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Institutions Universidad Nacional Autónoma

Testimonials de México
Instituto Nacional De Psiquiatría
Telephone number: 55-4160-5000
"When I went though this I felt alone Escuela Nacional Preparatoria

and abandoned. My son didn´t need Centro Integral de Salud Mental Plantel No. 5 "José Vasconcelos"
me, and I no longer had any purpose Telephone number: 55-5322-2700
in life, any value. I had been laid off

from my job and of the time I had OMS Área de Psiquiatría

very little money. I was about to turn Telephone number: 56-0126-8371 DO YOU WANT TO
60, even though I already went

through the ugliest stage, I´m stil

battling against this".

Clinica Universidad de Navorra n.d

Depresion: Causas: Sintomas y
Transtornos. Clinica Universidadde

Depresion - OPS/OMS. Organizacion

Panamericana de la salud, La
depresion problema serio de la salud
"Diego wo through a very shor
period of depression it is °Hospital ,S.J.C (2019, april 5) Signos y
something that I really would not Sintomas de la Depresion, San Juan
Capestrano Hospital
What You'll Learn
like someone to go through this,
you feel that no body suppert you,
but they really value thesit
help and depresion/sintomas-efecto/
Lorem ipsum dolor amet,
suppert that their
consectetur familygives
adipiscing elit, sed do Techar : Carlota Alejandra Parrales Siles
them" tempor incididunt ut labore et
eiusmod Class: 560 Just for a second, for a second
dolore magna aliqua. Lozada Álvarez Iván look around you, you're not the
Patiño Oivares Emiliano only one, everyone is hurting, so
Rojas Hernández Luis Emiliano stand up.

Causes and Advice and suggestions

you I don't recommend that underage

OK Consequences youth expone themeselvesto situation

? can cause them depresion .
Because of the lack in the seratonin, My advice is to practice a sport go out
You the brain of people who suffer to sunbath, read books and so on.
We on't kn depression does not regulate properly
ll, w ow How about trying to fight those
you ith thi tha most functions of their body.
're g s pa t? aoutomatic thoughts which invade your
oin per
alrig g to be Some of the causes are: mind?
Because of a family history of
Depression depression and other mental health Possibilities
conditions It's a good idea to seek any kind of help:
Alcoholism or drug use. psychologists, psychiatrists they will give a
Depression is a psychological disorder Medical conditions, such as cancer necessary treatment to combat this
characterized by persistent sadness or long-term (chronic) pain. condition.
and loss of interest in activities one Stressful life events or situations,
I think we could be more empathic when
normally enjoys, as well as the inability such as job loss, divorce, or death of
dealing with people who suffer
to perform daily activities. a spouse or other family member.
depression, we don't understand what
Social withdrawal (a common
Since several factors are they are going through.
cause of depression in older adults)
responsible for this
condition, we will briefly Opinions about alternatives to have a
show you some of them. In the consequences of this condition healthy lifestyle
we can find the following:
It is vital to consider that depression is not
According to Mayo Clinic, 2022. Elevated anxiety levels.
only a mental illnes, since it has been
"Among them are: traumatic or stressful Difficulties with interpersonal
shown that people who suffer from it
events, such as physical or sexual abuse, relationships.
show symptoms of excessive fatigue,
the death or loss of a loved one, a difficult Social isolation or withdrawal
weakened immune system, high blood
relationship, or financial problems." Poor performance at work or
pressure and obesity.
Depression is not a school.
So the feeling of Lack of control over impulses. I believe that people who are struggling
temporary illness, because of
the low energy levels that permanent sadness with depression not only face the normal
the patient may present, it that characterizes low moods that accur from time to time,
If you think you have any of
can be a long delay in depression can lead but also experience constant feelings of
to a variety of these effects,
Lorem ipsum you should
dolor try to
sit amet,
therapy, it will not improve emptiness and hopelessness that end up
emotional and seek medical advice,
consectetur additional
adipiscing elit,
in a short period of time seemingly consuming every aspect of their
physical disorders. support with a psychologist or

psychiatrist, so that you can
Depresión (trastorno depresivo mayor) - Síntomas y
overcome this condition.
Causas - Mayo Clinic. (2022, 14 octubre).

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