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AUGUST, 2020





AUGUST, 2020









____________________ _____________________

Dean, Graduate Studies Signature

__ Belete Mebratu, Prof ____ Mebratu, NK 17/08/2020

Advisor Signature

__Saleamlak Mola(Phd.)_ ______________17/08/2020

External Examiner Signature

Zemenu Aynadis (Ass. Prof) _________________25/08/2020

Internal Examiner Signature


I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work, prepared under the guidance
of Belete Mebratu (PhD.). All Sources of materials used for the thesis have been duly
acknowledged. I further confirm that the thesis has not been submitted either in part or in
full in any other higher learning institution for the purpose of earning any degree.

___Kalkidan _Kebede___________ ____________________

Name Signature

St Mary‘s University, Addis Ababa August, 2020


This thesis has been submitted to St, Mary‘s University School of Graduate Studies for
examination with my approval as a university advisor.

___Belete Mebratu(Prof.)________ ____ Mebratu, BK _____

Advisor Signature

St, Mary‘s University, Addis Ababa August, 2020


First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to almighty God for helping me in
every moment and for giving me the patience, strength and dedication to endure the
challenges in this situation. I would also like to thank my advisor Professor Belete Mebratu
(PhD.) for his constructive and valuable comments throughout the preparation of this
thesis; otherwise it would have been difficult to make it hold this shape. This paper would
have never been accomplished without the cooperation of respondents who works at NIB
Insurance S.C therefore, I am deeply grateful for all of them. Additionally I would like to
appreciate my beloved family and friends who have constantly been encouraging and
supporting me throughout my academic development.




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................ ix
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY......................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Concept of Strategic Planning .......................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance ............................................ 2
1.1.3 Profile of Nib Insurance S.C ..................................................................................... 4
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ...................................................................... 5
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ...................................................................................... 7
1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 8
1.4.1 General Objective ..................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2 Specific Objectives .................................................................................................... 8
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................ 8
1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 9
1.7 DELIMITATION (SCOPE) OF THE STUDY ...................................................... 9
1.7.1 Theoretical Scope............................................................................................... 9
1.7.2 Methodological Scope ........................................................................................ 9
1.7.3 Geographical Scope ......................................................................................... 10
1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS .................................................................................... 10
1.9 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY.................................................................... 10
CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................................... 12
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................................................................. 12
2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Theoretical Literature Review ............................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Strategy Definition........................................................................................... 12

2.1.2 Levels of Strategy ............................................................................................ 13
2.1.3 Dimensions of Strategic Decisions .................................................................. 14
2.1.4 Strategy Implementation ................................................................................ 15
2.1.5 The Concept of Planning................................................................................. 15
2.1.6 Theories of Strategic Planning ....................................................................... 16
2.1.7 Techniques in Strategic Planning .................................................................. 17
2.1.8 Basic Steps of Strategic Planning ................................................................... 17
2.1.9 Importance of Strategic Planning .................................................................. 18
2.1.10 Methods of Strategic Planning ....................................................................... 19
2.1.11 Organizational Effectiveness .......................................................................... 20
2.1.12 Factors Affecting Organizational Effectiveness ........................................... 21
2.2 Empirical Literature Review ................................................................................. 22
2.3 CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK ......................................................................... 24
CHAPTER THREE ..................................................................................................................... 25
RESEARCH METHDOLOGY ................................................................................................... 25
3 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Research Design and Approach ............................................................................ 25
3.2 Data Collection Methods ........................................................................................ 26
3.3 Population and Sampling Techniques .................................................................. 26
3.3.1 Target Population ............................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Sampling Techniques ...................................................................................... 26
3.4 DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 27
3.5 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY ......................................................................... 27
3.6 ETHICAL CONSIDERATION .................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................... 29
DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION .................................... 29
4. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 29
4.1 RESPONSE RATE ................................................................................................. 30
4.2 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS................................................................................... 30
4.3 GENERAL PROFILE OF RESPONDENT’S ..................................................... 31

PLANNING AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE .............................................. 36
CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................... 47
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................. 47
5. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 47
5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS .................................................................................. 47
5.2 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 49
5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 50
5.4 FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTION................................................................... 51
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 52
APPENDICIES ............................................................................................................................ 54
Appendix I ................................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix II .................................................................................................................................. 60

List of Tables

Table 1: sample size in each stratum .............................................................................................. 27

Table 2: Rule of thumb of Cronbach‘s Alpha................................................................................. 28
Table 3: Response Rate of Questionnaire ....................................................................................... 30
Table 4: Reliability Test Result ...................................................................................................... 31
Table 5: Role in Strategic Planning Process ................................................................................... 32
Table 6: Participation in Strategic Planning ................................................................................... 32
Table 7: Experience level of Employees ........................................................................................ 34
Table 8: Current position of the Employees ................................................................................... 35
Table 9: Managers Opinion related to Performance Measure ........................................................ 37
Table 10: Managers Opinion related to Techniques to overcome challenges during
Strategic Planning ........................................................................................................................... 39
Table 11: Managers Opinion related to Process Element ............................................................... 41
Table 12: Managers opinion related to Dissemination ................................................................... 43
Table 13: Managers opinion related to Integration with Performance Measurement .................... 44
Table 14: Employees Opinion on Communication......................................................................... 45
Table 15: Employees Opinion on Participation .............................................................................. 46

List of Figures

Figure 1: Different Levels of Strategy ............................................................................................ 14

Figure 2: The relation between strategic planning and organizational performance ...................... 24


NIC- Nib Insurance Share Company

SPSS 20.0- Statistical package for social science

SWOT- Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of strategic planning on organization
performance at Nib Insurance S.C. The study adapts a Descriptive research design and it
targets the management and employee staff from different departments. The researcher
used stratified sampling technique and 123 respondents were selected from Head Office to
participate in this study. Primary data was collected from the managers and employees of
NIB Insurance SC through structured questionnaires. Out of a total of 123 questionnaires
distributed from the 123 questionnaires 49 was filled by managers while 44 was filled and
30 was not filled and returned by the employee. Data was analyzed through descriptive
statistics. Findings showed that communication and participation of employees had a
positive effect on organizational performance. It was recommended that In the process of
designing Strategic Planning, participation of the concerned bodies enhances the pace of
improving organizational performance and top-level management at different department
in the insurance should involve employees to understand and share the organizational
value which helps to create a team-spirit and shared accountability.

Keywords: Communication, Participation, Dissemination, Performance Measure,

Integration, Process element, Techniques, Organizational Performance




The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of strategic planning on organizational
performance in the case of Nib Insurance Company S.C. This chapter includes background
of the study, the statement of the problem, general and specific objectives of the study,
research questions and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study,
operational definition of terms and organization of the paper.

1.1.1 Concept of Strategic Planning

In this dynamic world where there is high competition, strategic plan is a crucial element
for an organization to be in a competitive advantage. To achieve its goal, a certain
organization should know how to please customers and employees. According to (Scott,
2016), strategic planning is a complex activity and before attempting a definition it is
useful to compare its degree of complexity with another complex activity: economic policy
making, which has a general similarity with strategic planning in that strategic planning is
concerned with running a company and economic policy is concerned with running the
economy of a country.

Strategic planning also involves in anticipating the future environment, but the decisions
are made in the present. This means that over time, your organization must stay abreast of
changes in order to make the best decisions it can at any given point it must manage, as
well as plan, strategically. Strategic planning has also been described as a tool but it is not a
substitute for the exercise of judgment by leadership. Ultimately, the leaders of any
enterprise need to sit back and ask themselves ―What are the most important issues we
should respond to?‖ and ―How shall we respond?‖ And they must have answers. Finally,
strategic planning, though disciplined in many respects, does not typically flow smoothly

from one step to the next. It is a creative process, and the fresh insight arrived at today
might very well cause you to alter the decision made yesterday. Inevitably, the process
moves back and forth several times before arriving at the final set of decisions (Kawata).

Many studies have attempted to relate organizational performance to classification of firms

with regard to their formal planning practices. The most basic classification scheme is
planners to non-planners according (Stanford, 1957) to found that proper planners out
performed from non-planners in regard to growth by earning sales in linking high-growth
with low-growth organizations.

Strategic planning practices are the tools that define the routes that when taken will lead to
the most likely probability of getting from where the business is to where the owners or
stakeholders want it to go. Strategic planning is a process that brings to life the mission and
vision of the enterprise.

As a company grows and as the business environment becomes more complex the need for
strategic planning becomes greater. There is a need for all people in the corporation to
understand the direction and mission of the business. Companies consistently applying a
disciplined approach to strategic planning are better prepared to evolve as the market
changes and as different market segments require different needs for the products or
services of the company. The benefit of the discipline that develops from the process of
strategic planning, leads to improved communication. It facilitates effective decision-
making, better selection of tactical options and leads to a higher probability of achieving
the owners or stakeholders goals and objectives.

1.1.2 Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance

Strategic planning can help in improving the performance of the enterprise for years. This
is done by piloting the company to find and focus on the handful of really big issues facing
the organization. It is the size and impact of these strategic issues that gives rise to the
importance of the strategic plan. Set long term strategic objectives for improved
performance of the organization. These objectives should clearly further the enduring
purpose of the organization.

This means knowing and spelling out for whom the organization exists, and what benefit
the organization seeks to provide this group. Every organization should set out to benefit
one clearly defined group of beneficiaries, and a single, long term, verifiable; target figure
should be set to reflect what it is trying to do for them. If it cannot set such a target, the
organization should be reformed until this becomes possible (Sharder, 1984)

It is conceptualized that firms that have effectively embraced strategic planning, records
better performance as compared to those that have not. Carrying out the various steps in the
strategic planning process is expected to facilitate the realization of organizational
effectiveness. By defining a company‗s purpose and goals, strategic planning provides
direction to the organization and enhances coordination and control of organization
activities. The primary goal of strategic planning is to guide the organization in setting out
its strategic intent and priorities and refocus itself towards realizing the same. The process
of strategic planning shapes a company‗s strategy choice. It reveals and clarifies future
opportunities and threats and provides a framework for decision making throughout a
company. It helps organizations to make better strategies through the use of more
systematic, logical and rational approach to strategic choice.

According to (Steiner,G.A, 1979)strategic planning stimulates the future on paper and it

encourages and permits a manager to see, evaluate and accept or discard a far greater
number of alternative courses of action than he/she might otherwise consider. Strategic
planning tends to make an organization more systematic in terms of its development and
this can lead to a greater proportion of the organization‗s efforts being directed towards the
attainment of those goals established at the planning stage, that is, the organization become
more focused. It applies a system approach by looking at a company as a system composed
of subsystems. It permits managers to look at the organization a whole and the
interrelationships of parts, rather than deal with each separate part alone without reference
to others. Therefore, it provides a framework for improved coordination and control of an
organization‗s activities.

Strategic planning provides a basis for other management functions. (Steiner,G.A, 1979)
Observes that strategic planning is inseparably linked into the entire fabric of management.
It provides a framework for decision-making throughout the company and forces the

setting of objectives, which provides a basis for measuring performance. Managers are able
to spend time, efforts and resources in activities that pay off.
Setting of goals and targets on the other hand facilitate evaluation of organization
performance. Individuals in an organization will strive to achieve clear objectives that are

This study will inspire for the continued growth of the insurance sector and need for the
same industry to have a well laid strategy in force. Effective strategic planning not only
affects where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also
how it will know if it is successful. Insurance companies that have implemented good
strategic plans have since excelled leading a marked trend in the industry striving to catch
up and keep up with this trend.

1.1.3 Profile of Nib Insurance S.C

Nib Insurance Company (NIC) was established by 658 shareholders with an authorized
capital of Birr 50.0 million and a Paid-Up capital of Birr 14.0 million in May 02, 2002.
NIC had 4 branches in Addis Ababa and a total staff size of not more than 50 at the time of
its creation. Currently, the paid up capital has reached to Birr 250 million and the number
of shareholders increased to 1,014. NIC provides both General (Non-Life) Insurance and
Life Assurance Services to its clients.

The Company undertakes its operations through its Head Office, 42 branches and 1 Contact
Office (for the General Insurance) and 1 Life Assurance branch where twenty-seven of the
branches are located in Addis Ababa. Currently, the number of employees working for NIC
has reached to 416.


To provide reliable and quality insurance service and maximize its profitability, attain
sustainable growth, build its assets, invest and support the overall growth of the country.


To be a first class insurance company preferred by stakeholders for its quality and
diversified service.


 Transparency and Accountability in the provision of service, information and also

in decision making
 Respect and honesty in dealing with stakeholders
 Integrity at all levels
 Trustworthy and dependable partner to all customers
 Socially responsible
 Preferred by customers for its loyalty and commitment in serving them
 Avoid discrimination of any sort

Company’s Structure
The Board of Directors consist 9 renowned entrepreneurs‘ who are professionals that are
providing policy guidance over all the leadership system. The Management is composed of
highly qualified and experienced professionals. The company has young and energetic
staffs that discharge their responsibilities with exemplary team spirit and sense of
This study is conducted to explore how a strategic planning affects the organizational
performance of Nib Insurance Share Company.


Strategic planning for an organization is an important tool in defining its strategy or
direction and making decisions on allocating its resources. It may also extend to control
mechanisms which help in implementation of the strategy. According to (Hall F. ,
2014)Strategic planning is a management technique that helps organizations set future
goals and objectives to achieve more stable and predictable growth. It also identifies the
actions required to reach these goals and should comprise mission and vision statements,
first, it highlights the importance of a mission statement for the company; explains how the
mission will be essential to the company‘s success. Then, it emphasizes how the vision
statement supports the company‘s mission.

―If a business has little idea where it is headed, it will wander aimlessly with priorities
changing constantly and employees confused about the purpose of their jobs. And it could
chase strategies that have little or no chance of success” (Hall F. A., 2014, p. 2).

As a compass, a strategic plan points the right directions to drive the company to
prosperity. If an organization has no ultimate navigation where it is headed, it will move
flighty with no direction as loose cannon. It creates chaos, mismanagement, wrong work
flow. Continually changing priorities and confused employees are some examples. Starting
a business blindly, with no plan, ideals, goals, or foresight guarantees the business failure
(Hall F. , 2014).

The successful strategic planning in organizational performance is very important to

support and strength on organizational performance. A good strategic plan perform reduce
wastage of time, cost minimize and to use less human resource and the right person to the
right position. As a matter of fact, for a business to be successful there needs to be a road
map for success. Without that road map provided by a solid strategic plan, decisions are
made in a vacuum and/or there is considerable confusion and inconsistency evident within
the organization (Drucker, 1985).

Most of the time organization prepares strategic planning to improve the performance of
their departments and sector but fail to implement according to the time set, the planned
human resource and within the budget framework. Authors offer a number of general
causes for Unsuccessful strategic planning management and organizational efficiency
failures: Lack of capital, unplanned expansion and management incompetence, lack of
human resource management, wastage of time during implementation the strategic
planning, all are mentioned as typical reasons for inefficient organization. Nevertheless,
each of these challenges may be effectively addressed by strategic planning.

The researcher wants to investigate the implementation of strategic plan in Nib Insurance
by checking the procedural process from the formulation step to the final step (action).
According to this, the researcher find out there is a problem which was related to the
implementation of strategic plan. This is because it has been seen that the plan doesn‘t get
communicated to employees, and they don‘t understand how they contribute. The goals and

actions generated in the strategic planning session are too numerous because the team
failed to make tough choices to eliminate non-critical actions. Employees don‘t know
where to begin. Strategy is only discussed at yearly weekend retreats. Employees must also
have the authority, responsibility, and tools necessary to impact relevant
measures. Otherwise, they may resist involvement and ownership.

Hence, considering the past five year of the strategic plan (2013/2014-2018/2019) report of
the of Nib Insurance the researcher notified gap between the strategic planning and
organizational performance in response to this, the study will try to analyze the effect of
strategic planning on organizational performance in Nib Insurance S.C at Head office
level. To address this issue the study will focus on 3 variables of strategic planning such as
communication, performance system and techniques as independent variables while
organizational performance will acts like dependent variables.


The study attempts to find answer for the following questions

1. How does Nib Insurance Company S.C carry out its strategic planning?
2. What is the impact of strategic planning on organizational performance at Nib
Insurance Company S.C?
3. What are the major challenges encountered while implementing the strategic
planning at Nib Insurance S.C?
4. What Techniques did Nib Insurance S.C used to avoid the challenges that had been
faced during the last five years (2013/14-2018/19)?

1.4.1 General Objective
The prime objective of this study is to investigate the effect of strategic planning on
organizational performance in the case of Nib Insurance Company S.C.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

1. To assess how Nib Insurance Company S.C implemented its strategic planning
2. To investigate the impact of strategic planning performance at NIB Insurance S.C.
3. To identify the major challenges that NIB Insurance faced while implementing its
implementing its strategic planning.

4. To find out what techniques should Nib Insurance needs to implement in order to
avoid the challenges that the company faced during the last five years (2013/14-


Strategic planning is a broad guideline in which organizations operate and move forward in
order to achieve the organizational vision, mission and goals successfully. Therefore, this
research may help to provide a better understanding and awareness on the problem related
to implementation of strategic plan in Nib Insurance company S.C, it contribute its share
towards improving the quality of the practice in implementing strategic plan in the
insurance activities.

The researcher is also interested to see the effect of strategic planning on organizational
performance of a given entity. Since this issue is not given attention and significant
academic researches were not done on Nib Insurance, the researcher tries to study the
effect of strategic planning in Nib Insurance Company S.C.

This study will also enable Nib Insurance S.C to understand and identify the importance of
strategic planning for organizational performance.

It also paves the way for other researchers to further study the relationship between
strategic planning and organizational operations from varied perspectives.

In addition, it is also believed that this study would be a plus to the existing literatures in
the area of strategic planning and organizational performance.


Adequate and reliable information is important to undertake any kind of survey
precautions. It is also paramount to undertake properly and randomly selected respondents
in order to ensure adequate representativeness of the sample population. However, the
carelessness of some respondents while filling the questionnaires made it difficult to
perform pure random selection among the target population.

The respondents also delayed the in filling and returning back the given questionnaires and
interview was not made to the top managers due to COVID-19 and this problem has made
its impact on the research report writing process.


The research scope refers to the conditions, under which the research will operate, what the
research addresses and is closely associated the problems framing. That the study aims to
solve must fit in with those parameters (Simon, K, & Goes, 2013). The scope of this
research has three parts. Which are Theoretical Scope, Methodological Scope and
Geographical Scope.

1.7.1 Theoretical Scope

Strategic planning affects various aspects of organizations including human resources,
finance, organizational cultures and other operational areas. However, this study is
confined to investigating the effect between strategic planning on organizational
Performance only in Nib Insurance Company S.C at Head Office Level.

1.7.2 Methodological Scope

The study used Descriptive research design to study effect of eight factors of strategic
planning on organizational performance. The primary data for the research was extracted
from both employees at higher level and middle level of management and managers of

NIC. The information gathered from the employees and managers helped the research to
understand what the effect of strategic planning on organizational performance.

1.7.3 Geographical Scope

The study is delimited to the employees and managers located only at Addis Ababa Head
Office due to the length of time available and Geographical area for this study. In addition,
the study was delimited on the strategic plan implementation process on participation,
communication, empowerment of the employees. Lastly the study was delimited to the last
five years (2013/2014-2018/2019) strategic plan period of the Insurance.


This section will focus on defining the central concepts of this study. In previous research
these concepts have been defined in a variety of ways. The definitions presented here have
drawn from different diverse studies and have been modified to suit the purposes of this

 Mission: Mission is the pursuit of a goal that is unique to an organization‘s

competitive advantage—its specific strengths and offerings relative to
competitors—while again emphasizing its values (Bowen) .
 Vision: It is a goal state embodying a long-term ambition of where an organization
would like to be in the future relative to its competitors (Bowen).
 Strategic Planning: The process and document by which the leaders of an
organization determine what the organization wants to look like at the end of a
specified period of time usually three to five (Mosaica, 2001).


The study will be organized in five chapters. The first chapter includes the background of
the study, the statement of the problem, the research questions, objective of the study,
significance of the study and delimitation (Scope) of the study and ended with definition of
terms. Chapter two is concerned on the literature review which enhances the knowledge

area of the study which will be composed of theoretical, empirical and conceptual

Chapter three will deliberate the data methodology which will be adopted for the study that
brings relevant justification. Chapter four will present the findings on the effect of strategic
planning on organizational performance Nib Insurance S.C. Chapter five will consists the
conclusion and recommendation finally references and questionnaire was annexed to the
last part of the research.




The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of strategic planning on organizational
performance in the case of Nib Insurance Company S.C and deals with review of literatures
that are related to the topic under consideration. The literature relevant to the topic under
discussion includes works about strategic planning and Organization performances.

The chapter will be subdivided into three sections: the Theoretical literature review covers
the review of relevant issues such as the concept of strategy, levels of strategy, Dimensions
of strategy, strategy implementation, Concept of planning, theories and techniques of
strategic planning. In addition, Basic Steps, importance and methods of strategic planning
are reviewed. Finally, the chapter dealt with the organizational effectiveness. The
Empirical literature review will also deal with effect of strategic plan on the organizational
performance in considering the independent variables which will be discussed and finally
Conceptual framework of the literature will be discussed.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

2.1.1 Strategy Definition
The word ‗strategy‘ has originated from the Greek word strategos meaning ‗the general
art‘. The term of strategy is historically associated with military operations. It is explained
in the dictionary as ‗military science and art for the general planning and conduct of large
scale military operations‘. (Berzins, nd)

A strategy is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan that relates the strategic
advantages of the firm to the challenges of the environment and that is designed to ensure
that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved through proper execution by the

Strategy is also a course of action to achieve goals and it is also consists of mission and
objectives. Mission is the basic purpose of an organization. It is the very reason for the
existence of an organization. It can‘t be defined with the reference to a very short time
frame whereas objective and goals are more time specific and tangible. (Rao & Jain, 2003)

Strategy is the definition of long-term basic objectives and areas of activity of an

organization, allocation of the resources required for their achievement and Strategy is a
system of logical, integrating and balanced decisions.

It is also defined as a recognizable set of activities. Which includes:

 establishing and periodically confirming the organization‘s mission and its

corporate strategy (what has been termed ―the context for managing‖)
 setting strategic or enterprise-level financial and non-financial goals and objectives
developing broad plans of action necessary to attain these goals and objectives
 allocating resources on a basis consistent with strategic directions and goals and
objectives, and managing the various lines of business as an investment ―portfolio‖
 deploying the mission and strategy, that is, articulating and communicating it, as
well as developing action plans at lower levels that are supportive of those at the
enterprise level (one very specific method of policy or strategy deployment is
known as HoshinKanri, a technique developed by the Japanese and subsequently
used successfully by some American businesses, most notably Hewlett Packard)
 monitoring results, measuring progress, and making such adjustments as are
required to achieve the strategic intent specified in the strategic goals and objectives
 Reassessing mission, strategy, strategic goals and objectives, and plans at all levels
and, if required, revising any or all of them. (Berzins, nd)

2.1.2 Levels of Strategy

There are 3 types of strategic level which are the corporate level, Business level and the
functional level of strategy.

 Corporate level of Strategy: it is the overall strategy of the corporation which

combines the all strategic business unit.

 Business level of Strategy: it defines the future of the strategic business unit
for its executives.

 Functional Level of Strategy: this level of strategy is for functional managers

like marketing manager, finance manager, production manager. This strategy
helps (guide) them in their decision. (Rao & Jain, 2003)




Figure 1: Different Levels of Strategy

2.1.3 Dimensions of Strategic Decisions

Effective strategies are those strategies that are able to achieve their results. The reasons
behind their effectiveness are that they are developed on multiple dimensions and are tested
on those dimensions. Some of the dimensions, which play a vital role in a success of the
strategies, are:

1. Top Management Involvement: strategies are framed by top management.

They demand complete involvement and dedication of top management and
board of directors
2. Future oriented: strategy decides the future of the organization.

3. Allocation of large resources: a strategy naturally involves allocation of huge
resources which is very important for an organization.
According to Rao& Jane (2003) a strategy affects all aspects of the organization. A strategy
should find a fit with all other important factors of the organization. There should be a fit
between strategy and structure at the same time there should be a fit between strategy and a
value system of the organization.

2.1.4 Strategy Implementation

Strategy Implementation deals with doing what you have planned. This means changing
the product, services, organization structures, systems, resources and style as per strategy.
Implementation must be monitored at regular intervals and deficiencies must be sorted out.
(Rao & Jain, 2003)

Strategy implementation happens when a firm accepts organizational policies and

practices that are consistent with its strategy. There are about three specific organizational
policies and practices that are particularly important in implementing a strategy which is

 A firm‘s formal organizational structure,

 Its formal and informal management control systems and
 Its employee‘s compensation policies.
A firm that adopts an organizational structure, management control, compensation policy
that are consistent with and reinforce its strategy is more likely to be implement those
strategies than a firm that adopts an organization structure, management controls and
compensation policies that are inconsistent with its strategies. (Barney & Hesterly, 2010)

2.1.5 The Concept of Planning

Planning can be defined as the organization‘s process of defining its objectives, due
diligence and the development of its strategic, tactical and operational activities‘. In other
words, planning is the designing of the desirable future and of effective ways for its
achievement. In fact, planning is selection, therefore, planning is plausible and possible
only when alternative options for action occur. An organization operates successfully if its
management is capable of predicting future events.

As Berzins, (nd) distinguished the four main objectives of planning as a function are:

 Prevention of the adverse effect of uncertainty and change;
 Focusing on the main objectives;
 Provision of the economic functioning of the system;
 Creation of possibilities for control and its streamlining.

2.1.6 Theories of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a methodology by which a specific roadmap is recognized for
growing a doable, coherent and strong business or organization. The concept of strategic
planning, on the other hand, is defined as an instrument that allows making long-term plans
in consideration of the risks and opportunities faced by the organization, and improving
efficiency by acting in line with these plans. (Hall F. , 2014)

It is also a periodic process that provides a structured approach to strategy formulation,

implementation, and control. The purpose of strategic planning is to influence an
organization‘s strategic direction for a given period and to coordinate and integrate
deliberate as well as emerging strategic decisions. Strategic planning comprises a range of
different activities designed to fulfill this purpose (such as strategy reviews, meetings,
generation of strategic plans, etc.) (Wolf & Wfloyd, March,2013)

According to (Bhattacharya, 2013)Strategic planning is a management tool which helps an

organization to do a better job, to focus its energy, to ensure that members of the
organizations are working towards the same goals, to assess and adjust the organization
directions in response to a changing environment. In short strategic planning is a
disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what
an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future.

It also provide an understanding of what it is not, for example, it is about fundamental

decisions and actions, but it does not attempt to make future decisions. Strategic planning
involves anticipating the future environment, but the decisions are made in the present, this
means that over time, the organization must stay abreast of changes in order to make the
best decisions it can at any given point it must manage, as well as plan, strategically.

It is also a creative process and the fresh insight arrived at today might very well alter the
decisions made yesterday, inevitably the process moves forward and backward several
times before arriving the final set of decisions.

2.1.7 Techniques in Strategic Planning

The techniques involved in strategic planning and management generally include some
variation of the following:

 a strategic review or audit intended to clarify factors such as mission, strategy,

driving forces, future vision of the enterprise, and the concept of the business.
 a stakeholders‘ analysis to determine the interests and priorities of the major
stakeholders in the enterprise (e.g., board of trustees, employees, suppliers,
creditors, clients, and customers
 an assessment of external threats and opportunities as well as internal
weaknesses and strengths (known variously as SWOT or TOWS), leading to the
identification and prioritization of strategic issues
 either as part of the assessment above, or as a separate exercise, the
identification of ―core‖ or ―distinctive competencies‖
 also as part of the assessment above, or as separate exercises, the playing out of
―scenarios‖ and even ―war games‖ or simulations
 situational and ongoing ―scans‖ and analyses of key sectors in the business
environment, including industries, markets, customers, competitors, regulators,
technology, demographics, and the economy, to name some of the more
prominent sectors of the environment
 various kinds of financial and operational performance audits intended to flag
areas where improvement might yield strategic advantage (Nickols, 2016)

2.1.8 Basic Steps of Strategic Planning

The sequence of the basic steps involved in the strategic planning process is shown below:

 Organize to Plan

 Organizational Vision, Mission, Activities and Values must be defined and
 Do an Environmental Scan or SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats) Analysis.
 Strategic issues should be identified
 Strategic Goals and Objectives should be developed.
 Create Execution Plans To Achieve Goals and Carry Out Objectives
 Monitor and Evaluate Periodically and Adjust if Necessary
Strategic planning gives emphasis on creating organizational direction, setting priorities
and identifying obstacles and opportunities that may limit or enable to takeout the mission.
Business plans and program work plans are often by products of the strategic planning
process. After organizational priorities are set and strategic goals and objectives are
expressed, these plans are used to describe the implementation details of various strategies
such as budget, staffing, funding sources and evaluation activities. (Nickols, 2016)

2.1.9 Importance of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a useful tool, of help in managing the enterprise, especially if the
strategy and strategic plans can be successfully deployed throughout the organization.
Thinking and managing strategically are important aspects of senior managers‘
responsibilities, too. All these are part of what it takes to manage the enterprise. None of
them is sufficient. For most established firms, this can easily amount to 80 percent of the
action. In other words, ―strategic issues,‖ regardless of their importance, typically consume
no more than 20 percent of the organization‘s resources (although they frequently
command 80 percent of top management‘s time and attention). To paraphrase an old saw,
“The strategy wheel gets the executive grease.”

This is as it should be. Senior management should focus on the strategic issues, on the
important issues facing the business as a whole, including where it is headed and what it
will or should become. Others can ―mind the store.‖

2.1.10 Methods of Strategic Planning
Organizations and managers today have a very wide range of applicable methods available
for gaining the understanding of organizational activities, strategic and operational decision
taking. From this some of the method that are mostly applied in strategic planning will be
disused below. The SWOT Method

Before an organization begins to consider formulating its strategy it is useful to summarize
all of the information and opinions about what the course of its business is like. A Useful
way to present it in a brief and concise manner is the SWOT method.

It is the assessment of the external and internal environment allows for the identification of
the enterprise strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats existing in the external
environment as well as its competitiveness. This method is also a means that can be used
for the arrangement of the facts under the control of the organization management in such a
way that through correlations between the data some specific processes going on in an
organization are revealed. It consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

In order to measure competitiveness of an organization several factors have to be taken

into account. These are:

 How strong is the competitiveness of an Organization?

 Would the organization competitiveness be strengthening or declining, if it
continues to realize the current strategy?
 What is the position of an organization compared to its main competitors taking
into account the main factor of industry development?
 What is defining the competitive advantage of an organization?
 What are the capabilities of an organization to defend its position in the
industry, taking into account the industry competition factors?
When comparing an enterprise with its main competitors in the respective industry, one
must assess its strengths and weaknesses, and the changes within the scope of the strategy
to be implemented. It is useful to perform this comparison by taking into consideration the
following measures: quality of services, customer service, customer satisfaction, financial

position, plant and equipment, basic skills, qualification and loyalty of personnel. Threats
and Opportunities exist outside the organization. Opportunity is any beneficial situation
that an enterprise could use to gain success in its business.

Opportunities are the emerging markets, an increased demand for a certain type of products
or services, competitor bankruptcy, derogations from any regulations imposed etc.
Whereas, Threats are changes of external conditions that may have harmful effects on

In order to realize the SWOT analysis the necessary data should be collected from the
analysis of the signs of success, culture analysis, analysis of personnel skills, financial
performance analysis, process analysis, risk analysis, cause-and-effect analysis, relative
data analysis, absolute scale analysis and change readiness analysis.

First, the strengths and weaknesses should be tackled. The first objective is to identify what
factors represent the strengths – anything performed so well that it is bound for making
success, and what factors represent the weaknesses - anything that is not being done as well
as it should be and causes any regress. When analyzing the opportunities and the threat, it
would be necessary to collect data from customer analysis, competitor analysis,
environmental analysis, analysis of the signs of success, input barrier analysis, resource
availability analysis, financial performance analysis, risk analysis, portfolio analysis and
life cycle analysis. Opportunities and threats refer to processes outside any specific
organization. (Berzins, nd) Usefulness of SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis helps in narrowing the choice of alternatives and selecting a strategy. It is
the most common application that provides a logical framework guiding systematic
discussions of the businesses situation, alternative strategies and ultimately the choice of
strategy. (Bhattacharya, 2013)

2.1.11 Organizational Effectiveness

Organizational effectiveness is a concept of how effective an organization is in achieving
the success of organization intends to produce. The idea of organizational effectiveness is
especially important for non-profit organizations as most people who donate money to non-

profit organizations and charities are interested in knowing whether the organization is
effective in accomplishing its goals.

Organizational effectiveness is an abstract concept and is basically impossible to measure

instead of measuring organizational effectiveness; the organization determines proxy
measures which will be used to represent effectiveness like the number of people served,
types and size of population segment served and the demand within those segments for the
services the organization supplies.

Organizations effectiveness is also dependent on its communicative competence and ethics.

Ethics is a foundation found within organizational effectiveness. An organization must
exemplify respect, honesty, integrity and equity to allow communicative competence with
the participating members, along with ethics and communicative competence, members in
the particular group can finally achieve their intended goals. (Bhattacharya, 2013)

2.1.12 Factors Affecting Organizational Effectiveness

According to (Bhattacharya, 2013)Effectiveness is typically measured in terms of
performance, productivity, profit and so forth. It is identified as several criteria as
productivity, net profit, mission accomplishment and organizational growth. The following
are measures to determine organizational success or effectiveness.

 Overall performance
 Productivity
 Employee withdrawal
 Rate of return on investment
 Employee job satisfaction and motivation
 Stability and growth of organization
 Flexibility or Adaption
 Evaluation by external entities

2.1.13 The Relationship between Strategic Planning and Organizational Performance

In strategic planning research has attracted more attention than the relationship between
strategic planning and organizational performance (e.g., Brews & Hunt, 1999; Ramanujam,

Venkatraman, & Camillus, 1986). Studies addressing the planning-performance
relationship dominate strategic planning debates throughout the 1980s until the early
1990s. This period represents a peak in the volume of publication of strategic planning
research (Whittington &Cailluet, 2008). These studies range from assessing a direct link
between strategic planning and performance to those examining performance in light of
contingencies in the external environment and internal organizational context.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

Various related studies were conducted by different researchers in different parts of the
world. However, there are very limited numbers of studies conducted in Ethiopia on the
effect of Strategic Planning on Organizational performance.

(Gaitho, 2015) Conducted study on strategic planning practice adopted by UAP insurance
company limited by accessing information from the top level management team of UAP
Insurance with normal respondents group that is representative of the whole organization.
The data collected for this study is therefore observed to be very reliable and can be used to
generalize the strategic planning practices in the Insurance industry in Kenya. The
company‗s strategic planning practices were stratified on real sections of operation with
every zone having some different practice.

The study observed that UAP Insurance limited has an established qualified team of
experts trained to offer quality services to the customers These employees are well taken
care of and properly motivated as part of improving the performance of the organization.

It was also clear from the study that the company has existing objectives, mission and
vision statements which directs the day to day running of the organization. Strategies are
created when they are needed and senior management is involved in creating these
strategies. The managers develop strategies for all their objectives accomplishment
according with the internal and external factors-and try to perform the proposed plans.
These strategies are then given to the departmental heads that are charged with the
responsibility of implementation.

The study concluded that various strategic plans are crafted and implemented in different
departments of UAP Insurance. The underwriting department applies practices such as
prudent underwriting skills such as competitive rating to obtain new business, improved
renewal retention by sending reminders to customers and most importantly offering
excellent customer service. The top management team of UAP Insurance is charged with
the responsibility to ensure that new strategies are formulated in order to adopt with the
ever changing environment. This helps the company remain competitive against its

(Mania, 2014)Candidly looked at the link between strategic management and its
implication on the on the performance of the insurance firms themselves. He gave an
analysis on the implementation of strategic plans and the resultant ripple effect on overall
performance. This study seeks to fill the knowledge gap of how UAP Insurance, Kenya
aligns itself with strategic plans in order to improve its performance and facilitate growth.

Based on the literature, the major elements of this research are established either
theoretically or empirically. Figure 2.1 represents a model for the study that shows the
independent variables within the construct of Communication, the mediating variable
(Performance System), Techniques and the dependent variable (Organizational
Performance), and the proposed relationship between them.

Independent Variables



Dissemination Dependent Variables

Organizational Performance
Performance Measures

Process Element



Figure 2: The relation between strategic planning and organizational performance



Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying
how research is to be carried out. It is the procedures by which researchers go about their
work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena. It is also defined as the study of
methods by which knowledge is gained and it aim is to give the work plan of research.
According to (Kothari, 2004)―Research methodology is a way that systematically solves
the research problem‖. Therefore this chapter will discuss the research design and
approach, the research method, the data collection, the sampling techniques, the data
analysis of the thesis used and the schedule of the study.

3.1 Research Design and Approach

A research design is a very significant decision that determines how relevant information
for a study will be obtained and intended to provide an appropriate framework for a study.
(Sileyew, Augest ,2019)

In this research a descriptive survey design was employed because descriptive research
help provide answers to the question of who, what, when, where and how aspects
associated with research problem. The researcher also used questionnaire by using a
structured Likert scale on the research. The study used quantitative approach. The
quantitative approach that had been used helps to determine how strategic planning affects
to the organizational performance in NIC.

The research design is intended to find answers about of the questions about the effect of
strategic planning on organization performance.

3.2 Data Collection Methods
In this research primary data was collected with the help of questionnaire distributed to the
123 respondents from NIC. The respondents was employees from different job categories
(department) namely professional staff, respondents which engaged on process of
preparing strategic plan and different managers working at NIC headquarter in Addis

3.3 Population and Sampling Techniques

3.3.1 Target Population
The study particularly interested in identifying what effects was strategic planning brings
on organizational performance in NIC.

The target populations for the study were 123 employees and managers whom have
knowledge about strategic planning; engage in the process and which work on the top level
and middle level of the management which work at the head quarter of NIC. From this 25
are managers and the rest are employees which are in different level of management.

3.3.2 Sampling Techniques

For this research a stratified random sampling techniques were used in the target
population to distribute the questionnaire because stratified random sampling techniques
divides the target population into small sub groups based on its similarity. All the target
population (123 respondents 49 from the managers and employees which were engaged in
preparing the strategic plan and 74 from the employee which works on the top and middle
level of management) was taken.

Hence the researcher classified the respondents into sub groups which is the manager group
and the employee group in which the questioner distributed.

The above target Population, 123, was proportionately distributed into two strata‘s to
guarantee appropriate and equal representation.

Table 1: sample size in each stratum

NO NAME Sample Size

1 Managers 25

2 Respondents who engage in preparing Strategic 24


3 Employees 74


Thus the researcher distributes questionnaires to employee, managers and respondents

which engage on the process of strategic planning.


Data analysis method entailed editing, coding and tabulation of data collected into
manageable summaries. The data analysis was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. In
this section representation like table were used to ensure easy and quick interpretation of
data. The items were grouped based on the response which was given by the respondents
and coded. Once respondents filled the questionnaire the data was analyzed by using SPSS
(statistical package for social science) software and also analyzed by using descriptive
analysis, which include frequencies, sum, mean, standard deviations and percentage.


Validity refers to the extent to which differences found with a measuring instrument reflect
true differences among those tested (Kothari, 2004). In order to ensure high level of content
validity, comments by supervisors who are themselves experts were incorporated and
changes made accordingly into the final questionnaire version.

Cronbach‟s alpha was used to test for internal reliability of each variable used in the
study. Cronbach‘s alpha values range from 0 to 1 (A.Bryman, 2008). It is important to

make sure that the instrument that we develop to measure particular concept is indeed
accurately measuring the variable and then in fact, we are actually measuring the concept
that we set out to measure.

Table 2: Rule of thumb of Cronbach‘s Alpha

Cronbach’s Alpha Internal Consistency

α ≥ 0.9 Excellent

0.9 >α ≥ 0.8 Good

0.8 >α ≥0.7 Acceptable

0.7 >α ≥0.6 Questionable

0.6 >0α ≥0.5 Poor

0.5> α Unacceptable

Source: (Cortina, 1993).


While conducting this study ethical consideration was taken into account. Adequate care
was taken to select appropriate time to distribute questionnaire. By explaining the purpose
and objective of the study, maximum effort was made to make respondents feel secured
and confidentiality was maintained. The researcher also makes sure that all participants or
respondents involved in a voluntary basis.



This Chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered from
managers and employees of NIC using Questionnaires. Data was collected and analyzed in
order to assess the Effect of Strategic Planning on Organizational performance. As stated
under the methodology part, to collect the data from managers and employees,
questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the Head office of NIC. In this study, 123
(49 questionnaires were distributed for the managers while 74 questionnaires were
distributed to employees) questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and 93 (49
questionnaires from managers and 44 questionnaires from employees) questionnaires were

In order to archive the objective of the study and tackle the key research questions, the
researcher has tried to conduct a detailed and technical investigations related to the study

The questionnaire was structured in a 5-point Likert Scale format. A highly structured
questionnaire format that allows for the use of closed questions that require the respondent
to choose from a predetermined set of responses or scale points. This involves the use of
special rating scale that asks respondents to indicate the extent to which they agree or
disagree with a series of mental belief of the statements about a given subject (Strongly
Agree = 1, Agree = 2, Neutral = 3, Disagree=4 and Strongly Disagree = 5).
Thus, the gathered data have been completed and analyzed meaningfully. Finally, the
statistical methods of analysis are discussed, which included a descriptive analysis through
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version of 20.0).
The first section in this chapter deals with general profile (Demography) of respondents
and the second section deal with the analyses of data related to Strategic planning and
Organizational performance. The results are presented in the form of tables. This study
used both quantitative and qualitative method.‘

Table 3: Response Rate of Questionnaire

Number of Questionnaire Returned Target Number of Response Rate (%)


93 123 75.6%

Source: Own Survey, 2020

A total of one hundred twenty three (123) questionnaires were distributed to the
respondents of NIC SC staffs; 93 questionnaires were returned. The total response rate was
75.6 %. As a result, the analysis of this research is based on the number of questionnaires


The reliability of scale shows that how free the data is from random error. Therefore, it is
always advisable to select that scale that is reliable. One of the most commonly used scales
of reliability is internal consistency. Internal consistency refers to ―the degree to which the
items that make up the scales are all measuring the same underlying attributes (i.e. the
extent to which the items ―hang together‖) (Christopher, 2015). The Cronbach Alpha
technique was applied to assess reliability of the measurement scales used in the study.

Table 4: Reliability Test Result

Variables No. of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Result

Performance Management System 4 0.855

Performance Measure 5 0.723

Techniques to overcome Challenges 15 0.956

Process Element 10 0.910

Dissemination 3 0.94

Integration with Performance 3 0.826


Communication 3 0.763

Participation 4 0.887

Source: Own Survey, 2020

As can be seen in Table 6 all the variables scored acceptable and good alpha results.


Under this section, the researcher collected information about the general background of
the respondents. The researcher collected information like Role, Participation, Duration,
Success Gender, Age, Educational Background and year of service (experience) in the
organization, Position and used SPSS to analyze them.

Table 5: Role in Strategic Planning Process

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative Percent

Senior Manager 25 51.0 51.0 51.0
Line Manager 14 28.6 28.6 79.6
Planning Staff 10 20.4 20.4 100.0
TOTAL 49 100.0 100.0
Source: Own Survey, 2020
As indicate in the Table 7 senior managers constitutes 25/51.0%, Line Manager constitutes
14/28.6% while the planning staff conistitutes10/20.4% from the total sample drawn. This
shows strategic planning is mainly prepared or done by the top level managers (senior
Table 6: Participation in Strategic Planning

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Formulation of Strategic 16 32.7 32.7 32.7

Implementation of 16 32.7 32.7 32.7

Strategic Plan

Both 17 34.7 34.7 100.0

TOTAL 49 100 100

Source: Own Survey, 2020

It shows that 16/32.7% participate on formulation of strategic plan, 16/32.7 participate

on implementation of strategic plan and the rest 17/34.7% participate on both (formulation
and implementation of strategic plan).

Table 9: Gender distribution of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Male 28 63.6 63.6 63.6

Female 16 36.4 36.4 100.0

Total 44 100.0 100.0

Source: Own Survey, 2020
As indicate in the Table 9 above, 28/63.6% of the employees were male and 16/36.4% of
the employees were Female. This indicates that there are more male employees than female

Table 10: Education level of the employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

First Degree 27 61.4 61.4 61.4

Masters 17 38.6 38.6 100.0

TOTAL 44 100.0 100.0

Source: Own Survey, 2020

As indicated in the above Table 10, 27/61.4%, 17/38.6% of the employees are first-degree
holders and post graduates.

Table 7: Experience level of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

0-2 years 8 18.2 18.2 18.2

2-4 years 16 36.4 36.4 54.5

5-10 years 14 31.8 31.8 86.4

Above10 years 6 13.6 13.6 100.0

Total 44 100.0 100.0

Source: Own Survey, 2020

As indicated in the above Table 11, 8/18.2% of the employees worked in the organization
for less than 2 years, 16/36.4% of the employees worked in the company for 2-4 years,
14/31.8% of the employees have been serving the company for 5-10 years. And 6/13.6% of
the employees have been serving for the company for more than 10 years. From this data it
is possible to say most of Nib Insurance S.C employees are experienced. This show the
employees in the organization are knowledgeable about the company‘s background.

Table 8: Current position of the Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

2 4.5 4.5 4.5

Managerial Level

8 18.2 18.2 22.7

34 77.3 77.3 100.0
Line Staff
44 100.0 100.0

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 12 we can see that Managerial level constitutes 2/4.5%, Supervisor
constitutes8/18.2% of the total employees in the sample. The majority of the employees are
Line staff level which accounts for 34/77.3% of the total sample size. The percentages of
professional employees like Line staffs are larger than other categories. This happened due
to the nature of the total population which accumulates large number of employees in this
job category.


This section of the chapter puts the results for the Descriptive statistics in the form of
arithmetical means and standard deviation. Descriptive statistics, in the form of mean and
standard deviation, were presented to illustrate the level of agreement of the respondents
with their implications. The responses of the respondents for the variables indicated below
were measured on five-point Likert‘s scale with: 1= strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3 =
neutral, 4= agree and 5= strongly agree. But while making interpretation of the results of
mean and standard deviation the scales were reassigned as follows to make the
interpretation easy and clear.

1-1.8= Strongly Disagree, 1.81–2.6 = Disagree, 2.6 –3.4= Neutral, 3.4 –4.20= Agree and
4.2 –5 = Strongly Agree (Best, 1977, as cited by (Binyam, 2019)).

Table 13: Performance Management System

N Mean Std.

Managers are responsible for implementing specific initiatives and 49 3.33 1.068
projects that are part of the strategic plan.

Objectives established for managers are linked to the strategic plan 49 3.73 1.169

Annual Evaluation of managers is based on their accomplishment 49 3.33 1.068

of strategic goals and objectives

Annual Salary Increment are based on the contributions to 49 3.45 0.959

advancing strategic plan

Cumulative of Performance Management System 49 3.46 1.066

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 13, Managers are responsible for implementing specific initiatives
and projects that are part of the strategic plan. we can see that, a mean and standard
deviation of (3.33 and1.068 ), Objectives established for managers are linked to the
strategic plan has scored a mean and standard deviation of(3.73 and 1.169), Annual
Evaluation of managers is based on their accomplishment of strategic goals and objectives
has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.33and1.068),Annual Salary Increment are
based on the contributions to advancing strategic plan has scored a mean and standard
deviation of (3.45 and 0.959). The above Grand mean shows that, the respondents fall
under the Agree scale with respects to the performance of the management System of NIC.
This implies that the majority of the managers are satisfied by the performance
Management of the Company.

Table 9: Managers Opinion related to Performance Measure

N Mean Std. Deviation

Your entity uses performance measures to track 49 3.29 0.957

implementation of projects, accomplishment of goals and
objectives in the strategic plan and track outcomes targeted by
strategic plan.

Do you Report performance measures associated with strategic 49 3.06 1.088

plan to the key stakeholders on a Regular basis?
Do you Benchmark performance measures against other 49 3.00 1.099
entities to measure the effectiveness of strategic initiatives.
Do you Track Performance data over time whether 49 3.31 1.065
performance in strategic results areas has improved over
previous levels?

Do you Target programs for more intensive evaluation based 49 3.06 1.088
on the goals and objectives of the strategic plan?
Cumulative of Performance Measure 49 3.14 5.297

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 14, your entity uses performance measures to track implementation
of projects, accomplishment of goals and objectives in the strategic plan and track
outcomes targeted by strategic plan. We can see that, a mean and standard deviation of
(3.29 and 0.957);Do you report performance measures associated with strategic plan to the
key stakeholders on a regular basis? has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.06 and
1.088), Do you Benchmark performance measures against other entities to measure the
effectiveness of strategic initiatives has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.00
and1.099),Do you track performance data over time whether performance in strategic
results areas has improved over previous levelshas scored a mean and standard deviation of
(3.31 and 1.065).Do you Target programs for more intensive evaluation based on the goals
and objectives of the strategic plan have scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.06 and
1.088).The above Grand mean shows that, the respondents fall under the Neutral scale with
respects to the Performance Measures of NIC. This implies that the majority of the
managers are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied by the performance measures of strategic
plan of the Company.

Table 10: Managers Opinion related to Techniques to overcome challenges during
Strategic Planning
N Mean Std. Deviation
Your organization drives Strategies and resolve 49 3.53 1.356
conflicts by using entity mandates and
Your organization Customize planning process to 49 3.53 1.356
account for the beliefs and demands of key
stakeholders with authority and influence.
Your organization Collaborate with oversight 49 3.14 1.173
bodies during strategy formulation and
implementation process
Your organization Adjusts strategy development 49 3.27 1.076
and implementation process in line with outside
trends and issues.
Your organization Clarifies Strategic goals during 49 3.08 1.367
strategic plan development
Your organization use Mission as Substitute for 49 3.27 1.036
Your organization Increase Buy-In to plan by 49 3.53 1.356
providing opportunities for participation.
Your organization Develop Performance 49 3.14 1.173
Measures for achieving Strategic goals.
Your organization assigns accountability for 49 3.27 1.076
achieving goals and implementing plans.
Your organization maintains an open strategy 49 3.63 1.236
formulation and implementation process.
Your organization builds negotiation and 49 3.14 1.173
bargaining opportunities.

Your organization develops a collation of interest 49 3.18 1.131
to keep strategic management process on track.
Your organization provides incentives for 49 3.57 1.339
organizational change.
Your organization engage entity leader to gain 49 3.20 1.080
internal support for strategic plan.
Your organization link strategic planning to 49 3.24 1.109
appropriation of funds and financial performance
Cumulative of Techniques used to overcome 49 3.31 1.20
Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 15, Your organization drives Strategies and resolve conflicts by
using entity mandates and Obligations We can see that, a mean and standard deviation of
(3.53 and 1.356), Your organization Customize planning process to account for the beliefs
and demands of key stakeholders with authority and influence has scored a mean and
standard deviation of (3.53and 1.356), Your organization Collaborate with oversight bodies
during strategy formulation and implementation process mean and standard deviation of
(3.14 and1.173), Your organization Adjusts strategy development and implementation
process in line with outside trends and issues has scored a mean and standard deviation of
(3.27and 1.076),Your organization Clarifies Strategic goals during strategic plan
development has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.08 and 1.367), Your
organization use Mission as Substitute for goals has scored a mean and standard deviation
of (3.27 and1.036),Your organization Increase Buy-In to plan by providing opportunities
for participation has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.53 and1.356), Your
organization Develop Performance Measures for achieving Strategic goals has scored a
mean and standard deviation of (3.14 and1.173), Your organization assigns accountability
for achieving goals and implementing plans has scored a mean and standard deviation of
(3.27 and1.076), Your organization maintains an open strategy formulation and

implementation process has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.63 and1.236), Your
organization builds negotiation and bargaining opportunities has scored a mean and
standard deviation of (3.14 and1.173),Your organization develops a collation of interest to
keep strategic management process on track has scored a mean and standard deviation of
(3.18 and1.131), Your organization provides incentives for organizational change has
scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.57 and1.339), Your organization engage entity
leader to gain internal support for strategic plan has scored a mean and standard deviation
of (3.20 and1.080), Your organization link strategic planning to appropriation of funds and
financial performance system has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.20
and1.080).The above Grand mean shows that, the respondents fall under the Neutral scale
with respects to the Techniques to overcome challenge on strategic planning in of NIC.
This implies that the majorities of the managers are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied by the
techniques and overcome of strategic plan of the Company.

Table 11: Managers Opinion related to Process Element

N Mean Std. Deviation

Your organization review organizational mission. 49 3.14 1.173

Your organization clarifies departmental mandates. 49 3.20 1.080

Your organization evaluate of external threats and 49 3.24 1.109


Your organizations assess internal strength and weakness. 49 1.80 0.645

49 3.16 1.028
Your organization develops vision statement.
49 3.14 1.173

Your organizations develop strategic goals and objectives.

49 3.27 1.076
Your organization made feasibility assessment on
proposed strategies.
Your organization develop action plan. 49 3.14 1.173

Your organizations identify needs and concerns of various 49 3.20 1.080


Your organization made continuous evaluation of 49 1.69 0.585

strategic planning process.
Cumulative of Process Element 49 2.898 1.0122

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 16, your organization review organizational mission we can see
that, a mean and standard deviation of (3.14 and 1.173), your organization clarifies
departmental mandates has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.20 and 1.080), your
organization evaluate of external threats and opportunities has scored a mean and standard
deviation of (3.24 and1.109), your organizations assess internal strength and weakness has
scored a mean and standard deviation of (1.80 and0.645), your organization develops vision
statement has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.16 and1.028),your organizations
develop strategic goals and objectives has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.14
and1.173), your organization made feasibility assessment on proposed strategies has scored
a mean and standard deviation of (3.27 and1.076),your organization develop action plan has
scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.14 and1.173), your organizations identify needs
and concerns of various stakeholders has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.20
and1.080), your organization made continuous evaluation of strategic planning process has
scored a mean and standard deviation of (1.69 and 0.585).The above grand mean shows
that, the respondents fall under the Neutral scale with respects to the process element in

strategic planning of NIC. This implies that the majority of the Managers are neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied by the process element of strategic plan of the Company.

Table 12: Managers opinion related to Dissemination

N Mean Std. Deviation

Your organization Produce strategic plan 49 3.27 1.076


Your organization disseminates the plan to 49 3.14 1.173

employees at all levels of departments.

Your organization uploaded a summary of the 49 3.20 1.080

plan to jurisdiction`s website for public viewing.

Cumulative of Dissemination 49 3.2 1.109

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 17,your organization Produce strategic plan document we can see
that, a mean and standard deviation of (3.27 and 1.076), your organization disseminates the
plan to employees at all levels of departments has scored a mean and standard deviation of
(3.14 and 1.173), your organization uploaded a summary of the plan to jurisdiction`s
website for public viewing has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.20
and1.080),The above grand mean shows that, the respondents fall under the neutral scale
with respects to the dissemination of Strategic planning in NIC. This implies that the
majority of the managers are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied by the dissemination of the
strategic plan of the Company.

Table 13: Managers opinion related to Integration with Performance Measurement

N Mean Std. Deviation

Your organization used performance measures to track the 49 3.33 1.068

implementation of project or other initiatives called for by
the strategic plan and to track the accomplishment of goals
and objectives found in the strategic plan.
Your organization used performance measures to track 49 3.73 1.169
outcome condition targeted by the strategic plan and to
benchmark the entity performance against similar
departments in other jurisdiction.

Your organization track performance data overtime to 49 3.33 1.068

determine whether performance in strategic results areas
has improved over previous levels.

49 3.46 1.102
Cumulative of Integration
Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 18, your organization used performance measures to track the
implementation of project or other initiatives called for by the strategic plan and to track
the accomplishment of goals and objectives found in the strategic plan it can see that, a
mean and standard deviation of (3.33 and 1.068 ), your organization used performance
measures to track outcome condition targeted by the strategic plan and to benchmark the
entity performance against similar departments in other jurisdiction has scored a mean and
standard deviation of (3.73 and 1.169), your organization track performance data overtime
to determine whether performance in strategic results areas has improved over previous
levels has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.33 and1.068),the above grand mean
shows that, the respondents fall under the Agree scale with respects to the integration of
strategic planning with performance measures in NIC. This implies that the majority of the
Managers are satisfied by the Integration of the Company.

Table 14: Employees Opinion on Communication

N Mean Std. Deviation

You are highly Knowledgeable about the strategic planning 44 3.30 0.978
of the organization.

Your department had the capability to gather and analyze 44 3.07 1.108
data concerning performance in your department.
Your department is well communicated with the plan. 44 3.07 1.129

Cumulative of Communication 44 3.15 1.071

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table 19, you are highly Knowledgeable about the strategic planning
of the organization we can see that, a mean and standard deviation of (3.30 and0.978 ),
your department had the capability to gather and analyze data concerning performance in
your department has scored a mean and standard deviation of (3.07and 1.108), your
department is well communicated with the plan has scored a mean and standard deviation
of (3.07and1.129),the above grand mean shows that, the respondents fall under the neutral
scale with respects to the communication of employees towards strategic planning in NIC.
This implies that the majority of the employees are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied by the
communication of the company.

Table 15: Employees Opinion on Participation

N Mean Std. Deviation

Employees from the Department were recruited to 44 2.23 1.198

participate in the strategic planning process.
Lower level employees are centrally involved in the 44 2.36 1.014
development of strategic plan.
Your department utilized the information we gathered from 44 2.89 1.466
employees to make decisions during the strategic planning
Employees at your department have the authority, 44 2.68 1.410
responsibility and tools necessary to impact relevant
measures in strategic planning.
Cumulative of Participation 44 2.54 1.272

Source: Own Survey, 2020

From the above Table20, Employees from the department were recruited to participate
in the strategic planning process we can see that, a mean and standard deviation of (2.23
and 1.19), lower level employees are centrally involved in the development of strategic
plan has scored a mean and standard deviation of (2.36and 1.014), your department utilized
the information we gathered from employees to make decisions during the strategic
planning process has scored a mean and standard deviation of (2.89 and1.466),employees
at your department have the authority, responsibility and tools necessary to impact relevant
measures in strategic planning has scored a mean and standard deviation of (2.68 and
1.410) The above grand mean shows that, the respondents fall under the disagree scale with
respects to the participation of employees in NIC. This implies that the majority of the
employees are not satisfied on their participation in strategic planning process of the




This study focused on the effect of strategic planning on the organizational

performance. To this effect both primary and secondary data sources were accessed and
relevant facts were gathered. The collected facts were presented, analyzed and discussed
under different headings. The analysis and discussion results from this relevant data
presented and interpreted can be concluded in the section to follow. In addition, based on
the conclusions drawn, a researcher has made some recommendations for both the
organizations and the future researchers.


This chapter provides a summary of the research findings, which are interpreted and
explained. Further, the data collected is linked to the objectives and aims of the thesis. This
thesis investigated the challenges experienced by NIB insurance share company. The study
also explored the techniques employed to overcome these challenges. Data on the
respondents was collected by means of a questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was done
based on eight factors that make effects on organizational performance which are
performance management system, performance measures, techniques, process element,
dissemination, integration, communication and participation. Based on these dimensions
major findings of the research are summarized as follows.

 It has been seen that the strategic plan which is designed by the top managers and
other external bodies is not well communicated to the employees. Because of these
they don‘t know there authority and responsibility and how to contribute to the
strategic planning. This leads the employees to have low feelings on the
involvement and ownership towards the organization.

 It has been observed that the goals and actions generated during the strategic
planning process (formulation up to implementation) are too numerous. This results
the team failto accomplish the goal and objectives of the organization.
 It has been detected that the designed strategy was only discussed on occasions.
 The results of descriptive analysis found that performance management has a grand
mean of 3.46 which implies majority of the respondents agreed on the
implementing of projects, goals and establishment of objectives that are part of the
strategic plan which leads on increasing of organizational performance of the
organization. Performance measure results a grand mean of 3.14 which entails the
organization performance measures to track the implementation of projects,
accomplishment of goals and objectives, target programs for more intensive
evaluation that is based on goals and objectives which are found on the strategic
plan are not well enough adequate to increase the organizational performance.
Techniques show a grand mean of 3.31 which implies that mechanisms used by the
organization to overcome challenge during the strategic planning process and
implementation are not well satisfied by the respondents. Process element has a
grand mean of 2.89 which indicates that the majority of the respondents neither
agrees nor disagrees about the process in which the strategic plan passes by.
Dissemination results a grand mean of 3.2 which represents majority of the
respondents were not satisfied on distributing the plan to employees at all level of
the department and uploading the summary of the plan on the website of the
organization. Integration with performance measurements consists of a grand mean
of 3.46 which shows that the majority of the respondents agreed that there are
integration between performance system and strategic plan. Communication shows
a grand mean of 3.15 which implies that employees at the organization are not
knowledgeable about strategic planning and not capable to gather and analyze data
concerning performance of the organization. Participation represents a grand mean
of 2.54 which means majority of the respondents disagreed. This shows that
employees from each department were not recruited and have no authority and
responsibility to participate and brings relevant impact on measuring of strategic

Based on the results from the descriptive statics a concise conclusion is forwarded. An
attempt is made to realize the objectives of the study, by answering the four research
questions which were generated on chapter one. Hence from the findings of the analysis the
following conclusions are forwarded. The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the
effects of strategic planning on organizational performance of NIB Insurance SC with the
specific predictor‘s variables. Specifically, communication, participation, dissemination,
process element, integration, techniques and performance measures respectively. Hence,
strategic planning variables like communication, performance measure and techniques has
been assessed and it was found out that Communication between employees and the
managers about strategic planning brings major factors in affecting organizational
performance of NIC. This indicates that improving the practices of communication and
participation and well planned dissemination of plan between employees needs attention
from the company side. The results of this study were similar to the results of other studies
mentioned in the empirical literature review in terms of employees communication and
participation towards strategic planning are well taken care of and properly motivated as
part of improving the performance of the organization.

It was also clear from the study that the UAP Insurance Company has existing objectives,
mission and vision statements which directs the day to day running of the organization.
Strategies are created when they are needed and senior management is involved in creating
these strategies. The managers develop strategies for all their objectives accomplishment
according with the internal and external factors-and try to perform the proposed plans.
These strategies are then given to the departmental heads that are charged with the
responsibility of implementation.

Based on the findings of this study communication between employees and managers about
the strategic planning is not satisfactory. Therefore, it is a major area of concern for the
company. To achieve the objective of the study, relevant literatures were reviewed and

quantitative data were collected through questionnaire filled by managers and employees.
The data collected through questionnaire were presented, analyzed, interpreted and
discussed using statistical package for social science (SPSS 20.0) version. Thus, based on
the analysis, the following, conclusions drawn:

Strategic planning should be preceded by awareness creation communication to those who

are affected and brings effect by its implementation. This implies that strategic planning is
not merely technical, but also encompasses socio-political aspects as well. Hence, its
design requires the will and consent of the employees in general. In this regard the study
showed that there is gap in terms of getting support from the employee‘s during the
strategic planning process.

Strategic plan enhances better organizational performance when there is proper

dissemination of plan between employees at each department. It helps in achieving the
goals and action that are generated in the strategic plan. It also encourages employees in
communication and participation on the process of strategic planning which leads to
increase a feeling of ownership and involvement. The researcher therefore concludes from
the findings that communication, participation, Dissemination and techniques have a
significant effect on organizational performance of NIC.

Based on the findings from the study, the following recommendations are made. Having
discovered that organizational performance is a function of strategic planning,
organizations should accord priority attention to the elements of strategic planning for
example; having a documented mission statement, a future picture (vision) of the
organization, organizations should establish core values like organization‘s rules of
conduct, set realistic goals, establishment of long term objectives (this has to be measurable
and specific) and the development of action plans and its implementation and adequate

In the process of designing Strategic Planning, participation of the concerned bodies

enhances the pace of improving organizational performance. However, it has been found
out that there was lack of participation in the course of designing the plan. Therefore, a

researcher recommends that the top-level management at different department in the
insurance should involve employees to understand and share the organizational values.
This is helpful to create a team-spirit and shared accountability.

In addition, as changes may bring both positive and negative impacts, NIB insurance need
to have open system so as to learn from other organizations operating under similar
conditions. This would help the organizations optimize the benefits and minimize the costs
to be incurred as a result of implementing the strategy.

Thus the success of strategic planning is dependent on continued monitoring evaluation of

organizational performance. Then, NIB insurance should facilitate the continuity of
monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plan process.


As a matter of fact, every research is the beginning moving from the known to the
unknown. The study began with the goal of observing a relationship between strategic
planning and organizational performance. It is done only in NIC head office. If other
insurance companies, too, could conduct other research, they could greatly benefit. They
can also look strategic planning from different perspectives. Hence, future researchers are
recommended to investigate other aspects of strategic planning and organizational
performance in general.


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Appendix I
Management Department


Dear Respondents,

My name is KalkidanKebede. Currently am a postgraduate a student of St. Mary‘s

University, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. This questionnaire is designed to gather primary data on
the Research title ―The Effect of Strategic planning On organizational performance‖ in
Nib insurance S.C

The objective of this questionnaire is for the purpose of partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the MBA in General Management. Since the data collected is for academic
purposes, the confidentiality of the information you provides is fully guaranteed. Therefore,
I would appreciate your genuine response to the questions.

Thank you very much for your time cooperation.

For further information you may use: - Mob, Tel: +251-926353694; or

[email protected]


 You are not required to write your name.

 Put a tick mark ―√” in the space provided in front of each item.
 Please try to fill all the items.


I) what is your role in the strategic planning Process?

A) Senior Manager B) Line Manager C) Planning Staff

II) In which activities did you participate?

A) Formulation of strategic plan B) Implementation of the strategic plan


I. Which of the following systems are used by your entity to link performance


1 Managers are responsible for implementing specific

initiatives and projects that are part of the strategic plan.

2 Objectives established for managers are linked to the

strategic plan.

3 Annual evaluation of managers is based on their

accomplishment of strategic plan, goals and objectives.

4 Annual salary increments are based on the contributions to

advancing strategic plan.

management to strategic plans (please tick your answers on the relevant box or
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD)


Thinking about your strategic planning practices in your department between 2013/14 and
2018/19, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the following statements represent the
techniques used by the organization to overcome the challenge during the strategic planning
process and the implementation. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement and tick (√) in a box given below.

Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD)


1 The Organization drives strategies and resolve conflicts by using entity

mandates and obligations.

2 The organization Customize planning process to account for the beliefs

and demands of key stakeholders with authority and influence.

3 It Collaborate with oversight bodies during strategy formulation and

implementation process.

4 It Adjust strategy development and implementation process in line with

outside trends and issues.

5 Clarifies strategic goals during strategic plan development.

6 Use missions as substitute for goals.

7 Increase buy-in to plan by providing opportunities for participation.

8 Develop performance measures for achieving strategic goals.

9 Assign accountability for achieving goals and implementing plans.

10 Maintain an open strategy formulation and implementation process.

11 Build negotiation and bargaining opportunities.

12 Develop a coalition of interest to keep strategic management processes

on track.

13 Provide incentives for organizational change.

14 Engage entity leader to gain internal support for strategic plan.

15 Link strategic planning to appropriation of funds and financial

performance system.


Thinking about the time between 2013/14-2018/19, how much do you agree or disagree that the
following elements were included in your department's strategic planning process? Please indicate
the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement and tick (√) in a box given below.

SA= Strongly Agree A= Agree U = Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree


1 Review of organizational mission

2 Clarification of departmental mandates

3 Evaluation of external threats and opportunities

4 Assessment of internal strengths and weaknesses

5 Development of vision statement

6 Development of strategic goals and objectives

7 Feasibility assessment of proposed strategies

8 Development of action plans

9 Identification of needs and concerns of various stakeholders (citizens,

business leaders, and employees)

10 Continuous evaluation of strategic planning process


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following statements represent the
implementation of your department's strategic plan between 2013/14 and 2018/19? Please
indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement and tick (√) in a box given

SA= Strongly Agree A= Agree U = Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree


1 We produced a strategic planning document

2 We disseminated the plan to employees at all levels of our


3 We uploaded a summary of the plan to our jurisdiction’s website

for public viewing

Integration with Performance Measurement

Thinking about the time between 2013/14 and 2018/19, to what extent do you agree or disagree
that the following statements represent how your department integrated strategic planning with
performance measurement efforts? Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with
each statement and tick (√) in a box given below.

SA= Strongly Agree A= Agree U = Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree


1 We used performance measures to track the implementation of project

or other initiatives called for by the strategic plan and to track the
accomplishment of goals and objectives found in the strategic plan.

2 We used performance measures to track outcome conditions targeted by

the strategic plan and to benchmark the entity performance against
similar departments in other jurisdictions to gauge the effectiveness of
strategic initiatives. .

3 We reported performance measures associated with the strategic plan to

public on a regular basis

4 We tracked performance data over time to determine whether

performance in strategic results areas has improved over previous

Appendix II


Management Department


Dear Respondents,

My name is KalkidanKebede. Currently am a postgraduate a student of St. Mary‘s

University, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. This questionnaire is designed to gather primary data on
the Research title ―The Effect ofStrategic planning On organizational performance‖ in
Nib insurance S.C

The objective of this questionnaire is for the purpose of partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the MBA in General Management. Since the data collected is for academic
purposes, the confidentiality of the information you provides is fully guaranteed. Therefore,
I would appreciate your genuine response to the questions.

Thank you very much for your time cooperation.

For further information you may use: - Mob, Tel: +251-926353694; or

[email protected]


 You are not required to write your name.

 Put a tick mark ―√” in the space provided in front of each item.
 Please try to fill all the items.


This section of the questionnaire refers to general information about the respondents.
Please tick in the box in front of the appropriate choice.

1. Gender
Male Female
2. Your Education Level

First Degree Masters PHD

3. How long have you worked in this Insurance?

Below 2 years Between 2-4 years

Between 5-10 years Above 10 years

4. What is your current position?

Managerial level Supervisor

Line Staff (Non-Technical) staff Technical Staff

Thinking about your strategic planning practices in your department between 2013/14 and
2018/19, to what extent do you agree or disagree that the following statements represent the
capability of your department to complete strategic planning? Please indicate the extent to which
you agree or disagree with each statement and tick (√) in a box given below.

SA=Strongly Agree A=Agree U=Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree


1 Our staff, at all levels, was highly knowledgeable about strategic


2 My department had the capability to gather and analyze data

concerning performance in our department

3 Employees at the department are well communicated with the


To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following statements represent your
department‘s efforts to include Employees in strategic planning efforts between 2013/14 and
2018/19? Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement and tick
(√) in a box given below

SA=Strongly Agree A=Agree U= Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree


1 Employees from the Department were recruited to participate

in the strategic planning process

2 Lower-level employees were centrally involved in the

development of our strategic plan

3 My department utilized the information we gathered from

employees to make decisions during the strategic planning

4 Employees have the authority, responsibility, and tools

necessary to impact relevant measures in Strategic Planning.


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