions.

Nothing in this handbook will be interpreted, applied, or enforced to interfere with, restrain, or coerce Team
Members in the exercise of their rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

1.3 Important Definitions [For Employers Using a PEO]

Hampton Golf, Inc. has entered into an agreement with Paychex Business Solutions, a professional
employer organization (PEO). Paychex Business Solutions was selected by the company to help Team
Members enjoy the many company benefits offered through this concept.

The term "Company," as used throughout this handbook, refers exclusively to Hampton Golf, Inc., your
worksite employer, who is primarily responsible for directing your day-to-day duties. The terms "we," "us,"
and "our" refer to Hampton Golf, Inc. and not Paychex Business Solutions, unless otherwise stated.

Where this handbook refers to current benefit plans maintained by the Company and/or Paychex Business
Solutions, refer to the actual plan documents and summary plan descriptions if you have specific questions
regarding the benefit plans. Those documents are controlling.

Paychex Business Solutions is not bound by the terms of any contract between team members and the
Company unless it is executed by the PEO.

2.0 Introductory Language and Policies

2.1 About the Company

Hampton Golf is a premier golf course management and development firm providing a wealth of experience
in all aspects of the hospitality industry including golf, food and beverage, agronomy, accounting, amenity
management, marketing, lifestyles, human resources and customer service. The Hampton Golf team
manages facilities throughout the United States and employs more than 2,000 team members, including
more than 40 PGA professionals.

2.2 Culture
The Culture of Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to delivering extraordinary Guest experiences by
continuously investing in Team Members through trust, technology and training programs that support an
authentic environment of inclusivity.

2.3 Vision
The vision of Hampton Golf, Inc. is to transform the industry through relentless learning and reimagination
of the club experience.

2.4 Mission Statement

At Hampton Golf, our mission is to cultivate a dynamic environment for team members to better their lives,
so they can, in turn, provide gracious hospitality to our Guests.

2.5 Guiding Principles
As Hampton Golf Team Members, we hold ourselves accountable for living these Guiding Principles every
day, in everything we do:

 Be Safe: Safety of our Team Members and Guests is our top priority.
 Be Fun: Have fun! Create a fun environment, it's our business!
 Be Present: During every interaction with fellow Team Members and Guests, we are committed to
providing our full attention to their needs.
 Be Positive: Choose your attitude - you can't control the challenges that arise daily, but you can
control how you react. React positively!
 Be Valuable: Be conscious of profitability through intelligent and innovative business practices.

2.6 Ethics Code

Hampton Golf, Inc. will conduct business honestly and ethically wherever operations are maintained. We
strive to improve the quality of our services, products, and operations and will maintain a reputation for
honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust, and sound business judgment. Our managers and
team members are expected to adhere to high standards of business and personal integrity as a
representation of our business practices, at all times consistent with their duty of loyalty to the Company.

We expect that officers, directors, and team members will not knowingly misrepresent the Company and
will not speak on behalf of the Company unless specifically authorized. The confidentiality of trade secrets,
proprietary information, and similar confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales
records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer lists, patents,
trademarks, etc.) about the Company or operations, or that of our customers or partners, is to be treated
with discretion and only disseminated on a need-to-know basis (see policies relating to privacy).

Violation of the Code of Ethics can result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment. The
degree of discipline imposed may be influenced by the existence of voluntary disclosure of any ethical
violation and whether or not the violator cooperated in any subsequent investigation.

2.7 Revisions to Handbook

This handbook is our attempt to keep you informed of the terms and conditions of your employment,
including Hampton Golf, Inc. policies and procedures. The handbook is not a contract. The Company
reserves the right to revise, add, or delete from this handbook as we determine to be in our best interest,
except the policy concerning at-will employment. When changes are made to the policies and guidelines
contained herein, we will endeavor to communicate them in a timely fashion, typically in a written
supplement to the handbook or in a posting on company bulletin boards.

3.0 Hiring and Orientation Policies

3.1 Categories of Employment

INTRODUCTORY PERIOD: Full-time and part-time team members are on an introductory period during
their first 90 days of employment.

During this time, you will be able to determine if your new job is suitable for you and your supervisor will
have an opportunity to evaluate your work performance. However, you are an at-will team member and
continued employment either during or after the introductory period is not guaranteed.

FULL-TIME team members regularly work at least a 30-hour workweek.

PART-TIME team members work less than 30 hours each week.

SEASONAL team members perform a job for a specified time, normally less than one year.

In addition to the preceding categories, team members are also categorized as "exempt" or "non-exempt."

NON-EXEMPT team members are entitled to overtime pay as required by applicable federal and state law.

EXEMPT team members- pursuant to applicable federal and state laws, exempt team members are not
entitled to overtime pay, and are not subject to certain deductions to their salary under Hampton Golf's

Upon hire, your supervisor will notify you of your employment classifications.

3.2 Certification, Licensing and Other Requirements

You will be informed by your supervisor if there are any licensing, certification or testing requirements for
your job. Failure to qualify or to maintain a certification or license may be sufficient cause for discharge.

3.3 Conflicts of Interest

Hampton Golf, Inc. is concerned with conflicts of interest that create actual or potential job-related
concerns, especially in the areas of confidentiality, customer relations, safety, security, and morale. If there
is any actual or potential conflict of interest between you and a competitor, supplier, distributor, or
contractor to the Company, you must disclose it to your Supervisor. If an actual or potential conflict of
interest is determined to exist, the Company will take such steps as it deems necessary to reduce or
eliminate this conflict.

3.4 Employment of Relatives and Friends

Management may not hire or supervise an individual if that individual is a member of their immediate family.
The term "immediate family" refers to parents, children, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews or other family
members residing in the same household.

In the case of marriage or persons within the same department, an effort will be made to assign
comparable job duties so as to minimize problems of supervision, safety, security and morale.

3.5 Job Descriptions

Hampton Golf, Inc. attempts to maintain a job description for each position. If you do not have a current
copy of your job description, you should request one from your Supervisor.

Job descriptions prepared by the Company serve as an outline only. Due to business needs, you may be
required to perform job duties that are not within your written job description. Furthermore, the Company
may have to revise, add to, or delete from your job duties per business needs. On occasion, the Company
may need to revise job descriptions with or without advance notice to team members.

If you have any questions regarding your job description or the scope of your duties, please speak with
your Supervisor.

3.6 New Hires and Introductory Periods

The first 90 days of your employment is considered an introductory period. During this period, you will
become familiar with Hampton Golf, Inc. and your job responsibilities, and we will have the opportunity to
monitor the quality and value of your performance and make any necessary adjustments in your job
description or responsibilities. Your introductory period with the Company can be shortened or lengthened
as deemed appropriate by management and Human Resources. Completion of this introductory period

does not imply guaranteed or continued employment. Nothing that occurs during or after this period should
be construed to change the nature of the "at-will" employment relationship.

3.7 Posting of Openings

Hampton Golf, Inc. desires to promote qualified team members from within where it believes that is
possible, consistent with the need to assure that all positions are staffed by highly competent individuals.
New job openings generally will be posted on the bulletin board, as well as on our Internet site.

3.8 Training Program

Training will be delivered in a number of ways to include on an individual basis by your General Manager
and Supervisor along with digitally presented by Hampton Golf. Even if you have had previous experience
in the specified functions of your job duties, it is necessary for you to learn our specific procedures, as well
as the responsibilities of the specific position. If you ever feel you require additional training, consult your

3.9 Employment Authorization Verification

New hires will be required to complete Section 1 of federal Form I-9 on or before the first day of paid
employment and must present acceptable documents authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services proving identity and employment authorization no later than the third business day following the
start of employment with Hampton Golf, Inc.. If you are currently employed and have not complied with this
requirement or if your status has changed, inform your Supervisor.

If you are authorized to work in this country for a limited period of time, you will be required to submit proof
of renewed employment eligibility prior to expiration of that period to remain employed by the Company.

4.0 Wage and Hour Policies

4.1 Attendance
If you know ahead of time that you will be absent or late, provide reasonable advance notice to your
Supervisor. You may be required to provide documentation of any medical or other excuse for being absent
or late where permitted by applicable law.

Hampton Golf, Inc. reserves the right to apply unused vacation, sick time, or other paid time off to
unauthorized absences where permitted by applicable law. Absences resulting from approved leave,
vacation, or legal requirements are exceptions to the policy.

4.2 Direct Deposit

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages all team members to enroll in direct deposit. If you would like to take
advantage of direct deposit, ask your supervisor for an application form. Typically, the bank will begin the
direct deposit of your payroll within 7 calendar days after you submit your completed application.

If you have selected the direct deposit payroll service, a written explanation of your deductions will be given
to you on paydays described in the preceding sections in lieu of a check.

4.3 Job Abandonment

If you fail to show up for work or fail to call in with an acceptable reason for the absence for a period of two
consecutive days, you will be considered to have abandoned your job and voluntarily resigned from
Hampton Golf, Inc.

4.4 Paycheck Deductions
Hampton Golf, Inc. is required by law to make certain deductions from your pay each pay period, including
deductions for federal income tax, Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes, and any other deductions
required under law or by court order for wage garnishments. The amount of your tax deductions will depend
on your earnings and the information you list on your federal Form W-4 and applicable state withholding
form. Permissible deductions for exempt team members may also include, but are not limited to, deductions
for full-day absences for reasons other than sickness or disability and certain disciplinary suspensions. You
may also authorize certain voluntary deductions from your paycheck where permissible under state law.
Your deductions will be reflected in your wage statement. If you have any questions about deductions from
your pay, contact your Supervisor.

The Company will not make deductions to your pay that are prohibited by federal, state, or local law.
Review your paycheck for errors each pay period and immediately report any discrepancies to your

You will be reimbursed in full for any isolated, inadvertent, or improper deductions, as defined by law. If an
error is found, you will receive an immediate adjustment, which will be paid no later than your next regular

The Company will not retaliate against Team Members who report erroneous deductions in accordance
with this policy.

4.5 Recording Time

Hampton Golf, Inc. is required by applicable federal, state, and local laws to keep accurate records of
hours worked by certain team members. To ensure that the Company has complete and accurate time
records and that team members are paid for all hours worked, nonexempt team members are required to
record all working time using Company timecards. Exempt team members may also be required to track
days or time worked. Speak with your Supervisor for specific instructions.

You must accurately record all of your time to ensure you are paid for all hours worked and must follow
established Company procedures for recording your hours worked. Time must be recorded as follows:

 Immediately before starting your shift.

 Immediately after finishing work, before your meal period.
 Immediately before resuming work, after your meal period.
 Immediately after finishing work.
 Immediately before and after any other time away from work.

Time cards are to be turned in to your Supervisor at the end of each workweek.

If you are required to clock in, you should clock in no more than fifteen minutes ahead of your start time and
clock out no later than fifteen minutes after your quitting time.

Notify your Supervisor or Human Resources of any pay discrepancies, unrecorded or misrecorded work
hours, or any involuntarily missed meal or break periods.

Falsifying time entries is strictly prohibited. Falsifying time entries includes working "off the clock." If you
falsify your own time records, or the time records of co-workers, or if you work off the clock, you will be
subject to discipline up to and including termination. Immediately report to your Supervisor any Team
Member, supervisor, or manager who falsifies your time entries or encourages or requires you to falsify
your time entries or work off the clock.

4.6 Tip Reporting

Tips are considered part of your wages. By providing excellent service to our guests, tips may substantially
increase one's income.
Tips are a part of taxable income -- almost like receiving a paycheck every shift worked. Applicable law
requires you to report all of your tip income. Because no taxes are withheld from this cash, the appropriate
tax amount will be withheld from the earnings received on your paycheck. This means that federal income
tax, state and local income tax (where applicable), Social Security (FICA) tax, and all other taxes mandated
by law will be withheld from the total amount that you earned in the pay period, plus reported tips.

Team members who work in tipped positions may be paid an hourly rate in accordance with applicable

5.0 Performance, Discipline, Layoff, and Termination

5.1 Disciplinary Process

Violation of Hampton Golf, Inc. policies or procedures may result in disciplinary action including demotion,
transfer, leave without pay, or termination of employment. The Company encourages a three-step system
of progressive discipline depending on the type of prohibited conduct. However, the Company is not
required to engage in progressive discipline and may discipline or terminate team members who violate the
rules of conduct, or where the quality or value of their work fails to meet expectations at any time. Again,
any attempt at progressive discipline does not imply that your employment is anything other than on an "at-
will" basis.

In appropriate circumstances, management will first provide you with a verbal warning, then with one or
more written warnings, and if the conduct is not sufficiently altered, eventual demotion, transfer, forced
leave, or termination of employment. Your Supervisor will make every effort possible to allow you to
respond to any disciplinary action taken. Understand that while the Company is concerned with consistent
enforcement of our policies, we are not obligated to follow any disciplinary or grievance procedure and that
depending on the circumstances, you may be disciplined or terminated without any prior warning or

5.2 Criminal Activity/Arrests

Hampton Golf, Inc. will report all criminal activity in accordance with applicable law. Involvement in criminal
activity while employed by the Company, whether on or off Company property, may result in disciplinary
action including suspension or termination of employment.

You are expected to be on the job, ready to work, when scheduled. Inability to report to work as scheduled
may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, for violation of an
attendance policy or job abandonment.

5.3 Exit Interview

You may be asked to participate in an exit interview when you leave Hampton Golf, Inc.. The purpose of
the exit interview is to provide management with greater insight into your decision to leave employment;
identify any trends requiring attention or opportunities for improvement; and to assist the Company in
developing effective recruitment and retention strategies. Your cooperation in the exit interview process is

5.4 Open Door/Conflict Resolution Process

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a comfortable, productive, legal, and ethical work environment. To this
end, we want you to bring any problems, concerns, or grievances you have about the workplace to the
attention of your Supervisor and, if necessary, to Human Resources or upper level management. To help
manage conflict resolution we have instituted the following problem solving procedure:

If you believe there is inappropriate conduct or activity on the part of the Company, management, its team
members, vendors, customers, or any other persons or entities related to the Company, bring your
concerns to the attention of your Supervisor at a time and place that will allow the person to properly listen
to your concern. Most problems can be resolved informally through dialogue between you and your
immediate Supervisor.

If you have already brought this matter to the attention of your Supervisor before and do not believe you
have received a sufficient response, or if you believe that person is the source of the problem, present your
concerns to the Manager of your Facility. Be prepared to describe the problem, those persons involved in
the problem, efforts you have made to resolve the problem, and any suggested solution you may have.

Finally, if you still believe that your problem has not been fairly or fully addressed, request a meeting with
the Regional Manager.

Your suggestions and comments on any subject are important, and we encourage you to take every
opportunity to discuss them with us. Your job will not be adversely affected in any way because you
choose to use this procedure.

If at any time you do not feel comfortable speaking with your supervisor or the next level of management,
discuss your concern with any other member of management with whom you feel comfortable.

5.5 Outside Employment

Outside employment that creates a conflict of interest or that affects the quality or value of your work
performance or availability at Hampton Golf, Inc. is prohibited. The Company recognizes that you may seek
additional employment during off hours, but in all cases expects that any outside employment will not affect
your attendance, job performance, productivity, work hours, or scheduling, or would otherwise adversely
affect your ability to effectively perform your duties or in any way create a conflict of interest. Any outside
employment that will conflict with your duties and obligations to the Company should be reported to your
Supervisor. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination.

5.6 Performance Improvement

Hampton Golf, Inc. will make efforts to periodically review your work performance.

After 30 days, you will engage in an informal feedback session with your supervisor to discuss your training
and progress. Upon completion of the introductory period your supervisor will complete a more structured
review of your performance. A formal performance review will then be conducted annually, or as business
needs dictate. You may specifically request that your Supervisor assist you in developing a performance
improvement plan at any time.

The performance improvement process is a means for increasing the quality and value of your work
performance. Your initiative, effort, attitude, job knowledge, and other factors will be addressed. You must
understand that a positive job performance review does not guarantee a pay raise or continued
employment. Pay raises and promotions are based on numerous factors, only one of which is job

5.7 Post-Employment References

Hampton Golf, Inc. policy is to confirm dates of employment and job title only. With written authorization,
the Company will confirm compensation. Forward any requests for employment verification to the Human
Resources department.

5.8 Promotions
To match you with the job for which you are best suited and to meet the business needs of Hampton Golf,
Inc., you may be transferred from your current job. It is our policy to promote from within only when the

most qualified candidate is available. Promotions are made on an equal opportunity basis according to
team members possessing the needed skills, education, experience, and other qualifications that are
required for the job.

All team members promoted into new job positions will undergo an introductory period as described in the
New Hires and Introductory Periods policy. Unlike new hires, however, such Team Members will continue
to receive Company benefits for which they are eligible.

5.9 Resignation Policy

Hampton Golf, Inc. hopes that your employment with the Company will be a mutually rewarding experience;
however, the Company acknowledges that varying circumstances can cause you to resign employment.
The Company intends to handle any resignation in a professional manner with minimal disruption to the


The Company requests that you provide a minimum of two weeks' notice of your resignation. If you are a
Supervisor or in a key position, we kindly ask for an additional week or two weeks' notice. Your
thoughtfulness is appreciated and will be noted favorable should you ever wish to reapply for employment
with Hampton Golf. Provide a written resignation letter to your Supervisor. If you provide less notice than
requested, the Company may deem you to be ineligible for rehire, depending on the circumstances of the
notice given.

The Company reserves the right to provide you with pay in lieu of notice in situations where job or business
needs warrant.

Team members who are rehired following a break in service in excess of 90 days, other than an approved
leave of absence, must serve a new initial introductory period whether or not such a period was previously
completed. Such team members are considered new team members from the effective date of their
reemployment for all purposes, including the purposes of measuring benefits.

Final Pay

The Company will pay separated team members in accordance with applicable laws and other sections of
this handbook.

Notify the Company if your address changes during the calendar year in which resignation occurs to ensure
tax information is sent to the correct address.

Return of Property

Return all Company property at the time of separation, including uniforms, cellphones, keys, tools, laptops,
credit cards, and identification cards. Failure to return some items may result in deductions from your final
paycheck where state law allows. In some circumstances, the Company may pursue criminal charges for
failure to return Company property.

5.10 Standards of Conduct

Hampton Golf, Inc. wishes to create a work environment that promotes job satisfaction, respect,
responsibility, integrity, and value for all our team members, clients, customers, and other stakeholders. We
all share in the responsibility of improving the quality of our work environment. By deciding to work here,
you agree to follow our rules.

While it is impossible to list everything that could be considered misconduct in the workplace, what is
outlined here is a list of common-sense infractions that could result in discipline, up to and including
immediate termination of employment. This policy is not intended to limit our right to discipline or discharge
team members for any reason permitted by law.
Examples of inappropriate conduct include:

• Violation of the policies and procedures set forth in this handbook.

• Acting in an unprofessional manner towards a Member, Guest or visitor of Hampton Golf.
• Possessing, using, distributing, selling, or negotiating the sale of illegal drugs or other controlled
• Being under the influence of alcohol during working hours on Company property (including in
Company vehicles), or on Company business.
• Inaccurate reporting of the hours worked by you or any other team members.
• Providing knowingly inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information when speaking on behalf of
the Company or in the preparation of any employment-related documents including, but not limited
to, job applications, personnel files, employment review documents, intra-company communications,
or expense records.
• Taking or destroying Company, Team Member or guest property.
• Unauthorized use of Hampton Golf's Equipment, time, materials or facilities.
• Possession of potentially hazardous or dangerous property (where not permitted) such as firearms,
weapons, chemicals, etc., without prior authorization.
• Fighting with, or harassment of (as defined in our EEO policy), any fellow Team Member, vendor, or
• Disclosure of Company trade secrets and proprietary and confidential commercially-sensitive
information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product
development information, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) of the Company or its customers,
contractors, suppliers, or vendors.
• Refusal or failure to follow directions or to perform a requested or required job task.
• Refusal or failure to follow safety rules and procedures.
• Excessive tardiness, absences or sleeping on the job.
• Smoking in non-designated areas.
• Working unauthorized overtime.
• Solicitation of fellow Team Members on Company premises during working hours.
• Failure to dress according to Company policy.
• Use of obscene or harassing (as defined by our EEO policy) language in the workplace.
• Engaging in outside employment that interferes with your ability to perform your job at this Company.
• Gambling on Company premises.
• Lending keys or keycards to Company property to unauthorized persons.
Nothing in this policy is intended to limit your rights under the National Labor Relations Act, or to modify the
at-will employment status where at-will is not prohibited by state law.
5.11 Transfers
Hampton Golf, Inc. may transfer your employment from one position to another with or without notice, as
required by production or service needs, or upon request by you and with management approval. Transfers
in excess of 90 days may be considered final and your paycheck may be increased or decreased
consistent with the pay scale for your new position.

6.0 General Policies

6.1 Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications

This policy contains guidelines for electronic communications created, sent, received, used, transmitted, or
stored using Hampton Golf's communication systems or equipment and team member provided systems or
equipment used either in the workplace, during working time or to accomplish work tasks. "Electronic
communications" include, among other things, messages, images, text data or any other information used
in e-mail, instant messages, text messages, voice mail, fax machines, computers, personal digital
assistants (including Blackberry, iPhone, iPad or similar devices), pagers, telephones, cellular and mobile
phones including those with cameras, Intranet, Internet, back-up storage, information on a memory or flash
key or card, jump or zip drive or any other type of internal or external removable storage drives. In the
remainder of this policy, all of these communication devices are collectively referred to as "systems."

Acceptable Uses of Our Systems: Team members may use our systems to communicate internally with co-
workers or externally with Members and Guests and other business acquaintances for business purposes.

Hampton Golf Control of Systems and Electronic Communications: All electronic communications
contained in Hampton Golf systems are Hampton Golf records and/or property. Although a team member
may have an individual password to access our systems, the systems and communications belong to
Hampton Golf. The systems and electronic communications are accessible to Hampton Golf at all times
including periodic unannounced inspections. Our systems and electronic communications are subject to
use, access, monitoring, review, recording and disclosure without further notice. Team member
communications on our system are not confidential or private.

Hampton Golf's right to use, access, monitor, record and disclose electronic communications without further
notice applies equally to team member-provided systems or equipment used in the workplace, during
working time, or to accomplish work tasks.

Personal Use of Our Systems: Personal communications in our systems are treated the same as all other
electronic communications and will be used, accessed, recorded, monitored, and disclosed by Hampton
Golf at any time without further notice. Since all electronic communications and systems can be accessed
without advance notice, team members should not use our systems for communication or information that
team members would not want revealed to third parties. Personal use of our system should be limited to
non-working time. Personal use of our system must be conducted in such a manner that it does not affect
smooth system operation or use a disproportional amount of the system's functional capacity.

Proprietary Business Information: Proprietary business information means confidential and proprietary
information related to Hampton Golf's trade secrets, business models, business services, sales
agreements, pricing information, drawings, designs, blue prints, manufacturing processes, Members and
Guest lists, inventions, recipes, formulas, vendor agreements, patient records, strategic business or
marketing plans, expansion plans, contracts, non-public financial performance information and other
information that derives economic value by being protected from public consumption or competitors may
only be used on Hampton Golf systems. Proprietary business information may not be downloaded, saved,
or sent to a personal laptop, personal storage device, or personal email account under any circumstances
without advance written approval from a member of management. Proprietary business information does
not restrict team member rights to discuss their wages, hours or other terms of employment.

Prohibited Uses of Our Systems: Team members may not use Hampton Golf systems in a manner that is
unlawful, wasteful of Hampton Golf resources, or unreasonably compromises team member productivity or
the overall integrity or stability of Hampton Golf's systems. These tools are provided to assist
team members with the execution of their job duties and should not be abused. Examples of prohibited
uses include, among other things, sexually explicit messages, images, cartoons, or jokes; propositions or
love letters; ethnic or racial slurs; or any other message or image that may be in violation of Hampton Golf

In addition, team members may not use our Hampton Golf systems:

 To download, save, send or access any discriminatory, obscene, or malicious or knowingly false
 To download, save, send or access any music, audio or video file unless business related;
 To download anything from the internet (including shareware or free software) without the advance
written permission of your manager;
 To download, save, send or access any site or content that Hampton Golf might deem "adult
 To attempt or to gain unauthorized or unlawful access to computers, equipment, networks, or
systems of Hampton Golf or any other person or entity;
 In connection with any infringement of intellectual property rights, including but not limited to
 In connection with the violation or attempted violation of any law; and
 To transmit proprietary business information or client material such as pricing information or trade

Electronic Forgery: A team member may not misrepresent, disguise, or conceal his or her identity or
another's identity in any way while using electronic communications; make changes to electronic
communications without clearly indicating such changes; or use another person's account, mail box,
password, etc. without prior written approval of the account owner and without identifying the actual author.

Intellectual Property Rights: Team members must always respect intellectual property rights such as
copyrights and trademarks.

System Integrity, Security, and Encryption: All systems passwords and encryption keys must be available
and known to Hampton Golf. You may not install password or encryption programs without the written
permission of your manager. Team members may not use the passwords and encryption keys belonging to

Applicable Laws: Numerous state and federal laws apply to electronic communications. Hampton Golf
complies with applicable laws. Team members also must comply with applicable laws and should recognize
that a team member could be personally liable and/or subject to fine and imprisonment for violation of
applicable laws.

Consequences of Policy Violations: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and
including immediate termination of a team member's employment as well as possible civil liabilities or
criminal prosecution. Where appropriate, Hampton Golf may advise legal officials or appropriate third
parties of policy violations and cooperate with official investigations. We will not, of course, retaliate against
anyone who reports possible policy violations or assists with investigations.

If you have questions about the acceptable use of our systems or the content of electronic communications,
ask your manager for advance clarification.

6.2 Authorization for Use of Personal Vehicle

All team members required to operate a motor vehicle as part of their employment duties must maintain a
valid driver's license, acceptable driving record, and appropriate insurance coverage. Hampton Golf, Inc.
may run a motor vehicle department check to determine your driving record. It is your responsibility to
provide a copy of your current driver's license and insurance coverage for your personnel file. Any changes
in your driving record, including, but not limited to, driving infractions or changes to your insurance policy,
must be reported to the Company.

If you use your personal vehicle in the course and scope of employment, you may not operate such vehicle

1. Under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other substance that might impair your judgment or
ability to drive; or
2. Texting, emailing, or otherwise using a cell phone or other handheld device without utilizing a
hands-free device.

6.3 Bulletin Boards

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains an official bulletin board for providing team members with official Company
notices, including wage and hour laws, changes in policies, and other employment-related notices. At times
the Company may also post information of general interest to team members on the bulletin board. You are
responsible for being informed about this material by periodically reviewing the bulletin board. Only
authorized personnel may add and remove notices from the bulletin board.

6.4 Care of Equipment
You are expected to demonstrate proper care when using Hampton Golf's property and equipment. No
property may be removed from the premises without the proper authorization of management. If you lose,
break or damage any property, report it to your Manager at one.

6.5 Computer Security and Copying of Software

Software programs purchased and provided by Hampton Golf, Inc. are to be used only for creating,
researching, and processing materials for Company use. By using Company hardware, software, and
networking systems you assume personal responsibility for their use and agree to comply with this policy
and other applicable Company policies, as well as city, state, and federal laws and regulations.

All software acquired for or on behalf of the Company, or developed by Company team members or
contract personnel on behalf of the Company, is and will be deemed Company property. It is the policy of
the Company to respect all computer software rights and to adhere to the terms of all software licenses to
which the Company is a party. The Director of Information Systems is responsible for enforcing these

You may not illegally duplicate any licensed software or related documentation. Unauthorized duplication of
software may subject you and/or the Company to both civil and criminal penalties under the United States
Copyright Act. To purchase software, obtain your manager's approval. All software acquired by the
Company must be purchased through the Information Systems department.

You may not duplicate, copy, or give software to any outsiders including clients, contractors, customers,
and others. You may use software on local area networks or on multiple machines only in accordance with
applicable license agreements entered into by the Company.

6.6 Conflict Of Interest/Code Of Ethics

Hampton Golf's reputation for integrity is its most valuable asset and is directly related to the conduct of its
officers and other team members. Therefore, team members must never use their positions with Hampton
Golf, or any of its Members and Guests, for private gain, to advance personal interests or to obtain favors
or benefits for themselves, members or their families or any other individuals, corporations or business

Hampton Golf adheres to the highest legal and ethical standards applicable in our business. Hampton
Golf's business is conducted in strict observance of both the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and the
integrity of each team member is of utmost importance.

Team members of Hampton Golf shall conduct their personal affairs such that their duties and
responsibilities to Hampton Golf are not jeopardized and/or legal questions do not arise with respect to their
association or work with Hampton Golf.

6.7 Driving Record

All team members required to operate a motor vehicle as part of their employment duties at Hampton Golf,
Inc. must maintain a valid driver's license and acceptable driving record. The Company may run a motor
vehicle department check to determine your driving record. It is your responsibility to provide a copy of your
current driver's license for your personnel file. Any changes in your driving record, including but not limited
to driving infractions, must be reported to the Company.

State law requires all motorists to carry auto liability insurance. It is against the law to drive without
insurance. If you use your own vehicle as a part of your employment duties, you must provide management
with a current proof of insurance statement or card. New proof of insurance is required every time your
policy expires and renews.

6.8 Employer Sponsored Social Events
Hampton Golf, Inc. holds periodic social events for team members. Be advised that your attendance at
these events is voluntary and does not constitute part of your work-related duties. Any exceptions to this
policy must be in writing and signed by a Supervisor prior to the event.

6.9 Employer-Provided Cell Phones/Mobile Devices

Hampton Golf, Inc. may issue certain team members a Company cell phone/mobile device for work-related
communications and/or operations. If you drive a vehicle during your employment, you may not use any cell
phone/mobile device or other communication device while driving unless the device is equipped or
configured with a "hands-free" listening/speaking option, and you in fact utilize the hands-free device.

We understand that you may use the cell phone/mobile device for personal use; however, such personal
use should not exceed the plan allowance. When the cell phone/mobile device is used for personal reasons
and the activity results in additional cost to the Company, you are responsible for the cost of that usage,
including all applicable taxes unless prohibited by law.

The Company owns and remains entitled to all cell phone/mobile devices issued to team members,
including all passwords controlling access to them. You may not change those passwords except with
permission. At the time of employment termination, all such equipment and passwords must be returned to
the Company in operable condition.

Violation of this policy may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment.

6.10 Mail Use

You are required to limit usage of the Hampton Golf, Inc. mail service to business purposes only. You may
not use the Company address to receive personal mail. Do not use the Company postage meter for your
personal mail. Report any suspicious packages or envelopes to your Supervisor immediately.

6.11 Members and Guests and Public Relations

Hampton Golf's reputation is built on excellent service and quality work. To maintain this reputation
requires the active participation of every team member.

The opinions and attitudes that Members and Guests have toward Hampton Golf may be determined for a
long period of time by the actions of one team member. It is sometimes easy to take our Members and
Guests for granted, but if we do we run the risk of losing not only that Member or Guest, but his or her
associates, friends or family who may also be Members and Guests or prospective Members and Guests.

Each team member must be sensitive to the importance of providing courteous treatment in all working

6.12 Name Badge

You will be issued a name badge within the first 30 days of employment. It must be worn where it can be
seen at all times when you are working.

6.13 Nonsolicitation/Nondistribution Policy

To avoid disruption of business operations or disturbance of team members, visitors, and others, Hampton
Golf, Inc. has implemented a Nonsolicitation/Nondistribution Policy. For purposes of this policy, "solicitation"
includes, but is not limited to, selling items or services, requesting contributions, and soliciting or seeking to
obtain membership in or support for any organization. Solicitation performed through verbal, written, or
electronic means is covered by the Nonsolicitation/Nondistribution Policy.
You are prohibited from soliciting other team members during your assigned working time. For this
purpose, working time means time during which either you or the team members who are the object of the
solicitation are expected to be actively engaged with assigned work. You may conduct solicitations during
your lunch period, coffee breaks, or other authorized nonworking time, so long as you do so when the other
team members are also on nonworking time.

To avoid inappropriate litter, clutter, and safety risks, you may not distribute literature or other items that are
not work related in working areas at any time. Working areas do not include break/rest areas, lunchrooms,
or parking lots. Electronic distribution of materials is prohibited during work time. Literature that violates the
company's equal employment opportunity (EEO) and nonharassment policies (including threats of
violence), or is knowingly and recklessly false, is never permitted. Non-employees are not permitted to
distribute materials on company premises at any time.

This policy is not intended to restrict the statutory rights of team members, including the right to discuss
terms and conditions of employment.

Violations of this policy should be reported to your Supervisor.

6.14 Payroll Advances and Loans

Hampton Golf, Inc. discourages team member requests for payroll advances or loans. If you need an
advance or loan against your paycheck for emergency reasons, consult with your Supervisor.

Before the Company will agree to advance wages or loan money, you will be required to fill out a
promissory note acknowledging the advance or loan and setting forth the terms for repayment, including
any interest. You will also be required to authorize in writing deductions for repayment directly from future
paychecks and to pay the full amount of the advance or loan upon termination of employment as permitted
by applicable law.

6.15 Personal Appearance

Your personal appearance reflects on the reputation, integrity, and public image of Hampton Golf, Inc.. All
team members are required to report to work neatly groomed and dressed. You are expected to maintain
personal hygiene habits that are generally accepted in the community, including clean clothing, good
grooming and personal hygiene, and appropriate attire for the workplace and the work being performed.
This may include wearing uniforms or protective safety clothing and equipment, depending upon the job.
Use common sense and good judgment in determining what to wear to work.

Fragrant products, including but not limited to perfumes, colognes, and scented body lotions or hair
products, should be used in moderation out of concern for others with sensitivities or allergies.

The Company, in accordance with applicable law, will reasonably accommodate team members with
disabilities or religious beliefs that make it difficult for them to comply fully with the personal appearance
policy unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the Company. Contact your Supervisor to
request a reasonable accommodation.

Failure to comply with the personal appearance standards may result in being sent home to groom or
change clothes. Frequent violations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of

6.16 Personal Cell Phone/Mobile Device Use

While Hampton Golf, Inc. permits team members to bring personal cell phones and other mobile devices
(i.e. smart phones, tablets, laptops) into the workplace, you must not allow the use of such devices to
interfere with your job duties or impact workplace safety and health.

Use of personal cell phones and mobile devices at work can be distracting and disruptive and cause a loss
of productivity. Thus, you should primarily use such personal devices during nonworking time, such as
breaks and meal periods. During this time, use devices in a manner that is courteous to those around you.
Outside of nonworking time, use of such devices should be minimal and limited to emergency use only. If
you have a device that has a camera and/or audio/video recording capability, you are restricted from using
those functions on Company property unless authorized in advance by management or when they are used
in a manner consistent with your right to engage in concerted activity under section 7 of the National Labor
Relations Act (NLRA).

You are expected to comply with Company policies regarding the protection of confidential and proprietary
information when using personal devices.

While operating a vehicle on work time, the Company requires that the driver's personal cell phone/mobile
device be turned off. If you need to make or receive a phone call while driving, pull off the road to a safe
location unless you have the correct hands-free equipment for the device that is in compliance with
applicable state laws.

You may not connect your personal device to the Company network or to Company equipment (computers,
printers, etc.).

You may have the opportunity to use your personal devices for work purposes. Before using a personal
device for work-related purposes, you must obtain written authorization from your supervisor. The use of
personal devices is limited to certain team members and may be limited based on compatibility of

Nothing in this policy is intended to prevent team members from engaging in protected concerted activity
under the NLRA.

You will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for violation of this

6.17 Personal Data Changes

It is your obligation to provide Hampton Golf, Inc. with your current contact information, including current
mailing address and telephone number. Inform the Company of any changes to your marital or tax
withholding status. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits or delayed receipt of W-2 and other
mailings. To make changes to this information utilize Paychex FLEX or contact Human Resources.

6.18 Personal Property

Hampton Golf is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property. Valuable personal items, such as
purses and other valuables should not be left in areas where theft may occur.

6.19 Protecting Hampton Golf's Confidential Information

As a Team Member of Hampton Golf, Team Member will be exposed to, and have access to, Confidential
Information. The term "Confidential Information" includes any information (in written, oral, or electronic
form), whether exclusively owned by Hampton Golf or any of its subsidiaries, or developed for a customer
that is disclosed between the parties, that is conspicuously marked as being confidential, or should have
been reasonably understood to be confidential, including without limitation, trade secrets, business lists,
records and information, actual and prospective customer lists, methods of generating customer leads,
procedures for sales, pricing and marketing, supplier lists, advertising copy and programs, sales reports,
and financial statements, and know- how, ideas and tangible expressions of ideas.

All of Hampton Golf's Confidential Information was developed through substantial investment of time, effort,
and money, and is proprietary to Hampton Golf and it is imperative that Team Member recognize that
Hampton Golf's business interests require a confidential relationship between Hampton Golf and Team
Member and the fullest practical protection and confidential treatment of the Confidential Information. Team
Member must understand that the disclosure of Confidential Information would cause irreparable harm and
damage to Hampton Golf's business. Therefore, Team Member must acknowledge that Team Member has
an obligation of confidentiality which shall exist during Team Member's employment with Hampton Golf,
and it shall continue on after the end of Team Member's employment with Hampton Golf until the date that
all elements of Confidential Information become public knowledge and are no longer proprietary to
Hampton Golf or its subsidiaries. Upon the written request of Hampton Golf, Team Member shall
immediately return to Hampton Golf all materials containing Confidential Information. Team Member shall
also deliver to Hampton Golf written statements signed by Team Member that all materials have been
returned to Hampton Golf within five (5) days of receipt of Hampton Golf's request.

By signing this Team Member Handbook, Team Member is agreeing to treat Confidential Information
acquired through Team Member's employment with Hampton Golf as strictly confidential, and shall not
disclose the same except as authorized in the course of employment or by law, and Team Member
acknowledges that the Confidential Information shall not be altered, copied, interfered with, or destroyed,
except upon authorization and in accordance with the policy of Hampton Golf. Furthermore, Team Member
is agreeing not to discuss the Confidential Information with any party not affiliated with Hampton Golf, nor
will Team Member participate in or permit the release, publication, or disclosure of the Confidential
Information, nor will Team Member copy, photograph, scan, email, distribute or disseminate the
Confidential Information, except as authorized in the course of Team Member's employment or by law.

In the event that Team Member violates any of the provisions relating to Confidential Information above,
Team Member understands and agrees that Hampton Golf is entitled to obtain temporary and permanent
injunctions, specific performance, damages (to the extent, if at all, that they are ascertainable), costs and
reasonable attorneys' fees at all levels. Team Member further agrees by signing this Team Member
Handbook that if Team Member violates any provision of this Confidential Information section, it shall be
conclusively presumed that irreparable harm would result to Hampton Golf and that there may be no
adequate remedy at law.

All telephone calls regarding a current or former Team Member's position/compensation with Hampton Golf
must be forwarded to your Manager.

Hampton Golf's address shall not be used for the receipt of personal mail.

Confidential information does not include information pertaining to the terms and conditions of a team
member's employment, including wages. Nothing in this policy is designed to limit a team member’s rights
under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

6.20 Security
All team members are responsible for helping to make Hampton Golf, Inc. a secure work environment.
Upon leaving work, lock all desks, lockers, and doors protecting valuable or sensitive material in your work
area and report any lost or stolen keys, passes, or similar devices to your Supervisor immediately. Refrain
from discussing specifics regarding Company security systems, alarms, passwords, etc. with those outside
of the Company.

Immediately advise your Supervisor of any known or potential security risks and/or suspicious conduct of
team members, customers, or guests of the Company. Safety and security is the responsibility of all team
members and we rely on you to help us keep our premises secure.

6.21 Social Media

At Hampton Golf, Inc., we recognize the Internet provides unique opportunities to participate in interactive
discussions and share information using a wide variety of social media. However, use of social media also
presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To minimize risks to the Company, you are
expected to follow our guidelines for appropriate use of social media.

This policy applies to all team members who work for the Company.


For purposes of this policy, social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or
content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else's web log or blog, journal or
diary, personal website, social networking or affinity website, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether
associated or affiliated with the Company, as well as any other form of electronic communication.

Company principles, guidelines, and policies apply to online activities just as they apply to other areas of
work. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for what you communicate in social media. You may be
personally responsible for any litigation that may arise should you make unlawful defamatory, slanderous,
or libelous statements against any customer, manager, owner, or team members of the Company.

Know and Follow the Rules

Ensure your postings are consistent with these guidelines. Postings that include unlawful discriminatory
remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or other unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and may
subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Be Respectful

The Company cannot force or mandate respectful and courteous activity by team members on social media
during nonworking time. If you decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs,
video, or audio that reasonably could be viewed as unlawful, slanderous, threatening, or that might
constitute unlawful harassment. Examples of such conduct might include defamatory or slanderous posts
meant to harm someone's reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the
basis of race, sex, disability, age, national origin, religion, veteran status, or any other status or class
protected by law or Company policy. Your personal posts and social media activity should not reflect upon
or refer to the Company.

Maintain Accuracy and Confidentiality

When posting information:

 Maintain the confidentiality of trade secrets, intellectual property, and confidential commercially-
sensitive information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans,
product development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) related to the Company.
 Do not create a link from your personal blog, website, or other social networking site to a Company
website that identifies you as speaking on behalf of the Company.
 Never represent yourself as a spokesperson for the Company. If the Company is a subject of the
content you are creating, do not represent yourself as speaking on behalf of the Company. Make it
clear in your social media activity that you are speaking on your own behalf.
 Respect copyright, trademark, third-party rights, and similar laws and use such protected
information in compliance with applicable legal standards.

Using Social Media at Work

Do not use social media while on your work time, unless it is work related as authorized by your manager
or consistent with policies that cover equipment owned by the Company.

Media Contacts

If you are not authorized to speak on behalf of the Company, do not speak to the media on behalf of the
Company. Direct all media inquiries for official Company responses to Human Resources.

Retaliation and Your Rights

Retaliation or any other negative action is prohibited against anyone who, based on a reasonable belief,
reports a possible deviation from this policy or cooperates in an investigation. Those who retaliate against
others for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject
to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Nothing in this policy is designed to interfere with, restrain, or prevent team members from communications
regarding wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment, or to restrain team members in
exercising any other right protected by law. All team members have the right to engage in or refrain from
such activities.

6.22 Suggestion Policy

At Hampton Golf, Inc., we welcome suggestions for continued improvement and welcome your ideas for
better ways to do your job, produce or sell the products or services of our Company, or meet customer and
client needs. Discuss your ideas with your Supervisor or another member of the management team.

We also encourage you to offer any suggestions derived from seminars, magazines, or other outside
sources of information you believe would add value to the Company.

Understand that any suggestions, innovations, inventions, or other matter created by you on work time or
with Company tools or property are considered to be the property of the Company.

6.23 Telephone Use

Hampton Golf, Inc. phones are principally for work-related communications. Unless there is an emergency,
limit long distance telephone calls to business purposes only. Limit personal use of Company telephones to
brief communications during rest periods where possible. Casual conversation with friends and relatives
during working hours is strongly discouraged. Telephone use is subject to the Use of Company Technology

6.24 Telephone Monitoring

During the course of ordinary business, members of Hampton Golf's management team or their designee
may listen in on business calls to ensure team members are being respectful and responsible to customers,
or for other legitimate business purposes. Business calls may also be monitored for training purposes to
critique customer service skills and provide feedback for job performance as needed. Team members may
be monitored at any time during business calls without notification. Each team member's written consent
will be obtained prior to his/her commencing employment by signing their receipt of this Team Member

In addition, customers will also be notified of possible monitoring. If at any time during the monitoring
process, a personal call is identified, the monitoring will immediately be suspended; however, a continuous
excessive level of non-business-related phone calls is a basis for disciplinary action.

Disclosure of confidential information and any other recordings of conversations in the workplace by team
members without consent on the record by all parties is prohibited. A violation of this policy is a basis for
disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

6.25 Third Party Disclosures

From time to time, Hampton Golf, Inc. may become involved in news stories or potential or actual legal
proceedings of various kinds. When that happens, lawyers, former team members, newspapers, law
enforcement agencies, and other outside persons may contact our team members to obtain information
about the incident or the actual or potential lawsuit.

If you receive such a contact, you should not speak on behalf of the Company and should refer any call

requesting the position of the Company to the President, Executive Vice President or the Vice President of
Marketing. If you have any questions about this policy or are not certain what to do when such a contact is
made, contact your supervisor.

6.26 Use of Company Technology

This policy is intended to provide Hampton Golf, Inc. team members with the guidelines associated with the
use of the Company information technology (IT) resources and communications systems.

This policy governs the use of all IT resources and communications systems owned by or available at the
Company, and all use of such resources and systems when accessed using your own devices, including
but not limited to:

 Email systems and accounts.

 Internet and intranet access.
 Telephones and voicemail systems, including wired and mobile phones, smartphones, and pagers.
 Printers, photocopiers, and scanners.
 Fax machines, e-fax systems, and modems.
 All other associated computer, network, and communications systems, hardware, peripherals, and
software, including network key fobs and other devices.
 Closed-circuit television (CCTV) and all other physical security systems and devices, including
access key cards and fobs.

General Provisions

Company IT resources and communications systems are to be used for business purposes only unless
otherwise permitted under applicable law.

All content maintained in Company IT resources and communications systems are the property of the
Company. Therefore, team members should have no expectation of privacy in any message, file, data,
document, facsimile, telephone conversation, social media post, conversation, or any other kind or form of
information or communication transmitted to, received, or printed from, or stored or recorded on Company
electronic information and communications systems.

The Company reserves the right to monitor, intercept, and/or review all data transmitted, received, or
downloaded over Company IT resources and communications systems in accordance with applicable law.
Any individual who is given access to the system is hereby given notice that the Company will exercise this
right periodically, without prior notice and without prior consent.

The interests of the Company in monitoring and intercepting data include, but are not limited to: protection
of Company trade secrets, proprietary information, and similar confidential commercially-sensitive
information (i.e. financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product
development, customer lists, patents, trademarks, etc.); managing the use of the computer system; and/or
assisting team members in the management of electronic data during periods of absence.

You should not interpret the use of password protection as creating a right or expectation of privacy, nor
should you have a right or expectation of privacy regarding the receipt, transmission, or storage of data on
Company IT resources and communications systems.

Do not use Company IT resources and communications systems for any matter that you would like to be
kept private or confidential.


If you violate this policy, you will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of
employment. If necessary, the Company will also advise law enforcement officials of any illegal conduct.

6.27 Use of Employer Vehicles
Company vehicles are to be used for Hampton Golf, Inc. business only. Unless the use of the vehicle has
been approved for personal use, personal or outside business use is strictly prohibited.

If you drive a Company vehicle, all infractions or violations while driving the vehicle and all restrictions,
suspensions, or revocations against your driver's license must be immediately reported to your Supervisor.

When a Company vehicle cannot be operated, is unsafe for use, or has been damaged, notify your
Supervisor immediately.

As the driver of a Company vehicle, you are responsible for the vehicle while in your charge and must not
permit unauthorized persons to drive it. You are also responsible for the daily housekeeping of the vehicle;
it is to remain clean and uncluttered.

You may not operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a chemical substance or other
substance that can impair judgment. You may not operate a motor vehicle while texting, emailing, or
otherwise using a cell phone or other handheld device without utilizing a hands-free device.

Multiple driving moving violations that appear on the annual state department of motor vehicle check will
result in suspension of rights to drive a Company vehicle or drive a personal vehicle on Company business.
Suspension of rights will continue until one year has passed with no infractions. If there are persistent and
ongoing problems with driving infractions, and driving a vehicle is a part of successful execution of job
responsibilities, you may be terminated.

6.28 Workplace Privacy and Right to Inspect

Hampton Golf, Inc. property, including but not limited to lockers, phones, computers, tablets, desks, work
place areas, vehicles, or machinery, remains under the control of the Company and is subject to inspection
at any time, without notice to any team members, and without their presence.

You should have no expectation of privacy in any of these areas. We assume no responsibility for the loss
of, or damage to, your property maintained on Company premises including that kept in lockers and desks.

7.0 Benefits

7.1 Team Member Benefits

Hampton Golf has developed a comprehensive set of team member benefit programs to supplement our
team member's regular wages. Our benefits represent a hidden value of additional income to our team

This team member handbook describes the current benefit plans maintained by Hampton Golf. Refer to the
actual plan documents and summary plan descriptions if you have specific questions regarding the benefit
plan. Those documents are controlling.

Hampton Golf reserves the right to modify its benefits at any time. We will keep you informed of any

7.2 Holidays
Due to the nature of the golf club industry, team members are expected to work on holidays when clubs are
open for business. The only day when the facility is closed for a holiday is Christmas Day. All full-time non-
exempt eligible team members will receive five paid holidays, which are:

 New Year's Day

 Easter
 Independence Day
 Thanksgiving Day
 Christmas Day

Full-time team members are eligible for paid holidays immediately upon hire.

Non-exempt team members must work their scheduled workday before and after the holiday in order to be
paid for the holiday unless they are absent with prior permission from your supervisor.

7.3 Paid Time Off (PTO)

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides team members with paid time off (PTO). PTO may be used for vacation, sick
time, or other personal matters.


All full-time regular team members are eligible to receive PTO.

Deposits Into Your Leave Account

PTO is calculated according to your work anniversary year.

The amount of PTO received each year is based on your length of service and is granted in a lump sum at
the beginning of each year anniversary year as shown below:

During a team member's first year of employment you'll accrue 1 day of PTO for every 3 months of

 After one full anniversary year, you shall be entitled to five days of paid PTO annually
 After two full anniversary year, you shall be entitled to ten days of PTO annually.
 After five full anniversary years, and each year thereafter, you shall be entitled to fifteen days of
PTO annually.

Leave Usage and Requests for Leave

All PTO requests must be submitted in Paychex Time & Attendance in advance for Manager's approval,
which such approval shall be granted at the discretion of your Manager. No more than two (2) weeks of
consecutive PTO can be taken at one time without special management approval. Length of employment
may, in Hampton Golf's sole discretion, determine priority in scheduling and approval of PTO time.
Hampton Golf will pay each Team Member in accordance with their base pay.

During a Leave of Absence

Hampton Golf, Inc. requires you to use any unused PTO during disability or family medical leave, or any
other leave of absence, where permissible under local, state, and federal law.


You may not carry over unused PTO to the following year nor is PTO pay granted in lieu of taking the
actual time off. Any unused PTO will be forfeited on or about your anniversary date.

Separation of Employment

Payment of unused PTO will be made upon a team member's voluntary termination as long as the team
member provides written notice to Hampton Golf at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the team
member's last day of employment.

7.4 Health Insurance

Hampton Golf, Inc. offers group health insurance benefits to all eligible full-time team members and their
eligible dependents. Team members are eligible to enroll after completing 60 days of employment, then the
first of the following month. Health plan benefits are described in detail in the Summary Plan Description
(SPD), which may be obtained from Human Resources.

Your group health benefits are paid in part by the Company. The remainder of the costs are paid by you
through deductions from your paycheck.

Benefits may be canceled or changed at the discretion of the Company, unless otherwise prohibited by law.

If you or a dependent become ineligible for benefits due to a change in work hours or through a life event,
or you leave employment with us, you may have the right to continue your health benefits under federal or
state law. In such event, the Company will provide you with information about your rights to continue your
benefits coverage.

7.5 Dental Insurance

All regular full-time team members are eligible to enroll into dental insurance after 60 days of employment,
then the first of the following month. Dental plan benefits are described in detail in the Summary Plan
Description (SPD) which may be obtained from Human Resources.

7.6 Vision Care Insurance

All regular full-time team members are eligible to enroll into vision insurance after 60 days of employment,
then the first of the following month. Vision plan benefits are described in detail in the Summary Plan
Description (SPD) which may be obtained from Human Resources.

7.7 Life Insurance

All regular full-time team members are eligible to enroll into life insurance after 60 days of employment,
then the first of the following month. Life insurance plan benefits are described in detail in the Summary
Plan Description (SPD) which may be obtained from Human Resources.

7.8 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides confidential assistance through its employee assistance program (EAP) to all
eligible team members and their family members/dependents. The EAP provides confidential access to
professional counseling services for help with personal concerns that may impact job performance. These
concerns may include, but are not limited to, health, marital, family, financial, legal, emotional, alcohol
abuse, and drug use. The EAP can help assess the problem, offer guidance, and provide a referral to
quality care.

Voluntary participation in the EAP will not jeopardize your opportunities for promotion or employment. You
can contact the EAP directly. Any information about your contact, participation, or any recommended
treatment is confidential and will not be disclosed to the Company.

In certain circumstances, you may be referred to the EAP by your Supervisor due to job performance
EAP services are available to eligible participants without charge; however, the cost of referrals to
treatment or rehabilitation is your responsibility if it is not completely covered by insurance.

EAP services can be initiated by contacting the EAP service provider, ENI, at: 1-800-960-5371 or

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides the opportunity for eligible
Hampton Golf, Inc. team members and their beneficiaries to continue health insurance coverage under the
Company health plan when a "qualifying event" could result in the loss of eligibility. Qualifying events
include resignation, termination of employment, death of a Team Member, reduction in hours, a leave of
absence, divorce or legal separation, entitlement to Medicare, or where a dependent child no longer meets
eligibility requirements.

Contact Human Resources to learn more about your COBRA rights.

7.10 Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides Flexible Spending Account (FSA) benefits for eligible team members. FSAs
provide tax-free reimbursement to team members for health care and/or dependent care expenses that are
not reimbursed by any other insurance or reimbursement program.

A Health Care FSA provides eligible team members the opportunity to pay for medical expenses, on a
pretax basis, that are not reimbursed by an insurance plan. Both the amount you contribute and the amount
you are reimbursed from your Health Care FSA are income tax free.

A Dependent Care FSA provides eligible team members the opportunity to pay for dependent care
expenses for a child, disabled spouse, or dependent parent, on a pretax basis. Both the amount you
contribute and the amount you are reimbursed from your Dependent Care FSA are income tax free.

All regular full-time team members are eligible for the above FSA benefits.

If eligible, you may elect an annual amount to contribute, which will be divided and deducted from your pay
each pay period, and may be used to pay for eligible expenses. Annual elections are limited by established
plan maximums and are subject to applicable IRS forfeiture and rollover provisions.

Contact Human Resources for a copy of the plan summary and for questions about this benefit.

7.11 401(k) Plan

Eligible team members (as determined by the terms of the plan) may participate in the Hampton Golf, Inc.
401(k) plan. Refer to your Summary Plan Description (SPD) for specifics.

Contact your supervisor or Human Resources to find out if you are eligible to participate in the Company
401(k) plan. The Company is required to let you know if you are eligible.

This benefit, as well as other benefits, may be canceled or changed at the discretion of the Company,
unless otherwise required by law.

7.12 Bereavement Leave
Hampton Golf, Inc. recognizes the importance of taking leave when there is a death in the family. Where
bereavement leave is not required by law, the Company will provide bereavement leave as follows:

Full-time team members who have completed their introductory period are eligible for three paid days of
bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member.

For purposes of this policy, immediate family member includes spouses, domestic partners, parents,
brothers, sisters, children, children of domestic partners, grandchildren, grandparents, parents-in-law, and
parents of domestic partners, unless state law provides a greater benefit in which case, we will comply with
the state law.

Full-time team members, who have completed their introductory period are eligible for one paid day to
attend the funeral of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.

You may use accrued but unused paid time off if additional time is needed.

You must provide notice of your need for bereavement leave to your supervisor as far in advance as
possible. The Company may require documentation supporting your need for bereavement leave.

7.13 Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)

In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), Hampton Golf, Inc. provides up to
12 or 26 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period to covered Team Members in certain


To qualify for FMLA leave, you must:

1. Have worked for the Company for at least 12 months, although it need not be consecutive;
2. Worked at least 1,250 hours in the last 12 months; and
3. Be employed at a worksite that has 50 or more employees within 75 miles.

Leave Entitlement

You may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave in a 12-month period for any of the following reasons:

 The birth of a child and in order to care for that child (leave must be completed within one year of
the child's birth);
 The placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care and in order to care for the newly
placed child (leave must be completed within one year of the child's placement);
 To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition;
 To care for your own serious health condition, which makes you unable to perform any of the
essential functions of your position; or
 A qualifying exigency of a spouse, child, or parent who is a military member on covered active duty
or called to covered active duty status (or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered
active duty).

The 12-month period is the 12-month period measured forward from the date FMLA leave begins. For
leave to care for a covered servicemember, Hampton Golf calculates the 12-month period beginning on the
first day the eligible team member takes FMLA leave to care for a covered servicemember and ends 12
months after that date. FMLA leave for the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care must be
concluded within 12 months of the birth or placement.

You may take up to 26 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave in a single 12-month period, beginning on the first day
that you take FMLA leave to care for a spouse, child, or next of kin who is a covered service member and
who has a serious injury or illness related to active duty service.
As used in the policy:

 Spouse means a husband or wife as recognized under state law for the purposes of marriage in the
state or other territory or country where the marriage took place.
 Child means a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person
standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18 or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care
because of a mental or physical disability at the time FMLA leave is to commence. A child for the
purposes of military exigency or military care leave can be of any age.
 Parent means a biological, adoptive, step, or foster parent or any other individual who stood in loco
parentis to you when you were a child.
 Next of kin for the purposes of military care leave is a blood relative other than a spouse, parent, or
child in the following order: brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and first cousins.
If a military service member designates in writing another blood relative as his or her caregiver, that
individual will be the only next of kin. In appropriate circumstances, you may be required to provide
documentation of next of kin status.
 Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that
involves either inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider. Ordinarily, unless
complications arise, cosmetic treatments and minor conditions such as the cold, flu, ear aches,
upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches (other than migraines), and routine dental problems are
examples of conditions that are not serious health conditions under this policy. If you have any
questions about the types of conditions that may qualify, contact Human Resources.
 Health care provider means a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy, physician assistant,
podiatrist, dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, clinical social
worker, or Christian Science practitioner licensed by the First Church of Christ. Under limited
circumstances, a chiropractor or other provider recognized by our group health plan for the
purposes of certifying a claim for benefits may also be considered a health care provider.
 Qualifying exigencies for military exigency leave include:
o Short-notice call-ups/deployments of seven days or less (Note: Leave for this exigency is
available for up to seven days beginning the date of call-up notice);
o Attending official ceremonies, programs, or military events;
o Special childcare needs created by a military call-up including making alternative childcare
arrangements, handling urgent and nonroutine childcare situations, arranging for school
transfers, or attending school or daycare meetings;
o Making financial and legal arrangements;
o Attending counseling sessions for yourself, the military service member, or the military
service members' son or daughter who is under 18 years of age or is 18 or older but
incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability;
o Rest and recuperation (Note: Fifteen days of leave is available for this exigency per event);
o Post-deployment activities such as arrival ceremonies, re-integration briefings, and other
official ceremonies sponsored by the military (Note: Leave for these events are available for
90 days following the termination of active duty status). This type of leave may also be taken
to address circumstances arising from the death of a covered military member while on
active duty;
o Parental care when the military family member is needed to care for a parent who is
incapable of self-care (such as arranging for alternative care or transfer to a care facility);
o Other exigencies that arise that are agreed to by both the Company and you.
 A serious injury/illness incurred by a service member in the line of active duty or that is
exacerbated by active duty is any injury or illness that renders the service member unfit to perform
the duties of his or her office, grade, rank, or rating.

Notice and Leave Request Process

If the need for leave is foreseeable because of an expected birth/adoption or planned medical treatment,
you must give at least 30 days' notice. If 30 days' notice is not possible, give notice as soon as practicable
(within one or two business days of learning of your need for leave). Failure to provide appropriate notice
may result in the delay or denial of leave.

In addition, if you are seeking intermittent or reduced schedule leave that is foreseeable due to planned
medical treatment or a series of treatments for yourself, a family member, or covered service member, you
must consult with the Company first regarding the dates of this treatment to work out a schedule that best
suits your needs or the needs of the covered military member, if applicable, and the Company.

If the need for leave is unforeseeable, provide notice as soon as possible. Normal call-in procedures apply
to all absences from work, including those for which leave under this policy may be requested. Failure to
provide appropriate notice may result in the delay or denial of leave.

Contact Human Resources to obtain the FMLA forms required.

Certification of Need for Leave

If you are requesting leave because of your own or a covered relative's serious health condition, you and
the relevant health care provider must supply appropriate medical certification. You may obtain Medical
Certification forms from the Human Resources department. When you request leave, the Company will
notify you of the requirement for medical certification and when it is due (at least 15 days after you request
leave). If you provide at least 30 days' notice of medical leave, you should also provide the medical
certification before leave begins. Failure to provide requested medical certification in a timely manner may
result in denial of FMLA-covered leave until it is provided.

At our expense, the Company may require an examination by a second health care provider designated by
us. If the second health care provider's opinion conflicts with the original medical certification, we, at our
expense, may require a third, mutually agreeable, health care provider to conduct an examination and
provide a final and binding opinion. Subsequent medical recertification may also be required. Failure to
provide requested certification within 15 days, when practicable, may result in delay of further leave until it
is provided.

The Company also reserves the right to require certification from a covered military member's health care
provider if you are requesting military caregiver leave and certification in connection with military exigency

Call-In Procedures

In all instances of absence, the call-in procedures and standards established for giving notice of absence
from work must be followed.

Leave Increments

Intermittent Leave

If medically necessary, FMLA leave for a serious health condition may be taken intermittently (in separate
blocks of time due to a serious health condition) or on a reduced leave schedule (reducing the usual
number of hours you work per workweek or workday). FMLA leave may also be taken intermittently or on a
reduced leave schedule for a qualifying exigency relating to covered military service.

As FMLA leave is unpaid, the Company will reduce your salary based on the amount of time actually
worked. In addition, while you are on an intermittent or reduced schedule leave that is foreseeable due to
planned medical treatments, the Company may temporarily transfer you to an available alternative position
that better accommodates your leave schedule and has equivalent pay and benefits.

Parental Leave

Leave for the birth or placement of a child must be taken in a single block and cannot be taken on an
intermittent or reduced schedule basis. Parental leave must be completed within 12 months of the birth or
placement of the child; however, you may use parental leave before the placement of an adopted or foster
child to consult with attorneys, appear in court, attend counseling sessions, etc.

Family Care, Personal Medical, Military Exigency, and Military Care Leave

Leave taken for these reasons may be taken in a block or blocks of time. In addition, if a health care
provider deems it necessary or if the nature of a qualifying exigency requires, leave for these reasons can
be taken on an intermittent or reduced-schedule basis.

Paid Leave Utilization During FMLA Leave

FMLA leave is unpaid. If you are taking parental, family care, military exigency, and/or military care leave,
you must utilize available vacation/PTO, personal days, and/or family illness days during this leave. If you
are taking personal medical leave, you must utilize available sick, personal, and vacation/PTO days during
this leave. If you are receiving short- or long-term disability or workers' compensation benefits during a
personal medical leave, you will not be required to utilize these benefits. However, you may elect to utilize
accrued benefits to supplement these benefits.

Fitness for Duty Requirements

If you take leave because of your own serious health condition (except if you are taking intermittent leave),
you are required, as are all Team Members returning from other types of medical leave, to provide medical
certification that you are fit to resume work. You will not be permitted to resume work until it is provided.

Health Insurance

Your health insurance coverage will be maintained by the Company during leave on the same basis as if
you were still working. You must continue to make timely payments of your share of the premiums for such
coverage. Failure to pay premiums within 30 days of when they are due may result in a lapse of coverage.
If this occurs, you will be notified 15 days before the date coverage will lapse that coverage will terminate
unless payments are promptly made.

Alternatively, at our option, the Company may pay your share of the premiums during the leave and recover
the costs of this insurance upon your return to work. Coverage that lapses due to nonpayment of premiums
will be reinstated immediately upon return to work without a waiting period. Under most circumstances, if
you do not return to work at the end of leave, the Company may require reimbursement for the health
insurance premiums paid during the leave.


Upon returning to work at the end of leave, you will generally be placed in your original job or an equivalent
job with equivalent pay and benefits. You will not lose any benefits that accrued before leave was taken.

Spouse Aggregation

If you and your spouse are both employed by the Company, the total number of weeks to which you are
both entitled in the aggregate because of the birth or placement of a child or to care for a parent with a
serious health condition will be limited to 12 weeks per leave year. Similarly, spouses employed by the
Company will be limited to a combined total of 26 weeks of leave to care for a military service member. This
26-week leave period will be reduced, however, by the amount of leave taken for other qualifying FMLA
events. This type of leave aggregation does not apply to leave needed for your own serious health
condition, to care for a spouse or child with a serious health condition, or because of a qualifying exigency.

Failure to Return

If you fail to return to work or fail to make a request for an extension of leave prior to the expiration of the
leave, you will be deemed to have voluntarily terminated your employment. The Company is not required to
grant requests for open-ended leaves with no reasonable return date under these policies or as disability

Alternative Employment

While on leave of absence, you may not work or be gainfully employed either for yourself or others unless
express, written permission to perform such outside work has been granted by the Company. If you are on

a leave of absence and are found to be working elsewhere without permission, you will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Interaction with State and Local Laws

Where state or local family and medical leave laws offer more protections or benefits to Team Members,
the protections or benefits that are more favorable to the Team Member, as provided by these laws, will

Abuse of Leave

If you are found to have provided a false reason for a leave, you will be subject to disciplinary action up to
and including termination.

Designation of Leave

If the Company becomes aware of any qualifying reason for FMLA leave, the Company will designate it as
such. A Team Member may not refuse FMLA designation under this policy.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

7.14 Disability Leave

Full-time team members are eligible for an unpaid disability leave after completing their introductory period.
Disability leave due to non-occupational illness, injury, or pregnancy-related disability is not to exceed eight

Granting this leave prior to the completion of the eligibility period and/or beyond the maximum period
stated above may be required as a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Team members requesting leave must provide written notice of the disability, including a doctor's certificate
stating the nature of the disability and the expected date of return to work. Hampton Golf will not seek
genetic information in connection with requests for disability leave. All medical information received by
Hampton Golf in connection with a request for leave under this policy will be treated as confidential.

When you are able to return to work, give us at least one week's advance written notice. Include a doctor's
certificate stating that you are medically able to return to your normal duties.

If your leave is covered by the Family & Medical Leave Act, we will return you to the same or an equivalent
position, consistent with our policy. Otherwise, we will return you to the same or similar position you held
prior to the disability leave, subject to our staffing and business requirements. Your continued absence
from work beyond your disability (as determined by your physician) will be deemed a voluntary termination
of your employment.

This leave may run concurrently with the Federal Family & Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave
where permitted by state and federal law.

7.15 Military Leave (USERRA)

Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with applicable federal and state law regarding military leave and re-
employment rights. Unpaid military leave of absence will be granted to members of the uniformed services
in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA;
with amendments) and all applicable state law. You must submit documentation of the need for leave to
your Supervisor or appropriate department. When returning from military leave of absence, you will be
reinstated to your previous position or a similar position, in accordance with state and federal law. You
must notify your Supervisor of your intent to return to34
employment based on requirements of the law. For
information regarding status, compensation, benefits, and reinstatement upon return from military leave,
contact your Supervisor or appropriate department.

7.16 Hampton Golf Discounts

Full-time part-time and seasonal team members may purchase merchandise at reduced prices. Any
merchandise purchased on this discount program must be for your personal use.

Purchases are to be paid for by cash, check or credit card.

7.17 Unemployment Compensation Insurance

Unemployment compensation insurance is paid for by Hampton Golf, Inc. and provides temporary income
for team members who have lost their job under certain circumstances. Your eligibility for unemployment
compensation will, in part, be determined by the reasons for your separation from the Company.

7.18 Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation is a no-fault system designed to provide benefits to all team members for work-
related injuries. Workers' compensation insurance coverage is paid for by employers and governed by state
law. The workers' compensation system provides for coverage of medical treatment and expenses,
occupational disability leave, and rehabilitation services, as well as payment for lost wages due to work
related injuries. If you are injured on the job while working at Hampton Golf, Inc., no matter how slightly,
you are to report the incident immediately to your Supervisor. Consistent with applicable state law, failure to
report an injury within a reasonable period of time could jeopardize your claim for benefits.

To receive workers' compensation benefits, notify your Supervisor immediately of your claim. If your injury
is the result of an on-the-job accident, you must fill out an accident report. You will be required to submit a
medical release before you can return to work.

8.0 Safety and Loss Prevention

8.1 Each Team Member's Responsibility

Safety can only be achieved through teamwork at Hampton Golf. Each team member, supervisor and
manager must practice safety awareness by thinking defensively, anticipating unsafe situations and
reporting unsafe conditions immediately.

Please observe the following precautions:

1. Notify your supervisor of any emergency situation. If you are injured or become sick at work, no
matter how slightly, you must inform your supervisor immediately.
2. Report all workplace injuries as soon as reasonably possible to your manager even if no medical
treatment is required. It is our sincere hope that you or your team members are never injured.
3. The use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances during working hours will not be tolerated. The
possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances on Hampton Golf's property is forbidden.
4. Use, adjust and repair machines and equipment only if you are trained and qualified.
5. Know the proper lifting procedures. Get help when lifting or pushing heavy objects.
6. Understand your job fully and follow instructions. If you are not sure of the safe procedure, don't
guess; just ask your supervisor.
7. Know the locations, contents and use of first aid and firefighting equipment.
8. Wear personal protective equipment in accordance with the job you are performing.
9. Comply with OSHA standards and/or applicable state job safety and health standards as written in
our safety procedures manual.

A violation of a safety precaution is in itself an unsafe act. A violation may lead to disciplinary action, up to
and including discharge.

8.2 Business Closure and Emergencies

Hampton Golf, Inc. recognizes that inclement weather and other emergencies may affect your ability to get
to work. In such situations, your safety is paramount.

Company Closure

Examples of emergencies when the Company may close include, but are not limited to, power outage,
severe weather or natural disasters.


In an emergency, the Company will make every effort to notify you of the closing by phone or email. These
notification efforts assume that you have access to electricity and internet and/or phone service.

When the Company is unable to notify you of the closure, use common sense to assess the safety and
practicality of the situation. In a regional power outage, for example, the Company is likely to have no
power. If there is reported flash flooding in your area, report to work only if you can make it safely.

Partial-Day Closure

If an emergency event such as inclement weather or a power outage occurs, the Company may decide to
close mid-day. When the Company closes mid-day, you will be instructed to leave immediately so that the
conditions do not further deteriorate and affect your ability to travel safely.

If you are exempt and are working at home with prior permission, or at the office on the day of the partial
day closure, you will be paid your normal salary for the week. If you are nonexempt, you will be paid for the
hours you worked, unless state law dictates otherwise.

Notified of Closure Prior to Reporting to Work

If you are nonexempt and are notified of a closure prior to reporting to work, you will not be paid during the
closure, unless state law dictates otherwise. If you are exempt, you will be paid your normal salary for the

Benefits Coverage

Your health insurance coverage will be maintained by the Company during the closure on the same basis
as if you were still working.

Extending Leave

When the Company closure ends, you are expected to report to work. Contact your Supervisor if you
cannot return to work at the end of the closure. The Company recognizes that you may need additional
time off to repair extensive home damage or for other emergency situations. These will be assessed on a
case-by-case basis.

If You Cannot Get to Work

Unique circumstances may affect your ability to come to work even when the Company is able to remain
open. The Company recognizes that in a severe national or regional disaster, all methods of
communication may be unavailable; however, you should continue to try and contact your Supervisor, by
any method possible.

Time missed under circumstances where the Company remains open and you are unable to report to work
is to be used as PTO or is unpaid.

8.3 Drug and Alcohol Policy
Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and productive work environment. Consistent
with this commitment, it is the intent of the Company to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace. Being
under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs (as classified under federal, state, or local laws), or other
impairing substances while on the job may pose a serious health and safety risk to others and will not be

Prohibited Conduct

The Company expressly prohibits team members from engaging in the following activities when they are on
duty or conducting Company business or on Company premises (whether or not they are working):

 The use, abuse, or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other impairing substances.
 The possession, sale, purchase, transfer, or transit of any illegal or unauthorized drug, including
prescription medication that is not prescribed to the individual, or drug-related paraphernalia.
 The illegal use or abuse of prescription drugs.

While the use of marijuana has been legalized under some state laws for medicinal and/or recreational
uses, it remains an illegal drug under federal law. The Company does not discriminate against team
members solely on the basis of their lawful off-duty use of marijuana. You may not consume or be under
the influence of marijuana while on duty or at work. If you have a valid prescription for medical marijuana,
refer to the Company Disability Accommodation policy for additional information.

Nothing in this policy is meant to prohibit your appropriate use of over-the-counter medication or other
medication that can legally be prescribed under both federal and state law, if it does not impair your job
performance or safety or the safety of others. If you take over-the-counter medication or other medication
that can legally be prescribed under both federal and state law to treat a disability, inform your Supervisor if
you believe the medication may impair your job performance, safety, or the safety of others or if you believe
you need a reasonable accommodation before reporting to work while under the influence of that


Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

8.4 General Safety

It is the responsibility of all Hampton Golf, Inc. team members to maintain a healthy and safe work
environment, report any health or safety hazards, and follow the Company health and safety rules. Failure
to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The Company
also requires that all occupational illnesses or injuries be reported to your Supervisor as soon as
reasonably possible and that an occupational illness or injury form be completed on each reported incident.

8.5 Workplace Violence

As the safety and security of our team members, vendors, contractors, and the general public is in the best
interests of Hampton Golf, Inc., we are committed to working with our team members to provide a work
environment free from violence, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior.

Zero Tolerance Policy

The Company has a zero-tolerance policy regarding workplace violence and will not tolerate acts or threats
of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior, either physical or verbal, that occurs in
the workplace or other areas. This applies to management, co-workers, team members, and non-
employees such as contractors, customers, and visitors.

Workplace violence can include oral or written statements, gestures, or expressions that communicate a

direct or indirect threat of physical harm, damage to property, or any intentional behavior that may cause a
person to feel threatened.

Prohibited Conduct

Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:

 Physically injuring another person.

 Threatening to injure a person or damage property by any means, including verbal, written, direct,
indirect, or electronic means.
 Taking any action to place a person in reasonable fear of imminent harm or offensive contact.
 Possessing, brandishing, or using a firearm on Company property or while performing Company
business except as permitted by state law.
 Violating a restraining order, order of protection, injunction against harassment, or other court order.

Reporting Incidents of Violence

Report to your Supervisor or (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

in accordance with this policy, any behavior that compromises our ability to maintain a safe work
environment. All reports will be investigated immediately and kept confidential, except where there is a
legitimate need to know. You are expected to cooperate in any investigation of workplace violence.


Violating this policy may subject you to criminal charges as well as discipline up to and including immediate
termination of employment.


Victims and witnesses of workplace violence will not be retaliated against in any manner. In addition, you
will not be subject to discipline for, based on a reasonable belief, reporting a threat or for cooperating in an

If you initiate, participate, are involved in retaliation, or obstruct an investigation into conduct prohibited by
this policy, you will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

If you believe you have been wrongfully retaliated against, immediately report the matter to (one of) the
individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

8.6 Concealed Weapons

Possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on work premises, while operating Hampton
Golf machinery, equipment or vehicles for work-related purposes or while engaged in Hampton Golf
business off premises is forbidden except where expressly authorized by Hampton Golf and permitted by

state and local laws. This policy applies to all team members, including but not limited to, those who have a
valid permit to carry a firearm.

Team members who are aware of violations or threats of violations of this policy are required to report such
violations or threats of violations to their supervisor immediately.

Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge

9.0 Trade Secrets and Inventions

9.1 Confidentiality and Nondisclosure of Trade Secrets

As a condition of employment, Hampton Golf, Inc. team members are required to protect the confidentiality
of Company trade secrets, proprietary information, and confidential commercially-sensitive information (i.e.
financial or sales records/reports, marketing or business strategies/plans, product development, customer
lists, patents, trademarks, etc.) related to the Company. Access to this information should be limited to a
"need to know" basis and should not be used for personal benefit, disclosed, or released without prior
authorization from management.

If you have information that leads you to suspect that team members are sharing such information in
violation of this policy and/or competitors are obtaining such information, you are required to inform your

Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, and may subject the
violator to civil liability.

10.0 Customer Relations

10.1 Customer, Client, and Visitor Relations

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide the best products and services possible to our customers and clients.
Our customers and clients support this business and generate your wages. You are expected to treat every
customer, client, or visitor with the utmost respect and courtesy during your working time. You should never
argue or act in a disrespectful manner towards a visitor or customer during your working time. If you are
having problems with a customer, client, or visitor, notify your Supervisor immediately. If a customer, client,
or visitor voices a suggestion, complaint, or concern regarding our products or services, inform your
Supervisor or a member of management. Lastly, make every effort to be prompt in following up on
customer, client, or visitor orders or questions. Positive customer, client, and visitor relations will go a long
way to establishing our Company as a leader in its field.

10.2 Products and Services Knowledge

As a representative of Hampton Golf, Inc., you are expected to be familiar with the products and services
we offer. Take every opportunity to learn the interrelationship between your department or division and the
others of the Company. We consider our team members to be the best reflection of our business brand and
company success.

Florida Policies

Hiring and Orientation Policies

Disability Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws, and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities, including disabilities related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and related conditions. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will provide reasonable
accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals where appropriate to allow the individual to perform the
essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, it is your responsibility to notify your
Supervisor. You may be asked to include relevant information such as:

 A description of the proposed accommodation.

 The reason you need an accommodation.
 How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, the Company will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the
precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome
those limitations. Where appropriate, we may need your permission to obtain additional information from
your medical provider. All medical information received by the Company in connection with a request for
accommodation will be treated as confidential.

The Company encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would
allow you to perform your job. However, the Company is not required to make the specific accommodation
requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable
accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

If leave is provided as a reasonable accommodation, such leave may run concurrently with leave under the
federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave where permitted by state and federal law.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members for requesting an accommodation.

EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement

Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying
with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment
laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment that is free of harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation because of age (40 and older), sex, sexual orientation (including transgender
status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related medical
conditions), marital status, race, national origin (including ancestry), disability, creed, religion, genetic
information, HIV status, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local
laws. The Company is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard to all aspects of employment,
including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training, promotion, rates of pay, and other
compensation, termination and all other terms conditions and privileges of employment.

The Company will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential
manner. The Company will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. The Company
prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the
investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding equal employment
opportunity with your Supervisor or any other designated member of management.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc. has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual
harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual's age (40 and older), sex,
sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), marital status, race, national origin (including
ancestry), disability, creed, religion, genetic information, HIV status, military or veteran status, or any other
status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of harassment of, or by, team members, vendors,
visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to, or rejection of such
conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the
following are some examples of sexual harassment:

 Unwelcome requests for sexual favors;

 Lewd or derogatory comments or jokes;
 Comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another;
 Sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles;
 Obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or
pictorial materials of a sexual nature;
 Repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome;
 Retaliating against another for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual
harassment to the Company or any government agency;
 Offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations,
favorable assigned duties or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and
 Any unwanted physical touching or assaults, or blocking or impeding movements.

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion
towards an individual because of the individual's age (40 and older), sex, sexual orientation (including
transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related
medical conditions), marital status, race, national origin (including ancestry), disability, creed, religion,
genetic information, HIV status, military or veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or
local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

 The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;
 Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility towards an
individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls,
bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and
 A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance towards any
select group.
Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment,
immediately notify (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

or any member of management.

The Company prohibits retaliation against team members who, based on a reasonable belief, provide
information about, complain, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find a claim
has merit. To the extent possible, we will retain the confidentiality of those who report suspected or alleged
violations of the harassment policy.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion,
transfer, and discharge. If the Company determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective
action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, the Company may monitor any
incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, the
Company will follow up as necessary to ensure that no individual is retaliated against for making a
complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

Religious Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to treating its team members equally and with respect and recognizes the
diversity of their religious beliefs. All team members may request an accommodation when their religious
beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or
other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request, but reserves the right to offer its own
accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are
cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on
operations — including other team members — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no
time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.

If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Supervisor or the Human Resources

Wage and Hour Policies

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide nursing mothers reasonable unpaid break time to express milk for their
infant child(ren) for up to one year following the child's birth.

If you are nursing, you will be provided with a space, other than a restroom, that is shielded from view and
free from intrusion from co-workers and the public.

Expressed milk can be stored in a personal cooler. Sufficiently mark or label your milk to avoid confusion
for other team members who may share the refrigerator.

Break time should, if possible, be taken concurrently with any other break time already provided. If you are
nonexempt, clock out for any time taken that does not run concurrently with normally scheduled rest
You must make reasonable efforts to not disrupt Company operations.

You are encouraged to discuss the length and frequency of these breaks with your Supervisor.

Meal and Rest Periods

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal
and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods. Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures
and schedules for rest and meal breaks. The Company requests that team members accurately observe
and record meal and rest periods. If you know in advance that you may not be able to take your scheduled
break or meal period, let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if
you were unable to or prohibited from taking a meal or rest period.

If you are nonexempt, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in
writing, by your Supervisor.

At certain times Hampton Golf, Inc. may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much
notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work
overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including

Unless otherwise required or exempted by law, overtime pay of one and one-half times your regular rate of
pay is paid for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Holidays, vacation days, and sick
leave days do not count as time worked for computing overtime.

Pay Period
At Hampton Golf, Inc., the standard pay period is biweekly for all team members. Pay dates are Friday's. If
a pay date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding workday. If a pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. Special provisions may be required from time to time if
holidays fall on pay dates. Check with your Supervisor if this type of date arises.

If you are paid by commission, refer to your commission agreement.

Review your paycheck for accuracy. If you find an issue, report it to your Supervisor immediately.

General Policies

Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all team members. Files
containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe,
locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information
related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits
selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and
access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-
related decisions. If you wish to review and/or copy your personnel or medical records file, you must give
the Company reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the
Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to provide such information.

Domestic/Sexual Violence Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide team members who are victims of domestic or sexual violence, or whose
family or household member is a victim of domestic violence, with up to three days of unpaid leave in any
12-month period for certain qualifying reasons.


To be eligible for domestic/sexual violence leave you must have worked for the Company for at least three

Leave Usage

You may take domestic/sexual violence leave to:

 Seek an injunction for protection against domestic violence or an injunction for protection in cases of
repeat violence, dating, or sexual violence.
 Obtain medical care or mental health counseling for yourself or your family or household member to
address physical or psychological injuries resulting from domestic violence.
 Obtain services from a victim services organization for yourself or your family or household member.
 Make your home secure from the perpetrator of domestic violence or seek new housing to escape
the perpetrator.
 Seek legal assistance in addressing issues arising from domestic violence or prepare for and attend
court-related proceedings arising from domestic violence.

Family or household member means your spouse, former spouse, persons related to you by blood or
marriage, persons who are presently residing with you as if they are family or who have resided with you in
the past as if they are family, and persons who have a child in common with you regardless of whether you
have been married to them. With the exception of persons who have a child in common with you, the family
or household members must be currently residing with you or have in the past resided with you in the same
single dwelling unit.


Except in the case of imminent danger to your health and safety or that of your family or household
member, you must provide reasonable advance notice of your need for leave. You may be required to
provide documentation showing evidence of your need for leave.


Leave under this policy is unpaid.


Information about your request for leave will be kept confidential, except as required by federal or state law
or as necessary to protect your safety in the workplace.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Jury Duty Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages team members to fulfill their civic duties related to jury duty. If you are
summoned for jury duty, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible to make scheduling arrangements.

If you are classified as exempt, you will not incur any deduction in pay for a partial week's absence due to
jury duty. If you are classified as nonexempt, you will not be compensated for time spent on jury duty.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of jury duty service to the extent
authorized by law.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Voting Leave
If your work schedule prevents you from voting on Election Day, Hampton Golf, Inc. will allow you a
reasonable time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will be at the discretion of your Supervisor,
consistent with applicable legal requirements.

Safety and Loss Prevention

Workplace Smoking
Hampton Golf is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for team members and visitors.
Smoking is allowed only in designated areas outside our facilities.

Minnesota Policies

Hiring and Orientation Policies

Disability Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws, and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities, including disabilities related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and related conditions. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will provide reasonable
accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals where appropriate to allow the individual to perform the
essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, it is your responsibility to notify your
Supervisor. You may be asked to include relevant information such as:

 A description of the proposed accommodation.

 The reason you need an accommodation.
 How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, the Company will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the
precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome
those limitations. Where appropriate, we may need your permission to obtain additional information from
your medical provider. All medical information received by the Company in connection with a request for
accommodation will be treated as confidential.

The Company encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would
allow you to perform your job. However, the Company is not required to make the specific accommodation
requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable
accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

If leave is provided as a reasonable accommodation, such leave may run concurrently with leave under the
federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave where permitted by state and federal law.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members for requesting an accommodation.

EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement

Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying
with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment
laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment that is free of harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation
(including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, or
related conditions), marital status, disability, public assistance, age, and familial status, genetic information,
local commissions activity, veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status protected
by federal, state, or local laws. The Company is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard to all
aspects of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training,
promotion, rates of pay, and other compensation, termination, and all other terms, conditions, and
privileges of employment.

The Company will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential
manner. The Company will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. The Company
prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the
investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding equal employment
opportunity with your Supervisor or any other designated member of management.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc. has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual
harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon race, color, creed, religion, national
origin, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy
(including childbirth, lactation, or related conditions), marital status, disability, public assistance, age, and
familial status, genetic information, local commissions activity, veteran status, uniformed servicemember
status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of harassment of, or by, team
members, vendors, visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to, or rejection of such
conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the
following are some examples of sexual harassment:

 Unwelcome requests for sexual favors;

 Lewd or derogatory comments or jokes;
 Comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another;
 Sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles;
 Obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or
pictorial materials of a sexual nature;
 Repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome;
 Retaliating against another for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual
harassment to the Company or any government agency;
 Offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations,
favorable assigned duties or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and
 Any unwanted physical touching or assaults or blocking or impeding movements.

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion
towards an individual based upon race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation
(including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, or
related conditions), marital status, disability, public assistance, age, and familial status, genetic information,
local commissions activity, veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status protected
by federal, state, or local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

 The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;
 Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility towards an
individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls,
bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and

 A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance towards any
select group.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment,
immediately notify (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

or any member of management.

The Company prohibits retaliation against team members who, based on a reasonable belief, provide
information about, complain, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find a claim
has merit. To the extent possible, we will retain the confidentiality of those who report suspected or alleged
violations of the harassment policy.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion,
transfer, and discharge. If the Company determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective
action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, the Company may monitor any
incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, the
Company will follow up as necessary to ensure that no individual is retaliated against for making a
complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

Religious Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to treating its team members equally and with respect and recognizes the
diversity of their religious beliefs. All team members may request an accommodation when their religious
beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or
other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request but reserves the right to offer its own
accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are
cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on
operations — including other team members — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no
time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.

If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Supervisor or the Human Resources

Wage and Hour Policies

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide nursing mothers reasonable unpaid break time to express milk for their
infant child(ren) for up to one year following the child's birth.

If you are nursing, the Company will make reasonable efforts to provide you a private room, other than a
restroom, to express milk. The room will be in close proximity to the work area, shielded from view and free
from intrusion from co-workers and the public, clearly designated and either have a lock or a sign on the
door to indicate when the room is in use, and will have access to an electrical outlet.

Expressed milk can be stored in a personal cooler. Sufficiently mark or label your milk to avoid confusion
for other team members who may share the refrigerator.

The break time must, if possible, run concurrently with any break time already provided. You are
encouraged to discuss the length and frequency of these breaks with your Supervisor.

Meal and Rest Periods

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal
and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods. Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures
and schedules for rest and meal breaks. The Company requests that team members accurately observe
and record meal and rest periods. If you know in advance that you may not be able to take your scheduled
break or meal period, let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if
you were unable to or prohibited from taking a meal or rest period.

If you are nonexempt, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in
writing, by your Supervisor.

At certain times Hampton Golf, Inc. may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much
notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work
overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including

Unless otherwise required or exempted by law, overtime pay of one and one-half times your regular rate of
pay is paid for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Holidays, vacation days, and sick
leave days do not count as time worked for computing overtime.

Pay Period
At Hampton Golf, Inc., the standard pay period is biweekly for all team members. Pay dates are Friday's. If
a pay date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding workday. If a pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. Special provisions may be required from time to time if
holidays fall on pay dates. Check with your Supervisor if this type of date arises.

If you are paid by commission, refer to your commission agreement.

Review your paycheck for accuracy. If you find an issue, report it to your Supervisor immediately.

Wage Disclosure Protection

Notice to team members — Under the Minnesota Wage Disclosure Protection law, you have the right to tell
any person the amount of your own wages. Your employer cannot retaliate against you for disclosing your
own wages or discussing another employee's wages which have been disclosed voluntarily. Your remedies
under the Wage Disclosure Protection law are to bring a civil action against your employer and/or file a
complaint with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry at (651) 284-5070 or (800) 342-5354.

General Policies

Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all team members. Files
containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe,
locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information
related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits
selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and
access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-
related decisions. If you wish to review your personnel or medical records file, you must give the Company
reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the
Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.


Bone Marrow Donation Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide eligible team members with up to 40 hours of paid leave to undergo medical
procedures to donate bone marrow.


To be eligible for bone marrow donation leave, you must work at least 20 hours per week.

Notice and Documentation

To obtain leave under this policy you must provide reasonable notice of the need for leave and submit
verification from a physician detailing the purpose and length of the leave requested. If there is a medical
determination that you do not qualify as a donor, the paid leave of absence provided to you prior to that
medical determination will not be forfeited.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Jury Duty Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages team members to fulfill their civic duties related to jury duty. If you are
summoned for jury duty, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible to make scheduling arrangements.

If you are classified as exempt, you will not incur any deduction in pay for a partial week's absence due to
jury duty. If you are classified as nonexempt, you will not be compensated for time spent on jury duty.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of jury duty service to the extent
authorized by law.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Leave for Victims of Harassment or Domestic Violence

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide team members who are victims of harassment or domestic abuse, or whose
family or household member is the victim of domestic abuse, with reasonable time off for certain qualifying


All team members are eligible for this leave.

Leave Usage

Leave may be taken for the following reasons:

 In the case of harassment, to obtain a restraining order against the harasser; or

 In the case of domestic abuse, to obtain an order of protection for yourself or your family or
household member.

Family or household member means your spouse or former spouse, your parents and children, a person
related to you by blood, a person who currently resides with you or has resided with you in the past, a
person with whom you have a child in common, regardless of whether you were married or lived together,
or any person with whom you are involved in a significant romantic or sexual relationship. In addition, this
term refers to a man and woman if the woman is pregnant and the man is alleged to be the father,
regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time.


Except in the case of imminent danger to your health and safety or that of your family or household
member, you must provide at least 48 hours' advance notice of your need for leave. You may be required
to provide documentation showing evidence of your need for leave.


Leave under this policy is unpaid; however, you may substitute any applicable paid leave for all or a portion
of your unpaid leave.


Information about your request for leave will be kept confidential, except as required by federal or state law
or as necessary to protect your safety in the workplace.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Pregnancy and Parenting Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides eligible team members with up to 12 weeks total of unpaid pregnancy or
parenting leave in accordance with the Minnesota Pregnancy and Parenting Leave Act (MPPLA).


To be eligible for pregnancy and parenting leave, you must:

 Have worked for the Company for at least 12 months before requesting leave; and
 Work an average number of hours per week equal to at least one-half the full-time equivalent
position in your job classification, as defined by Company personnel policies or practices or
pursuant to the provisions of a collective-bargaining agreement, during the 12-month period
immediately preceding the leave.

Use of Leave

MPPLA leave is available to biological or adoptive parents in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a
child. A child is a person under the age of 18 or is under the age of 20 but still attending a secondary
school. Leave must start within 12 months of the birth or adoption; however, if the child remains in the
hospital longer than the mother, leave must begin within 12 months after the child leaves the hospital
(parenting leave).

MPPLA leave is also available to eligible female team members for prenatal care or for incapacity due to
pregnancy, childbirth, or related health conditions and will begin at the time you request (pregnancy leave).

Interaction with FMLA

MPPLA leave and FMLA leave run concurrently, which means the leave provided by each individual law
will count against your entitlement under both laws. However, if you take FMLA leave for unrelated reasons
(such as a back injury not caused by pregnancy), you will still be entitled to 12 weeks of leave for
pregnancy-related illness and parental leave.

Return to Work

After leave, you will be returned to your former position or to a position of comparable duties, number of
hours, and pay. However, if during such leave the Company experiences a layoff and you would have lost
your job had you not been on leave, you will not be reinstated. In this situation, you will retain all rights
under the Company layoff and recall system.

Upon agreement with the Company, you may return to work part time during the leave period without
forfeiting the right to return to employment at the end of the leave period.


You must provide reasonable advance notice of the dates leave will begin and the estimated amount of
leave that will be taken. If the leave is for more than one month, you must notify your Supervisor at least
two weeks prior to returning from such leave.

Substitution of Paid Leave

The amount of MPPLA leave will be reduced by any paid leave provided by the Company, including
disability, personal, medical, or sick leave, or accrued vacation time, so the total leave (MPPLA leave plus
paid leave) is not more than 12 weeks.


The Company will continue to provide insurance coverage under any group insurance policy, group
subscriber contract, or health care plan to you and your dependents as if you were not on leave. In some
instances, the Company may recover premiums it paid to maintain health coverage or other benefits for you
and your family.

Abuse of Leave

If you are found to have provided a false reason for a leave, you will be subject to disciplinary action up to
and including termination.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

School Conference and Activities Leave

If eligible, Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide you with up to 16 hours of unpaid leave in a 12-month period to
attend school conferences or activities related to your child, if those conferences or activities cannot be
scheduled outside your regular work hours. If your child receives child care services or attends a
prekindergarten regular or special education program, you may use this leave time to attend a conference
or activity related to your child, or to observe and monitor the services or program, provided the conference,
activity, or observation cannot be scheduled outside your regular work hours.

To be eligible for leave you must have worked an average number of hours per week equal to one-half the
full-time equivalent position in your job classification during the 12-month period immediately preceding the

If leave cannot be scheduled outside your regular work hours and the need for the leave is foreseeable,
you must provide reasonable prior notice and make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to
unduly disrupt the operations of the Company.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Sick and Safety Leave

In accordance with the Minnesota Sick and Safe Leave Act, you may use accrued, available sick leave
benefits provided by Hampton Golf, Inc. (but not short or long-term disability or other salary continuation
benefits) for absences due to the illness or injury of a relative on the same terms that you are able to use
sick leave for your own illness or injury. You may also use accrued, available sick leave benefits for the
purpose of obtaining assistance because of sexual assault, domestic abuse, or stalking, or providing such
assistance to a relative (Safety Leave).

Covered Relatives

Covered relatives include a minor child (age 18 and under or age 20 and under and still in secondary
school); adult child; spouse, including a same-sex spouse; sibling; parent, stepparent, or parent-in-law;
grandparent; and grandchild. For purposes of this policy, "child" or "grandchild" also includes a step,
biological, adopted, or foster child or grandchild.

Limits of Time Off

The use of sick leave benefits for Safety Leave and for absences due to an illness or injury of an adult
child, spouse, sibling, parent, stepparent, parent-in-law, grandchild, or grandparent is limited to 160 hours
in any 12-month period. This restriction does not apply to absences due to the illness or injury of a minor


Upon return from leave, you will be reinstated to the same position and pay (including any automatic
adjustments that occurred during the leave period) or to a position of comparable duties, hours, and pay.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Victim and Witness Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. realizes that, on occasion, you may have an obligation to participate in criminal legal
proceedings either as a witness or because you or a close family member was victimized by a criminal act.
The Company provides unpaid leave to attend those proceedings under circumstances described below.

If you are required to attend a criminal proceeding either as a witness or as a crime victim (or a close family
member of a crime victim), you must provide at least 48 hours' advance notice to your Supervisor to make
arrangements for a leave of absence. If it is impractical or an emergency prevents you from providing
advance notice, provide notification as soon as possible.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of the need for leave to the
extent authorized by law.

Leave under this policy is unpaid. You may opt to use PTO in place of unpaid leave.

Any information related to your leave will be kept confidential by the Company.
This policy does not apply to team members seeking leave because they have committed or are alleged to
have committed a criminal act.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Voting Leave
Hampton Golf, Inc. will allow you a reasonable, paid time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will
be at the discretion of your Supervisor, consistent with applicable legal requirements.

Safety and Loss Prevention

Workplace Smoking
Hampton Golf Is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for team members and visitors.
Smoking is allowed only in designated areas outside our facilities.

New York Policies

Hiring and Orientation Policies

Disability Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws, and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities, including disabilities related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and related conditions. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will provide reasonable
accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals where appropriate to allow the individual to perform the
essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, it is your responsibility to notify your
Supervisor. You may be asked to include relevant information such as:

 A description of the proposed accommodation.

 The reason you need an accommodation.
 How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, the Company will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the
precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome
those limitations. Where appropriate, we may need your permission to obtain additional information from
your medical provider. All medical information received by the Company in connection with a request for
accommodation will be treated as confidential.

The Company encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would
allow you to perform your job. However, the Company is not required to make the specific accommodation
requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable
accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

If leave is provided as a reasonable accommodation, such leave may run concurrently with leave under the
federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave where permitted by state and federal law.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members for requesting an accommodation.

EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to complying with all federal, state, and local equal employment laws. To
that end, the Company is dedicated to maintaining a work environment that is free from harassment and
discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, national origin (including ancestry), religion, gender or
sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), alienage or citizenship status (unless required by law),
disability, reproductive health decision making (including, but not limited to, the decision to use or access a
particular drug, device, or medical service), marital status, partnership status, caregiver status, domestic
violence victim status, familial status, military status, unemployment status, genetic information (including
genetic characteristics), or any other protected status under federal, state, or local laws. The Company is
dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy with respect to all aspects of employment, including, but not limited
to, recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training, promotion, compensation, termination, and all other
terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

The Company will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential
manner. The Company will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. The Company
prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the
investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding equal employment
opportunity with your Supervisor or any other designated member of management.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc. has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual
harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual's age, race, creed, color,
national origin (including ancestry), religion, gender or sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status,
gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions),
alienage or citizenship status (unless required by law), disability, reproductive health decision making
(including, but not limited to, the decision to use or access a particular drug, device, or medical service),
marital status, partnership status, caregiver status, domestic violence victim status, familial status, military
status, unemployment status, genetic information (including genetic characteristics), or any other protected
status under federal, state, or local laws. All forms of harassment of, or by, team members, vendors,
visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

The Company is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment, which is unlawful and
subjects the Company to liability. The Company prohibits any form of sexual harassment and all team
members are required to work in a manner that prevents sexual harassment.

For additional information on sexual harassment, including how to file a claim, see the Sexual Harassment

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion toward
an individual because of the individual's age, race, creed, color, national origin (including ancestry), religion,
gender or sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy
(including childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), alienage or citizenship status (unless
required by law), disability, reproductive health decision making (including, but not limited to, the decision to
use or access a particular drug, device, or medical service), marital status, partnership status, caregiver
status, domestic violence victim status, familial status, military status, unemployment status, genetic
information (including genetic characteristics), or any other protected status under federal, state, or local

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

 The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;
 Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility toward an
individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls,
bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and
 A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance toward any
select group.

Statement on Reproductive Health Decisions

The Company may not discriminate or retaliate against you based on your own, or your dependent's,
reproductive health decision. This includes, but is not limited to, the decision to use or access a particular
drug, device, or medical service.

Further, it is unlawful for the Company to:

 Access your personal information regarding your own, or your dependent's, health decisions without
your prior informed affirmative written consent; or
 Require you to sign a waiver or other document that attempts to deny you the right to make your
own reproductive health decisions.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment,
immediately notify (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

or any member of management.

The Company prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about,
or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

The Company will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find
a claim has merit. To the extent possible, the Company will retain the confidentiality of those who report
suspected or alleged violations of the harassment policy.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion,
transfer, and discharge. If the Company determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective
action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, the Company may monitor any
incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped.

Alternative Reporting and Remedies

The Company encourages team members to report incidents of discrimination and harassment internally.
However, team members who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment in the
workplace, consistent with N.Y. Lab. Law § 203-E, also may seek relief by either:

 Filing a complaint alleging violation of the New York State Human Rights law with the Division of
Human Rights, or in the New York State Supreme Court; or
 Filing a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for
violation of federal antidiscrimination laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title

To file a complaint, contact the appropriate agency below.

Contact Information

New York Division of Human Rights

One Fordham Plaza, Fourth Floor
Bronx, New York, NY 10458

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

TTY: 800-669-6820
[email protected]

Local jurisdictions may have additional protections against discrimination and harassment. For example,
workers in New York City may file complaints of discrimination or harassment with the New York City
Commission on Human Rights at:

Law Enforcement Bureau

Commission on Human Rights
40 Rector Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10006

If the discrimination or harassment involves criminal activity, contact local police.

In any civil action alleging a violation of the laws prohibiting sexual harassment and discrimination, a court
may order or award:

 Damages including but not limited to back pay, benefits, and reasonable attorneys' fees and costs;
 Injunctive relief;
 Reinstatement; and/or
 Liquidated damages equal to 100 percent of the award for damages.

Any act of retaliation against New York team members for exercising any rights granted under this policy
may subject the Company to separate civil penalties. For the purposes of this policy, retaliation or
retaliatory personnel action means discharging, suspending, demoting, or otherwise penalizing Team
Members for:

 Making or threatening to make a complaint to the Company, a coworker, or to a public body, that
rights guaranteed under this policy have been violated;
 Causing to be instituted any proceeding under or related to this policy; or
 Providing information to or testifying before any public body conducting an investigation, hearing, or
inquiry into any such violation of a law, rule, or regulation by the Company.

Religious Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to treating its team members equally and with respect and recognizes the
diversity of their religious beliefs. All team members may request an accommodation when their religious
beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or
other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request but reserves the right to offer its own
accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are
cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on
operations — including other team members — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no
time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.

If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Supervisor or the Human Resources

Sexual Harassment Prevention


Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment. Sexual
harassment is a form of workplace discrimination. Sexual harassment is unlawful and subjects the
Company to liability. The Company prohibits any form of sexual harassment and all team members are
required to work in a manner that prevents sexual harassment in the workplace. This policy is one
component of our commitment to a harassment-free and discrimination-free work environment.

You have the right to a workplace free from sexual harassment and can enforce this right by filing a
complaint internally with the Company, with an administrative agency, or in a federal, state, or local court (if


 Application. This policy applies to all team members, applicants for employment, interns (paid or
unpaid), and "non-employees," regardless of immigration status. A non-employee is someone who
is (or is employed by) a contractor, subcontractor, vendor, consultant, or anyone providing services
pursuant to a contract with the Company. Protected non-employees include persons commonly
referred to as independent contractors, "gig" workers, and temporary workers. Also included are
persons providing equipment repair, cleaning services, or any other services pursuant to a contract
with the employer.
 Sexual Harassment Prohibited. Sexual harassment is prohibited. Sexual harassment is a form of
misconduct and will not be tolerated. All team members or other individuals covered under this
policy who engage in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including

Retaliation Prohibited. The Company will not take an adverse employment action against any person
covered by this policy who in good faith reports an incident of sexual harassment, provides information
about an incident of sexual harassment, or otherwise assists in an investigation of a sexual harassment
complaint. The Company will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports or provides
information about suspected sexual harassment. Anyone who retaliates against another individual involved
in a sexual harassment investigation will be subjected to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
All team members, interns, or non-employees in the workplace who believe they have been subjected to
such retaliation should inform their Supervisor or (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845
Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or [email protected]

All team members, paid or unpaid interns, or non-employees who believe they have been a target of such
retaliation may also seek relief in other available forums, as explained below.

• Liability for Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is offensive, is a violation of Company policy,
is unlawful, and subjects the Company to liability to victims of sexual harassment. Sexual harassers
may also be individually subject to liability. Any individual, including management, who engages in
sexual harassment or who allows such behavior to continue, will be penalized for such misconduct.
• Investigation of Sexual Harassment Claims. The Company will conduct a timely investigation
when management receives a complaint about possible sexual harassment or otherwise knows of
possible sexual harassment occurring. The Company will keep the investigation confidential to the
extent possible. The Company will take corrective action when sexual harassment is found to have
occurred. All team members, including managers and supervisors, are required to cooperate with
any investigation of sexual harassment.
• Reporting Sexual Harassment. All team members and any other individuals covered by this policy
are encouraged to report any behavior or conduct that violates the Company sexual harassment
policy. A complaint form is provided below.
• Reporting for Managers and Supervisors. Managers and supervisors are required to report any
sexual harassment complaint that they receive and any sexual harassment that they observe to
(one of) the individual(s) listed below:
4. The General Manager of your facility
5. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845
Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
6. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is unlawful under federal, state, and (where
applicable) local law. Sexual harassment includes harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, self-
identified or perceived sex, gender expression, gender identity, and the status of being transgender.

Sexual harassment is unlawful when it subjects an individual to inferior terms, conditions, or privileges of
employment. Harassment need not be severe or pervasive to be unlawful and can be any harassing
conduct that consists of more than petty slights or trivial inconveniences.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct that is either of a sexual nature or that is directed at an
individual because of that individual's sex when:

 Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, even if the
complaining individual is not the intended target of the sexual harassment;
 Such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; or
 Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting
an individual's employment.

A sexually harassing hostile work environment consists of words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, or
physical violence that are of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also consists of any unwanted verbal or
physical advances, sexually explicit derogatory statements, or sexually discriminatory remarks made by
someone that are offensive or objectionable to the recipient, that cause the recipient discomfort or
humiliation, or that interfere with the recipient's job performance.

Unlawful sexual harassment is not limited to the physical workplace itself. It can occur while Team
Members are traveling for business or at employer-sponsored events or parties. Calls, texts, emails, and
social media usage by Team Members can constitute unlawful workplace harassment, even if they occur
away from the workplace premises or not during work hours.

Sexual harassment also occurs when a person in authority tries to trade job benefits for sexual favors. This
can include hiring, promotion, continued employment, or any other terms, conditions, or privileges of
employment. This is called "quid pro quo" harassment.

Sexual harassment can occur between any individuals, regardless of their sex or gender.

Although it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes sexual harassment, the following are some

• Physical acts of a sexual nature, such as:

o Touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against another Team Member's body or
poking another Team Members' body; or
o Rape, sexual battery, molestation, or attempts to commit these assaults.
• Unwanted sexual advances, requests, or propositions, such as:
o Requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome;
o Offers of employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations, favorable duties,
or shifts in exchange for sexual favors;
o Requests for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning the victim's
job performance evaluation, a promotion, or other job benefits or detriments; or
o Subtle or obvious pressure for unwelcome sexual activities.
• Sexually oriented gestures, noises, remarks, jokes, or comments about a person's sexuality, sexual
experience, sexual behavior, or physical appearance, which create a hostile work environment.
• Sex stereotyping occurs when conduct or personality traits are considered inappropriate simply
because they may not conform to other people's ideas or perceptions about how individuals of a
particular sex should look or act.
• Sexual or discriminatory displays or publications anywhere in the workplace, such as displaying
emails, pictures, posters, calendars, graffiti, objects, promotional material, reading materials, or
other materials that are sexually demeaning or pornographic (this includes sexual displays on
workplace computers or cell phones and sharing these displays while in the workplace).
• Hostile actions taken against an individual because of that individual's sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, and the status of being transgender, such as:

o Interfering with, destroying, or damaging a person's workstation, tools, or equipment, or
otherwise interfering with the individual's ability to perform the job;
o Sabotaging an individual's work; or
o Bullying, yelling, or name-calling.


Unlawful retaliation can be any action that could discourage a worker from coming forward to make or
support a sexual harassment claim. Adverse action need not be job-related or occur in the workplace to
constitute unlawful retaliation (for example, threats of physical violence outside of work hours).

The Company prohibits retaliation against a Team Member who engages in "protected activity," which
occurs when a Team Member has:

• Filed a formal complaint of sexual harassment either internally with the Company or externally with
an administrative agency or a court of law;
• Testified or assisted in an administrative or court proceeding involving sexual harassment;
• Opposed sexual harassment by making a verbal or informal complaint to management or by
informing a supervisor or manager of harassment;
• Complained that another Team Member has been sexually harassed; or
• Encouraged a fellow Team Member to report harassment.

The Company anti-retaliation provision is not intended to protect persons making intentionally false charges
of sexual harassment.

Reporting Sexual Harassment

Preventing sexual harassment is everyone's responsibility. The Company cannot prevent or remedy sexual
harassment unless we know about it. Reports of sexual harassment may be made verbally or in writing. If
you believe you have been subjected to sexual harassment, or if you witness or become aware of potential
instances of sexual harassment, complete a complaint form (at the end of this policy) and submit it to your
Supervisor. If you are reporting sexual harassment on behalf of other team members, use the complaint
form in this policy and note you are reporting on another's behalf.

Supervisory Responsibilities

Supervisors and managers who receive a sexual harassment complaint or who observe sexual harassment
are required to report that complaint or observation to [[designated person or office]]. Supervisors and
managers who knowingly allow sexual harassment to occur and fail to report the sexual harassment will be
subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Supervisors and managers will also be subject to discipline for engaging in retaliation against anyone who
reports sexual harassment.

Investigation of Sexual Harassment Complaints

All complaints or information about sexual harassment will be investigated, whether that information was
reported in verbal or written form. Investigations will be conducted in a timely manner and will be
confidential to the extent possible.

An investigation of any complaint, information, or knowledge of suspected sexual harassment will be

prompt and thorough, will commence immediately, and will be completed as quickly as possible. All
persons involved, including complainants, witnesses, and alleged harassers will be accorded due process,
as outlined below, to protect their rights to a fair and impartial investigation.

Any individual may be required to cooperate as needed in an investigation of suspected sexual

harassment. The Company will not tolerate retaliation against Team Members who file complaints, support
another's complaint, or participate in an investigation regarding a violation of this policy.

While the process may vary from case to case, investigations will generally include the following steps:
 Upon receipt of complaint, Human Resources will conduct an immediate review of the allegations
and take any interim actions (such as instructing the respondent to refrain from communications
with the complainant), as appropriate. If the complaint is verbal, you will be encouraged to complete
the Complaint Form in writing. If you refuse, the Company may prepare a Complaint Form based on
the verbal reporting.
 If documents, emails, or phone records are relevant to the investigation, the Company will take
steps to obtain and preserve them.
 The Company will request and review all relevant documents, including all electronic
 The Company will interview all parties involved, including any relevant witnesses.
 The Company will create a written documentation of the investigation (such as a letter, memo, or
email) containing the following:
o A list of all documents reviewed, along with a detailed summary of relevant documents;
o A list of names of those interviewed, along with a detailed summary of their statements;
o A timeline of events;
o A summary of prior relevant incidents, reported or unreported; and
o The basis for the decision and final resolution of the complaint, together with any corrective
 The Company will keep the written documentation and associated documents in a secure and
confidential location.
 The Company will promptly notify the individual who reported and the individual(s) about whom the
complaint was made of the final determination and implement any corrective actions identified in the
written document.
 The Company will inform the individual who reported of the right to file a complaint or charge
externally as outlined in the next section.

Legal Protections and External Remedies

Sexual harassment is not only prohibited by the Company but also by federal, state, and local law. In
addition to our internal process, team members may choose to pursue legal remedies with the
administrative agencies listed next.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The EEOC enforces federal antidiscrimination laws. Complaints can be filed with the EEOC within 300 days
of the harassment. There is no cost to file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate the
complaint and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred and
will issue a "right to sue" letter permitting you to file a complaint in federal court. Federal courts may award
you remedies if discrimination is found to have occurred, including back pay, front pay, and compensatory
and punitive damages. The EEOC does not award relief but may take other action including pursuing cases
in federal court on behalf of complaining parties.

If you believe you have been discriminated against, file a "charge of discrimination" with the EEOC. The
EEOC has an office at 33 Whitehall Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10004. You can also contact the
EEOC by phone (1-800-669-4000) or email ([email protected]). The EEOC's website is

New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR)

The New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) prohibits sexual harassment against Team Members,
interns (paid or unpaid), and "non-employees," a category that includes contractors, subcontractors,
vendors, consultants, and any other person who provides services under a contract. You can file a sexual
harassment complaint under the NYSHRL with the NYSDHR or in New York State court.

Complaints with the NYSDHR may be filed within one year of the sexual harassment. If you did not file at
the NYSDHR, you can sue directly in state court under the NYSHRL within three years of the alleged

You may not file with the NYSDHR if you have already filed a NYSHRL complaint in state court. If you filed
an administrative complaint with the NYSDHR, the NYSDHR will file the complaint with the EEOC to
preserve the right to proceed in federal court.

Complaining internally to the Company does not extend your time to file with the NYSDHR or in state court.
The one year or three years is counted from the date of the most recent sexual harassment incident.

You do not need an attorney to file a complaint with the NYSDHR and there is no cost to file a complaint.

The NYSDHR will investigate your complaint and determine whether there is probable cause to believe that
discrimination has occurred. Probable cause cases are sent to a public hearing before an administrative
law judge. If discrimination is found after a hearing, the NYSDHR has the power to award relief. Under the
NYSHRL, courts may award back pay, front pay, compensatory damages, a civil monetary penalty, and
attorney's fees.

The NYSDHR's main office is at One Fordham Plaza, Fourth Floor, Bronx, NY 10458. You can also contact
the NYSDHR by phone (1-888-392-3644) or email ([email protected]). The NYSDHR's website is The website has a complaint form that can be downloaded, filled out, notarized, and
mailed to the NYSDHR. The website also contains contact information for the NYSDHR's regional offices.

New York City Commission on Human Rights (NYCCHR)

The New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) prohibits sexual harassment against Team Members in
New York City. You can file a complaint of sexual harassment under the NYCHRL with the New York City
Commission on Human Rights (NYCCHR) or in New York State court. You must file your complaint with
the NYCCHR or in state court within three years of the alleged harassment. Under the NYCHRL, courts
may award back pay, front pay, compensatory and punitive damages, and attorney's fees, expert fees, and

The NYCCHR's main office is at 40 Rector Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10006. Contact the NYCCHR
by phone (718-722-3131), or by website:

Other Localities

Other localities may have their own laws protecting individuals from sexual harassment. Contact the
county, city, or town in which you live to find out if such a law exists. If the harassment involves unwanted
physical touching, coerced physical confinement, or coerced sex acts, the conduct may constitute a crime.
Contact the local police department.

Complaint Form for Reporting Sexual Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc.

New York State Labor Law requires all employers to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy that
includes a complaint form for Team Members to report alleged incidents of sexual harassment.

If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment, you are encouraged to complete this
form and submit it to (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

You will not be retaliated against for filing a complaint.

If you are more comfortable reporting verbally or in another manner, your employer should complete this
form, provide you with a copy, and follow its sexual harassment prevention policy by investigating the
claims as outlined at the end of this form.

Complainant Information


Work Address:

Work Phone:

Job Title:


Select Preferred Communication Method: (Email, Phone, In person)

Supervisor Information

Immediate Supervisor's Name:


Work Phone:

Work Address:

Complaint Information

Your complaint of sexual harassment is made against:



Work Address:

Work Phone:

Relationship to you: (supervisor; subordinate; co-worker; other)

Please describe the conduct or incident(s) that is the basis of this complaint and your reasons for
concluding that the conduct is sexual harassment. Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary and
attach any relevant documents or evidence.

Date(s) sexual harassment occurred:

Is the sexual harassment continuing? (Yes/No)

Please list the name and contact information of any witnesses or individuals that may have information
related to your complaint:

The last question is optional but may help facilitate the investigation.

Have you previously complained or provided information (verbal or written) about sexual harassment at
Hampton Golf, Inc.? If yes, when and to whom did you complain or provide information?

If you have retained legal counsel and would like us to work with them, please provide their contact


Wage and Hour Policies

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide nursing mothers at least 20 minutes unpaid break time once every three
hours to express milk for their infant child(ren) for up to three years following the child's birth.

If you are nursing, the Company will make reasonable efforts to provide you a private room, other than a
restroom, to express milk. The room will be clearly designated, in close proximity to work area, contain a
chair and small table or other flat surface, and either have a lock or a sign on the door to indicate when the
room is in use.

Expressed milk can be stored in a personal cooler. Sufficiently mark or label your milk to avoid confusion
for other team members who may share the refrigerator.

You are encouraged to discuss the length and frequency of these breaks with your Supervisor.

Meal Periods
Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal
and state regulations regarding meal periods. Under New York law:

 Workers employed in, or in connection with, a factory are entitled to a 60-minute unpaid meal period
between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and a 60-minute unpaid meal period midway between the beginning
and end of any shift that starts between 1 p.m. and 6 a.m. and lasts more than six hours.
 Non-factory workers are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal period between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. for
shifts six hours or longer that extend over that period, and a 45-minute unpaid meal period midway
between the beginning and end of a shift that starts between 1 p.m. and 6 a.m. and lasts more than
six hours.
 All workers are entitled to an additional 20-minute unpaid meal period between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. for
workdays that extend from before 11 a.m. to after 7 p.m.

Applicable law also provides that the Company may limit meal periods to a minimum of 30 minutes as
long as there is no indication of hardship to the Team Members.

You will not be required to work during your meal period unless otherwise permitted under applicable law.

Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures and schedules for meal periods.

The Company requests that team members accurately observe and record meal periods. If you know in
advance that you may not be able to take your scheduled meal period or are not fully relieved of all duties,
let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if you were unable to take
or were prohibited from taking a meal period.

If you are nonexempt, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in
writing, by your Supervisor.

At certain times Hampton Golf, Inc. may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much
notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work
overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including

Unless otherwise required or exempted by law, overtime pay of one and one-half times your regular rate of
pay is paid for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Holidays, vacation days, and sick
leave days do not count as time worked for computing overtime.
Pay Period
At Hampton Golf, Inc., the standard pay period is biweekly for all team members. Pay dates are Friday's. If
a pay date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding workday. If a pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. Special provisions may be required from time to time if
holidays fall on pay dates. Check with your Supervisor if this type of date arises.

If you are paid by commission, refer to your commission agreement.

Review your paycheck for accuracy. If you find an issue, report it to your Supervisor immediately.

Wage Disclosure Protection

In accordance with New York law, Hampton Golf, Inc. will not prohibit you from inquiring about, discussing,
or disclosing your wages or the wages of other team members.

If you have access to or knowledge of the compensation information of other team members as a part of
your essential job functions, you may not disclose that information to individuals who do not otherwise have
authorized access to it, unless the disclosure is:

 In response to a formal charge or complaint; or

 In furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or other action (including an investigation
conducted by the Company).

This policy does not require you to disclose your wages.

If you believe that you have been discriminated or retaliated against in violation of this policy, immediately
report your concerns to the Human Resources department.

Failure to adhere to this policy may lead to corrective action including, but not limited to, termination.

Nothing in this policy will be enforced to interfere with, restrain or coerce, or retaliate against team
members regarding their rights under the National Labor Relations Act, or any collective-bargaining

General Policies

Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all team members. Files
containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe,
locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information
related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits
selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and
access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-
related decisions. If you wish to review your personnel or medical records file, you must give the Company
reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the
Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.


Accommodations for Victims of Domestic Violence

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide reasonable accommodations to team members who are victims of domestic
violence who must be absent from work for a reasonable time, unless such accommodation would cause
an undue hardship on the Company.

Accommodations include reasonable time off to:

 Seek medical attention for injuries caused by domestic violence, including for a child who is the
victim of domestic violence;
 Obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, program, or rape crisis center as a result of
domestic violence;
 Obtain psychological counseling related to an incident or incidents of domestic violence, including
for a child who is the victim of domestic violence;
 Participate in safety planning or other action taken to increase safety from future incidents of
domestic violence (e.g., temporary or permanent relocation); or
 Obtain legal services, assist in the prosecution of an offense, or appear in court related to an
incident of domestic violence.

A victim of domestic violence is any person who is older than 16, married, or is a parent accompanied by
a minor child in a situation where the individual or minor child is the victim of an act committed by a family
or household member in violation of New York penal law. The act must have resulted in actual physical or
emotional injury or created a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm to the person or their child.


You must provide reasonable advance notice of your intention to take time off for the above reasons unless
advanced notice is not feasible. If an unscheduled absence occurs, you must provide the following
documentation within a reasonable amount of time after your absence:

 A police report indicating that you or your child was a victim of domestic violence;
 A court order protecting or separating you or your child from the perpetrator of the domestic
 Other evidence from the court or prosecuting attorney that you appeared in court; or
 Documentation from a medical professional, domestic violence advocate, health care provider, or
counselor that you or your child underwent counseling or treatment for physical or mental injuries or
abuse resulting from the domestic violence.


The Company will maintain the confidentiality of any information regarding your status as a victim of
domestic violence, except as required by federal or state law or as necessary to protect your safety in the


The time off may be charged against any paid time off to which you are entitled. If you have no available
paid time off, the time off may be treated as unpaid time.


The Company will not retaliate against a victim of domestic violence for requesting or obtaining reasonable
accommodation in accordance with this policy.

Blood and Bone Marrow Donation Leave
Hampton Golf, Inc. provides those team members who work an average of 20 or more hours per week:

 Up to three hours of unpaid leave in any calendar year to donate blood. You must give reasonable
notice of at least three working days of your intent to take leave to give blood. Provide
documentation to your Supervisor immediately after such leave is taken.
 Unpaid time off, as determined by your physician, not to exceed 24 hours without Company
approval to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow. If you seek leave to donate bone
marrow, you must provide verification from a physician setting forth the purpose and length of each
leave required.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

COVID-19 Leave Benefits

If you are subject to an individual order of mandatory or precautionary quarantine or isolation issued by
New York State, the New York State Department of Health, local board of health, or any other government
entity authorized to issue such order due to COVID-19 (Individual Quarantine Order), you may be eligible
for paid and/or unpaid leave in addition to paid family leave benefits (PFLB) and disability benefits (DB).

Program Specifics

For the duration of the Individual Quarantine Order the Company is required to provide you with at least 14
days of paid sick leave.

Leave will be provided without the loss of any accrued sick leave.


You are not eligible for leave if you are deemed asymptomatic or have not yet been diagnosed with a
medical condition and are physically able to work remotely or through other means while under an
Individual Quarantine Order.

If you have returned to the United States after non-business-related travel to a country from which the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a level two or three travel health notice, you
are not eligible for these benefits if you were provided notice of the travel advisory, were warned that you
would not be eligible for such benefits if you elected to travel to such countries, and chose to travel anyway.
In addition, you are not eligible for these benefits if, after being warned not to do so, you voluntarily traveled
to a state with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents, or higher than a 10 percent test
positivity rate, over a seven-day rolling average, and which the commissioner of the Department of Health
has designated as meeting these conditions, and the travel was not taken as part of your employment or at
the direction of the Company. All team members in this category are entitled to use any accrued leave
provided by the Company. If you do not have any accrued leave, you may use unpaid leave for the duration
of the quarantine or isolation.


Upon return from leave, you will be restored to the same position you held prior to the leave with the same
pay and other terms and conditions of your employment.

How to Apply for Benefits

Information on how to apply for DB and/or PFLB when you are under an Individual Quarantine Order is
available at

Business Closure

If the Company temporarily closes or goes out of business due to COVID-19, you may not be eligible for
the above benefits and should immediately apply for unemployment insurance. The unemployment
insurance benefits one-week waiting period has been waived. Information on how to file a claim can be
obtained at

Discrimination and Retaliation

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members who take leave in accordance with
this policy.

COVID-19 Vaccination Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide all team members sufficient paid leave to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination.
Sufficient paid leave means up to four hours per vaccine injection.

If the need for leave is foreseeable, provide as much advance notice as possible and make reasonable
efforts to schedule the leave so that it does not unduly disrupt Company operations. If unforeseeable,
provide notice as soon as practical.

You will be compensated at your regular rate of pay for the time missed from work. The leave will not be
charged against any other leave benefit to which you are entitled, including sick leave.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

This policy expires on December 31, 2022.

Crime Victim and Witness Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide eligible team members with time off from work, without pay, for any of the
following reasons:

 To comply with a subpoena to testify in a criminal proceeding (including time off to consult with the
district attorney);
 To give a victim impact statement at a pre-sentencing proceeding;
 To give a statement at a sentencing proceeding; or
 To give a statement at a parole board hearing.

You are eligible for time off under this policy if you are:

 The victim of the crime at issue in the proceedings;

 The victim's next of kin;
 The victim's representative if the victim is deceased as a result of the offense;
 A "Good Samaritan"; or
 Pursuing an application or the enforcement of an order of protection as provided under relevant law.

For purpose of this policy:

 Good Samaritan means someone who acts in good faith to apprehend a person who has
committed a crime in his or her presence, to prevent a crime or an attempted crime from occurring,
or to aid a law enforcement officer in effecting an arrest.
 Victim's representative means a person who represents or stands in the place of another person,
including but not limited to, an agent, attorney, guardian, conservator, executor, heir, or parent of a

If you are required to attend a criminal proceeding either as a witness or as a crime victim (or a close family
member of a crime victim), you must notify your Supervisor as soon as possible and at least one day before
taking leave to make scheduling arrangements. The Company reserves the right to require team members
to provide proof of the need to attend the criminal proceedings to the extent authorized by law.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Disability Benefits
If you are unable to work for more than seven consecutive days due to a non-work-related illness or injury,
or pregnancy-related disability, you may be eligible for disability benefits. Disability benefits provide up to
26 weeks of partial wage replacement benefits during any 52-consecutive-week period. Benefits are
payable beginning on the eighth consecutive day of disability.

The cost of your disability insurance coverage is provided by the Company.

If you have been disabled for more than seven days, the Company will provide you with a Form DB-271S,
Statement of Rights, within five days of learning that you are disabled. The Statement of Rights provides
information on how to file a claim for benefits. You must file a claim within the first 30 days of your disability
or all or part of your claim may be rejected. You must be under the care of a physician, chiropractor,
podiatrist, psychologist, dentist, or certified nurse midwife to qualify for disability benefits.

Disability benefits are a wage replacement benefit, not a protected leave benefit. If you are temporarily
disabled, you may be eligible for job-protected leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act or
other state or local law.

To learn more about the New York Disability Benefits law, including eligibility requirements and benefits, or
to obtain a claim form (Form DB-450), contact the New York State Workers' Compensation Board

Emergency Services Leave

If you are a volunteer firefighter or an enrolled member of a volunteer ambulance service, Hampton Golf,
Inc. will provide you with unpaid leave to respond to a declared local or state emergency. This leave will be
granted for as long as you are engaged in the actual performance of your emergency response duties.

Time missed from work will be unpaid, except where required under applicable law. You may choose to
substitute available PTO in lieu of unpaid leave.

To be eligible for this leave you must provide the Company with written documentation from the head of the
volunteer fire department or volunteer ambulance service, notifying the Company of your status as a

Upon return from leave, the Company may request a notarized statement from the head of the volunteer
fire department or ambulance service, certifying the period of time that you responded to the emergency.

Emergency services leave will not be granted if your absence would impose an undue hardship on the
Company's business.

Jury Duty Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages team members to fulfill their civic duties related to jury duty. If you are
summoned for jury duty, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible to make scheduling arrangements.

You will be paid a minimum of $40 per day for the first three days of juror service or any part thereof. For
any additional days, time spent on jury duty will be unpaid.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of jury duty service to the extent
authorized by law.
The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Military Spouse Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides up to 10 days of unpaid leave to team members who are the spouse of a
military member who is home on leave during a period of military deployment.

To be eligible for military spouse leave you must:

 Work an average of 20 or more hours per week; and

 Be the spouse of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves who has been
deployed during a period of military conflict to a combat theater or combat zone of operations.

A period of military conflict means a period of war declared by the U.S. Congress or a period during
which a member of the Reserves is ordered to active duty under federal authority.

If you need to take military spouse leave, notify your Supervisor as soon as reasonably possible. The
Company reserves the right to ask for documents supporting the need for leave.

You may elect to use any available paid time off for which you are eligible under Company policy for the
purpose of taking military spouse leave, and such paid time off will run concurrently with the leave afforded
under this policy.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members who request or take leave in
accordance with this policy.

Paid Family Leave

New York's Paid Family Leave (PFL) program provides eligible team members with job-protected, paid time
off to:

 Bond with a newly born, adopted, or fostered child.

 Care for a close relative with a serious health condition.
 Assist with family situations when a family member is deployed abroad on active military service.


Eligible team members may take PFL leave as follows:

 If you work full time (a regular schedule of 20 or more hours per week), you are eligible after 26
consecutive weeks of employment.
 If you work part time (a regular schedule of less than 20 hours per week), you are eligible after
working 175 days, which do not need to be consecutive.

Amount of Benefit

You will be provided up to 12 weeks of leave at 67 percent of your weekly pay (capped at 67 percent of
statewide average pay).

You may use accrued leave in order to receive full pay while on PFL.


PFL is funded through employee payroll contributions that are set each year to match the cost of coverage.
The rate of employee contributions is reviewed annually and is subject to change by the New York State
Department of Financial Services.

If you are not eligible for PFL, you will be provided a waiver to sign and PFL contributions will not be
deducted from your wages.

Qualifying Events

If you are eligible, you may use family leave benefits for the following types of leaves:

 New child: You may take PFL during the first 12 months following the birth, adoption, or fostering of
a child. Expectant mothers cannot take PFL for their own pregnancy. PFL for the birth of a child
begins after the child's birth and is not available for prenatal conditions.
 Serious health condition: You may take PFL to care for a close relative with a serious health
condition. The relative may live outside of New York State and even outside the country. You
cannot take PFL for your own health condition.
 Military active service deployment: You may take PFL to assist with family situations arising
when your spouse, domestic partner, child, or parent is deployed abroad on active military service
or has been notified of an impending military deployment abroad. You cannot use PFL for your own
qualifying military event.

As used in this policy:

 Close relative includes a spouse, domestic partner, child and stepchild, parent and stepparent,
parent-in-law, grandparent and grandchild.
 Serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition, including
transplantation preparation and recovery from surgery related to organ or tissue donation, that
involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility; or continuing medical
treatment or continuing supervision by a health care provider.

Health Insurance

Your health insurance will continue while you are on leave; however, if you contribute to the cost of your
health insurance, you must continue to pay your portion of the premium cost while on leave.

Interaction with Other Laws

PFL may be taken by team members who are eligible for time off under the federal Family and Medical
Leave Act. PFL will run concurrently with designated FMLA leave when the reason for leave qualifies
under both PFL and FMLA. Eligible Team Members must then apply for both PFL and FMLA.

You may not receive short-term disability and PFL benefits at the same time. You may not take more than
26 combined weeks of short-term disability and PFL in a 52-week period.

If you are unable to work and qualify for workers' compensation benefits, you may not use PFL benefits at
the same time as you are receiving workers' compensation benefits. If you are receiving reduced earnings,
you may be eligible for PFL.

Notice and Required Documentation

Notify Human Resources if you intend to claim entitlement to PFL. If your family leave is foreseeable, give
30 days' advance notice so the Company can plan for your absence. If the event was not foreseeable,
notify your manager as quickly as possible. If you fail to give notice without unusual circumstances
justifying the failure, PFL may be delayed or partially denied.

You must provide documentation in support of your PFL request within 30 days after the leave begins. The
Company may require additional proof from time to time but not more often than once a week. Proof must
include a statement of disability from the leave recipient's health care provider.

Returning to Work

On return from PFL, you will be reinstated to your original position, or if no longer available, an equivalent
position with equivalent terms and conditions of employment, including pay and employment benefits.

Use of PFL will not result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued before the start of your family
leave that was not used during your family leave.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Additional Information

If you have additional questions regarding PFL, contact Human Resources or visit

Paid Sick Leave (Accrual Method)

Hampton Golf, Inc. provides paid sick leave to eligible team members in accordance with New York Law.


All team members are eligible for sick leave.

Reasons for Leave

Sick leave may be used for the following purposes:

 For your own or a family member's mental or physical illness, injury, or health condition regardless
of whether such illness, injury, or health condition has been diagnosed or requires medical care at
the time that you request leave;
 For the diagnosis, care, or treatment of your own or a family member's mental or physical illness,
injury, or health condition or need for medical diagnosis or preventive care; or
 For your absence from work when you, or your family member, has been the victim of domestic
violence, a family offense, sexual offense, stalking, or human trafficking and you need to:
o Obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, rape crisis center, or other services
o Participate in safety planning, temporarily or permanently relocate, or take other actions to
increase your safety or the safety of your family members;
o Meet with an attorney or other social services provider to obtain information and advice on,
and prepare for or participate in any criminal or civil proceeding;
o File a complaint or domestic incident report with law enforcement;
o Meet with a district attorney's office;
o Enroll children in a new school; or
o Take any other actions necessary to ensure your or a family member's health or safety or to
protect those who associate or work with you.

If you are responsible for the domestic violence, family offense, sexual offense, stalking, or human
trafficking, you are not eligible for leave under this policy.

Family member means:

 Your child, spouse, domestic partner, parent, sibling, grandchild, or grandparent; or

 The child or parent of your spouse or domestic partner.

Parent means:

 Your biological, foster, step- or adoptive parent; or

 A person who acted as your legal guardian or a person who stood in loco parentis when you were a
minor child.

Child means:

 Your biological, adopted, or foster child;

 A legal ward; or
 A child for which you stand in loco parentis.

Accrual and Usage

Eligible team members accrue one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, beginning on their first
day of employment or September 30, 2020, whichever is later. You may begin using accrued sick leave on
January 1, 2021. You may use up to a maximum of 56 hours of sick leave in a leave year. For purposes of
this policy, the leave year is the team member's work anniversary. The minimum increment of sick leave
that you may take at one time is two hours. Unused sick leave will carry over to the following leave year;
however, you may still only use 56 hours of sick leave in a leave year.


You will be paid at your regular rate of pay or the applicable minimum wage, whichever is greater.


If the need for leave is foreseeable, you must provide reasonable notice of your need for leave. If
unforeseeable, provide notice as soon as practical. If known, notice should include the expected length of
the absence.


Details surrounding your request for leave will be kept confidential, except as required by federal or state
law or as necessary to protect your safety in the workplace. You will not be required to disclose the nature
of any medical condition or of any domestic violence/sexual offense matter necessitating the need for


You may request (verbally or in writing) a summary of the amounts of sick leave you have accrued and
used in the current calendar year and/or any previous calendar year. This information will be provided
within three business days.

Payment Upon Termination

You will not be paid for any unused sick leave when your employment ends.


The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Voting Leave
Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages all team members to fulfill their civic responsibility and to vote in public
elections. Most work schedules provide sufficient time to vote either before or after working hours. If the
polls are open for at least four consecutive hours before or after the work shift, you will be deemed to have
sufficient time outside of work hours to vote.

If you do not have sufficient time before or after work to vote, you may take enough time off at the
beginning or end of your work shift to vote. Up to two hours' time off for this purpose will be provided
without loss of pay.
You must request time off to vote from your Supervisor at least two working days prior to Election Day so
that the necessary time off can be scheduled at the beginning or end of the work shift, whichever provides
the least disruption to normal business operations.

The Company will not retaliate or tolerate retaliation against team members who request or take leave
under this policy. If you believe that you are being retaliated against because you requested or took leave
under this policy, immediately report it to your Supervisor.

Safety and Loss Prevention

Workplace Smoking
Hampton Golf Is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for team members and visitors.
Smoking is allowed only in designated areas outside our facilities.

Ohio Policies

Hiring and Orientation Policies

Disability Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws, and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities, including disabilities related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and related conditions. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will provide reasonable
accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals where appropriate to allow the individual to perform the
essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, it is your responsibility to notify your
Supervisor. You may be asked to include relevant information such as:

 A description of the proposed accommodation.

 The reason you need an accommodation.
 How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, the Company will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the
precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome
those limitations. Where appropriate, we may need your permission to obtain additional information from
your medical provider. All medical information received by the Company in connection with a request for
accommodation will be treated as confidential.

The Company encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would
allow you to perform your job. However, the Company is not required to make the specific accommodation
requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable
accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

If leave is provided as a reasonable accommodation, such leave may run concurrently with leave under the
federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave where permitted by state and federal law.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members for requesting an accommodation.

EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement

Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying
with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment
laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment that is free of harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation because of age (40 and older), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion,
sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information
(including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status
protected by federal, state, or local laws. The Company is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard
to all aspects of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training,
promotion, rates of pay, and other compensation, termination, and all other terms, conditions, and
privileges of employment.

The Company will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential
manner. The Company will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. The Company
prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the
investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding equal employment
opportunity with your Supervisor or any other designated member of management.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc. has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual
harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual's age (40 and older), race,
color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender
identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical
or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed
servicemember status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of
harassment of, or by, team members, vendors, visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and
will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to, or rejection of such
conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the
following are some examples of sexual harassment:

 Unwelcome requests for sexual favors;

 Lewd or derogatory comments or jokes;
 Comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another;
 Sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles;
 Obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or
pictorial materials of a sexual nature;
 Repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome;
 Retaliating against another for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual
harassment to the Company or any government agency;
 Offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations,
favorable assigned duties or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and
 Any unwanted physical touching or assaults or blocking or impeding movements.

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion toward
an individual because of the individual's age (40 and older), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion,
sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information
(including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status
protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

 The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;
 Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility toward an
individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls,
bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and
 A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance toward any
select group.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment,
immediately notify (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

or any member of management.

The Company prohibits retaliation against team members who, based on a reasonable belief, provide
information about, complain, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find a claim
has merit. To the extent possible, we will retain the confidentiality of those who report suspected or alleged
violations of the harassment policy.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion,
transfer, and discharge. If the Company determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective
action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, the Company may monitor any
incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, the
Company will follow up as necessary to ensure that no individual is retaliated against for making a
complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

Religious Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to treating its team members equally and with respect and recognizes the
diversity of their religious beliefs. All team members may request an accommodation when their religious
beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or
other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request but reserves the right to offer its own
accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are
cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on
operations — including other team members — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no
time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.

If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Supervisor or Human Resources.

Wage and Hour Policies

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide nursing mothers reasonable unpaid break time to express milk for their
infant child(ren) for up to one year following the child's birth.

If you are nursing, you will be provided with a space, other than a restroom, that is shielded from view and
free from intrusion from co-workers and the public.

Expressed milk can be stored in a personal cooler. Sufficiently mark or label your milk to avoid confusion
for other team members who may share the refrigerator.

Break time should, if possible, be taken concurrently with any other break time already provided. If you are
nonexempt, clock out for any time taken that does not run concurrently with normally scheduled rest

You must make reasonable efforts to not disrupt Company operations.

You are encouraged to discuss the length and frequency of these breaks with your Supervisor.

Meal and Rest Periods

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal
and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods. Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures
and schedules for rest and meal breaks. The Company requests that team members accurately observe
and record meal and rest periods. If you know in advance that you may not be able to take your scheduled
break or meal period, let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if
you were unable to or prohibited from taking a meal or rest period.

If you are nonexempt, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in
writing, by your Supervisor.

At certain times Hampton Golf, Inc. may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much
notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work
overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including

Unless otherwise required or exempted by law, overtime pay of one and one-half times your regular rate of
pay is paid for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Holidays, vacation days, and sick
leave days do not count as time worked for computing overtime.

Pay Period
At Hampton Golf, Inc., the standard pay period is biweekly for all team members. Pay dates are Fridays. If
a pay date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding workday. If a pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. Special provisions may be required from time to time if
holidays fall on pay dates. Check with your Supervisor if this type of date arises.

If you are paid by commission, refer to your commission agreement.

Review your paycheck for accuracy. If you find an issue, report it to your Supervisor immediately.

General Policies

Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all team members. Files
containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe,
locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information
related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits
selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and
access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-
related decisions. If you wish to review your personnel or medical records file, you must give the Company
reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the
Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.


Crime Victim and Witness Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. realizes that, on occasion, you may have an obligation to participate in criminal legal
proceedings either as a witness or because you, or a close family member, was victimized by a criminal
act. The Company provides unpaid leave to attend those proceedings under circumstances described

If you are required to attend a criminal proceeding, including a grand jury or juvenile proceeding, either as a
witness or as a crime victim (or a close family member or representative of a crime victim), inform your
Supervisor as soon as possible to make arrangements for a leave of absence.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of the need to attend the
criminal proceedings to the extent authorized by law.

Leave under this policy is unpaid. You may opt to use PTO in place of unpaid leave.

Any information related to your leave will be kept confidential by the Company to the extent possible.

This policy does not apply to team members seeking leave because they have committed, or are alleged to
have committed, an offense against the Company or an offense involving them during the course of their

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Jury Duty Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages team members to fulfill their civic duties related to jury duty. If you are
summoned for jury duty, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible to make scheduling arrangements.

If you are classified as exempt, you will not incur any deduction in pay for a partial week's absence due to
jury duty. If you are classified as nonexempt, you will not be compensated for time spent on jury duty.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of jury duty service to the extent
authorized by law.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Military Family Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide eligible team members with up to 10 days or 80 hours (whichever is less) of
unpaid military family leave in a calendar year.

To be eligible for leave, you must meet the following criteria:

 Have been employed with the Company for at least 12 consecutive months and for at least 1,250
hours in the 12 months immediately preceding commencement of the leave.
 Must be the parent, spouse, or a person who has or had legal custody of a person who is a member
of the uniformed services and is called into active duty in the uniformed services for a period longer

than 30 days, or is injured, wounded, or hospitalized while serving on active duty in the uniformed
 Have exhausted all other available leave, except sick leave or disability leave.

You must provide at least 14 days' notice prior to taking the leave if the leave is taken due to a call to active
duty. At least two days' notice must be provided if the leave is taken due to an injury, wound, or
hospitalization. If the covered family member's situation is critical or life threatening, no notice is required.

You may take leave no more than two weeks prior to, or one week after, the covered family member's
deployment date.

You may be required to provide certification from the appropriate military authority to verify that the above
leave eligibility criteria is satisfied.

The Company will continue to provide benefits while you are on leave under this policy. You will be
responsible for the same proportion of the cost of the benefits as you regularly pay when not on leave.

Leave under this policy is unpaid; however, exempt team members may receive pay for partial day
absences, as required by applicable law.

Upon return from leave, you will be restored to the position you held prior to taking the leave or a position
with equivalent seniority, benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Voting Leave
If your work schedule prevents you from voting on Election Day, Hampton Golf, Inc. will allow you a
reasonable time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will be at the discretion of your Supervisor,
consistent with applicable legal requirements.

Safety and Loss Prevention

Workplace Smoking
Hampton Golf Is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for team members and visitors.
Smoking is allowed only in designated areas outside our facilities.

Tennessee Policies

Hiring and Orientation Policies

Disability Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act, and all applicable state and local fair employment practices laws, and is committed to providing equal
employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities, including disabilities related to pregnancy,
childbirth, and related conditions. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will provide reasonable
accommodation to otherwise qualified individuals where appropriate to allow the individual to perform the
essential functions of the job, unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the business.

If you require an accommodation because of your disability, it is your responsibility to notify your
Supervisor. You may be asked to include relevant information such as:

 A description of the proposed accommodation.

 The reason you need an accommodation.
 How the accommodation will help you perform the essential functions of your job.

After receiving your request, the Company will engage in an interactive dialogue with you to determine the
precise limitations of your disability and explore potential reasonable accommodations that could overcome
those limitations. Where appropriate, we may need your permission to obtain additional information from
your medical provider. All medical information received by the Company in connection with a request for
accommodation will be treated as confidential.

The Company encourages you to suggest specific reasonable accommodations that you believe would
allow you to perform your job. However, the Company is not required to make the specific accommodation
requested by you and may provide an alternative accommodation, to the extent any reasonable
accommodation can be made without imposing an undue hardship on the Company.

If leave is provided as a reasonable accommodation, such leave may run concurrently with leave under the
federal Family and Medical Leave Act and/or any other leave where permitted by state and federal law.

The Company will not discriminate or retaliate against team members for requesting an accommodation.

EEO Statement and Nonharassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Statement

Hampton Golf, Inc. is committed to the principles of equal employment. We are committed to complying
with all federal, state, and local laws providing equal employment opportunities, and all other employment
laws and regulations. It is our intent to maintain a work environment that is free of harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation because of age (40 and older), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion,
sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information
(including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status
protected by federal, state, or local laws. The Company is dedicated to the fulfillment of this policy in regard
to all aspects of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, hiring, placement, transfer, training,
promotion, rates of pay, and other compensation, termination, and all other terms, conditions, and
privileges of employment.

The Company will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, or any violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy in a confidential
manner. The Company will take appropriate corrective action, if and where warranted. The Company
prohibits retaliation against team members who provide information about, complain about, or assist in the
investigation of any complaint of discrimination or violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.

We are all responsible for upholding this policy. You may discuss questions regarding equal employment
opportunity with your Supervisor or any other designated member of management.

Policy Against Workplace Harassment

Hampton Golf, Inc. has a strict policy against all types of workplace harassment, including sexual
harassment and other forms of workplace harassment based upon an individual's age (40 and older), race,
color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender
identity or expression), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical
or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed
servicemember status, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local laws. All forms of
harassment of, or by, team members, vendors, visitors, customers, and clients are strictly prohibited and
will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal
or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to, or rejection of such
conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

While it is not possible to identify every act that constitutes or may constitute sexual harassment, the
following are some examples of sexual harassment:

 Unwelcome requests for sexual favors;

 Lewd or derogatory comments or jokes;
 Comments regarding sexual behavior or the body of another;
 Sexual innuendo and other vocal activity such as catcalls or whistles;
 Obscene letters, notes, emails, invitations, photographs, cartoons, articles, or other written or
pictorial materials of a sexual nature;
 Repeated requests for dates after being informed that interest is unwelcome;
 Retaliating against another for refusing a sexual advance or reporting an incident of possible sexual
harassment to the Company or any government agency;
 Offering or providing favors or employment benefits such as promotions, favorable evaluations,
favorable assigned duties or shifts, etc., in exchange for sexual favors; and
 Any unwanted physical touching or assaults or blocking or impeding movements.

Other Harassment

Other workplace harassment is verbal or physical conduct that insults or shows hostility or aversion toward
an individual because of the individual's age (40 and older), race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion,
sex, sexual orientation (including transgender status, gender identity or expression), pregnancy (including
childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), physical or mental disability, genetic information
(including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, or any other status
protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Again, while it is not possible to list all the circumstances that may constitute other forms of workplace
harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute workplace harassment:

 The use of disparaging or abusive words or phrases, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above protected categories;
 Written or graphic material that insults, stereotypes, or shows aversion or hostility toward an
individual or group because of one of the above protected categories and that is placed on walls,
bulletin boards, email, voicemail, or elsewhere on our premises, or circulated in the workplace; and
 A display of symbols, slogans, or items that are associated with hate or intolerance toward any
select group.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

If you feel that you have witnessed or have been subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment,
immediately notify (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]

or any member of management.

The Company prohibits retaliation against team members who, based on a reasonable belief, provide
information about, complain, or assist in the investigation of any complaint of harassment or discrimination.

We will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claim and take appropriate action where we find a claim
has merit. To the extent possible, we will retain the confidentiality of those who report suspected or alleged
violations of the harassment policy.

Discipline for violation of this policy may include, but is not limited to, reprimand, suspension, demotion,
transfer, and discharge. If the Company determines that harassment or discrimination occurred, corrective
action will be taken to effectively end the harassment. As necessary, the Company may monitor any
incident of harassment or discrimination to assure the inappropriate behavior has stopped. In all cases, the
Company will follow up as necessary to ensure that no individual is retaliated against for making a
complaint or cooperating with an investigation.

Religious Accommodation
Hampton Golf, Inc. is dedicated to treating its team members equally and with respect and recognizes the
diversity of their religious beliefs. All team members may request an accommodation when their religious
beliefs cause a deviation from the Company dress code or the individual's schedule, basic job duties, or
other aspects of employment. The Company will consider the request but reserves the right to offer its own
accommodation to the extent permitted by law. Some, but not all, of the factors that will be considered are
cost, the effect that an accommodation will have on current established policies, and the burden on
operations — including other team members — when determining a reasonable accommodation. At no
time will the Company question the validity of a person's belief.

If you require a religious accommodation, speak with your Supervisor or the Human Resources

Workplace Bullying
Hampton Golf, Inc. is firmly committed to a workplace free from abusive conduct. We strive to provide high
quality products and services in an atmosphere of respect, collaboration, openness, safety, and equality. All
team members have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. All complaints of negative and
inappropriate workplace behaviors will be taken seriously and followed through to resolution. Any individual
who files a complaint will not suffer negative consequences for reporting others for inappropriate behavior.

This policy applies to all full-time and part-time team members, including interns. It does not apply to
independent contractors; however, other contract team members are included. This policy applies to any
sponsored program, event, or activity including, but not limited to, sponsored recreation programs and
activities and the performance by officers and team members of their employment-related duties. The
policy also applies to electronic communications by team members.

Abusive Conduct

Abusive conduct includes acts or omissions that would cause a reasonable person, based on the severity,
nature, and frequency of the conduct, to believe that an individual was subject to an abusive work
environment, which can include but is not limited to:

 Repeated verbal abuse in the workplace, including derogatory remarks, insults, and epithets;
 Verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a threatening, intimidating, or humiliating nature in the
workplace; or
 The sabotage or undermining of an individual's work performance in the workplace.

A single act generally will not constitute abusive conduct unless such conduct is determined to be severe
and egregious.

Abusive conduct does not include:

 Disciplinary procedures in accordance with Company policies.

 Routine coaching and counseling, including feedback about and correction of work performance.
 Reasonable work assignments, including shift, post, and overtime assignments.
 Individual differences in styles of personal expression.
 Passionate, loud expression with no intent to harm others.
 Differences of opinion on work-related concerns.
 The non-abusive exercise of managerial prerogative.


Those in positions of authority have a particular responsibility to ensure that healthy and appropriate
behaviors are exhibited at all times and that complaints to the contrary are addressed in a timely manner.
Managers, supervisors, and others in positions of authority will:

 Provide a working environment as safe as possible by having preventative measures in place and
by dealing immediately with threatening or potentially violent situations;
 Provide good examples by treating all with courtesy and respect;
 Ensure that all team members have access to and are aware of the abusive conduct prevention
policy and explain the procedures to be followed if a complaint of inappropriate behavior at work is
 Be vigilant for signs of inappropriate behaviors at work through observation and information
seeking, and take action to resolve the behavior before it escalates;
 Respond promptly, sensitively, and confidentially to all situations where abusive behavior is
observed or alleged to have occurred.

You are expected to:

 Treat all team members with dignity and respect.

 Refrain from engaging in threatening, violent, intimidating, or other abusive conduct or behaviors.
 Assume personal responsibility to promote fairness and equity in the workplace and report any
incidents of abusive conduct in accordance with this policy.
 Co-operate with preventative measures introduced by your Supervisor and recognize that a finding
of unacceptable behaviors at work will be dealt with through appropriate disciplinary procedures.

Complaint Process


If you feel that you have been subjected to abusive conduct or have witnessed such conduct, report the
matter verbally or in writing to your Supervisor or (one of) the individual(s) listed below:

1. The General Manager of your facility

2. Cindy Sechrist, Vice President of Human Resources at (904) 862-6283 and 7845 Baymeadows
Way, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email [email protected]
3. Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer at (904) 564-9129 and 7845 Baymeadows Way,
Jacksonville FL 32256 or [email protected]

Your complaint should include details of each incident of abusive conduct, such as dates, times, locations,
and any witnesses.

Those in positions of authority must timely report known incidents involving workplace abuse, intimidation,
or violence to the Human Resources department. All managers and supervisors are required to take
reasonable steps to protect the complainant, including, but not limited to, separation of those involved. The
person complained against will be notified that an allegation has been made against him or her and will be
informed of the investigative procedure.


Investigations of abusive conduct will be conducted as soon as practicable and in accordance with
Company policies and practices. The objective of the investigation is to determine whether the behaviors
complained of occurred, and therefore will include interviewing the complainant, accused, and any
witnesses with direct knowledge of the alleged behaviors. All interviews will be appropriately documented.
The investigation will be conducted thoroughly, objectively, with sensitivity, and with due respect for all
parties. The investigator will provide a copy of the investigative report to the appointing authority for further
action. All affected parties will be informed of the investigation's outcome.

Corrective Action

If abusive conduct is found, the Company will take immediate and appropriate corrective action. Remedies
may be determined by weighing the severity and frequency of the incidences of abusive conduct and in
accordance with existing disciplinary policies.

Any individual who engages in conduct that violates this policy or who encourages such conduct by others
will be subject to corrective action. Such corrective action may include, but is not limited to, participation in
counseling, training, and disciplinary action up to and including termination, or changes in job duties or

Any Supervisor or other person in a position of authority who allows abusive conduct to continue or fails to
take appropriate action upon learning of such conduct will be subject to corrective action. Such corrective
action may include, but is not limited to, participation in counseling, training, disciplinary action up to and
including termination, or changes in job duties or location.

While the Company encourages all team members to raise any concern(s) under this policy and procedure,
the Company recognizes that intentional or malicious false allegations can have a serious effect on
innocent people. Individuals falsely accusing others of violations of this policy will be disciplined in
accordance with the Company disciplinary policy.

Any individual exhibiting continuing emotional or physical effects from a reported incident will be directed
toward established assistance programs or other available resources.

When abusive conduct has been confirmed, the Company will continue to review the situation and may
take additional corrective actions if necessary. Preventative measures may also be taken to reduce the
reoccurrence of similar behaviors or actions.


To the extent permitted by law, the Company will maintain the confidentiality of each party involved in an
abusive conduct investigation, complaint, or charge, provided it does not interfere with the ability to
investigate the allegations or to take corrective action. However, state law may prevent the Company from
maintaining confidentiality of public records. Therefore, the Company cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Retaliation is any act of reprisal, interference, restraint, penalty, discrimination, intimidation, or harassment
against an individual or individuals exercising rights under this policy. The Company will not retaliate or
otherwise discriminate against team members who exercise their rights under this policy.

Wage and Hour Policies

Accommodations for Nursing Mothers

Hampton Golf, Inc. will provide nursing mothers reasonable unpaid break time to express milk for their
infant child(ren).

If you are nursing, the Company will make reasonable efforts to provide you a private room, other than a
restroom, in close proximity to the work area, to express milk. The room will be clearly designated and
either have a lock or a sign on the door to indicate when the room is in use.

Expressed milk can be stored in a personal cooler. Sufficiently mark or label your milk to avoid confusion
for other team members who may share the refrigerator.

The break time must, if possible, run concurrently with any break time already provided. You are
encouraged to discuss the length and frequency of these breaks with your Supervisor.

Meal and Rest Periods

Hampton Golf, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal
and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods. Check with your Supervisor regarding procedures
and schedules for rest and meal breaks. The Company requests that team members accurately observe
and record meal and rest periods. If you know in advance that you may not be able to take your scheduled
break or meal period, let your Supervisor know; in addition, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible if
you were unable to or prohibited from taking a meal or rest period.

If you are nonexempt, you may qualify for overtime pay. All overtime must be approved in advance, in
writing, by your Supervisor.

At certain times Hampton Golf, Inc. may require you to work overtime. We will attempt to give as much
notice as possible in this instance. However, advance notice may not always be possible. Failure to work
overtime when requested or working unauthorized overtime may result in discipline, up to and including

Unless otherwise required or exempted by law, overtime pay of one and one-half times your regular rate of
pay is paid for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Holidays, vacation days, and sick
leave days do not count as time worked for computing overtime.

Pay Period
At Hampton Golf, Inc., the standard pay period is biweekly for all team members. Pay dates are Friday's. If
a pay date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the preceding workday. If a pay date falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. Special provisions may be required from time to time if
holidays fall on pay dates. Check with your Supervisor if this type of date arises.

If you are paid by commission, refer to your commission agreement.

Review your paycheck for accuracy. If you find an issue, report it to your Supervisor immediately.

General Policies

Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Hampton Golf, Inc. maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all team members. Files
containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe,
locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information
related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits
selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and
access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-
related decisions. If you wish to review your personnel or medical records file, you must give the Company
reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the
Human Resources department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.


Jury Duty Leave

Hampton Golf, Inc. encourages team members to fulfill their civic duties related to jury duty. If you are
summoned for jury duty, notify your Supervisor as soon as possible to make scheduling arrangements. You
will receive your regular compensation for time spent on jury duty.

The Company reserves the right to require team members to provide proof of jury duty service to the extent
authorized by law.

The Company will not retaliate against team members who request or take leave in accordance with this

Volunteer Firefighter Leave

If you are a volunteer firefighter, Hampton Golf, Inc. will grant you unpaid leave from work to respond to a
fire call during your regular hours of employment. Time missed from work will be unpaid.

You must make reasonable efforts to notify the Company that you may be absent from or late to work due
to your volunteer response.

If you leave work to during your regular hours to respond to a fire call and assist in firefighting for more than
four hours, you may take off the next scheduled work period within 12 hours after that response as a
vacation day or sick leave day without loss of pay. If you are not entitled to a vacation day or sick leave
day, you may take unpaid leave. You are entitled to the same leave if you are an active volunteer firefighter
and you worked for more than four hours as a volunteer firefighter in an emergency in the last day.

The Company may require you to provide a written statement from the supervisor or acting supervisor of
the volunteer fire department stating that you responded to an emergency and including the date, time, and
duration of the emergency response.

Volunteer Rescue Squad Member Leave

If you are a volunteer rescue squad worker, Hampton Golf, Inc. will grant you unpaid leave from work to
respond to an emergency that occurred before you normally report to work. Volunteer rescue squad
worker means any person who is trained in emergency and rescue work and who performs that work
without compensation in a unit that is equipped to address such situations. This time off will not be paid.

You must make reasonable efforts to notify the Company that you may be absent from or late to work due
to your volunteer response. The Company may require you to provide a written statement from the
supervisor or acting supervisor of the volunteer rescue squad stating that you responded to an emergency
and listing the time and date of the emergency.

Voting Leave
If your work schedule prevents you from voting on Election Day, Hampton Golf, Inc. will allow you a
reasonable time off to vote. The time when you can go to vote will be at the discretion of your Supervisor,
consistent with applicable legal requirements.

Safety and Loss Prevention

Workplace Smoking
Hampton Golf Is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for team members and visitors.
Smoking is allowed only in designated areas outside our facilities.

Closing Statement

Thank you for reading our handbook. We hope it has provided you with an understanding of our mission,
history, and structure as well as our current policies and guidelines. We look forward to working with you to
create a successful Company and a safe, productive, and pleasant workplace.

MG Orender, President & Travis Norman, Chief Operating Officer

Hampton Golf, Inc.

Acknowledgment of Receipt and Review

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Hampton Golf, Inc. Team Member
Handbook (handbook) and that I have read it, understand it, and agree to comply with it. I understand that
the Company has the maximum discretion permitted by law to interpret, administer, change, modify, or
delete the rules, regulations, procedures, and benefits contained in the handbook at any time with or
without notice. No statement or representation by a supervisor, manager, or any other Team Member,
whether oral or written, can supplement or modify this handbook. Changes can only be made if approved
in writing by the President of the Company. I also understand that any delay or failure by the Company to
enforce any rule, regulation, or procedure contained in the handbook does not constitute a waiver on
behalf of the Company or affect the right of the Company to enforce such rule, regulation, or procedure in
the future.

I understand that neither this handbook nor any other communication by a management representative or
other, whether oral or written, is intended in any way to create a contract of employment. I further
understand that, unless I have a written employment agreement signed by an authorized Company
representative, I am employed "at-will" (to the extent permitted by law) and this handbook does not modify
my "at-will" employment status.

If I am covered by a written employment agreement (signed by an authorized Company representative) or

a collective-bargaining agreement that conflicts with the terms of this handbook, I understand that the
terms of the employment agreement or collective-bargaining agreement will control.

This handbook is not intended to preclude or dissuade Team Members from engaging in legally protected
activities under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

This handbook supersedes any previous handbook or policy statements, whether written or oral, issued by
Hampton Golf, Inc..

If I have any questions about the content or interpretation of this handbook, I will contact Human

I understand that my worksite employer, Hampton Golf, Inc., has entered into an agreement with Paychex
Business Solutions whereby Paychex Business Solutions has agreed to perform services for Hampton
Golf, Inc. in connection with the agreement. I understand that for certain purposes I may be a co-employee
of Paychex Business Solutions, and that this relationship may be terminated at-will at any time by me,
Hampton Golf, Inc., or Paychex Business Solutions for any reason, with or without cause or notice, unless
otherwise prohibited by law.

[sig|req|signer1] [date|req|signer1]
_________________________ _________________________
Signature Date

Print Name


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