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BOND PROFFER Defendant: Robert Kelly DOB 1/8/67 age at DOI 32 years old Victim: HLW. age at DOL 16 years old Date of Incident: Between 5/26/98 and 5/25/99 Charge: Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse based on the victim being under 17 and Robert Kelly being more than 5 years older than the vietim, Class 2, 3-7 years IDOC, probationable and sentenced concurrently to other counts ‘The victim met Robert Kelly on her 16" birthday where she was celebrating at a restaurant. At that encounter, the victim told Robert Kelly it was her 16" birthday that day. Robert Kelly's manager then gave the vietim Robert Kelly’s business card with Robert Kelly’s personal number written on it and told the victim Robert Kelly wanted her to call him. The victim's mother heard this and took the card and told Robert Kelly's manager the victim was only 16. The victim later got that card from her mother’s purse and called Robert Kelly. Robert Kelly told the victim to come to his studio. Robert Kelly told the victim after her dad dropped her off at school, she could take a cab to his studio, The victim followed Robert Kelly’s instructions. At that first encounter at Robert Kelly's studio located at 865 North Larrabee Steet in Chicago, Cook County, IMinois, Robert Kelly had difficulty maintaining an erection and penetrated the victim repeatedly vaginally and orally. Afterwards, Robert Kelly told the victim to get an envelope with money from the receptionist thatthe victim assumed was to pay for the cab rides to and from Robert Kelly's studio, The envelope contained a large sum of money, more than was needed to pay for two cab rides. The victim had similar sexual encounters about once a month with Robert Kelly from 5/26/98 to 5/25/99. ‘The defendant has no criminal background BOND PROFFER Defendant: Robert Kelly DOB 1/8/67 age at DOI31-34 years old Vieti RL. age at DOT 14-16 years old Date of Incident: Between 9/26/1998 and 9/25/2001 Charge: ‘Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse based on the victim being under 17 and Robert Kelly being more than 5 years older than the victim, Class 2, 3-7 years IOC, probationable and sentenced concurrently to other counts In 2001, a witness had conversations with Robert Kelly and Robert Kelly’s associates where the witness ‘was asked to retrieve videotapes showing Robert Kelly having sexual intercourse with the vietim in this, ‘case when she was 14 years old. The witness obtained that video and watched it. The witness eventually ‘turned this video over to the Cook County State’s Attomey’s Office through his attorney. The witness has identified the girl in the video as the girl he knows to be the niece of S.E. Additionally, the witness ‘identified the scenes from the video as having been from Robert Kelly’s house located at 1 Maros Lane, Olympia Fields, Cook County, Illinois. In the video, the vietim repeatedly says she is 14 years old and Robert Kelly is seen penetrating the vietim orally and vaginally, and the victim performs oral sex on Robert Kelly. 8.B. hes identified the girl in the video as her niece, the victim in this ease. ‘The defendant has no criminal background. BOND PROFFER Defendant: Robert Kelly DOB 1/8/67 age at DOL 36 years old Vietim: L.C. age at DOL 24 years old Date of Incident: 2/18/03, Charge: Ageravated Criminal Sexual Abuse based on the transmission of semen by Robert Kelly upon anty part of the body of the victim for the purpose of sexual gratification during the course of the underlying forcible felony of Attempt Criminal Sexual Assault, Class 2, 3-7 years IDOC, probationable and sentenced concurrently to other counts On 2/18/03 at 865 North Larrabee Street in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, the victim was 24 years old and worked 2s a hairdresser for Robert Kelly. While the victim was waiting alone in a room for Robert Kelly to come in so she could braid his hair, Robert Kelly entered saying he didn’t want his hair braided that day, he wanted his head massaged. At the time he said this, Robert Kelly had his pants pulled down and he was pointing to his penis. Robert Kelly grabbed the victim by the head and tried to force her mouth onto his exposed penis but the victim was able to resist. Robert Kelly then masturbated and ejaculated onto the victim and spit in her face several times. The shit the victim was wearing was submitted to ISP for DNA testing and semen was identified on the shirt. The male DNA identified in the semen sample is a match to Robert Kelly's DNA profile. ‘The defendant has no criminal background, BOND PROFFER Defendant: Robert Kelly DOB 1/8/67 age at DOI 42-43 years old Vietim: IP. age at DOL 16 years old Date of Incident: Between May 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010 Charge: Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse based on the vietim being under 17 and Robert Kelly being more than 5 years older than the victim, Class 2, 3-7 years IDOC, probationable and sentenced concurrently to other counts ‘The vietim attended the criminal tril of Robert Kelly in Chicago in 2008 and met Robert Kelly getting his autograph after court one day. ‘The victim told Robert Kelly how old she was and he invited her to his house at | Maros Lane, Olympia Fields, Cook County, Illinois. Between May 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010, the victim had vaginal and oral sex with Robert Kelly multiple times. At times, Robert Kelly ‘would spit on her, slap her in the face and choke her, The victim saved one of the shirts she was wearing ‘when Robert Kelly ejaculated on her and gave that shirt to the Olympia Fields Police Department. The shirt was submitted for DNA testing and semen was identified om the shirt ‘The defendant has no criminal background.

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