DR Shiva Ayyadurai Not A Natural Born Citizen of USA

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Shiva Ayyadurai (Independent) is NOT a “natural born

Citizen” of USA to Constitutional Standards – NOT Eligible to
be President and Commander-in-Chief of Our Military, or the
Vice President, per U.S. Constitution | by: CDR Charles F.
Kerchner, Jr. (Retired) – 14 Jul 2023

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and his parents were foreign nationals and Dr. Shiva immigrated to the
USA per publicly available information . Click on the image for more details about the Three
Legged Stool Test to be a “natural born Citizen” of the United States.

Based on the public information available here and here at this time Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
was not a U.S. Citizen at all when he was born. He was born in India. His parents were not
U.S. Citizens when Dr. Shiva was born. He was born with allegiance to the country of
India. Dr. Shiva per publicly available information is an immigrant to the USA and is a
“naturalized Citizen” of the United States. As a naturalized Citizen he is not
constitutionally eligible to serve as President and Commander in Chief of our military. Nor
is he eligible to be the VP.
He was not born in the USA with singular citizenship and sole allegiance at/by birth to only
the USA as is the case for a “natural born Citizen”. He was not born a “natural born
Citizen” with the required three legs of being born in the USA to a father and a mother
who were U.S. Citizens when Dr. Shiva was born. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai fails the “The Three
Legged Stool Test” for being a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. He is a
“naturalized Citizen”, NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. He can serve as
a U.S. Senator but he cannot constitutionally serve as the President and Commander-in-
Chief of our military or as the VP.

It is not known at this time to this writer if Dr. Shiva’s father and mother ever became
naturalized U.S. Citizens too. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is not being very transparent on this
issue in most public sources. Even if one or both of his parents did naturalize later after Dr.
Shiva was born, it would not change Dr. Shiva’s birth status. Dr. Shiva was born a Citizen
of India and did not hold U.S. Citizenship of any kind when he was born. He was born with
allegiance to a foreign country, i.e., India.

This is hardly what the founders and framers intended when they selected the “natural
born Citizen” requirement for the person who would in the future be permitted to be the
President and Commander in Chief of our military, once the founding generation was
gone. The founders and framers wanted all future Presidents and Commanders in Chief to
be free of foreign influence at/by birth and be born with unity of citizenship and sole
allegiance at birth to only the USA. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai being a “naturalized Citizen” of
the United States, he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as President or VP but he can
serve as a U.S. Senator or Member of the House of Representatives.

As per ‘Principles of Natural Law‘ in place at the time of the founding of our country and
when the founding documents including the U.S. Constitution were written, a ‘natural born
Citizen’ is one born in the country to parents who are both Citizens (born Citizens or
naturalized Citizens) of that country when their child is born in the country. See ‘The
Three Legged Stool Test‘ for a graphic presentation of this constitutional requirement as to
who can be President and Commander in Chief or our military. See the Euler Diagram
shown further down for a logic diagram presentation of this constitutional requirement.
Click on image for more details.

A Simple Euler Logic Diagram Shows Logical Relationship of “natural born Citizens” to
Other Type “Citizens” of the United States. Only a “natural born Citizen” Can
constitutionally be the President and Commander in Chief or the Vice-President. Click on
Image for More Information.
on image for more details.

Some other politicians besides Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (who is running as an Independent) in
the two major political parties who have been mentioned for future election to high
national political office, who are also not a “natural born Citizen” to constitutional
standards are: Vivek Ramaswamy (R), Nikki Haley (R), Marco Rubio (R), Ted Cruz (R),
Bobby Jindal (R), and Kamala Harris (D). Both major political parties are choosing to
ignore the founders and framers intent and understanding of what a “natural born
Citizen” is in order to run candidates that they believe are very marketable political
candidates. This started in a major way in the 2008 election cycle with Obama vs McCain.

For more information about the ‘natural born Citizen’ term read this White Paper essay –
The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How the Natural Born Citizen Term was Put
Into Our U.S. Constitution as to eligibility for the office of the President of the United
States | by CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret).

Click here to get a PDF copy of this article.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Retired)

Author: Natural Born Citizen

P.S. Also read the following essays regarding the presidential eligibility term “natural born
Citizen” in Article II of the U.S. Constitution:

1. Natural born Citizen and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees.
Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born
Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”:

2. Citizenship Terms Used in the U.S. Constitution – The 5 Terms Defined & Some Legal
Reference to Same | by CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret):

3. U.S. Constitution Article II Presidential Eligibility Facts:


4. The “Natural Born Citizen” Term is Neither Confusing, Ambiguous, Sexist, Racist, or
Overly Restrictive if One’s Mind is Open to the Truth and Not Pettifogging on the Term:

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