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Rahm Emanuel Department of Police + City of Chicago Eddie T. Johnson Mayor 3510 South Michigan Avenue + Chicago, Illinois 60653 Superintendent of Police July 7, 2017 Michael Lansu WBEZ Digital Editor Sent Via Email: mlansu@wbezorg Re: NOTICE OF RESPONSE TO FOIA REQUEST Extension Sent: June 19, 2017 FOIA File No. 199652 Dear Mr. Lansu: On behalf of the Chicago Police Department (CPD) this letter is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request received by our office on June 19, 2017. After an extension, CPD is now responding to your request seeking “Lam requesting a copy of the police report for RD Number JA120061.” Your request was reviewed by the undersigned. We interpret your request for “a copy of the police report” to mean all reports associated with the listed case. A search based on the parameters in your request yielded positive results for six pages of responsive records, including the Original Case Incident Report and two Case Supplementary Reports. Attached please find these reports which contain certain redactions pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/7. Information such as home addresses, telephone numbers, along with CPD employee identification numbers and user codes, contained in these records are private information and have been redacted pursuant to $ ILCS 140/7(1)(b) which exempts from disclosure "[pJrivate information, unless disclosure is required by another provision of this Act, a State or federal law or a court order.” The FOIA statute, in 5 ILCS 140/2(c-5), defines “private information” as follows: [U}nique identifiers, including a person's social security number, driver's license number, employee identification number, biometric identifiers, personal financial information, passwords or other access codes, ‘medical records, home or personal telephone numbers, and personal email addresses. Private information also includes home address and personal license plates, except as otherwise provided by law or when compiled without possibility of attribution to any person Victims, witnesses, and suspects who have not been arrested have a strong interest in keeping their identity private. The names and identifying information of these individuals, along with all dates of birth, are considered highly personal information and are protected from disclosure pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(c), as follows: “[Plersonal information contained within public records, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy... ‘Unwarranted invasion of personal privacy’ means the disclosure of information is that highly personal or objectionable to reasonable person and in which the subject's right to privacy outweighs any legitimate public interest in obtaining the information.” Id. Emergency and TTY: 9-1-1 «Non-Emergency and TTY: (thin City limits) 3-1-1 + Non-Emergency and TTY: (outside City limits) (312) 746-6000 Email: policecityotehicago.orge Website: « Non-E: rergency and TTY: www.cityofehicago.ors/police ‘The redacted information, which includes the names, addresses and other information that could be used to identify the victim and/or witnesses, or others who provided information to the police, is also exempt from disclosure under 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(d) (iv) and (vi) of the FOIA statute, which states: “Records in the possession of any public body created in the course of administrative enforcement proceedings, and any law enforcement or correctional agency for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that disclosure would: (iv) unavoidably disclose the identity of a confidential source, confidential information furnished only by the confidential source, or persons who file complaints with or provide information to administrative, investigative, law enforcement, or penal agencies; except that the identities of witnesses to traffic accidents, traffic accident reports, and rescue reports shall be provided by agencies of local government, except when disclosure would interfere with an active criminal investigation conducted by the agency that is the recipient of the request: (vi) endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel or any other person. You have the right to a review under 5 ILCS 140-9.5(a) by the Public Access Counselor (PAC) at the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, 500 South 2 Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706, Phone: (877) 299-3642, Fax: 217-782- 1396, E-mail: [email protected] You may also seek judicial review of a denial under 5 ILCS 140/11 by filing a lawsuit in the State Circuit Court. Sincerely, G. Rubenstein Freedom of Information Act Officer Chicago Police Department Office of Legal Affairs, Unit 114 3510 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60653 312-745-5308 Emergency and TTY: 9-I-I + Non-Emergency and TTY: (within City limits) 3-1-1 + Non-Emergency and TTY: (outside City limits) (312) 746-6000 Eni: [email protected] Website: * Non-Emergency and TTY: CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT row: [aioe —] ORIGINAL CASE INCIDENT REPORT Evenne: a7oieneaea 36103, Michigan fiver, Chicago, eis 6653 [ASSIGNED TO SUMMARY 1 IUCR: 0460. Battery - Simple © occurrence Beat: 1831 | UnitAssigned: 9195 S) Location: I | RO Arrival Date: 18 January 2017 07:18 330- Other ‘doffenders: + Ocourrence Date: 25 August 2015 14:30 NT INCI [MicTIM individual zm Demographics jae iG Res! Beat: 4100 Beat: 5100 sobre (Other Communications and Availability aes Phone: inj nt N= venen) 7 Responding Unit: NON OFFEND! iNJURIES Suspect#? no: SUSPECTS Responding Unit: RELATIONSHIP (victim) Offender) RELATIONSHIP re00ziwr # ou TDUNDOT Ta — i ronan CAR tc Chicago Police Department - Incident Report RD #: JA120064 DOMESTIC INFO {5 Victim information Provided Flash Message Sent 7 No ‘Bl Oo} EV# 02609, REPORT COMPLETED BY PCO1 PEREZ, ELVIRA (NSUMVARY, NNN (VICTIM ANO ¥ NANT) RELATED THAT (OFFENDER) STRUCK HER IN THE FACE AND STATED TO HER, "SL z VICTIM STATED SHE DID NOT SEEK ANY MEDICAL ATTENTION AT THE TIME OF NE MCDENT NOTED CPICOFCPERCZ M0709, VIN SENT.-NFL S g z iF StarNo Emp No Name User Date Unit Beat Zz Fl ‘Approving Supervisor 804 TERRAZAS, Josse 18 Jan 20170754 376 9) Bi, Detecivelinvestigator 20544 CERVENY, George, E 18 Jan 2017 09:24 610 a] ey Page 2 oD TEGONDOTT 145 oritnic eR earns CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT 5 Michigan Avenue, IMETHODICAU CODE _| DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE. Tet Ofees Garten Gefen TUER Cote __[ovara Ovens Comtenuen TuoR come BATTERY / Simple 0460 BATTERY / Simple oe tie o Occur Beat foc [Oa VAS_|_noatomenaen,___NootAreses,___|___ SRV 1031 1 1 o Lesion Type {lpston cate_| Secorayisaion, Faecmne Other 330 No Date of Gomi Tat pasigad__ [a RO Arve Fie Rawle? | Garg Rosier? (Denese Rema? /26-AUG-2015 14:30 9196 |18JAN201707.19 NO-NO NO Reportar [Sete Nporgsapenes Sarno | Par Deectve Ane? Torna ISUAREZ, Laura 20883 | SUAREZ, Laura 20883 | CERVENY, George 20514 Dave Sues B-JAN-2017 08.24 Date Aapoved TB JAN 36417 68°38 ee ‘SUMMARY. THIS IS A SUMMARY INVESTIGATION METHOD/CAU CODE REPORT TYPE: In VICTIM(S): RES: sore: as OTHER COMMUNICATIONS: c+ a Phone: SUSPECT(S) RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: VICTIM INJURIES Injury Attempted by Offender | CFD RESPONDING UNIT: Ss LOCATION OF 3 INCIDENT: $ 330 - Other 2) DATE & TIME OF 26-AUG-2015 14:30 INCIDENT: METHOD CODE(S): Dna CAU CODE(S): Dna Printed on: 19-JUN-2017 14°45 Page: 1 of2 Printed By, rs JA120061 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE PERSONNEL Detective/investigator ASSIGNED: CERVENY, George #20514 CRIME CODE (0460 - Battery - Simple ‘SUMMARY: 0460 - Baltery- Simple IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: (Vietim ) (‘Suspect ) REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: No Distribution INVESTIGATION: This is a Method/CAU code Supplementary Report. Printed on: 19-JUN-2017 14:45 Page 2 0f2 Prnied 5y CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT JA120064 [SUSPENDED DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE Last Offense Ciassification’Re-Ciass fication (UCR Code ‘Gigial eres Ceceficsion UCR Gode BATTERY / Simple 0460 ]BATTERY / Simple GdeO Tent Oecr_ [nectar |___ Nea Gteaa__ 1 Neo erate 1031 1 1 ° a Coe_| Senay Lom Fale Cine? 330 No Dae I Taare RO pa Trefaud? |, Gagieae?_lrneas habe 26-AUG-2015 14:30 9196 "[18VAN-2017 07:19 NO | NO NO tema Seen Se ICERVENY, George 20514 PARK, Kathie 2189 CERVENY, George 20514 se surmee Dale eet od i9-JAN-2017 67.48 STANDOFF TSS _SuniMaRY THIS IS A SUMMARY INVESTIGATION SUSPENDED REPORT RES: SOBRIETY OTHER COMMUNICATION: ver Phone serene a d RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER: Injury attempted by Offender CFD RESPONDING UNIT: vICTIN(s) : TYPE: Individual VICTIM INJURIES | LocaToNcr cost: mmm sS fe 330 Other | 8 DATE & TIME OF INCIDENT: 26-AUG-2015 14:30 Z| MOTIVE CODE(S): Undetermined |= J ‘CAUSE CODE(S): Dna METHOD CODE(S): DNA Panted On TOIONDO 145 33 Fe JA120061 DETECTIVE SUP. APPROVAL COMPLETE CAU CODE(S): ONA PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: Detective/investigator CERVENY, George E #20514 PEREZ, Eira BEAT: 9196 CRIME CODE SUMMARY: 0460 - Battery - Simple IUCR ASSOCIATIONS: 0460 - Battery - Simple ( Suspect ) (iti REPORT DISTRIBUTIONS: No Distribution INVESTIGATION: On today's date, R/D was unable to contact the victim by telephone. A letter was sent providing victim with instructions on where and how to contact R/D with any information regarding this case. ‘Summons procedure included. RID requests that this case be SUSPENDED pending contact from the victim or additional information becoming available. Det. G. Cerveny #20514 2 of Printed By

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