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Engineered for your success

Ortlinghaus in Metal Forming Technology

We have been active in the field of metal forming technology to address the specific needs of each individual applications.
for more than 75 years. Today, we offer products across the Ortlinghaus has developed a reputation for quality throughout
entire spectrum of mechanical presses and servo presses, from the world – and we are highly motivated to meet and
clutch/brake units, slide locking devices, brakes to mechatronic exceed our previous standards. We work with our customers to
control systems. We are the only manufacturer of clutches create custom solutions and values that are characterized by
and brakes successfully developing and producing the friction innovation and superior engineering.
systems in-house for each and every clutch and brake we
deliver to the market. Our mechatronic systems are engineered

H-frame presses
>> Page 4 - 5 C-frame presses
>> Page 10 - 11
Servo presses
>> Page 6 - 7
Forging presses
>> Page 8 - 9

2 3
Large H-Frame presses

Engineered for higher performance

These large flywheel presses are mainly used for the produc-
tion of large and complex formed parts for the automotive
industry. The drive system of these presses typically consists
of hydraulically actuated, wet-running, multi-plate clutch/
brake units. Quite often they inlcude slide locking devices to
secure the ram in any position. Ortlinghaus is the preferred
supplier to most of the worldwide press manufacturers and
recognized in the automotive industry for their outstanding
Performance, Quality, Long-Life and Worldwide After Sales Series 086
Service. Series 620 Press safety valve Series 127
Pa.go >> Page 26 - 27 Hydraulically actuated
>> Page 28 - 29 clutch
Series 086 >> Page 18 - 19
Progressive control
>> Page 26 - 27

Series 128
Hydraulically released
>> Page 18 - 19

Series 088
Oil Inlet
>> Page 26 - 27

Series 123 Series 055

Hydraulically actuated wet Linear motion look
running clutch-brake unit >> Page 14 - 15
>> Page 12 - 13

Series 420
Pneumatically actuated
dry running clutch-brake
Series 480 >> Page 22 - 23
Cee.go - hydraulically Series 106
actuated clutch-brake Hydraulically actuated dry
combined unit running clutch-brake unit
4 >> Page 16 - 17 >> Page 24 - 25 5
Servo presses

Protect your press

Servo presses are characterized by large electrical torque
motors, which generates the needed forming energy directly
on the eccentric shaft.
In this application the safety requirements are high and serve
to protect the press drive and transfer system as well as to
prevent accidents. For these safety reasons, it is necessary to
implement a reliable safety brake, which in some cases should
be combined with additional slide locking devices.
Ortlinghaus is the leading manufacturer for this type of safety
brake. With our Prot. act series we brought a unique and in-
novative design onto the market, it has been specifically de-
signed and created for servo press applications.

Series 055
Linear motion lock
>> Page 14 - 15

Series 172
Prot. act
>> Page 20 - 21

6 7
Forging presses

Achieve highest level of reliability

Mechanical forging presses with flywheel drives are suitable
for the mass production of forged parts. Ortlinghaus provides
a wide range of solutions for mechanical forging presses, such
as separate clutches and brakes as well as clutch-brake units.
All utilize Ortlinghaus propretary wet-running friction systems
for high output and a very long durability.
Ortlinghaus as the sole manufacturer of plates with such large
dimensions, can offer frictions systems with transmission tor-
ques of up to 1.55 million Nm.

Series 128
Hydraulically released brake
>> Page 18 - 19

Series 127
Hydraulically actuated clutch
>> Page 18 - 19

Series 123
Hydraulically actuated wet
running clutch-brake unit
>> Page 12 - 13

8 9
C-frame presses

Perform better with Cee. go

C-frame presses typically provide capacities from 40 to 250
tons. Most of the machines are equipped with flywheel drives.
The presses can be operated manually or automatically.
In recent years, Ortlinghaus has supplied many dry-running and
wet-running clutch/brake units into this business. Ortlinghaus
has newly developed the Cee. go system, providing higher
output performance, extended lifetime of the friction system
combined in a complete system solution.

Series 123
Hydraulically actuated wet
running clutch-brake unit
>> Page 12 - 13

Series 480
Cee. go - hydraulically
actuated clutch-brake
combined unit
>> Page 16 - 17

Series 106
Hydraulically actuated dry
running clutch-brake unit
Series 420 >> Page 24 - 25
Pneumatically actuated
dry running clutch-brake
10 >> Page 22 - 23 11
Clutch-brake units series 123

Hydraulically actuated clutch-brake units

The hydraulically actuated clutch-brake units from the
series 123 work exclusively with Ortlinghaus propretary
wet-running, oil-cooled plates with friction pairing
steel/sinter. This multi-plate design and the oil cooled
friction pairing of steel and sinter offer a compact
design and a high operating efficiency with high torque,
High torque density
low moment of inertia, high engagement frequencies and a
minimal need of maintenance. The model series 123 operates The multi-plate design with oil
in sealed housings which prevent leakage, air pollution and cooled friction pairing of steel
reduce engagement noise to a minimum. and high-performance sinter
ensures high and consistent
torque availability.

High engagement frequency

Easy integration
The multi-plate design and the
Due the compact design and the low moment of inertia of the
customizable interfaces with key series 123 combined with the
way connection or clamping Ortlinghaus progressive control
devices, for the connection to the guarantees shortest response
Optimal maintenance conditions shaft, the 123 series clutch/brake times and high engagement
unit can be easily integrated in frequencies, which leads to high-
Long maintenance intervals and a
different press designs. er output rates.
high durability lead to less service
Series 123
Feature size 75 size 80 size 86 size 90 size 94 size 96 size 98

Min. clutch torque Tstat. min [Nm] 4.300 8.400 17.300 34.100 68.700 138.600 277.900

Max. clutch torque Tstat. max [Nm] 12.000 23.300 56.800 115.700 261.400 513.200 967.600

Min. brake torque Tdyn. min [Nm] 1.600 3.300 6.600 15.000 47.000 87.700 147.600

Max. brake torque Tdyn.max [Nm] 3.300 6.700 15.900 35.900 112.700 210.500 354.100
System supplier Modular design
Operating pressure PB [bar] 63 63 63 63 87 86 84 High press availability
The clutch/brake unit can be sup- The multi-plate design makes
Speed n [min-1] 1.300 1.000 850 700 500 415 350 An optional housing cover, inclu- plied with an oil inlet, press safety it possible to achieve a wide

Outer diameter A [mm] 290 380 440 560 710 870 1180 ding Buna or Viton seal, can be valve or control unit and electronic range of torques with each given
supplied with the clutch/brake slipping control (ESC). The ESC size of this series, and the different
Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 95 130 160 200 250 310 375 housing options allow flexible
unit to seal the hydraulic system. continously monitors important
Length C [mm] 177 222 325 365 508 602 725 This saves customers the time and aspects of the engagement se- integration into various press
effort of manufacturing their own quence to prevent the clutch designs.
12 cover. from thermal overload. 13
Linear Motion Lock series 055

Linear Motion Lock

According to DIN EN ISO 16092, the relevant safety standards
for press engineering, mechanical presses must have a
mechanical restraining device for repair work and work
between the slide and the bed. The Ortlinghaus linear motion
lock series 055 is specially developed for this purpose and an
approved restraining device according to the German employ-
ers' liability insurance association.
High safety level
The linear motion lock is used to positively lock the ram via
The series 055 is a ram locking a shaft so that the shaft cannot rotate. This is particularly
system for presses according to desirable for presses in order to ensure that the press ram
DIN EN ISO 16092 standard. does not move in an uncontrolled or unintentional manner
during maintenance or repair work between the two halves
of the die.

Unique design

The Ortlinghaus ram locking

Easy integration system enables a locking process

of the ram to ensure the safety
Due to its compact design and of the press. The ram can be
the wide range of options for Full monitoring locked in any position in a very
connecting the linear motion lock short time.
either outside on the machine The state of the ram locking
frame or inside the machine, mechanism, which is actuated by
the series 055 can be easily oil pressure, either locked or un-
assembled and disassembled. locked, is detected using inductive
travel sensors and transmitted to
Series 055
Feature Size 86 Size 90 Size 94
the machine control unit.
Max. holding torque Tstat. [Nm] 22.000 50.000 100.000

Operating pressure pB [bar] 65 65 65

Outer diameter A [mm] 538 660 900

Long service life
Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 150 220 260
The linear motion lock provides
a long lasting device based on Length C [mm] 220 262 325
the use of form fitting spline
14 connection. 15
Cee.go series 480

Cee. go:
Pneumatically actuated, wet-running clutch brake system
The Cee. go is an innovative wet-running and pneumatically
actuated clutch/brake unit for C-frame presses.
Engineered as a complete system consisting of a clutch/
brake unit, cover and air inlet, it is provided to our cus-
tomers as a ready-to-install-package which is easy to
adopt to the press and ready for use in a short time. With
a wet-running friction system, higher engagement frequen-
cies per minute and a higher output performance of parts
per minute can be achieved. With almost no wear on the The design-to-cost approach
friction system press downtime is reduced to a enables us to offer a product with
minimum and the maintenance costs are significantly lower. a much higher price performance
compared to conventional clutch
and brake systems. This aspect
covers the entire process from the
assembly to the operation of the
product for years. No external hydraulics

Since no external hydraulic

system is needed, cost of instal-
lation and operation is kept low.

Easy integration

The Cee. go can easily be mount-

ed on the press, the total assem-
bly time of the press drive can be
Series 480
reduced significantly.
Feature Size 75 Size 80 Size 86
Min. clutch torque Tstat. min [Nm] 4.320 9.470 11.480 The Cee.go is a wet-running
clutch/brake unit with a high
Max. clutch torque Tstat. max [Nm] 7.870 16.300 19.400
thermal load capability and there-
Min. brake torque Tdyn. min [Nm] 1.000 1.930 2.230 fore has a higher performance Ortlinghaus Quality
Max. brake torque Tdyn. max [Nm] 2.000 3.850 4.460 level in respect of clutch engage-
The Ortlinghaus quality is evident.
ments per minute and much less
Operating pressure PB [bar] 5-6 5-6 5-6 For more than 75 years we have
wear compared to dry-running
been supplying solutions that
Speed n [min-1] 450 450 450 systems.
increase the overall productivity
System solution
Outer diameter A [mm] 640 710 800 of presses, improve performance
The Cee.gois a 3-in-1 system solu- and enable our customers
Bore diameter B [mm] 80 100 120
tion that consist of a clutch/brake to manufacture outstanding
Length C [mm] 375 390 385 unit, an air inlet and a housing machines for the world market.
16 17
Clutches and brakes series 127 & 128

Hydraulically actuated separate clutches and brakes

The hydraulically actuated clutch series 127 is used to accelerate
a press ram in a single-stroke mode by transferring energy
from the flywheel to the press ram. This clutch series is used
for very high torques at low speeds. The hydraulically released
brake series 128 decelerates the press ram on forging presses
in the single-stroke mode. This brake can be supplied with
Optimal maintenance brake torques of up to 1 million Nm. While clutch and brake
conditions are separate units, both sizes can be selected individually
Long maintenance intervals and a according to your requirements. All benefits of series 123 can
high durability lead to less service be mentioned here as well, with the friction system being the
expenses. same and interchangeable.

Series 127
Easy integration Feature size 86 size 90 size 94 size 96 size 98 size 99

Due the compact design and Min. clutch torque Tstat. min [Nm] 22.700 48.800 101.900 189.900 336.000 775.700
High torque density
the customizable interfaces Max. clutch torque Tstat. max [Nm] 45.500 96.800 203.700 378.700 672.000 1.551.000
The multi-plate design with oil with keyway or clamping
High press availability Operating pressure PB [bar] 80 80 90 90 90 90
cooled friction pairing of steel devices for the connection to
and high-performance sinter the shaft, the clutches and Both the clutch and the brake are Speed n [min-1] 850 700 500 415 350 250
ensures high and consistent brakes of series 127 and 128 can constructed as a closed system
Outer diameter A [mm] 550 680 850 1.060 1.230 1.415
torque availability. be easily integrated in any press and thus protected from external
design. pollution like oily or dusty air, Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 200 250 320 350 375 500
which leads to less downtime and Length C [mm] 629 657 750 824 1066 1153
maintenance costs.

Series 128
Feature size 86 size 90 size 94 size 96 size 98 size 99

Min. brake torque Tdyn. min [Nm] 9.500 19.200 39.700 77.400 147.600 279.000

Max. brake torque Tdyn. max [Nm] 19.100 38.400 79.400 154.700 295.200 1.056.000
High engagement speed
System supplier Operating pressure PB [bar] 80 80 90 90 90 90
The multi-plate design and the
Both the clutch and the brake Speed n [min-1] 850 700 500 415 350 250
low moment of inertia in com-
Modular design
bination with the Ortlinghaus can be supplied with an oil Outer diameter A [mm] 550 680 850 1.060 1.230 1.415
progressive control guarantee inlet, press safety valve or The multi-plate design makes it
Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 200 250 320 350 375 500
shortest reaction times and high control unit and electronic possible to achieve a wide range
engagement frequencies. slipping control (ESC) which of different torque sizes and can Length C [mm] 200 236 320 384 437 547
allows the monitoring of the oil therefore be perfectly selected to
18 volume, oil temperatures and the fit the specification of the press. 19
plate conditions.
Prot.act series 172

Prot. act :
Hydraulically actuated, dry-running brake for servo presses
The Prot. act brake series 172 is specifically designed for presses
driven by servomotors and is used as ram holding and as
emergency brake. This brake can be installed in different
arrangements, it is either mounted directly next to the servo
motor or on the free shaft end. With the superior friction
block design, fretting corrosion is completely avoided.

Performance data
Size 82 Size 87 Size 92 Durability and safety Industry 4.0
The Prot.act provides a long
0172-100- 0172-200- 0172-300- 0172-100- 0172-200- 0172-300- 0172-100- 0172-200- 0172-300-
Execution service life due to innovative
2-disks 3-disks 4-disks 2-disks 3-disks 4-disks 2-disks 3-disks 4-disks
design, durability and functional
Min. stat. torque reliability. Ready for industry 4.0
+ 2) 12.000 17.100 21.600 24.000 34.000 43.000 66.000 96.000 125.000
A sensor kit with temperature and
Max. dyn. torque 1)
+ 2) 16.700 23.700 29.900 34.000 48.000 60.000 77.000 112.000 145.000 Easy integration wear sensors enables predictive
maintenance planning and redu-
Min. required With its mounting and centering
95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 ces the downtime of the press.
pressure [bar] aid a fast integration into the
Max. release press is guaranteed.
120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
pressure [bar]
1) Minimum values in delivery condition
2) Brake torque in worn conditions is provided in the specific calculation of the press

Dimensions High press availability

The brake can be supplied with

Size 82 Size 87 Size 92
an optional cover and labyrinth
A - Outer Ø [Nm] 453 453 453 548 548 548 762 762 762 sealing in order to be protected
against external pollution like oily
C - Length [Nm] 249 282 315 271 310 349 314 364 414 Verified quality
or dusty air, which leads to less
Shrink disk for shafts -Ø: Shrink disk for shafts -Ø: Shrink disk for shafts -Ø: maintenance costs. End-of-line testing of each and
B - Shaft Worldwide service
connection 95 H7 – 110 H7 120 H7 – 135 H7 or toothing 120 H7 – 180 H7 or toothing every brake provides first class
Our global network, which con- quality to the market. Certified
Weight [kg] ~ 209 ~ 229 ~ 254 ~ 310 ~ 350 ~ 391 ~ 628 ~ 793 ~ 863 sists of more than 25 branch torque values and reaction
3) Shrink disk design for shafts Ø in 5mm increments available offices, sales partners and service times are documented with the
points, ensures quick assistance product.
20 in every situation. 21
Clutch- brake unit series 420

Pneumatically actuated clutch-brake units

The pneumatically actuated clutch-brake unit series 420
is the most traditional drive concept in the stamping
industry over the years. With different types of suspension
and a high flexibility in the connection between hub and the
shaft of the customer, we typically work with keyways or
clamping devices. Installations therefore are most reliable and
easy to carry out.
Different types of friction elements are available in order to
achieve the most effective operating life time and with quiet
engagement processes under all operating conditions.

Series 420
Feature size 23 size 29 size 40 size 50 size 61 size 62 size 67 size 72
Clutch torque at 5,5bar Tstat. 5,5 [bar] 260 410 840 1.580 3.450 3.500 4.700 6.600

Clutch torque at 6,0bar Tstat. 6,0 [bar] 280 450 920 1.780 3.800 4.000 5.300 7.400
High engineering competence Tdyn
Brake torque 140 220 480 850 1.850 2.500 3.350 4.700

Ortlinghaus has been developing Speed n [min-1] 3.200 2.750 2.250 1.750 1.400 1.500 1.400 1.250
clutches and brakes for thousands
12 pt.suspension A1 [mm] 182 205 255 325 408 408 450 500
of different applications for more
than 75 years – safe, experienced 2 pt. suspension short A2 [mm] 230 250 315 390 495 495 550 610

and reliable. 2 pt. suspension long A3 [mm] 305 325 410 490 635 635 710 790

Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 35 35 45 65 80 90 95 105

Length C [mm] 46 58 66 82 100 112 125 140

Series 420
Modular design
Simple integration Feature size 77 size 80 size 83 size 87 size 90 size 91 size 92 size 93
The ability to use many different
Due to its compact design and 2-pt. or 12-pt. arrangement Clutch torque at 5,5bar Tstat. 5,5 [bar] 10.000 13.000 20.000 28.500 38.000 51.000 75.000 105.000

various options for the shaft combinations, of the clutch Clutch torque at 6,0bar Tstat. 6,0 [bar] 11.500 15.000 22.500 32.500 43.000 57.000 84.000 115.000
connections such as keyways and brake suspensions, allows
Brake torque Tdyn 7.300 9.700 14.300 20.800 27.000 35.000 50.000 70.000
or clamping devices, the series exceptional flexibility in
Easy connection
420 can easily be integrated into integrating into the press design Speed n [min-1] 1.100 1.000 850 750 700 630 560 500
various press drive designs. Engaged by air, these units can 12 pt.suspension A1 [mm] 584 640 725 810 890 965 1080 1215
be easily integrated into any
2 pt. suspension short A2 [mm] 695 770 880 970 1.100 1.180 1.300 1.465
press application.
2 pt. suspension long A3 [mm] 885 990 1.135 1.235 1.450 1.525 1.645 1.855

Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 125 145 160 180 200 220 240 270

Length C [mm] 160 185 205 230 248 260 295 330

22 23
Clutch-brake units series 106

Hydraulically actuated, dry running clutch-brake units

Due to market demands that required higher output capacities
of presses, the series 106 was developed from Ortlinghaus.
The series 106 clutch-brake unit combines the simplicity of the
traditional clutch-brake unit design with hydraulic actuation.
This combination simultaneously achieves highest torques
on clutch and brake side which cannot be achieved by
engagement through pressurized air.
In addition, the design of these clutch-brake units enables
the use of two friction plates on the brake side, which allow
to use a clutch-brake unit of a smaller size than with other
clutch-brake designs.
All this leads to a higher number of strokes per minute, a re-
duced braking angle and a lower individual moment of inertia.
Easy integration

Due to its compact design and

different options for the shaft
connections, such as shrink disks
or clamping devices, the series
106 can easily be integrated in
any press drive designs. Short reaction time

The clutch-brake unit can

be supplied with a specially
designed control unit that
ensures short reaction times and
Series 106 high switching speeds.

Feature size 79 size 82 High torque density

Clutch torque Tstat. [Nm] 24.500 35.000 The combination of hydraulically

engaged clutch and the use of
Brake torque Tdyn. [Nm] 28.000 40.000
dry running friction material
Operating pressure pB [bar] 60 60 ensures highest torques on clutch
Speed n [min-1] 1.000 850 Fast reaction time and brake side, even with small
12 pt.suspension A1 [mm] 640 725 The clutch-brake unit series 106

2 pt. suspension short A2 [mm] 770 880 can be engaged with any com-
mon oil up to a viscosity of 150
2 pt. suspension long A3 [mm] 990 1135
cSt and achieves fast engage-
Max. bore diameter Bmax [mm] 115 135 ment times due to the hydraulic
Length C [mm] 286 306

24 25
Oil inlets

Control systems
Rotary unions series 088
Ortlinghaus has been manufacturing single and multi-channel
rotary inlets for several decades, which are frequently
Press safety valves and hydraulic control units series 086 supplied as accessories for oil actuated and oil cooled clutches.
Ortlinghaus supports customers in selecting the right control These tried and tested machine components for supplying pres-
system to achieve the optimal engagement process for the sure and cooling oil to rotating shafts are standard products
clutches and brakes and supplies different control components and can not only be used in conjunction with clutches. The
such as press safety valves or progressive controls, that are oil inlets are available in axial and radial versions. In addition,
used for the control of hydraulically actuated clutches and Ortlinghaus also develops and manufactures rotary inlets
brakes as well as of clutch-brake units. Economic control according to customer’s requirements, which are not listed
solution with press in the catalogue of our standard products. For example, it is
possible to manufacture rotary inlets with more than three
safety valves One or two channel channels which can conduct different media.
executions available

Ortlinghaus supplies one and two

channel oil inlets. Additional chan-
Hard braking and nels on request.
hard engagement

Direct engaging of the brake

with full braking torque in

Simple integration

Monitoring of operating Ortlinghaus can supply various

Progressive control mounting options for oil inlets for
The integrated pressure and different setups, which enables
units inclusive press
temperature sensors provide easy integration.
the possibility of monitoring the
safety valves
operating conditions.
Axial oil inlet
Feature Size 22 Size 27 Size 35

Pressure max PB [bar] 100 100 100

Speed max n [min-1] 1.500 1.500 1.500

Outer diameter A [mm] 120 160 180

Soft engagement and
operating comfort Length C [mm] 165 247 288

With the optionally available ver- Number of channels / connections ixM 2 x G1/2 2 x G3/4 2 x G1
Soft braking
sion with a proportional valve, a
Oil volume Voil [l/min] 35 100 150
soft engagement of the clutch can Engaging the brake with adjustable
be realized through a very flexible brake counterpressure to allow a
26 and sensitive pressure control. soft stop of the machine. 27
Prot.act series 472

Prot. act :
Pneumatically actuated, dry-running brake for servo presses
The Prot. act brake series 472 is specifically designed for presses
driven by servomotors and is used as ram holding and as
emergency brake. This brake can be installed in different
arrangements, it is either mounted directly next to the servo
motor or on the free shaft end. With the superior friction
block design, fretting corrosion is completely avoided.
Easy connection

Engaged by air, these units can

be easily integrated into any
press application.

Performance data
Size 82

Execution Verified quality
End-of-line testing of each and
Min. stat. torque 1)
+ 2) 8.100 every brake provides first class
quality to the market. Certified
Max. dyn. torque 1)
+ 2) 12.300 torque values and reaction
[Nm] Durability and safety
Easy integration times are documented with the
Min. required The Prot.act series 472 provides
4,5 product.
pressure [bar] With its mounting and centering
a long service life due to innovati-
Max. release ve design, durability and functio- aid a fast integration into the
pressure [bar] press is guaranteed.
1) Minimum values in delivery condition
nal reliability.
2) Brake torque in worn conditions is provided in the specific calculation of the press

Size 82

A - Outer Ø [mm] 510 Design-to-cost

197,4 The design-to-cost approach

C - Length [mm]
enabels us to offer a product
Clamping device High press availability with a much higher price perfor-
B - Shaft
connection 140 x 190 mance compared to conventional
Optimal maintenance conditions The brake can be supplied with
an optional cover and labyrinth brakes. This aspect covers the en-
Weight [kg] ~ 145 Long maintenance inervals and a
sealing in order to be protected tire process from the assemby to
high durabiltiy lead to less service
against external pollution like oily the operaton of the procuct for
or dusty air, which leads to less 29
maintenance costs.
Diagnosis and control platform DC650

Diagnostis and control platform

The new innovative diagnosis and control platform DC650 was
developed by Ortlinghaus to meet the market requirements
regarding the digitalization of press data and availability of this
This platform enables digitalization with the possibility of cloud
integration and brings easily accessible services which can be
reached through WiFi, LAN or a cloud service. As a plug-and-play-
solution with fieldbus interface for the communication with the
press control system it ensures low and cost-effective integration
Low integration effort The integration of this system into a press control brings the
• Integrated system solution possibilities of continuous condition monitoring with wear and
• Plug and play detection of critical condition, whereby failures and machine
• Fieldbus interface for communica-
tion with customer
control system

Continuous condition monito-

• Wear monitoring
• Critical condition detection
Protection against • Enabling digitalization through
unwanted failures cloud con-
This platform measures values nection
uninterruptedly and provides all
data needed to prevent the press Easily accessible service
from unwanted failures, faulty • Remote maintenance function
operations and thus press down- • System check without downtime

Plug and play

Due to the anybus interface the

integration into the press sys-
tems can be realized easily.
All data can be retrieved via WiFi
30 31
In good hands from the beginning

• via contact form on our
>> Technical
• directly via mail to consultance
>> [email protected]
• many thousands of products
• contact through one of
for different applications
our world wide sales
• selection of technically and • quick response times
economically best fitting • friendly support
>> Contacts & Media products • flexible order handling
>>> Contacts • more than 100 years of
production know-how
• high quality Delivery
• safe and reliable shipping
methods according to
customer requirements After Sales
• world wide delivery
• world wide after sales service
Get in touch • known consigner
• high availability
Talk to one of our experts. Our Industry Manager Henry
• commissioning
Kalkofen is pleased to get in touch with you.
• contact via mail to
>> [email protected]

Henry Kalkofen
Industry Manager | Metal Forming Technology
Phone +49 (0) 2196-85 402
Mail [email protected]

32 33

Founded in: 1898

Subsidiaries: Ortlinghaus (U.K.) Ltd. / Great Britain

Ortlinghaus France Transmissions SARL/ France
Ortlinghaus GmbH Gams/ Switzerland
Ortlinghaus Drive Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd / China
Ortlinghaus Drive Technology India Pvt.Ltd. / India
Ortlinghaus America Latina / Brazil

Manufacturing: Wermelskirchen / Germany

Gams / Switzerland Sales & Service hub with spare parts
Jinan / China Sales & Service hub

Sales: Worldwide via agencies

Original spare Product Service & Condition High After-

parts overhaul at repair check Sales-Service
Ortlinghaus worldwide availability (24/7)

34 35
Ortlinghaus-Werke GmbH
Kenkhauser Str. 125
42929 Wermelskirchen

Phone: +49 (0)2196 85 - 0

[email protected]
Issue 11.2022

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