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People Empowered By The Struggle

4502 Carleview Road

Baltimore, MD 21207
(443) 355-8014
[email protected]

August 16, 2023

The Honorable Wes Moore

Governor of Maryland
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1925​

Maryland State Department of Education

Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2595

Dear Governor Moore & The Maryland State Department of Education,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to express our deep concerns and
vexations about the state of our educational system in Maryland. We demand the
immediate removal and resignation of Maryland State Superintendent of Schools,
Mohammed Choudhury, due to his many violations of the Maryland Public Information
Act (§§ 10-611 to 10-628 of the Annotated Code of Maryland). Governor Wes Moore
and the State Board of Education, you must take immediate action to address this issue
and remove him from his position. These violations authorized and perpetrated by Mr.
Choudhury highlights the many failures of our county and city schools, and raises
questions about transparency, accountability, and the safety of our educational

As taxpayers, we bear the burden of funding education in our state, and it is our right to
know how our hard-earned money is being utilized. However, the recent actions of State
Superintendent Choudhury and Baltimore City School CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises have
cast a shadow of doubt on the transparency and integrity of our education system. The
redaction of information that should be accessible to the public under the Maryland
Public Information Act (MPIA) and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is an egregious
violation of our state's rights.
What is truly disheartening is the repetitiveness of these improprieties that continue to
re-victimize Baltimore City parents, taxpayers, and students. We have been demanding
the immediate resignation of the Baltimore City School CEO for over two years for the
failure to adequately educate our children. We, the people, see it as nothing short of
educational homicide. We fought for accountability then, and we demand the same level
of accountability, responsibility, and transparency now from State Superintendent
Mohammed Choudhury. Such actions taken by Mr. Choudhury only perpetuate fraud,
disgrace, and disrespect for the hardworking taxpayers who diligently contribute to the
salaries of these individuals. Mr. Choudhury must be held accountable for his actions.

Furthermore, we remain in the dark regarding the extent of mismanagement of our

hard-earned taxpayers' money and its allocation. There are pressing concerns such as
school bus safety in county schools, the safety of our children in Baltimore City schools,
and the poor performance of Maryland's educational system throughout the state,
particularly in Baltimore City. These issues cannot be ignored or brushed aside. The
safety of our children and the quality of their education must be of the utmost
importance, and it is the responsibility of the Maryland State Department of Education to
promptly and effectively address these concerns.

In conclusion, we need to prioritize the best interests of the students, parents, and
taxpayers we serve by taking the necessary steps to remove State Superintendent
Mohammed Choudhury from his position. This will not only send a strong message
about the importance of accountability and transparency but also begin to restore the
trust and faith that we, as citizens of this great state, must have in our educational
system. We demand nothing less.

Thank you for addressing this matter. We look forward to hearing about prompt
resolutions to address this issue.


Yolanda Pulley
Yolanda Pulley
Executive Director/Founder
People Empowered By The Struggle
501(c)3 Nonprofit
“A One-Stop-Shop for all struggles”

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