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Estoque, Verlon Jr.

Sañoza Human Resource Employee Staffing and Development

BA Sociology 4-3 Activity No. 1

Instruction: Short Case: (Essay Writing)

Pedro a salesman of shoe company, recently decided to put up a small shoe factory of his
own, to be manned by himself and ten other workers. Discuss, in a general way, the obligations of
Pedro to his workers.

Getting Ready with Pedro: A Discussion about Obligations and

General Relations of Employers to Employees

In this day and age, corporations and companies are very complying with the regulations and
policies about the welfare of their employees or workers. This compliance includes applications
for business permits, sanitary and fire hazard permits, governmental papers, and the like.
Meanwhile, employers are also mandated to regulate and comply with the policies and rules that
will primarily secure and maintain the welfare and the rights of every employee.

Most employers are used to these dynamics because these are parts of the legal system
wherein the governing state is the one imposing regulations on them, at least from what the
jurisdiction of the Philippines says about them. Aside from the fact that every business should
always comply with these jurisdictions, it can also be said that there are also business owners that
are adaptive to the needs of the times and situations (alternatives). The best example of this
certainty is the sudden pandemic which restricted most people to access the physical market, hence
the adaption of a new normal is becoming a nuance – e.g., food delivery, online shopping, and
work-from-home setup. In a like manner, in today's time as well, the system of incentivization is
also one of the mechanisms that a company or corporation becomes because their businesses
develop more by motivating their employees. One of the often-seen strategies of business owners
is incentivizing the employees based on how good their performance is for the company. This
system work includes the merits of a certain employee which in turn significantly impacted the
objective or the vision of a specific company to which he/she belongs to.

To further understand the obligations of the employers, in this case, Pedro, let us view and
discuss this in (1) the legal system, (2) alternatives, and (3) the system of incentivization.

Legal System:

Employers hold the responsibility of establishing, maintaining, and giving access to their
facilities to the employees they hire. They must provide their employees with enough knowledge
and resources, tools, and other components or materials that they need in order to do their work.
Moreover, employers are also required to give their staff the wages and benefits they affirmed
with, including, vacation, and other holidays. Apart from these, health care assistance is very
known among the benefits that employers need to give to their hired employees. It is the right of
workers and Pedro to put first their health among other things, especially when dealing with profits
and expansion of business. Workday leave should be granted to workers in case there are
emergency situations, thus they need to make absences. Legally speaking, it is said that these
obligations of Pedro, and in general the employees of companies and corporations, and even the
small-scale enterprises or businesses are very important as these are aligned with what the
government mandates – wherein these make every one of them complies, and as a result,
authorities have more control over their moral actions and legal compliance due to subordination
of one’s business within a state or country.


Secondly, in the Philippine contemporary setting, considering the impact brought upon by
the CoViD-19 pandemic wherein most people resorted to alternative ways in order to cope and
keep the mechanisms they once used but in compliance with health and safety protocols. An
evident example of these alternatives is the work-from-home (WFH) setup as an opportunity for
most of the employees to still have a chance to work remotely more often or sometimes – the best
thing about this is its accessibility for the workers when having issues such as the conflict in
transportation when having heavy traffic along the way of the employees to the physical store or
site. Another point to consider is the free food and free dormitory to employees; especially now
that we are not yet done with the CoViD-19. It is noteworthy to understand that when an employee
feels that he or she is being cared for by his or her employer, motivations to do more and do good
in the production or work-related actions may show up and manifest. These alternatives are not

only beneficial for the workers but rather it is an effective way of showing that, as the owner of
the company or the corporation, you are very communicative such as being able to listen to
suggestions and recommendations, and even for the requests of your working constituents.

System of Incentivization:

Lastly, the system of incentivization is quite common in manufacturing-related industries

nowadays. Aside from it emphasizing or maximizing labor production, the management or the
owner of the company itself tends to adopt this kind of strategy to also make sure that their
employees have an opportunity to earn additional income for living. Incentivization of production
based on the performance of employees also allows higher productivity among sales and
marketing, production of products, and the quality of the products being sold to the customers or

Overall, to really emphasize the given case, it is very important for Pedro to first understand
the mechanisms of the legal system in regard to business transactions, work-related ethics, and
labor force-related conducts and codes. Alternatives, on the other hand, are also taken an essential
part in order to fully achieve certain goals or objectives while being a resourceful owner yet
without compromising the important things such as the quality of the products, health, and safety
of all individuals – employers, employees, consumers, or customers, and even the environment or
the community itself.

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