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Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science (Autonomous)

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Open Elective - IV ’Sec - 1’
Mobile Application Development - 18CSE304

Important Questions (10 Marks Unit wise)

a) Discuss in detail about Android Stack / architecture with suitable examples.
b) Explain in detail Logging messages in Android with suitable examples.
c) Demonstrate in detail about Anatomy of an Android Project.
d) Explain in detail about Android Building Blocks.

a)Explain in detail input components.
b) Demonstrate in detail about Android Espresso.
c) Explain what are the various types of menus used in android?
d)Explain about Adapter Views and Adapter Types.
e) Explain different types of intents.

a) Elaborate in detail about service life cycle.
b) What are the HTTP API methods available for the internet connectivity?
c)How to develop alarm application using android? Explain with an example.
d) Explain JSON components with examples.
e)Briefly explain the concept of Broadcast Receivers with example.
f) Explain Loaders and AsyncTaskLoaders.

a) Distinguish in detail about different types of android file systems.
b) Explain in detail about Content Providers and Resolver with examples.
c) Briefly explain the concept of SQLite Database.

a) Explain the four components of Sensor API
b) Elaborate in detail Android Sensor and types.
c) Explain in detail about Creation of Application Widgets

Important Questions (1 Mark Unit wise)

1)List out the various android flavors.
What is the importance of XML-based layouts?
What is Android Stack?
Can you identify the task of drawable resources?
List out the various features of Android operating system.
Define xml declaration statement.
List out the various applications of Android.
Define XML.List out the various properties.
What is the use of Bundle in Android?
What is Toast?
What does android SDK consist of?
Write the history of Android.
Unit-2 11qs
1]List out the various android input components.
2]Define intents.
3]What is Application Bar?
4]What is Adapter? List out the various types.
5]Compare Text View and List view.
6]How to Create an Alert Dialog Box in Android?
7]What is Recycler View?
8]Define ViewGroup.
9]What is Expresso?
10]List out the various usage of intents.
11]Can you list out the types of layouts?

Unit-3 14qs
What is broadcast receiver?
List out the various android notifications.
Define JSON.
What is Notification? List out the various types.
What are JSON elements?
Compare method startService() and stopService()
What is thread?.
Classify types of threads.
Define Boot receiver.
What is HTTP API?
How to create the Intents from Android screen navigation?
Mention the various navigation types.
What are the permissions to be given for connecting to the Internet?
Why do use loaders?

1]List out the various android file systems.
2]What is cursor ?
3]What is action bar?
4]How to import shared preferences from Android files.
5]What is role of content providers?
6]Mention the use of SQLite.
7]What is the difference between preference and shared preference?
8]What is the role of content resolver?

Unit-5 11qs
Define animation.
What is the usage of orientation sensor?
List out the various applications of Android widgets.
What is sensor in android? List out the various types.
List out the various types of widgets.
Define Sensor. List out the various types.
What is Live Wallpapers?
What is sensor in android? List out the various types.
Can you identify the task of application widget?
List out the any two differences between motion sensor and Environmental Sensor.
What are different types of widgets?

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